# Implements sampling and ML-estimation for a HMM
# (C) Mathias C. Cronjäger 12/9/2017
# Developped as part of a project @BIRC Aarhus w. Asger Hobolth, Kasper M.
# Terkelsen and Jonas Berglund
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

# Step 1: Setting the stage

#  1.1: Import code
# source('/home/mathias/programming/hobolth-project/HotBirdHMM/R/from-hobolth/TransMat.R')
# Note: Since I didn't write TransMat.R myself, I have not put it online.
# Ask Asger if you want the code (maybie I'll add it later should he permit)

#  1.2: Define Auxiliary functions

#' Generate discretization timepoints
#' Compute the sequence of discretization timepoints (cf. Asger's note)
#' @param M The number of intervals in the discretization; should be a positive
#' integer
#' @return A vector of upper limits of each interval. last element will be
#' \code{Inf}
#' @export
d_seq <- function(M){

    #Validate input
  if(!is.numeric(M) || M < 1) stop('Invalid value of M')

  return(-log(1 - 1:(M) / M))

#' Compute emission probabilities for HMM
#' @param M the number of states of the hidden variable X
#' @param theta the rate of mutation between two lineages
#' @return A vector mu s.t. mu[i] = P(Y = 1 | X = i) for i=1...M
#' @export
compute_mu <- function(M,theta){

  #validate input
  if(!is.numeric(M) || M < 1) stop('Invalid value of M')
  if(!is.numeric(theta) || theta < 0) stop('Invalid theta argument!')

  ds_padded <- c(0, d_seq(M)) # d_sequence with 0-padding
  d <- ds_padded[1:(length(ds_padded)-1)] # the d_m-1 sequence (cf. asgers Note)
  D <- ds_padded[2:(length(ds_padded))]   # the d_m sequence

  a <- exp(-theta * d)
  b <- 1 - exp((1+theta) * (d - D))
  c <- (1 + theta) * (1 - exp(d - D))
  result <- 1 - (a * b / c)
  #Note@self: Think about if there is a more numerically stable order of operations.


#' Compute hidden state transition kernel
#' A wrapper function for calling A. Hobolths code for computin the hiden state
#' rate matrix by way of matrix exponentiation (as outlined in his note).
#' @param M the number of hissden states
#' @param rho The recombination rate between two sites
#' @return An M-by-M matrix P, s.t. \code{P[i,j]} = P(X_t = j | X_{t-1} = i)
#' @export
compute_Px <- function(M, rho){
  # Compute the transition matrix of the discretized tree-hight process X
  # Arguments:
  #   M: number of intervals in discretization
  #   rho: recombination rate

  if(!is.numeric(rho) || rho < 0) stop('Invalid value of rho!')

  return(TransMat(d_seq(M), rho))

#' Count changepoints
#' Scan along a sequence and count the number of times an entry does not match
#' the previous entry
#' @param vec A vector to be scanned
#' @return a positive integer
#' @export
count_changepoints <- function(vec){
  return(sum(diff(vec) != 0))

#' Count runs
#' Scan along a sequence; return the number of intervals wherein ajacent entries
#' are identical
#' @param vec A vector to be scanned
#' @return The number of runs
#' @export
count_runs <- function(vec){
  return(count_changepoints(vec) + 1)

# Step 2: Define Samplers

#' Sample hidden states
#' Sample X consequtive states from the hidden markov model
#' @param sample_X0 A prior distribution on X0; sample_X0() should return an
#' integer in the range 1:(dim(Px)[1]); e.g. “function() sample(M,1)” for a
#' uniform distribution on 1:M or “function() i” for a point mass at i.
#' @param L the length of the desired sequence of samples
#' @param Px The transition rates of the markov chain X to be sampled from.
#' @return A vector of samples from X of length \code{L}.
#' @export
sample_X <- function(sample_X0, L, Px){

  #validate input
  if(!is.numeric(L) || L < 1) stop('Invalid value of L')

  #initalize X
  X <- vector(mode = 'integer', length = L)

  M <- dim(Px)[1]

  update <- function(x_prev){
    x_new <- sample(x=M, size = 1, prob = Px[x_prev,])

  X[1] <- sample_X0()

  i <- 2
  while(i <= L){
    X[i] <- update(X[i-1])
    i <- i+1


#' Sample emissions
#' Samples a sequence of binary emissions (Y[i] = 1 is interpreted as,
#' “Heterozygous sites at position i”; whereas Y[i] = 0 is interpreted as
#' signifying homozugosity.)
#' @param X a vector of integers encoding the states of the hidden variables
#' @param theta the rate of mutation between two sequences
#' @param M the number of states of the hidden variables X
#' @return A vector of the same length as \code{X} s.t. Y[i] = 1 with
#' probability \code{mu[X[i]]}.
#' @export
sample_YgivenX <- function(X,theta,M){
  #Returns a Y-sequence (binary) given an X sequence (in 1:M)
  # corresponds to Y|(X=1)

  #Validate input
  if(M < max(X)) stop('stop: M < max(X)!')

  Y <- vector(mode = 'integer',length=length(X))
  mu_precomputed <- compute_mu(M,theta)

  sampleYi <- function(x){
    p <- mu_precomputed[x]
    return(sample(2,size = 1,prob = c(1-p,p)) - 1)

  Y <- sapply(X,sampleYi)

#' Sample full model
#' Samples both hidden states and emissions
#' @param rho, rathe of recombination between ajacent sites; affects transition
#' rate of hidden states.
#' @param theta Rate of mutation; affects distribution of Y|X.
#' @param M number of hidden states of X.
#' @param L desired length of sampled sequences.
#' @param sample_x0 a function which generates samples the initial state of the
#' hidden variables X.
#' @return a list with names “X” and “Y”
#' X is a vector of length \code{L} encoding the hidden states
#' Y is a vector of length \code{L} encoding the emissions.
#' @export
sample_XandY <- function(rho,theta,M,L,sample_x0 = NULL){

  #validate prior
  if(is.null(sample_x0)) sample_x0 <- function() sample(M,1)
    x0 <- sample_x0
    sample_x0() <- function() x0
  if(!is.function(sample_x0)) stop('sample_x0 must be either integer, NULL, or a function')

  Px <- compute_Px(M,rho)

  X <- sample_X(sample_x0,L,Px)

  Y <- sample_YgivenX(X,theta,M)


# Step 3: Implement ML estimator

#' Watterson's estimator
#' Compute Watterson's estimator of the site-wise mutation rate
#' @param s number of segregating sites observed.
#' @param n number of sequences sampled.
#' @param L number of sites (segregating + non-segregating) observed in sample.
#' @return A non-negative floating point number
#' @export
theta_watterson <- function(s,n,L){
  # Compute Watterson's estimator of the mutation rate
  # Arguments:
  #  s: number of segregating sites
  #  n: number of sequences
  #  L: sequence length (i.e. total number of sites)
  return((s / L) / sum(1 / 1:(n-1)))

#' Compute log-sum-exp
#' Compute log(exp(x1) + exp(x2) + ... + exp(xn)) in a numerically stable
#' manner by relying on the identity
#' log(exp(x1) + exp(x2) + ... + exp(xn))
#' = c + log(exp(x1 - c) + exp(x2 - c) + ... + exp(xn - c))
#' for any real c.
#' We here work with c = (min(x) + max(x)) / 2, which minimizes
#' max_i |x_i - c|
#' @param x a vector of numbers
#' @return log(exp(x[1]) + exp(x[2]) + ... + exp(x[n]))
#' @export
log_sum_exp <- function(x){
  #if(any(is.na(x))) warning("NA values passed")
  #n = length(x)
  xmax <- max(x)
  xmin <- min(x)
  c <- xmax/2 + xmin/2
  result <- c + log(sum(exp(x - c)))
    #warning("NA values produced in log_sum_exp; using max as upper bound.")
    result <- max(x)

#' Approximate log-sum-exp from above
#' we rely on the approximation
#' max(x)
#' <=
#' log(exp(x1) + exp(x2) + ... + exp(xn))
#' <=
#' max(x)+log(n)
#' @param x a vector of numbers
#' @return max(x)+log(n)
#' @export
log_sum_exp_upper_bound <- function(x){
  n <- length(x)
  return(max(x) + log(n))

#' Approximate log-sum-exp from below
#' we rely on the approximation
#' max(x)
#' <=
#' log(exp(x1) + exp(x2) + ... + exp(xn))
#' <=
#' max(x)+log(n)
#' @param x a vector of numbers
#' @return max(x)
#' @export
log_sum_exp_lower_bound <- function(x){

#' Forward algorithm
#' Computes alpha_T[i] = P(X_T = i, Y_1:T = y_1:T) for i=1...M, where M is the
#' number of hidden states, using the so-called forward-algorithm. This
#' implementation is less numerically stable than
#' \code{forward_algorithm_logspace}, which is otherwise identical, but works in
#' logspace instead.
#' @param Y sequence of observed emissions
#' @param trnasition_probs an M-by-M matrix of transition probabilities
#' @param emission_probs a vector of emission probabilities. The ith entry is
#' interpreted as the probability of Y=1 given X=i.
#' @param prior a vector encoding the a prior distribution on X0; not X[1], but
#' the stete preceding it, i.e. there is no observed emission of the variable X0
#' @return a vector alpha with entries P(X_T = i, Y_1:T = y_1:T) for i=1...M.
#' @export
forward_algorithm <- function(Y, transition_probs, emission_probs, prior){
  alpha0 <- prior
  mu1 <- emission_probs
  mu0 <- 1 - emission_probs

  alpha_update <- function(alpha, y){
    if(y==1) return(c((alpha %*% transition_probs) * mu1))
    if(y==0) return(c((alpha %*% transition_probs) * mu1))
    else stop('y neither 0 or 1; this should not happen.')

  #compute alpha_T = (P(X_T = i, Y_1:T = y_1:T), i = 1...M)
  alpha <- Reduce(f = alpha_update, x = Y, init = alpha0)

  alpha <- c(alpha) #we're done with matrix arithmetics; turn into a vector.


#' Forward algorithm in logspace
#' Computes ln( P(X_T = i, Y_1:T = y_1:T) ) for i=1...M, where M is the
#' number of hidden states and Y = (y_1, ... , y_T), using the so-called
#' forward-algorithm.
#' (cf. e.g. \url{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forward_algorithm})
#' This implementation is more stable than \code{algorithm_logspace}, which is
#' otherwise identical, but which does not work in logspace.
#' @param Y sequence of observed 0-1 valued emissions.
#' @param trnasition_probs an M-by-M matrix of transition probabilities
#' @param emission_probs a vector of emission probabilities. The ith entry is
#' interpreted as the probability of Y=1 given X=i.
#' @param prior a vector encoding the a prior distribution on X0; not X[1], but
#' the stete preceding it, i.e. there is no observed emission of the variable X0
#' @param FULL_CHAIN logical; if set to true, the full chain of probabilities
#' computed is returned (instead of just the last distribution).
#' @return Depending on the value of FULL_CHAIN, either:
#'   * a vector alpha with entries ln( P(X_T = i, Y_1:T = y_1:T) ) for i=1...M
#'     for i=1...M (default), or
#'   * an M-by-T matrix with entries ln( P(X_t = i, Y_1:t = y_1:t) for
#'     i=1...M, t=1...T (if FULL_CHAIN is set to TRUE).
#' @export
forward_algorithm_logspace <- function(Y, transition_probs, emission_probs, prior, FULL_CHAIN = FALSE){

  ltrans <- log(transition_probs)
  lemiss1 <- log(emission_probs)
  lemiss0 <- log(1 - emission_probs)

  lalpha0 <- log(prior)

  M <- length(emission_probs)

  #we define the update-step
  lalpha_update <- function(lalpha,y){
    lalpha_prev <- lalpha
    j <- 1
    while(j <= M){

      #compute log(p_1j * a_1), ..., log(p_Mj * a_M)
      log_summands <-ltrans[,j]+lalpha_prev

      # compute sum_i(p_ij * a_i ) = P(X_t = j | X_(t-1) = i, Y_{1:t-1}=y_{1:t-1})
      lprob_sum <- log_sum_exp(log_summands)

      # compute log(a) = log(p(Y = y | X=j) * log(prob_sum))
      lalpha[j] <- ifelse(y == 1,
                          { lemiss1[j] + lprob_sum},
                          { lemiss0[j] + lprob_sum})

      j <- j+1

  if (FULL_CHAIN){ #we keep chain of likelihoods
    lalpha_chain <- matrix(data = vector(mode = 'numeric', length = M*length(Y)), nrow = M, ncol = length(Y))
    lalpha <- lalpha0
    i <- 1
    while(i <= length(Y)){
      lalpha <- lalpha_update(lalpha, Y[i])
      lalpha_chain[,i] <- lalpha
      i <- i+1

  } else { # we only care about end-result, and don't keep chain of likelihoods.
    result <- Reduce(f = lalpha_update, x = Y, init = lalpha0)

#' Marginal likelihood of Y
#' Marginalizes out the hidden variables X using the forward algorithm to
#' compute the likelihood of an observed sequence of emissions.
#' @param Y observed sequence of emissions (1: heterozygous site; 0: homozygous
#' site).
#' @param M size of hidden statespace; an integer.
#' @param rho the recombinartion rate between two ajacent sites.
#' @param theta mutation rate between two sequences at any given position.
#' @param Px transition kernel of hidden variables. May be passed instead of
#' rho.
#' @param mu a vector of emission probabilities. The ith entry is
#' interpreted as the probability of Y=1 given X=i. May be passed instead of
#' theta
#' @param x0_prior initial distribution of the hidden markov chain. Defaults to
#' a uniform distribution.
#' @return a single number, corresponding to L(theta,rho|Y)
#' @export
likelihood_Y <- function(Y, M, rho= NULL, theta = NULL, Px = NULL, mu=NULL, prior_x0 = NULL){
  return(exp(log_likelihood_Y(Y,M, rho, theta, Px, mu, prior_x0)))

#' Marginal log-likelihood of Y
#' Marginalizes out the hidden variables X using the forward algorithm to
#' compute the log-likelihood of an observed sequence of emissions.
#' @param Y observed sequence of emissions (1: heterozygous site;
#' 0: homozygous site).
#' @param M size of hidden statespace; an integer.
#' @param rho the recombinartion rate between two ajacent sites.
#' @param theta mutation rate between two sequences at any given position.
#' @param Px transition kernel of hidden variables. May be passed instead of
#'  rho.
#' @param mu a vector of emission probabilities. The ith entry is
#' interpreted as the probability of Y=1 given X=i. May be passed instead of
#' theta
#' @param x0_prior initial distribution of the hidden markov chain. Defaults to
#' a uniform distribution.
#' @return a single number, corresponding to l(theta,rho|Y)
#' @export
log_likelihood_Y <- function(Y, M, rho= NULL, theta = NULL, Px = NULL, mu=NULL, prior_x0 = NULL){

  #We process inputs
    if(is.null(rho)) stop('You must pass either Px or rho as an argument')
    Px <- compute_Px(M,rho)
  } else {
    if(!is.null(rho)) warning('Px passed as argument; ignoring rho-argument')

    if(is.null(theta)) stop('You must pass either mu or theta as an argument')
    mu <- compute_mu(M,theta)
  } else {
    if(!is.null(theta)) warning('mu passed as argument; ignoring theta-argument')

  #If no prior is specified, presume a uniform prior.
  if (is.null(prior_x0)) prior_x0 <- rep(1,M)/M

  #We handle the degenerate case rho==0 separately.
  if (rho == 0 || min(diag(Px)) == 1){
      + sum(Y == 1) * log(mu)
      + sum(Y == 0) * log(1 - mu)

  #compute lalpha[i] = log(P(X_T = i, Y_1 = y_1, ... , Y_T = y_T)) for i=1...M
  lalpha <- forward_algorithm_logspace(Y,Px,mu,prior_x0)

  #marginalize out X_T and return the result

#' Joint likelihood of (X,Y)
#' Compute the "full" log-likelihood of both emissions Y and hidden states X.
#' @param X Sequence of hidden states
#' @param Y sequence of emissions (1: heterozygous site; 0: homozygous site).
#' @param M size of hidden statespace; an integer.
#' @param rho the recombinartion rate between two ajacent sites.
#' @param theta mutation rate between two sequences at any given position.
#' @param Px transition kernel of hidden variables. May be passed instead of
#' rho.
#' @param mu a vector of emission probabilities. The ith entry is
#' interpreted as the probability of Y=1 given X=i. May be passed instead of
#' theta
#' @param x0_prior initial distribution of the hidden markov chain. Defaults to
#' a uniform distribution.
#' @return a single number, corresponding to L(theta,rho|Y)
#' @export
log_likelihood_XY <- function(X, Y, M, rho= NULL, theta = NULL, Px = NULL, mu=NULL, prior_x0 = NULL){

  #process inputs
  if (is.null(Px)){
    if(is.null(rho)) stop('You must pass either Px or rho as an argument')
    #if(rho < 0) return(0)
    Px <- compute_Px(M,rho)
  } else {
    if (!is.null(rho)) warning('Px passed as argument; ignoring rho-argument')

    if(is.null(theta)) stop('You must pass either mu or theta as an argument')
    #if(theta < 0) return(0)
    mu <- compute_mu(M,theta)
  } else {
    if(!is.null(theta)) warning('mu passed as argument; ignoring theta-argument')

  #If no prior is specified, presume a uniform prior.
  if(is.null(prior_x0)) prior_x0 <- rep(1,M) / M

  lPx <- log(Px)
  lmu1 <- log(mu)
  lmu0 <- log(1-mu)
  L <- length(X)

  #initialize accumulator
  acc <- log(sum(prior_x0 * Px[,X[1]])) + ifelse(Y[1] == 1, lmu1[X[1]], lmu1[X[1]])

  #update accumulator
  i <- 2
  while(i <= L){
    acc <- acc + lPx[X[i-1],X[i]] + ifelse(Y[i] == 1, lmu1[X[i]], lmu1[X[i]])
    i <- i+1


#' Maximum likelihood of recombination rate
#' Approximate the maximum likelihood estimate of the recombination rate.
#' This is done in two steps (each of which relies on optimize()): one to find
#' the approximate scale of rho; followed by a step to find the maximum
#' likelihood on that scale.
#' @param Y A binary sequence classifying all observed sites as either
#' homozygous (encoded Y[i] == 0) or heterozygous (encoded Y[i] == 1)
#' @param M the number of hidden states to be used in the HMM
#' @param magnitude_max upper magnitude bound on rho, i.e. magnitude_max = k
#' indicates that we firmly believe rho<10^k to be the case; defaults to +1.
#' @param theta The mutation rate to be used (defaults to Watterson's
#' estimator).
#' @return a maximum likelihood estimate of the recombination rate between two
#' sites.
#' @export
compute_ML_rho <- function(Y,M,theta = NULL,magnitude_max = 1){

  if(is.null(theta)) theta <- theta_watterson(sum(Y), 2, length(Y))

  mu <- compute_mu(M,theta)

  #step1: find the right order of magnitude
  objective_coarse <- function(r_scale){
    return(-log_likelihood_Y(Y,M,rho = 10^r_scale, mu = mu))
  solver_result_coarse <- optimize(f = objective_coarse, interval = c(-12,magnitude_max),tol = 0.25)

  #step2: Search for rho on an interval bounded from below by 0 and above by 10^(scale + 0.5)
  objective_fine <- function(rho){
    if (rho < 0) return(Inf) # should currently never happen, but I'm keeping it in.
    else return(-log_likelihood_Y(Y,M,rho = rho, mu = mu))
  interval_fine <- c(0,10^(solver_result_coarse$minimum+0.5))
  tolerance_fine <- interval_fine[2]/100 # TODO: verify that this is this numerically safe.

  solver_result <- optimize(f = objective_fine, interval = interval_fine,tol = tolerance_fine)


  # #
  # # BELOW IS MY OLD CODE based on nlm
  # #
  # #guess_scale <- 1/M * 1/length(Y)
  # guess_scale <- -log((theta / (1 + theta)))*sum(Y == 1) -log((1 / (1 + theta)))*sum(Y == 0)
  # solver_result <- nlm(objective, rho0, typsize = rho0, fscale = guess_scale, steptol = 1e-6, stepmax = 1e3,print.level = 1)
  # #solver_result <- nlm(objective,p = rho0)
  # if(solver_result$code == 3) warning('ast global step failed to locate a point lower than estimate. Either estimate is an approximate local minimum of the function, or steptol is too small (i.e. we should consider allowing larger steps ')
  # if(solver_result$code == 4) warning('Iteration limit exceeded (computing compute_ML_rho); take result with a grain of salt')
  # if(solver_result$code == 5) warning('Maximum stepsize exceeded 5 consecutive times; consider either increasing stepsize or starting with a better initial guess')
  # return(solver_result$estimate)

Cronjaeger/HotBirdHMM documentation built on May 9, 2019, 6:01 p.m.