
Defines functions genKeptVector getKept getTrimmed ambigSeqs ambigSeqs_internal saveToDisk.ambigSeqs computeMetrics.ambigSeqs print.ambigSeqs

Documented in ambigSeqs genKeptVector getKept getTrimmed

#' Generates a vector of T/F indicating which sequences were kept or trimmed.
#' @export

genKeptVector <- function(result)
  trim_criteria <- matrix(TRUE, nrow = nrow(result$metrics$per_read_metrics), ncol = length(result$trim_steps))
  i <- 0
  for (trim_step in result$trim_steps)
    i <- i+1
    trim_dat <- result$metrics$per_read_metrics[,trim_step$name,drop=T]
#    stopifnot(length(trim_dat) == length(seq_dat))
    if (length(trim_step$breaks) == 1)
      stopifnot(all(trim_dat == trim_step$threshold))
#      kept <- seq_dat
#      trimmed <- seq_dat[0]
    } else {
      if ('comparator' %in% names(trim_step))
        comparator = trim_step$comparator
      } else {
        comparator = `<=`
      trim_criteria[,i] <- comparator(trim_dat, trim_step$threshold)
  return(apply(trim_criteria, 1, all))

#' Get the data kept after a trimming step
#' @export

getKept <- function(result, seq_dat=NULL)
  if (is.null(seq_dat) & (!('input_dat' %in% names(result))))
    stop('data to be trimmed must be supplied either via the seq_dat argument or as an element named input_dat in the result list')
  if (is.null(seq_dat)){
    seq_dat <- result$input_dat
  stopifnot(length(seq_dat) == nrow(result$metrics$per_read_metrics))
  kept_vector <- genKeptVector(result)

  seq_dat <- seq_dat[kept_vector]

#' Get the data trimmed at a trimming step
#' @export

getTrimmed <- function(seq_dat, kept_dat)
  seq_dat[!(as.character(seq_dat@id) %in% as.character(kept_dat@id))]

#' Removes sequences with too many ambig bases
#' @inheritParams applyOperation
#' @export

ambigSeqs <- function(all_results, config)
  op_number <- config$current_op_number
  op_args <- config$operation_list[[op_number]]
  op_full_name <- paste(op_number, op_args$name, sep = '_')

  op_dir <- file.path(config$output_dir, config$base_for_names, op_full_name)
  dir.create(op_dir, showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)
  data_source_indx <- grep(op_args$data_source, names(all_results))
  stopifnot(length(data_source_indx) == 1)
  seq_dat <- all_results[[data_source_indx]]$seq_dat
  per_read_metrics <- ambigSeqs_internal(seq_dat)

  threshold <- op_args$threshold
  if (is.null(threshold))
    threshold <- 0.02
  trim_steps <- list(step1 = list(name = 'prop_ambig',
                                  threshold = threshold,
                                  breaks = c(-Inf, threshold+c(-0.02, -0.01, 0, 0.01), 1)

  result <- list(trim_steps = trim_steps,
                 metrics = list(per_read_metrics = per_read_metrics))
  kept_dat <- getKept(result, seq_dat=seq_dat)
  class(result) <- 'ambigSeqs'
  if (op_args$cache){
    result$seq_dat <- kept_dat
  result$input_dat <- seq_dat
  result$config <- list(op_number = op_number,
                        op_args = op_args,
                        op_full_name = op_full_name,
                        op_dir = op_dir)

ambigSeqs_internal <- function(seq_dat)
  counts <- alphabetFrequency(seq_dat@sread)
  tmp <- data.frame(counts)
  names(tmp) <- paste('c',attr(counts, 'dimnames')[[2]],sep='')
  counts <- tmp

  ambigCols <- !(gsub('^c','', names(counts)) %in% c('A','C','G','T','-'))
  counts$seq_len <- width(seq_dat@sread)
  counts$ambig <- apply(counts[,ambigCols], 1, sum)
  counts$prop_ambig <- counts$ambig/counts$seq_len
  per_read_metrics <- counts[,c('seq_len', 'ambig', 'prop_ambig')]

saveToDisk.ambigSeqs <- function(result, config, seq_dat)
  kept <- getKept(result, seq_dat)
  trimmed <- getTrimmed(seq_dat = seq_dat, kept_dat = kept)

  if (length(kept) > 0)
    tmp_name <- file.path(result$config$op_dir, 
      paste(config$base_for_names, '_kept_', result$config$op_args$name, '.fastq', sep = ''))
    writeFastq(kept, tmp_name, compress=F)
  if (length(trimmed) > 0)
    tmp_name <- file.path(result$config$op_dir, 
      paste(config$base_for_names, '_trimmed_', result$config$op_args$name, '.fastq', sep = ''))
    writeFastq(trimmed, tmp_name, compress=F)

computeMetrics.ambigSeqs <- function(result, config, seq_dat)

print.ambigSeqs <- function(result, config)
  cat('\nOperation: ambigSeqs')
  cat('\nKept Sequences:\n')
  print(result$summary[,c('parameter', 'k_seqs', 'k_mean_length', 'k_mean_qual')])
  cat('\nTrimmed Sequences:\n')
  print(result$summary[,c('parameter', 't_seqs', 't_mean_length', 't_mean_qual')])

#  result <- operation_function(all_results, config)
#  result <- saveToDisk(result, config)
#  result <- genReport(result, config)
#  result <- genSummary(result, config)
#  result <- print(result, config)
HIVDiversity/MotifBinner2 documentation built on May 6, 2019, 6:44 p.m.