### chunk number 1:
algo.cusum <- function(disProgObj, control = list(range=range, k=1.04, h=2.26, m=NULL, trans="standard",alpha=NULL)){
# Set the default values if not yet set
control$k <- 1.04
control$h <- 2.26
control$trans <- "standard"
control$alpha <- 0.1
alpha <- control$alpha
observed <- disProgObj$observed
timePoint <- control$range[1]
# Estimate m (the expected number of cases), i.e. parameter lambda of a
# poisson distribution based on time points 1:t-1
if(is.null(control$m)) {
m <- mean(observed[1:(timePoint-1)])
} else if (is.numeric(control$m)) {
m <- control$m
} else if (control$m == "glm") {
#Fit a glm to the first observations
training <- 1:(timePoint-1)
#Set the time index
t <- disProgObj$start[2] + training - 1
#Set the observations
x <- observed[training]
#Set period
p <- disProgObj$freq
df <- data.frame(x=x,t=t)
control$m.glm<- glm(x ~ 1 + cos(2*pi/p*t) + sin(2*pi/p*t) ,family=poisson(),data=df)
#predict the values in range <- disProgObj$start[2] + control$range - 1
m <- predict(control$m.glm,newdata=data.frame(,type="response")
#No transformation
#standObs <- observed[control$range]
x <- observed[control$range]
standObs <- switch(control$trans,
# compute standardized variables z3 (proposed by Rossi)
"rossi" = (x - 3*m + 2*sqrt(x*m))/(2*sqrt(m)),
# compute standardized variables z1 (based on asympotic normality)
"standard" = (x - m)/sqrt(m),
# anscombe residuals
"anscombe" = 3/2*(x^(2/3)-m^(2/3))/m^(1/6),
# anscombe residuals as in pierce schafer based on 2nd order approx of E(X)
"anscombe2nd" = (x^(2/3)-(m^(2/3)-m^(-1/3)/9))/(2/3*m^(1/6)),
# compute Pearson residuals for NegBin
"pearsonNegBin" = (x - m)/sqrt(m+alpha*m^2),
# anscombe residuals for NegBin
"anscombeNegBin" = anscombeNB(x,mu=m,alpha=alpha),
# don't do anything
"none" = x,
stop("invalid 'trans'formation")
# initialize the necessary vectors
# start with cusum[timePoint -1] = 0, i.e. set cusum[1] = 0
cusum <- matrix(0,nrow=(length(control$range)+1), ncol=1)
alarm <- matrix(data = 0, nrow = (length(control$range)+1), ncol = 1)
for (t in 1:length(control$range)){
# compute cumulated sums of standardized observations corrected with the
# reference value k for all time points in range
cusum[t+1]<- max(0, cusum[t]+(standObs[t]-control$k))
# give alarm if the cusum is larger than the decision boundary h
alarm[t+1] <- cusum[t+1] >= control$h
h <- control$h
k <- control$k
Ctm1 <- cusum[1:length(control$range)]
upperbound <- switch(control$trans,
# standardized variables z3 (proposed by Rossi)
"rossi" = 2*h*m^(1/2)+2*k*m^(1/2)-2*Ctm1*m^(1/2)+5*m-2*(4*m^2+2*m^(3/2)*h+2*m^(3/2)*k-2*m^(3/2)*Ctm1)^(1/2),
# standardized variables z1 (based on asympotic normality)
"standard" = ceiling(sqrt(m)*(h+k-Ctm1)+ m),
# anscombe residuals
"anscombe" = ifelse( ((2/3)*m^(1/6)*(h+k-Ctm1)+m^(2/3))<0,
(2/3*m^(1/6)*(h+k-Ctm1)+m^(2/3))^(3/2) ),
# anscombe residuals ?
"anscombe2nd" = ifelse( ((2/3)*m^(1/6)*(h+k-Ctm1)+(m^(2/3)-m^(1/3)/9))<0,
(2/3*m^(1/6)*(h+k-Ctm1)+(m^(2/3)-m^(1/3)/9))^(3/2) ),
# Pearson residuals for NegBin
"pearsonNegBin" = sqrt(m+alpha*m^2)*(h+k-Ctm1)+ m,
# anscombe residuals for NegBin ?
"anscombeNegBin" = h-cusum[-1],
# don't do anything
"none" = h-cusum[-1]
# ensure upper bound is positive and not NaN
upperbound[] <- 0
upperbound[upperbound < 0] <- 0
# discard cusum[1] and alarm[1]
cusum <- cusum[-1]
alarm <- alarm[-1]
#Add name and data name to control object.
control$name <- paste("cusum:", control$trans)
control$data <- paste(deparse(substitute(disProgObj)))
control$m <- m
# return alarm and upperbound vectors
result <- list(alarm = alarm, upperbound = upperbound, disProgObj=disProgObj,control=control, cusum=cusum)
class(result) = "survRes" # for surveillance system result
### chunk number 2:
# Program to test the transformation of NegBin variables
# using the transformation similar to Anscombe residuals
# function to evaluate hypgeom_2F1(1/3,2/3, 5/3, x)
# "exact" values for x = -(0:10) and linear interpolation for x = -(10:100)
hypgeom2F1special <- function(x) {
#Return the z (the approximation grid), which is closest to x
idx <- which.min(abs(surveillance.gvar.z-x))
if(x >= -10)
# find out interval that contains x
if((x-surveillance.gvar.z[idx]) < 0){
idxLow <- idx +1
idxUp <- idx
} else {
idxLow <- idx
idxUp <- idx -1
#linear interpolation: f(x)=f(x0)+(f(x1)-f(x0))/1*(x-x0)
# compute anscombe residuals for Y ~ NegBin(mu, alpha) using hypgeom2F1 function
# E(Y)= \mu, Var(Y) = \mu + \alpha*\mu^2
anscombeNB <- function(y,mu,alpha=0.1) { <- 3/2*mu^(2/3)*hypgeom2F1special(-alpha*mu)
one <- function(y){
up <- 3/2*y^(2/3) * hypgeom2F1special(-alpha*y) -
down <- (mu+alpha*mu^2)^(1/6)
### chunk number 3:
# Given a specification of the average run length in the (a)cceptance
# and (r)ejected setting determine the k and h values in a standard
# normal setting.
# Description:
# Functions from the spc package are used in a simple univariate
# root finding problem.
# Params:
# ARLa - average run length in acceptance setting (i.e. number before
# false alarm
# ARLw - average run length in rejection state (i.e. number before
# an increase is detected (i.e. detection delay)
# method - optim method to use, see ?optim
# Returns:
# list( k - reference value, h - decision interval)
###################################################################### <- function(ARLa=500,ARLr=7,sided="one",method="BFGS",verbose=FALSE)
if (!requireNamespace("spc"))
stop(" requires package ", sQuote("spc"))
#Small helper function which is to be minimized
fun <- function(k) {
if (k>0) {
#Compute decision interval
h <- spc::xcusum.crit(L0=ARLa,k=k,r=50,sided=sided)
#Check if xcusum.crit managed to find a solution
if (is.nan(h))
stop("spc::xcusum.crit was not able to find a h corresponding to ",
"ARLa=",ARLa," and k=",k)
if (h > 0) {
#Compute ARLr given the above computed h
arlr <- spc::xcusum.arl(k,h,mu=2*k,r=50,sided=sided)
#Deviation from the requested ARLr
if (verbose) {
cat("k=",k," score = ",(arlr-ARLr)^2,"\n")
return( (arlr-ARLr)^2 )
} else {
} else {
return( 1e99)
k <- optim(1,fun,method=method)$par
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