
if (!isGeneric("createReport_normalization")) {
		function(.object, ...) standardGeneric("createReport_normalization"),
#' createReport_normalization-methods
#' Create a report summarizing normalization
#' @param .object    normalized \code{\linkS4class{DsATAC}} object
#' @param reportDir  directory in which the report will be created
#' @param unnormObj  unnormalized \code{\linkS4class{DsATAC}} object
#' @return (invisible) \code{muReportR::Report} object containing the report
#' @rdname createReport_normalization-DsATAC-method
#' @docType methods
#' @aliases createReport_normalization
#' @aliases createReport_normalization,DsATAC-method
#' @author Fabian Mueller
#' @export
	) {
		if (!requireNamespace("muReportR")) logger.error(c("Could not load dependency: muReportR"))
		initConfigDir <- !dir.exists(file.path(reportDir, "_config"))
		rr <- muReportR::createReport(file.path(reportDir, paste0("normalization", ".html")), "Normalization summary", page.title = "Normalization", init.configuration=initConfigDir, theme="stanford")
		rDir.data <- muReportR::getReportDir(rr, dir="data", absolute=FALSE)
		rDir.data.abs <- muReportR::getReportDir(rr, dir="data", absolute=TRUE)

		hasFragments <- length(.object@fragments) > 0
		isSingleCell <- class(.object)=="DsATACsc"
		if (isSingleCell){
			logger.error("Normalization report not supported for single-cell datasets")

		regTypes <- intersect(getRegionTypes(.object), getRegionTypes(unnormObj))
		if (length(regTypes) < 1) logger.error("Not enough region sets contained in both the normalized and unnormalized objects")
		if (!all(getSamples(.object)==getSamples(unnormObj))) logger.error("The normalized and unnormalized objects should have the same samples")

		logger.status("Dataset overview section")
		txt <- c(
			"The normalized ATAC-seq dataset contains accessibility profiles for ", length(getSamples(.object)), " samples."
		rr <- muReportR::addReportSection(rr, "Normalization summary", txt, level=1L, collapsed=FALSE)

		txt <- c("Signal has been normalized for the following region sets:")
		rr <- muReportR::addReportParagraph(rr, txt)

		regCountTab <- data.frame(
			"#regions" = sapply(getRegionTypes(.object), FUN=function(rt){getNRegions(.object, rt)}),
			"normalization" =  sapply(getRegionTypes(.object), FUN=function(rt){paste(rev(.object@countTransform[[rt]]), collapse=" -> ")}),
		rownames(regCountTab) <- getRegionTypes(.object)

		rr <- muReportR::addReportTable(rr, regCountTab, row.names=TRUE, first.col.header=FALSE)

		# hasFragments <- length(.object@fragments) > 0
		# txt <- c("Fragment data IS NOT available.")
		# if (hasFragments) txt <- c("Fragment data IS available.")
		# rr <- muReportR::addReportParagraph(rr, txt)

		quantProbs <- seq(0, 1, length.out=101L)
		doLog <- getConfigElement("exploratoryLogNormCounts")

		sampleIds <- getSamples(.object)
		sampleIds.ext <- c("[ALL]", sampleIds)

		logger.start("Quantile plots")
			plotL.qq <- list()
			plotL.hm <- list()
			for (rt in regTypes){
				logger.status(c("Region type:", rt, "..."))
				rtString <- muRtools::normalize.str(rt, return.camel=TRUE)
				cmU <- getCounts(unnormObj, rt, asMatrix=TRUE)
				cmN <- getCounts(.object, rt, asMatrix=TRUE)
				countLabel <- "count"
				if (doLog) {
					cmU <- log10(cmU + 1)
					cmN <- log10(cmN + 1)
					countLabel <- paste("log10", countLabel,sep="_")

				qmU <- t(matrixStats::colQuantiles(cmU, probs=quantProbs, na.rm=TRUE))
				qmN <- t(matrixStats::colQuantiles(cmN, probs=quantProbs, na.rm=TRUE))

				qU <- quantile(cmU, probs=quantProbs, na.rm=TRUE)
				qN <- quantile(cmN, probs=quantProbs, na.rm=TRUE)
				maxCount <- max(c(max(cmU, na.rm=TRUE), max(cmN, na.rm=TRUE)))

				# QQ-plot of normalized and unnormalized counts (overall and for each sample)
				df2p <- data.frame(reshape2::melt(qmU), value2=reshape2::melt(qmN)[,"value"], stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
				cns <- c("quantile", "sampleId", paste(countLabel, c("unnormalized", "normalized"), sep="_"))
				colnames(df2p) <- cns

				# add overall quantiles
				df_add <- data.frame(
				colnames(df_add) <- cns
				df2p <- rbind(df2p, df_add)

				i <- 0
				for (sid in sampleIds.ext){
					pp <- ggplot(df2p[df2p[,"sampleId"]==sid,]) + aes_string(x=paste(countLabel, "unnormalized", sep="_"), y=paste(countLabel, "normalized", sep="_")) +
						  coord_fixed() +
						  geom_abline(intercept=0, slope=1, color="#A0A0A0") + geom_path(lineend="round", size=2) +
					repPlot <- muReportR::createReportGgPlot(pp, paste0("qqPlot_", rtString, "_s", i), rr, width=7, height=7, create.pdf=TRUE, high.png=0L)
					repPlot <- muReportR::off(repPlot)
					plotL.qq <- c(plotL.qq, list(repPlot))
					i <- i + 1

				# Side-by-side quantile heatmaps
				cs <- getConfigElement("colorSchemesCont")[[".default"]]
				colScheme <- circlize::colorRamp2(seq(0, maxCount, length.out=length(cs)), cs)

				hmu <- ComplexHeatmap::Heatmap(qmU, name=paste("Unnormalized", countLabel),
					col = colScheme,
					column_title = "Unnormalized",
					row_title = "quantile",
					row_names_gp = grid::gpar(fontsize=6),
					column_names_gp = grid::gpar(fontsize=6),
					show_row_names = TRUE, show_column_names = TRUE
				hmn <- ComplexHeatmap::Heatmap(qmN, name=paste("Normalized", countLabel),
					col = colScheme,
					column_title = "Normalized",
					row_title = "quantile",
					row_names_gp = grid::gpar(fontsize=6),
					column_names_gp = grid::gpar(fontsize=6),
					show_row_names = TRUE, show_column_names = TRUE
				repPlot <- muReportR::createReportPlot(paste0("quantileHeatmaps_", rtString), rr, width=10, height=7, create.pdf=TRUE, high.png=300L)
				# pdf(fn, width=10, height=10, onefile=FALSE)
					ComplexHeatmap::draw(hmu + hmn)
				repPlot <- muReportR::off(repPlot)
				plotL.hm <- c(plotL.hm, list(repPlot))

		figSettings.region <- regTypes
		names(figSettings.region) <- normalize.str(regTypes, return.camel=TRUE)
		figSettings.sampleId <- sampleIds.ext
		names(figSettings.sampleId) <- paste0("s", 0:length(sampleIds))

		txt <- c(
			"The plot below shows the quantile-quantile relationship of unnormalized to normalized insertion counts, overall and for each sample."
		rr <- muReportR::addReportSection(rr, "QQ plot", txt, level=1L, collapsed=FALSE)

		figSettings <- list(
			"Region type" = figSettings.region,
			"Sample" = figSettings.sampleId
		rr <- muReportR::addReportFigure(rr, "QQ-plot of unnormalized vs normalized counts", plotL.qq, figSettings)

		txt <- c(
			"The heatmaps below show the unnormalized and normalized insertion counts at each quantile for each sample in the dataset."
		rr <- muReportR::addReportSection(rr, "Quantile heatmaps", txt, level=1L, collapsed=FALSE)

		figSettings <- list(
			"Region type" = figSettings.region
		rr <- muReportR::addReportFigure(rr, "Heatmaps of unnormalized vs normalized counts for each quantile and sample", plotL.hm, figSettings)

GreenleafLab/ChrAccR documentation built on March 22, 2023, 11:42 p.m.