
Defines functions chmCreateCollection parsePathSpec chmSetCollection chmCurrentServer chmCurrentCollection ngchmTileDataset ngchmSaveChmAsBlob ngchmGetLabelsStr ngchmSaveLabelsAsBlob ngchmGetLabels ngchmMakeFormat.shaidy ngchmRowCenter as.hclust.shaid as.dendrogram.shaid ngchmSaveAsDendrogramBlob ngchmSaveTemplateAsBlob writeHCDataTSVs ngchmLoadDatasetBlob ngchmSaveAsDatasetBlob ngchmAddDatasetBlob ngchmGetDataFileShaid ngchmCollectionTree ngchmRenderChm ngchmAddObjectToCollection ngchmAddMatrixToCollection ngchmCollectionInCollection ngchmNewCollection ngchmFindRepo ngchmPushSourceServer ngchmPushSourceRepository ngchmPushTempRepository ngchmInitShaidyRepository ngchmShaidyInit

Documented in chmCreateCollection chmCurrentCollection chmCurrentServer chmSetCollection ngchmAddDatasetBlob ngchmAddMatrixToCollection ngchmAddObjectToCollection ngchmCollectionInCollection ngchmCollectionTree ngchmFindRepo ngchmGetDataFileShaid ngchmGetLabels ngchmGetLabelsStr ngchmInitShaidyRepository ngchmLoadDatasetBlob ngchmMakeFormat.shaidy ngchmNewCollection ngchmPushSourceRepository ngchmPushSourceServer ngchmPushTempRepository ngchmRenderChm ngchmRowCenter ngchmSaveAsDatasetBlob ngchmSaveAsDendrogramBlob ngchmSaveChmAsBlob ngchmTileDataset

#' Initialize shaidy subsystem for NGCHMs
#' @noRd
ngchmShaidyInit <- function() {
  checkStatusCode <- function(resp, code) {
    if (resp$status_code != code) {
      print(sprintf("Unexpected HTTP Response Code. Expected: %d", code))

  shaidyRegisterRepoAPI("http", (function(fileMethods) {
      "__super__" = fileMethods,
      blobPath = function(repo, repoBase) {
        resp <- GET(repoBase)
        checkStatusCode(resp, 200)
        tarfile <- utempfile("shaidcache", fileext = ".tar")
        local <- utempfile("shaidcache")
        stopifnot(dir.create(local, recursive = TRUE))
        writeBin(resp$content, tarfile)
        systemCheck(sprintf("tar xf %s -C %s", tarfile, local))
        fileMethods$blobPath(repo, local)

  tokenStash <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())

  setToken <- function(repo, token) {
    bp <- repo$blob.path("")
    tokenStash[[repo$blob.path("")]] <- token

  shaidyRegisterRepoAPI("api", list(
    "__super__" = "__generic__",
    isLocal = function(repo) FALSE,
    getToken = function(repo) {
      bp <- repo$blob.path("")
      if (exists(bp, envir = tokenStash)) {
      } else {
    setToken = setToken,
    getNewToken = function(repo) {
      if (interactive()) {
        cat("Enter access token: ", file = stderr())
        setToken(repo, readLines(n = 1))
      } else {
        stop("Access token required.  Try setting using chmSetCredentials.")
    addObjectToCollection = function(repo, collection, shaid) {
      uri <- collection$repo$blob.path("insert", shaid, collection$shaid)
      resp <- POST(uri, add_headers(Authorization = repo$getToken()))
      while (resp$status_code == 401) {
        resp <- POST(uri, add_headers(Authorization = repo$getNewToken()))
      checkStatusCode(resp, 200)
    renderChm = function(repo, shaid) {
      uri <- repo$blob.path("render", shaid)
      resp <- POST(uri, add_headers(Authorization = repo$getToken()))
      while (resp$status_code == 401 || resp$status_code == 504) {
        if (resp$status_code == 504) {
          message("Waiting for render to complete.")
          resp <- POST(uri, add_headers(Authorization = repo$getToken()))
        } else {
          resp <- POST(uri, add_headers(Authorization = repo$getNewToken()))
      message("Render", shaid@type, shaid@value, "status:", resp$status_code)
    blobPath = function(repo, repoBase) {
      return(function(first, ...) {
        type <- if (is(first, "shaid")) first@type else first
        uri <- paste(repoBase, type, sep = "/")
        if (is(first, "shaid")) uri <- paste(uri, first@value, sep = "/")
        others <- c(lapply(list(...), function(item) {
          if (is(item, "shaid")) {
            return(c(item@type, item@value))
          } else {
        }), recursive = TRUE)
        paste(c(uri, others), sep = "/", collapse = "/")
    copyLocalDirToBlob = function(repo, localDir, shaid) {
      dstblob <- repo$blob.path("tar", shaid)
      tarfile <- utempfile("shaidcache", fileext = ".tar")
      systemCheck(sprintf("tar cf %s -C %s .", tarfile, localDir))
      resp <- PUT(dstblob, add_headers(Authorization = repo$getToken()), body = upload_file(tarfile))
      while (resp$status_code == 401) {
        resp <- PUT(dstblob, add_headers(Authorization = repo$getNewToken()), body = upload_file(tarfile))
      checkStatusCode(resp, 200)
    copyBlobToLocalDir = function(repo, shaid, localDir) {
      srcblob <- repo$blob.path("tar", shaid)
      resp <- GET(srcblob)
      if (resp$status_code == 401) {
        resp <- GET(srcblob, add_headers(Authorization = repo$getToken()))
      while (resp$status_code == 401) {
        resp <- GET(srcblob, add_headers(Authorization = repo$getNewToken()))
      checkStatusCode(resp, 200)
      tarfile <- utempfile("shaidcache", fileext = ".tar")
      writeBin(resp$content, tarfile)
      systemCheck(sprintf("tar xf %s -C %s", tarfile, localDir))
    exists = function(repo, shaid) {
      uri <- repo$blob.path(shaid)
      uri <- sub("api/", "api/exists?ids=", uri)
      resp <- GET(uri)
      if (resp$status_code == 401) {
        resp <- GET(uri, add_headers(Authorization = repo$getToken()))
      while (resp$status_code == 401) {
        resp <- GET(uri, add_headers(Authorization = repo$getNewToken()))
      return(length(ngchmResponseJSON(resp)$data) > 0)
    loadProperty = function(repo, shaid, propname) {
      uri <- repo$blob.path("prop", propname, shaid)
      resp <- GET(uri)
      if (resp$status_code == 401) {
        resp <- GET(uri, add_headers(Authorization = repo$getToken()))
      while (resp$status_code == 401) {
        resp <- GET(uri, add_headers(Authorization = repo$getNewToken()))
      if (status_code(resp) == 200) ngchmResponseJSON(resp)$data else c()
    createCollection = function(repo, labels) {
      uri <- repo$blob.path("create", "collection")
      resp <- POST(uri, add_headers(Authorization = repo$getToken()), body = list(labels = labels), encode = "json")
      while (resp$status_code == 401) {
        resp <- POST(uri, add_headers(Authorization = repo$getNewToken()), body = list(labels = labels), encode = "json")
      if (status_code(resp) == 200) ngchmResponseJSON(resp)$data else c()
    # Add a collection reference to a collection
    # The collection graph must be acyclic.
    # @param collection A list containing details of a collection
    # @param uuid The uuid of the collection to add
    # @return An updated list containing details of the collection
    # @import jsonlite
    # @export
    addCollectionToCollection = function(repo, collection, uuid) {
      repo$addObjectToCollection(collection, new("shaid", type = "collection", value = uuid))

  shaidyDir <- utempfile("shaidy")
  ngchm.env$tmpShaidy <- shaidyLoadRepository("file", shaidyDir)
  ngchm.env$tmpShaidyStack <- c()
  ngchm.env$shaidyStack <- c()

#' Initialize Shaidy Repository for NG-CHM
#' This function initializes a Shaidy repository for NG-CHM (Next-Generation Clustered Heat Map).
#' @param shaidyDir A single character string specifying the directory where the
#' Shaidy repository will be initialized.
#' @return None. This function is used for its side effects of initializing the
#' Shaidy repository.
#' @export
ngchmInitShaidyRepository <- function(shaidyDir) {
  shaidyInitRepository(shaidyDir, c("collection", "chm", "dataset", "dendrogram", "label", "tile", "viewer", "file"))

#' Push Temporary Repository for NG-CHM
#' This function pushes a temporary repository for NG-CHM (Next-Generation Clustered
#' Heat Map) onto the Shaidy stack.
#' @param shaidyDir A single character string specifying the directory of the
#' temporary repository.
#' @return None. This function is used for its side effects of pushing the temporary
#' repository onto the Shaidy stack.
#' @export
ngchmPushTempRepository <- function(shaidyDir) {
  newrepo <- shaidyLoadRepository("file", shaidyDir)
  ngchm.env$tmpShaidyStack <- c(list(ngchm.env$tmpShaidy), ngchm.env$tmpShaidyStack)
  ngchm.env$tmpShaidy <- newrepo

#' Push a local shaidy repository onto the stack of source repositories
#' This function pushes a source repository for NG-CHM (Next-Generation
#' Clustered Heat Map) onto the Shaidy stack.
#' @param shaidyDir A single character string specifying the directory of the
#' source repository.
#' @param accessMethod A single character string specifying the access method
#' for the source repository. Defaults to "file".
#' @export
#' @return None. This function is used for its side effects of pushing the source
#' repository onto the Shaidy stack.
ngchmPushSourceRepository <- function(shaidyDir, accessMethod = "file") {
  newrepo <- shaidyLoadRepository(accessMethod, shaidyDir)
  assign(envir = ngchm.env, "shaidyStack", c(list(newrepo), ngchm.env$shaidyStack))

#' Push a shaidy server onto the stack of source repositories
#' This function pushes a source server for NG-CHM (Next-Generation Clustered Heat Map)
#' onto the Shaidy stack.
#' @param server An object of class 'ngchmServer' or a single character string
#' specifying the name of the server.
#' @export
#' @return None. This function is used for its side effects of pushing the source
#' server onto the Shaidy stack.
#' @seealso [chmLoadShaidyCHM()]
#' @seealso [chmCreateServer()]
ngchmPushSourceServer <- function(server) {
  if (is(server, "character")) {
    stopifnot(length(server) == 1)
    server <- chmServer(server)
  } else {
    stopifnot(is(server, "ngchmServer"))
  sr <- shaidyLoadRepository(server@protoOpts$accessMethod, server@protoOpts$basePath)
  assign(envir = ngchm.env, "shaidyStack", c(list(sr), ngchm.env$shaidyStack))

#' Find a repository, if any, that contains the requested shaid
#' @param shaid The shaid to search for
#' @param required Abort if requireed and shaid not found in a known repo
#' @return The first repository containing the shaid, otherwise NULL.  The
#'         temporary repositories are searched before source repositories.
#' @export
ngchmFindRepo <- function(shaid, required = TRUE) {
  repo <- shaidyFindRepo(c(list(ngchm.env$tmpShaidy), ngchm.env$tmpShaidyStack, ngchm.env$shaidyStack), shaid)
  if (required && length(repo) == 0) {
    stop(sprintf("Shaid %s %s not found in any known repository", shaid@type, shaid@value))

#' Create a new collection in a local shaidy repository
#' @param shaidyRepo The shaidy repository
#' @param labels Initial labels for collection (a data.frame of (Name,Value) tuples)
#' @return a string containing the UUID of the newly created repository
#' @import jsonlite
#' @export
ngchmNewCollection <- function(shaidyRepo, labels = data.frame()) {
  labels <- as.data.frame(labels)
  if (nrow(labels) > 0) {
    stopifnot("Name" %in% colnames(labels))
    stopifnot("Value" %in% colnames(labels))
#' Recursively determine if collection uuid is contained in collection
#' A collecton always contains itself.
#' @param collection A list containing details of a collection
#' @param uuid A string containing the UUID to check
#' @return TRUE iff collection contains uuid, otherwise FALSE
#' @export
ngchmCollectionInCollection <- function(collection, uuid) {
  if (collection$uuid == uuid) {
  if (uuid %in% collection$collections) {
  shaidyRepo <- collection$repo
  todo <- collection$collections
  done <- collection$uuid
  while (length(todo) > 0) {
    collect.uuid <- todo[[1]]
    todo <- todo[-1]
    if (!collect.uuid %in% done) {
      collection <- shaidyRepo$loadCollection(collect.uuid)
      if (uuid %in% collection$collections) {
      todo <- append(collection$collections, todo)
      done <- append(done, collection$uuid)

#' Add a matrix reference to a collection
#' @param collection A list containing details of a collection
#' @param name The name to associate with the matrix reference
#' @param shaid The shaid of the matrix to add to the collection
#' @return An updated list contaiing details of the collection
#' @import jsonlite
#' @export
ngchmAddMatrixToCollection <- function(collection, name, shaid) {
  mats <- collection$matrices
  if (!any(mats$Name == name)) {
    mats <- rbind(mats, data.frame(Name = name, Shaid = shaid@value))
      jsonlite::toJSON(mats, pretty = TRUE),
      file.path(collection$basepath, "matrices.json")
    collection$matrices <- mats
#' Add an object reference to a collection
#' @param repo The repository containing the collection
#' @param uuid A collection uuid
#' @param shaid The shaid of the object to add to the collection
#' @return An updated list containing details of the collection
#' @import jsonlite
#' @export
ngchmAddObjectToCollection <- function(repo, uuid, shaid) {
    is(shaid, "shaid"),
    shaid@type %in% c("chm", "dataset", "label", "collection")
  collection <- repo$loadCollection(uuid)
  repo$addObjectToCollection(collection, shaid)
#' Render a shaidy NGCHM
#' @param repo The repository containing the chm
#' @param shaid The shaid of the chm to render
#' @return Nothing
#' @export
ngchmRenderChm <- function(repo, shaid) {
    is(shaid, "shaid"),
    shaid@type %in% c("chm")
#' Create a recursive description of a collection
#' @param collection A list containing details of a collection
#' @param depth The indentation depth to use
#' @return a string vector describing the contents of the collection
#' @export
ngchmCollectionTree <- function(collection, depth = 0) {
  indent <- paste0(rep("  ", depth), collapse = "")
  c(sprintf("%scollection %s", indent, collection$uuid),
    sprintf("%s  label %s=%s", indent, collection$labels$Name, collection$labels$Value),
    sprintf("%s  matrix %s=%s", indent, collection$matrices$Name, collection$matrices$Shaid),
    sprintf("%s  ngchm %s", indent, collection$chms),
    lapply(collection$collections, function(uuid) {
      ngchmCollectionTree(collection$repo$loadCollection(uuid), depth + 1)
    recursive = TRUE

#' Compute shaid for a data file
#' @param format The format of the data file
#' @param filename The filesystem path to the data file
#' @return The shaid of the data file
#' @import jsonlite
#' @export
ngchmGetDataFileShaid <- function(format, filename) {
  stopifnot(format == "tsv")
  gid <- gitHashObject(filename)
  coreproperties <- list(format = format)
  props.json <- jsonlite::toJSON(coreproperties)
  new("shaid", type = "dataset", value = gitSha(paste("dataset", props.json, gid, sep = "", collapse = "")))

#' Add a data file to a local shaidy repository
#' @param shaidyRepo The shaidy repository
#' @param format The format of the data file
#' @param filename The filesystem path to the data file
#' @param properties A list of additional properties to save with file
#' @return The file's shaid
#' @import jsonlite
#' @export
ngchmAddDatasetBlob <- function(shaidyRepo, format, filename, properties = NULL) {
  stopifnot(format == "tsv")
  if (format == "tsv") {
    index.filename <- utempfile("index", fileext = ".tsv")
    tsvio::tsvGenIndex(filename, index.filename)
    blobfiles <- c("matrix.tsv", "index.tsv")
    filenames <- c(filename, index.filename)
  shaidyAddFileBlob(shaidyRepo, "dataset", blobfiles, filenames,
    properties = c(list(format = format), properties)

#' Save a numeric matrix as a blob in a shaidy repository
#' @param shaidyRepo The shaidy repository
#' @param format The format in which to save the matrix
#' @param mat The data matrix
#' @return The shaid of the saved blob
#' @export
ngchmSaveAsDatasetBlob <- function(shaidyRepo, format, mat) {
  if (is(mat, "shaid")) {
    format == "tsv",
    is(mat, "matrix"),
    length(dim(mat)) == 2,
    length(rownames(mat)) > 0,
    length(colnames(mat)) > 0
    sum(duplicated(rownames(mat))) == 0,
    sum(duplicated(colnames(mat))) == 0
  filename <- utempfile("matrix", fileext = ".tsv")
  con <- file(filename, "wb")
  write.table(mat, con, quote = FALSE, sep = "\t", eol = "\n")
  class(format) <- "singleElement"
  props <- list(nrow = nrow(mat), ncol = ncol(mat))
  class(props[[1]]) <- "singleElement"
  class(props[[2]]) <- "singleElement"
  shaid <- ngchmAddDatasetBlob(shaidyRepo, format, filename, props)

#' Load a data matrix from a local shaidy repository
#' @param shaidyRepo The shaidy repository
#' @param shaid The shaid of the dataset blob to load
#' @param datatype Prototype of matrix data elements (defaults to 0.0)
#' @return a list containing details of the loaded dataset
#' @import jsonlite
#' @export
ngchmLoadDatasetBlob <- function(shaidyRepo, shaid, datatype) {
  blobdir <- shaidyRepo$blob.path("dataset", shaid@value)
  props <- jsonlite::fromJSON(readLines(file.path(blobdir, "properties.json")))
  mat <- suppressWarnings(tsvio::tsvGetData(
    file.path(blobdir, "matrix.tsv"), file.path(blobdir, "index.tsv"),
    NULL, NULL, if (missing(datatype)) 0.0 else datatype
  list(shaid = shaid, properties = props, mat = mat)

writeHCDataTSVs <- function(uDend, theOutputHCDataFileName, theOutputHCOrderFileName) {
  if (is(uDend, "dendrogram")) uDend <- nr.as.hclust.dendrogram(dendfixh(uDend))
  stopifnot(is(uDend, "hclust"))
  data <- cbind(uDend$merge, uDend$height, deparse.level = 0)
  colnames(data) <- c("A", "B", "Height")
  ### Write out the data as a Tab separated file to the specified location
  write.table(data, file = theOutputHCDataFileName, append = FALSE, quote = FALSE, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, eol = "\n")

  data <- t(vapply(1:length(uDend$labels), function(i) c(uDend$labels[i], which(uDend$order == i)), c("a", 1)))
  colnames(data) <- c("Id", "Order")
  ### Write out the order data as a Tab separated file to the specified location (1 more row than data file)
  write.table(data, file = theOutputHCOrderFileName, append = FALSE, quote = FALSE, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, eol = "\n")

ngchmSaveTemplateAsBlob <- function(shaidyRepo, source.path, dest.path, substitutions) {
  blobdir <- shaidyCreateProtoBlob(shaidyRepo, "file")
  writeTemplate(source.path, dest.path, substitutions, blobdir)
  shaid <- shaidyHashProtoBlob("file", blobdir)
  shaidyFinalizeProtoBlob(shaidyRepo, shaid, blobdir)

#' Save a dendrogram as a blob in a shaidy repository
#' @param shaidyRepo The shaidy repository
#' @param ddg The dendrogram
#' @return The shaid of the saved blob
#' @export
ngchmSaveAsDendrogramBlob <- function(shaidyRepo, ddg) {
  if (is(ddg, "shaid")) {
  stopifnot(is(ddg, "dendrogram"))
  datafilename <- utempfile("ddg", fileext = ".txt")
  orderfilename <- utempfile("ddg", fileext = ".txt")
  writeHCDataTSVs(ddg, datafilename, orderfilename)
  ddgfilename <- utempfile("ddg", fileext = ".str")
  rdafilename <- utempfile("ddg", fileext = ".rda")
  save(ddg, file = rdafilename)
  shaid <- shaidyAddFileBlob(
    shaidyRepo, "dendrogram",
    c("dendrogram-data.tsv", "dendrogram-order.tsv", "dendrogram.str", "dendrogram.rda"),
    c(datafilename, orderfilename, ddgfilename, rdafilename)

#' @import stats
#' @export
as.dendrogram.shaid <- function(object, ...) {
  stopifnot(is(object, "shaid"), object@type == "dendrogram")
  repo <- ngchmFindRepo(object)
  ee <- new.env()
  load(repo$blob.path(object, "dendrogram.rda"), ee)
  stopifnot(exists("ddg", ee))
  return(get("ddg", ee))

#' @export
as.hclust.shaid <- function(x, ...) {

#' Row center a shaidy dataset
#' @param shaidyRepo The shaidy repository
#' @param shaid The shaid of the dataset to row center
#' @return A list of shaids for the row centered dataset
ngchmRowCenter <- function(shaidyRepo, shaid) {
  provid <- shaidyProvenance(shaidyRepo, name = "ngchmRowCenter", shaid = shaid@value)
  res <- shaidyRepo$provenanceDB$get("dataset", provid)
  if (length(res) == 0) {
    ds <- ngchmLoadDatasetBlob(shaidyRepo, shaid)
    mm <- rowMeans(ds$mat, na.rm = TRUE)
    res <- list(ngchmSaveAsDatasetBlob(shaidyRepo, "tsv", ds$mat - mm))
    shaidyRepo$provenanceDB$insert(provid, res[[1]])

#' Make a shaidy format NGCHM.
#' @param chm The shaidy format CHM to compile.
#' @return The CHM
ngchmMakeFormat.shaidy <- function(chm) {

#' Get the axis labels of a shaidy dataset or dendrogram
#' @param shaid The shaid of the dataset or dendrogram to get the labels of
#' @param axis For datasets, the axis of the labels to get
#' @return a list of shaids containing the labels
#' @export
ngchmGetLabels <- function(shaid, axis = NULL) {
    is(shaid, "shaid"),
    (shaid@type == "dendrogram") || (axis %in% c("row", "column"))
  shaidyRepo <- ngchm.env$tmpShaidy
  provid <- shaidyProvenance(shaidyRepo, name = "ngchmGetLabels", type = shaid@type, shaid = shaid@value, axis = axis)
  res <- shaidyRepo$provenanceDB$get("label", provid)
  if (length(res) == 0) {
    srcRepo <- ngchmFindRepo(shaid)
    if (srcRepo$accessMethod == "api") {
      if (shaid@type == "dataset" && axis == "row") {
        labels <- jsonlite::fromJSON(readLines(srcRepo$blob.path("rowlabels", shaid@type, shaid@value), warn = FALSE))[[1]]
      } else if (shaid@type == "dataset" && axis == "column") {
        labels <- readLines(srcRepo$blob.path("bylabel", shaid@type, shaid@value))[[1]]
        labels <- strsplit(labels, "\t")[[1]]
      } else {
        stop("Not implemented")
    } else if (shaid@type == "dataset") {
      ds <- ngchmLoadDatasetBlob(srcRepo, shaid)
      labels <- (if (axis == "row") rownames else colnames)(ds$mat)
    } else if (shaid@type == "dendrogram") {
      oo <- read.delim(srcRepo$blob.path(shaid@type, shaid@value, "dendrogram-order.tsv"), header = TRUE, colClasses = c("character", "numeric"))
      labels <- oo$Id[order(oo$Order)]
    } else {
      stop(sprintf("Unknown shaid type %s", shaid@type))
    res <- list(ngchmSaveLabelsAsBlob(shaidyRepo, labels))
    shaidyRepo$provenanceDB$insert(provid, res[[1]])

ngchmSaveLabelsAsBlob <- function(shaidyRepo, labels) {
  filename <- utempfile("label", fileext = ".txt")
  writeBinLines(labels, filename)
  res <- shaidyAddFileBlob(shaidyRepo, "label", "labels.txt", filename)

#' Get the axis labels of a shaidy dataset or dendrogram
#' @param shaid The shaid of the dataset or dendrogram to get the labels of
#' @param axis For datasets, the axis of the labels to get
#' @return A string vector containing the axis labels of the dataset or dendrogram
#' @export
ngchmGetLabelsStr <- function(shaid, axis = NULL) {
  res <- ngchmGetLabels(shaid, axis)
  blobfile <- ngchm.env$tmpShaidy$blob.path(res[[1]]@type, res[[1]]@value, "labels.txt")

#' Save an NGCHM as a shaidy blob
#' @param shaidyRepo The shaidy repository to write to
#' @param chm The NGCHM to write
#' @return The shaid of the saved NGCHM
ngchmSaveChmAsBlob <- function(shaidyRepo, chm) {
    is(shaidyRepo, "shaidyRepo"),
    is(chm, "ngchm")
  blob <- shaidyCreateProtoBlob(shaidyRepo, "chm")
  writeChm(chm, blob)
  writeChmPost(chm, blob)
  shaid <- shaidyHashProtoBlob("chm", blob)
  shaidyFinalizeProtoBlob(shaidyRepo, shaid, blob)

#' Get the tiles for a shaidy dataset
#' @param repo The shaidy repository in which to create the tile
#' @param dataset The shaid of the dataset to tile
#' @param rowOrder The row order of the tiles
#' @param colOrder The column order of the tiles
#' @return a list of shaids containing the tiles
#' @export
ngchmTileDataset <- function(repo, dataset, rowOrder, colOrder) {
    is(repo, "shaidyRepo"),
    is(dataset, "shaid"), is(rowOrder, "shaid"), is(colOrder, "shaid"),
    rowOrder@type %in% c("label", "dendrogram"),
    colOrder@type %in% c("label", "dendrogram")

  if (rowOrder@type == "dendrogram") rowOrder <- ngchmGetLabels(rowOrder, "row")[[1]]
  if (colOrder@type == "dendrogram") colOrder <- ngchmGetLabels(colOrder, "column")[[1]]
  provid <- shaidyProvenance(repo, name = "tileDataset", dataset = dataset@value, rowOrder = rowOrder@value, colOrder = colOrder@value)
  res <- repo$provenanceDB$get("tile", provid)
  if (length(res) == 0) {
    blob <- shaidyCreateProtoBlob(repo, "tile")
    stopifnot(system2("tiledata", args = c(vapply(c(dataset, rowOrder, colOrder), repo$blob.path, ""), blob)) == 0)
    shaid <- shaidyHashProtoBlob("tile", blob)
    shaidyFinalizeProtoBlob(repo, shaid, blob)
    repo$provenanceDB$insert(provid, shaid)
    res <- list(shaid)

#' Get the user's current collection
#' @return the identity of the current collection
#' @export
#' @seealso [chmSetCollection()]
chmCurrentCollection <- function() {
  if (length(ngchm.env$currentServer) == 0 && length(ngchm.env$servers) > 0) {
    chmSetCollection(getOption("NGCHM.Collection", "//"))

#' Get the user's current server
#' @return the identity of the current server
#' @export
#' @seealso [chmListServers()]
#' @seealso [chmServer()]
#' @seealso [chmSetCollection()]
chmCurrentServer <- function() {
  if (length(ngchm.env$currentServer) == 0 && length(ngchm.env$servers) > 0) {
    chmSetCollection(getOption("NGCHM.Collection", "//"))

#' Set the user's current server and/or collection
#' The path is a sequence of components separated by slashes (/).
#' If the path begins with a double slash (//) the following
#' component is interpreted as a server name. If the server name is
#' omitted (i.e. empty) the default server will be used.  If the path
#' does not begin with a double slash, the current server will be used.
#' If the path begins with a slash, the components (following the
#' server, if specified) are interpreted relative to
#' the root collection of the server concerned.  Otherwise, they
#' are interpreted relative to the current collection.
#' The interpretation of each path component is server specific.
#' @param path A single character string specifying the path of the collection
#' to be set. The path should be in the format '//server/collection'.
#' @export
#' @seealso [chmCurrentCollection()]
#' @seealso [chmServer()]
#' @seealso [chmListServers()]
#' @return None. This function is used for its side effects of setting the current
#' server and collection.
chmSetCollection <- function(path) {
  stopifnot(!missing(path) && typeof(path) == "character" && length(path) == 1)
  res <- parsePathSpec(path)
  ngchm.env$currentServer <- res$server
  ngchm.env$currentCollection <- res$collection

parsePathSpec <- function(path) {
  newServer <- ngchm.env$currentServer
  if (length(newServer) == 0 || newServer == "") {
    newServer <- chmListServers()[1]
  newCollection <- ngchm.env$currentCollection
  if (length(newCollection) == 0) {
    newCollection <- ""
  parts <- strsplit(path, "/")[[1]]
  if (length(parts) > 1 && parts[1] == "" && parts[2] == "") {
    parts <- parts[c(-1, -2)]
    if (length(parts) > 0 && parts[1] != "") {
      newServer <- parts[1]
    if (is.na(newServer) || !(newServer %in% chmListServers())) {
      stop("cannot set server: ", newServer)
    if (length(parts) > 0) parts <- parts[-1]
    newCollection <- ""
  } else if (length(parts) > 0 && parts[1] == "") {
    parts <- parts[-1]
    newCollection <- ""
  if (length(parts) > 0) {
    server <- chmServer(newServer)
    newCollection <- server@serverProtocol@findCollection(server, newCollection, parts)
    if (length(newCollection) == 0) {
      stop("cannot find collection: ", path)
  list(server = newServer, collection = newCollection)

#' Create a new NG-CHM Collection
#' This function creates a new NG-CHM (Next-Generation Clustered Heat Map) collection on the server.
#' The path is a sequence of components separated by slashes (/).
#' If the path begins with a double slash (//) the following
#' component is interpreted as a server name. If the server name is
#' omitted (i.e. empty) the default server will be used.  If the path
#' does not begin with a double slash, the current server will be used.
#' If the path begins with a slash, the components (following the
#' server, if specified) are interpreted relative to
#' the root collection of the server concerned.  Otherwise, they
#' are interpreted relative to the current collection.
#' The interpretation of each path component is server specific.
#' @param path The path where the collection should be created. This should be a single character string.
#' @param recursive A logical value indicating whether to create parent collections if they do not exist. Default is FALSE.
#' @return None. This function is used for its side effects of creating a new collection on the server.
#' @export
#' @seealso [chmCurrentCollection()]
chmCreateCollection <- function(path, recursive = FALSE) {
  stopifnot(!missing(path) && typeof(path) == "character" && length(path) == 1)
  server <- ngchm.env$currentServer
  collection <- ngchm.env$currentCollection
  parts <- strsplit(path, "/")[[1]]
  if (length(parts) > 1 && parts[1] == "" && parts[2] == "") {
    parts <- parts[c(-1, -2)]
    if (length(parts) == 0 || parts[1] == "") {
      server <- chmListServers()[1]
    } else {
      server <- parts[1]
    if (is.na(server) || !(server %in% chmListServers())) {
      stop("cannot find server: ", server)
    if (length(parts) > 0) parts <- parts[-1]
    collection <- ""
  } else if (length(parts) > 0 && parts[1] == "") {
    parts <- parts[-1]
    collection <- ""
  if (length(parts) > 0) {
    server <- chmServer(server)
    subCollection <- server@serverProtocol@findCollection(server, collection, parts[1])
    while (length(subCollection) != 0) {
      parts <- parts[-1]
      collection <- subCollection
      if (length(parts) == 0) {
        subCollection <- NULL
      } else {
        subCollection <- server@serverProtocol@findCollection(server, collection, parts[1])
  if (length(parts) == 0) {
    stop("collection ", path, " exists")
  } else if (!recursive && (length(parts) > 1)) {
    stop("collection ", path, " does not exist")
  } else {
    while (length(parts) > 0) {
      collection <- server@serverProtocol@createCollection(server, collection, parts[1])
      if (length(collection) == 0) {
        stop("cannot create collection ", path)
      parts <- parts[-1]
MD-Anderson-Bioinformatics/NGCHM-R documentation built on Sept. 15, 2024, 10:08 a.m.