
Defines functions sig_surv_plot

Documented in sig_surv_plot

#' Multiple survival KM-plot to a signature or gene
#' @param input_pdata This parameter represents the input data for the survival analysis. It is expected to be a data frame.
#' @param signature This parameter specifies the column name in input_pdata that represents the target signature for survival analysis.
#' @param project This optional parameter represents the project name. The default value is "KM".
#' @param time This optional parameter represents the column name in input_pdata that contains the time variable for survival analysis. The default value is "time".
#' @param status This optional parameter represents the column name in input_pdata that contains the survival status variable. The default value is "status".
#' @param time_type This optional parameter specifies the time unit used in the analysis. The default value is "month".
#' @param break_month This optional parameter specifies the interval at which the time axis breaks should be made in the Kaplan-Meier plot. The default value is "auto".
#' @param palette This optional parameter allows the user to specify the palette type if cols is not provided. The default value is "jama".
#' @param save_path This optional parameter specifies the directory path for saving the plot. The default value is "KM-plot".
#' @param mini_sig This optional parameter represents the label for the mini signature in the legend. The default value is "score".
#' @param show_col logical variable, if TRUE, color will be print and show in the R studio
#' @param index This parameter represents the index for multiple plots generated in a single run. It is used as the prefix in the filename. The default value is 1.
#' @param cols This optional parameter allows the user to specify the color palette for the plot. If not specified, a default palette will be used.
#' @param fig.type This optional parameter specifies the file format for saving the plot. The default value is "png".
#' @param ID This optional parameter represents the column name in input_pdata that contains the unique identifier for each data point. The default value is "ID".
#' @importFrom survminer surv_cutpoint
#' @import survival
#' @author Dongqiang Zeng
#' @return survival
#' @export
#' @examples
#'data("tcga_stad_pdata", package = "IOBR")
#'sig_surv_plot(input_pdata = tcga_stad_pdata, signature = "TMEscore_plus", time = "time", status = "OS_status")
sig_surv_plot <- function(input_pdata,
                          project     = "KM",
                          ID          = "ID",
                          time        = "time",
                          status      = "status",
                          time_type   = "month",
                          break_month = "auto",
                          cols        = NULL,
                          palette     = "jama",
                          show_col    = TRUE,
                          mini_sig    = "score",
                          fig.type    = "png",
                          save_path   = "KM-plot",
                          index       = 1){

  if(!signature%in%colnames(input_pdata)) stop("Target signature must be in the column name of input_pdata")

  if (!file.exists(save_path)) dir.create(save_path)
  abspath<-paste(getwd(),"/" ,save_path, "/",sep ="" )

  # if("time"%in%input_pdata & time!="time") stop(">>>- 'time' is already in column name of input_pdata... ")
  # if("status"%in%input_pdata & time!="status") stop(">>>- 'status' is already in column name of input_pdata... ")

  input_pdata<-as.data.frame(input_pdata[,colnames(input_pdata)%in%c(ID, time, status, signature)])

  #filter data

  input_pdata<- input_pdata %>%
    filter(!is.na(time)) %>%
    filter(!is.na(status)) %>%
    filter(!.$time=="NA") %>%
    filter(!.$status=="NA") %>%
    filter(.$time > 0)

  # input_pdata$ProjectID<-project

  #transform follow up time
  if(time_type=="day") input_pdata$time<-input_pdata$time/30
  #cut use quantile
  # print(paste0(signature,"'s expression range: "))
  # print( summary(cut(input_pdata[,signature],breaks = 3)))
  q1<-quantile(input_pdata[,signature],probs = 1/3)
  q2<-quantile(input_pdata[,signature],probs = 2/3)


  input_pdata$group2<-ifelse(input_pdata$group2 <= mean(input_pdata[,signature]),"Low","High")

  message(paste(">>> Dataset's survival follow up time is range between",
              paste(round(summary(input_pdata$time),2)[c(1,6)],collapse = " to "),"months"))
  #calculate best cutoff
  res.cut<-surv_cutpoint(input_pdata,time = "time",event = "status",variables = signature)
  message(paste0(">>> The best cutoff for " ,signature, " is: ",round(res.cut,2)))
  # data category
  input_pdata<- best_cutoff(pdata = input_pdata, variable = signature, time ="time", status = "status", PrintResult = F)

  # input_pdata<-as.data.frame(input_pdata)
  # signatureBinary <- as.character(paste(signature,"_binary",sep = ""))
  colnames(input_pdata)[which(colnames(input_pdata)== paste0(signature,"_binary"))]<-"bestcutoff"

  message(paste(">>> High ", signature," = ",summary(as.factor(input_pdata$bestcutoff)))[1],collapse = " ")
  message(paste(">>> Low ",signature," = ",summary(as.factor(input_pdata$bestcutoff)))[2],collapse = " ")

  save(input_pdata,file = paste0(abspath,index,"-0-",project,"-",signature,"-survival-analysis-input.RData"))

  # Sur <-   Surv(time = input_pdata$time,event = input_pdata$status)
  # 将high变量转化为1,才能准确计算出HR,否则是反的

  pvalue<-getHRandCIfromCoxph(coxph(Surv(time = input_pdata$time, event = input_pdata$status)~input_pdata$bestcutoff,data = input_pdata))

  HR <- paste("Hazard Ratio = ", round(pvalue[,2],2), sep = "")
  CI <- paste("95% CI: ", paste(round(pvalue[,3],2), round(pvalue[,4],2), sep = " - "), sep = "")
  cut_off<-paste("cutoff = ",round(res.cut,3),sep = "")
  sfit <- surv_fit(Surv(time = input_pdata$time, event = input_pdata$status) ~ input_pdata$bestcutoff,
                  data = input_pdata)
  # input_pdata[,index]<-ifelse(input_pdata[,index]==1,"High","LOW")
  #define break time

  if(break_month == "auto"){
    break_month<-break_month(input = input_pdata$time,block = 6)

  max_month<- break_month*6

  if(is.null(cols))  cols<- palettes(category = "box",palette = palette, show_col = F)

                 data = input_pdata,
                 censor = TRUE,
                 ncensor.plot = F,conf.int = F,
                 xlim = c(0, max_month),
                 break.time.by = break_month,
                 xlab = "Months after diagnosis",
                 surv.median.line = "h", # draw horizontal line at median survival
                 legend.labs = c(paste0('Low ',mini_sig),paste0("High ",mini_sig)),
                 submain= paste0(signature,"-in-",project),
                 risk.table = T,tables.height = 0.20,
                 palette = cols,
                 pval.size = 8,
                 pval = paste(pval = ifelse(pvalue[,1] < 0.0001, "P < 0.0001",
                                            paste("P = ",round(pvalue[,1],4), sep = "")),
                              HR, CI, cut_off,sep = "\n"),
                 size = 0.4)

  res1 <- arrange_ggsurvplots(list(pp1), print = FALSE, ncol = 1, nrow = 1)

  ggsave(plot =  res1,filename = paste0(index,"-1-KMplot-best-cutoff-",signature,"-",project,".", fig.type),
         width =6 ,height =6.5,path = save_path)



  # choose  tri-sectional quantiles to conduct KM-plot
  # turn high to 1 to calculate HR

  # input_pdata$group3<-ifelse(input_pdata$group3=="High",3,ifelse(input_pdata$group3=="Middle",2,1))
  # Sur <- Surv(input_pdata$time,input_pdata$status)
  # pvalue<-getHRandCIfromCoxph(coxph(Surv(input_pdata$time,input_pdata$status)~input_pdata$group3,data = input_pdata))
  # HR <- paste("Hazard Ratio = ", round(pvalue[,2],2), sep = "")
  # CI <- paste("95% CI: ", paste(round(pvalue[,3],2), round(pvalue[,4],2), sep = " - "), sep = "")
  sfit <- surv_fit(Surv(input_pdata$time,input_pdata$status) ~ input_pdata$group3,data=input_pdata)

  # hack strata for better survival curve
  names(sfit$strata) <- gsub("group3=", "", names(sfit$strata))
  # ###########################################
  pp2<-ggsurvplot(sfit,data = input_pdata,censor = TRUE,
                 ncensor.plot = F,conf.int = F,
                 xlim = c(0,max_month),
                 break.time.by = break_month,
                 xlab = "Months after diagnosis",
                 # legend.labs = c(paste0('Low ',mini_sig),paste0("Middle ",mini_sig),paste0("High ",mini_sig)),
                 submain= paste0(signature,"-in-",project),
                 surv.median.line = "h", # draw horizontal line at median survival
                 risk.table = T,tables.height = 0.25,
                 palette = cols,
                 pval.size = 8,
                 size = 0.4)

  fitd <- survdiff(Surv(time,status)~ group3,
                   data= input_pdata,
                   na.action = na.exclude)

  p.val <- 1 - pchisq(fitd$chisq, length(fitd$n) - 1)

  # add nominal pvalue for log-rank test
  p.lab <- paste0("Overall P",
                  ifelse(p.val < 0.001, " < 0.001",
                         paste0(" = ",round(p.val, 3))))

  pp2$plot <- pp2$plot + annotate("text",
                                x = 0, y = 0.55,
                                hjust = 0,
                                fontface = 3,
                                label = p.lab)

  # calculate pair-wise survival comparison
  ps <- pairwise_survdiff(Surv(time,status)~ group3,
                          data= input_pdata,
                          p.adjust.method = "none")

  # add pair-wise comparison table
  # options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  addTab <- as.data.frame(as.matrix(ifelse(round(ps$p.value, 3) < 0.001, "<0.001",
                                           round(ps$p.value, 3))))
  addTab[is.na(addTab)] <- "-"
  # options(stringsAsFactors = TRUE)

  df <- tibble(x = 0, y = 0, tb = list(addTab))
  pp2$plot <- pp2$plot + ggpp::geom_table(data = df, aes(x = x, y = y, label = tb), table.rownames = TRUE)

  res2 <- arrange_ggsurvplots(list(pp2), print = FALSE, ncol = 1, nrow = 1)

  ggsave(plot =  res2, filename = paste0(index,"-2-KMplot-3group-",signature,"-",project,".", fig.type),
         width =6 ,height =6.5,path = save_path)

  # input_pdata$group3<-ifelse(input_pdata$group3==3,"High",ifelse(input_pdata$group3==2,"Middle","Low"))

  # choose mean value-category data to conduct KM-plot
  # input_pdata = input_pdata
  # turn high to 1 to calculate HR
  # ###########################################
  # # turn high to 1 to calculate HR

  pvalue<-getHRandCIfromCoxph(coxph(Surv(input_pdata$time,input_pdata$status)~input_pdata[,"group2"],data = input_pdata))
  HR <- paste("Hazard Ratio = ", round(pvalue[,2],2), sep = "")
  CI <- paste("95% CI: ", paste(round(pvalue[,3],2), round(pvalue[,4],2), sep = " - "), sep = "")

  sfit <- surv_fit(Surv(input_pdata$time,input_pdata$status) ~ input_pdata$group2,data=input_pdata)
  pp3<-ggsurvplot(sfit,data = input_pdata,censor = TRUE,
                 ncensor.plot = F,conf.int = F,
                 xlim = c(0,max_month),
                 break.time.by = break_month,
                 xlab = "Months after diagnosis",
                 legend.labs = c(paste0('Low ',mini_sig),paste0("High ",mini_sig)),
                 submain= paste0(signature,"-in-",project),
                 surv.median.line = "h", # draw horizontal line at median survival
                 risk.table = T,
                 tables.height = 0.20,
                 palette = cols,
                 pval.size = 8,
                 pval = paste(pval = ifelse(pvalue[,1] < 0.0001, "P < 0.0001",
                                            paste("P = ",round(pvalue[,1],4), sep = "")),
                              HR, CI,sep = "\n"),
                 size = 0.4)

  res3 <- arrange_ggsurvplots(list(pp3), print = FALSE, ncol = 1, nrow = 1)
  ggsave(plot = res3, filename = paste0(index,"-3-KMplot-2group-",signature,"-",project,".", fig.type),
         width =6 ,height =6.5,path = save_path)

  plots <- list()
  plots[[1]] <- pp1
  plots[[2]] <- pp3
  plots[[3]] <- pp2
  plots <- arrange_ggsurvplots(plots, print = FALSE, ncol = 3, nrow = 1)

  res <- list("data" = input_pdata, "plots" = plots)

IOBR/IOBR documentation built on Sept. 9, 2024, 8:36 p.m.