
Defines functions shaidyCopyBlob shaidyBlobExists shaidyHashProtoBlob shaidyFinalizeProtoBlob shaidyCreateProtoBlob shaidyAddFileBlob shaidyProvenance shaidyFindRepo shaidyInitRepository print.shaidyRepo shaidyLoadRepository shaidyLoadProvenanceDB shaidyLoadProvidDB shaidyNewCache shaidyInit shaidyRegisterRepoAPI shaidyRepoAPI gitHashObject

Documented in gitHashObject print.shaidyRepo shaidyAddFileBlob shaidyBlobExists shaidyCopyBlob shaidyCreateProtoBlob shaidyFinalizeProtoBlob shaidyFindRepo shaidyHashProtoBlob shaidyInitRepository shaidyLoadProvenanceDB shaidyLoadProvidDB shaidyLoadRepository shaidyNewCache shaidyProvenance shaidyRepoAPI

# Install a shaidy format NGCHM in a shaidy repository.
# This version assumes no one else is writing to the repository concurrently.

shaidy.env <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())
#' Obtain the git hash of an existing file.
#' @param path filename of file to hash
#' @return a string containing the file hash
gitHashObject <- function(path) {
  hash <- system2("git", c("hash-object", path), stdout = TRUE)
  stopifnot(is.null(attr(hash, "status")))

#' Get the methods for the repository API called api
#' @param api The name of a repository API
#' @return A list of repository methods
shaidyRepoAPI <- function(api) {

#' Set the methods for the repository API called api
#' @param api The name of a repository API
#' @param methods A list of repository methods
#' @noRd
shaidyRegisterRepoAPI <- function(api, methods) {
  shaidy.env$repoMethods[[api]] <- methods

#' Provide a simpler method for accessing repo methods
#' @param repo The repository to obtain the method for
#' @param method The name of the method to obtain
#' @return A function that calls the method with the repository as its first parameter
#' @export
"$.shaidyRepo" <- function(repo, method) {
  method <- substitute(method)
  if (method %in% names(repo)) {
  api <- repo[["accessMethod"]]
  while ((length(api) > 0) && (api %in% names(shaidy.env$repoMethods))) {
    mtab <- shaidy.env$repoMethods[[api]]
    if (method %in% names(mtab)) {
      return(function(...) do.call(mtab[[method]], list(repo, ...)))
    api <- mtab[["__super__"]]

#' Initialize the shaidy subsystem
#' blobPath returns a function (first, ...) that accepts either a shaid or a blob type and optionally
#'         additional file path components and returns a filepath
#' @import jsonlite
#' @import httr
#' @noRd
shaidyInit <- function() {
  shaidy.env$repoMethods <- list()
  shaidyRegisterRepoAPI("__generic__", list(
    # Load a collection from a shaidy repository
    # @param repo The shaidy repository
    # @param collection.uuid A string containing the UUID of the collection to load.
    # @return an ngchmCollection object containing the collection data
    # @import jsonlite
    # @export
    loadCollection = function(repo, collection.uuid = "") {
      shaid <- new("shaid", type = "collection", value = collection.uuid)

      bits <- c("labels", "matrices", "chms", "collections")
      val <- lapply(bits, function(x) repo$loadProperty(shaid, x))
      names(val) <- bits

      val$repo <- repo
      val$basepath <- repo$blob.path(shaid)
      val$shaid <- shaid
      val$uuid <- collection.uuid
      class(val) <- "ngchmCollection"
  shaidyRegisterRepoAPI("file", list(
    isLocal = function(repo) TRUE,
    "__super__" = "__generic__",
    addObjectToCollection = function(repo, collection, shaid) {
      pl <- paste(shaid@type, "s", sep = "")
      if (!shaid@value %in% collection[[pl]]) {
        collection[[pl]] <- append(collection[[pl]], shaid@value)
          jsonlite::toJSON(collection[[pl]], pretty = TRUE),
          file.path(collection$basepath, paste(pl, ".json", sep = ""))
    blobPath = function(repo, repoBase) {
      filename <- file.path(repoBase, "typeTab.json")
      typeTab <- jsonlite::fromJSON(readLines(filename, warn = FALSE))
      stopifnot(!anyNA(typeTab$Type)) # NA is not allowed
      stopifnot(all(nzchar(typeTab$Type))) # Empty string is not allowed
      stopifnot(anyDuplicated(typeTab$Type) == 0) # Duplicates are not allowed
      stopifnot(!anyNA(typeTab$Path)) # NA is not allowed
      stopifnot(all(nzchar(typeTab$Path))) # Empty string is not allowed

      # Create named vector of specified blob type paths.
      paths <- typeTab$Path
      paths <- ifelse(substr(paths, 1, 1) == "/", paths, file.path(repoBase, paths))
      names(paths) <- typeTab$Type

      # Return blob.path function for this repository
      function(first, ...) {
        type <- if (is(first, "shaid")) first@type else first
        d <- if (type %in% names(paths)) paths[type] else file.path(repoBase, type)
        if (is(first, "shaid")) d <- file.path(d, first@value)
        others <- c(lapply(list(...), function(item) {
          if (is(item, "shaid")) {
            return(c(item@type, item@value))
          } else {
        }), recursive = TRUE)
        do.call(file.path, as.list(c(d, others)))
    copyBlobToLocalDir = function(repo, shaid, localDir) {
      # Copy files in repo/shaid to existing local directory
      srcblob <- repo$blob.path(shaid)
      files <- dir(srcblob, recursive = TRUE, include.dirs = TRUE)
      for (ff in files) {
        srcf <- file.path(srcblob, ff)
        dstf <- file.path(localDir, ff)
        if (file.info(srcf)$isdir) {
          stopifnot(dir.create(dstf, recursive = FALSE))
        } else {
          stopifnot(file.copy(srcf, dstf))
    exists = function(repo, shaid) {
    loadProperty = function(repo, shaid, propname) {
      p <- repo$blob.path(shaid, sprintf("%s.json", propname))
      if (file.exists(p)) jsonlite::fromJSON(readLines(p, warn = FALSE), simplifyVector = FALSE) else c()
    createCollection = function(repo, labels) {
      collection.uuid <- getuuid(paste0(labels, rnorm(10), collapse = ";"))
      basepath <- repo$blob.path("collection", collection.uuid)
      if (nrow(labels) > 0) {
        writeBinLines(jsonlite::toJSON(labels, pretty = TRUE), file.path(basepath, "labels.json"))
    # Add a collection reference to a collection
    # The collection graph must be acyclic.
    # @param collection A list containing details of a collection
    # @param uuid The uuid of the collection to add
    # @return An updated list containing details of the collection
    # @import jsonlite
    # @export
    addCollectionToCollection = function(repo, collection, uuid) {
      uuid.collection <- repo$loadCollection(uuid)
      if (ngchmCollectionInCollection(uuid.collection, collection$uuid)) {
        stop(sprintf("would form a cycle"))
      collection$collections <- append(collection$collections, uuid)
        jsonlite::toJSON(collection$collections, pretty = TRUE),
        file.path(collection$basepath, "collections.json")

#' Create in memory shaid cache
#' @param shaidyDir Basepath to a local shaidy repository.
#' @return An in memory shaid cache
shaidyNewCache <- function(shaidyDir) {
#' Load the provid -> labels DB for a local shaidy repository.
#' @param shaidyDir Basepath to a local shaidy repository.
#' @return A shaidyProvidDB
shaidyLoadProvidDB <- function(shaidyDir) {
  db <- new.env()

  aaa <- function(provid, labels) {
    assign(provid, labels, envir = db)

  ggg <- function(provid) {
    get(provid, envir = db, inherits = FALSE)

  ggg0 <- function(provid) {
    get0(provid, envir = db, inherits = FALSE)

  pdb <- list(assign = aaa, get = ggg, get0 = ggg0)
  class(pdb) <- "shaidyProvidDB"
#' Load the provid -> shaid DB for a local shaidy repository
#' @param shaidyDir Basepath to a local shaidy repository.
#' @return A shaidyProvenanceDB
shaidyLoadProvenanceDB <- function(shaidyDir) {
  db <- new.env()

  aaa <- function(provid, shaid) {
    old <- get0(provid, envir = db, inherits = FALSE)
    if (!shaid@value %in% old) {
      assign(provid, append(old, shaid@value), envir = db, inherits = FALSE)

  ggg <- function(type, provids) {
    for (pp in provids) {
      ids <- get0(pp, envir = db, inherits = FALSE)
      if (length(ids) > 0) {
        return(lapply(ids, function(x) new("shaid", type = type, value = x)))

  pdb <- list(insert = aaa, get = ggg)
  class(pdb) <- "shaidyProvenanceDB"
#' Load a shaidy repository
#' @param accessMethod Method for accessing repository.
#' @param shaidyDir Basepath to shaidy repository.
#' @return A shaidyRepo
#' @export
shaidyLoadRepository <- function(accessMethod, shaidyDir) {
  accessMethod <- match.arg(accessMethod, names(shaidy.env$repoMethods))
  if ((accessMethod == "file") && (Sys.info()[["sysname"]] == "Windows")) {
    shaidyDir <- gsub("\\\\", "/", shaidyDir)
  sr <- list(
    accessMethod = accessMethod,
    basepath = shaidyDir
  class(sr) <- "shaidyRepo"
  sr$blob.path <- shaidy.env$repoMethods[[accessMethod]]$blobPath(sr, shaidyDir)
  sr$shaid.cache <- shaidyNewCache(shaidyDir)
  sr$providDB <- shaidyLoadProvidDB(shaidyDir)
  sr$provenanceDB <- shaidyLoadProvenanceDB(shaidyDir)

#' Print a shaidy repository
#' @param x The shaidy repository to print
#' @param ... Unused extra parameters
#' @return The shaidy repository
#' @export
print.shaidyRepo <- function(x, ...) {
  message("Shaidy repository at", x$basepath)

#' Create and initialize Shaidy Repository
#' This function initializes a Shaidy repository in a specified directory with
#' specified blob types.
#' @param shaidyDir A single character string specifying the directory where the
#' Shaidy repository will be initialized.
#' @param blob.types A character vector specifying the blob types for the Shaidy
#' repository.
#' @return None. This function is used for its side effects of initializing the Shaidy
#' repository.
#' @import jsonlite
#' @export
shaidyInitRepository <- function(shaidyDir, blob.types) {
  stopifnot(dir.create(shaidyDir, recursive = TRUE))
  typeTab <- data.frame(Type = blob.types, Path = blob.types)
  writeBinLines(jsonlite::toJSON(typeTab, pretty = TRUE), file.path(shaidyDir, "typeTab.json"))
  repo <- list(accessMethod = "file", basepath = shaidyDir)
  class(repo) <- "shaidyRepo"
  repo$blob.path <- shaidy.env$repoMethods$file$blobPath(repo, shaidyDir)
  for (bt in blob.types) {
    stopifnot(dir.create(repo$blob.path(bt), recursive = FALSE))

#' Find the first repository, if any, that contains the requested shaid
#' @param repos The list of repositories to search
#' @param shaid The shaid to search for
#' @return The first repository containing the shaid, otherwise NULL
#' @export
shaidyFindRepo <- function(repos, shaid) {
  while (length(repos) > 0) {
    rr <- repos[[1]]
    if (rr$exists(shaid)) {
    repos <- repos[-1]

#' Create a provid from a list of label values
#' @param ... shaidyRepo followed by a list of name=value labels to store in the provid
#' @return A string containing the provid for the list of label values.
#' @export
shaidyProvenance <- function(...) {
  shaidyRepo <- ..1
  labels <- list(...)[-1]
  oo <- order(names(labels))
  provid <- gitSha(paste(sprintf("%s=%s", names(labels)[oo], labels[oo]), collapse = ","))
  shaidyRepo$providDB$assign(provid, labels)

#' Add data file(s) and properties to a local shaidy repository
#' @param shaidyRepo The shaidy repository
#' @param blob.type The blob.type of the data file
#' @param blob.file Name of the file(s) within the blob
#' @param filename The filesystem path(s) to the file(s) to insert
#' @param properties A list of additional properties to save with the file(s)
#' @param shaid Shaid to store the blob as.
#' @return The file's shaid
#' @import jsonlite
#' @export
shaidyAddFileBlob <- function(shaidyRepo, blob.type, blob.file, filename, properties = NULL, shaid = NULL) {
    length(blob.file) == length(filename),
    (!"properties.json" %in% blob.file) || (length(properties) == 0),
    anyDuplicated(blob.file) == 0
  blobdir <- shaidyCreateProtoBlob(shaidyRepo, blob.type)
  if (length(properties) > 0) {
    props.json <- jsonlite::toJSON(properties)
    writeBinLines(props.json, file.path(blobdir, "properties.json"))
  for (ii in 1:length(filename)) {
    stopifnot(file.copy(filename[[ii]], file.path(blobdir, blob.file[[ii]])))
  if (length(shaid) == 0) shaid <- shaidyHashProtoBlob(blob.type, blobdir)
  shaidyFinalizeProtoBlob(shaidyRepo, shaid, blobdir)

#' Create a prototype blob in a shaidy repository
#' @param shaidyRepo The shaidy repository
#' @param blob.type The blob.type of the prototype blob
#' @return The file path of the prototype blob
shaidyCreateProtoBlob <- function(shaidyRepo, blob.type) {
  protoblob <- utempfile("proto", tmpdir = shaidyRepo$blob.path(blob.type))

#' Finalize a prototype blob
#' @param shaidyRepo The shaidy repository
#' @param shaid The shaid to assign the protoblob
#' @param protoblob The prototype blob to finalize
#' @return The shaid (invisibly)
#' The protoblob must have been created in the specified shaidy repository
#' and with the same blob type as the shaid.  When this function returns the
#' protoblob will no longer be accessible .  If a blob with the same shaid already
#' exists in this repository, the protoblob is quitely removed without affecting
#' the existing blob.
shaidyFinalizeProtoBlob <- function(shaidyRepo, shaid, protoblob) {
  typedir <- shaidyRepo$blob.path(shaid@type)
    substr(basename(protoblob), 1, 5) == "proto",
    protoblob == file.path(typedir, basename(protoblob))
  blobpath <- file.path(typedir, shaid@value)
  if (file.exists(blobpath)) {
    unlink(protoblob, recursive = TRUE)
  } else {
    file.rename(protoblob, blobpath)

#' Compute the shaid to assign a protoblob
#' @param blob.type The blob.type of the prototype blob
#' @param protoblob The prototype blob
#' @return The shaid to assign the protoblob
shaidyHashProtoBlob <- function(blob.type, protoblob) {
  if (file.info(protoblob)$isdir) {
    files <- sort(dir(protoblob, recursive = TRUE))
    hashes <- vapply(files, function(x) gitHashObject(file.path(protoblob, x)), "")
    value <- gitSha(paste(sprintf("%s=%s", files, hashes), collapse = ","))
  } else {
    value <- gitHashObject(protoblob)
  new("shaid", type = blob.type, value = value)

#' Determine if one more blobs exist in a shaidy repository
#' @param repo The shaidy repository
#' @param shaids A shaid or list of shaids
#' @return a boolean vector
#' @export
shaidyBlobExists <- function(repo, shaids) {
  if (is(shaids, "shaid")) {
  } else if (is(shaids, "list")) {
    vapply(shaids, function(sid) shaidyBlobExists(repo, sid), TRUE)
  } else {
    stop(sprintf("shaids has unknown class %s", class(shaids)))

#' Copy a blob from one repository to another
#' @param src The source repository
#' @param shaid The shaid of the blob to copy
#' @param dst The destination repository
#' @return the shaid
#' @export
shaidyCopyBlob <- function(src, shaid, dst) {
  stopifnot(shaidyBlobExists(src, shaid))
  if (shaidyBlobExists(dst, shaid)) {

  if (dst$isLocal()) {
    dstblob <- shaidyCreateProtoBlob(dst, shaid@type)
    src$copyBlobToLocalDir(shaid, dstblob)
    shaidyFinalizeProtoBlob(dst, shaid, dstblob)
  } else if (src$isLocal()) {
    srcblob <- src$blob.path(shaid)
    dst$copyLocalDirToBlob(srcblob, shaid)
  } else {
    # Create a local copy of the blob.
    tmp <- ngchm.env$tmpShaidy
    if (!shaidyBlobExists(tmp, shaid)) {
      tmpblob <- shaidyCreateProtoBlob(tmp, shaid@type)
      src$copyBlobToLocalDir(shaid, tmpblob)
      shaidyFinalizeProtoBlob(tmp, shaid, tmpblob)
    shaidyCopyBlob(tmp, shaid, dst)
MD-Anderson-Bioinformatics/NGCHM-R documentation built on April 1, 2024, 12:34 p.m.