
Defines functions genePatternMatch geneMatch findOverlap geneRanges

Documented in genePatternMatch

#function to produce the gene objects for comparison to the genomic ranges
#from the data
#txdb = organism TxDb with gene symbols
geneRanges <- function(txdb) {
  #get granges with gene symmbol metadata
  g <- GenomicFeatures::genes(txdb, columns="SYMBOL")
  col <- GenomicRanges::mcols(g)[["SYMBOL"]]
  #create GRanges without metadata to make gene symbols character vector
  genes <- GenomicRanges::granges(g)[rep(seq_along(g), IRanges::elementNROWS(col))]
  GenomicRanges::mcols(genes)[["SYMBOL"]] <- as.character(unlist(col))

#function to find genes within the top genomic regions
findOverlap <- function(query, subject) {
  #find the overlaps between the GRanges containing peak regions and the GRanges
  #of known genes
  olaps <- GenomicRanges::findOverlaps(query, subject, ignore.strand = TRUE)
  #get symbols
  symbols <- GenomicRanges::mcols(query)[["SYMBOL"]][queryHits(olaps)]


#function that matches genes for one pattern
geneMatch <- function(regionIndex, generanges, genome) {
  #get the specific top ranges needed and concatenate into one GRanges object
  patRanges <- generanges[regionIndex]

  #get gene ranges for all genes in the genome
  gns <- geneRanges(genome)
  #get overlaps with genes
  patGenes <- findOverlap(gns, patRanges)
  #get promoters
  prms <- GenomicFeatures::promoters(GenomicFeatures::genes(genome, columns = "SYMBOL"),
            upstream = 1500, downstream = 500)
  #overlaps with promoters
  patPromoters <- findOverlap(prms, patRanges)
  patPromoters <- unlist(patPromoters)
  #combine lists of genes with exonic or intronic overlap with a PatternMArker peak
  #to those with promoter overlap with a peak
  patOvGenes <- c(patGenes, patPromoters)
  #filter duplicate genes
  patOvGenes <- patOvGenes[-which(duplicated(patOvGenes))]

#' Match genes to pattern differentiating peaks
#' Function to take as input CoGAPS results for ATAC-seq data and find genes
#' within the most "pattern-defining" regions (as identified by cut thresholded
#' pattern Marker statistic from the CoGAPS package), as well as the nearest
#' gene and the nearest gene following the region. Note: a TxDb object for the
#' genome of interest must be loaded prior to running this function.
#' @param cogapsResult the CogapsResult object produced by a CoGAPS run
#' @param generanges GRanges object corresponding to the genomic regions
#'   identified as peaks for the ATAC-seq data that CoGAPS was run on
#' @param genome A TxDb object for the genome of interest, it must be loaded
#'   prior to calling this function
#' @param scoreThreshold threshold for the most pattern defining peaks as per
#'   the PatternMarker statistic from the CoGAPS package. Default is NULL,
#'   returning all PatternMarker peaks. Useful to reduce computational time, as
#'   top results are reasonably robust to using more stringent thresholds
#' @return double nested list containing lists of the genes in, nearest, and
#'   following the peaks matched each pattern
#' @examples data("schepCogapsResult")
#' data(schepGranges)
#' library(Homo.sapiens)
#' genes = genePatternMatch(cogapsResult = schepCogapsResult,
#'  generanges = schepGranges, genome = Homo.sapiens)
#' @export
genePatternMatch <- function(cogapsResult, generanges, genome, scoreThreshold = NULL) {
  #get PatternMarker peak indices
  patMarkers <- CoGAPS::patternMarkers(cogapsResult)
    peaks <- patMarkers$PatternMarkers
    nPeaks <- lapply(peaks, length)
    PMRanks <- patMarkers$PatternMarkerRanks
    regionPatList <- vector(mode = "list", length = ncol(PMRanks))
    for(i in seq(ncol(PMRanks))) {
      topPeaksPat <- which(PMRanks[,i] %in% seq(nPeaks[[i]]))
      regionPatList[[i]] <- topPeaksPat
    patScores <- as.data.frame(patMarkers$PatternMarkerScores)
    chr_regions <- rownames(patScores)
    regionPatList <- vector(mode=  "list", length = ncol(patScores))
    for(i in seq(ncol(patScores))) {
      topPeaksPat <- which(patScores[,i] < scoreThreshold)
      regionPatList[[i]] <- topPeaksPat
  #number of peaks used based on patternMarker score threshold
  numPeaks <- unlist(lapply(regionPatList, length))
  names(numPeaks) <- lapply(seq(length(regionPatList)),
                           function(x) {paste("Pattern", x)})
  #run the geneMatch function for every pattern
  filenames <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(regionPatList))
  for(i in seq_along(regionPatList)) {
    patgenetmp <- geneMatch(regionPatList[[i]],generanges,genome = genome)
    nam <- paste("pattern", i, "genes", sep = "")
    filenames[i] <- nam
    assign(nam, patgenetmp)
  #put all patterns into a double nested list to be returned as output
  ind <-paste(filenames, collapse = ",")
  geneslist <- eval(parse(text = paste("list(", ind, ")")))
FertigLab/ATACCoGAPS documentation built on Feb. 8, 2023, 6:46 p.m.