
### Wrapper function for fanplot::fan()
### Copyright (C) 2017-2018,2021 Sebastian Meyer
### This file is part of the R package "surveillance",
### free software under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2,
### a copy of which is available at http://www.r-project.org/Licenses/.

fanplot <- function (quantiles, probs, means = NULL, observed = NULL,
    start = 1, fan.args = list(), means.args = list(), observed.args = list(),
    key.args = NULL, xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, log = "",
    xlab = "Time", ylab = "No. infected", add = FALSE, ...)
    if (!requireNamespace("fanplot", quietly = TRUE))
        stop("package ", sQuote("fanplot"), " is missing; ",
             "do 'install.packages(\"fanplot\")'")

    stopifnot(is.matrix(quantiles), length(probs) == ncol(quantiles),
              is.null(means) || length(means) == nrow(quantiles),
              is.null(observed) || length(observed) == nrow(quantiles),

    ## axis range
    ylog <- grepl("y", log)
    if (is.null(xlim))
        xlim <- c(1 - 0.5, nrow(quantiles) + 0.5) + (start-1)
    if (is.null(ylim)) {
        ylim <- range(quantiles, observed, na.rm = TRUE)
        if (!ylog && ylim[1L] > 0) {
            ylim[1L] <- 0

    ## graphical parameters
    fan.args <- modifyList(
        list(data = t(quantiles), data.type = "values", probs = probs,
             start = start, fan.col = heat.colors, ln = NULL),
        fan.args, keep.null = TRUE)

    ## initialize empty plot
    if (!add)
        plot.default(xlim, ylim, type = "n", log = log,
                     xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, ...)

    ## add fan
    do.call(fanplot::fan, fan.args)

    ## add point predictions
    if (!is.null(means) && is.list(means.args)) {
        means.args <- modifyList(
            list(x = seq_along(means) + (start-1), y = means,
                 type = "l", lwd = 2, col = "white"),
        do.call("lines", means.args)

    ## add observed time series
    if (!is.null(observed) && is.list(observed.args)) {
        observed.args <- modifyList(
            list(x = seq_along(observed) + (start-1), y = observed,
                 type = "b", lwd = 2),
        do.call("lines", observed.args)

    ## add color key
    if (is.list(key.args)) {
        defaultyrange <- local({
            if (ylog) ylim <- log(ylim)
            {if (ylog) exp else identity}(c(ylim[1L] + mean(ylim), ylim[2L]))
        key.args <- modifyList(
            list(start = xlim[2L] - 1, ylim = defaultyrange,
                 data.type = "values", style = "boxfan", probs = fan.args$probs,
                 fan.col = fan.args$fan.col, ln = NULL, space = 0.9,
                 rlab = quantile(fan.args$probs, names = FALSE, type = 1)),
        ## convert ylim to data
        yvals <- if (ylog) {
            exp(seq.int(from = log(key.args$ylim[1L]), to = log(key.args$ylim[2L]),
                        length.out = length(fan.args$probs)))
        } else {
            seq.int(from = key.args$ylim[1L], to = key.args$ylim[2L],
                    length.out = length(fan.args$probs))
        key.args$data <- matrix(yvals)
        key.args$ylim <- NULL
        tryCatch(do.call(fanplot::fan, key.args), error = function (e)
            warning("color key could not be drawn, probably due to non-standard 'probs'",
                    call. = FALSE))


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surveillance documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 5:34 p.m.