#' Concentration Response Plot - ggplot2
#' This function takes output from `concRespCore` or `tcplhit2_core` to
#' generate a basic plot of the observed concentration-response data and the
#' best fit curve (winning model). A `ggplot` object, which users may customize
#' with additional `ggplot` layers, is returned.
#' @param row Output from `concRespCore` or `tcplhit2_core`, containing information
#' about the best fit curve (winning model).
#' @param log_conc Logical argument. If `TRUE`, convert the concentrations (x-axis)
#' into log-10 scale. Defaults to `FALSE`.
#' @return A `ggplot` object of the observed concentration-response data
#' overlaid with the best fit curve (winning model).
#' @import ggplot2
#' @export
concRespPlot2 <- function(row, log_conc = FALSE) {
# get the winning model curve
fit_method <- row[,"fit_method"]
#reformat conc and resp as vectors
conc <- as.numeric(str_split(row[1,"conc"],"\\|")[[1]])
resp <- as.numeric(str_split(row[1,"resp"],"\\|")[[1]])
#get model parameters
parnames = c("a", "tp", "b", "ga", "p", "la", "q")
modpars = as.list(row[,parnames])
modpars= modpars[!sapply(modpars,]
# Generate a series of X for plotting the curve
if (log_conc) {
if (any(conc==0)) warning("Data contains untreated controls (conc = 0). A pseudo value replaces -Inf after log-transform. The pseudo value is set to one log-unit below the lowest experimental `conc`.")
conc <- log10(conc)
# replace the negative infinity with a number that is one log-10 unit
# less than the second lowest dose (in log).
conc <- replace(conc, conc==-Inf, sort(conc)[2]-1)
conc_plot <- seq(from=min(conc),to=max(conc),length=100)
conc_plot <- replace(conc_plot, conc_plot==-Inf, sort(conc)[2]-1)
# what will be passed into the object function to calculate responses for the curve
calc.x <- 10**conc_plot
} else {
conc_plot <- seq(from=min(conc),to=max(conc),length=100)
calc.x <- conc_plot
# calculate and plot model curves
if(fit_method == "hill"){
resp_plot <-"hillfn",list(ps = unlist(modpars), x = calc.x))
} else if(!fit_method %in% c("cnst","none") ){
resp_plot <-,list(ps = unlist(modpars), x = calc.x))
basic <- ggplot(data.frame(conc, resp), aes(conc, resp)) +
# Observed data points
geom_point(pch = 1,size = 2) +
# Winning Curve
geom_line(data=data.frame(conc_plot, resp_plot), aes(x=conc_plot, y=resp_plot, color = fit_method)) +
# Labels
ylab("Response") +
if (log_conc) basic <- basic + xlab(expression(paste(log[10],"(Concentration) ",mu,"M")))
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