
Defines functions levene.test mni.vertex.levene.test mni.read.glim.file mni.statistical.run mni.mean.statistics mni.vertex.power.analysis mni.build.data.table mni.vertex.compare.models mni.vertex.mixed.model mni.vertex.gls mni.vertex.homoscedasticity mni.vertex.mixed.model.compare.models mni.vertex.mixed.model.anova mni.vertex.anova mni.vertex.residuals mni.anatcon.trace mni.vertex.correlation.strength mni.vertex.correlation.permutation mni.vertex.correlation mni.vertex.var.test mni.vertex.mood.test mni.vertex.statistics mni.write.vertex.stats mni.read.vertstats.column mni.compute.FDR

Documented in mni.build.data.table mni.compute.FDR mni.mean.statistics mni.read.glim.file mni.read.vertstats.column mni.vertex.anova mni.vertex.compare.models mni.vertex.mixed.model mni.vertex.power.analysis mni.vertex.statistics mni.write.vertex.stats

# Levene's test for equality of variances - adapted from code
# submitted to the R list by Brian Ripley
levene.test <- function(y, group, func=mean, ...) {
  group <- as.factor(group) # precautionary

  #if (!is.null(trim) && func != mean) {
  #  stop("Error: if trim is specified, function has to be mean")
  meds <- tapply(y, group, func, ...) 
  resp <- abs(y - meds[group]) 
  anova(lm(resp ~ group))[1, 4:5] 

mni.vertex.levene.test <- function(gf, statistics.model, grouping, vertex.table,
                                   mean.func=median, ...) {
  number.vertices <- nrow(vertex.table)

  modulo <- 1000

  f.stats <- vector(length=number.vertices)
  p.values <- vector(length=number.vertices)
  for (i in 1:number.vertices) {
    y <- vertex.table[i,]
    resids <- resid(lm(formula(statistics.model)))
    lt <- levene.test(resids, grouping, mean.func, ...)
    f.stats[i] <- lt$"F value"
    p.values[i] <- lt$"Pr(>F)"
    # print progress report to the terminal
    if (i %% modulo == 0) {
      cat(format((i/number.vertices)*100, digits=3))
      cat("%  ")
  return(data.frame(f.stats, p.values))

mni.read.glim.file <- function(filename, header=FALSE, fill=FALSE,
                               file.type="space") {
  glim <- NULL
  if(file.type == "space") {
    glim <- as.data.frame(read.table(filename, header=header, fill=fill))
  else if (file.type == "csv") {
    glim <- as.data.frame(read.csv(filename, header=header, fill=fill))
  else {
    stop("File type must be either space or csv")

# run a normal model from beginning to end
mni.statistical.run <- function(input, model, output, header=FALSE, fill=FALSE) {
  gf <- mni.read.glim.file(input, header, fill)
  dt <- mni.build.data.table(gf)
  ms <- mni.mean.statistics(gf, model, dt)
  vs <- mni.vertex.statistics(gf, model, dt)
  mni.write.vertex.stats(vs, output, mean.stats=ms, glim.matrix=gf)
  #return(list(gf=gf, ms=ms, vs=vs, dt=dt))

# run statistics on the mean of all the files included in the glim model.
mni.mean.statistics <- function(glim.matrix, statistics.model=NA,
                                vertex.table=FALSE) {
  # number of rows in the matrix
  l <- length(glim.matrix[,1])
  # build the table to hold all the means
  means <- matrix(NA, nrow = l, ncol = 1)

  # build the table to hold all of the values - unless they are given as
  # an argument
  if (mode(vertex.table) == "logical") {
    vertex.table <- mni.build.data.table(glim.matrix)
  for (i in 1:l) {
    means[i] <- mean(vertex.table[,i])
  y <- means
  result <- lm(formula(statistics.model))

# do a power analysis at every vertex
mni.vertex.power.analysis <- function(std.file, n=25, alpha=0.005,
                                      power=0.995, delta=0.5) {
  # read the info - the standard deviation file.
  vertex.table <- as.matrix(read.table(as.character(std.file)))
  number.vertices <- length(vertex.table)

  # create a list of two vectors to hold the results
  results <- list(delta.at.n = vector(length = number.vertices),
                  n.at.delta = vector(length = number.vertices))

  modula <- 0
  for (i in 1:number.vertices) {
      # the power analysis fails if the std is too low.
      if(vertex.table[i] < 0.02) {
        results$n.at.delta[i] <- 0
        results$delta.at.n[i] <- 0
      else {
        # find the necessary n at the set delta
        p <- power.t.test(n=NULL, delta=delta, sd=vertex.table[i],
                          sig.level=alpha, power=power)
        results$n.at.delta[i] <- p$n
        # find the possible delta at a set n
        p <- power.t.test(n=n, delta=NULL, sd=vertex.table[i],
                          sig.level=alpha, power=power)
        results$delta.at.n[i] <- p$delta
      tmp <- i %/% 1000
      if (tmp > modula) {
        print((i / number.vertices) * 100)
        modula <- tmp


# build a table for all the entries in each file
mni.build.data.table <- function(glim.matrix, column=1) {
  # number of rows in the matrix
  number.subjects <- length(glim.matrix[,1])
  # number of vertices. Assume that they are all the same, so just read it
  # off the first subject.
  number.vertices <-

  # build the table to hold all of the values
  vertex.table <- matrix(NA, nrow = number.vertices, ncol = number.subjects)
  for (i in 1:number.subjects) {
    vertex.table[,i] <- as.matrix(read.table(as.character(glim.matrix[i,column])))

# compare two different models at each vertex using an anova
mni.vertex.compare.models <- function(glim.matrix, model.one,
                                      model.two, vertex.table) {
  number.subjects <- nrow(glim.matrix)
  number.vertices <- nrow(vertex.table)

  # for debugging only
  #number.vertices <- 10

  results <- list(fstatistic = vector(length=number.vertices),

  for (i in 1:number.vertices) {
    y <- vertex.table[i,]
    lm.one <- lm(formula(model.one))
    lm.two <- lm(formula(model.two))
    a <- anova(lm.one, lm.two)
    results$fstatistic[i] <- a$F[2]

# run a mixed effects model at every vertex
mni.vertex.mixed.model <- function(glim.matrix, fixed.effect, random.effect,
                                   vertex.table=FALSE) {
  # build the table to hold all of the values - unless they are given as
  # an argument
  if (mode(vertex.table) == "logical") {
    vertex.table <- mni.build.data.table(glim.matrix)

  number.vertices <- nrow(vertex.table)

  # get the number of terms
  y <- vertex.table[1,]
  l <- lme(formula(fixed.effect), random=formula(random.effect))
  s <- summary(l)$tTable

  number.terms <- nrow(s)

  variable.names <- rownames(s)
  # remove the parentheses around the intercept term, as it is ugly when
  # written to file
  variable.names <- gsub('\\[\\(\\)]', '', variable.names, perl=TRUE)

  # construct the output matrices
  value <- matrix(data=0, nrow=number.vertices, ncol=number.terms)
  std.error <- matrix(data=0, nrow=number.vertices, ncol=number.terms)
  t.value <- matrix(data=0, nrow=number.vertices, ncol=number.terms)

  modulo <- 500
  fe <- formula(fixed.effect)
  re <- formula(random.effect)
  # run the model at each vertex
  cat("    Percent done: ")
  for (v in 1:number.vertices) {
    y <- vertex.table[v,]
    s = try(summary(lme(fe, random=re))$tTable)

    # catch errors and blythely ignore them
    if (!inherits(s, "try-error")) {
      value[v,] <- s[,1]
      std.error[v,] <- s[,2]
      t.value[v,] <- s[,4]

    # print progress report to the terminal
    if (v %% modulo == 0) {
      cat(format((v/number.vertices)*100, digits=3))
      cat("%  ")

  # assign the correct names
  colnames(value) <- variable.names
  colnames(std.error) <- variable.names
  colnames(t.value) <- variable.names

  # create the output frame
  results <- list(value=value, std.error=std.error, t.value=t.value)

# General Least Squares with error varying by group
mni.vertex.gls <- function(glim.matrix, model, grouping, vertex.table) {
  number.vertices <- nrow(vertex.table)


  # test the number of t-stats results in this particular test
  y <- vertex.table[1,]
  gls1 <- gls(formula(model), weights = varIdent(form = formula(grouping)))
  ts <- summary(gls1)$tTable
  # set up the matrix to hold the results
  tstatistic <- matrix(nrow=number.vertices, ncol=nrow(ts))
  values <- matrix(nrow=number.vertices, ncol=nrow(ts))
  errors <- matrix(nrow=number.vertices, ncol=nrow(ts))
  colnames(tstatistic) <- rownames(ts)
  colnames(values) <- rownames(ts)
  colnames(errors) <- rownames(ts)
  modulo <- 1000
  for (i in 1:number.vertices) {
    y <- vertex.table[i,]
    gls1 <- gls(formula(model), weights = varIdent(form = formula(grouping)))
    ts <- summary(gls1)$tTable
    tstatistic[i,] <- ts[,3]
    values[i,] <- ts[,1]
    errors[i,] <- ts[,2]
    # print progress report to the terminal
    if (i %% modulo == 0) {
      cat(format((i/number.vertices)*100, digits=3))
      cat("%  ")
  return(data.frame(values=values, std.error=errors, tstatistic=tstatistic))

# test for homoscedasticity (I love that word)
mni.vertex.homoscedasticity <- function(glim.matrix, model, grouping,
                                        vertex.table) {
  number.vertices <- nrow(vertex.table)
  l.ratio <- vector(length=number.vertices)


  modulo <- 100
  for (i in 1:number.vertices) {
    y <- vertex.table[i,]
    gls1 <- gls(formula(model))
    gls2 <- gls(formula(model), weights = varIdent(form = formula(grouping)))
    l.ratio[i] <- 2 * abs(diff(c(logLik(gls1), logLik(gls2))))
    # print progress report to the terminal
    if (i %% modulo == 0) {
      cat(format((i/number.vertices)*100, digits=3))
      cat("%  ")


# compare two different models at each vertex using an anova
mni.vertex.mixed.model.compare.models <- function(glim.matrix,
                                                  vertex.table) {
  number.subjects <- nrow(glim.matrix)
  number.vertices <- nrow(vertex.table)

  # for debugging only
  #number.vertices <- 10

  results <- list(l.ratio = vector(length=number.vertices),
                  p.value = vector(length=number.vertices))
  for (i in 1:number.vertices) {
    y <- vertex.table[i,]

    model.one <- formula(model.one)
    model.two <- formula(model.two)
    r.effect <- formula(random.effect)

    l1 <- try(lm.one <- lme(model.one, random=r.effect, method="ML"))
    l2 <- try(lm.two <- lme(model.two, random=r.effect, method="ML"))
    if (!inherits(l1, "try-error") && !inherits(l2, "try-error")) {
      lratio <- 2 * abs(diff(c(lm.one$logLik, lm.two$logLik)))
      results$l.ratio[i] <- lratio
      results$p.value[i] <- 1 - pchisq(lratio, lm.one$fixDF$X[2] - lm.two$fixDF$X[2])
    else {
      results$l.ratio[i] <- 0
      results$p.value[i] <- 1
#    lm.one <- lme(y ~ Age, random=r.effect, method="ML")
#    lm.two <- lme(y ~ Age + I(Age^2), random=r.effect, method="ML")
#    a <- anova.lme(lm.one, lm.two)
#    results$l.ratio[i] <- a[2,8]
#    results$p.value[i] <- a[2,9]


mni.vertex.mixed.model.anova <- function(glim.matrix, fixed.effect,
                                         random.effect, vertex.table=FALSE) {
  # build the table to hold all of the values - unless they are given as
  # an argument
  if (mode(vertex.table) == "logical") {
    vertex.table <- mni.build.data.table(glim.matrix)

  number.vertices <- nrow(vertex.table)

  # get the number of terms
  y <- vertex.table[1,]
  l <- lme(formula(fixed.effect), random=formula(random.effect))
  a <- anova(l)

  number.terms <- nrow(a)

  variable.names <- rownames(a)
  # remove the parentheses around the intercept term, as it is ugly when
  # written to file
  variable.names <- gsub('\\[\\(\\)]', '', variable.names, perl=TRUE)

  # construct the output matrices
  f.stats <- matrix(data=0, nrow=number.vertices, ncol=number.terms)

  modulo <- 500
  fe <- formula(fixed.effect)
  re <- formula(random.effect)
  # run the model at each vertex
  cat("    Percent done: ")
  for (v in 1:number.vertices) {
    y <- vertex.table[v,]
    a = try(anova(lme(fe, random=re))$"F-value")

    # catch errors and blythely ignore them
    if (!inherits(a, "try-error")) {
      f.stats[v,] <- a

    # print progress report to the terminal
    if (v %% modulo == 0) {
      cat(format((v/number.vertices)*100, digits=3))
      cat("%  ")

  # assign the correct names
  colnames(f.stats) <- variable.names

  # create the output frame
  results <- list(f.stats=f.stats)

# run an anova at every vertex
mni.vertex.anova <- function(glim.matrix, statistics.model=NA,
                             vertex.table=FALSE) {
  # build the table to hold all of the values - unless they are given as
  # an argument
  if (mode(vertex.table) == "logical") {
    vertex.table <- mni.build.data.table(glim.matrix)

  number.subjects <- nrow(glim.matrix)
  number.vertices <- nrow(vertex.table)

  # attach the named variables

  # get the number of terms in the formula
  # run one anova.
  y <- vertex.table[1,]
  a <- aov(formula(statistics.model))
  s <- summary(a)

  variable.names <- rownames(s[[1]])
  # remove the residuals term
  variable.names <- variable.names[-(length(variable.names))]
  number.terms <- length(variable.names)
  #create the output table holding the F statistics
  results <- matrix(data=NA, nrow=number.vertices, ncol=number.terms)

  modulo <- 1000
  f <- formula(statistics.model)

  # run the anova at each vertex
  cat("    Percent done: ")
  for (v in 1:number.vertices) {
    y <- vertex.table[v,]
    s <- summary(aov(f))
    results[v,] <- s[[1]]$"F value"[1:number.terms]
    # print progress report to the terminal
    if (v %% modulo == 0) {
      cat(format((v/number.vertices)*100, digits=3))
      cat("%  ")
  colnames(results) <- variable.names


# get the residuals of a linear model
mni.vertex.residuals <- function(glim.matrix, statistics.model, vertex.table) {

  number.vertices <- nrow(vertex.table)
  new.dt <- vertex.table
  modulo <- 1000
  # run the stats at each vertex
  cat("   Percent done: ")
  for (i in 1:number.vertices) {
    y <- vertex.table[i,]
    l <- lm(formula(statistics.model))
    new.dt[i,] <- residuals(l)
    # print progress report to the terminal
    if (i %% modulo == 0) {
      cat(format((i/number.vertices)*100, digits=3))
      cat("%  ")



# trace anatomical connectivity using several hops
mni.anatcon.trace <- function(data.table, y, cortex, hops=3, min.distance=40,
                              min.value=0.6) {

  filename.cor <- "/tmp/cor.vertstats"
  filename.peaks <- "/tmp/peaks.csv"
  cor1 <- mni.vertex.correlation(data.table, y)
  mni.write.vertex.stats(cor1, filename.cor);
  system(paste("vertstats_find_peaks -min_value", min.value,
               "-min_distance", min.distance, filename.cor,
               cortex, filename.peaks))
  peaks <- read.csv(filename.peaks, header=TRUE)

  cors <- matrix(ncol=length(peaks$vertex), nrow=length(cor1))
  for (i in 1:length(peaks$vertex)) {
    cat(paste("Correlating peak:", i, "\n"))
    cors[,i] <- mni.vertex.correlation(data.table, dt[peaks$vertex[i]+1,])

  m <- apply(cors, 1, max)
  output <- ((cor1 > min.value) * 2) + ( m > min.value)

# get the strength of cross cortex correlations at every vertex
mni.vertex.correlation.strength <- function(data.table) {
  number.vertices <- nrow(data.table)

  modulo <- 10
  results <- vector(length=number.vertices)
  for (i in 1:number.vertices) {
    c <- mni.vertex.correlation(data.table, data.table[i,])
    results[i] <- sum(c)
    if (i %% modulo == 0) {
      cat(format((i/number.vertices)*100, digits=3))
      cat("%  ")

# run a permutation test for significance of correlation
mni.vertex.correlation.permutation <- function(data.table, y, groups, num=100) {

  number.subjects <- ncol(data.table)
  results <- vector(length=num)
  for (i in 1:num) {
    g <- sample(groups)
    c1 <- mni.vertex.correlation(data.table[,g==levels(g)[1]],
    c2 <- mni.vertex.correlation(data.table[,g==levels(g)[3]],
    results[i] <- min(c1-c2)

    cat("Permutation: ")

# correlate every vertex with variable y
mni.vertex.correlation <- function(data.table, y) {

  number.subjects <- ncol(data.table)
  number.vertices <- nrow(data.table)

  results <- vector(length=number.vertices)

  for (i in 1:number.vertices) {
    results[i] <- cor(data.table[i,], y)

# a variance test between two subsets. Optionally computes the
# variance in a robust fashion using bootstrap sampling of the
# residuals. To enable this set the bootstrap argument to be the ratio
# of the data's length to be sampled each time.
mni.vertex.var.test <- function(glim.matrix, statistics.model, subset1,
                               subset2, vertex.table, bootstrap=NULL) {

  number.subjects <- nrow(glim.matrix)
  number.vertices <- nrow(vertex.table)
  variance.ratio <- vector(length=number.vertices)
  f.stat <- vector(length=number.vertices)
  p.value <- vector(length=number.vertices)

  modulo <- 1000

  if(! is.null(bootstrap)) { # some variables for robust variance estimation
    m <- 100
    res <- numeric(m)

  for (i in 1:number.vertices) {
    y <- vertex.table[i,]
    l1 <- lm(formula(statistics.model), glim.matrix, subset=subset1)
    l2 <- lm(formula(statistics.model), glim.matrix, subset=subset2)

    if (is.null(bootstrap)) { #default estimation of variance
      v <- var.test(l1, l2)
      variance.ratio[i] <- v$estimate
      f.stat[i] <- v$statistic
      p.value[i] <- v$p.value
    else { # more robust estimation of variance
      res1 <- resid(l1)
      res2 <- resid(l2)
      for (v in 1:m) res[v] <- var(sample(res1,
                                          size=round(length(res1 / bootstrap)),
      var1 <- median(res)
      for (v in 1:m) res[v] <- var(sample(res2,
                                          size=round(length(res2 / bootstrap)),
      var2 <- median(res)
      vr <- var1 / var2
      variance.ratio[i] <- vr
      f.stat[i] <- vr
      p.value[i] <- 0

    # print progress report to the terminal
    if (i %% modulo == 0) {
      cat(format((i/number.vertices)*100, digits=3))
      cat("%  ")
  return(data.frame(f.stat, variance.ratio, p.value))

mni.vertex.mood.test <- function(glim.matrix, statistics.model, subset1,
                                 subset2, vertex.table) {

  number.subjects <- nrow(glim.matrix)
  number.vertices <- nrow(vertex.table)
  #variance.ratio <- vector(length=number.vertices)
  z.stat <- vector(length=number.vertices)
  p.value <- vector(length=number.vertices)

  modulo <- 1000

  for (i in 1:number.vertices) {
    y <- vertex.table[i,]
    l1 <- lm(formula(statistics.model), glim.matrix, subset=subset1)
    l2 <- lm(formula(statistics.model), glim.matrix, subset=subset2)
    v <- mood.test(residuals(l1), residuals(l2))
    #variance.ratio[i] <- v$estimate
    z.stat[i] <- v$statistic
    p.value[i] <- v$p.value
    # print progress report to the terminal
    if (i %% modulo == 0) {
      cat(format((i/number.vertices)*100, digits=3))
      cat("%  ")

# run stats at every vertex
mni.vertex.statistics <- function(glim.matrix, statistics.model=NA,
                                  vertex.table=FALSE) {

  # number of rows in the matrix
  number.subjects <- nrow(glim.matrix)
  # number of vertices. Assume that they are all the same, so just read it
  # off the first subject.
  if (mode(vertex.table) != "logical") {
    number.vertices <- nrow(vertex.table)
  else {
    number.vertices <-

  # build the table to hold all of the values - unless they are given as
  # an argument
  if (mode(vertex.table) == "logical") {
    vertex.table <- matrix(NA, nrow = number.vertices, ncol = number.subjects)
    for (i in 1:number.subjects) {
      vertex.table[,i] <- as.matrix(read.table(as.character(glim.matrix[i,1])))

  #number.vertices <- 500
  # attach the named variables

  # get the number of terms in the formula
  # run one lm to determine all the required info
  y <- vertex.table[1,]
  l <- lm(formula(statistics.model))
  s <- summary(l)
  variable.names <- row.names(s$coefficients)
  # remove the parentheses around the intercept term, as it is ugly when
  # written to file
  variable.names <- gsub('\\[\\(\\)]', '', variable.names, perl=TRUE)
  number.terms <- length(variable.names)

  # create the output table
  results <- list(adj.r.squared = vector(length = number.vertices),
                  fstatistic = vector(length = number.vertices),
                  intercept = vector(length = number.vertices),
                  slope = data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow = number.vertices,
                    ncol = number.terms)),
                  std.error = data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow = number.vertices,
                    ncol = number.terms)),
                  tstatistic = data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow = number.vertices,
                    ncol = number.terms)))

  slope <- matrix(data=NA, nrow=number.vertices, ncol=number.terms)
  tstats <- matrix(data=NA, nrow=number.vertices, ncol=number.terms)
  stderr <- matrix(data=NA, nrow=number.vertices, ncol=number.terms)

  modulo <- 1000
  f <- formula(statistics.model)

  # run the stats at each vertex
  cat("   Percent done: ")
  for (v in 1:number.vertices) {
    y <- vertex.table[v,]
    s = summary(lm(f))
    results$adj.r.squared[v] <- s$adj.r.squared
    results$fstatistic[v] <- s$fstatistic[1]
    results$intercept[v] <- s$coefficients[1,1]

    slope[v,] <- s$coefficients[,1]
    stderr[v,] <- s$coefficients[,2]
    tstats[v,] <- s$coefficients[,3]
    # print progress report to the terminal
    if (v %% modulo == 0) {
      cat(format((v/number.vertices)*100, digits=3))
      cat("%  ")

  results$slope = slope
  results$std.error = stderr
  results$tstatistic = tstats

  # assign the correct names
  colnames(results$slope) <- variable.names
  colnames(results$std.error) <- variable.names
  colnames(results$tstatistic) <- variable.names

  # compute the q values for all of the corresponding t-stats
  #cat("   Computing q values\n")
  #for (i in 1:number.terms) {
  #  q <- mni.compute.FDR(t.stats=results$tstatistic[,i],
  #                       df=number.subjects-1)
  #  results$q.values[,i] <- q$q


# write out the statistics to a flat text file
mni.write.vertex.stats <- function(vertex.stats, filename, headers = TRUE,
                               mean.stats = NULL, glim.matrix = NULL) {

  # write the header
  append.file = TRUE
  if (headers == TRUE) {
    # always clobber the file
    write("<header>", file = filename)
    if (is.object(mean.stats)) {
      write("<mean>", file = filename, append = TRUE)
      sink(filename, append = TRUE)
      write("</mean>", file = filename, append = TRUE)
      write("<formula>", file = filename, append = TRUE)
      sink(filename, append = TRUE)
      write("</formula>", file = filename, append = TRUE)
    if (is.data.frame(glim.matrix)) {
      write("<matrix>", file = filename, append = TRUE)
      write.table(glim.matrix, file = filename, append = TRUE,
                  row.names = FALSE)
      write("</matrix>", file = filename, append = TRUE)
    write("</header>", file = filename, append = TRUE)
  else {
    append.file = FALSE
  write.table(vertex.stats, file = filename, append = append.file,
              quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, col.names = headers)

# read a single vertstats column from file
mni.read.vertstats.column <- function(filename, column.name=NULL) {

  # by name
  if (is.null(column.name)) {
    # default name is equal to the first column
    column.name = "Column0"

  # there is a bug in vertstats_extract, causing it to have one too many
  # values at the end - so this is a temporary fix. Ick!
  return.val <- as.numeric( system( paste("vertstats_extract", filename,
                                    column.name), intern=TRUE))
  l <- length(return.val)
  if (l == 40963) {
    return.val <- return.val[1:l-1]

mni.compute.FDR <- function(t.stats=NULL, p.values=NULL, filename=NULL,
                            df=Inf, fdr=0.05, plot.fdr=FALSE) {
  # argument handling: must have either t.stats or p.values
  if (is.null(t.stats) && is.null(p.values) && is.null(filename)) {
    stop("Either t.stats or p.values have to be specified")
  if (! is.null(filename)) {
    if (is.null(column.name)) {
      data.headers <- gsub(' +', '', system(paste("vertstatsinfo -dataheaders",
                                                  filename), intern=TRUE),
      cat(" Column Names of t-statistics: \n\n")
      data.headers <- data.headers[grep('tstatistic', data.headers)]
      stop("Specify a column name with the file name, see choices above")
    # get the actual stats
    t.stats <- as.numeric(system(paste("vertstats_extract", filename,
  if (is.null(p.values)) {
    # compute the p-values from the t-stats
    p.values <- (abs(pt(abs(t.stats), df) - 1)) *2
  # sort the p-values
  sorted.p.values <- sort(p.values, index.return = TRUE)
  # compute the q stats
  q <- sorted.p.values$x / 1:length(p.values) * length(p.values)
  if (plot.fdr == TRUE) {
    plot(1:length(p.values)/length(p.values), sorted.p.values$x)
    abline(0, fdr, col="red")
  # find the threshold
  q2 <- q <= fdr
  r <- sort(q2, decreasing = TRUE, index.return = TRUE)
  fdr.threshold <- qt((sorted.p.values$x[max(r$ix[r$x == TRUE])])/2, df)
  # sort the q values to be in the same order as the t.stats passed in
  q[sorted.p.values$ix] <- q
  # return threshold and q values.
  return(list(fdr.threshold=fdr.threshold, q=q))
BIC-MNI/mni.cortical.statistics documentation built on May 5, 2019, 10:25 a.m.