
Defines functions as.bnlearn.network as.categorical.dataset is.logic.node is.logic.node.up is.logic.node.down nameToKey keysToNames order.frequency enforce.string enforce.numeric nhypotheses npatterns ngenes nevents nsamples ntypes view duplicates has.model has.duplicates has.stages as.parameters as.parents.pos as.kfold.posterr as.kfold.prederr as.kfold.eloss as.bootstrap.scores as.selective.advantage.relations as.error.rates as.conditional.probs as.joint.probs as.marginal.probs as.adj.matrix as.pathway as.description as.models as.confidence as.events.in.sample as.types.in.patterns as.genes.in.patterns as.events.in.patterns as.hypotheses as.patterns as.alterations as.gene as.colors as.types as.stages as.events as.genes as.samples as.genotypes

Documented in as.adj.matrix as.alterations as.bootstrap.scores as.colors as.conditional.probs as.confidence as.description as.events as.events.in.patterns as.events.in.sample as.gene as.genes as.genes.in.patterns as.genotypes as.hypotheses as.joint.probs as.kfold.eloss as.kfold.posterr as.kfold.prederr as.marginal.probs as.models as.parameters as.pathway as.patterns as.samples as.selective.advantage.relations as.stages as.types as.types.in.patterns duplicates enforce.numeric enforce.string has.duplicates has.model has.stages keysToNames nameToKey nevents ngenes nhypotheses npatterns nsamples ntypes order.frequency view

#### TRONCO: a tool for TRanslational ONCOlogy
#### Copyright (c) 2015-2017, Marco Antoniotti, Giulio Caravagna, Luca De Sano,
#### Alex Graudenzi, Giancarlo Mauri, Bud Mishra and Daniele Ramazzotti.
#### All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
#### are made available under the terms of the GNU GPL v3.0
#### which accompanies this distribution.

#' Return all genotypes for input 'x', which should be a TRONCO compliant dataset
#' see \code{is.compliant}. 
#' Function \code{keysToNames} can be used to translate colnames to events. 
#' @title as.genotypes
#' @examples
#' data(test_dataset)
#' as.genotypes(test_dataset)
#' @param x A TRONCO compliant dataset.
#' @return A TRONCO genotypes matrix.
#' @export as.genotypes
as.genotypes <- function(x) {

#' Return all sample IDs for input 'x', which should be a TRONCO compliant dataset - see \code{is.compliant}. 
#' @title as.samples
#' @examples
#' data(test_dataset)
#' as.samples(test_dataset)
#' @param x A TRONCO compliant dataset.
#' @return A vector of sample IDs
#' @export as.samples
as.samples <- function(x) {

#' Return all gene symbols for which a certain type of event exists in 'x', which should be a
#' TRONCO compliant dataset - see \code{is.compliant}. 
#' @title as.genes
#' @examples
#' data(test_dataset)
#' as.genes(test_dataset)
#' @param x A TRONCO compliant dataset.
#' @param types The types of events to consider, if NA all available types are used.
#' @return A vector of gene symbols for which a certain type of event exists
#' @export as.genes
as.genes <- function(x, types = NA) {
    if ('Pattern' %in% types) {
        stop('"Pattern" is not a valid gene type, it is a reseverd keyword in TRONCO.')
    if (npatterns(x) > 0) {
        ev = as.events(x, types = types)
        ev = ev[which(ev[ , 'type'] != 'Pattern'), 'event']
    } else
        return(unique(as.events(x, types = types)[ , 'event']))

#' Return all events involving certain genes and of a certain type in 'x', which should be a
#' TRONCO compliant dataset - see \code{is.compliant}. 
#' @title as.events
#' @examples
#' data(test_dataset)
#' as.events(test_dataset)
#' as.events(test_dataset, types='ins_del')
#' as.events(test_dataset, genes = 'TET2')
#' as.events(test_dataset, types='Missing')
#' @param x A TRONCO compliant dataset.
#' @param types The types of events to consider, if NA all available types are used.
#' @param genes The genes to consider, if NA all available genes are used.
#' @param keysToNames If TRUE return a list of mnemonic name composed by type + gene
#' @return A matrix with 2 columns (event type, gene name) for the events found.
#' @export as.events
as.events <- function(x, genes = NA, types = NA, keysToNames = FALSE) {
    ann = x$annotations[ , c('type', 'event'), drop = FALSE]

    if (!any(is.na(genes)))
        ann = ann[which(ann[, 'event', drop=FALSE] %in% genes), , drop = FALSE]
    if (!any(is.na(types)))
        ann = ann[which(ann[, 'type', drop = FALSE] %in% types), , drop = FALSE] 

    if (keysToNames) {
        ann = keysToNames(x, ann)
        names(colnames(ann)) = NULL
        names(rownames(ann)) = NULL


#' Return the association sample -> stage, if any. Input 'x' should be a
#' TRONCO compliant dataset - see \code{is.compliant}.
#' @title as.stages
#' @examples
#' data(test_dataset)
#' data(stage)
#' test_dataset = annotate.stages(test_dataset, stage)
#' as.stages(test_dataset)
#' @param x A TRONCO compliant dataset.
#' @return A matrix with 1 column annotating stages and rownames as sample IDs.
#' @export as.stages
as.stages <- function(x) {
    if (has.stages(x)) {

#' Return the types of events for a set of genes which are in 'x', which should be a
#' TRONCO compliant dataset - see \code{is.compliant}.
#' @title as.types
#' @examples
#' data(test_dataset)
#' as.types(test_dataset)
#' as.types(test_dataset, genes='TET2')
#' @param x A TRONCO compliant dataset.
#' @param genes A list of genes to consider, if NA all genes are used.
#' @return A matrix with 1 column annotating stages and rownames as sample IDs.
#' @export as.types
as.types <- function(x, genes = NA) {    
    return(unlist(unique(as.events(x, genes = genes)[, 'type'])))

#' Return the colors associated to each type of event in 'x', which should be a
#' TRONCO compliant dataset - see \code{is.compliant}.
#' @title as.colors
#' @examples
#' data(test_dataset)
#' as.colors(test_dataset)
#' @param x A TRONCO compliant dataset.
#' @return A named vector of colors.
#' @export as.colors
as.colors <- function(x) {
    return(x$types[, 'color'])

#' Return the genotypes for a certain set of genes and type of events. Input 'x' should be a
#' TRONCO compliant dataset - see \code{is.compliant}. In this case column names are substituted
#' with events' types.
#' @title as.gene
#' @examples
#' data(test_dataset)
#' as.gene(test_dataset, genes = c('EZH2', 'ASXL1'))
#' @param x A TRONCO compliant dataset.
#' @param types The types of events to consider, if NA all available types are used.
#' @param genes The genes to consider, if NA all available genes are used.
#' @return A matrix, subset of \code{as.genotypes(x)} with colnames substituted  with events' types.
#' @export as.gene
as.gene <- function(x, genes, types = NA) {
    keys = as.events(x, genes = genes, types = types)

    data = data.frame(x$genotypes[, rownames(keys)],
                      row.names = as.samples(x))
    colnames(data) = apply(keys,
                           FUN = paste,
                           collapse = ' ')


#' Return a dataset where all events for a gene are merged in a unique event, i.e., 
#' a total of gene-level alterations diregarding the event type. Input 'x' is checked
#' to be a TRONCO compliant dataset - see \code{is.compliant}. 
#' @title as.alterations
#' @examples
#' data(muts)
#' as.alterations(muts)
#' @param x A TRONCO compliant dataset.
#' @param new.type The types label of the new event type, 'Alteration' by default.
#' @param new.color The color of the event \code{new.type}, default 'khaki'.
#' @param silent A parameter to disable/enable verbose messages.
#' @return A TRONCO compliant dataset with alteration profiles.
#' @export as.alterations
as.alterations <- function(x,
                           new.type = 'Alteration',
                           new.color = 'khaki',
                           silent = FALSE) {
    if(has.model(x)) {
        stop("There's a reconstructed model, types cannot be merged now. \nUse delete.model()")

    if(length(as.patterns(x)) > 0) {
        stop('Patterns found. Delete patterns first.\n')

               new.type = new.type,
               new.color = new.color,
               silent = silent)

#' Return the patterns in the dataset which constitute CAPRI's hypotheses.
#' @title as.patterns
#' @examples
#' data(test_dataset)
#' as.patterns(test_dataset)
#' @param x A TRONCO compliant dataset.
#' @return The patterns in the dataset which constitute CAPRI's hypotheses.
#' @export as.patterns
as.patterns <- function(x) {
    if (npatterns(x) == 0) {

#' Return the hypotheses in the dataset which constitute CAPRI's hypotheses.
#' @title as.hypotheses
#' @examples
#' data(test_dataset)
#' as.hypotheses(test_dataset)
#' @param x A TRONCO compliant dataset.
#' @param cause A list of genes to use as causes
#' @param effect A list of genes to use as effects
#' @return The hypotheses in the dataset which constitute CAPRI's hypotheses.
#' @export as.hypotheses
as.hypotheses <- function(x, cause = NA, effect = NA) {
    if (nhypotheses(x) < 1)

    hlist = x$hypotheses$hlist

    list_c = x$annotations[hlist[,'cause'], c('type', 'event'), drop = FALSE]
    colnames(list_c) = c('cause type', 'cause event')
    rownames(list_c) = NULL
    list_e = x$annotations[hlist[,'effect'], c('type', 'event'), drop = FALSE]
    colnames(list_e) = c('effect type', 'effect event')
    rownames(list_e) = NULL

    filtered_list = cbind(list_c, list_e)

    if (!is.na(cause)) {
        if (all(cause %in% as.events(x)[, 'event'])) {
            filtered_list = filtered_list[which(filtered_list[, 'cause event'] == cause), ]
        } else {
            stop('some cause not in as.events\n')

    if (!is.na(effect)) {
        if (all(effect %in% as.events(x)[, 'event'])) {
            filtered_list = filtered_list[which(filtered_list[, 'effect event'] == effect), ]
        } else {
            stop('some effect not in as.events\n')


#' Return the list of events present in selected patterns
#' @examples
#' data(test_dataset)
#' as.events.in.patterns(test_dataset)
#' as.events.in.patterns(test_dataset, patterns='XOR_EZH2')
#' @title as.events.in.patterns
#' @param x A TRONCO compliant dataset.
#' @param patterns A list of patterns for which the list will be returned
#' @return A list of events present in patterns which consitute CAPRI's hypotheses
#' @export as.events.in.patterns
as.events.in.patterns <- function(x, patterns = NULL) {
    ann = x$annotations[, c('type', 'event'), drop = FALSE]
    if (is.null(patterns)) {
        patterns = as.patterns(x)

    genes_list = NULL
    for (h in patterns) {
        if (!h %in% as.patterns(x)) {
            stop('Hypothesis ', h, ' not in as.patterns(x)')

        g =
                   function(x) { if (!is.logic.node(x)) return(x) })
        genes_list = append(genes_list, g)
    genes_list = unique(unlist(genes_list))

    if (!(is.null(genes_list)))
        ann = ann[ which(rownames(ann) %in% genes_list), , drop = FALSE] 


#' Return the list of genes present in selected patterns
#' @examples
#' data(test_dataset)
#' as.genes.in.patterns(test_dataset)
#' as.genes.in.patterns(test_dataset, patterns='XOR_EZH2')
#' @title as.genes.in.patterns
#' @param x A TRONCO compliant dataset.
#' @param patterns A list of patterns for which the list will be returned
#' @return A list of genes present in patterns which consitute CAPRI's hypotheses
#' @export as.genes.in.patterns
as.genes.in.patterns <- function(x, patterns=NULL) {
    events = as.events.in.patterns(x, patterns)
    genes = unique(events[, 'event'])

#' Return the list of types present in selected patterns
#' @examples
#' data(test_dataset)
#' as.types.in.patterns(test_dataset)
#' as.types.in.patterns(test_dataset, patterns='XOR_EZH2')
#' @title as.types.in.patterns
#' @param x A TRONCO compliant dataset.
#' @param patterns A list of patterns for which the list will be returned
#' @return A list of types present in patterns which consitute CAPRI's hypotheses
#' @export as.types.in.patterns
as.types.in.patterns <- function(x, patterns = NULL) {
    events = as.events.in.patterns(x, patterns)
    types = unique(events[, 'type'])

#' Return a list of events which are observed in the input samples list
#' @examples
#' data(test_dataset)
#' as.events.in.sample(test_dataset, c('patient 1', 'patient 7'))
#' @title as.events.in.sample
#' @param x A TRONCO compliant dataset
#' @param sample Vector of sample names
#' @return A list of events which are observed in the input samples list
#' @export as.events.in.sample
as.events.in.sample <- function(x, sample) {
    aux <- function(s) {
        sub.geno = as.genotypes(x)[s, , drop = FALSE]  
        sub.geno = sub.geno[, sub.geno == 1, drop = FALSE]
        return(as.events(x)[colnames(sub.geno), , drop = FALSE])

    events = sapply(sample, FUN = aux, simplify = FALSE)
    merge = unique(Reduce(rbind, events))

#' Return confidence information for a TRONCO model. Available information are: temporal priority (tp), 
#' probability raising (pr), hypergeometric test (hg), parametric (pb), non parametric (npb) or 
#' statistical (sb) bootstrap, entropy loss (eloss), prediction error (prederr).
#' Confidence is available only once a model has been reconstructed with any of the algorithms implemented
#' in TRONCO. If more than one model has been reconstructed - for instance via multiple regularizations - 
#' confidence information is appropriately nested. The requested confidence is specified via 
#' vector parameter \code{conf}.
#' @examples
#' data(test_model)
#' as.confidence(test_model, conf='tp')
#' as.confidence(test_model, conf=c('tp', 'hg'))
#' @title as.confidence
#' @param x A TRONCO model.
#' @param conf A vector with any of 'tp', 'pr', 'hg', 'npb', 'pb', 'sb', 'eloss', 'prederr' or 'posterr'. 
#' @param models The name of the models to extract, all by default. 
#' @return A list of matrices with the event-to-event confidence. 
#' @export as.confidence
as.confidence <- function(x, conf, models = names(x$model)) {
    if (!is.vector(conf)) stop('"conf" should be a vector.')

    keys = c('hg', 'tp', 'pr', 'npb', 'pb', 'sb', 'eloss', 'prederr', 'posterr')

    if (!all(conf %in% keys)) 
        stop('Confidence keyword unrecognized, \'conf\' should be any of:\n
            INPUT DATASET\n
            \t \"hg\" - hypergeometric test (randomness of observations)\n
            \t \"tp\" - temporal priority (temporal ordering of events)\n
            \t \"pr\" - probability raising (selectivity among events)\n
            MODEL CONFIDENCE - requires post-reconstruction bootstrap or cross-validation\n
            \t \"npb\"     - non-parametric bootstrap,\n
            \t \"sb\"      - statistical bootstrap\n
            \t \"eloss\"   - entropy loss\n
            \t \"prederr\" - prediction error\n
            \t \"posterr\"- posterior classification error'

    if (is.null(x$confidence)
        || any(is.na(x$confidence))
        || is.null(x$model)
        || all(is.na(x$model)))
        stop('Input \'x\' does not contain a TRONCO model. No confidence to show.\n')

    has.npb.bootstrap = is.null(x$bootstrap[[models[1]]]$npb)
    has.sb.bootstrap = is.null(x$bootstrap[[models[1]]]$sb)

    if ('npb' %in% conf && has.npb.bootstrap) {
        stop('Non-parametric bootstrap was not performed. Remove keyword\n')

    if ('sb' %in% conf && has.sb.bootstrap) {
        stop('Statistical bootstrap was not performed. Remove keyword\n')
    result = NULL

    if ('hg' %in% conf) {
        result$hg = x$confidence['hypergeometric test', ][[1]]
    if ('tp' %in% conf) {
        result$tp = x$confidence['temporal priority', ][[1]]
    if ('pr' %in% conf) {
        result$pr = x$confidence['probability raising', ][[1]]
    if ('npb' %in% conf) {
        for (i in 1:length(models)) {
            result$npb[models[i]] =
    if ('sb' %in% conf) { 
        for (i in 1:length(models)) {
            result$sb[models[i]] =
    if ('eloss' %in% conf) { 
        result$eloss = as.kfold.eloss(x, models = models)

    if ('prederr' %in% conf) {
        result$prederr = as.kfold.prederr(x, models = models)

    if ('posterr' %in% conf) {
        result$posterr = as.kfold.posterr(x, models = models)

#' Extract the models from a reconstructed object.
#' @examples
#' data(test_model)
#' as.models(test_model)
#' @title as.models
#' @param x A TRONCO model.
#' @param models The name of the models to extract, e.g. 'bic', 'aic', 'caprese', all by default. 
#' @return The models in a reconstructed object. 
#' @export as.models
as.models <- function(x, models=names(x$model)) {

    for (model in models) {
        if ( !model %in% names(x$model)) {
            stop(paste('model:', model, 'not present'))


#' Return the description annotating the dataset, if any. Input 'x' should be
#' a TRONCO compliant dataset - see \code{is.compliant}. 
#' @examples
#' data(test_dataset)
#' as.description(test_dataset)
#' @title as.description
#' @param x A TRONCO compliant dataset.
#' @return The description annotating the dataset, if any.
#' @export as.description
as.description <- function(x) {
    if (!is.null(x$name))

#' Given a cohort and a pathway, return the cohort with events restricted to genes 
#' involved in the pathway. This might contain a new 'pathway' genotype with an alteration mark if
#' any of the involved genes are altered. 
#' @examples
#' data(test_dataset)
#' p = as.pathway(test_dataset, c('ASXL1', 'TET2'), 'test_pathway')
#' @title as.pathway
#' @param x A TRONCO compliant dataset.
#' @param pathway.genes Gene (symbols) involved in the pathway.
#' @param pathway.name Pathway name for visualization.
#' @param pathway.color Pathway color for visualization.
#' @param aggregate.pathway If TRUE drop the events for the genes in the pathway.
#' @param silent A parameter to disable/enable verbose messages.
#' @return Extract the subset of events for genes which are part of a pathway.
#' @export as.pathway
as.pathway <- function(x, 
                       aggregate.pathway = TRUE,
                       silent = FALSE) {
    is.compliant(x, 'as.pathway: input')
    data = x$genotypes
    if (!silent) {
        cat('*** Extracting events for pathway: ',

    ## Select only those events involving a gene in pathway.genes
    ## which is also in x.
    y = events.selection(x, NA, filter.in.names = pathway.genes, NA)

    ## Extend genotypes.
    y = enforce.numeric(y)

    pathway =
                   row.names = as.samples(y),
                   stringsAsFactors = FALSE)  
    pathway[pathway > 1, ] =  1
    colnames(pathway) = pathway.name 

    pathway =
                         event.type = 'Pathway',
                         color = pathway.color)

    if (!silent) {
        cat('Pathway extracted succesfully.\n')

    if (!aggregate.pathway) {
        pathway = ebind(pathway, y, silent = silent)

    if (has.stages(y)) {
        pathway = annotate.stages(pathway, as.stages(y))

    is.compliant(pathway, 'as.pathway: output')


#' Extract the adjacency matrix of a TRONCO model. The matrix is indexed with colnames/rownames which 
#' represent genotype keys - these can be resolved with function \code{keysToNames}. It is possible to
#' specify a subset of events to build the matrix, a subset of models if multiple reconstruction have
#' been performed. Also, either the prima facie matrix or the post-regularization matrix can be extracted.
#' @examples
#' data(test_model)
#' as.adj.matrix(test_model)
#' as.adj.matrix(test_model, events=as.events(test_model)[5:15,])
#' as.adj.matrix(test_model, events=as.events(test_model)[5:15,], type='pf')
#' @title as.adj.matrix
#' @param x A TRONCO model.
#' @param events A subset of events as of \code{as.events(x)}, all by default.
#' @param models A subset of reconstructed models, all by default.
#' @param type Either the prima facie ('pf') or the post-regularization ('fit') matrix, 'fit' by default.
#' @return The adjacency matrix of a TRONCO model. 
#' @export as.adj.matrix
as.adj.matrix <- function(x,
                          events = as.events(x),
                          models = names(x$model),
                          type = 'fit') {
    is.events.list(x, events)

    if (!all(models %in% names(x$model))) {
        stop('not all "models" are reconstructed model.') 
    if (!type %in% c('fit', 'pf')  ) {
        stop('"type" should be any of \'fit\' (post-regularization) or \'pf\' (prima facie).')

    m = as.models(x, models = models)

    ret = list()
    for (i in models) {
        if (type == 'fit') {
            mat = m[[i]]$adj.matrix$adj.matrix.fit
        } else if (type == 'pf') {
            mat = m[[i]]$adj.matrix$adj.matrix.pf

        mat = mat[rownames(events), , drop = FALSE]
        mat = mat[, rownames(events), drop = FALSE]

        ret = append(ret, list(mat)) 

    names(ret) = models

#' Extract the marginal probabilities from a TRONCO model. The return matrix is indexed with rownames which 
#' represent genotype keys - these can be resolved with function \code{keysToNames}. It is possible to
#' specify a subset of events to build the matrix, a subset of models if multiple reconstruction have
#' been performed. Also, either the observed or fit probabilities can be extracted.
#' @examples
#' data(test_model)
#' as.marginal.probs(test_model)
#' as.marginal.probs(test_model, events=as.events(test_model)[5:15,])
#' @title as.marginal.probs
#' @param x A TRONCO model.
#' @param events A subset of events as of \code{as.events(x)}, all by default.
#' @param models A subset of reconstructed models, all by default.
#' @param type observed.
#' @return The marginal probabilities in a TRONCO model. 
#' @export as.marginal.probs
as.marginal.probs <- function(x,
                              events = as.events(x),
                              models = names(x$model),
                              type = 'observed') {
    is.events.list(x, events)
    if (any(is.null(colnames(events)))) {
        stop('Events should have colnames to access the adjacency matrix - use \'as.events\' function?')

    if (!all(models %in% names(x$model))) {
        stop('not all "models" are reconstructed model.') 

    if (type != 'observed') {
        stop('Marginal probabilities are available for \'observed\' (empirical).') 

    m = as.models(x, models = models)

    ret = list()
    for (i in models) {
        mat = m[[i]]$probabilities$probabilities.observed$marginal.probs
        mat = mat[rownames(events), , drop = FALSE]
        ret = append(ret, list(mat)) 

    names(ret) = models

#' Extract the joint probabilities from a TRONCO model. The return matrix is indexed with rownames/colnames which 
#' represent genotype keys - these can be resolved with function \code{keysToNames}. It is possible to
#' specify a subset of events to build the matrix, a subset of models if multiple reconstruction have
#' been performed. Also, either the observed or fit probabilities can be extracted.
#' @examples
#' data(test_model)
#' as.joint.probs(test_model)
#' as.joint.probs(test_model, events=as.events(test_model)[5:15,])
#' @title as.joint.probs
#' @param x A TRONCO model.
#' @param events A subset of events as of \code{as.events(x)}, all by default.
#' @param models A subset of reconstructed models, all by default.
#' @param type observed
#' @return The joint probabilities in a TRONCO model. 
#' @export as.joint.probs
as.joint.probs <- function(x,
                           events = as.events(x),
                           models = names(x$model),
                           type = 'observed') {
    is.events.list(x, events)

    if (any(is.null(colnames(events)))) {
        stop('Events should have colnames to access the adjacency matrix - use \'as.events\' function?')

    if (!all(models %in% names(x$model))) {
        stop('not all "models" are reconstructed model.') 

    if (type != 'observed') {
        stop('Marginal probabilities are available for \'observed\' (empirical).') 

    m = as.models(x, models = models)

    ret = list()
    for (i in models) {
        mat = m[[i]]$probabilities$probabilities.observed$joint.probs
        mat = mat[rownames(events), , drop = FALSE]
        mat = mat[, rownames(events), drop = FALSE]
        ret = append(ret, list(mat)) 

    names(ret) = models

#' Extract the conditional probabilities from a TRONCO model. The return matrix is indexed with rownames which 
#' represent genotype keys - these can be resolved with function \code{keysToNames}. It is possible to
#' specify a subset of events to build the matrix, a subset of models if multiple reconstruction have
#' been performed. Also, either the observed or fit probabilities can be extracted.
#' #' @examples
#' data(test_model)
#' as.conditional.probs(test_model)
#' as.conditional.probs(test_model, events=as.events(test_model)[5:15,])
#' @title as.conditional.probs
#' @param x A TRONCO model.
#' @param events A subset of events as of \code{as.events(x)}, all by default.
#' @param models A subset of reconstructed models, all by default.
#' @param type observed ('observed') 
#' @return The conditional probabilities in a TRONCO model. 
#' @export as.conditional.probs
as.conditional.probs <- function(x,
                                 events = as.events(x),
                                 models = names(x$model),
                                 type = 'observed') {
    is.events.list(x, events)

    if (any(is.null(colnames(events)))) {
        stop('Events should have colnames to access the adjacency matrix - use \'as.events\' function?')

    if (!all(models %in% names(x$model))) {
        stop('not all "models" are reconstructed model.') 

    if (type != 'observed') {
        stop('Marginal probabilities are available for \'observed\' (empirical).') 

    m = as.models(x, models = models)

    ret = list()
    for (i in models) {
        mat = m[[i]]$probabilities$probabilities.observed$conditional.probs
        mat = mat[rownames(events), , drop = FALSE]
        ret = append(ret, list(mat)) 

    names(ret) = models

# Extract the estimated rates of false positives an negatives in the data, given the model. 
# A subset of models if multiple reconstruction have been performed can be extracted.
# @examples
# data(test_model)
# as.error.rates(test_model)
# @title as.error.rates
# @param x A TRONCO model.
# @param models A subset of reconstructed models, all by default.
# @return The estimated rates of false positives an negatives in the data, given the model.
as.error.rates <- function(x, models = names(x$model)) {

    if (!all(models %in% names(x$model))) {
        stop('not all "models" are reconstructed model.') 

    m = as.models(x, models = models)

    ret = list()
    for (i in models) {
        mat = m[[i]]$error.rates
        ret = append(ret, list(mat)) 

    names(ret) = models

#' Returns a dataframe with all the selective advantage relations in a 
#' TRONCO model. Confidence is also shown - see \code{as.confidence}. It is possible to
#' specify a subset of events or models if multiple reconstruction have
#' been performed. 
#' @examples
#' data(test_model)
#' as.selective.advantage.relations(test_model)
#' as.selective.advantage.relations(test_model, events=as.events(test_model)[5:15,])
#' as.selective.advantage.relations(test_model, events=as.events(test_model)[5:15,], type='pf')
#' @title as.selective.advantage.relations
#' @param x A TRONCO model.
#' @param events A subset of events as of \code{as.events(x)}, all by default.
#' @param models A subset of reconstructed models, all by default.
#' @param type Either Prima Facie ('pf') or fit ('fit') probabilities, 'fit' by default.
#' @return All the selective advantage relations in a TRONCO model 
#' @export as.selective.advantage.relations
as.selective.advantage.relations <- function(x,
                                             events = as.events(x),
                                             models = names(x$model),
                                             type = 'fit') {
    is.events.list(x, events)

    matrix = NULL
    if (type == 'pf')
        matrix$pf = x$adj.matrix.prima.facie   
        matrix =
                          events = events,
                          models = models,
                          type = type)
    matrix = lapply(matrix, keysToNames, x = x)

    conf = as.confidence(x, conf = c('tp', 'pr', 'hg'))
    conf = lapply(conf, keysToNames, x = x)

    matrix.to.df <- function(m) {    
        entries = length(which(m == 1))
        df = NULL
        df$SELECTS = NULL
        df$SELECTED = NULL
        df$OBS.SELECTS = NULL
        df$OBS.SELECTED = NULL
        df$HG = NULL
        df$TP = NULL
        df$PR = NULL
        if (entries == 0) {

        for (i in 1:ncol(m)) {
            for (j in 1:nrow(m)) {
                if (m[i, j] == 1) {
                    df$SELECTS = c(df$SELECTS, rownames(m)[i])
                    df$SELECTED = c(df$SELECTED, colnames(m)[j])

                    df$OBS.SELECTS =
                          sum(as.genotypes(x)[, nameToKey(x, rownames(m)[i])]))
                    df$OBS.SELECTED =
                          sum(as.genotypes(x)[, nameToKey(x, colnames(m)[j])]))

                    df$TP = c(df$TP, conf$tp[rownames(m)[i], colnames(m)[j]])
                    df$PR = c(df$PR, conf$pr[rownames(m)[i], colnames(m)[j]])
                    df$HG = c(df$HG, conf$hg[rownames(m)[i], colnames(m)[j]])   

        df =

        colnames(df) =
        rownames(df) = paste(1:nrow(df))

        df = data.frame(df, stringsAsFactors = FALSE) 
        df$OBS.SELECTS = as.numeric(df$OBS.SELECTS)
        df$OBS.SELECTED = as.numeric(df$OBS.SELECTED)
        df$HYPERGEOMETRIC = as.numeric(df$HYPERGEOMETRIC)

    return(lapply(matrix, matrix.to.df))

#' Returns a dataframe with all the bootstrap score in a 
#' TRONCO model. It is possible to specify a subset of events
#' or models if multiple reconstruction have been performed. 
#' @examples
#' data(test_model)
#' as.bootstrap.scores(test_model)
#' as.bootstrap.scores(test_model, events=as.events(test_model)[5:15,])
#' @title as.bootstrap.scores
#' @param x A TRONCO model.
#' @param events A subset of events as of \code{as.events(x)}, all by default.
#' @param models A subset of reconstructed models, all by default.
#' @return All the bootstrap scores in a TRONCO model 
#' @export as.bootstrap.scores
as.bootstrap.scores <- function(x,
                                events = as.events(x),
                                models = names(x$model)) {
    is.events.list(x, events)

    if (!all(models %in% names(x$model))) {
        stop('not all "models" are reconstructed model.') 

    matrix = 
        events = events,
        models = models,
        type = 'fit')

    matrix = lapply(matrix, keysToNames, x = x)

    if (!(is.null(x$confidence) && is.na(x$confidence))) {
        models = names(x$model)

    has.npb.bootstrap = !is.null(x$bootstrap[[models[1]]]$npb)
    has.sb.bootstrap = !is.null(x$bootstrap[[models[1]]]$sb)

    if(has.npb.bootstrap) {
        npb.boot.conf = lapply(as.confidence(x, conf = c('npb'))$npb, keysToNames, x = x)
    if(has.sb.bootstrap) {
        sb.boot.conf = lapply(as.confidence(x, conf = c('sb'))$sb, keysToNames, x = x)

    matrix.to.df <- function(z) {   
        m = matrix[[z]]

        entries = length(which(m == 1))
        df = NULL
        df$SELECTS = NULL
        df$SELECTED = NULL
        df$OBS.SELECTS = NULL
        df$OBS.SELECTED = NULL
        df$BOOT.NPB = NULL
        df$BOOT.PB = NULL
        df$BOOT.SB = NULL

        if (entries == 0) {

        for (i in 1:ncol(m)) {
            for (j in 1:nrow(m)) {

                if (m[i, j] == 1) {
                    df$SELECTS = c(df$SELECTS, rownames(m)[i])
                    df$SELECTED = c(df$SELECTED, colnames(m)[j])

                    df$OBS.SELECTS = c(df$OBS.SELECTS,
                                       sum(as.genotypes(x)[, nameToKey(x, rownames(m)[i])]))
                    df$OBS.SELECTED = c(df$OBS.SELECTED,
                                       sum(as.genotypes(x)[, nameToKey(x, colnames(m)[j])]))

                    if (has.npb.bootstrap) {
                        df$BOOT.NPB = c(df$BOOT.NPB,
                                        npb.boot.conf[[z]][ rownames(m)[i], colnames(m)[j] ] * 100)
                    } else {
                        df$BOOT.NPB = c(df$BOOT.NPB, NA)

                    if (has.sb.bootstrap) {
                        df$BOOT.SB = c(df$BOOT.SB,
                                       sb.boot.conf[[z]][ rownames(m)[i], colnames(m)[j] ] * 100)
                    } else {
                        df$BOOT.SB = c(df$BOOT.SB, NA)

        df = cbind(df$SELECTS,

        colnames(df) = 

        rownames(df) = paste(1:nrow(df))

        df = data.frame(df, stringsAsFactors = FALSE) 
        df$OBS.SELECTS = as.numeric(df$OBS.SELECTS)
        df$OBS.SELECTED = as.numeric(df$OBS.SELECTED)

        if (!has.npb.bootstrap) {
            df$NONPAR.BOOT = NULL
        } else {
            df$NONPAR.BOOT = as.numeric(df$NONPAR.BOOT)

        if (!has.sb.bootstrap) {
            df$STAT.BOOT = NULL
        } else {
            df$STAT.BOOT = as.numeric(df$STAT.BOOT)

    res = lapply(seq_along(matrix), matrix.to.df)
    names(res) = names(matrix)


#' Returns a dataframe with all the average/stdev entropy loss score of a 
#' TRONCO model. It is possible to specify models if multiple
#' reconstruction have been performed. 
#' @examples
#' data(test_model_kfold)
#' as.kfold.eloss(test_model_kfold)
#' as.kfold.eloss(test_model_kfold, models='capri_aic')
#' @title as.kfold.eloss
#' @param x A TRONCO model.
#' @param models A subset of reconstructed models, all by default.
#' @param values If you want to see also the values
#' @return All the bootstrap scores in a TRONCO model 
#' @export as.kfold.eloss
#' @importFrom stats sd
as.kfold.eloss <- function(x,
                           models = names(x$model),
                           values = FALSE) {

    if(is.null(x$kfold)) {
        stop('Cross-validation was never performed on this model!')

    ret = NULL
    ret$C1 = NULL
    ret$C2 = NULL
    ret$C3 = NULL
    ret$C4 = NULL

    for (model in models) {
        if (is.null(x$kfold[[model]]$eloss)) {
            stop('Entropy loss was not estimated for \'', model, '\'')
        meanll = mean(get(model, x$kfold)$eloss)
        ll = get(model, x$model)$logLik
        ratio = meanll / abs(ll) * 100

        ret$C1 = c(ret$C1, meanll)
        ret$C2 = c(ret$C2, ratio)
        ret$C3 = c(ret$C3, sd(get(model, x$kfold)$eloss))
        ret$C4 = c(ret$C4, paste(round(get(model, x$kfold)$eloss, 2), sep = ', ', collapse = ', '))

    ret = data.frame(ret)
    rownames(ret) = models
    colnames(ret) = c('Mean', '%-of-logLik', 'Stdev', 'Values (rounded, 2 digits)')
    if(!values) ret = ret[, 1:3]


#' Returns a dataframe with all the prediction error score in a 
#' TRONCO model. It is possible to specify a subset of events
#' or models if multiple reconstruction have been performed. 
#' @examples
#' data(test_model_kfold)
#' as.kfold.prederr(test_model_kfold)
#' as.kfold.prederr(test_model_kfold, models='capri_aic')
#' @title as.kfold.prederr
#' @param x A TRONCO model.
#' @param events A subset of events as of \code{as.events(x)}, all by default.
#' @param models A subset of reconstructed models, all by default.
#' @param values If you want to see also the values
#' @param table Keep the original table (defaul false)
#' @return All the bootstrap scores in a TRONCO model 
#' @export as.kfold.prederr
#' @importFrom stats sd
as.kfold.prederr <- function(x,
                             events = as.events(x),
                             models = names(x$model),
                             values = FALSE,
                             table = FALSE) {
    is.events.list(x, events)

    if (is.null(x$kfold) ) {
        stop('Crossvalidation was not executed for this object!')

    matrix.to.df <- function(z) {   
        if ( any(is.null(x$kfold[[z]]$prederr)) ) {
            stop('Crossvalidation was not executed for the required model: ', models[z] )
        prederr.matrix = x$kfold[[z]]$prederr
        if (table) {
            names(prederr.matrix) = lapply(names(prederr.matrix), function(k) { nameToKey(x, k) })

        # Already prepared data - just wrap it in a dataframe
        df = NULL
        df$prederr = t(as.data.frame(prederr.matrix)) # values

        df$MEAN.PREDERR = apply(df$prederr, 1, mean) # means
        df$SD.PREDERR = apply(df$prederr, 1, sd) # standard deviation
        df$VALUES.PREDERR = apply(df$prederr, 1, function(z){paste(round(z, 3), collapse = ', ')}) # collapse values

        df$SELECTED = gsub("\\.", " ", rownames(df$prederr)) # for later merge we use this

        df = data.frame(df, stringsAsFactors = FALSE) 
        rownames(df) = paste(1:nrow(df))
        colnames(df)[4] = 'PREDERR Values (rounded, 3 digits)'

        ## Filter out events if required.

        sel.events = apply(events, 1, function(z){paste(z, collapse = ' ')})
        df = df[which(df$SELECTED %in% sel.events), , drop = FALSE]

        if(!values) df = df[, 1:3]

    res = lapply(seq_along(models), matrix.to.df)
    names(res) = models


#' Returns a dataframe with all the posterior classification error
#' score in a TRONCO model. It is possible to specify a subset of events
#' or models if multiple reconstruction have been performed. 
#' @examples
#' data(test_model_kfold)
#' data(test_model)
#' as.kfold.posterr(test_model_kfold)
#' as.kfold.posterr(test_model_kfold, events=as.events(test_model)[5:15,])
#' @title as.kfold.posterr
#' @param x A TRONCO model.
#' @param events A subset of events as of \code{as.events(x)}, all by default.
#' @param models A subset of reconstructed models, all by default.
#' @param values If you want to see also the values
#' @param table Keep the original table (defaul false)
#' @return All the posterior classification error scores in a TRONCO model 
#' @export as.kfold.posterr
#' @importFrom stats sd
as.kfold.posterr <- function(x,
                             events = as.events(x),
                             models = names(x$model),
                             values = FALSE,
                             table = FALSE) {
    is.events.list(x, events)

    if (is.null(x$kfold) ) {
        stop('Crossvalidation was not executed for this object!')

    matrix = 
        events = events,
        models = models,
        type = 'fit')

    matrix = lapply(matrix, keysToNames, x = x)

    matrix.to.df <- function(z) {  
        if ( any(is.null(x$kfold[[z]]$posterr)) ) {
            stop('Posterior classification error was not executed for the required model: ', z )

        m = matrix[[z]]
        posterr.matrix = get(z, x$kfold)$posterr

        if (table) {
            rownames(posterr.matrix) = lapply(rownames(posterr.matrix), function(k) { nameToKey(x, k) })
            colnames(posterr.matrix) = lapply(colnames(posterr.matrix), function(k) { nameToKey(x, k) })


        posterr.matrix = keysToNames(posterr.matrix, x = x)

        entries = length(which(m == 1))
        df = NULL
        df$SELECTS = NULL
        df$SELECTED = NULL
        df$MEAN.POSTERR = NULL
        df$SD.POSTERR = NULL
        df$POSTERR = NULL

        if (entries == 0) {

        for (i in 1:ncol(m)) {
            for (j in 1:nrow(m)) {
                if (m[i, j] == 1) {
                    select = rownames(m)[i]
                    df$SELECTS = c(df$SELECTS, select)
                    selected = colnames(m)[j]
                    val = posterr.matrix[[select,selected]]
                    df$SELECTED = c(df$SELECTED, colnames(m)[j])
                    df$MEAN.POSTERR = c(df$MEAN.POSTERR, mean(val))
                    df$SD.POSTERR = c(df$SD.POSTERR, sd(val))
                    posterr = paste(round(val, 3), collapse=', ')
                    df$POSTERR = c(df$POSTERR, posterr) 

        df = cbind(df$SELECTS,

        rownames(df) = c(1:nrow(df))
        df = data.frame(df, stringsAsFactors = FALSE) 
        colnames(df) = 
              'POSTERR Values (rounded, 3 digits)')

        df$MEAN.POSTERR = as.numeric(df$MEAN.POSTERR)
        df$SD.POSTERR = as.numeric(df$SD.POSTERR)

        if(!values) df = df[, 1:4]


    res = lapply(models, matrix.to.df)
    names(res) = names(matrix)


# Get parents for each node
# @title as.parents.pos
# @param x A TRONCO model.
# @param events A subset of events as of \code{as.events(x)}, all by default.
# @param models A subset of reconstructed models, all by default.
# @return A list of parents for each node
as.parents.pos <- function(x,
                           events = as.events(x),
                           models = names(x$model)) {
    is.events.list(x, events)

    if (!all(models %in% names(x$model))) {
        stop('not all "models" are reconstructed model.') 

    m = as.models(x, models = models)

    ret = list()
    for (i in models) {
        mat = m[[i]]$parents.pos
        mat = mat[rownames(events), , drop = FALSE]
        ret = append(ret, list(mat)) 

    names(ret) = models

#' Get parameters of a model
#' @title as.parameters
#' @examples
#' data(test_model)
#' as.parameters(test_model)
#' @param x A TRONCO model.
#' @return A list of parameters
#' @export as.parameters
as.parameters <- function(x) {


#' Return true if the TRONCO dataset 'x', which should be a TRONCO compliant dataset 
#' - see \code{is.compliant} - has stage annotations for samples. Some sample stages 
#' might be annotated as NA, but not all.
#' @examples
#' data(test_dataset)
#' has.stages(test_dataset)
#' data(stage)
#' test_dataset = annotate.stages(test_dataset, stage)
#' has.stages(test_dataset)
#' @title has stages
#' @param x A TRONCO compliant dataset.
#' @return TRUE if the TRONCO dataset has stage annotations for samples.
#' @export has.stages
has.stages <- function(x) {
    return(!(all(is.null(x$stages)) || all(is.na(x$stages))))

#' Return true if there are duplicated events in the TRONCO dataset 'x', which should be
#' a TRONCO compliant dataset - see \code{is.compliant}. Events are identified by a gene 
#' name, e.g., a HuGO_Symbol, and a type label, e.g., c('SNP', 'KRAS')
#' @examples
#' data(test_dataset)
#' has.duplicates(test_dataset)
#' @title has.duplicates
#' @param x A TRONCO compliant dataset.
#' @return TRUE if there are duplicated events in \code{x}.
#' @export has.duplicates
has.duplicates <- function(x) {  
    ## Find duplicate over the dataset.
    dup = duplicated(as.events(x))

    ## Return true if at least one duplicate is found.

#' Return true if there is a reconstructed model in the TRONCO dataset 'x', which should be
#' a TRONCO compliant dataset - see \code{is.compliant}.
#' @examples
#' data(test_dataset)
#' has.model(test_dataset)
#' @title has.model
#' @param x A TRONCO compliant dataset.
#' @return TRUE if there is a reconstructed model in \code{x}.
#' @export has.model
has.model <- function(x) {
    if (length(x$model) > 0)            # Isn't 'return(length(x$mode) > 0)' enough?

#' Return the events duplicated in \code{x}, if any. Input 'x' should be
#' a TRONCO compliant dataset - see \code{is.compliant}. 
#' @examples
#' data(test_dataset)
#' duplicates(test_dataset)
#' @title duplicates
#' @param x A TRONCO compliant dataset.
#' @return A subset of \code{as.events(x)} with duplicated events.
#' @export duplicates
duplicates <- function(x) {

#' Print to console a short report of a dataset 'x', which should be
#' a TRONCO compliant dataset - see \code{is.compliant}. 
#' @examples
#' data(test_dataset)
#' view(test_dataset)
#' @title view
#' @param x A TRONCO compliant dataset.
#' @param view The firse \code{view} events are shown via \code{head}.
#' @export view
#' @importFrom utils head
view <- function(x, view = 5) {
    x = enforce.numeric(x)
    view = min(view, nevents(x))

    if (as.description(x) != "")
        cat(paste('Description: ', as.description(x), '.\n', sep = ''))

    cat(paste('-- TRONCO Dataset: n=',
              ', m=',
              ', |G|=',
              ', patterns=',
              sep = '')) 
    cat(paste('Events (types): ',
              paste(as.types(x), collapse=', '),
              sep = ''))
    cat(paste('Colors (plot): ',
              paste(as.colors(x), collapse=', '),
              sep = ''))

    if (has.stages(x)) {
        cat(paste('Stages: '))

        s = unlist(sort(unique(as.stages(x)[, 1])))
        cat((paste(paste(s, collapse=', ', sep = ''), '.\n', sep = '')))

    cat(paste('Events (', view, ' shown):\n', sep = ''))
    to.show =
        paste( '\t',
              rownames(as.events(x)[1: view,]), ':',
              as.events(x)[1: view, 1],
              as.events(x)[1: view, 2],
              sep = ' ')

    cat(paste(to.show, collapse = '\n'))

    cat(paste('\nGenotypes (', view, ' shown):\n', sep = ''))

    if (has.model(x)) {
        cat('\n-- TRONCO Model(s): ', x$parameters$algorithm, '\n')

        if (as.parameters(x)$algorithm == 'CAPRI') {
            cat('Score optimization via ')
            if (x$parameters$command == 'hc') {

            if (x$parameters$command == 'tabu') {
                cat('Tabu Search.\n')

        if (as.parameters(x)$algorithm != 'CAPRESE') {
            cat(paste(toupper(x$parameters$regularization), sep = ', ', collapse = ', '),' regularizers.\n', sep = '')
            models = as.models(x)
            sel.adv.rel = as.selective.advantage.relations(x)

            for (reg in as.parameters(x)$regularization) {
                model = paste0(tolower(as.parameters(x)$algorithm), '_', reg)
                cat(toupper(reg), ': ', sep = '')
                score = get(model, models)$score
                logLik = get(model, models)$logLik
                row = nrow(get(model, sel.adv.rel))
                cat('score', score, '|',
                    'logLik', logLik, '|',
                    row, 'selective advantage relations.\n')

        cat('Available confidence measures:\n')
        cat('\tTemporal priority | Probability raising | Hypergeometric\n')
        if(!is.null(x$bootstrap)) {
            cat('Bootstrap estimation available.\n')

        if(!is.null(x$kfold)) {
            cat('Cross-validation assessment available.\n')


#' Return the number of types in the dataset.
#' @examples
#' data(test_dataset)
#' ntypes(test_dataset)
#' @title ntypes
#' @param x A TRONCO compliant dataset.
#' @return The number of types in the dataset.
#' @export ntypes
ntypes <- function(x) {

#' Return the number of samples in the dataset.
#' @examples
#' data(test_dataset)
#' nsamples(test_dataset)
#' @title nsamples
#' @param x A TRONCO compliant dataset.
#' @return The number of samples in the dataset.
#' @export nsamples
nsamples <- function(x) {

#' Return the number of events in the dataset involving a certain gene or type of event.
#' @examples
#' data(test_dataset)
#' nevents(test_dataset)
#' @title nevents
#' @param x A TRONCO compliant dataset.
#' @param genes The genes to consider, if NA all available genes are used.
#' @param types The types of events to consider, if NA all available types are used.
#' @return The number of events in the dataset involving a certain gene or type of event.
#' @export nevents
nevents <- function(x, genes = NA, types = NA) {
    return(nrow(as.events(x, genes, types)))

#' Return the number of genes in the dataset involving a certain type of event.
#' @examples
#' data(test_dataset)
#' ngenes(test_dataset)
#' @title ngenes
#' @param x A TRONCO compliant dataset.
#' @param types The types of events to consider, if NA all available types are used.
#' @return The number of genes in the dataset involving a certain type of event.
#' @export ngenes
ngenes <- function(x, types = NA) {
    return(length(as.genes(x, types = types)))

#' Return the number of patterns in the dataset
#' @examples
#' data(test_dataset)
#' npatterns(test_dataset)
#' @param x the dataset.
#' @export npatterns
npatterns <- function(x) {
    if (any(is.null(x$hypotheses))) {

    if ('hstructure' %in% names(x$hypotheses)) {

#' Return the number of hypotheses in the dataset
#' @examples
#' data(test_dataset)
#' nhypotheses(test_dataset)
#' @param x the dataset.
#' @export nhypotheses
nhypotheses <- function(x) {
    if (npatterns(x) < 1) {

    if ('hlist' %in% names(x$hypotheses)) {
        return(length(x$hypotheses$hlist) / 2)

#' Convert the internal reprensentation of genotypes to numeric, if not. 
#' @examples
#' data(test_dataset)
#' test_dataset = enforce.numeric(test_dataset)
#' @title enforce.numeric
#' @param x A TRONCO compliant dataset.
#' @return Convert the internal reprensentation of genotypes to numeric, if not.
#' @export enforce.numeric
enforce.numeric <- function(x) {
    if (!all(is.numeric(x$genotypes[1, ]))) {
        rn = as.samples(x)
        x$genotypes = apply(x$genotypes, 2, as.numeric)
        rownames(x$genotypes) = rn


#' Convert the internal representation of genotypes to character, if not. 
#' @examples
#' data(test_dataset)
#' test_dataset = enforce.string(test_dataset)
#' @title enforce.string
#' @param x A TRONCO compliant dataset.
#' @return Convert the internal reprensentation of genotypes to character, if not.
#' @export enforce.string
enforce.string <- function(x) {
    if (!all(is.character(x$genotypes[1,]))) {
        rn = as.samples(x)
        x$genotypes = apply(x$genotypes, 2, as.character)
        rownames(x$genotypes) = rn


#' Sort the internal genotypes according to event frequency.
#' @examples
#' data(test_dataset)
#' order.frequency(test_dataset)
#' @title order.frequency
#' @param x A TRONCO compliant dataset.
#' @param decreasing Inverse order. Default TRUE
#' @return A TRONCO compliant dataset with the internal genotypes sorted according to event frequency.
#' @export order.frequency
order.frequency <- function(x, decreasing = TRUE) {

    x = enforce.numeric(x)
    sums = colSums(x$genotypes)

    x$genotypes = x$genotypes[, order(sums, decreasing = decreasing), drop = FALSE]
    x$annotations = x$annotations[colnames(x$genotypes), , drop = FALSE]


#' Convert colnames/rownames of a matrix into intelligible event names, e.g., change a key G23 in 'Mutation KRAS'.
#' If a name is not found, the original name is left unchanged.
#' @examples
#' data(test_model)
#' adj_matrix = as.adj.matrix(test_model, events=as.events(test_model)[5:15,])$capri_bic
#' keysToNames(test_model, adj_matrix)
#' @title keysToNames
#' @param x A TRONCO compliant dataset.
#' @param matrix A matrix with colnames/rownames which represent genotypes keys. 
#' @return The matrix with intelligible colnames/rownames. 
#' @export keysToNames
keysToNames <- function(x, matrix) {
    if (!is.matrix(matrix)
        || any(is.null(colnames(matrix)))
        || any(is.null(rownames(matrix))))
        stop('"matrix" should be a matrix with rownames/colnames.')

    events = as.events(x)
    resolve <- function(y) { 
        if (y %in% rownames(events)) paste(events[y,], collapse=' ')
        else y

    colnames(matrix) = sapply(colnames(matrix), resolve)
    rownames(matrix) = sapply(rownames(matrix), resolve)

#' Convert to key an intelligible event names, e.g., change 'Mutation KRAS' in G23.
#' If a name is not found, an error is raised!
#' @examples
#' data(test_model)
#' adj_matrix = as.adj.matrix(test_model, events=as.events(test_model)[5:15,])$bic
#' @title nameToKey
#' @param x A TRONCO compliant dataset.
#' @param name A intelligible event name
#' @return A TRONCO dataset key name
#' @export nameToKey
nameToKey <- function(x, name) {

    types = as.types(x)
    for (i in types) {
        if (nchar(name) > nchar(i) && substr(name, 1, nchar(i)) == i)
                                      genes = substr(name, nchar(i) + 2, nchar(name)),
                                      types = substr(name, 1, nchar(i)))))
    stop('"name" is not a key!')

# Check if logic node down
# @title is logical node down
# @param node A node identifier
# @return boolean
is.logic.node.down <- function(node) {
    if (substr(node, start = 1, stop = 3) == 'OR_')
    if (substr(node, start = 1, stop = 4) == 'XOR_')
    if (substr(node, start = 1, stop = 4) == 'AND_')
    if (substr(node, start = 1, stop = 4) == 'NOT_')

# Check if logic node up
# @title is logical node up
# @param node A node identifier
# @return boolean
is.logic.node.up <- function(node) {
    if (substr(node, start = 1, stop = 2) == 'UP')

# Check if logic node down or up
# @title is logical node
# @param node A node identifier
# @return boolean

is.logic.node <- function(node) {
    return(is.logic.node.up(node) || is.logic.node.down(node))

as.categorical.dataset <- function(dataset){

    ## Create a categorical data frame from the dataset
    data = array("missing", c(nrow(dataset), ncol(dataset)))

    for (i in 1:nrow(dataset)) {
        for (j in 1:ncol(dataset)) {
            if (dataset[i,j] == 1) {
                data[i,j] = "observed"

    data = data.frame(data, stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
    for (n in names(data)) {
        levels(data[[n]]) = c('missing', 'observed')

    ## Renaming
    colnames(data) = colnames(dataset)
    rownames(data) = rownames(dataset)

# Convert a TRONCO object in a Bnlearn network.
# title as.bnlearn.network
# examples
# data(test_model)
# as.bnlearn.network(test_model)
# param x A reconstructed model (the output of tronco.capri or tronco.caprese)
# param model The name of the selected regularization
# export as.bnlearn.network
# importFrom bnlearn empty.graph set.arc
as.bnlearn.network <- function(x, 
                               model = names(as.models(x))[1]) {

    ## Check if there is a reconstructed model.

    if(!has.model(x)) {
        stop('Input doesn\'t have a TRONCO object inside.')

    ## Check if the selected regularization is used in the model.

    if (!model %in% names(as.models(x))) {
        stop(paste(model, " was not used to build the input TRONCO model!"))

    ## Get genotypes and data.

    genotypes = as.genotypes(x)
    genotypes = as.matrix(genotypes)
    genotypes = keysToNames(x, genotypes)
    names(colnames(genotypes)) = NULL

    df = as.categorical.dataset(genotypes)

    adj.matrix = get(model, as.adj.matrix(x, models = model))
    adj.matrix = keysToNames(x, adj.matrix)

    bayes.net = NULL
    bayes.net$data = df
    net = empty.graph(colnames(genotypes))
    for (from in rownames(adj.matrix)) {
        for (to in colnames(adj.matrix)) {
            if (adj.matrix[from, to] == 1) {
                net = set.arc(net, from, to)
    bayes.net$net = net

#### end of file -- as.functions.R
BIMIB-DISCo/TRONCO documentation built on May 7, 2024, 8:13 p.m.