
#clearing the workspace

# Set to TRUE if you wish to deploy the gui on a shiny server
deploying = FALSE


if("ubiquity" %in% rownames(installed.packages())){require(ubiquity)} else 
{source(file.path('library', 'r_general', 'ubiquity.R')) }

  mywd = getwd()
} else{
  mywd  <-  dirname(rstudioapi::getActiveDocumentContext()$path)
  setwd(mywd) }

# Rebuilding the system (R scripts and compiling C code)
cfg = build_system(ubiquity_app=TRUE)

# Start Default:
# The App Default values are set here, feel free to modify them 

# Alter the parameter set at startup here:
cfg              = system_select_set(cfg, 'default')

# If you want to use the system paramters in the App defaults
# below uncomment the following line
# parameters = system_fetch_parameters(cfg) 

cfg$gui$outputs  = names(cfg$options$mi$outputs[1])

cfg$gui$text_bolus_frequency =  1
cfg$gui$text_bolus_number    =  2
cfg$gui$text_nsub            = 10
cfg$gui$text_ci              = 95
cfg$gui$text_save_sim        = "Analysis Name"

cfg$gui$admin_mode        = FALSE 

cfg$gui$check_grid        = FALSE
cfg$gui$check_log         = FALSE
cfg$gui$check_repeatdoses = FALSE
cfg$gui$check_timestamp   = FALSE
cfg$gui$check_variability = FALSE

# Number of lines to display in the user log
cfg$gui$user_log_length = 10

# minimum step size in the output times to simulate
# as a fraction of the total time interval
cfg$gui$minstep = 0.005
# Output time interval (units are the system time units)
# cfg$options$misc$output_times = 'c(0, 100)'

# Normally simulations will begin at time zero, however some systems with
# nonzero steadystate will require a lead-in stabilization time. Set this 
# to a negative value equal in magnitude to the required time to reach 
# steady-state:
cfg$gui$sim_starttime = 0
# If you want to sample less frequently before the start time 
# you can change it here:
# cfg$gui$ss_minstep    = 0.1

# Default colors for lines (solid) and confidence intervals (region)
cfg$gui$colors$solid      = c("darkblue",    "firebrick1", "darkgreen",  "darkorange4" )
cfg$gui$colors$region     = c("cadetblue1",  "pink"      , "olivedrab2", "darkorange"  )

# Set options here:
# If we're not deploying the app we enable debugging
cfg=system_set_option(cfg,group = "logging", 
                         option = "debug", 
                         value  = !deploying)
#  cfg=system_set_option(cfg,group = "simulation", 
#                           option = "solver", 
#                           value = "lsoda")
# Force the use of the r-file for integrating
# cfg=system_set_option(cfg, group  = "simulation", 
#                            option = "integrate_with",
#                            value  = "r-file")
# To overwrite solver options use the following:
# cfg=system_set_option(cfg,group  = "solver",
#                           option = "atol",   
#                           value  = 1e-10)
# cfg=system_set_option(cfg,group  = "solver",
#                           option = "rtol",   
#                           value  = 1e-10)

# You can create up to 5 model reports. These are indiviudal RMarkdown
# documents that appear as tabs next to the timecourse portion of the gui. 
# While these are called reports they can be any kind of document used to
# convey detailed information to the user. For example this functionality can
# be used to provide more detailed documentation of how the model is used. 
# To create a model report create a template:
# system_fetch_template(cfg, template="Shiny Rmd Report")
# This should create the two files. An RMarkdown report (system_report.Rmd)
# and a script to help with debugging the report (test_system_report.R) in the 
# current working directory. To use this report simply uncomment the following
# lines

#cfg$gui$modelreport_files$R1$title = "Tab Title"
#cfg$gui$modelreport_files$R1$file  = "system_report.Rmd"

# To create more reports just:
#  1 Create another Rmd file
#  2 Copy/paste the report lines above
#  3 Increment R1 to R2
#  4 Change the values for the title and file name
# You can do this for values up to R5. If you have an Rmd file that does not
# depend on what the user enters into the App. For example, if you simply want
# to document the model and this will not change as the user interacts with
# the App, you may not want to render the html each time the user clicks on the
# report tab. For these cases you can render the report to the html file and simply use that
# as the file name. For the example abvoe, you could do the following:
#cfg$gui$modelreport_files$R1$title = "Tab Title"
#cfg$gui$modelreport_files$R1$file  = "system_report.html"
# And it can speed things up. 

# To more finely control the gui it may be necessary to define your own user functions. 
# These can be placed in a user library and included here
# cfg$gui$functions$user_def = 'mylibs.r'

# Next you need to tell the gui which functions to use for which task the
# following functions may be specified
#  Possible functions:
#     sim_ind - Running individual simulation, the expected format of the output
#               is the same as run_simulation_ubiquity. If you also write your 
#               own plotting functions, then you can have any output format you 
#               wish. You have the following possible inputs: parameters and 
#               cfg.
#     sim_var - Running simulations with variability, the expected format of the output
#               is the same as simulate_subjects. If you also write your own
#               plotting functions, then you can have any output format you
#               wish. You have the following possible inputs: parameters and
#               cfg.
#     plot_ind - Funcion called when plotting individual simulations. You can
#               have parameters, cfg and som as an input. The format of som will be
#               the same as the output of run_simulation_ubiquity unless sim_ind
#               above is returning a custom output.
#     plot_var - Funcion called when plotting simulations with variabilitiy. You can
#               have parameters, cfg and som as an input. The format of som will be
#               the same as the output of simulate_subjects unless sim_ind above
#               is returning a custom output.
#   Possible inputs:
#   parameters - vector of parameters for the currently selected parameter set with 
#                user specified values overwritten
#   cfg -        system configuration variable 
#   som - with variability this has the format of the simulate_subjects output,
#          for individual simulations this has the format of run_simulation_ubiquity

cfg$gui$functions$sim_ind         = 'run_simulation_ubiquity(parameters, cfg)'
cfg$gui$functions$sim_var         = 'simulate_subjects(parameters, cfg)'
#cfg$gui$functions$plot_ind       = 'function_name(cfg, parameters,som)'
#cfg$gui$functions$plot_var       = 'function_name(cfg, parameters,som)'

# Save options, set to FALSE to prevent saving
cfg$gui$save$system_txt  = TRUE
cfg$gui$save$user_log    = TRUE

cfg$gui$dims$timecourse$width  = '850px'
cfg$gui$dims$timecourse$height = '450px'

cfg$gui$dims$paramdist$width  = '850px'
cfg$gui$dims$paramdist$height = '450px'

cfg$gui$dims$modeldiagram$width  = '850px'
cfg$gui$dims$modeldiagram$height = '450px'

# To enable/disable elements of the UI you can change the display list elements. By
# default these values are true but if you set them to FALSE they will not be
# visible in the App.

# Point selection on the gui
cfg$gui$display$selectpoint      = TRUE

# X-axis controls
cfg$gui$display$autoxaxis        = TRUE

# Y-axis controls
cfg$gui$display$autoyaxis        = TRUE

# Check grid      
cfg$gui$display$checkgrid        = TRUE

# Check log       
cfg$gui$display$checklog         = TRUE

# outputs list
cfg$gui$display$outputs          = TRUE

# variability input tab 
# If the system file has iiv specified and this 
# variable is TRUE it will show the tab
cfg$gui$display$iivtab           = TRUE

# Do not make changes below this piont
# Stop: Default

cfg = system_set_option(cfg, 'logging', 'enable', 'yes')
# These contain the overwrites from the defaults
# by default they are null and these will be updated 
# as information is entered by the user in the gui
cfg$gui$parameters               = list()
cfg$gui$covariates               = list()
cfg$gui$iiv                      = list()
cfg$gui$infusion_rates           = list()
cfg$gui$bolus                    = list()
cfg$gui$save_simulation          = list()
cfg$gui$sim_status               = 'Initialization'
cfg$gui$pset_change              = FALSE
cfg$gui$good_text_autox          = TRUE
cfg$gui$good_text_autoy          = TRUE
cfg$gui$check_autox              = TRUE
cfg$gui$check_autoy              = TRUE
cfg$gui$text_autox               = c(0,1)
cfg$gui$text_autoy               = c(0,1)

cfg$gui$table_parameters_touched = TRUE
cfg$gui$table_iiv_touched        = TRUE
cfg$gui$table_covariates_touched = TRUE

# The App is setup to run out of transient/rgui
# So the following copies files into that directory 
# initializing the working directory

# Setting the working directory
cfg$gui$wd                   = mywd

# Setting deployment option
cfg$gui$deployed = deploying

# Clearing out the old working directory
if(dir.exists(file.path(cfg$options$misc$temp_directory, 'rgui'))){
  unlink(file.path(cfg$options$misc$temp_directory, 'rgui'), recursive=TRUE) }

# Temporary files will be stored in transient/rgui
dir.create(file.path(cfg$options$misc$temp_directory, 'rgui'), recursive=TRUE, showWarnings=FALSE) 

# Initializng the inputs to the model defaults
  # times 
  cfg$gui$bolus$times = cfg$options$inputs$bolus$times$values
  # each dosing compartment
  for(name in names(cfg$options$inputs$bolus$species)){
    cfg$gui$bolus$states[[name]] = cfg$options$inputs$bolus$species[[name]]$values

# Infusion rates
if(length(names(cfg$options$inputs$infusion_rates)) > 0){
  for(name in names(cfg$options$inputs$infusion_rates)){
    cfg$gui$infusion_rates[[name]]$times  = cfg$options$inputs$infusion_rates[[name]]$times$values  
    cfg$gui$infusion_rates[[name]]$values = cfg$options$inputs$infusion_rates[[name]]$levels$values 

# Covariates
if(length(names(cfg$options$inputs$covariates)) > 0){
  for(name in names(cfg$options$inputs$covariates)){
    cfg$gui$covariates[[name]]$times  = cfg$options$inputs$covariates[[name]]$times$values  
    cfg$gui$covariates[[name]]$values = cfg$options$inputs$covariates[[name]]$values$values 

# finding the model diagram
cfg$gui$modeldiagram_file   = NULL
if( file.exists(sprintf('%s%ssystem.png', mywd, .Platform$file.sep))){
  cfg$gui$modeldiagram_file  = sprintf('%s%ssystem.png', mywd, .Platform$file.sep)

# Lastly we identify to the underlying functions 
# that we're running things through the App
cfg$options$misc$operating_environment = "gui"

# If no timescale has been set by the user
# we set the time scale to the timescale of the 
# simulation if that one has been defined
  for(tsname in names(cfg$options$time_scales)){
    if(cfg$options$time_scales[[tsname]] == 1){
      cfg$options$misc$TS = tsname

# Saving the system information/state to a file
save(cfg, file=file.path(cfg$options$misc$temp_directory, "rgui", "gui_state.RData"))
# saving the deploying flag to a file in the temporary directory:
# transient/app_base/DEPLOYING
  writeLines(c("TRUE"), fileConn)
} else {
  writeLines(c("FALSE"), fileConn)

# Lastly if we're not deploying we run the app 

Try the ubiquity package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

ubiquity documentation built on May 29, 2024, 12:02 p.m.