#' @title Check worcs dependencies
#' @description This function checks that all worcs dependencies are correctly
#' installed, and suggests how to remedy any missing dependencies.
#' @param what Character vector indicating which dependencies to check. Default:
#' `"all"`. All checks defined in the Usage section can be called, e.g.
#' `check_git` can be called using the argument `what = "git"`.
#' @return Logical, indicating whether all checks passed or not.
#' @examples
#' check_worcs_installation("none")
#' @rdname check_worcs_installation
#' @export
#' @importFrom gert user_is_configured libgit2_config git_init git_add git_commit
#' @importFrom credentials ssh_key_info
#' @importFrom tinytex pdflatex
#' @importFrom utils packageDescription
#' @importFrom gh gh_token
#' @importFrom renv consent
check_worcs_installation <- function(what = "all") {
if (isTRUE(what == "none"))
pass <- list()
errors <- list()
checkfuns <- c("check_dependencies", "check_git", "check_github", "check_renv", "check_rmarkdown", "check_tinytext")
# checkfuns <- ls(asNamespace("worcs"))
# checkfuns <- checkfuns[startsWith(checkfuns, "check_")]
# checkfuns <- setdiff(checkfuns, c("check_recursive", "check_sum", "check_worcs", "check_worcs_installation"))
if(!what == "all"){
checkfuns <- checkfuns[checkfuns %in% paste0("check_", what)]
if(isFALSE(length(checkfuns) > 0)){
stop("Argument 'what' does not refer to any valid checks.")
out <- lapply(checkfuns, function(thisfun){
out <- try(eval(str2lang(paste0("worcs::", thisfun, "()"))))
if(inherits(out, "try-error")){
out <- structure(list(pass = list(name = FALSE), errors = list()), class = c("worcs_check",
names(out[["pass"]]) <- thisfun
worcs_checkres <- list(pass =, lapply(out, `[[`, "pass")),
errors =, lapply(out, `[[`, "errors")))
class(worcs_checkres) <- c("worcs_check", class(worcs_checkres))
#' @rdname check_worcs_installation
#' @param package Atomic character vector, indicating for which package to check
#' the dependencies.
#' @export
check_dependencies <- function(package = "worcs") {
available <- data.frame(installed.packages()) #[, c("Package", "Version")])
thesedeps <- {
pks <- packageDescription(package)
if (isTRUE( pks <- vector("character")
pks <- gsub("\n", "", pks$Imports, fixed = TRUE)
pks <- gsub("\\s", "", pks)
pks <- strsplit(pks, ",")[[1]]
has_version <- grepl("(", thesedeps, fixed = TRUE)
correct_vers <- rep(TRUE, length(thesedeps))
vers <- data.frame(, strsplit(thesedeps[has_version], "(", fixed = TRUE)))
vers[,2] <- gsub(")", "", vers[,2], fixed = TRUE)
vers$op <- gsub("[0-9\\.]", "", vers[,2])
vers[,2] <- gsub("[^0-9.-]", "", vers[,2])
thesedeps[has_version] <- vers[,1]
correct_vers[has_version] <- sapply(vers$X1, function(n){
tryCatch({$op[vers[[1]] == n], list(x = packageVersion(n), y = vers[1,2]))
}, error = function(e){ FALSE })
is_avlb <- thesedeps %in% available$Package
if (all(is_avlb & correct_vers)) {
out <- list(pass = list(dependencies = TRUE), errors = list(dependencies = ""))
} else {
errors <- thesedeps[which(!(is_avlb & correct_vers))]
out <- list(
pass = list(dependencies = FALSE),
errors = list(
dependencies = paste0(
"The following packages are not installed (or their correct versions are not installed), run install.packages() for: ",
paste0(errors, collapse = ", ")
class(out) <- c("worcs_check", class(out))
#' @rdname check_worcs_installation
#' @export
check_git <- function() {
pass <- list()
errors <- list()
# Check command line git
pass[["git_cmd"]] <-
stdout = tempfile(),
stderr = tempfile()) == 0L
if (!pass[["git_cmd"]])
errors[["git_cmd"]] <-
"Could not execute Git on the command line; please reinstall from"
# Check user
pass[["git_user"]] <- gert::user_is_configured()
if (!pass[["git_user"]])
errors[["git_user"]] <-
"No user configured; please run worcs::git_user(yourname, youremail, overwrite = TRUE)"
# Check libgit for SSH
libgit <- gert::libgit2_config()
pass[["libgit2"]] <- !is.null(libgit[["version"]])
if (pass[["libgit2"]]) {
pass[["libgit2"]] <- libgit$ssh
if (!pass[["libgit2"]]) {
errors[["libgit2"]] <-
"libgit2 is not properly installed and you may not be able to use the SSH protocol to connect to Git remote repositories."
# Check that one can create a repo
the_test <- "git"
dir_name <- file.path(tempdir(), the_test)
if (dir.exists(dir_name))
unlink(dir_name, recursive = TRUE, force = TRUE)
pass[["git_init"]] <-
}, silent = TRUE)
, "try-error")
if (!pass[["git_init"]]) {
errors[["git_init"]] <-
"Package gert could not initialize a Git repository."
} else {
# More tests
writeLines("test git", con = file.path(dir_name, "tmp.txt"))
tmp <- gert::git_add(".", repo = dir_name)
pass[["git_add"]] <- isTRUE(tmp$staged)
if (!pass[["git_add"]]) {
errors[["git_add"]] <-
"Package gert could not add files to Git repository."
} else {
# More tests
pass[["git_commit"]] <-
!inherits(try(gert::git_commit("First commit", repo = dir_name),
silent = TRUE)
, "try-error")
if (!pass[["git_commit"]]) {
errors[["git_commit"]] <-
"Package gert could not commit to Git repository."
pass <- list(git = TRUE)
errors <- list()
unlink(dir_name, recursive = TRUE, force = TRUE)
out <- list(pass = pass, errors = errors)
class(out) <- c("worcs_check", class(out))
#' @rdname check_worcs_installation
#' @param pat Logical, whether to run tests for the existence and functioning of
#' a GitHub Personal Access Token (PAT). This is the preferred method of
#' authentication, so defaults to TRUE.
#' @param ssh Logical, whether to run tests for the existence and functioning of
#' an SSH key. This method of authentication is not recommended, so defaults to
#' @export
check_github <- function(pat = TRUE, ssh = FALSE) {
pass <- list()
errors <- list()
# Check if currently in a git repo with remote
repo <- try({gert::git_remote_list()})
if(!inherits(repo, "try-error")){
if(isTRUE(grepl("^https://", repo$url))) pass[["current git repo has a remote that requires PAT authentication"]] <- TRUE
if(isTRUE(grepl("^git@", repo$url))) pass[["current git repo has a remote that requires SSH authentication"]] <- TRUE
pass[["github_pat"]] <- isFALSE(gh::gh_token() == "")
if (!pass[["github_pat"]])
errors[["github_pat"]] <-
"You have not set a Personal Access Token (PAT) for GitHub; to fix this, run usethis::create_github_token(), create a PAT and copy it, then run gitcreds::gitcreds_set() and paste the PAT when asked. If you still experience problems try usethis::gh_token_help() for help."
# github pat grants access
result <- tryCatch(gh::gh("/user"), error = function(e)e)
pass[["github_pat_response"]] <- isTRUE(inherits(result, "gh_response"))
if (!pass[["github_pat_response"]]){
errors[["github_pat_response"]] <- "The Personal Access Token (PAT) in your Git credential store does not grant access to GitHub. To fix this, run usethis::create_github_token(), create a PAT and copy it, then run gitcreds::gitcreds_set() and paste the PAT when asked. If you still experience problems try usethis::gh_token_help() for help."
if(inherits(result, "http_error_401")){
errors[["github_pat_response"]] <- "The Personal Access Token (PAT) in your Git credential store does not grant access to GitHub. It may have expired. To fix this, run usethis::create_github_token(), create a PAT and copy it, then run gitcreds::gitcreds_set() and paste the PAT when asked. If you still experience problems try usethis::gh_token_help() for help."
if(inherits(result, "rlib_error") && grepl("one of these forms", result$message)){
errors[["github_pat_response"]] <- "The Personal Access Token (PAT) in your Git credential store has the wrong format. To fix this, run usethis::create_github_token(), create a PAT and copy it, then run gitcreds::gitcreds_set() and paste the PAT when asked. If you still experience problems try usethis::gh_token_help() for help."
# Check SSH
sshres <- check_ssh()
pass <- c(pass, sshres$pass)
errors <- c(errors, sshres$errors)
# GitHub SSH
temp <- tempfile()
stdout = temp,
stderr = temp)
output <- readLines(temp)
pass[["github_ssh"]] <-
isTRUE(any(grepl("success", output, fixed = TRUE)))
# Maybe check if *any* type of authentication is possible
if (!pass[["github_ssh"]])
errors[["github_ssh"]] <-
"Could not authenticate GitHub via SSH, but that's OK. We recommend using a Personal Access Token (PAT). If you intend to use SSH with GitHub, consult"
pass <- list(github = TRUE)
errors <- list()
out <- list(pass = pass, errors = errors)
class(out) <- c("worcs_check", class(out))
#' @rdname check_worcs_installation
#' @export
check_ssh <- function() {
pass <- list()
errors <- list()
pass[["ssh"]] <-
isTRUE(!inherits(try(credentials::ssh_key_info(host = NULL, auto_keygen = FALSE)$key,
silent = TRUE)
, "try-error") &
!inherits(try(credentials::ssh_read_key(), silent = TRUE)
, "try-error"))
if (!pass[["ssh"]])
errors[["ssh"]] <-
"Could not find a valid SSH key, but that's OK. We recommend using a Personal Access Token (PAT). If you do wish to set up SSH, please consult"
out <- list(pass = pass, errors = errors)
class(out) <- c("worcs_check", class(out))
#' @rdname check_worcs_installation
#' @export
check_tinytext <- function() {
pass <- list()
errors <- list()
pass[["tinytex"]] <- !inherits(try({
tmpfl <- tempfile(fileext = ".tex")
'Hello world!',
tmp <- tinytex::pdflatex(tmpfl)
isTRUE(endsWith(tmp, ".pdf"))
}, silent = TRUE)
, "try-error")
if (!pass[["tinytex"]])
errors[["tinytex"]] <-
"tinytex could not render a pdf document and may need to be reinstalled; please turn to"
out <- list(pass = pass, errors = errors)
class(out) <- c("worcs_check", class(out))
#' @rdname check_worcs_installation
#' @export
check_rmarkdown <- function() {
pass <- list()
errors <- list()
pass[["rmarkdown_html"]] <- !inherits(try({
tmpinp <- tempfile(fileext = ".Rmd")
tmpout <- tempfile(fileext = ".html")
'title: "Untitled"',
'author: "test"',
'output: html_document',
tmp <-
rmarkdown::render(input = tmpinp,
output_file = tmpout,
quiet = TRUE)
isTRUE(endsWith(tmp, ".html"))
}, silent = TRUE)
, "try-error")
if (!pass[["rmarkdown_html"]])
errors[["rmarkdown_html"]] <-
"Rmarkdown could not render a HTML file."
pass[["rmarkdown_pdf"]] <- !inherits(try({
tmpinp <- tempfile(fileext = ".Rmd")
tmpout <- tempfile(fileext = ".pdf")
'title: "Untitled"',
'author: "test"',
'output: pdf_document',
tmp <-
rmarkdown::render(input = tmpinp,
output_file = tmpout,
quiet = TRUE)
isTRUE(endsWith(tmp, ".pdf"))
}, silent = TRUE)
, "try-error")
if (!pass[["rmarkdown_pdf"]])
errors[["rmarkdown_pdf"]] <-
"Rmarkdown could not render a PDF file."
pass <- list(rmarkdown = TRUE)
errors <- list()
out <- list(pass = pass, errors = errors)
class(out) <- c("worcs_check", class(out))
#' @rdname check_worcs_installation
#' @export
check_renv <- function() {
pass <- list()
errors <- list()
pass[["renv_consent"]] <- !inherits(try({
tmp <- invisible(renv::consent())
if (!isTRUE(tmp))
}, silent = TRUE)
, "try-error")
if (!pass[["renv_consent"]])
errors[["renv_consent"]] <-
"renv does not have consent yet; run renv::consent(provided = TRUE)"
out <- list(pass = pass, errors = errors)
class(out) <- c("worcs_check", class(out))
# Show results ------------------------------------------------------------
#' @method print worcs_check
#' @export
print.worcs_check <- function(x, ...){
pass <- unlist(x$pass)
for (n in names(pass)) {
if (pass[n]) {
col_message(n, success = TRUE)
} else {
col_message(paste0(n, ": ", x$errors[[n]]), success = FALSE)
get_deps <- function(package = "worcs") {
pks <- packageDescription(package)
if (isTRUE(
pks <- gsub("\n", "", pks$Imports, fixed = TRUE)
pks <- gsub("\\s", "", pks)
pks <- strsplit(pks, ",")[[1]]
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