Man pages for treeman
Phylogenetic Tree Manipulation Class and Methods

addCladeAdd clade to tree
addNdmtrxAdd node matrix to a tree
addTipAdd tip to a tree
birdsPhylogenetic tree of Aves
blncdTreeGenerate a balanced tree
calcDstBLDCalculate the BLD between two trees
calcDstMtrxCalculate the distance matrix
calcDstRFCalculate the Robinson-Foulds distance between two trees
calcDstTrpCalculate the triplet distance between two trees
calcFrPrpCalculate evolutionary distinctness
calcNdBlncCalculate the balance of a node
calcNdsBlncCalculate the balances of all nodes
calcOvrlpCalculate phylogenetic overlap
calcPhyDvCalculate phylogenetic diversity
calcPrtFrPrpCalculate evolutionary distinctness for part of tree
checkNdlstCheck if ndlst is correct
checkTreeMenCheck if trees are correct
fastCheckTreeManCheck if tree is correct, fast!
getAgeGet age of tree
getBiprtsGet the sets of labels for each bipartition in tree
getCnnctdNdsGet all nodes connected by given tips
getDcsdGet extinct tips from a tree
getLvngGet extant tips from a tree
getNdAgeGet age
getNdKidsGet children IDs
getNdLngGet lineage
getNdPDGet phylogenetic diversity of node
getNdPrdstGet pre-distance
getNdPridsGet pre-nodes to root
getNdPtidsGet post-nodes to tips
getNdsAgeGet ages for multiple nodes
getNdsFrmTxnymsGet IDs for nodes represented txnyms
getNdsKidsGet children IDs for multiple nodes
getNdsLngGet lineage for multiple nodes
getNdSltGet a node slot
getNdsPDGet phylogenetic diversities of nodes
getNdsPrdstGet pre-distances
getNdsPridsGet pre-nodes for multiple nodes
getNdsPtidsGet post-nodes to tips for multiple nodes
getNdsSltGet a node slot for multiple nodes
getNdsSstrGet sister id
getNdSstrGet sister id
getOtgrpGet outgroup
getPathGet path between nodes
getPrntGet parent
getSpnAgeGet age range
getSpnsAgeGet age ranges for multiple nodes
getSubtreeGet subtree
getUnqNdsGet unique nodes represented by tips
isUltrmtrcIs tree ultrametric?
list-to-TreeMenConvert list to a TreeMen
loadTreeManLoad a TreeMan object in serialization format
mammalsPhylogenetic tree of Mammalia
multiPhylo-classmultiPhylo class
multiPhylo-to-TreeMenConvert multiPhylo to TreeMen
phylo-classphylo class
phylo-to-TreeManConvert phylo to TreeMan
pinTipsPin tips to a tree
plantsPhylogenetic tree of European Flora
pstMnpUpdate prinds and tinds
randTreeGenerate a random tree
readTreeRead a Newick tree
readTrmnRead a .trmn tree
rmCladeRemove a clade from a tree
rmNdmtrxRemove node matrix
rmNodesRemove nodes from a tree
rmOtherSltRemove a user-defined slot
rmTipsRemove tips from a tree
saveTreeManSave a TreeMan object in serialization format
searchTxnymsGet node labels based on online taxonomic database
setAgeSet the age of a tree
setNdIDSet the ID of a node
setNdOtherSet a user defined slot
setNdsIDSet the IDs of multiple nodes
setNdsOtherSet a user defined slot for multiple nodes
setNdSpnSet the branch length of a specific node
setNdsSpnSet the branch lengths of specific nodes
setPDSet the phylogenetic diversity
setTxnymsSet the txnym slots in a tree
taxaResolveResolve taxonmic names online
treeman-packagePhylogenetic Tree Manipulation
TreeMan-to-phyloConvert TreeMan to phylo
TreeMen-to-multiPhyloConvert TreeMen to multiPhylo
twoerGenerate a tree of two tips
ultrTreeMake tree ultrametric
unblncdTreeGenerate an unbalanced tree
updateSltsUpdate tree slots after manipulation
writeTreeWrite a Newick tree
writeTrmnWrite a .trmn tree
treeman documentation built on July 8, 2020, 7:28 p.m.