
Defines functions pairwise_aln

Documented in pairwise_aln

#' @title Compute Pairwise Alignments
#' @description This function takes a FASTA file containing two DNA or amino acid sequences
#' that shall be aligned and computes a paiwise alignment using a defined alignment method.
#' @param file a character string specifying the path to the file storing the sequences in FASTA format.
#' @param tool a character string specifying the program/algorithm that should be used: \code{tool} = \code{"NW"}.
#' @param seq_type a character string specifying the sequence type stored within the given FASTA file. Options are
#' \code{seq_type} = \code{"protein"}, \code{seq_type} = \code{"cds"}, \code{seq_type} = \code{"dna"}.
#'  Default is \code{seq_type} = \code{"protein"}. 
#' @param get_aln a logical value indicating whether the produced alignment should be returned.
#' @param pairwise_aln_name a character string specifying the name of the stored alignment file. 
#' Default is \code{pairwise_aln_name} = \code{NULL} denoting a default name: 'toolname_seq_type.aln' .
#' @param path a character string specifying the path to the pairwise alignment program (in case you don't use the default path).
#' @param quiet a logical value specifying whether a successful interface call shall be printed out.
#' @param store_locally a logical value indicating whether or not alignment files shall be stored locally rather than in \code{tempdir()}.
#' @author Sarah Scharfenberg and Hajk-Georg Drost
#' @details This function provides an interface between R and common pairwise alignment computation methods.
#' The current version of this function computes pairwise alignments based on the \code{\link[Biostrings]{pairwiseAlignment}}
#' function implemented in the \pkg{Biostrings} package.
#' The default pairwise alignment method is based on the \emph{Needleman-Wunsch Algorithm}.
#' @examples \dontrun{        
#' # Needleman-Wunsch Example:  
#' # in case Biostrings works properly
#' pairwise_aln( file     = system.file('seqs/aa_seqs.fasta', package = 'orthologr'),
#'               tool     = "NW", 
#'               get_aln  = TRUE, 
#'               seq_type = "protein")
#' }
#' @return In case the argument \code{get_aln} is set \code{TRUE}, an object of class alignment of the seqinr package is returned.
#' @import Biostrings
#' @export
pairwise_aln <- function(file, 
                         tool              = "NW", 
                         seq_type          = "protein", 
                         get_aln           = FALSE, 
                         pairwise_aln_name = NULL,
                         path              = NULL, 
                         quiet             = FALSE,
                         store_locally     = FALSE){
        if (!is.pairwise_aln_tool(tool))
                stop("Please choose a tool that is supported by this function.")
        if (!is.element(seq_type, c("dna", "cds", "protein")))
                stop("Please choose a seq_type that is supported by this function.")
        if (is.element(seq_type, c("dna", "cds")))
                seqtype <- "DNA"
        if (seq_type == "protein")
                seqtype <- "AA"
        if (!file.exists(file.path(ifelse(store_locally, "orthologr_alignment_files", tempdir()), "_alignment"))) {
                dir.create(file.path(ifelse(store_locally, "orthologr_alignment_files", tempdir()), "_alignment"))
        if (!file.exists(file.path(ifelse(store_locally, "orthologr_alignment_files", tempdir()), "_alignment", "pairwise_aln"))) {
                dir.create(file.path(ifelse(store_locally, "orthologr_alignment_files", tempdir()), "_alignment", "pairwise_aln"))
        if (is.null(pairwise_aln_name)) {
                file.out <-
                        file.path(ifelse(store_locally, "orthologr_alignment_files", tempdir()),
                                  paste0(tool, "_", seqtype, ".aln"))
        if (!is.null(pairwise_aln_name)) {
                file.out <-
                                ifelse(store_locally, "orthologr_alignment_files", tempdir()),
                                paste0(pairwise_aln_name, "_", tool, "_", seqtype, ".aln")
        # Needleman-Wunsch using Biostrings::pairwiseAlignment( type=global)
        if (tool == "NW") {
                #read file
                if (is.element(seq_type, c("dna", "cds"))) {
                        #                         not possible as is sorts the input by name
                        #                         seqs <- read.cds(file=file, format=format)
                        #                         names <- dt[,geneids]
                        #                         seqs <- sapply(dt[,seqs] , Biostrings::DNAString)
                        input <- seqinr::read.fasta(file    = file,
                                                    seqtype = seqtype)
                        names <- names(input)
                        seqs <-
                                lapply(input, function(x) {
                if (seq_type == "protein") {
                        #                         dt <- read.proteome(file=file, format=format)
                        #                         names <- dt[,geneids]
                        #                         seqs <- sapply(dt[,seqs] , Biostrings::AAString)
                        input <-
                                seqinr::read.fasta(file    = file,
                                                   seqtype = seqtype)
                        names <- names(input)
                        seqs <-
                                lapply(input, function(x) {
                # align
                aln  <-
                        Biostrings::pairwiseAlignment(pattern = seqs[[1]],
                                                      subject = seqs[[2]],
                                                      type    = "global")
                #write file -> comment Hajk: what does pattern() and subject() do in pattern(aln), subject(aln) ?
                # pattern(aln) == get aligned sequence that was set as pattern input
                # subject(aln) == get aligned sequence that was set as subject input
                        sequences = list(Biostrings::pattern(aln), IRanges::subject(aln)),
                        names     = names,
                        file.out  = file.out
                if (store_locally) {
                        local_store_path <- file.path("orthologr_alignment_files", "_pairwise_alignment_with_score")
                        Biostrings::writePairwiseAlignments(aln, file.path(local_store_path, paste0(pairwise_aln_name, "_", tool, "_", seqtype, ".aln")))
                } else {
                        local_store_path <- file.path(tempdir(), "_pairwise_alignment_with_score")
                        Biostrings::writePairwiseAlignments(aln, file.path(local_store_path, paste0(pairwise_aln_name, "_", tool, "_", seqtype, ".aln")))
                if (!quiet) {
                        print(paste0("File successfully written to ", file.out, "."))
                if (get_aln)
HajkD/orthologr documentation built on Oct. 13, 2023, 12:11 a.m.