#' Function for standardizing data
#' \code{standardisiert} returns the standarized vector.
#' This function standardizes the Inputvector. This is done with a parameter estimation function like \code{\link{median_est}}.
#' For \enumerate{
#' \item \eqn{method_estimation=1} \code{\link{median_est}} is used,
#' \item \eqn{method_estimation=2} \code{\link{ml_est}} is used,
#' \item \eqn{method_estimation=3} \code{\link{eise_est}} is used.
#' @param x A numeric vector.
#' @param method_estimation A Parameter.
#' @return A numeric vector.
#' @export
standardisiert <- function(x,method_estimation = 1) {
if(method_estimation == 1) param = tfc::median_est(x)
if(method_estimation == 2) param = tfc::ml_est(x)
if(method_estimation == 3) param = tfc::eise_est(x)
#' Function for making a random vector.
#' distr returns a random vector simulated by a choosen distribution.
#' @param n The size of the dataset (10,20 or 50).
#' @param case A name of a distribution.
#' @export
distr <- function(n,case) {
if (case=="C(0,1)") {
if (case=="N(0,1)") {
if (case=="NC(0.1,0.9)") {
if (case=="NC(0.3,0.7)") {
if (case=="NC(0.5,0.5)") {
if (case=="NC(0.7,0.3)") {
if (case=="NC(0.9,0.1)") {
if (case=="t(2)") {
if (case=="t(3)") {
if (case=="t(4)") {
if (case=="t(5)") {
if (case=="t(7)") {
if (case=="t(10)") {
if (case=="Stable(0.5,0)") {
if (case=="Stable(1.2,0)") {
if (case=="Stable(1.5,0)") {
if (case=="Stable(1.7,0)") {
if (case=="Stable(1.9,0)") {
if (case=="Stable(0.5,-1)") {
if (case=="Stable(1,-1)") {
if (case=="Stable(1.5,-1)") {
if (case=="Stable(2,-1)") {
if (case=="Stable(0.5,1)") {
if (case=="Stable(1,1)") {
if (case=="Stable(1.5,1)") {
if (case=="Stable(2,1)") {
if (case=="Tukey(1)") {
Z = rnorm(n)
if (case=="Tukey(0.2)") {
Z = rnorm(n)
return(Z*exp(0.2 * Z**2/2))
if (case=="Tukey(0.1)") {
Z = rnorm(n)
return(Z*exp( 0.1 *Z**2/2))
if (case=="Tukey(0.05)") {
Z = rnorm(n)
return(Z*exp(0.05 * Z**2/2))
if (case=="U(0,1)") {
if (case=="Logistic") {
if (case=="Laplace") { #Laplaca
if (case=="Gumbel") { # Gumbel
if (case==35) {
#' Function for the result of a test
#' \code{testentscheid} returns 0 if \eqn{H_0} is not rejected and 1 if it is rejected.
#' If \code{Verteilung} is empty then the given numeric vector x is taken for testing.
#' @param n An integer. (Here 10,20 or 50)
#' @param Verteilung A String specifing the choosen distribution to test.
#' @param method A name of a test.
#' @param x A numeric vector of length n.
#' @return binary number.
testentscheid <- function(n,Verteilung ="",method,x=0){
if (n==10) {a=1}
if (n==20) {a=2}
if (n==50) {a=3}
if (n==100) {a=4}
if (n==200) {a=5}
if(Verteilung != ""){
x = distr(n,Verteilung)
if(method == "D") {d <- D_Henze(standardisiert(x,1),5) > tfc::quantile_D_Median[a,6]}
if(method == "D_ML") {d<- D_Henze(standardisiert(x,2),5) > tfc::quantile_D_ML[a,6]}
#if(method = D_EISE){}
if(method == "D_2_Median"){d<- KL(standardisiert(x,1)) > tfc::quantile_KL_Median[a]}
if(method == "D_2_ML") {d <- KL(standardisiert(x,2)) >tfc::quantile_KL_ML[a]}
if(method == "T1_ML") {d <-T1(standardisiert(x,2),1) > tfc::quantile_T1_ML[a,4]}
if(method == "T2_ML") {d <- T2(standardisiert(x,2),1) >tfc::quantile_T2_ML[a,4]}
if(method == "T1_Median") {d <- T1(standardisiert(x,1),1) > tfc::quantile_T1_Median[a,4]}
if(method == "T2_Median") {d <-T2(standardisiert(x,1),1) > tfc::quantile_T2_Median[a,4]}
if(method == "AD_ML") {d <- AD(standardisiert(x,2)) > tfc::quantile_edf_ML[a,3]}
if(method == "CM_ML") {d <- CM(standardisiert(x,2)) > tfc::quantile_edf_ML[a,2]}
if(method == "KS_ML") {d <- KS(standardisiert(x,2)) > tfc::quantile_edf_ML[a,1]}
if(method == "W_ML") {d <- W(standardisiert(x,2)) > tfc::quantile_edf_ML[a,4]}
if(method == "AD_Median") {d <- AD(standardisiert(x,1)) > tfc::quantile_edf_Median[a,3]}
if(method == "CM_Median") {d <- CM(standardisiert(x,1)) > tfc::quantile_edf_Median[a,2]}
if(method == "KS_Median") {d <- KS(standardisiert(x,1)) > tfc::quantile_edf_Median[a,1]}
if(method == "W_Median") {d <- W(standardisiert(x,1)) > tfc::quantile_edf_Median[a,4]}
if(method == "T1_ML 0.025") {d <-T1(standardisiert(x,2),0.025) > tfc::quantile_T1_ML[a,1]}
if(method == "T2_ML 0.025") {d <- T2(standardisiert(x,2),0.025) >tfc::quantile_T2_ML[a,1]}
if(method == "T1_ML 0.1") {d <-T1(standardisiert(x,2),0.1) > tfc::quantile_T1_ML[a,2]}
if(method == "T2_ML 0.1") {d <- T2(standardisiert(x,2),0.1) >tfc::quantile_T2_ML[a,2]}
if(method == "T1_ML 0.5") {d <-T1(standardisiert(x,2),0.5) > tfc::quantile_T1_ML[a,3]}
if(method == "T2_ML 0.5") {d <- T2(standardisiert(x,2),0.5) >tfc::quantile_T2_ML[a,3]}
if(method == "T1_ML 2.5") {d <-T1(standardisiert(x,2),2.5) > tfc::quantile_T1_ML[a,5]}
if(method == "T2_ML 2.5") {d <- T2(standardisiert(x,2),2.5) >tfc::quantile_T2_ML[a,5]}
if(method == "T1_ML 5") {d <-T1(standardisiert(x,2),5) > tfc::quantile_T1_ML[a,6]}
if(method == "T2_ML 5") {d <- T2(standardisiert(x,2),5) >tfc::quantile_T2_ML[a,6]}
if(method == "T1_ML 10") {d <-T1(standardisiert(x,2),10) > tfc::quantile_T1_ML[a,7]}
if(method == "T2_ML 10") {d <- T2(standardisiert(x,2),10) >tfc::quantile_T2_ML[a,7]}
if(method == "T3_ML 0.025") {d <-T3(standardisiert(x,2),0.025) > tfc::quantile_T3_ML[a,1]}
if(method == "T3_ML 0.1") {d <-T3(standardisiert(x,2),0.1) > tfc::quantile_T3_ML[a,2]}
if(method == "T3_ML 0.5") {d <-T3(standardisiert(x,2),0.5) > tfc::quantile_T3_ML[a,3]}
if(method == "T3_ML 1") {d <-T3(standardisiert(x,2),1) > tfc::quantile_T3_ML[a,4]}
if(method == "T3_ML 2.5") {d <-T3(standardisiert(x,2),2.5) > tfc::quantile_T3_ML[a,5]}
if(method == "T3_ML 5") {d <-T3(standardisiert(x,2),5) > tfc::quantile_T3_ML[a,6]}
if(method == "T3_ML 10") {d <-T3(standardisiert(x,2),10) > tfc::quantile_T3_ML[a,7]}
if(method == "T3_Median 0.025") {d <-T3(standardisiert(x,1),0.025) > tfc::quantile_T3_Median[a,1]}
if(method == "T3_Median 0.1") {d <-T3(standardisiert(x,1),0.1) > tfc::quantile_T3_Median[a,2]}
if(method == "T3_Median 0.5") {d <-T3(standardisiert(x,1),0.5) > tfc::quantile_T3_Median[a,3]}
if(method == "T3_Median 1") {d <-T3(standardisiert(x,1),1) > tfc::quantile_T3_Median[a,4]}
if(method == "T3_Median 2.5") {d <-T3(standardisiert(x,1),2.5) > tfc::quantile_T3_Median[a,5]}
if(method == "T3_Median 5") {d <-T3(standardisiert(x,1),5) > tfc::quantile_T3_Median[a,6]}
if(method == "T3_Median 10") {d <-T3(standardisiert(x,1),10) > tfc::quantile_T3_Median[a,7]}
if(method == "T4_ML 0.025") {d <-T4(standardisiert(x,2),0.025) > tfc::quantile_T4_ML[a,1]}
if(method == "T4_ML 0.1") {d <-T4(standardisiert(x,2),0.1) > tfc::quantile_T4_ML[a,2]}
if(method == "T4_ML 0.5") {d <-T4(standardisiert(x,2),0.5) > tfc::quantile_T4_ML[a,3]}
if(method == "T4_ML 1") {d <-T4(standardisiert(x,2),1) > tfc::quantile_T4_ML[a,4]}
if(method == "T4_ML 2.5") {d <-T4(standardisiert(x,2),2.5) > tfc::quantile_T4_ML[a,5]}
if(method == "T4_ML 5") {d <-T4(standardisiert(x,2),5) > tfc::quantile_T4_ML[a,6]}
if(method == "T4_ML 10") {d <-T4(standardisiert(x,2),10) > tfc::quantile_T4_ML[a,7]}
if(method == "T4_Median 0.025") {d <-T4(standardisiert(x,1),0.025) > tfc::quantile_T4_Median[a,1]}
if(method == "T4_Median 0.1") {d <-T4(standardisiert(x,1),0.1) > tfc::quantile_T4_Median[a,2]}
if(method == "T4_Median 0.5") {d <-T4(standardisiert(x,1),0.5) > tfc::quantile_T4_Median[a,3]}
if(method == "T4_Median 1") {d <-T4(standardisiert(x,1),1) > tfc::quantile_T4_Median[a,4]}
if(method == "T4_Median 2.5") {d <-T4(standardisiert(x,1),2.5) > tfc::quantile_T4_Median[a,5]}
if(method == "T4_Median 5") {d <-T4(standardisiert(x,1),5) > tfc::quantile_T4_Median[a,6]}
if(method == "T4_Median 10") {d <-T4(standardisiert(x,1),10) > tfc::quantile_T4_Median[a,7]}
if(method == "T5_ML 0.025") {d <-T5(standardisiert(x,2),0.025) > tfc::quantile_T5_ML[a,1]}
if(method == "T5_ML 0.1") {d <-T5(standardisiert(x,2),0.1) > tfc::quantile_T5_ML[a,2]}
if(method == "T5_ML 0.5") {d <-T5(standardisiert(x,2),0.5) > tfc::quantile_T5_ML[a,3]}
if(method == "T5_ML 2.5") {d <-T5(standardisiert(x,2),2.5) > tfc::quantile_T5_ML[a,4]}
if(method == "T5_ML 5") {d <-T5(standardisiert(x,2),5) > tfc::quantile_T5_ML[a,5]}
if(method == "T5_ML 10") {d <-T5(standardisiert(x,2),10) > tfc::quantile_T5_ML[a,6]}
if(method == "T5_ML 15") {d <-T5(standardisiert(x,2),15) > tfc::quantile_T5_ML[a,7]}
if(method == "T5_Median 0.025") {d <-T5(standardisiert(x,1),0.025) > tfc::quantile_T5_Median[a,1]}
if(method == "T5_Median 0.1") {d <-T5(standardisiert(x,1),0.1) > tfc::quantile_T5_Median[a,2]}
if(method == "T5_Median 0.5") {d <-T5(standardisiert(x,1),0.5) > tfc::quantile_T5_Median[a,3]}
if(method == "T5_Median 2.5") {d <-T5(standardisiert(x,1),2.5) > tfc::quantile_T5_Median[a,4]}
if(method == "T5_Median 5") {d <-T5(standardisiert(x,1),5) > tfc::quantile_T5_Median[a,5]}
if(method == "T5_Median 10") {d <-T5(standardisiert(x,1),10) > tfc::quantile_T5_Median[a,6]}
if(method == "T5_Median 15") {d <-T5(standardisiert(x,1),15) > tfc::quantile_T5_Median[a,7]}
return(list("Decision" = d))
cauchy.test.alt <- function(Test , Sample){
n = length(Sample)
if (n!=10 & n!= 20 & n!= 50){
return("Error, wrong sample size.")
x = c("D_Henze", "KL", "W", "AD", "CM", "KS", "T1", "T2", "T3", "T4")
if(Test != x[x==Test]){
return("Error, failure in choosing the test.")
if (n==10) {a=1}
if (n==20) {a=2}
if (n==50) {a=3}
if( Test == "D_Henze") {value <- D_Henze(standardisiert(Sample,1),5); d <- value > tfc::quantile_D_Median[a,6]}
if( Test == "KL") {value <- D_Henze(standardisiert(Sample,2)); d <- value > tfc::quantile_KL_ML[a]}
if( Test == "W") {value <- W(standardisiert(Sample,2)); d <- value > tfc::quantile_edf_ML[a,4]}
if( Test == "AD") {value <- AD(standardisiert(Sample,1)); d <- value > tfc::quantile_edf_Median[a,3]}
if( Test == "CM") {value <- CM(standardisiert(Sample,1)); d <- value > tfc::quantile_edf_Median[a,2]}
if( Test == "KS") {value <- KS(standardisiert(Sample,1)); d <- value > tfc::quantile_edf_Median[a,1]}
if( Test == "T2") {value <- T2(standardisiert(Sample,2),0.025); d <- value > tfc::quantile_T2_ML[a,1]}
if( Test == "T1") {value <- T1(standardisiert(Sample,2),5); d <- value > tfc::quantile_T1_ML[a,6]}
if( Test == "T3") {value <- T3(standardisiert(Sample,2),10); d <- value > tfc::quantile_T3_ML[a,7]}
if( Test == "T4") {value <- T4(standardisiert(Sample,2),10); d <- value > tfc::quantile_T4_ML[a,7]}
parameters <- median_est(Sample)
result <- list("test" = Test, "decision" = d, "sample" = Sample, "value" = value, "parameters" = parameters)
attr(result, "class") <- "tfc"
#' @export
print.tfc <- function(x, ...){
cat("################################################################################################################## \n")
cat(" One-sample test for cauchy with the ", x$test, " teststatistic.\n" )
if(x$data_print == TRUE) cat("data: ", x$sample, "\n\n")
cat(x$test," = ", x$value, " \n")
cat("Estimated ",x$significance_level," quantile = ", x$estimated_quantile, " \n")
cat("Estimated location parameter = ", x$parameter_estimated[1], " \n")
cat("Estimated scale parameter = ", x$parameter_estimated[2], " \n")
if (x$decision == FALSE) {
cat("The test has no objection, that the sample is not cauchy distributed under the significance level of", x$significance_level, ". \n")
} else{
cat("The test rejects the assumption, that the sample is cauchy distributed. \n")
cat("################################################################################################################## \n")
#' Function for testing if a sample is cauchy distributed.
#' \code{cauchy.test} returns if a sample is cauchy distributed with a given significance level.
#' @param Test A string with the name of the test.
#' @param Sample A numeric vector with data.
#' @param parameter A positive numeric value if the test requires a parameter (see below).
#' @param method_estimation A parameter specifying the method for estimating the Cauchy-distribution parameters.
#' @param alpha A numeric value between 0 and 1 specifying the significance level.
#' @param repetitions A positiv integer
#' Possible tests are D_Henze, KL, W, AD, CM, KS, T1, T2, T3, T4. The tests D_Henze, T1, T2, T3, T4 require a positive parameter, which influences the weight-function.
#' @export
cauchy.test <- function(Test , Sample, parameter = NULL,method_estimation = 2, alpha = 0.05, repetitions = 10000, data_print = TRUE){
n = length(Sample)
if(!is.element(Test, c("D_Henze", "KL", "W", "AD", "CM", "KS", "T1", "T2", "T3", "T4"))){
return("Error, failure in choosing the test.")
if( is.null(parameter) ){
if (!is.element(Test, c("KL", "W", "AD", "CM", "KS"))) {
return("Error, a parameter is needed for this test.")
statistic = get(Test)
q <- make_quantile(Test, statistic,n,parameter,repetitions,method_estimation, alpha)
if( is.element(Test, c("KL", "W", "AD", "CM", "KS"))){
value <- statistic(tfc::standardisiert(Sample,method_estimation))
d <- value > q
} else{
value <- statistic(tfc::standardisiert(Sample,method_estimation),l = parameter)
d <- value > q
if(method_estimation == 1) parameters_estimated = tfc::median_est(Sample)
if(method_estimation == 2) parameters_estimated = tfc::ml_est(Sample)
if(method_estimation == 3) parameters_estimated = tfc::eise_est(Sample)
result <- list("test" = paste(Test,parameter), "decision" = d, "sample" = Sample, "value" = value, "parameter_estimated" = parameters_estimated,"significance_level" = 1-alpha, "estimated_quantile" = q, "data_print" = data_print)
attr(result, "class") <- "tfc"
make_quantile <- function(Test, statistic,n,parameter,repetitions,method_estimation, alpha) {
if( is.element(Test, c("KL", "W", "AD", "CM", "KS"))){
emp <- apply(replicate(repetitions,rcauchy(n,0,1)),2,standardisiert,method_estimation = method_estimation)
q <- unname(quantile(apply(emp,2,statistic),1-alpha))
} else{
emp <- apply(replicate(repetitions,rcauchy(n,0,1)),2,standardisiert,method_estimation = method_estimation)
#do.call(cbind, parallel::mclapply(parameter, function(x) unname(quantile(apply(emp,2,statistic,l=x),0.95)),mc.cores=cores))
q <- unname(quantile(apply(emp,2,statistic,l = parameter),1-alpha))
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