###### Functions to integrate omics data using PLSs ######
## By Maider
## 20-July-2023
## Last modified: October 2023
options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#'\code{GetPLS} fits a PLS model for all the genes in the data set to identify
#' the experimental variables and potential regulators that show a significant effect on
#' the expression of each gene.
#' @param GeneExpression Data frame containing gene expression data with genes in rows and
#' experimental samples in columns. Row names must be the gene IDs.
#' @param data.omics List where each element corresponds to a different omic data type to be considered (miRNAs,
#' transcription factors, methylation, etc.). The names of the list will represent the omics, and each element in
#' the list should be a data matrix with omic regulators in rows and samples in columns.
#' @param associations List where each element corresponds to a different omic data type (miRNAs,
#' transcription factors, methylation, etc.). The names of the list will represent the omics. Each element in
#' the list should be a data frame with 2 columns (optionally 3), describing the potential interactions between genes
#' and regulators for that omic. First column must contain the genes (or features in
#' GeneExpression object), second column must contain the regulators, and an optional third column can
#' be added to describe the type of interaction (e.g., for methylation, if a CpG site is located in
#' the promoter region of the gene, in the first exon, etc.). If the user lacks prior knowledge of the potential regulators, they can set the parameter to NULL.
#' In this case, all regulators in \code{\link{data.omics}} will be treated as potential regulators for all genes. In this case, for computational efficiency, it is recommended to use pls2 \code{\link{method}}.
#' Additionally, if the users have prior knowledge for certain omics and want to set other omics to NULL, they can do so.
#' @param edesign Data frame describing the experimental design. Rows must be the samples (columns
#' in \code{\link{GeneExpression}}) and columns must be the experimental variables to be included in the model (e.g. treatment, etc.).
#' @param clinic Data.frame with all clinical variables to consider,with samples in rows and variables in columns.
#' @param clinic.type Vector which indicates the type of data of variables introduced in \code{\link{clinic}}. The user should code as 0 numeric variables and as 1 categorical or binary variables.
#' By default is set to NULL. In this case, the data type will be predicted automatically. However, the user must verify the prediction and manually input the vector if incorrect.
#' @param center By default TRUE. It determines whether centering is applied to \code{\link{data.omics}}.
#' @param scale By default TRUE. It determines whether scaling is applied to \code{\link{data.omics}}.
#' @param epsilon Convergence threshold for coordinate descent algorithm in elasticnet. Default value, 1e-5.
#' @param alfa Significance level for variable selection in pls1and pls2 \code{\link{method}}. By default, 0.05.
#' @param interactions.reg If TRUE, the model includes interactions between regulators and experimental variables. By default, TRUE.
#' @param min.variation For numerical regulators, it specifies the minimum change required across conditions to retain the regulator in
#' the regression models. In the case of binary regulators, if the proportion of the most common value is equal to or inferior this value,
#' the regulator is considered to have low variation and will be excluded from the regression models. The user has the option to set a single
#' value to apply the same filter to all omics, provide a vector of the same length as omics if they want to specify different levels for each omics,
#' or use 'NA' when they want to apply a minimum variation filter but are uncertain about the threshold. By default, 0.
#' @param scaletype Type of scaling to be applied. Three options:
#' \itemize{
#' \item auto : Applies the autoscaling.
#' \item pareto : Applies the pareto scaling. \deqn{\frac{X_k}{s_k \sqrt[4]{m_b}} }
#' \item block : Applies the block scaling. \deqn{ \frac{X_k}{s_k \sqrt{m_b}} }
#' }
#' considering m_b the number of variables of the block. By default, auto.
#' @param p.method Type of resampling method to apply for the p-value calculation when pls1 or pls2 \code{\link{method}}. Two options:
#' \itemize{
#' \item jack : Applies Jack-Knife resampling technique.
#' \item perm : Applies a resampling technique in which the response variable is permuted 100 times to obtain the distribution of the coefficients and compute then their associated p-value.
#' }
#' #' By default, jack.
#' @param vip Value of VIP above which a variable can be considered significant in addition to the computed p-value in \code{\link{p.method}}. By default, 0.8.
#' @param method Model to be fitted. Two options:
#' \itemize{
#' \item pls1 : Applies a Partial Least Squares (PLS) model, one for each of the genes at \code{\link{GeneExpression}}.
#' \item pls2 : Applies a PLS model to all genes at the same time, only possible when \code{\link{associations}}= NULL.
#' }
#' #' By default, pls1.
#' @return List containing the following elements:
#' \itemize{
#' \item ResultsPerGene : List with as many elements as genes in \code{\link{GeneExpression}}. For each gene, it includes information about gene values, considered variables, estimated coefficients,
#' detailed information about all regulators, and regulators identified as relevant (in glm scenario) or significant (in pls scenarios).
#' \item GlobalSummary : List with information about the fitted models, including model metrics, information about regulators, genes without models, regulators, master regulators and hub genes.
#' \item Arguments : List containing all the arguments used to generate the models.
#' }
#' @export
GetPLS = function(GeneExpression,
associations =NULL,
omic.type = 0,
edesign = NULL,
clinic = NULL,
clinic.type = NULL,
center = TRUE, scale = TRUE,
epsilon = 0.00001,
alfa = 0.05,
interactions.reg = TRUE,
min.variation = 0,
scaletype = 'auto',
p.method ='jack',
vip = 0.8,
method = 'pls1'){
# Converting matrix to data.frame
GeneExpression = as.data.frame(GeneExpression)
data.omics = lapply(data.omics, as.data.frame)
##Omic types
if (length(omic.type) == 1) omic.type = rep(omic.type, length(data.omics))
names(omic.type) = names(data.omics)
# Creating vector for min.variation
if (length(min.variation) == 1) min.variation=rep(min.variation,length(data.omics))
## Clinic types
if (length(clinic.type) == 1) {clinic.type = rep(clinic.type, ncol(clinic)); names(clinic.type) = colnames(clinic)}
##Before introducing variables in data.omics convert them to numeric type
## TO DO: Careful creates k-1 dummies. Is what we want?
catvar <- which(clinic.type == 1)
dummy_vars <- model.matrix(~ . , data = as.data.frame(clinic[,catvar ,drop=FALSE]))[,-1,drop=FALSE]
clinic <-clinic[, -catvar,drop=FALSE]
clinic <- cbind(clinic, dummy_vars)
data.omics = c(list(clinic = as.data.frame(t(clinic))),data.omics)
#Add in associations clinic to consider all the clinical variables in all genes
if(!is.null(associations)){associations = c(list(clinic = NULL),associations)}
#Add information to omic.type and min.variation even if it is not relevant
omic.type = c(0,omic.type)
names(omic.type)[1] = 'clinic'
min.variation = c(0,min.variation)
names(min.variation)[1] = 'clinic'
om= 2
}else{clinic.type=NULL; om =1}
# Not possible to apply a PLS2 when associations matrix is provided
if(method=='pls2'){stop('ERROR: Not possible to fit a PLS2 when associations is provided')}
# If associations is NULL create a list of associations NULL
if (is.null(associations)){
# Checking that the number of samples per omic is equal to number of samples for gene expression and the number of samples for edesign
for (i in 1:length(names(data.omics))){
if(!length(colnames(data.omics[[i]])) == length(colnames(GeneExpression)) ) {
stop("ERROR: Samples in data.omics must be the same as in GeneExpression and in edesign")
if(!length(colnames(GeneExpression)) == length(rownames(edesign)) ) {
stop("ERROR: Samples in data.omics must be the same as in GeneExpression and in edesign")
##Verify that the scaletype selected is a possible selection
if(!scaletype %in% c('auto','pareto','block')){stop('ERROR: The selected type of scaling is not one of auto, pareto or block')}
if(!p.method %in% c('perm','jack')){stop('ERROR: The selected method for p value calculation is not one of perm or jack')}
if(!method %in% c('pls1','pls2')){stop('ERROR: Not valid pls type. Select one of pls1 or pls2')}
## Checking that samples are in the same order in GeneExpressionDE, data.omics and edesign
nameproblem<-!all(sapply(data.omics, function(x) length(intersect(colnames(x),colnames(GeneExpression))==ncol(GeneExpression))))
cat('Warning. GeneExpression and data.omics samples have not same names. We assume that they are ordered.\n')
orderproblem<-!all(sapply(data.omics, function(x) identical(colnames(x),colnames(GeneExpression))))
data.omics<-lapply(data.omics, function(x) x[,colnames(GeneExpression)])
} else{
nameproblem<-!all(c(sapply(data.omics, function(x) length(intersect(colnames(x),colnames(GeneExpression)))==ncol(GeneExpression)), length(intersect(rownames(edesign),colnames(GeneExpression)))==ncol(GeneExpression)))
cat('Warning. GeneExpression, edesign and data.omics samples have not same names. We assume that they are ordered.\n')
} else{
orderproblem<-!all(c(sapply(data.omics, function(x) identical(colnames(x),colnames(GeneExpression))), identical(colnames(GeneExpression),rownames(edesign))))
data.omics<-lapply(data.omics, function(x) x[,colnames(GeneExpression)])
edesign<-edesign[colnames(GeneExpression), , drop=FALSE]
## Checking if there are regulators with "_R", "_P" or "_N" or ":" or "e+"
message = FALSE
for (i in 1:length(names(data.omics))){
problemas = c(rownames(data.omics[[i]])[grep("_R$", rownames(data.omics[[i]]))],
rownames(data.omics[[i]])[grep("_P$", rownames(data.omics[[i]]))],
rownames(data.omics[[i]])[grep("_N$", rownames(data.omics[[i]]))])
problema = c(grep(":", rownames(data.omics[[i]]), value = TRUE))
rownames(data.omics[[i]]) = gsub(':', '-', rownames(data.omics[[i]]))
rownames(data.omics[[i]]) = gsub('_R$', '-R', rownames(data.omics[[i]]))
rownames(data.omics[[i]]) = gsub('_P$', '-P', rownames(data.omics[[i]]))
rownames(data.omics[[i]]) = gsub('_N$', '-N', rownames(data.omics[[i]]))
#Change the name in the association matrix only if associations is not NULL
associations[[i]][[2]] = gsub(':', '-', associations[[i]][[2]])
associations[[i]][[2]] = gsub('_R$', '-R', associations[[i]][[2]])
associations[[i]][[2]] = gsub('_P$', '-P', associations[[i]][[2]])
associations[[i]][[2]] = gsub('_N$', '-N', associations[[i]][[2]])
if(length(problemas) > 0) {
cat("In",names(data.omics)[i], ',', problemas ,"regulators have names that may cause conflict with the algorithm by ending in _R, _P or _N", "\n")
cat("Endings changed with -R, -P or -N, respectively", "\n")
if(length(problema) > 0) {
cat("Some regulators in the omic", names(data.omics)[i], "have names with \":\" that could cause conflict, replaced with \"-\" ", "\n")
cat("Changed identifiers: ", problema, "\n")
##Checking that there are no replicates in the identifiers and changing identifiers in case of need
for (i in 1:(length(names(data.omics))-1)){
for(j in (i+1):(length(names(data.omics)))){
repeated = intersect(rownames(data.omics[[i]]), rownames(data.omics[[j]]))
if(length(repeated) > 0) {
cat(names(data.omics)[i], "and", names(data.omics)[j], "omics have shared identifiers in regulators:", repeated, "\n")
#Change the name in the association matrix only if is not NULL
associations[[i]][[2]][associations[[i]][[2]]%in%repeated] = paste(names(data.omics)[i],'-', repeated, sep='')
associations[[j]][[2]][associations[[i]][[2]]%in%repeated] = paste(names(data.omics)[j],'-', repeated, sep='')
#Change the name in data.omics
rownames(data.omics[[i]])[rownames(data.omics[[i]])%in%repeated] = paste(names(data.omics)[i],'-', repeated,sep='')
rownames(data.omics[[j]])[rownames(data.omics[[j]])%in%repeated] = paste(names(data.omics)[j],'-', repeated,sep='')
#Checking there are not -Inf/Inf values and eliminate genes/regulator that contain them
infproblemreg<-lapply(data.omics[om:length(data.omics)], function(x) is.infinite(rowSums(x)))
}else{genesInf <-NULL}
for (i in 1:(length(names(data.omics))-(om-1))){
cat(rownames(data.omics[[i + (om-1)]])[infproblemreg[[i]]], 'regulators of the omic', names(data.omics)[i +(om-1)] ,'have been deleted due to -Inf/Inf values. \n')
data.omics[[i + (om-1)]]<-data.omics[[i + (om-1)]][!infproblemreg[[i]],]
## Removing genes with more than 20% of NAs and keeping track
min.obs = floor( ncol(GeneExpression)*0.8)
genesNotNA = apply(GeneExpression, 1, function (x) sum(!is.na(x)))
genesNotNA = names(which(genesNotNA >= min.obs))
genesNA = setdiff(rownames(GeneExpression), genesNotNA)
GeneExpression = GeneExpression[genesNotNA,]
## Removing genes with no regulators only if associations does not have an associations = NULL in any omic
genesNOreg = NULL
genesNOreg = lapply(associations, function(x) if(!is.null(x)) {setdiff( rownames(GeneExpression),x[,1])})
genesNOreg = Reduce(intersect, genesNOreg)
GeneExpression = GeneExpression[!(rownames(GeneExpression) %in% genesNOreg),]
if (length(genesNOreg) > 0){
cat(length(genesNOreg), "genes had no initial regulators. Models will be computed for", length(rownames(GeneExpression)), 'genes.\n')
## Removing constant genes
constantGenes = apply(GeneExpression, 1, sd, na.rm = TRUE)
notConstant = names(constantGenes)[constantGenes > 0]
constantGenes = names(constantGenes)[constantGenes == 0]
GeneExpression = GeneExpression[notConstant,]
nGenes = length(Allgenes)
# Experimental groups
if (is.null(edesign)) {
cat("No experimental covariates were provided.\n")
Group = 1:ncol(GeneExpression)
names(Group) = colnames(GeneExpression)
des.mat = NULL
} else {
Group = apply(edesign, 1, paste, collapse = "_")
des.mat = model.matrix(~0+., data = as.data.frame(Group))
#Change the name to avoid conflicts with RegulationPerCondition
colnames(des.mat) = sub('Group','Group_',colnames(des.mat))
## Remove regulators with NA
cat("Removing regulators with missing values...\n")
myregNA = lapply(data.omics, rownames)
data.omics = lapply(data.omics, na.omit)
myregNA = lapply(1:length(data.omics), function (i) setdiff(myregNA[[i]], rownames(data.omics[[i]])))
cat("Number of regulators with missing values:\n")
print(sapply(myregNA, length))
## Remove regulators with Low Variability
cat("Removing regulators with low variation...\n")
tmp = LowVariationRegu(min.variation, data.omics, Group, associations, Allgenes, omic.type, clinic.type)
data.omics = tmp[["data.omics"]]
associations = tmp[["associations"]]
myregLV = tmp[["myregLV"]]
rm("tmp"); gc()
if(all(sapply(data.omics, function(x)nrow(x)==0))) stop("ERROR: No regulators left after LowVariation filter. Consider being less restrictive.")
### Results objects
## Global summary for all genes
GlobalSummary = vector("list", length = 6)
names(GlobalSummary) = c("GoodnessOfFit", "ReguPerGene", "GenesNOmodel", "GenesNOregulators", "GlobalRegulators", "HubGenes")
GlobalSummary$GenesNOmodel = NULL
if (length(genesNA) > 0) {
GlobalSummary$GenesNOmodel = data.frame("gene" = genesNA,
"problem" = rep("Too many missing values", length(genesNA)))
if (length(constantGenes) > 0) {
GlobalSummary$GenesNOmodel = rbind(GlobalSummary$GenesNOmodel,
data.frame("gene" = constantGenes,
"problem" = rep("Response values are constant", length(constantGenes))))
if (length(genesInf) > 0){
GlobalSummary$GenesNOmodel = rbind(GlobalSummary$GenesNOmodel,
data.frame("gene" = genesInf,
"problem" = rep("-Inf/Inf values", length(genesInf))))
GlobalSummary$GenesNOregulators = NULL
if (length(genesNOreg) > 0){
GlobalSummary$GenesNoregulators = data.frame("gene" = genesNOreg, "problem" = rep("Gene had no initial regulators", length(genesNOreg)))
GlobalSummary$GoodnessOfFit = matrix(NA, ncol = 6, nrow = nGenes)
rownames(GlobalSummary$GoodnessOfFit) = Allgenes
colnames(GlobalSummary$GoodnessOfFit) = c( "RsquaredY", "Qsquared","RMSE","CV(RMSE)","ncomp","sigReg")
GlobalSummary$ReguPerGene = matrix(0, ncol = 3*length(data.omics), nrow = nGenes)
rownames(GlobalSummary$ReguPerGene) = Allgenes
colnames(GlobalSummary$ReguPerGene) = c(paste(names(data.omics), "Ini", sep = "-"),
paste(names(data.omics), "Mod", sep = "-"),
paste(names(data.omics), "Sig", sep = "-"))
## Specific results for each gene
ResultsPerGene=vector("list", length=length(Allgenes))
names(ResultsPerGene) = Allgenes
### Computing model for each gene
cat("Selecting predictors and fitting model for ...\n")
pap = c(1, 1:round(nGenes/100) * 100, nGenes)
for (i in 1:nGenes) {
ResultsPerGene[[i]] = vector("list", length = 5)
names(ResultsPerGene[[i]]) = c("Y", "X", "coefficients", "allRegulators", "significantRegulators")
if (is.element(i, pap)) cat(paste("Fitting model for gene", i, "out of", nGenes, "\n"))
RetRegul = GetAllReg(gene=gene, associations=associations, data.omics = data.omics)
RetRegul.gene = RetRegul$Results ## RetRegul$TableGene: nr reg per omic
## Some of these reg will be removed, because they are not in data.omics
# RetRegul.gene--> gene/regulator/omic/area
RetRegul.gene=RetRegul.gene[RetRegul.gene[,"regulator"]!= "No-regulator", ,drop=FALSE] ## Remove rows with no-regulators
if(length(RetRegul.gene)==0){ ## En el caso de que no hayan INICIALMENTE reguladores -> Calcular modelo con variables experimentales
if (is.null(edesign)) {
ResultsPerGene[[i]]$X = NULL
ResultsPerGene[[i]]$significantRegulators = NULL
ResultsPerGene[[i]]$allRegulators = NULL
} else {
des.mat2 = cbind(t(GeneExpression[gene,]), des.mat)
colnames(des.mat2)[1] = "response"
des.mat2 = na.omit(des.mat2)
# Removing predictors with constant values
sdNo0 = apply(des.mat2, 2, sd)
sdNo0 = names(sdNo0)[sdNo0 > 0]
des.mat2 = des.mat2[,sdNo0]
ResultsPerGene[[i]]$X = des.mat2[,-1, drop = FALSE]
ResultsPerGene[[i]]$significantRegulators = NULL
ResultsPerGene[[i]]$allRegulators = NULL
# GlobalSummary$ReguPerGene # this is initially set to 0 so no need to modify it
} else { ## There are regulators for this gene at the beginning
ResultsPerGene[[i]]$allRegulators = data.frame(RetRegul.gene, rep("Model",nrow(RetRegul.gene)), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
colnames(ResultsPerGene[[i]]$allRegulators) = c("gene","regulator","omic","area","filter")
GlobalSummary$ReguPerGene[gene, grep("-Ini", colnames(GlobalSummary$ReguPerGene))] = as.numeric(RetRegul$TableGene[-1])
# the rest of columns remain 0
## Identify which regulators where removed because of missing values or low variation
res = RemovedRegulators(RetRegul.gene = ResultsPerGene[[i]]$allRegulators,
myregLV=myregLV, myregNA=myregNA, data.omics=data.omics)
if(length(res$RegulatorMatrix)==0){ ## No regulators left after the filtering to compute the model
if (is.null(edesign)) {
ResultsPerGene[[i]]$X = NULL
ResultsPerGene[[i]]$significantRegulators = NULL
ResultsPerGene[[i]]$allRegulators = res$SummaryPerGene
} else {
des.mat2 = cbind(t(GeneExpression[gene,]), des.mat)
colnames(des.mat2)[1] = "response"
des.mat2 = na.omit(des.mat2)
# Removing predictors with constant values
sdNo0 = apply(des.mat2, 2, sd)
sdNo0 = names(sdNo0)[sdNo0 > 0]
des.mat2 = des.mat2[,sdNo0]
GlobalSummary$GenesNOmodel = rbind(GlobalSummary$GenesNOmodel,
data.frame("gene" = gene,
"problem" = 'No regulators left after NA/LowVar filtering'))
ResultsPerGene[[i]]$X = des.mat2[,-1, drop = FALSE]
ResultsPerGene[[i]]$significantRegulators = NULL
ResultsPerGene[[i]]$allRegulators = res$SummaryPerGene
} else { ## Regulators for the model!!
ResultsPerGene[[i]]$allRegulators = res$SummaryPerGene
## Create the interactions between regulators and edesign
des.mat2 = RegulatorsInteractions(interactions.reg, reguValues = res$RegulatorMatrix,
des.mat, GeneExpression, gene)
#Scale the variables, indispensable for elasticnet application
des.mat2 = data.frame(des.mat2[,1,drop=FALSE], scale(des.mat2[,-1,drop=FALSE],scale=scale,center=center),check.names = FALSE)
##Scale if needed to block scaling or pareto scaling
if (scaletype!='auto'){
## Make the groups of omics
regupero = lapply(unique(res$SummaryPerGene[,'omic']), function(x) rownames(res$SummaryPerGene)[res$SummaryPerGene[,'omic'] == x & res$SummaryPerGene[,'filter'] == "Model"])
names(regupero) = unique(res$SummaryPerGene[,'omic'])
#It does not work in case of really huge amount of data
regupero1 = try(suppressWarnings( lapply(regupero, function(x) colnames(des.mat2[,grep(paste(x, collapse = "|"), colnames(des.mat2)),drop=FALSE]))),silent = TRUE)
#Add the ones related to the interactions
regupero = filter_columns_by_regexp(regupero, des.mat2,res)
}else{regupero = regupero1}
res$RegulatorMatrix = Scaling.type(des.mat2[,-1,drop=FALSE], regupero, scaletype)
#Use them jointly
des.mat2 = data.frame(des.mat2[,1,drop=FALSE], scale(des.mat,scale=scale,center=center), res$RegulatorMatrix,check.names = FALSE)
# Removing predictors with constant values
sdNo0 = apply(des.mat2, 2, sd)
sdNo0 = names(sdNo0)[sdNo0 > 0]
quito = setdiff(colnames(des.mat2), sdNo0)
des.mat2 = des.mat2[,sdNo0]
sdNo0 = unique(gsub(".*[:?](.*)$", "\\1", sdNo0))
quito = unique(gsub(".*[:?](.*)$", "\\1", quito))
quito = setdiff(quito, sdNo0)
ResultsPerGene[[i]]$allRegulators[quito,"filter"] = "Constant"
#Save X matrix
ResultsPerGene[[i]]$X = des.mat2[,-1, drop = FALSE]
## Computing PLS model
if (nrow(des.mat2)<7){cross = nrow(des.mat)-2}else{cross =7}
myPLS = try(suppressWarnings(ropls::opls(des.mat2[,-1], scale(des.mat2[,1], center = center,scale=scale), info.txtC = 'none', fig.pdfC='none', scaleC = 'none', crossvalI = cross, permI=0)),silent = TRUE)
if(class(myPLS)=='try-error' || length(myPLS@modelDF)==0){
myPLS = try(suppressWarnings(ropls::opls(des.mat2[,-1], scale(des.mat2[,1], center =center, scale = scale), info.txtC = 'none', fig.pdfC='none', scaleC = 'none', crossvalI = cross, permI=0, predI=1)), silent = TRUE)
if (class(myPLS)=='try-error' || length(myPLS@modelDF)==0){
GlobalSummary$GenesNOmodel = rbind(GlobalSummary$GenesNOmodel,
data.frame("gene" = gene, "problem" = "No significant components on PLS"))
## Extracting significant regulators
ResultsPerGene[[i]]$significantRegulators = NULL
ResultsPerGene[[i]]$allRegulators = data.frame(ResultsPerGene[[i]]$allRegulators, "Sig" = NA, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
## Counting original regulators in the model per omic
contando = ResultsPerGene[[i]]$allRegulators[which(ResultsPerGene[[i]]$allRegulators[,"filter"] == "Model"),]
contando = table(contando[,"omic"])
contando = as.numeric(contando[names(data.omics)])
contando[is.na(contando)] = 0
GlobalSummary$ReguPerGene[gene, grep("-Mod", colnames(GlobalSummary$ReguPerGene))] = contando
## Counting significant regulators per omic
GlobalSummary$ReguPerGene[gene, grep("-Sig", colnames(GlobalSummary$ReguPerGene))] = NA
if (p.method == 'jack'){
pval = p.valuejack(myPLS, des.mat2, alfa)
} else {
pval = p.coef(myPLS, 100, des.mat2)
#Tratar como significativas tan solo las que cumplan ambas condiciones
sigvariables = intersect(names(myPLS@vipVn[which(myPLS@vipVn>vip)]), rownames(pval)[which(pval<alfa)])
ResultsPerGene[[i]]$coefficients = data.frame('coefficient' = myPLS@coefficientMN[sigvariables,], 'pvalue' = pval[sigvariables,,drop=FALSE])
## Extracting significant regulators and recovering correlated regulators
myvariables = unlist(strsplit(sigvariables, ":", fixed = TRUE))
myvariables = intersect(myvariables, rownames(ResultsPerGene[[i]]$allRegulators))
ResultsPerGene[[i]]$allRegulators = data.frame(ResultsPerGene[[i]]$allRegulators, "Sig" = 0, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
ResultsPerGene[[i]]$allRegulators[myvariables, "Sig"] = 1
ResultsPerGene[[i]]$significantRegulators = myvariables
## Counting original regulators in the model per omic
contando = ResultsPerGene[[i]]$allRegulators
quitar = which(contando[,"filter"] == "MissingValue")
if (length(quitar) > 0) contando = contando[-quitar,]
quitar = which(contando[,"filter"] == "LowVariation")
if (length(quitar) > 0) contando = contando[-quitar,]
contando = table(contando[,"omic"])
contando = as.numeric(contando[names(data.omics)])
contando[is.na(contando)] = 0
GlobalSummary$ReguPerGene[gene, grep("-Mod", colnames(GlobalSummary$ReguPerGene))] = contando
## Counting significant regulators per omic
if (length(ResultsPerGene[[i]]$significantRegulators) > 0) {
contando = ResultsPerGene[[i]]$allRegulators[ResultsPerGene[[i]]$significantRegulators,]
contando = table(contando[,"omic"])
contando = as.numeric(contando[names(data.omics)])
contando[is.na(contando)] = 0
GlobalSummary$ReguPerGene[gene, grep("-Sig", colnames(GlobalSummary$ReguPerGene))] = contando
} ## Close "else" --> None regulators from begining
if (is.null(myPLS)) {
ResultsPerGene[[i]]$Y = GeneExpression[i,]
ResultsPerGene[[i]]$coefficients = NULL
GlobalSummary$GoodnessOfFit = GlobalSummary$GoodnessOfFit[rownames(GlobalSummary$GoodnessOfFit) != gene,]
} else {
ResultsPerGene[[i]]$Y = data.frame("y" = myPLS@suppLs$y, "fitted.y" = myPLS@suppLs$yPreMN,
"residuals" = ropls::residuals(myPLS))
colnames( ResultsPerGene[[i]]$Y) = c('y','fitted.y','residuals')
GlobalSummary$GoodnessOfFit[gene,] = c(myPLS@modelDF[,'R2Y(cum)'][myPLS@summaryDF[,'pre']],
} ## At this point the loop for all genes is finished
} else{
cat("Fitting model ...\n")
#When associations = NULL all genes have the same potential regulators
gene = Allgenes[1]
RetRegul = GetAllReg(gene=gene, associations=associations, data.omics = data.omics)
RetRegul.gene = RetRegul$Results ## RetRegul$TableGene: nr reg per omic
## Some of these reg will be removed, because they are not in data.omics
# RetRegul.gene--> gene/regulator/omic/area
RetRegul.gene=RetRegul.gene[RetRegul.gene[,"regulator"]!= "No-regulator", ,drop=FALSE] ## Remove rows with no-regulators
allRegulators = data.frame(RetRegul.gene, rep("Model",nrow(RetRegul.gene)), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
colnames(allRegulators) = c("gene","regulator","omic","area","filter")
## Identify which regulators where removed because of missing values or low variation
res = RemovedRegulators(RetRegul.gene = allRegulators,
myregLV=myregLV, myregNA=myregNA, data.omics=data.omics)
## Create the interactions between regulators and edesign
des.mat2 = RegulatorsInteractionsPLS2(interactions.reg, reguValues = res$RegulatorMatrix,
#Scale the variables, indispensable for elasticnet application
des.mat2 = scale(des.mat2,scale=scale,center=center)
##Scale if needed to block scaling or pareto scaling
if (scaletype!='auto'){
## Make the groups of omics
regupero = lapply(unique(res$SummaryPerGene[,'omic']), function(x) rownames(res$SummaryPerGene)[res$SummaryPerGene[,'omic'] == x & res$SummaryPerGene[,'filter'] == "Model"])
names(regupero) = unique(res$SummaryPerGene[,'omic'])
#It does not work in case of really huge amount of data
regu = try(suppressWarnings( lapply(regupero, function(x) colnames(des.mat2[,grep(paste(x, collapse = "|"), colnames(des.mat2)),drop=FALSE]))),silent = TRUE)
#Add the ones related to the interactions
regupero = filter_columns_by_regexp(regupero, des.mat2,res)
}else{regupero = regu}
res$RegulatorMatrix = Scaling.type(des.mat2, regupero, scaletype)
#Use them jointly
des.mat2 = data.frame(des.mat2[,setdiff(colnames(des.mat2),colnames(res$RegulatorMatrix)),drop=FALSE], res$RegulatorMatrix,check.names = FALSE)
rm(regupero);rm(res); gc()
# Removing predictors with constant values
sdNo0 = apply(des.mat2, 2, sd)
sdNo0 = names(sdNo0)[sdNo0 > 0]
quito = setdiff(colnames(des.mat2), sdNo0)
des.mat2 = des.mat2[,sdNo0]
sdNo0 = unique(gsub(".*[:?](.*)$", "\\1", sdNo0))
quito = unique(gsub(".*[:?](.*)$", "\\1", quito))
quito = setdiff(quito, sdNo0)
allRegulators[quito,"filter"] = "Constant"
Y = scale(t(GeneExpression), center = center, scale = scale)
## Computing GLM model
if (nrow(des.mat2)<7){cross = nrow(des.mat)-2}else{cross =7}
myPLS = try(suppressWarnings( ropls::opls(des.mat2, Y, info.txtC = 'none', fig.pdfC='none', scaleC = 'none', crossvalI = cross, permI=0)),silent = TRUE)
if(class(myPLS)=='try-error' || length(myPLS@modelDF)==0){
myPLS = try(suppressWarnings( ropls::opls(des.mat2, Y, info.txtC = 'none', fig.pdfC='none', scaleC = 'none', crossvalI = cross, permI=0, predI=1)), silent = TRUE)
if (class(myPLS)=='try-error' || length(myPLS@modelDF)==0){
GlobalSummary$GenesNOmodel = rbind(GlobalSummary$GenesNOmodel,
data.frame("gene" = Allgenes, "problem" = "No significant components on PLS2"))
## Extracting significant regulators
for (i in 1:length(Allgenes)) {
gene = Allgenes[i]
ResultsPerGene[[i]]$significantRegulators = NULL
ResultsPerGene[[i]]$allRegulators = data.frame(ResultsPerGene[[i]]$allRegulators, "Sig" = NA, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
GlobalSummary$ReguPerGene[gene, grep("-Ini", colnames(GlobalSummary$ReguPerGene))] = as.numeric(RetRegul$TableGene[-1])
ResultsPerGene[[i]]$allRegulators = allRegulators
## Counting original regulators in the model per omic
contando = ResultsPerGene[[i]]$allRegulators[which(ResultsPerGene[[i]]$allRegulators[,"filter"] == "Model"),]
contando = table(contando[,"omic"])
contando = as.numeric(contando[names(data.omics)])
contando[is.na(contando)] = 0
GlobalSummary$ReguPerGene[gene, grep("-Mod", colnames(GlobalSummary$ReguPerGene))] = contando
## Counting significant regulators per omic
GlobalSummary$ReguPerGene[gene, grep("-Sig", colnames(GlobalSummary$ReguPerGene))] = NA
ResultsPerGene[[i]]$Y = GeneExpression[i,]
ResultsPerGene[[i]]$coefficients = NULL
GlobalSummary$GoodnessOfFit = GlobalSummary$GoodnessOfFit[rownames(GlobalSummary$GoodnessOfFit) != gene,]
if (p.method == 'jack'){
pval = p.valuejack.pls2(myPLS, des.mat2, Y, alfa)
} else {
pval = p.coef.pls2(myPLS, 100, des.mat2, Y)
#Aunque lo hayamos tratado todo junto ahora separamos la respuesta por genes
for (i in 1:ncol(Y)) {
#Tratar como significativas tan solo las que cumplan ambas condiciones
sigvariables = intersect(names(myPLS@vipVn[which(myPLS@vipVn>vip)]), rownames(pval[,i,drop=FALSE])[which(pval[,i,drop=FALSE]<alfa)])
ResultsPerGene[[i]]$coefficients = data.frame('coefficient' = myPLS@coefficientMN[sigvariables,i], 'pvalue' = pval[sigvariables,i,drop=FALSE])
## Extracting significant regulators and recovering correlated regulators
myvariables = unlist(strsplit(sigvariables, ":", fixed = TRUE))
myvariables = intersect(myvariables, allRegulators[,'regulator'])
ResultsPerGene[[i]]$allRegulators = allRegulators
gene = Allgenes[i]
ResultsPerGene[[i]]$allRegulators = data.frame(ResultsPerGene[[i]]$allRegulators, "Sig" = 0, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
ResultsPerGene[[i]]$allRegulators[myvariables, "Sig"] = 1
ResultsPerGene[[i]]$significantRegulators = myvariables
GlobalSummary$ReguPerGene[gene, grep("-Ini", colnames(GlobalSummary$ReguPerGene))] = as.numeric(RetRegul$TableGene[-1])
## Counting original regulators in the model per omic
contando = ResultsPerGene[[i]]$allRegulators
quitar = which(contando[,"filter"] == "MissingValue")
if (length(quitar) > 0) contando = contando[-quitar,]
quitar = which(contando[,"filter"] == "LowVariation")
if (length(quitar) > 0) contando = contando[-quitar,]
contando = table(contando[,"omic"])
contando = as.numeric(contando[names(data.omics)])
contando[is.na(contando)] = 0
GlobalSummary$ReguPerGene[gene, grep("-Mod", colnames(GlobalSummary$ReguPerGene))] = contando
## Counting significant regulators per omic
if (length(ResultsPerGene[[i]]$significantRegulators) > 0) {
contando = ResultsPerGene[[i]]$allRegulators[ResultsPerGene[[i]]$significantRegulators,]
contando = table(contando[,"omic"])
contando = as.numeric(contando[names(data.omics)])
contando[is.na(contando)] = 0
GlobalSummary$ReguPerGene[gene, grep("-Sig", colnames(GlobalSummary$ReguPerGene))] = contando
ResultsPerGene[[i]]$Y = data.frame("y" = myPLS@suppLs$y[,i,drop=FALSE], "fitted.y" = myPLS@suppLs$yPreMN[,i,drop=FALSE],
"residuals" = ropls::residuals(myPLS))
colnames( ResultsPerGene[[i]]$Y) = c('y','fitted.y','residuals')
GlobalSummary$GoodnessOfFit[gene,] = c(myPLS@modelDF[,'R2Y(cum)'][myPLS@summaryDF[,'pre']],
genesNosig = names(which(GlobalSummary$GoodnessOfFit[,6]==0))
genessig = setdiff(rownames(GlobalSummary$GoodnessOfFit), genesNosig)
GlobalSummary$GoodnessOfFit = GlobalSummary$GoodnessOfFit[genessig,]
#Calculate GlobalRegulators
m_sig_reg<-lapply(ResultsPerGene, function(x) x$significantRegulators)
m_sig_reg <- unlist(m_sig_reg)
msig_vector <- table(m_sig_reg)
#Calculate third quantile
GlobalSummary$GlobalRegulators = intersect(names(msig_vector[rev(tail(order(msig_vector),10))]), names(msig_vector[msig_vector>10]) )
} else{
GlobalSummary$GlobalRegulators = intersect(names(msig_vector[msig_vector>q3]), names(msig_vector[msig_vector>10]) )
#Calculate HubGenes
s_sig_reg<-apply(significant_regulators, 1, sum)
#Calculate third quantile
GlobalSummary$HubGenes = intersect(names(s_sig_reg[rev(tail(order(s_sig_reg),10))]), names(s_sig_reg[s_sig_reg>10]) )
} else{
GlobalSummary$HubGenes = intersect(names(s_sig_reg[s_sig_reg>q3]), names(s_sig_reg[s_sig_reg>10]))
myarguments = list(edesign = edesign, finaldesign = des.mat, groups = Group, alfa = alfa,
center = center, scale = scale, clinic.type = clinic.type,
min.variation = min.variation, associations = associations,
epsilon = epsilon, vip = vip,
GeneExpression = GeneExpression, dataOmics = data.omics, omic.type = omic.type,
clinic = clinic, clinic.type = clinic.type, scaletype =scaletype, p.method=p.method, method =method)
# Create the results for the scale filter check
result <- list("ResultsPerGene" = ResultsPerGene, "GlobalSummary" = GlobalSummary, "arguments" = myarguments)
class(result) <- "MORE"
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