
Defines functions ReadListFile ReadConditionFile AddLooMafCol TblCndSubset StringToSet ApplyThreshold ReadLargeTable WriteLargeTable BurdenTest ProcessString ReadGenesetsFile UpdateTable SamplepedIidFidList GetAlleleCounts LoadExpression

Documented in AddLooMafCol ApplyThreshold BurdenTest GetAlleleCounts ProcessString ReadConditionFile ReadGenesetsFile ReadLargeTable ReadListFile SamplepedIidFidList StringToSet TblCndSubset UpdateTable WriteLargeTable

kGeneNameCol <- "Gene Name"
kVariantIdCol<- "Variant ID"
kSampleNameCol <- "Sample Name"
kGenotypeCol <- "Genotype"
kLvgQualvarCols <- c(kGeneNameCol, kVariantIdCol, kSampleNameCol)
kCphtGeneNameCol <- "Gene"
kCasectrlAllColnames <- c("name","method","alternative")
kCasectrlFetColnames <- c(kCasectrlAllColnames,
                          "n.case.qual", "n.case.nonqual",
                          "n.ctrl.qual", "n.ctrl.nonqual",
                          "conf.int.lower", "conf.int.upper",
kCasectrlPoissonColnames<- c(kCasectrlAllColnames,
                             "n.var.case", "n.case", "var.rate.case",
                             "n.var.ctrl", "n.ctrl", "var.rate.ctrl",
                             "conf.int.lower", "conf.int.upper",

#' read in a file where each line is a seperate entry into a vector.
#' @param filename name of input file.
#' @export
ReadListFile <- function(filename) {
  mylist <- scan(filename, what=character(), quiet=T)

#' read in a .condition file, where each line represents conditions to apply.
#' @param condition.filename name of .condition file.
#' @export
ReadConditionFile <- function(condition.filename) {
  cnd <- read.table(condition.filename, stringsAsFactors=F)
  colnames(cnd) <- c("col.name", "rel.operator", "val")

#' add a leave-one-out minor allele freq. column with values to genotype table.
#' @param geno data frame of genotypes.
#' @param n.samples total number of samples.
#' @export
AddLooMafCol <- function(geno, n.samples, variant.id.col="Variant ID") {
  geno[["loo maf"]] <- 0
  var.loo.counts <- table(geno[[variant.id.col]]) - 1
  var.loo.counts <- var.loo.counts[var.loo.counts > 0]
  if (length(var.loo.counts) > 0) {
    unique.counts <- sort(as.numeric(unique(var.loo.counts)))
    max.loo.count <- max(var.loo.counts)
    for (i in unique.counts) {
      vars <- names(var.loo.counts[var.loo.counts == i])
      loo.maf.i <- as.numeric(i / n.samples)
      geno[ geno[[variant.id.col]] %in% vars,
            "loo maf"] <- loo.maf.i

#' subset on table based on rows in condition data frame.
#' @param tbl data frame of values with column names.
#' @param cnd data frame of conditions to subset tbl on.
#' @export
TblCndSubset <- function(tbl, cnd) {
  for (i in 1:nrow(cnd)) {
    col.name <- cnd[i,"col.name"]
    rel.operator <- cnd[i,"rel.operator"]
    val <- cnd[i,"val"]
    tbl <- ApplyThreshold(tbl, col.name, rel.operator, val)

#' split string to vector
#' @param str input string.
#' @param type type of variable that each output vector element should be.
#' @param delim delimiter character in input string.
#' @export
StringToSet <- function(str,
                        delim=",") {
  if (is.null(str)==F) {
    str.set <- strsplit(str, delim)[[1]]
  } else {
    str.set <- c()
  if (type!="character") {
    for (i in 1:length(str.set)) {
      str.set[i] <- as(str.set[i], type)

#' subset on input table on a user defined condition.
#' @param tbl input data frame.
#' @param col.name column name to subset input data frame on.
#' @param cmp string representing which operator to apply on df column.
#' @param val value linked to input tbl by cmp operator.
#' @export
ApplyThreshold <- function(tbl, col.name, cmp, val,
                           na.numeric.convert=0) {
  if (cmp == "in") {
    valset <- StringToSet(val)
    tbl <- tbl[ which(tbl[[col.name]] %in% valset), , drop=F]
  } else if (cmp == "notin") {
    valset <- StringToSet(val)
    tbl <- tbl[ which((tbl[[col.name]] %in% valset)==F), , drop=F]
  } else if (cmp == "grep") {
    tbl <- tbl[ which(grepl(val, tbl[[col.name]]) == T), , drop=F]
  } else if (cmp == "grepv") {
    tbl <- tbl[ which(grepl(val, tbl[[col.name]]) == F), , drop=F]
  } else if (cmp == "eq" | cmp == "==") {
    tbl <- tbl[ which(tbl[[col.name]] == val), , drop =F]
  } else if (cmp == "noteq" | cmp == "!=") {
    tbl <- tbl[ which(tbl[[col.name]] != val), , drop =F]
  } else if (cmp == "gt" | cmp == ">") {
    val <- as.double(val)
    valset <- as.double( tbl[[col.name]] )
    valset <- ifelse(is.na(valset), na.numeric.convert, valset)
    tbl <- tbl[ which(valset > val), , drop =F]
  } else if (cmp == "gte" | cmp == ">=") {
    val <- as.double(val)
    valset <- as.double( tbl[[col.name]] )
    valset <- ifelse(is.na(valset), na.numeric.convert, valset) 
    tbl <- tbl[ which(valset >= val), , drop =F]
  } else if (cmp == "lt" | cmp == "<") {
    val <- as.double(val)
    valset <- as.double( tbl[[col.name]] )
    valset <- ifelse(is.na(valset), na.numeric.convert, valset) 
    tbl <- tbl[ which(valset < val), , drop =F]
  } else if (cmp == "lte" | cmp == "<=") {
    val <- as.double(val)
    valset <- as.double( tbl[[col.name]] )
    valset <- ifelse(is.na(valset), na.numeric.convert, valset) 
    tbl <- tbl[ which(valset <= val), , drop =F]

#' read a large table (can be gzipped and/or GB in size) into a data frame.
#' @param filename name of table file.
#' @param ... args to be passed to data.table fread function
#' @importFrom data.table fread
#' @export
ReadLargeTable <- function(filename, ...) {
  if (grepl(".gz$",filename)==T) {
    filename.full <- paste("gunzip -c",
                      sep=" ")
  } else {
    filename.full <- filename
  mat <- fread(filename.full,

#' write large table to output file, with support for gzip.
#' @param tbl data frame to be written to file.
#' @param filename name of output file to write to, ".gz" at end for gzip.
#' @param ... parameters to be passed on to write.table function.
#' @export
WriteLargeTable <- function(tbl, filename, ...) {
  if (grepl(".gz$", filename) == T) {
    filename.full <- gzfile(filename)
  } else {
    filename.full <- filename
  write.table(tbl, file=filename.full,

#' perform a case/control burden test on aggregated rare variant sequence data.
#' @param mat collapsing matrix data structure.
#' @param genes list of genes to include in burden test.
#' @param cases vector of case names.
#' @param ctrls vector of ctrl names.
#' @param collapse.thresh integer threshold for inclusion of sample genotype,
#'                        if >0 then collapsing analyses are used, else 
#'                        poisson tests used (case vs. ctrl variant rate).
#' @param ... additional args for fisher.test or poisson.test
#' @export
BurdenTest <- function(mat, genes, 
                       cases, ctrls,
                       ...) {
  n.cases <- length(cases)
  n.ctrls <- length(ctrls)
  cases <- intersect(cases, colnames(mat))
  ctrls <- intersect(ctrls, colnames(mat))
  genes <- intersect(genes, rownames(mat))

  res <- list()
  mat.g.counts <- colSums(mat[genes, , drop=F])
  if (collapse.thresh == 0) {
    mat.g.counts.cases <- sum(mat.g.counts[cases])
    mat.g.counts.ctrls <- sum(mat.g.counts[ctrls])
    var.rate.cases <- mat.g.counts.cases / n.cases
    var.rate.ctrls <- mat.g.counts.ctrls / n.ctrls
    res.full <- poisson.test(mat.g.counts.cases, n.cases,
                             var.rate.ctrls, ...)
    res$n.var.case <- mat.g.counts.cases
    res$n.case <- n.cases
    res$var.rate.case <- var.rate.cases
    res$n.var.ctrl <- mat.g.counts.ctrls
    res$n.ctrl <- n.ctrls
    res$var.rate.ctrl <- var.rate.ctrls
    res$conf.int.lower <- res.full$conf.int[1]
    res$conf.int.upper <- res.full$conf.int[2]
    res$p.value <- res.full$p.value

  } else {
    mat.g.counts <- ifelse(mat.g.counts >= collapse.thresh, 1, 0)
    mat.g.counts.cases <- sum(mat.g.counts[cases])
    mat.g.counts.ctrls <- sum(mat.g.counts[ctrls])
    n.case.qual <- mat.g.counts.cases
    n.case.nonqual <- n.cases - mat.g.counts.cases
    n.ctrl.qual <- mat.g.counts.ctrls
    n.ctrl.nonqual <- n.ctrls - mat.g.counts.ctrls
    FET.tbl <- data.frame(case=c(n.case.qual, n.case.nonqual),
                          ctrl=c(n.ctrl.qual, n.ctrl.nonqual))
    res.full <- fisher.test(FET.tbl, ...)
    res$n.case.qual <- n.case.qual
    res$n.case.nonqual <- n.case.nonqual
    res$n.ctrl.qual <- n.ctrl.qual
    res$n.ctrl.nonqual <- n.ctrl.nonqual
    res$odds.ratio <- res.full$estimate
    res$conf.int.lower <- res.full$conf.int[1]
    res$conf.int.upper <- res.full$conf.int[2]
    res$p.value <- res.full$p.value
  res$method <- ProcessString(res.full$method)
  res$alternative <- ProcessString(res.full$alternative)


#' convert process input string into a form more agreeable with R.
#' @param str input string.
#' @export
ProcessString <- function(str) {
  str <- gsub(" ",".",str)
  str <- gsub("'","",str)

#' read genesets file to a list of genesets.
#' @param genesets.file name of .genesets file.
#' @export
ReadGenesetsFile <- function(genesets.file) {
  genesets <- list()
  fh <- file(genesets.file, open="r")
  lines <- readLines(fh)
  rows <- c()
  for (i in 1:length(lines)){
    row.i <- strsplit( lines[i], "\t" )[[1]]
    geneset.name <- row.i[1]
    geneset <- strsplit(row.i[2], "," )[[1]]
    genesets[[geneset.name]] <- geneset

#' update input table with values of res.list at row i
#' @param tbl input table.
#' @param row.i row number in table to edit.
#' @param res.list list of results to iterate through and add vals to table.
#' @export
UpdateTable <- function(tbl, row.i, res.list) {
  for (col.name.j in colnames(tbl)) {
    tbl[row.i, col.name.j] <- res.list[[col.name.j]]

#' table sampleped data frame and get list of individual ID -> family ID.
#' @param sampleped data frame of sample data in sampleped format.
#' @export
SamplepedIidFidList <- function(sampleped) {
  iid.fid <- list()
  for (i in 1:nrow(sampleped)) {
    iid.fid[[ sampleped[i, 2] ]] <- sampleped[i,1]

#' for input variant calls and genotypes, return genotype counts, taking into
#' account the chromosome and sample gender for each variant call.   For 
#' example, a 'homozygous' on an x chromosome of a male would be an allele 
#' count of only 1, rather than 2, whereas a female homozygous call on an x
#' chromosome would be an allele count of 2.Such rules do not apply to 
#' autosomes, where each sample should have two copies of each.
#' @param sample.ID vector of samples IDs
#' @param variant.ID vector of variant IDs
#' @param genotype vector of genotype strings (het / hom)
#' @param sampleped data frame of samples in sampleped format
#' @export
GetAlleleCounts <- function(sample.ID, 
                            sampleped) {
  genotype <- ifelse(genotype=="hom",2,1)
  calls <- data.frame(sample.ID=sample.ID,
  samplegender <- list()
  for (i in 1:nrow(sampleped)) {
    sample.ID.i <- sampleped[i,2]
    sample.gender.i <- as.numeric(sampleped[i,5])
    samplegender[[ sample.ID.i ]] <- sample.gender.i
  gender <- as.numeric(unlist(samplegender[ calls$sample.ID ]))
  calls$gender <- gender
  if ( nrow(calls[ (grepl("X-", calls$variant.ID)) &
                   (calls$gender == 1) & 
                   (calls$genotype == 2), ]) > 0) {
    calls[ grepl("X-", calls$variant.ID) &
           calls$gender == 1 &
           calls$genotype == 2, "genotype"] <- 1

LoadExpression<-function(expression.str, is.file=F) {
  if (is.file == T) {
    expr <- scan(expression.str, what=character(),sep="\n")
    expr <- expr[1]
  } else {
    expr <- expression.str
  expr <- as.expression(expr)
Halvee/rvatk documentation built on May 6, 2019, 10:55 p.m.