acol | Column Numbers Within the Augmented Row-Column Grid for a... |
addBlock | Define a New Block of Cells in a Table |
addHvrule | Add a Horizontal or Vertical Rule (Hvrule) to a Table |
add_refmark | Add a Reference Mark to a Character Vector or Matrix |
addRefmark | Add a Reference Mark to Entries in a Table |
adim | Dimensions of the Augmented Row-Column Grid for a Table |
adjacent_blocks | Identify Adjacent Blocks of Table Cells |
angle_adj | Horizontal and Vertical Dimensions of a Rectangle after... |
apply_scale | Apply a Scale Factor to Table Elements |
apply_style | Apply a Style to Table Elements |
arow | Row Numbers Within the Augmented Row-Column Grid for a Table |
as.dfObj | Promote a Data Frame to Another Object Class |
as.prBlocks | Promote a Data Frame to a 'prblocks' Object |
as.prEntries | Promote a Data Frame to a 'prentries' Object |
as.prHvrules | Promote a Data Frame to a 'prhvrules' Object |
as.tblBlocks | Promote a Data Frame to a 'tblblocks' Object |
as.tblEntries | Promote a Data Frame to a 'tblentries' Object |
blocks | Extract the 'prblocks' Object from a Plot-Ready or Plotted... |
blocks-setter | Update the Blocks of a Plot-Ready or Plotted Table |
calc_rcsize | Constrained Display Sizes of Each Table Row, Column and Entry |
coord_justif | Calculate X, y Positions and H|vjust Values for Entries |
df_from_spec | Create a Data Frame from a Specification |
dfSpecs | Specifications for Fields Used in Certain Object Classes |
element_block | Specify Visual Properties for Table Blocks |
element_entry | Specify Visual Properties for Table Entries and their Cells |
element_hvrule | Specify Visual Properties for Table Rules |
element_refmark | Specify a Reference Mark that can be Added to Table Entries |
elements | Extract Table Elements from a Plotted Table |
entries | Extract the 'prentries' Object from a Plot-Ready or Plotted... |
entries_by_block | Find the Entries that are Contained Within a Set of Table... |
entries-setter | Update the Table Entries of a Plot-Ready or Plotted Table |
entrySize_mm | Calculate the Sizes of Table Entries, in Mm |
eval_conditions | Evaluate a Set of Logical Conditions Within a Data Frame |
fill_NA_idx | Indices to Impute NA Elements of a Vector by LOCF |
format_xtable | Format Entries in an 'xtable' into Character Strings |
grSpecs | Specifications for Graphical Properties for an Element Type |
headerRuns | Runs of Repeated Values in a Header Matrix |
hvrules | Extract the 'prhvrules' Object from a Plot-Ready or Plotted... |
hvrules-setter | Update the Hvrules of a Plot-Ready or Plotted Table |
ids | Get the Identifier Strings for Parts or Elements of a Table |
iris2 | A Reshaped Version of Anderson's Iris Data |
iris2_tab | Table of Summary Statistics for Anderson's Iris Data |
Lbrk.textTable | Extract a Subset of a 'texttable' Object |
make_header_entries | Convert a Matrix of Headers to Table Entries, with Merging of... |
make_rowgroups | Group Rows of a Table into Sets of Fixed Size |
mtcars_xtab | Table of Data from Motor Trend Magazine |
notANumber | Identify Strings that Cannot be Interpreted as Numbers |
paste_text | Paste Strings that may Include 'plotmath' or Markdown |
plot.pltdTable | Display a 'pltdtable' Object on a Graphics Device |
plot.prEntries | A Plot Method for 'prentries' Objects |
plot.prTable | A Plot Method for 'prtable' Objects |
plot.tabular | A Plot Method for 'tabular' Objects |
plot.tblEntries | A Plot Method for 'tblentries' Objects |
plot.textTable | A Plot Method for 'texttable' Objects |
pltdSize | Width and Height of a 'pltdtable' Object |
prBlocks | Assign Graphical Properties to Table Blocks |
prefix_text | Add or Remove the Prefix Associated with 'textspec' Values |
prEntries | Assign Graphical Properties to Table Entries |
prHvrules | Create Hvrules and Assign Them Graphical Properties |
print.pltdTable | Print (Draw) a 'pltdtable' Object |
print.summary.pltdTable | Print the Dimensions and Display Options of a Plotted Table |
print.summary.textTable | Print the Dimensions of a Table and Its Parts |
propsa-setter | Update Graphical Properties for Selected Table Elements |
propsd-setter | Update Graphical Properties for Selected Table Elements |
props_mod | Update Graphical Properties for Selected Table Elements |
props-setter | Update Graphical Properties for Selected Table Elements |
prTable | Create or Update a Fully Styled Table Ready for Plotting |
prTable.pltdTable | Extract/Update a Plot-Ready Table from a Plotted Table |
prTable.prEntries | Create a Plot-Ready Table from Plot-Ready Entry, Block, and... |
rowhead_inside | Move the Outermost Layer of Row Headers Inside a Table |
sci_fmt_pm | Convert ASCII Scientific Notation into 'plotmath' Form |
spec_from_text | 'textspec' Values Based on String Prefixes |
styleObj | Create a Style Object |
styles_pkg | Built-In Styles for Table Elements |
summary.pltdTable | Summarize the Dimensions and Options of a Plotted Table |
summary.textTable | Summarize the Dimensions of a Table and Its Parts |
tablesgg | Presentation-Quality Tables, Displayed Using 'ggplot2' |
tablesggOpt | Get or Reset Package Options |
tablesggSetOpt | Set the Values of Package Options |
tblBlocks | Define Blocks of Cells that Reflect the Logical Structure of... |
tblEntries | Assemble Information About Each Entry in a Table into a Data... |
tblHvrules | Create Horizontal and Vertical Rules for a Table |
tblParts | Extract Dimensions of the Various Parts of a Table |
textTable | Create a Structure Representing a 2D Table | | Create a 'texttable' as a Simple Listing of a Data Frame |
textTable.default | Create a 'texttable' Object from a Suitable List |
textTable.ftable | Create a 'texttable' from an 'ftable' |
textTable.matrix | Create a 'texttable' from a Matrix |
textTable.table | Create a 'texttable' from a 'table' or 'xtabs' Object |
textTable.tabular | Create a 'texttable' from a 'tabular' Object |
textTable.tblEntries | Reconstruct a 'texttable' Object from a 'tblentries' Object |
textTable.xtable | Create a 'texttable' from an 'xtable' Object |
textTable.xtableList | Create a 'texttable' from an 'xtablelist' Object |
tli_xtab | Table of Test Scores and Demographics for 20 Students |
undo_rowhead_inside | Reverse the Effect of 'rowhead_inside' |
update.pltdTable | Update a 'pltdtable' (Plotted Table) Object |
update.prObj | Update Style or Scale for Plot-Ready Table Elements |
update.prTable | Update a 'prtable' (Plot-Ready Table) Object |
update.textTable | Update a 'texttable' Object |
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