#' Pie plot from PAC
#' \code{PAC_pie} analyses nucleotide bias.
#' Given a PAC object the function will summarize the counts into percent
#' biotype and plot a pie chart.
#' @family PAC analysis
#' @seealso \url{https://github.com/Danis102} for updates on the current
#' package.
#' @param PAC PAC-list object.
#' @param anno_target List with:
#' 1st object being character vector of target
#' column(s) in Anno, 2nd object being a character
#' vector of the target biotype(s) in the target column
#' (1st object). Important, the 2nd object is order
#' sensitive, meaning that categories will appear in
#' the same order in the pie. (default=NULL)
#' @param pheno_target List with:
#' 1st object being character vector of target
#' column(s) in Pheno, 2nd object being a character
#' vector of the target group(s) in the target column
#' (1st object). Important, the 2nd object is order
#' sensitive, meaning that categories will appear in
#' the same order in the pie. (default=NULL)
#' @param summary Character defining whether to stack individual samples or
#' using a mean of samples. If summary="samples" individual samples will be
#' plotted (default). If summary="pheno" means of the sample groups targeted
#' by the pheno_target input will be plotted. If summary="all" mean of all
#' samples will be plotted.
#' @param colors Character vector RGB color codes as generated by for example
#' grDevices::colorRampPalette. If colors=NULL (default), colors will be
#' generated using a default color palette. Important: In default mode,
#' categories named "other" or no_anno" will automatically receive a grey
#' color.
#' @param angle Integer (positive or negative) that sets the rotation of
#' the pie.
#' @param labels Character that sets what labels to plot in the actual pie
#' besides the legend. If lables="all" (default), then the anno_target variables will be
#' combined with percentage. If lables="percent" only percentages will be
#' plotted with the pie. If labels="none", no lables will be present
#' besides the legend.
#' @param no_anno Logical whether PAC sequences without an annotation should be
#' removed prior to plotting. Specifically, if no_anno=FALSE, then sequences
#' annotated with "no_anno" in the anno_target column will be removed prior to
#' plotting. When no_anno=TRUE (default), then all sequences will be included
#' (unless excluded in the anno_target object).
#' @return A pie plot
#' @examples
#' ##########################################
#' ### Pie charts in seqpac
#' ##----------------------------------------
#' load(system.file("extdata", "drosophila_sRNA_pac_filt_anno.Rdata",
#' package = "seqpac", mustWork = TRUE))
#' # Choose an anno_target and plot samples (summary="samples"; default)
#' output_pie <- PAC_pie(pac, anno_target=list("Biotypes_mis0"))
#' output_pie[[1]]
#' output_pie[[6]]
#' # Summary="all" will give a mean of all samples:
#' PAC_pie(pac, anno_target=list("Biotypes_mis0"), summary="all")
#' # Rotate:
#' PAC_pie(pac, anno_target=list("Biotypes_mis0"), summary="all", angle=180)
#' # Make ordered pie charts of grand mean percent of all samples
#' ord_bio <- as.character(sort(unique(anno(pac)$Biotypes_mis3)),
#' unique(anno(pac)$Biotypes_mis0))
#' output_pie_1 <- PAC_pie(pac, anno_target=list("Biotypes_mis0", ord_bio),
#' summary="all")
#' output_pie_2 <- PAC_pie(pac, anno_target=list("Biotypes_mis3", ord_bio),
#' summary="all")
#' cowplot::plot_grid(plotlist=c(output_pie_1, output_pie_2), nrow=2,
#' scale = 1.0)
#' # Shortcut to remove no annotations ("no_anno") in the anno_target column
#' PAC_pie(pac, anno_target=list("Biotypes_mis3"), summary="all", no_anno=TRUE)
#' PAC_pie(pac, anno_target=list("Biotypes_mis3"), summary="all", no_anno=FALSE)
#' @export
PAC_pie <- function(PAC, anno_target=NULL, pheno_target=NULL, colors=NULL,
labels="all", no_anno=TRUE, summary="sample", angle=-25){
## Check S4
tp <- "S4"
PAC <- as(PAC, "list")
tp <- "S3"
quiet <- function(x) {
types <- variables <- NULL
## Prepare targets
pheno_target[[2]] <- as.character(unique(PAC$Pheno[,pheno_target[[1]]]))
PAC$Pheno$eXtra_Col <- rownames(PAC$Pheno)
pheno_target <- list(NA)
pheno_target[[1]] <- "eXtra_Col"
pheno_target[[2]] <- PAC$Pheno$eXtra_Col
anno_target[[2]] <- as.character(unique(PAC$Anno[,anno_target[[1]]]))
## Subset
PAC_sub <- PAC_filter(PAC, subset_only=TRUE, pheno_target=pheno_target,
anno <- PAC_sub$Anno
pheno <- PAC_sub$Pheno
data <- PAC_sub$Counts
### Removing no_Anno
data <- data[!as.character(anno[, anno_target[[1]]]) == "no_anno",]
anno <- anno[!as.character(anno[, anno_target[[1]]]) == "no_anno",]
### Totaling all counts per sample and sums each per biotype
tot_cnts <- mean(colSums(data))
names(tot_cnts) <- "all"
data_shrt <- stats::aggregate(data, list(anno[, anno_target[[1]]]), "sum")
data_shrt <- data.frame(Group.1=data_shrt[,1],
all= rowMeans(data_shrt[,-1]))
if(summary %in% c("sample","samples","pheno", "Pheno")){
tot_cnts <- colSums(data)
data_shrt <- stats::aggregate(data, list(anno[, anno_target[[1]]]), "sum")
if(summary %in% c("pheno", "Pheno")){
x <- split(pheno, pheno[, pheno_target[[1]]])
data_pheno_shrt <- as.data.frame(data_shrt$Group.1)
for(i in seq.int(length(x))){
names <- as.data.frame(x[i])
names <- rownames(names)
data_pheno <- data_shrt[, colnames(data_shrt) %in% names]
data_pheno <- rowMeans(data_pheno)
data_pheno_shrt <- as.data.frame(cbind(data_pheno_shrt,data_pheno))}
colnames(data_pheno_shrt) <- c("Group.1", names(x))
data_shrt <- data_pheno_shrt
tot_cnts <- colSums(data_shrt[,-1])
data_shrt_perc <- data_shrt
data_shrt_perc[,-1] <- "NA"
for (i in seq.int(length(tot_cnts))){
data_shrt_perc[,1+i] <- data_shrt[,1+i]/tot_cnts[i]
data_long_perc <- reshape2::melt(data_shrt_perc, id.vars="Group.1")
colnames(data_long_perc) <- c("Category", "Sample", "Percent")
data_long_perc$Percent <- data_long_perc$Percent*100
## Fix order
# Anno
bio <- anno_target[[2]]
extra <- which(bio %in% c("no_anno", "other"))
bio <- bio[c(extra, (seq.int(length(bio)))[!seq.int(length(bio)) %in% extra])]
data_long_perc$Category <- factor(as.character(data_long_perc$Category),
# Pheno
data_long_perc$Sample <- factor(
if(summary %in% c("sample","samples")){
any(!rownames(PAC$Pheno) %in% as.character(data_long_perc$Sample))==FALSE
sampl_ord <- do.call("c", split(rownames(PAC$Pheno),
data_long_perc$Sample <- factor(as.character(data_long_perc$Sample),
data_long_perc <- data_long_perc[!is.na(data_long_perc$Sample),,drop=FALSE]
### Plot data
n_extra <- length(extra)
colfunc <- grDevices::colorRampPalette(c("#094A6B", "#EBEBA6", "#9D0014"))
if(n_extra==1){colors <- c(colfunc(length(bio)-1), "#6E6E6E")}
if(n_extra==2){colors <- c(colfunc(length(bio)-2), "#6E6E6E", "#BCBCBD")}
if(n_extra==0){colors <- colfunc(length(bio))}
prec_lst <- split(data_long_perc, data_long_perc$Sample)
prec_lst <- lapply(prec_lst, function(x){
x <- x[match(levels(x$Category), x$Category),,drop=FALSE]
x$Category <- factor(levels(x$Category), levels=levels(x$Category))
x$Percent[is.na(x$Percent)] <- 0
plt_lst<- quiet(lapply(prec_lst, function(x){
# setup labels
labs <- paste0(x$Category, "_", round(x$Percent, digits=0), "%")
labs <- paste0(round(x$Percent, digits=0), "%")
labs <- NA
# plot and record
p1 <- graphics::pie(x$Percent,
col=rev(colors), init.angle = angle)
rp <- grDevices::recordPlot()
df <- data.frame(types=prec_lst[[1]]$Category,
leg <- cowplot::get_legend(ggplot2::ggplot(
df, ggplot2::aes(x=types, fill=variables)) +
ggplot2::geom_bar(color="black") +
return(c(plt_lst, list(legend=leg)))
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