
Defines functions plot.tmodPCA tmodPCA tmodTagcloud

Documented in tmodPCA tmodTagcloud

#' Tag cloud based on tmod results
#' Plot a tag (word) cloud based on results from tmod enrichment. 
#' The tags will be generated based on results from tmod or any other
#' suitable data frame. The data frame must contain two numeric columns,
#' specified with "weights.col" and "pval.col", which will be
#' used to calculate the size and shade of the tags, respectively.
#' Furthermore, it has to contain a column with tags (parameter "tag.col",
#' by default "Title").
#' Any data frame can be used as long as it contains the specified columns.
#' @param results data frame produced by one of the tmod enrichment tests
#' @param filter Whether redundant and not annotated modules should be removed
#' @param simplify Whether module names should be simplified
#' @param tag.col Which column from results should be used as tags on the plot
#' @param weights.col Which column from results should be used as weights for the tag cloud
#' @param pval.col Which column contains the P values which will be used to shade the tags
#' @param plot Should the tag cloud be plotted or only returned
#' @param min.auc Minimal AUC to show (default: 0.5)
#' @param max.qval Maximal adjusted p value to show (default: 0.05)
#' @param maxn Maximum number of gene set enrichment terms shown on the plot (if NULL – default – all terms will be shown)
#' @param ... Any further parameters are passed to the tagcloud function
#' @return Either NULL or whatever tagcloud returns
#' @examples
#' data(tmod)
#' fg <- getModuleMembers("LI.M127")[[1]]
#' bg <- tmod$gv
#' result <- tmodHGtest( fg, bg )
#' tmodTagcloud(result)
#' @export
tmodTagcloud <- function( results, filter=TRUE, simplify=TRUE, tag.col="Title", 
  min.auc=.5, max.qval=.05, plot=TRUE,
  weights.col="auto", pval.col="P.Value", maxn=NULL, ... ) {

  res <- results

  if(!is(res, "data.frame")) stop("res must be a data frame")
  if(!is.null(maxn) && nrow(res) > maxn) res <- res[1:maxn, ] 

  if("AUC" %in% colnames(res)) {
    res <- res[ res$AUC > min.auc, ]

  if("adj.P.Val" %in% colnames(res)) {
    res <- res[ res$adj.P.Val < max.qval, ]

  if( weights.col == "auto" ) {
    if( "AUC" %in% colnames(res)) {
      weights.col <- "AUC"
    } else if( "E" %in% colnames(res)) {
      weights.col <- "E"
    } else {
      stop( "Neither E nor AUC columns present in results" )

  if( ! pval.col %in% colnames(res)) {
    stop(sprintf("Column %s not present in results", pval.col ))

  if( ! tag.col %in% colnames(res)) {
    stop(sprintf("Column %s not present in results", tag.col ))

  if( ! weights.col %in% colnames(res)) {
    stop(sprintf("Column %s not present in results", weights.col ))

  ## remove uninteresting results
  if(filter) {
    res <- res[ ! res$Title %in% c( "TBA", "Undetermined", "Not Determined"), ]

  ## simplify the output
  if(simplify) {
    res$Title <- gsub( " \\([IV]*\\)$", "", res$Title )
    res <- res[ ! duplicated( res$Title ), ]

  ret <- NULL
  if(nrow(res) < 2 ) {
    warning("Less than 2 results found, not generating plot")
    if(plot) plot.new()
  } else {
    ret <- tagcloud(strmultline(res$Title), weights=res[,weights.col], col=smoothPalette(-log10(res$P.Value), max=5), ceiling=5, 
      wmin=.5, wmax=1.0, plot=plot,


#' PCA plot annotated with tmod
#' Generate a PCA plot on which each dimension is annotated by a tag cloud
#' based on tmod enrichment test.
#' There are three types of plots that can be generated (parameter "mode"):
#' simple, leftbottom and cross. In the "simple" mode, two enrichments are
#' run, on on each component, sorted by absolute loadings of the PCA
#' components.
#' Both "leftbottom" and "cross" run two enrichment analyses on each component,
#' one on the loadings sorted from lowest to largest, and one on the loadings
#' sorted from largetst to lowest. Thus, two tag clouds are displayed per
#' component. In the "leftbottom" mode, the tag clouds are displayed to the
#' left and below the PCA plot. In the "cross" mode, the tag clouds are
#' displayed on each of the four sides of the plot.
#' By default, the plotting function is plotpca.
#' You can define your own function instead of plotpca, however, mind
#' that in any case, there will be two parameters passed to it on the first
#' two positions: pca and components, named "pca" and "components"
#' respectively.
#' @param pca Object returned by prcomp or a matrix of PCA coordinates. In the latter case, a
#' loading matrix must be provided separately.
#' @param loadings A matrix with loadings
#' @param genes A character vector with gene identifiers
#' @param tmodfunc Name of the tmod enrichment test function to use. Either
#' @param plotfunc Function for plotting the PCA plot. See Details
#' @param plot.params A list of parameters to be passed to the plotting function. See
#' Details
#' @param mode Type of the plot to generate; see Details. tmodCERNOtest or tmodUtest (tmodHGtest is not suitable)
#' @param components integer vector of length two: components which components to show on the plot. Must be smaller than the number of columns in pca.
#' @param filter Whether "uninteresting" modules (with no annotation)
#' should be removed from the tag cloud
#' @param simplify Whether the names of the modules should be simplified
#' @param legend whether a legend should be shown
#' @param maxn Maximum number of gene set enrichment terms shown on the plot (if NULL – default – all terms will be shown)
#' @param plot if FALSE, no plot will be shown, but the enrichments will be calculated and returned invisibly
#' @param ... Any further parameters passed to the tmod test function
#' @importFrom tagcloud tagcloud strmultline smoothPalette
#' @return A list containing the calculated enrichments as well as the
#' return value from the plotting function
#' @examples
#' data(Egambia)
#' E <- as.matrix(Egambia[,-c(1:3)])
#' pca <- prcomp(t(E), scale.=TRUE)
#' group <- rep(c("CTRL", "TB"), each=15)
#' tmodPCA(pca, 
#'   genes=Egambia$GENE_SYMBOL, 
#'   components=4:3,
#'   plot.params=list(group=group))
#' @export
tmodPCA <- function(pca, loadings=NULL, genes, 
                     filter=TRUE, simplify=TRUE, 
                     ...) {

  mode <- match.arg( mode, c( "simple", "leftbottom", "cross" ) )
  tmodfunc <- match.arg(tmodfunc, c( "tmodCERNOtest", "tmodUtest" ))

  ret <- list()
  ret$params <- list(

  ret$enrichments <- list()

  tfunc <- switch(tmodfunc, tmodCERNOtest=tmodCERNOtest, tmodUtest=tmodUtest)
  cc <- components

  ret$enrichments <- lapply(cc, function(.c) {
    .x <- pca$rotation[, .c, drop=TRUE]
    gl <- list(
      up=genes[ order(.x) ],
      down=genes[ order(-.x) ],
      abs=genes[ order(-abs(.x)) ])
    lapply(gl, tfunc, ...)
  names(ret$enrichments) <- paste0("PC.", cc)

  class(ret) <- c("tmodPCA", class(ret))
  if(plot) plot.tmodPCA(ret)

#' @export
plot.tmodPCA <- function(x, ...) {
  if(!is(x, "tmodPCA")) stop("x is not tmodPCA")
  new_params <- list(...)

  for(.p in names(new_params)) {
    x$params[[.p]] <- new_params[[.p]]

  params <- x$params
  oldpar <- par("mfrow") # try to restore the screen after layout()

  params$mode <- match.arg(params$mode, c( "simple", "leftbottom", "cross" ))

           widths=c(0.3, 0.7), heights=c(0.7, 0.3)),
    leftbottom=layout(matrix( c(4, 5, 5, 
                     3, 5, 5, 
                     6, 1, 2), 3, 3, byrow=TRUE), 
           widths=rep(1/3, 3), heights=rep(1/3, 3)),
    cross=layout(matrix( c( 6, 4, 0,
                      1, 5, 2,
                      0, 3, 0), 3, 3, byrow=TRUE), 
           widths=c( 1/4, 1/2, 1/4), heights=c( 1/4, 1/2, 1/4 ))

  cc <- paste0("PC.", params$components)[1:2]

  if(params$mode == "simple") {
    fverts <- c(0, 0)
    algorithm <- "oval"
    enr <- lapply(x$enrichments[cc], `[[`, "abs")
  } else {
    #ids <- paste0( "Component", params$components )
    #ids <- c(paste0(ids[1], c(".left", ".right")), paste0(ids[2], c(".bottom", ".top")))

    enr <- lapply(x$enrichments[cc], `[`, c("up", "down"))
    enr <- unlist(enr, recursive=FALSE)

    fverts <- c( 0, 0, 1, 1 )
    if(params$mode == "cross") fverts <- c(0, 0, 0, 0)
    algorithm <- "fill"

  oldpar <- par(mar=c(1, 2, 0, 0))

  n <- length(enr)
  l_i <- which.max(lapply(enr, nrow)) # largest result list

  ## first, calculate a rough scale
  foo <- tmodTagcloud(enr[[l_i]], 
    filter=params$filter, simplify=params$simplify, fvert=fverts[1], algorithm=params$algorithm, maxn=params$maxn, plot=FALSE)
    scale <- 1.1 * attr(foo, "scale")

  ## plot the tag clouds
  tagclouds <- lapply(1:n, function(i) {
      filter=params$filter, simplify=params$simplify, fvert=fverts[i], algorithm=params$algorithm, maxn=params$maxn, scale=scale,
      min.auc=.5, max.qval=0.05)

  #names(tagclouds) <- ids
  #x$tagclouds <- tagclouds

  plot.params <- c(list(pca=params$pca, components=params$components), params$plot.params)

  # ------------ main plot --------------------
  x$plot.return <- do.call(params$plotfunc, plot.params )
  # ------------ main plot --------------------

  if(params$plot && params$legend) {
    `%.n%` <- function(x, y) if(is.na(x) || is.null(x)) y else x

    par(mar=c(0,0,0,0), usr=c(0,1,0,1))
      col=x$plot.return$colors %.n% x$plot.return$col %.n% "black",
      pch=x$plot.return$shapes %.n% x$plot.return$pch %.n% 19,


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tmod documentation built on March 31, 2023, 9 p.m.