
Defines functions make.js.names metaToShaid orderMethod addFunDefine appendRendererIfNew dim.ngchmLayer dimnames.ngchmLayer dim.ngchmVersion2 dimnames.ngchmVersion2 chmOperatorAdd ngchmMakeFormat.original addToolBoxes postBuildFeedback genSpecFeedback progressFeedback datestamp URLparts prepChmOrderings writeMeta writeOrder writeChm getFnsRqrd getValueExpr getTypeMatches writeChmExtraSupport writeRelated writeRelatedGroup writeTemplate getSeriesProps addDefaultCovariateProperties hasSeries writeDataset addDefaultCovariate writeCovariateBar writeDataLayer prepDataLayer sameColormap writeJS writeCustomJS writeDialogs requiredFunctions writeChmPost writePropertiesPost writeProperties hasSpecialProperties writeCSS writeMenu jsonColorMap writeColorMap loadChmFromURL chmServerCheck

Documented in ngchmMakeFormat.original

# ##############################################################################################
# Methods for class NGCHM.SERVER

chmServerCheck <- function(name) {
  server <- chmServer(name)
  if (length(server) == 0) {
    stop(sprintf("Unknown CHM server '%s'", name))

#' @rdname chmDeployServer-method
#' @aliases chmDeployServer,ngchmServer-method
  signature = c(server = "ngchmServer"),
  definition = function(server) server@deployServer
#' @rdname chmUrlBase-method
#' @aliases chmUrlBase,ngchmServer-method
  signature = c(server = "ngchmServer"),
  definition = function(server) sprintf("%s/chm.html", server@serverURL)
#' @rdname chmInstall-method
#' @aliases chmInstall,ngchm-method
  signature = c(chm = "ngchm"),
  definition = function(chm, path, ...) {
    if (missing(path)) {
      dest <- list(server = chmCurrentServer(), collection = chmCurrentCollection())
    } else {
      dest <- parsePathSpec(path)
    if (typeof(dest$server) == "character") dest$server <- chmServerCheck(dest$server)
    stopifnot(length(dest$server) > 0)

    maker <- get(sprintf("ngchmMakeFormat.%s", dest$server@serverProtocol@chmFormat))
    installer <- dest$server@serverProtocol@installMethod

    args <- list(...)
    make.args <- list()
    install.args <- list()
    if ("server" %in% names(formals(maker))) {
      make.args <- list(server = dest$server)
    if ("collection" %in% names(formals(installer))) {
      install.args <- list(collection = dest$collection)
    if (length(args) > 0) {
      for (ii in 1:length(args)) {
        if (names(args)[ii] %in% names(formals(maker))) {
          make.args <- c(make.args, args[[ii]])
        } else if (names(args)[ii] %in% names(formals(installer))) {
          install.args <- c(install.args, args[[ii]])
        } else {
          stop("unknown parameter ", names(args)[ii])

    chm <- chmAddProperty(chm, "chm.info.build.time", format(Sys.time(), "%F %H:%M:%S"))

    chm <- chmMake(chm)
    chm@format <- dest$server@serverProtocol@chmFormat
    chm <- do.call(maker, c(chm, make.args))
    do.call(installer, c(dest$server, chm, install.args))

#' @rdname chmUninstall-method
#' @aliases chmUninstall,character-method
  signature = c(chm = "character"),
  definition = function(chm, server = NULL, ...) {
    if (length(server) == 0) server <- chmCurrentServer()
    stopifnot(length(server) > 0)
    if (typeof(server) == "character") server <- chmServerCheck(server)
    server@serverProtocol@uninstallMethod(server, chm, ...)

#' @rdname chmUninstall-method
#' @aliases chmUninstall,ngchm-method
  signature = c(chm = "ngchm"),
  definition = function(chm, ...) {
    chmUninstall(chmName(chm), ...)

#' @rdname chmMakePrivate-method
#' @aliases chmMakePrivate,ngchmServer,character-method
  signature = c(server = "ngchmServer", chm = "character"),
  definition = function(server, chm) {
    server@serverProtocol@makePrivate(server, chm)
#' @rdname chmMakePrivate-method
#' @aliases chmMakePrivate,ngchmServer,ngchm-method
  signature = c(server = "ngchmServer", chm = "ngchm"),
  definition = function(server, chm) {
    chmMakePrivate(server, chmName(chm))
#' @rdname chmMakePrivate-method
#' @aliases chmMakePrivate,character,ngchm-method
  signature = c(server = "character", chm = "ngchm"),
  definition = function(server, chm) {
    chmMakePrivate(chmServerCheck(server), chmName(chm))
#' @rdname chmMakePrivate-method
#' @aliases chmMakePrivate,character,character-method
  signature = c(server = "character", chm = "character"),
  definition = function(server, chm) {
    chmMakePrivate(chmServerCheck(server), chm)
#' @rdname chmMakePublic-method
#' @aliases chmMakePublic,ngchmServer,character-method
  signature = c(server = "ngchmServer", chm = "character"),
  definition = function(server, chm) {
    server@serverProtocol@makePublic(server, chm)
#' @rdname chmMakePublic-method
#' @aliases chmMakePublic,ngchmServer,ngchm-method
  signature = c(server = "ngchmServer", chm = "ngchm"),
  definition = function(server, chm) {
    chmMakePublic(server, chmName(chm))
#' @rdname chmMakePublic-method
#' @aliases chmMakePublic,character,ngchm-method
  signature = c(server = "character", chm = "ngchm"),
  definition = function(server, chm) {
    chmMakePublic(chmServerCheck(server), chmName(chm))
#' @rdname chmMakePublic-method
#' @aliases chmMakePublic,character,character-method
  signature = c(server = "character", chm = "character"),
  definition = function(server, chm) {
    chmMakePublic(chmServerCheck(server), chm)
#' @rdname chmSetCredentials-method
#' @aliases chmSetCredentials,ngchmServer,character-method
  signature = c(resource = "ngchmServer", credentials = "character"),
  definition = function(resource, credentials) {
    resource@serverProtocol@setCredentials(resource, credentials)
#' @rdname chmSetCredentials-method
#' @aliases chmSetCredentials,character,character-method
  signature = c(resource = "character", credentials = "character"),
  definition = function(resource, credentials) {
    resource <- chmServer(resource)
    resource@serverProtocol@setCredentials(resource, credentials)
#' @rdname chmLoadCHM-method
#' @aliases chmLoadCHM,ngchmServer,character-method
  signature = c(serverOrURL = "ngchmServer", name = "character"),
  definition = function(serverOrURL, name) {
    loadChmFromURL(chmGetURL(name, server = serverOrURL))
#' @rdname chmLoadCHM-method
#' @aliases chmLoadCHM,character,character-method
  signature = c(serverOrURL = "character", name = "character"),
  definition = function(serverOrURL, name) {
    if (serverOrURL %in% chmListServers()) {
      loadChmFromURL(chmGetURL(name, server = serverOrURL))
    } else {
      stop(sprintf("Unknown server '%s'", serverOrURL))
#' @rdname chmLoadCHM-method
#' @aliases chmLoadCHM,character,missing-method
  signature = c(serverOrURL = "character", name = "missing"),
  definition = function(serverOrURL, name) {
# ##############################################################################################
# Methods for class NGCHM

loadChmFromURL <- function(chmurl) {
  params <- strsplit(chmurl, "?", fixed = TRUE)[[1]]
  if (substring(params[1], nchar(params[1]) - 8) != "/chm.html") {
    stop(sprintf("url '%s' does not look like an NG-CHM url", chmurl))
  } else {
    baseurl <- substr(params[1], 1, nchar(params[1]) - 8)
  params <- strsplit(params[2:length(params)], "=")
  idx <- which(vapply(params, function(x) x[1] == "name", TRUE))
  if (length(idx) != 1) {
    stop(sprintf("url '%s' does not look like an NG-CHM url", chmurl))
  chmname <- params[[idx]][2]
  ee <- new.env()
  load(url(paste(baseurl, "data/", chmname, "/undefined/chm.Rdata", sep = "")), ee)
  chm <- chmFixVersion(ee$chm)
  chm@inpDir <- utempfile("ngchm.input")
  chm@outDir <- utempfile("ngchm.output")
  chm@saveDir <- tempdir()
  try(ngchmPushSourceRepository(paste(baseurl, "data/", chmname, "/undefined/shaidyRepo.tar", sep = ""), "http"), TRUE)

writeColorMap <- function(context, cmap, prefix, suffix, chan) {
  stopifnot(length(cmap@missing) > 0)
  colorstr <- c("[")
  thresstr <- c("[")
  if (is.list(cmap@points)) {
    for (ii in 1:length(cmap@points)) {
      if (ii > 1) {
        colorstr <- append(colorstr, ";")
        thresstr <- append(thresstr, ";")
      colorstr <- append(colorstr, cmap@points[[ii]]@color)
      thresstr <- append(thresstr, cmap@points[[ii]]@value)
  colorstr <- append(colorstr, "]")
  thresstr <- append(thresstr, "]")
  cat(sprintf("%s.color.type%s=%s\n", prefix, suffix, cmap@type), file = chan)
  cat(sprintf("%s.missing.color%s=%s\n", prefix, suffix, cmap@missing), file = chan)
  cat(sprintf("%s.colors%s=%s\n", prefix, suffix, paste(colorstr, collapse = "")), file = chan)
  if (context == "class") {
    cat(sprintf("%s.values%s=%s\n", prefix, suffix, paste(thresstr, collapse = "")), file = chan)
  } else {
    cat(sprintf("%s.thresholds%s=%s\n", prefix, suffix, paste(thresstr, collapse = "")), file = chan)

jsonColorMap <- function(context, cmap) {
  stopifnot(length(cmap@missing) > 0)
    type = cmap@type,
    missing = cmap@missing,
    colors = vapply(cmap@points, function(p) p@color, ""),
    values = vapply(cmap@points, function(p) as.character(p@value), "")

writeMenu <- function(menu, prefix, chan) {
  if (is.list(menu)) {
    for (ii in 1:length(menu)) {
      cat(sprintf("    chm.%s.addMenuItem ('%s', %s)\n", prefix, menu[[ii]]@label, menu[[ii]]@fun), file = chan)

writeCSS <- function(css, inpDir) {
  chan <- file(file.path(inpDir, "custom.css"), "wb")
  for (ii in 1:length(css)) {
    cat(css[[ii]]@css, sep = "\n", file = chan)

hasSpecialProperties <- function(chm) {
  any(vapply(chm@properties, function(p) substr(p@label, 1, 1) == "!", TRUE))

writeProperties <- function(inpDir, format, props, chan, writeSpecial = FALSE) {
  if (writeSpecial) {
    for (ii in 1:length(props)) {
      l <- props[[ii]]@label
      if (substr(l, 1, 1) == "!") {
        cat(sprintf("%s=%s", substring(l, 2), props[[ii]]@value), sep = "\n", file = chan)
  } else {
    for (ii in 1:length(props)) {
      l <- props[[ii]]@label
      if (substr(l, 1, 1) != "!") {
        if (l != "hidden" && l != "hidden.tags") {
          cat(sprintf("%s=%s", l, props[[ii]]@value), sep = "\n", file = chan)

writePropertiesPost <- function(outDir, format, props) {
  hidden.tags <- NULL
  for (ii in 1:length(props)) {
    if (props[[ii]]@label == "hidden.tags") {
      hidden.tags <- sprintf("%s\n", props[[ii]]@value)
  for (ii in 1:length(props)) {
    if ((props[[ii]]@label == "hidden") && (props[[ii]]@value == "TRUE")) {
      if (format == "original") {
        cat(hidden.tags, sep = "", file = file.path(outDir, "hidden.txt"))
      } else {
        hidden.tags <- sub("\n", "", hidden.tags)
        writeBinLines(jsonlite::toJSON(hidden.tags, pretty = TRUE), file.path(outDir, "hidden.json"))

writeChmPost <- function(chm, outdir = NULL) {
  if (length(outdir) == 0) outdir <- file.path(chm@outDir, chm@name)
  if (is.list(chm@properties)) writePropertiesPost(outdir, chm@format, chm@properties)
  if (chm@format == "original") {
    shaids <- shaidyGetComponents(chm)
    chmRepo <- file.path(outdir, "shaidyRepo")
    repo <- shaidyLoadRepository("file", chmRepo)
    lapply(shaids, function(shaid) {
      src <- ngchmFindRepo(shaid)
      shaidyCopyBlob(src, shaid, repo)
    systemCheck(sprintf("tar cf %s.tar -C %s .", chmRepo, chmRepo))
    unlink(chmRepo, recursive = TRUE)

startcust <- paste("(function(chm){",
  "function _chm_ad(id,tit,fn){var td=fn($('<div></div>').attr('title',tit).attr('id',id));",
  " $('body').append(td); $('#'+id).dialog({position:[0,200],autoOpen:false});",
  " chm.menubar.addDialogsMenuItem(id,tit,function(tlmc,mi){td.dialog();});",
  "function _chm_as(src){var s=document.createElement('script');",
  " s.setAttribute('type','text/javascript'); s.setAttribute('src',src);",
  " $('head').append(s);",
  "function _chm_e(sr,ax,fn){function c2(a,b){return a.concat(b);};",
  " return sr.map(function(r){var v=[];for(var ii=r.start;ii<=r.end;ii++)v.push(ii);",
  " return v.map(function(i){return fn(ax,i);}).reduce(c2);}).reduce(c2);",
  sep = "\n"
# Returns list of all functions in requires and jsfuns.  Required functions come
# before the function(s) needing them.
requiredFunctions <- function(requires, jsfuns) {
  if (length(jsfuns) > 0) {
    for (ff in 1:length(jsfuns)) {
      fn <- jsfuns[[ff]]
      if (all(vapply(requires, function(rqfn) rqfn@name != fn@name, TRUE))) {
        # This fn is not already included
        # First include any of this functions requires.
        rqs <- lapply(fn@requires, function(rq) chmGetFunction(rq))
        requires <- append(requiredFunctions(requires, rqs), fn)

writeDialogs <- function(dialogs, chan) {
  for (dialog in dialogs) {
    cat(sprintf("    _chm_ad('%s', '%s', %s);\n", dialog@id, dialog@title, dialog@fn@name), file = chan)

writeCustomJS <- function(chm, filename) {
  rqJSfuns <- requiredFunctions(list(), chm@javascript)
  chan <- file(filename, "wb")
  if (length(rqJSfuns) > 0) writeJS(rqJSfuns, chan, TRUE)
  cat(startcust, file = chan)
  if (length(rqJSfuns) > 0) writeJS(rqJSfuns, chan, FALSE)
  # cat ("chm.addCustomization(function(){\n", file=chan);
  writeMenu(chm@rowMenu, "row.labels", chan)
  writeMenu(chm@rowMenu, "row.dendrogram", chan)
  writeMenu(chm@colMenu, "column.labels", chan)
  writeMenu(chm@colMenu, "column.dendrogram", chan)
  writeMenu(chm@elementMenu, "matrix", chan)
  writeDialogs(chm@dialogs, chan)
  # cat ("});\n", file=chan);
  cat("})(MDACC_GLOBAL_NAMESPACE.namespace('tcga').chm);\n", file = chan)

writeJS <- function(js, chan, writeGlobals) {
  for (ii in 1:length(js)) {
    if (js[[ii]]@global == writeGlobals) {
      cat(sprintf("%s\n", js[[ii]]@script), file = chan)

sameColormap <- function(cmap1, cmap2) {
  if (!is(cmap1, "ngchmColormap") || !is(cmap2, "ngchmColormap")) {
    stop("Internal error detected: cmap1 or cmap2 is not a colormap.  Please report.")
  if (cmap1@type != cmap2@type) {
  if (length(cmap1@missing) != length(cmap2@missing)) {
  if ((length(cmap1@missing) > 0) && (cmap1@missing != cmap2@missing)) {
  if (length(cmap1@points) != length(cmap2@points)) {
  if (length(cmap1@points) > 0) {
    for (ii in 1:length(cmap1@points)) {
      if ((cmap1@points[[ii]]@value != cmap2@points[[ii]]@value) ||
        (cmap1@points[[ii]]@color != cmap2@points[[ii]]@color)) {

# create list representation of layer for output by toJSON
prepDataLayer <- function(chm, layer) {
  cmid <- which(vapply(chm@colormaps, function(cmap) sameColormap(cmap, layer@colors), TRUE))
  if (length(cmid) == 0) {
    stop(sprintf("Internal error detected: no color map found for data layer %s. Please report.", layer@name))
  l <- list(name = layer@name, renderer = cmid[[1]] - 1, data = layer@data, summary_method = layer@summarizationMethod, cuts_color = layer@cuts_color)
  singleElements <- c("name", "renderer", "summary_method", "cuts_color")
  for (elem in singleElements) {
    class(l[[elem]]) <- "singleElement"

writeDataLayer <- function(chm, layer, dir, index, chan) {
  prefix <- sprintf("data%d", index)
  cat(sprintf("%s.file.name=%s.data.tsv\n", prefix, prefix), file = chan)
  cat(sprintf("%s.label.name=%s\n", prefix, layer@name), file = chan)
  cmid <- 0
  if (length(chm@colormaps) > 0) {
    for (ii in 1:length(chm@colormaps)) {
      if (sameColormap(chm@colormaps[[ii]], layer@colors)) {
        cmid <- ii
  if (cmid == 0) {
    stop(sprintf("Internal error detected: no color map found for data layer %d (%s). Please report.", index, layer@name))
  cat(sprintf("%s.defaultCM=cm%d\n", prefix, cmid), file = chan)
  repo <- ngchmFindRepo(layer@data)
  layerData <- ngchmLoadDatasetBlob(repo, layer@data)$mat
    file = paste(dir, sprintf("%s.data.tsv", prefix), sep = "/"),
    sep = "\t", quote = FALSE, eol = "\n"

writeCovariateBar <- function(cbar, inpDir, type, index, chan) {
  cat(sprintf("classification.type%d=%s\n", index, cbar@type), file = chan)
  cat(sprintf("classification.label%d=%s\n", index, cbar@label), file = chan)
  cat(sprintf("classification.display%d=%s\n", index, cbar@display), file = chan)
  cat(sprintf("classification.thickness%d=%d\n", index, cbar@thickness), file = chan)
  if (length(cbar@merge) > 0) {
    cat(sprintf("classification.mergingAlgorithm%d=%s\n", index, cbar@merge), file = chan)
  if (length(cbar@colors) > 0) {
    if (length(cbar@colors@missing) == 0) {
      cbar@colors@missing <- "white"
    writeColorMap("class", cbar@colors, "classification", sprintf("%d", index), chan)

  chan2 <- file(paste(inpDir, sprintf("%sClassificationData%d.txt", type, index), sep = "/"), "wb")
  repo <- ngchmFindRepo(cbar@data)
  barData <- ngchmLoadDatasetBlob(repo, cbar@data, "")$mat
  nm <- rownames(barData)
  for (ii in 1:nrow(barData)) {
    cat(nm[ii], "\t", barData[ii, 1], "\n", sep = "", file = chan2)

addDefaultCovariate <- function(covariates, labels) {
  if (!("None" %in% vapply(covariates, function(cov) cov@label, ""))) {
    series <- rep("default", length(labels))
    names(series) <- labels
    cmap <- chmNewColorMap("default", colors = "black", names = "Point")
    cov <- chmNewCovariate("Nothing", series, value.properties = cmap, type = "discrete", covabbv = "None")
    covariates <- append(covariates, cov)

#' @import tsvio
writeDataset <- function(chm, dataset, dir) {
  chm@extrafiles <- c(chm@extrafiles, sprintf("%s.tsv", dataset@name))
  chm@extrafiles <- c(chm@extrafiles, sprintf("%s-index.tsv", dataset@name))

  write.table(dataset@data, file.path(dir, sprintf("%s.tsv", dataset@name)), sep = "\t", quote = FALSE, eol = "\n")
    file.path(dir, sprintf("%s.tsv", dataset@name)),
    file.path(dir, sprintf("%s-index.tsv", dataset@name))

  row.covars <- addDefaultCovariate(dataset@row.covariates, rownames(dataset@data))
  col.covars <- addDefaultCovariate(dataset@column.covariates, colnames(dataset@data))
  if (TRUE) {
    chm@extrafiles <- c(chm@extrafiles, sprintf("%s-covariates.tsv", dataset@name))
    cov.table <- list(
      Covariate = vapply(col.covars, function(cov) cov@label, ""),
      Fullname = vapply(col.covars, function(cov) cov@fullname, "")
      file.path(dir, sprintf("%s-covariates.tsv", dataset@name)),
      sep = "\t", quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, eol = "\n"
  if (TRUE) {
    chm@extrafiles <- c(chm@extrafiles, sprintf("%s-rowcovariates.tsv", dataset@name))
    cov.table <- list(
      Covariate = vapply(row.covars, function(cov) cov@label, ""),
      Fullname = vapply(row.covars, function(cov) cov@fullname, "")
      file.path(dir, sprintf("%s-row-covariates.tsv", dataset@name)),
      sep = "\t", quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, eol = "\n"

  if (TRUE) {
    first.rowser <- TRUE
    first.serprop <- TRUE
    for (cov in row.covars) {
      repo <- ngchmFindRepo(cov@label.series)
      label.series <- ngchmLoadDatasetBlob(repo, cov@label.series)$mat[, "Value"]
      rowser <- list(Sample = names(label.series), Series = label.series, Covariate = rep(cov@label, length(label.series)))
      if (first.rowser) {
        first.rowser <- FALSE
        chm@extrafiles <- c(chm@extrafiles, sprintf("%s-row-series.tsv", dataset@name))
        fd.rowser <- file(file.path(dir, sprintf("%s-row-series.tsv", dataset@name)), "wb")
        write.table(rowser, file = fd.rowser, sep = "\t", quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE, eol = "\n")
      } else {
        write.table(rowser, file = fd.rowser, sep = "\t", quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, eol = "\n")
      if (length(cov@series.properties) > 0) {
        serprop <- getSeriesProps(cov@label, cov@series.properties)
        if (first.serprop) {
          first.serprop <- FALSE
          chm@extrafiles <- c(chm@extrafiles, sprintf("%s-row-series-properties.tsv", dataset@name))
          fd.serprop <- file(file.path(dir, sprintf("%s-row-series-properties.tsv", dataset@name)), "wb")
          write.table(serprop, file = fd.serprop, sep = "\t", quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE, eol = "\n")
        } else {
          write.table(serprop, file = fd.serprop, sep = "\t", quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, eol = "\n")
    if (!first.rowser) close(fd.rowser)
    if (!first.serprop) close(fd.serprop)

  if (TRUE > 0) {
    first.colser <- TRUE
    first.serprop <- TRUE
    for (cov in col.covars) {
      repo <- ngchmFindRepo(cov@label.series)
      label.series <- ngchmLoadDatasetBlob(repo, cov@label.series)$mat[, "Value"]
      colser <- list(Sample = names(label.series), Series = label.series, Covariate = rep(cov@label, length(label.series)))
      if (first.colser) {
        first.colser <- FALSE
        chm@extrafiles <- c(chm@extrafiles, sprintf("%s-sample-series.tsv", dataset@name))
        fd.colser <- file(file.path(dir, sprintf("%s-sample-series.tsv", dataset@name)), "wb")
        write.table(colser, file = fd.colser, sep = "\t", quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE, eol = "\n")
      } else {
        write.table(colser, file = fd.colser, sep = "\t", quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, eol = "\n")
      if (length(cov@series.properties) > 0) {
        serprop <- getSeriesProps(cov@label, cov@series.properties)
        if (first.serprop) {
          first.serprop <- FALSE
          chm@extrafiles <- c(chm@extrafiles, sprintf("%s-series-properties.tsv", dataset@name))
          fd.serprop <- file(file.path(dir, sprintf("%s-series-properties.tsv", dataset@name)), "wb")
          write.table(serprop, file = fd.serprop, sep = "\t", quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE, eol = "\n")
        } else {
          write.table(serprop, file = fd.serprop, sep = "\t", quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, eol = "\n")
    if (!first.colser) close(fd.colser)
    if (!first.serprop) close(fd.serprop)


hasSeries <- function(props, value) {
  value %in% vapply(props, function(p) as.character(p@value), "")

addDefaultCovariateProperties <- function(props, missing.color, default.missing.color) {
  if (!hasSeries(props, "unspecified")) {
    if (length(missing.color) == 0) missing.color <- default.missing.color
    props <- chmAddValueProperty(props, value = "unspecified", name = "Unspecified", color = missing.color, shape = "triangle-down", z = 1)
  if (!hasSeries(props, "regression")) {
    props <- chmAddValueProperty(props, value = "regression", name = "Regression", color = "red", shape = "line", z = 1000)

getSeriesProps <- function(label, props) {
  if (is(props, "ngchmColormap")) {
    pts <- addDefaultCovariateProperties(props@points, props@missing, "black")
      Covariate = vapply(pts, function(pt) label, ""),
      Series = vapply(pts, function(pt) as.character(pt@value), ""),
      Description = vapply(pts, function(pt) pt@name, ""),
      Color = vapply(pts, function(pt) pt@color, ""),
      Shape = vapply(pts, function(pt) pt@shape, ""),
      zIndex = vapply(pts, function(pt) pt@z, 1)
  } else {
    append(list(Covariate = rep(label, length(props[[1]]))), props)

writeTemplate <- function(source.path, dest.path, substitutions, outDir) {
  if ((is(source.path, "character")) && (length(substitutions) == 0)) {
    if (!file.copy(source.path, file.path(outDir, dest.path))) {
        "Unable to copy template file '%s' to '%s'", source.path,
        file.path(outDir, dest.path)
    # systemCheck (sprintf ("/bin/cp %s %s",
    #                       shQuote (source.path),
    # 		       shQuote (file.path (outDir, dest.path))));
  } else {
    if (is(source.path, "character")) {
      data <- readLines(source.path)
    } else {
      data <- source.path()
    for (ss in substitutions) {
      data <- gsub(ss[1], ss[2], data)
    writeBinLines(data, con = file.path(outDir, dest.path))

writeRelatedGroup <- function(group, links, chan) {
  cat(sprintf("  { header: '%s',\n", group@header), file = chan)
  if (length(group@blurb) > 0) {
    cat(sprintf("    blurb: '%s',\n", group@blurb), file = chan)
  cat(sprintf("    %s: [\n", group@linktype), file = chan)
  for (ii in 1:length(links)) {
    if (links[[ii]]@group == group@name) {
      cat('      { link: "', links[[ii]]@link, '", description: "', links[[ii]]@description, '" },\n', sep = "", file = chan)
  cat("    ]\n", file = chan)
  cat("  },\n", file = chan)

writeRelated <- function(groups, links, outdir) {
  chan <- file(file.path(outdir, "relatedlinks.js"), "wb")
  cat("linkoutData = { groups: [\n", file = chan)
  for (ii in 1:length(groups)) {
    writeRelatedGroup(groups[[ii]], links, chan)
  cat("]};\n", file = chan)

# Write extra support files to the specified directory
writeChmExtraSupport <- function(chm, chmSaveDir) {
  if ((length(chm@relatedLinks) + length(chm@relatedGroups)) > 0) {
    writeRelated(chm@relatedGroups, chm@relatedLinks, chmSaveDir)
  if (chm@format == "original" && length(chm@datasets) > 0) {
    chan <- file(file.path(chmSaveDir, "datasets.tsv"), "wb")
    writeBinLines("Dataset\tDescription", con = chan)
    for (ii in 1:length(chm@datasets)) {
      ds <- chm@datasets[[ii]]
      chm <- writeDataset(chm, ds, chmSaveDir)
      writeBinLines(sprintf("%s\t%s", ds@name, ds@description), con = chan)
  if (chm@format == "original" && length(chm@templates) > 0) {
    for (t in chm@templates) {
      writeTemplate(t@source.path, t@dest.path, t@substitutions, chmSaveDir)

getTypeMatches <- function(tflist, type) {
  # tflist$types is a list of character vectors.
  # type is a list of character vectors.
  # Returns the indices of the elements of tflist whose types match at least one type.
  idx <- which(vapply(tflist$types, function(tt) any(tt == type), TRUE))

getValueExpr <- function(tflist, type, where) {
  idx <- getTypeMatches(tflist, type)
  if (length(idx) == 0) {
    stop(sprintf("chmMake: internal error detected: unable to find value expression for type '%s'. Please report.", type))
  b <- tflist$builders[[idx[1]]]
  if (is(b, "ngchmAxisType")) {
    if (where == "axis") {
      return(sprintf("_chm_e(s,a,%s)", b@func@name))
    } else if (where == "row") {
      return(sprintf("_chm_e(rs,chm.row,%s)", b@func@name))
    } else if (where == "column") {
      return(sprintf("_chm_e(cs,chm.column,%s)", b@func@name))
    } else {
      stop(sprintf("chmMake: internal error detected: unknown getValueExpr location '%s'. Please report.", where))
  } else if (is(b, "ngchmTypeMapper")) {
    if (b@op == "expr") {
      return(sprintf("%s.%s", getValueExpr(tflist, b@fromtype, where), b@params$expr))
    } else if (b@op == "field") {
      return(sprintf("%s.split(%s)[%s]", getValueExpr(tflist, b@fromtype, where), b@params$separator, b@params$num))
    } else if (b@op == "javascript") {
      return(sprintf("%s(%s)", b@func@name, getValueExpr(tflist, b@fromtype, where)))
    } else {
      stop("unknown ngchmTypeMapper op ", b@op)
  } else {
    stop(sprintf("chmMake: internal error detected: unknown value builder class '%s'. Please report.", class(b)))

getFnsRqrd <- function(tflist, type) {
  idx <- getTypeMatches(tflist, type)
  if (length(idx) == 0) {
    stop(sprintf("chmMake: internal error detected: unable to find value expression for type '%s'. Please report.", type))
  b <- tflist$builders[[idx[1]]]
  if (is(b, "ngchmTypeMapper")) {
    return(c(idx, getFnsRqrd(tflist, b@fromtype)))
  } else {

writeChm <- function(chm, saveDir = NULL) {
  if (length(chm@layers) == 0) {
    stop("The NGCHM has no data layers. You must add at least one.")
  if (length(chm@colormaps) == 0) {
    stop("Internal error detected: the NGCHM has no color maps.  Please report.")

  # chm <- chmAddAutoMenuItems (chm);
  genSpecFeedback(50, "creating specification directory")
  if (length(saveDir) == 0) {
    unlink(chm@inpDir, recursive = TRUE)
    if (!dir.create(chm@inpDir, recursive = TRUE)) {
      stop(sprintf("Unable to create directory '%s' in which to save CHM specification", chm@inpDir))
    saveDir <- chm@inpDir

  if (chm@format == "original") {
    genSpecFeedback(55, "saving user's CHM")
    orig.chm <- chm
    chm@inpDir <- tempdir()
    chm@outDir <- tempdir()
    chm@saveDir <- tempdir()
    save(chm, file = file.path(saveDir, "chm.Rdata"))
    chm <- orig.chm
    chm@extrafiles <- c(chm@extrafiles, "chm.Rdata")

  if (chm@format == "original") {
    genSpecFeedback(60, "writing specification")
    props <- file(file.path(saveDir, chm@propFile), "wb")
      "# This NGCHM property description was produced using the R NGCHM library version %s at %s\n",
      packageDescription("NGCHM")$Version, date()
    ), file = props)
    cat(sprintf("data.set.name=%s\n", chm@name), file = props)
    cat(sprintf("chm.main.image.height=%d\n", chm@height), file = props)
    cat(sprintf("chm.main.image.width=%d\n", chm@width), file = props)
  } else {
    props <- list(name = chm@name)

  if (length(chm@tags) > 0) {
    if (chm@format == "original") {
      cat(sprintf("tags=%s\n", paste(chm@tags, sep = ",", collapse = ",")), file = props)
    } else {
      props$tags <- chm@tags

  if (chm@format == "original") {
    genSpecFeedback(65, "writing color schemes")
    for (ii in 1:length(chm@colormaps)) {
      cmap <- chm@colormaps[[ii]]
      if (length(cmap@missing) == 0) {
        cmap@missing <- "white"
      writeColorMap("main", cmap, sprintf("colormap%d", ii), "", props)
  } else {
    props$colormaps <- lapply(chm@colormaps, function(cmap) {
      if (length(cmap@missing) == 0) {
        cmap@missing <- "white"
      jsonColorMap("main", cmap)
    names(props$colormaps) <- sprintf("colormap%d", 1:length(chm@colormaps))

  if (chm@format == "original") {
    genSpecFeedback(70, "writing data layers")
    for (ii in 1:length(chm@layers)) {
      writeDataLayer(chm, chm@layers[[ii]], saveDir, ii, props)

  if (is.list(chm@properties)) {
    if (chm@format == "original") {
      writeProperties(saveDir, chm@format, chm@properties, props)
    if (chm@format == "original" && hasSpecialProperties(chm)) {
      fname <- if (chm@format == "original") "extra.properties" else "extra-properties.json"
      chm@extrafiles <- c(chm@extrafiles, fname)
      extraprops <- file(file.path(saveDir, fname), "wb")
      writeProperties(saveDir, chm@format, chm@properties, extraprops, TRUE)

  if (chm@format == "original") {
    if (is.list(chm@overviews)) {
      for (ii in 1:length(chm@overviews)) {
        ov <- chm@overviews[[ii]]
        cat(sprintf("overview%d.format=%s\n", ii, ov@format), file = props)
        if (!is.null(ov@width)) {
          cat(sprintf("overview%d.width=%d\n", ii, ov@width), file = props)
        if (!is.null(ov@height)) {
          cat(sprintf("overview%d.height=%d\n", ii, ov@height), file = props)
  genSpecFeedback(80, "writing extra support files")
  chm <- writeChmExtraSupport(chm, saveDir)
  chm@extrafiles <- c(chm@extrafiles, "custom-backup.js")

  if (chm@format == "original") {
    if (length(chm@extrafiles) > 0) {
      cat(sprintf("additional.input=%s\n", paste(chm@extrafiles, sep = "", collapse = ",")), file = props)

  if (chm@format == "original") {
    genSpecFeedback(90, "writing covariate bar data")
    if (!is.null(chm@rowOrder)) {
      writeOrder(saveDir, "row", chm@rowOrder)
    if (!is.null(chm@colOrder)) {
      writeOrder(saveDir, "column", chm@colOrder)
    if (!is.null(chm@rowMeta)) {
      writeMeta(saveDir, "row", chm@rowMeta)
    if (!is.null(chm@colMeta)) {
      writeMeta(saveDir, "column", chm@colMeta)
    if (is.list(chm@rowCovariateBars)) {
      chan <- file(paste(saveDir, "rowClassification1.txt", sep = "/"), "wb")
      for (ii in 1:length(chm@rowCovariateBars)) {
        writeCovariateBar(chm@rowCovariateBars[[ii]], saveDir, "row", ii, chan)
    if (is.list(chm@colCovariateBars)) {
      chan <- file(paste(saveDir, "columnClassification1.txt", sep = "/"), "wb")
      for (ii in 1:length(chm@colCovariateBars)) {
        writeCovariateBar(chm@colCovariateBars[[ii]], saveDir, "column", ii, chan)

  if (chm@format == "original") {
    genSpecFeedback(95, "writing custom CSS and Javascript")
    if (is.list(chm@css)) writeCSS(chm@css, saveDir)
    chmWriteCustomJS(chm, file.path(saveDir, "custom-backup.js"))
    jsloader <- readLines(system.file("extdata", "custom.js", package = "NGCHM"))
    jsfile <- file(file.path(saveDir, "custom.js"), "wb")
    writeBinLines(jsloader, jsfile)

  if (chm@format == "shaidy") {
    writeBinLines(jsonlite::toJSON(chm), file.path(saveDir, "chm.json"))

#' @rdname chmName-method
#' @aliases chmName,ngchm-method
  signature = c(chm = "ngchm"),
  definition = function(chm) chm@name
writeOrder <- function(inpDir, type, ord) {
  # Write the order/dendrogram out as a column dendrogram to the inpDir
  if (is(ord, "shaid")) {
    repo <- ngchmFindRepo(ord)
    if (ord@type == "dendrogram") {
      blobfile <- repo$blob.path(ord, "dendrogram-data.tsv")
      filename <- file.path(inpDir, sprintf("dendrogram-data_%s.tsv", type))
      stopifnot(file.copy(blobfile, filename))
      blobfile <- repo$blob.path(ord, "dendrogram-order.tsv")
      filename <- file.path(inpDir, sprintf("dendrogram-order_%s.tsv", type))
      stopifnot(file.copy(blobfile, filename))
      # For legacy
      blobfile <- repo$blob.path(ord, "dendrogram.str")
      filename <- file.path(inpDir, sprintf("dendro_%s.str", type))
      stopifnot(file.copy(blobfile, filename))
    } else if (ord@type == "label") {
      blobfile <- repo$blob.path(ord, "labels.txt")
      filename <- file.path(inpDir, sprintf("%s.txt", type))
      stopifnot(file.copy(blobfile, filename))
    } else {
      stop("Unexpected shaid type: ", ord@type)
  } else if (is(ord, "character")) {
    filename <- file.path(inpDir, sprintf("%s.txt", type))
    write.table(ord, filename, quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, eol = "\n")
  } else if (is(ord, "dendrogram") || is(ord, "hclust")) {
    sink(file.path(inpDir, sprintf("dendro_%s.str", type)))
    if (is(ord, "hclust")) {
      ord <- stats::as.dendrogram(ord)
  } else if (is(ord, "fileContent")) {
    filename <- (paste(inpDir, sprintf("dendro_%s.str", type), sep = "/"))
    ff <- file(filename, "wb")
    writeBinLines(ord, ff)
  } else if (is(ord, "file")) {
    stop("Internal error detected: axis order type file should not be here. Please report.")
    filename <- (paste(inpDir, sprintf("dendro_%s.str", type), sep = "/"))
    content <- readLines(ord)
    ff <- file(filename, "wb")
    writeBinLines(content, ff)
  } else if (is(ord, "NULL")) {
    # Do nothing.
  } else {
    stop(sprintf("chmWriteOrder: unknown class of %s order: '%s'", type, class(ord)))

writeMeta <- function(inpDir, type, metadata) {
  # Write the metadata out to the inpDir
  data <- lapply(metadata, function(shaid) {
    stopifnot(is(shaid, "shaid"))
    repo <- ngchmFindRepo(shaid)
    meta <- ngchmLoadDatasetBlob(repo, shaid)$mat
    meta[, "Value"]
  labels <- sort(unique(do.call(c, lapply(data, function(x) names(x)))))
  proto <- rep(NA, length(labels))
  names(proto) <- labels
  data <- do.call(rbind, lapply(data, function(cv) {
    p <- proto
    p[names(cv)] <- cv
  filename <- sprintf("%s/%s_meta.txt", inpDir, type)
  write.table(data, filename, quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE, sep = "\t", eol = "\n")

prepChmOrderings <- function(chm, l) {
  # Fix row order
  if (length(chm@rowOrder) == 0) {
    l$rowOrder <- ngchmGetLabels(chm@layers[[1]]@data, "row")
  } else if (!is(chm@rowOrder, "shaid")) {
    stop(sprintf("For chm %s unknown class for row order: %s", chm@name, class(chm@rowOrder)))
  } else if (chm@rowOrder@type == "label") {
    # Nothing to do.
  } else if (chm@rowOrder@type == "dendrogram") {
    l$rowDendrogram <- l$rowOrder
    l$rowOrder <- ngchmGetLabels(chm@rowOrder)[[1]]
  } else {
    stop(sprintf("For chm %s unknown shaid type for row order: %s", chm@name, chm@rowOrder@type))
  # Repeat for col order
  if (length(chm@colOrder) == 0) {
    l$colOrder <- ngchmGetLabels(chm@layers[[1]]@data, "column")
  } else if (!is(chm@colOrder, "shaid")) {
    stop(sprintf("For chm %s unknown class for column order: %s", chm@name, class(chm@colOrder)))
  } else if (chm@colOrder@type == "label") {
    # Nothing to do.
  } else if (chm@colOrder@type == "dendrogram") {
    l$colDendrogram <- l$colOrder
    l$colOrder <- ngchmGetLabels(chm@colOrder)[[1]]
  } else {
    stop(sprintf("For chm %s unknown shaid type for column order: %s", chm@name, chm@colOrder@type))

#' @rdname chmGetURL-method
#' @param server The server on which to view the NGCHM
#' @param ... Ignored.
#' @aliases chmGetURL,character-method
  signature = c(chm = "character"),
  definition = function(chm, server = NULL, ...) {
    if (length(server) == 0) server <- chmCurrentServer()
    stopifnot(length(server) > 0)
    if (typeof(server) == "character") server <- chmServerCheck(server)
      if (length(server@viewServer) > 0) server@viewServer else server@serverURL,
#' @rdname chmGetURL-method
#' @param server The server on which to view the NGCHM
#' @aliases chmGetURL,ngchm-method
  signature = c(chm = "ngchm"),
  definition = function(chm, server = NULL, ...) {
    if (length(server) == 0) server <- chmCurrentServer()
    stopifnot(length(server) > 0)
    if (typeof(server) == "character") server <- chmServerCheck(server)
    if (server@serverProtocol@chmFormat == "shaidy") {
        if (length(server@viewServer) > 0) server@viewServer else server@serverURL,
    } else {
      chmGetURL(chmName(chm), server = server, ...)
URLparts <- function(x) {
  m <- regexec("^(([^:]+)://)?([^:/]+)(:([0-9]+))?(/.*)", x)
  parts <- do.call(
    lapply(regmatches(x, m), `[`, c(3L, 4L, 6L, 7L))
  colnames(parts) <- c("protocol", "host", "port", "path")

datestamp <- function() {
  format(Sys.time(), "%a %b %d %X %Y")

progressFeedback <- function(progress, mode, what) {
  message(sprintf("%s\t%s\t:%s:\t%g\t%s", datestamp(), "PROGRESS", mode, progress, what))

genSpecFeedback <- function(progress, what) {
  progressFeedback(progress, "Writing specification", what)

postBuildFeedback <- function(progress, what) {
  progressFeedback(progress, "Post build", what)

addToolBoxes <- function(chm) {
  type.matches <- function(dstype, chmtype) {
    length(intersect(dstype, chmtype)) > 0
  type.matches2 <- function(dstype, chmtype1, chmtype2) {
    length(intersect(intersect(dstype, chmtype1), chmtype2)) > 0
  t2s <- function(ty) {
    paste(ty, collapse = "/")

  rowtypes <- getAllAxisTypes(chm, "row")
  matches <- vapply(chm@datasets, function(ds) type.matches(ds@row.type, rowtypes$types), TRUE)
  message(sprintf("addToolBoxes: found %d R datasets matching row types:", sum(matches)))
  if (sum(matches) > 0) {
    if (sum(matches) == 1) {
      extra <- ""
    } else {
      extra <- sprintf(" (%s)", vapply(chm@datasets[matches], function(ds) ds@name, ""))
    for (ds in chm@datasets[matches]) {
      message(sprintf("dataset '%s' row.type '%s'", ds@name, t2s(ds@row.type)))
      chm <- chmAddToolboxR(chm, "row", ds@row.type, ds@name, extra[1])
      extra <- tail(extra, -1)
  coltypes <- getAllAxisTypes(chm, "column")
  matches <- vapply(chm@datasets, function(ds) type.matches(ds@row.type, coltypes$types), TRUE)
  message(sprintf("addToolBoxes: found %d R datasets matching column types:", sum(matches)))
  if (sum(matches) > 0) {
    if (sum(matches) == 1) {
      extra <- ""
    } else {
      extra <- sprintf(" (%s)", vapply(chm@datasets[matches], function(ds) ds@name, ""))
    for (ds in chm@datasets[matches]) {
      message(sprintf("dataset '%s' row.type '%s'", ds@name, t2s(ds@row.type)))
      chm <- chmAddToolboxR(chm, "column", ds@row.type, ds@name, extra[1])
      extra <- tail(extra, -1)
  matches <- vapply(chm@datasets, function(ds) type.matches2(ds@row.type, coltypes$types, rowtypes$types), TRUE)
  message(sprintf("addToolBoxes: found %d R2 datasets matching row and column types:", sum(matches)))
  if (sum(matches) > 0) {
    if (sum(matches) == 1) {
      extra <- ""
    } else {
      extra <- sprintf(" (%s)", vapply(chm@datasets[matches], function(ds) ds@name, ""))
    for (ds in chm@datasets[matches]) {
      message(sprintf("dataset '%s' row.type '%s'", ds@name, t2s(ds@row.type)))
      chm <- chmAddToolboxR2(chm, ds@row.type, ds@name, extra[1])
      extra <- tail(extra, -1)
  matches <- vapply(chm@datasets, function(ds) type.matches(ds@column.type, coltypes$types) && type.matches(ds@row.type, rowtypes$types), TRUE)
  message(sprintf("addToolBoxes: found %d RC datasets matching row and column types:", sum(matches)))
  if (sum(matches) > 0) {
    if (sum(matches) == 1) {
      extra <- ""
    } else {
      extra <- sprintf(" (%s)", vapply(chm@datasets[matches], function(ds) ds@name, ""))
    for (ds in chm@datasets[matches]) {
      message(sprintf("dataset '%s' row.type '%s' col.type '%s'", ds@name, t2s(ds@row.type), t2s(ds@column.type)))
      chm <- chmAddToolboxRC(chm, ds@row.type, ds@column.type, ds@name, extra[1])
      extra <- tail(extra, -1)

#' @rdname chmMake-method
#' @aliases chmMake,ngchm-method
  signature = c(chm = "ngchm"),
  definition = function(chm, ...) {
    chm <- chmFixVersion(chm)
    # Compute row and column orders if required.
    while ((length(chm@rowOrder) > 0) && (is(chm@rowOrder, "function"))) {
      genSpecFeedback(0, "determining row order")
      chm@rowOrder <- chm@rowOrder(chm)
    if (length(chm@rowOrder) == 0) {
      chm@rowOrder <- chmOriginalRowOrder(chm)
    } else if (is(chm@rowOrder, "dendrogram")) {
      chm@rowOrder <- chmUserDendrogramToShaid(chm@rowOrder)
    } else if (is(chm@rowOrder, "hclust")) {
      chm@rowOrder <- chmUserDendrogramToShaid(as.dendrogram(chm@rowOrder))
    } else if (is(chm@rowOrder, "character")) {
      chm@rowOrder <- chmUserLabelsToShaid(chm@rowOrder)
    while ((length(chm@colOrder) > 0) && (is(chm@colOrder, "function"))) {
      genSpecFeedback(10, "determining column order")
      chm@colOrder <- chm@colOrder(chm)
    if (length(chm@colOrder) == 0) {
      chm@colOrder <- chmOriginalColOrder(chm)
    } else if (is(chm@colOrder, "dendrogram")) {
      chm@colOrder <- chmUserDendrogramToShaid(chm@colOrder)
    } else if (is(chm@colOrder, "hclust")) {
      chm@colOrder <- chmUserDendrogramToShaid(as.dendrogram(chm@colOrder))
    } else if (is(chm@colOrder, "character")) {
      chm@colOrder <- chmUserLabelsToShaid(chm@colOrder)
#' Make an original format NGCHM.
#' @param chm The original format CHM to compile.
#' @param server The server for which to compile the NGCHM.
#'        Default `getOption("NGCHM.Server",chmListServers()[1])`.
#'        Required iff useJar is not defined.
#' @param deleteOld If TRUE, delete any old CHM of this name before beginning build. (Default is TRUE.)
#' @param useJAR If defined, the location (filename) of the chmbuilder jar file. The package will not download
#'        a current jar file from the server. It is the caller's responsibility to ensure the builder jar file
#'        is compatible with the server on which the NGCHM will be installed. (Default is not defined.)
#' @param javaOptions Additional options to pass to the Java process.
#'        Default is getOption('NGCHM.Java.Options','-Xmx2G').
#' @param javaTraceLevel Trace level option passed to the Java process.
#'        Default is getOption("NGCHM.Java.Trace','PROGRESS').
#' @param buildArchive If TRUE, build a tar archive of the generated NGCHM.
#'        Default is getOption('NGCHM.Build.Archive',TRUE).
#' @return The CHM
ngchmMakeFormat.original <- function(chm,
                                     deleteOld = TRUE,
                                     useJAR = NULL,
                                     javaTraceLevel = NULL,
                                     javaOptions = NULL,
                                     buildArchive = NULL) {
  if (length(javaTraceLevel) == 0) javaTraceLevel <- getOption("NGCHM.Java.Trace", "PROGRESS")
  if (length(javaOptions) == 0) javaOptions <- getOption("NGCHM.Java.Options", "-Xmx2G")
  if (length(server) == 0) server <- chmCurrentServer()
  if (length(buildArchive) == 0) buildArchive <- getOption("NGCHM.Build.Archive", TRUE)

  genSpecFeedback(20, "writing NGCHM specification")

  genSpecFeedback(96, "preparing output directory")
  dir.create(chm@outDir, recursive = TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE)
  if (deleteOld) {
    unlink(file.path(chm@outDir, chm@name), recursive = TRUE)

  if (length(useJAR) == 0) {
    genSpecFeedback(97, "retrieving NGCHM rendering software")
    useJAR <- getBuilderJar(server)
  genSpecFeedback(100, "rendering NGCHM")
  javaTraceOpts <- ""
  if ((length(javaTraceLevel) > 0) && (is.null(server) || (length(server@traceLevel) > 0))) {
    javaTraceOpts <- sprintf("-l %s -p", shQuote(javaTraceLevel))

    "java -Djava.awt.headless=true %s -jar %s %s %s %s/%s %s",
    paste(vapply(javaOptions, shQuote, ""), collapse = " "),
  message("chmMake: Java process completed")

  postBuildFeedback(0, "writing post build files")
  if (buildArchive) {
    postBuildFeedback(50, "creating compressed NGCHM file")
      "tar czf %s/%s.ngchm.gz -C %s %s",
  postBuildFeedback(100, "post build completed")
#' @rdname chmAdd-method
#' @aliases chmAdd,ngchm-method
  signature = c(chm = "ngchm"),
  definition = function(chm, ...) {
    chm <- chmFixVersion(chm)
    chmAddList(chm, list(...))
chmOperatorAdd <- function(left, right) {
  if (is(left, "ngchm")) {
    chmAdd(left, right)
  } else if (is(right, "ngchm")) {
    chmAdd(right, left)
  } else if (is(left, "ngchmAxis")) {
    if (is(right, "ngchmAxis")) {
      stopifnot(left@axis == right@axis)
      left@objects <- append(left@objects, right@objects)
    } else {
      left@objects <- append(left@objects, right)
  } else if (is(right, "ngchmAxis")) {
    right@objects <- append(right@objects, left)
  } else {
    stop("unknown object class")

#' Add an Axis to an NG-CHM Version 2
#' This function adds an 'ngchmAxis' to an 'ngchmVersion2' object.
#' @name +
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname addition-methods
#' @aliases +,ngchmVersion2,ngchmAxis-method
#' @param e1 An object of class 'ngchmVersion2' to which the axis is to be added.
#' @param e2 An object of class 'ngchmAxis' representing the axis to be added.
#' @return An updated 'ngchmVersion2' object with the added axis.
#' @export
  signature = c(e1 = "ngchmVersion2", e2 = "ngchmAxis"),
  definition = function(e1, e2) chmOperatorAdd(e1, e2)
#' @method + ngchmVersion2
#' @export
"+.ngchmVersion2" <- chmOperatorAdd

#' @method + ngchmAxis
#' @export
"+.ngchmAxis" <- chmOperatorAdd

#' @method dimnames ngchmVersion2
#' @export
dimnames.ngchmVersion2 <- function(x) {
  if (length(x@layers) == 0) {
  } else {

#' @method dim ngchmVersion2
#' @export
dim.ngchmVersion2 <- function(x) {
  vapply(dimnames(x), length, 0)

#' @method dimnames ngchmLayer
#' @export
dimnames.ngchmLayer <- function(x) {
  list(ngchmGetLabelsStr(x@data, "row"), ngchmGetLabelsStr(x@data, "column"))

#' @method dim ngchmLayer
#' @export
dim.ngchmLayer <- function(x) {
  vapply(dimnames(x), length, 0)

#' @rdname chmAddLayer-method
#' @aliases chmAddLayer,ngchm,ngchmLayer-method
  signature = c(chm = "ngchm", layer = "ngchmLayer"),
  definition = function(chm, layer) {
    chm <- chmFixVersion(chm)
    validateNewLayer(chm, layer)
    chm@layers <- append(chm@layers, layer)
    chmAddColormap(chm, layer@colors)
#' @rdname chmAddLayer-method
#' @aliases chmAddLayer,ngchm,matrix-method
  signature = c(chm = "ngchm", layer = "matrix"),
  definition = function(chm, layer) {
    chm <- chmFixVersion(chm)
    layer <- chmNewDataLayer(sprintf("Layer %d", length(chm@layers) + 1), layer)
    validateNewLayer(chm, layer)
    chm@layers <- append(chm@layers, layer)
    chmAddColormap(chm, layer@colors)
#' @rdname chmAddCSS-method
#' @aliases chmAddCSS,ngchm,character,character-method
  signature = c(chm = "ngchm", css = "character"),
  definition = function(chm, css) {
    chm <- chmFixVersion(chm)
    chm@css <- append(chm@css, new(Class = "ngchmCSS", css = css))
#' @rdname chmAddTag-method
#' @aliases chmAddTag,ngchm,character,character-method
  signature = c(chm = "ngchm", tag = "character"),
  definition = function(chm, tag) {
    chm <- chmFixVersion(chm)
    chm@tags <- c(chm@tags, tag)
#' @rdname chmAddDataset-method
#' @aliases chmAddDataset,ngchm,ngchmDataset-method
  signature = c(chm = "ngchm", dataset = "ngchmDataset"),
  definition = function(chm, dataset) {
    chm <- chmFixVersion(chm)
    if (length(chm@datasets) == 0) {
      chm@extrafiles <- c(chm@extrafiles, "datasets.tsv")
    chm@datasets <- append(chm@datasets, dataset)
    if (length(dataset@row.type) > 0) {
      chm <- chmAddProperty(chm, sprintf("!datasettype:%s-row", make.names(dataset@name)), dataset@row.type)
    if (length(dataset@column.type) > 0) {
      chm <- chmAddProperty(chm, sprintf("!datasettype:%s-column", make.names(dataset@name)), dataset@column.type)
#' @rdname chmAddDialog-method
#' @aliases chmAddDialog,ngchm,ngchmDialog-method
  signature = c(chm = "ngchm", dialog = "ngchmDialog"),
  definition = function(chm, dialog) {
    chm <- chmFixVersion(chm)
    if (dialog@id %in% vapply(chm@dialogs, function(d) d@id, "")) {
      stop(sprintf("A dialog with id '%s' already exists", dialog@id))
    if (dialog@title %in% vapply(chm@dialogs, function(d) d@title, "")) {
      stop(sprintf("A dialog with title '%s' already exists", dialog@title))
    chm@dialogs <- append(chm@dialogs, dialog)
    chmUU(addFunDefine(chm, dialog@fn))
#' @rdname chmAddCovariate-method
#' @aliases chmAddCovariate,ngchmDataset,character,ngchmCovariate-method
  signature = c(dataset = "ngchmDataset", where = "character", covariate = "ngchmCovariate"),
  definition = function(dataset, where, covariate) {
    if (!(where %in% c("row", "column", "both"))) {
      stop(sprintf("chmAddCovariate: unknown where '%s'. Should be row, column, or both.", where))
    if (where %in% c("row", "both")) {
      dataset@row.covariates <- append(dataset@row.covariates, covariate)
    if (where %in% c("column", "both")) {
      dataset@column.covariates <- append(dataset@column.covariates, covariate)
appendRendererIfNew <- function(colormaps, newmap) {
  for (cm in colormaps) {
    if (sameColormap(cm, newmap)) {
  append(colormaps, newmap)

#' @rdname chmAddColormap-method
#' @aliases chmAddColormap,ngchm,ngchmColormap-method
  signature = c(chm = "ngchm", colormap = "ngchmColormap"),
  definition = function(chm, colormap) {
    chm <- chmFixVersion(chm)
    chm@colormaps <- appendRendererIfNew(chm@colormaps, colormap)
#' @rdname chmAddRelatedGroup-method
#' @aliases chmAddRelatedGroup,ngchm,character,character,character,character-method
  signature = c(chm = "ngchm", name = "character", header = "character", linktype = "character", blurb = "character"),
  definition = function(chm, name, header, linktype, blurb) {
    chm <- chmFixVersion(chm)
    related <- new(Class = "ngchmRelatedGroup", name = name, header = header, linktype = linktype, blurb = blurb)
    if ((length(chm@relatedGroups) + length(chm@relatedLinks)) == 0) {
      chm@extrafiles <- c(chm@extrafiles, "relatedlinks.js")
    chm@relatedGroups <- append(chm@relatedGroups, related)
#' @rdname chmAddRelatedGroup-method
#' @aliases chmAddRelatedGroup,ngchm,character,character,character,missing-method
  signature = c(chm = "ngchm", name = "character", header = "character", linktype = "character", blurb = "missing"),
  definition = function(chm, name, header, linktype) {
    chm <- chmFixVersion(chm)
    related <- new(Class = "ngchmRelatedGroup", name = name, header = header, linktype = linktype, blurb = NULL)
    if ((length(chm@relatedGroups) + length(chm@relatedLinks)) == 0) {
      chm@extrafiles <- c(chm@extrafiles, "relatedlinks.js")
    chm@relatedGroups <- append(chm@relatedGroups, related)
#' @rdname chmAddRelated-method
#' @aliases chmAddRelated,ngchm,character,character,character-method
  signature = c(chm = "ngchm", group = "character", link = "character", description = "character"),
  definition = function(chm, group, link, description) {
    chm <- chmFixVersion(chm)
    related <- new(Class = "ngchmRelated", group = group, link = link, description = description)
    if ((length(chm@relatedGroups) + length(chm@relatedLinks)) == 0) {
      chm@extrafiles <- c(chm@extrafiles, "relatedlinks.js")
    chm@relatedLinks <- append(chm@relatedLinks, related)
#' @rdname chmAddOverview-method
#' @aliases chmAddOverview,ngchm,character,numeric,numeric-method
  signature = c(chm = "ngchm", format = "character", width = "optNumeric", height = "optNumeric"),
  definition = function(chm, format, width, height) {
    chm <- chmFixVersion(chm)
    known.formats <- c("pdf", "png", "svg")
    if (length(format) != 1) {
      stop(sprintf("chmAddOverview: format has length %d. Exactly one format string is required.", length(format)))
    if (!(format %in% known.formats)) {
        "chmAddOverview: unknown overview format '%s'.  Acceptable formats are %s", format,
        paste(sprintf("'%s'", known.formats), collapse = ", ")
    if (length(width) > 1) {
      stop(sprintf("chmAddOverview: width has length %d. At most one width can be specified.", length(width)))
    if (length(height) > 1) {
      stop(sprintf("chmAddOverview: height has length %d. At most one height can be specified.", length(height)))
    # if ((length(width) + length(height)) == 0)
    #    stop (sprintf ("chmAddOverview: at least width or height must be specified."));
    if (!is.null(width)) {
      width <- as.integer(width)
    if (!is.null(height)) {
      height <- as.integer(height)
    ov <- new(Class = "ngchmOverview", format = format, width = width, height = height)
    chm@overviews <- append(chm@overviews, ov)
#' @rdname chmAddTemplate-method
#' @aliases chmAddTemplate,ngchm,charOrFunction,character,optList-method
  signature = c(chm = "ngchm", source.path = "charOrFunction", dest.path = "character", substitutions = "optList"),
  definition = function(chm, source.path, dest.path, substitutions) {
    chm <- chmFixVersion(chm)
    blob <- ngchmSaveTemplateAsBlob(ngchm.env$tmpShaidy, source.path, dest.path, substitutions)
    template <- new(Class = "ngchmTemplate", source.path = source.path, dest.blob = blob, dest.path = dest.path, substitutions = substitutions)
    chm@extrafiles <- c(chm@extrafiles, dest.path)
    chm@templates <- append(chm@templates, template)
#' @rdname chmAddProperty-method
#' @aliases chmAddProperty,ngchm,character,character-method
  signature = c(chm = "ngchm", label = "character", value = "character"),
  definition = function(chm, label, value) {
    chm <- chmFixVersion(chm)
    chmProperty(chm, label) <- value
#' @rdname chmAddSpecificAxisTypeFunction-method
#' @aliases chmAddSpecificAxisTypeFunction,ngchm,character,character,character,ngchmJS-method
  signature = c(chm = "ngchm", where = "character", type = "character", label = "character", func = "ngchmJS"),
  definition = function(chm, where, type, label, func) {
    chm <- chmFixVersion(chm)
    af <- new("ngchmAxisFunction", type = type, label = label, func = func)
    if ((length(where) != 1) || (!where %in% c("row", "column", "both"))) {
      stop(sprintf("chmAddSpecificAxisTypeFunction: unknown where '%s'. Should be row, column, or both.", where))
    if ((where == "row") || (where == "both")) {
      matches <- which(vapply(chm@rowTypeFunctions, function(af) (af@label == label) && (af@type == type), TRUE))
      if (length(matches) > 0) {
        chm@rowTypeFunctions[[matches]] <- af
      } else {
        chm@rowTypeFunctions <- append(chm@rowTypeFunctions, af)
    if ((where == "column") || (where == "both")) {
      matches <- which(vapply(chm@colTypeFunctions, function(af) (af@label == label) && (af@type == type), TRUE))
      if (length(matches) > 0) {
        chm@colTypeFunctions[[matches]] <- af
      } else {
        chm@colTypeFunctions <- append(chm@colTypeFunctions, af)
#' @rdname chmAddSpecificAxisTypeFunction-method
#' @aliases chmAddSpecificAxisTypeFunction,ngchm,character,character,character,character-method
  signature = c(chm = "ngchm", where = "character", type = "character", label = "character", func = "character"),
  definition = function(chm, where, type, label, func) {
    chmAddSpecificAxisTypeFunction(chm, where, type, label, chmGetFunction(func))
addFunDefine <- function(chm, func) {
  dup <- 0
  if (is.list(chm@javascript)) {
    for (ii in 1:length(chm@javascript)) {
      if (chm@javascript[[ii]]@name == func@name) {
        dup <- ii
        if (chm@javascript[[ii]]@script != func@script) {
          stop(sprintf("Duplicate definition of function '%s' differs from first definition", func@name))
  if (dup == 0) {
    chm@javascript <- append(chm@javascript, func)

#' @rdname chmAddMenuItem-method
#' @aliases chmAddMenuItem,ngchm,character,character,ngchmJS-method
  signature = c(chm = "ngchm", where = "character", label = "character", func = "ngchmJS"),
  definition = function(chm, where, label, func) {
    chm <- chmFixVersion(chm)
    if (length(func@extraParams) > 0) {
      stop(sprintf("Error adding menu item: function '%s' has unbound extra parameters", func@name))
    entry <- new(Class = "ngchmMenuItem", label = label, description = func@description, fun = func@name)
    if (where == "row" || where == "both") {
      chm@rowMenu <- append(chm@rowMenu, entry)
      if (where == "both") {
        chm@colMenu <- append(chm@colMenu, entry)
    } else if (where == "column") {
      chm@colMenu <- append(chm@colMenu, entry)
    } else if (where == "element") {
      chm@elementMenu <- append(chm@elementMenu, entry)
    } else if (where != "nowhere") {
      stop(sprintf("chmAddMenuItem: unknown where '%s'. Should be row, column, both, or element (or nowhere).", where))
    chmUU(addFunDefine(chm, func))
#' @rdname chmAddMenuItem-method
#' @aliases chmAddMenuItem,ngchm,character,character,character-method
  signature = c(chm = "ngchm", where = "character", label = "character", func = "character"),
  definition = function(chm, where, label, func) {
    chmAddMenuItem(chm, where, label, chmGetFunction(func))
#' @rdname chmAddAxisType-method
#' @aliases chmAddAxisType,ngchm,character,character,ngchmJS-method
  signature = c(chm = "ngchm", where = "character", type = "character", func = "ngchmJS"),
  definition = function(chm, where, type, func) {
    chm <- chmFixVersion(chm)
    if (length(type) > 1) type <- paste(type, collapse = ".bar.")
    at <- new(Class = "ngchmAxisType", where = where, type = type, func = func)
    chm@axisTypes <- append(chm@axisTypes, at)
    chmAddProperty(chm, paste("!axistype", where, sep = "."), type)
#' @rdname chmAddAxisType-method
#' @aliases chmAddAxisType,ngchm,character,character,character-method
  signature = c(chm = "ngchm", where = "character", type = "character", func = "character"),
  definition = function(chm, where, type, func) {
    chmAddAxisType(chm, where, type, chmGetFunction(func))
#' @rdname chmAddAxisType-method
#' @aliases chmAddAxisType,ngchm,character,character,missing-method
  signature = c(chm = "ngchm", where = "character", type = "character", func = "missing"),
  definition = function(chm, where, type, func) {
    chmAddAxisType(chm, where, type, chmGetFunction("getLabelValue"))
#' @rdname chmAddCovariateBar-method
#' @aliases chmAddCovariateBar,ngchm,character,ngchmCovariateBar-method
  signature = c(chm = "ngchm", where = "character", covar = "ngchmBar"),
  definition = function(chm, where, covar) {
    chm <- chmFixVersion(chm)
    where <- match.arg(where, c("row", "column", "both"))
    bar <- covar
    validateNewCovariateBar(chm, where, bar)
    if (where == "row" || where == "both") {
      idx <- which(bar@label == lapply(chm@rowCovariateBars, function(cvb) cvb@label))
      if (length(idx) == 0) {
        chm@rowCovariateBars <- append(chm@rowCovariateBars, bar)
      } else if (length(idx) == 1) {
        chm@rowCovariateBars[[idx]] <- bar
      } else {
        stop("chm contains multiple copies of covariate bar")
    if (where == "column" || where == "both") {
      idx <- which(bar@label == lapply(chm@colCovariateBars, function(cvb) cvb@label))
      if (length(idx) == 0) {
        chm@colCovariateBars <- append(chm@colCovariateBars, bar)
      } else if (length(idx) == 1) {
        chm@colCovariateBars[[idx]] <- bar
      } else {
        stop("chm contains multiple copies of covariate bar")
#' @rdname chmAddCovariateBar-method
#' @aliases chmAddCovariateBar,ngchm,character,ngchmCovariate-method
  signature = c(chm = "ngchm", where = "character", covar = "ngchmCovariate"),
  definition = function(chm, where, covar, ...) {
    bar <- chmNewCovariateBar(covar, ...)
    chmAddCovariateBar(chm, where, bar)
#' @rdname chmAddCovariateBar-method
#' @aliases chmAddCovariateBar,ngchm,character,list-method
  signature = c(chm = "ngchm", where = "character", covar = "list"),
  definition = function(chm, where, covar, ...) {
    chm <- chmFixVersion(chm)
    for (item in covar) {
      if (is(item, "ngchmBar")) {
        bar <- item
      } else if (is(item, "ngchmCovariate")) {
        bar <- chmNewCovariateBar(item, ...)
      } else {
        stop(sprintf('adding unknown object of unknown class "%s"', class(item)))
      chm <- chmAddCovariateBar(chm, where, bar)
#' @rdname chmBindFunction-method
#' @aliases chmBindFunction,character,ngchmJS,list-method
  signature = c(name = "character", fn = "ngchmJS", bindings = "list"),
  definition = function(name, fn, bindings) {
    if (is.null(fn@extraParams) || (length(bindings) > length(fn@extraParams))) {
      extra <- c()
      if (!is.null(fn@extraParams)) extra <- fn@extraParams
      stop(sprintf("chmBindFunction: %s more bindings (%d) than optional parameters (%d)", fn@name, length(bindings), length(extra)))
    for (ii in 1:length(bindings)) {
      if (names(bindings)[ii] != fn@extraParams[ii]) {
        stop(sprintf("binding name '%s' does not match corresponding parameter '%s'", names(bindings)[ii], fn@extraParams[ii]))
    newdesc <- sprintf("function %s bound to %d values", fn@name, length(bindings))
    params <- vapply(bindings, function(x) {
      if (length(x) != 1) stop("each parameter binding requires exact one value")
      if (typeof(x) == "integer") {
        sprintf("%d", x)
      } else if (typeof(x) == "double") {
        sprintf("%.10g", x)
      } else if (typeof(x) == "logical") {
        c("false", "true")[x + 1]
      } else if (typeof(x) == "character") {
        sprintf("'%s'", x)
      } else {
        stop("unknown type of parameter binding")
    }, "")
    params <- paste(params, collapse = ",")
    if (length(bindings) == length(fn@extraParams)) {
      newextra <- NULL
    } else {
      newextra <- fn@extraParams[(1 + length(bindings)):length(fn@extraParams)]
    impl <- sprintf("var %s = %s.bind (undefined, %s);", name, fn@name, params)
    chmNewFunction(name, newdesc, impl, extraParams = newextra, requires = c(fn@name), global = fn@global)
#' @rdname chmBindFunction-method
#' @aliases chmBindFunction,character,character,list-method
  signature = c(name = "character", fn = "character", bindings = "list"),
  definition = function(name, fn, bindings) {
    fndef <- chmGetFunction(fn)
    if (length(fndef) == 0) {
      stop(sprintf("Unable to create binding '%s': function '%s' does not exist", name, fn))
    chmBindFunction(name, fndef, bindings)
orderMethod <- function(v) {
  if (length(v) == 0) {
  if (is(v, "function")) {
    if (identical(v, chmDefaultRowOrder) || identical(v, chmDefaultColOrder)) {
    if (identical(v, chmRandomRowOrder) || identical(v, chmRandomColOrder)) {
    if (identical(v, chmOriginalRowOrder) || identical(v, chmOriginalColOrder)) {

#' @rdname chmRowOrder-method
#' @aliases chmRowOrder<-,ngchm,optDendrogram-method
  signature = c(chm = "ngchm", value = "optDendrogram"),
  definition = function(chm, value) {
    chm <- chmFixVersion(chm)
    if (is(value, "file")) {
      value <- readLines(value)
      class(value) <- "fileContent"
    validateNewAxisOrder(chm, "row", value)
    chm@rowOrder <- value
    chm@rowOrderMethod <- orderMethod(value)
#' @rdname chmColOrder-method
#' @aliases chmColOrder<-,ngchm,optDendrogram-method
  signature = c(chm = "ngchm", value = "optDendrogram"),
  definition = function(chm, value) {
    chm <- chmFixVersion(chm)
    if (is(value, "file")) {
      value <- readLines(value)
      class(value) <- "fileContent"
    validateNewAxisOrder(chm, "column", value)
    chm@colOrder <- value
    chm@colOrderMethod <- orderMethod(value)
metaToShaid <- function(metadata) {
  stopifnot(!identical(names(metadata), NULL))
  metadata <- metadata[order(names(metadata))]
  mat <- matrix(metadata, ncol = 1, dimnames = list(names(metadata), "Value"))
  shaid <- ngchmSaveAsDatasetBlob(ngchm.env$tmpShaidy, "tsv", mat)

#' @rdname chmAddMetaData-method
#' @aliases chmAddMetaData,ngchm,character,character,character-method
  signature = c(chm = "ngchm", where = "character", type = "character", value = "character"),
  definition = function(chm, where, type, value) {
    stopifnot(length(where) == 1, typeof(where) == "character", where %in% c("row", "column", "both"))
    stopifnot(length(type) == 1, typeof(type) == "character", type != "")
    stopifnot(length(value) > 0, typeof(value) == "character", all(value != ""))
    chm <- chmFixVersion(chm)
    meta <- new("ngchmMetaData", type = type, value = metaToShaid(value))
    if (where %in% c("row", "both")) {
      chm@rowMeta <- append(chm@rowMeta, meta)
    if (where %in% c("column", "both")) {
      chm@colMeta <- append(chm@colMeta, meta)
make.js.names <- function(sss) {
  sss <- make.names(sss)
  vapply(sss, function(ss) gsub(".", "_", ss, fixed = TRUE), "")

#' @rdname chmAddToolboxR-method
#' @aliases chmAddToolboxR,ngchm,character,character,character,character-method
  signature = c(CHM = "ngchm", axis = "character", axistype = "character", datasetname = "character", idstr = "character"),
  definition = function(CHM, axis, axistype, datasetname, idstr) {
    CHM <- chmFixVersion(CHM)
    toolbox <- ngchm.env$toolbox
    if (length(toolbox) > 0) {
      for (ii in 1:nrow(toolbox)) {
        if (toolbox[ii, ]$type == "R") {
          fnname <- sprintf("%s%s", toolbox[ii, ]$fn@name, make.js.names(datasetname))
          fndef <- chmGetFunction(fnname)
          if (length(fndef) == 0) {
            chmBindFunction(fnname, toolbox[ii, ]$fn@name, list(dataset = datasetname))
          fnlabel <- sprintf("%s%s", toolbox[ii, ]$label, idstr)
          CHM <- chmAddSpecificAxisTypeFunction(CHM, axis, axistype, fnlabel, fnname)
#' @rdname chmAddToolboxR2-method
#' @aliases chmAddToolboxR2,ngchm,character,character,character-method
  signature = c(CHM = "ngchm", axistype = "character", datasetname = "character", idstr = "character"),
  definition = function(CHM, axistype, datasetname, idstr) {
    CHM <- chmFixVersion(CHM)
    toolbox <- ngchm.env$toolbox
    if (length(toolbox) > 0) {
      for (ii in 1:nrow(toolbox)) {
        if (toolbox[ii, ]$type == "R2") {
          fnname <- sprintf("%s%s", toolbox[ii, ]$fn@name, make.js.names(datasetname))
          fndef <- chmGetFunction(fnname)
          if (length(fndef) == 0) {
            chmBindFunction(fnname, toolbox[ii, ]$fn@name, list(dataset = datasetname))
          fnlabel <- sprintf("%s%s", toolbox[ii, ]$label, idstr)
          CHM <- chmAddMenuItem(CHM, "element", fnlabel, chmGetFunction(fnname))
#' @rdname chmAddToolboxRC-method
#' @aliases chmAddToolboxRC,ngchm,character,character,character-method
  signature = c(CHM = "ngchm", rowtype = "character", coltype = "character", datasetname = "character", idstr = "character"),
  definition = function(CHM, rowtype, coltype, datasetname, idstr) {
    CHM <- chmFixVersion(CHM)
    toolbox <- ngchm.env$toolbox
    if (length(toolbox) > 0) {
      for (ii in 1:nrow(toolbox)) {
        if (toolbox[ii, ]$type == "RC") {
          fnname <- sprintf("%s%s", toolbox[ii, ]$fn@name, make.js.names(datasetname))
          fndef <- chmGetFunction(fnname)
          if (length(fndef) == 0) {
            chmBindFunction(fnname, toolbox[ii, ]$fn@name, list(dataset = datasetname))
          fnlabel <- sprintf("%s%s", toolbox[ii, ]$label, idstr)
          CHM <- chmAddMenuItem(CHM, "element", fnlabel, chmGetFunction(fnname))
#' @rdname shaidyGetShaid-method
#' @aliases shaidyGetShaid,ngchm-method
  signature = c(object = "ngchm"),
  definition = function(object) {
    ngchmSaveChmAsBlob(ngchm.env$tmpShaidy, object)
#' @rdname shaidyGetComponents-method
#' @aliases shaidyGetComponents,ngchm-method
  signature = c(object = "ngchm"),
  definition = function(object) {
    if (is(object@rowOrder, "function")) object@rowOrder <- object@rowOrder(object)
    if (is(object@colOrder, "function")) object@colOrder <- object@colOrder(object)
    unique(c(object@rowOrder, object@colOrder,
      if (is(object@rowOrder, "shaid") && object@rowOrder@type == "dendrogram") ngchmGetLabels(object@rowOrder)[[1]] else NULL,
      if (is(object@colOrder, "shaid") && object@colOrder@type == "dendrogram") ngchmGetLabels(object@colOrder)[[1]] else NULL,
      lapply(object@layers, function(x) x@data),
      lapply(object@colCovariateBars, function(x) x@data),
      lapply(object@rowCovariateBars, function(x) x@data),
      lapply(object@templates, function(x) x@dest.blob),
      lapply(object@rowMeta, function(x) x@value),
      lapply(object@colMeta, function(x) x@value),
      lapply(object@datasets, shaidyGetComponents),
      recursive = TRUE
#' @rdname shaidyGetComponents-method
#' @aliases shaidyGetComponents,ngchmDataset-method
  signature = c(object = "ngchmDataset"),
  definition = function(object) {
      lapply(object@row.covariates, shaidyGetComponents),
      lapply(object@column.covariates, shaidyGetComponents),
      recursive = TRUE
#' @rdname shaidyGetComponents-method
#' @aliases shaidyGetComponents,ngchmCovariate-method
  signature = c(object = "ngchmCovariate"),
  definition = function(object) {
#' @rdname chmGetDataset-method
#' @aliases chmGetDataset,ngchmLayer-method
  signature = c(object = "ngchmLayer"),
  definition = function(object) {
    shaid <- object@data
    repo <- ngchmFindRepo(shaid)
    ngchmLoadDatasetBlob(repo, shaid)
#' @rdname chmHasProperty-method
#' @aliases chmHasProperty,ngchmVersion2-method
  signature = c(object = "ngchmVersion2", label = "character"),
  definition = function(object, label) {
    matches <- vapply(object@properties, function(p) p@label == label, rep(TRUE, length(label)))
    if (length(label) == 1) any(matches) else apply(matches, 1, any)
#' @rdname chmGetProperty-method
#' @aliases chmGetProperty,ngchmVersion2-method
  signature = c(object = "ngchmVersion2", label = "character"),
  definition = function(object, label) {
    chmProperty(object, label)
MD-Anderson-Bioinformatics/NGCHM-R documentation built on Sept. 15, 2024, 10:08 a.m.