
#' Characterize a single soma
#' @export
characterize.soma3d <- function( soma, name = "soma" ){
  # Validate repaired
  stopifnot( length(name)>0 )
  # If soma is already a ply path keeps it, if its a vrml read and validates  and if is a list validates.
  soma.loaded <- utils.loadsoma(soma)
  soma_PLY <- tmesh3d(rbind(t(soma.loaded$vertices), 1), t(soma.loaded$faces))
  #Remove isolate pieces and smooth the mesh
  smoothed_mesh <- vcgSmooth(vcgIsolated(soma_PLY, facenum = NULL, diameter = NULL), type = c("laplacian"), iteration = 50)
  #Compute centroid and place the centroid in the origin
  center_of_mass <- colSums(vert2points(smoothed_mesh)) / nrow(vert2points(smoothed_mesh))
  smoothed_mesh <- translate3d(smoothed_mesh, -center_of_mass[1], -center_of_mass[2], -center_of_mass[3])
  vertices_soma <- vert2points(smoothed_mesh)
  #Compute Feret diameter to obtain the 
  convex_hull <- convhulln(vertices_soma, "FA")$hull
  convex_vertices <- vertices_soma[sort(unique(c(convex_hull))), ]
  radius <- max(apply(convex_vertices, 1, normv))
  #Generate points in the sphere to cast rays to them. Each curve is composed by 3000 points (theta).
  #We generate 6 curves and 2 extreme points (phi). 
  theta <- seq(0, 2*pi, length = 3000)
  phi <- seq(pi, 0, length = 8)
  #Normal vectors denote the direction of the rays.
  malla <- smoothed_mesh
  malla$vb[1:3, ] <- t(vertices_soma)
  ellipse <- list()
  list_of_ellipses <- list()
  ellipses_centroids <- matrix(NA, ncol = 3, nrow = length(phi))
  for(i in 1:length(phi))
    #Cartesian points from the spherical coordinates
    x <- radius * sin(theta) * sin(phi[i])
    y <- radius * cos(phi[i])
    z <- radius * cos(theta) * sin(phi[i])
    #Cartesian points denote the normals
    normals <- cbind(x,y,z)
    #Define origin for each ray. As always is the same point, we generate a zero matrix
    vertices <- matrix(rep(c(0, 0, 0), 3000), ncol = 3000)
    x$vb <- vertices
    x$normals <- t(normals)
    #Change class to mesh3d to execute vcgRaySearch
    class(x) <- "mesh3d"
    #Cast rays
    raytracer <- vcgRaySearch(x,malla)
    ellipse[[i]] <- raytracer
    #Save each vertex of the curve
    list_of_ellipses[[i]] <- vert2points(raytracer)
    #Centroid of each curve
    ellipses_centroids[i, ] <- colSums(list_of_ellipses[[i]]) / nrow(list_of_ellipses[[i]])
  #Place lowest ellipse in the origin
  insertion_point<-ellipses_centroids[1, ]
  for(i in 1:length(list_of_ellipses))
    list_of_ellipses[[i]] <- translate3d(list_of_ellipses[[i]], -insertion_point[1], -insertion_point[2], -insertion_point[3])  
  #Also shift the soma mesh to the same place
  smoothed_mesh <- translate3d(smoothed_mesh, -insertion_point[1], -insertion_point[2], -insertion_point[3])                             
  ellipses_centroids <- translate3d(ellipses_centroids, -insertion_point[1], -insertion_point[2], -insertion_point[3]) 
  number_of_curves<-length(list_of_ellipses) - 2
  perp_vectors_sph <- matrix(0, nrow = number_of_curves, ncol = 2) #Perpendicular vector to curve in spherical coords.
  ellipse_angles <- matrix(0, nrow = number_of_curves, ncol = 1)     #Angle of the elipse in the XY plane.     
  eccentricity <- matrix(0, nrow = number_of_curves, ncol = 1)      #Relation between semiaxes.
  curve_coefficients <- matrix(0, number_of_curves, ncol = 3) #Coefficients of z=a_0+a_1*x^2+a_2*y^2.
  curve_centroids <- matrix(0, nrow = length(list_of_ellipses), ncol = 3)      #Centroids of the curves.
  perp_PCA_matrix <- matrix(0, nrow = number_of_curves, ncol = 3)    #Perpendicular vector to curve in cartesian coords.
  ellipse_angles_vectors <- matrix(0, nrow = number_of_curves, ncol = 3) #Vector representation of the angle of the ellipse.
  semiaxis <- matrix(0, nrow = number_of_curves, ncol = 1)           #One of the semiaxis of the ellipse.
  #Compute parameters of each curve.
  for (i in 2:(length(list_of_ellipses) - 1))
    PCA <- prcomp(list_of_ellipses[[i]]) #Compute main axis of the curve
    perp_PCA_matrix[i-1, ] <- PCA$rotation[ ,3]#Perpendicular vector to the fittest plane to the curve
    #Rotate curve to place the normal to the plane parallel to the Z axis, that is, the curve will be in the XY plane
    u <- vcrossp(perp_PCA_matrix[i-1, ],c(0, 0, 1))
    u <- u / as.numeric(normv(u))
    theta <- acos((perp_PCA_matrix[i-1,] %*% c(0, 0, 1))) 
    rotationMatrix <- rotation_matrix(u, theta)
    rotated_curve <- t(rotationMatrix %*% t(list_of_ellipses[[i]]))
    #Check that the ellipse is over the XY plane because in the other case (when it is under the plane) 
    #rotation would be in the opposite direction
    if(min(rotated_curve[ ,3]) < 0) 
      perp_PCA_matrix[i-1, ] <- -perp_PCA_matrix[i-1, ]
      u <- vcrossp(perp_PCA_matrix[i-1, ],c(0, 0, 1))
      u <- u / as.numeric(normv(u))
      theta <- acos((perp_PCA_matrix[i-1, ] %*% c(0, 0, 1)))
      rotationMatrix <- rotation_matrix(u,theta)
      rotated_curve <- t(rotationMatrix %*% t(list_of_ellipses[[i]]))
    #Compute ellipse approximation to the curve
    fit_ellipse <- fit.ellipse(rotated_curve[ ,1], rotated_curve[ ,2])
    #Rotate angle and centroid of the ellipse to place it in the original space (before PCA rotation)
    ellipse_angles_vectors[i-1, ] <- as.numeric(t(rotationMatrix) %*% as.numeric(c(cos(fit_ellipse$angle), sin(fit_ellipse$angle), 0)))
    ellipses_centroids[i, ] <-  as.numeric(t(rotationMatrix) %*% as.numeric(c(fit_ellipse$center, mean(rotated_curve[ ,3]))))
    eccentricity[i-1] <- fit_ellipse$minor / fit_ellipse$major
    semiaxis[i-1] <- fit_ellipse$major
    ellipse_angles[i-1] <- fit_ellipse$angle
    #Place the angle of the ellipse parallel to X axis. This is needed to compute the approximation of the curve.
    #The angle of the ellipse must be always the same.
    u <- vcrossp(c(cos(fit_ellipse$angle), sin(fit_ellipse$angle), 0), c(1, 0, 0))
    u <- u / as.numeric(normv(u))
    rotationZ <- rotation_matrix(u,fit_ellipse$angle)
    rotated_curve <- t(rotationZ %*% t(rotated_curve))
    x <- rotated_curve[ ,1]
    y <- rotated_curve[ ,2]
    z <- rotated_curve[ ,3]
    #Adjust curve with a cuadratic regression
    data <- data.frame(x, y, z)
    fitModel <- lm(z ~ I(x^2) + I(y^2), data = data)
    curve_coefficients[i-1, ] <- fitModel$coefficients
  ellipses_centroids[length(list_of_ellipses), ] <- list_of_ellipses[[length(list_of_ellipses)]][1, ]
  #Rotate the soma to align the vector between de lowest point and
  #the centroid of the first curve with the Z axis. Also, rotate the
  #curves and the centroids.
  #u=rotation axis, theta=rotation angle
  unit_vector <- ellipses_centroids[2, ] / normv(ellipses_centroids[2, ]);
  u <- vcrossp(unit_vector,c(0, 0, 1));
  u <- u / as.numeric(normv(u));
  theta <- acos((unit_vector %*% c(0, 0, 1)));  
  rotationMatrix <- rotation_matrix(u, theta);
  #Rotation of all the geometric measures
  for (i in 1:length(list_of_ellipses))
    list_of_ellipses[[i]] <- t(rotationMatrix %*% t(list_of_ellipses[[i]]))
  ellipses_centroids <- t(rotationMatrix %*% t(ellipses_centroids))
  perp_PCA_matrix <- t(rotationMatrix %*% t(perp_PCA_matrix))
  ellipse_angles_vectors <- t(rotationMatrix %*% t(ellipse_angles_vectors))
  #Rotate the soma to place the upper point of the soma parallel to the
  #X axis. It is rotated around the Z axis.
  unit_vector <- c(ellipses_centroids[8, 1], ellipses_centroids[8, 2], 0) / as.numeric(normv(c(ellipses_centroids[8, 1], ellipses_centroids[8, 2], 0)))
  u <- vcrossp(unit_vector,c(1, 0, 0))
  u <- u / as.numeric(normv(u))
  theta <- acos((unit_vector %*% c(1, 0, 0)))
  rotationZ <- rotation_matrix(u, theta)
  #Rotate all the geometric measures
  for (i in 1:length(list_of_ellipses))
    list_of_ellipses[[i]] <- t(rotationZ %*% t(list_of_ellipses[[i]]))
  ellipses_centroids <- t(rotationZ %*% t(ellipses_centroids))
  perp_PCA_matrix <- t(rotationZ %*% t(perp_PCA_matrix))
  ellipse_angles_vectors <- t(rotationZ %*% t(ellipse_angles_vectors))
  #Compute current angle of the ellipses after all the transformations
  for (i in 1:nrow(perp_PCA_matrix))
    u <- vcrossp(perp_PCA_matrix[i, ], c(0, 0, 1))
    u <- u / as.numeric(normv(u))
    theta <- acos((perp_PCA_matrix[i,] %*% c(0, 0, 1)))
    rotationMatrix <- rotation_matrix(u, theta)
    rotated_angle_matrix <- t(rotationMatrix %*% matrix(ellipse_angles_vectors[i, ], ncol = 1))
    ellipse_angles[i] <- cart2pol(rotated_angle_matrix[1], rotated_angle_matrix[2])[1]
  perp_vectors_sph <- cartesian2Spherical(perp_PCA_matrix[ ,1], perp_PCA_matrix[ ,2], perp_PCA_matrix[ ,3])[ ,1:2]
  #Compute the parameters needed to build the skeleton of the spine.
  #|h|, phi, theta, alpha 
  vector_length <- matrix(0, nrow = nrow(ellipses_centroids) - 1, ncol = 1)
  phi <- matrix(0, nrow = nrow(ellipses_centroids) - 2, ncol = 1)
  theta <- matrix(0, nrow = nrow(ellipses_centroids) - 2, ncol = 1)
  section_vector <- diff(ellipses_centroids)
  vector_length <- sqrt(rowSums(section_vector^2))
  angles_section <- cartesian2Spherical(section_vector[ ,1], section_vector[ ,2], section_vector[ ,3])
  phi <- angles_section[ ,1]
  theta <- angles_section[ ,2]
  r_h <- matrix(0, nrow = length(list_of_ellipses) - 2, ncol = 1)
  ellipse_area <- matrix(0, nrow = length(list_of_ellipses) - 2, ncol = 1)
  r_h <- semiaxis / (vector_length[1:(length(vector_length) - 1)] + vector_length[2:(length(vector_length))])
  instance_row <- data.frame(t(c(vector_length, phi[2:length(phi)], theta[2:length(theta)], r_h,eccentricity, perp_vectors_sph, ellipse_angles, curve_coefficients)))
ComputationalIntelligenceGroup/3DSomaMS documentation built on May 6, 2019, 12:49 p.m.