
Defines functions BC balanceD balanceBC coverageWindows padlag findBidirRegions

Documented in balanceBC balanceD

#### Helper functions ####

# Functions
findBidirRegions <- function(object, window){
	# Pre-checks
	assert_that(methods::is(object, "GRanges"),

	# Reduce and expand
	object <- reduce(object)
	object <- promoters(object, upstream=window-1, downstream = 1)
	object <- reduce(object)

	# Return only ranges on both strand
	object <- splitByStrand(object)
	object <- intersect(x=object$`+`, y=object$`-`,

	# Expand with quantification window
	object <- object + (window - 1)
	object <- reduce(object)
	object <- trim(object)
	object <- sort(object)

	# Return

padlag <- function(r, k = 0, padval=0L) {
    stopifnot(methods::is(r, "Rle"))
    stopifnot(k <= length(r))

    if (k == 0) {
        o <- r
    } else if (k > 0) {
        o <- c(window(r, 1 + k), Rle(values = padval, lengths = abs(k)))
    } else if (k < 0) {
        o <- c(Rle(values = padval, lengths = abs(k)), window(r, 1, length(r) - abs(k)))

    stopifnot(length(r) == length(o))

coverageWindows <- function(pooled, window, balanceFun) {
    # Checks never done inside...

    # Obtain shift
    #shift_val <- ceiling(window/2)
    shift_val <- floor(window/2)

    # Split coverage
    message("Splitting by strand...")
    covByStrand <- splitPooled(pooled)

    # Shifted running sums on both strands...
    message("Calculating windowed coverage on plus strand...")
    P <- runsum(covByStrand$`+`, k = window, endrule = "constant")
    PD <- endoapply(P, padlag, k = shift_val)
    PU <- endoapply(P, padlag, k = -shift_val)

    message("Calculating windowed coverage on minus strand...")
    M <- runsum(covByStrand$`-`, k = window, endrule = "constant")
    MD <- endoapply(M, padlag, k = -shift_val)
    MU <- endoapply(M, padlag, k = shift_val)
    rm(covByStrand, M)

    # Evaluate balance if need
    if (!is.null(balanceFun)) {
        message("Calculating balance score...")
        B <- mendoapply(balanceFun, PD, MD, PU, MU)
    } else {
        B <- NULL

    # Build output
    o <- list(PD = PD, MD = MD, PU = PU, MU = MU, B = B)

    # Return
#     # Split into strand
#     covByStrand <- splitByStrand(pooled)
#     rm(pooled)
#     message("Calculating windowed coverage on plus strand...")
#     P <- coverage(covByStrand$`+`, weight = "score")
#     P <- round(P, digits = 9)
#     P <- runsum(P, k = window, endrule = "constant")
#     #P[P < 0] <- 0
#     PD <- endoapply(P, padlag, k = shift_val)
#     PU <- endoapply(P, padlag, k = -shift_val)
#     rm(P)
#     message("Calculating windowed coverage on minus strand...")
#     M <- coverage(covByStrand$`-`, weight = "score")
#     M <- round(M, digits = 9)
#     M <- runsum(M, k = window, endrule = "constant")
#     #M[M < 0] <- 0
#     MD <- endoapply(M, padlag, k = -shift_val)
#     MU <- endoapply(M, padlag, k = shift_val)
#     rm(covByStrand, M)
#     if (!is.null(balanceFun)) {
#         message("Calculating balance score...")
#         B <- mendoapply(BC, PU, PD, MU, MD)
#     } else {
#         B <- NULL
#     }
#     # Build output
#     o <- list(PD = PD, MD = MD, PU = PU, MU = MU, B = B)
#     # Return
#     o

#' Balance statistic: Bhattacharyya coefficient (BC)
#' Calculates the Bhattacharyya coefficient from observed plus/minus
#' upstream/downstream signals to a perfect bidirectional site, where
#' plus-downstream = 50% and minus-downstream = 50%
#' @param PD Plus-Downstream signal
#' @param MD Minus-Downstream signal
#' @param PU Plus-Upstream signal
#' @param MU Plus-Upstream signal
#' @return Balance score of the same class as inputs.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Unbalanced
#' balanceBC(2, 3, 1, 0)
#' # Balanced
#' balanceBC(3, 3, 0, 0)
balanceBC <- function(PD, MD, PU, MU){
    # Check all input have the same class
    input_classes <- c(class(PD),
    single_class <- unique(input_classes)
    stopifnot(length(single_class) == 1)

    # Sum of all
    S <- PD + MD + PU + MU

    # Check for negative sums
    if(any(any(S < 0))){
        stop("BC calculation stopped because some sites had negative pooled signal!")

    # Only calcuate downstream arms - rest will be zero
    B <- sqrt((PD / S) * 0.5) + sqrt((MD / S) * 0.5)

    # Remove NAs resulting from division by zero.
    B[is.na(B)] <- 0

    # Checks
    stopifnot(methods::is(B, single_class))

    # Return

#' Balance statistic: Andersson's D.
#' Calculates the D-statistics from Andersson et al the observed plus/minus
#' downstream signals. The D statistics is rescaled from -1:1 to 0:1 so it can
#' be used for slice-reduce identification of bidirectional sites.
#' @param PD Plus-Downstream signal
#' @param MD Minus-Downstream signal
#' @param PU Plus-Upstream signal
#' @param MU Plus-Upstream signal
#' @return Balance score of the same class as inputs.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Unbalanced
#' balanceD(2, 3, 1, 0)
#' # Balanced
#' balanceD(3, 3, 0, 0)
balanceD <- function(PD, MD, PU, MU){
    # Check all input have the same class
    input_classes <- c(class(PD),
    single_class <- unique(input_classes)
    stopifnot(length(single_class) == 1)

    # Sum of forward reverse
    S <- PD + MD

    # Check for negative sums
    if(any(any(S < 0))){
        stop("D calculation stopped because some sites had negative pooled signal!")

    # Andersson only uses PD/MD.
    #B <- -((PD - MD) / S) + 1
    B <- abs(abs((PD - MD) / S) - 1)

    # Remove NAs resulting from division by zero.
    B[is.na(B)] <- 0

    # Checks
    stopifnot(methods::is(B, single_class))

    # Return

BC <- function(plusUpstream, plusDownstream, minusUpstream, minusDownstream) {
    # Check all input have the same class
    input_classes <- c(class(plusUpstream), class(plusDownstream), class(minusUpstream),
    single_class <- unique(input_classes)
    stopifnot(length(single_class) == 1)

    # Sum of all
    S <- plusUpstream + plusDownstream + minusUpstream + minusDownstream

    # Check for negative sums
    if(any(any(S < 0))){
    	stop("BC calculation stopped because some sites had negative pooled signal!")

    # Only calcuate downstream arms - rest will be zero
    B <- sqrt((minusDownstream/S) * 0.5) + sqrt((plusDownstream/S) * 0.5)

    # Remove NAs resulting from 0/0
    B[is.na(B)] <- 0

    # Checks
    stopifnot(methods::is(B, single_class))

    # Return

#### Main functions ####

#' Bidirectional clustering of pooled CTSSs.
#' Finds sites with (balanced and divergent) bidirectional transcription using
#' sliding windows of summed coverage: The Bhattacharyya coefficient (BC) is
#' used to quantify depature from a perfectly balanced site, and a slice-reduce
#' is used to identify sites.
#' @param object GenomicRanges or RangedSummarizedExperiment: Pooled CTSSs
#'   stored in the score column.
#' @param window integer: Width of sliding window used for calculating window
#'   sums.
#' @param balanceThreshold numeric: Minimum value of the BC to use for
#'   slice-reduce, a value of 1 corresponds to perfectly balanced sites.
#' @param balanceFun function: Advanced users may supply their own function for
#'   calculating the balance score instead of the the default balanceBC. See
#'   details for instructions.
#' @param ... additional arguments passed to methods.
#' @return GRanges with bidirectional sites: Minimum width is 1 + 2*window, TPM
#'   sum (on both strands) in the score column, maximal bidirectional site in
#'   the thick column and maximum balance in the balance column.
#' @family Clustering functions
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data(exampleCTSSs)
#' # Calculate pooledTPM, using supplied number of total tags
#' exampleCTSSs <- calcTPM(exampleCTSSs,
#'                         inputAssay='counts',
#'                         outputAssay='TPM',
#'                         totalTags='totalTags')
#' exampleCTSSs <- calcPooled(exampleCTSSs, inputAssay='TPM')
#' # Cluster using defaults: balance-treshold of 199 and window of 199 bp:
#' clusterBidirectionally(exampleCTSSs)
#' # Use custom thresholds:
#' clusterBidirectionally(exampleCTSSs, balanceThreshold=0.99, window=101)
#' }
setGeneric("clusterBidirectionally", function(object, ...) {

#' @rdname clusterBidirectionally
setMethod("clusterBidirectionally", signature(object = "GRanges"),
          function(object, window = 201,
                   balanceThreshold = 0.95, balanceFun=balanceBC) {
    # Pre-checks
                window %% 2 == 1,
                window >= 3,
                balanceThreshold >= 0,

	# Pre-filter
	message("Pre-filtering bidirectional candidate regions...")
	bidir_regions <- suppressWarnings(findBidirRegions(object=object,
	bidir_regions <- subsetByOverlaps(object, bidir_regions)
	message("Retaining for analysis: ",
	        scales::percent(length(bidir_regions) / length(object)))

    # Get windows (message inside coverageWindows)
    cw <- coverageWindows(pooled = bidir_regions,
                          window = window,
                          balanceFun = balanceFun)
    B <- cw$B
    rm(bidir_regions, cw)

    # Prepare for slicing
    if (any(any(B < 0, na.rm = TRUE))) {
        stop("Balance function produced values below 0!",
             "Output values must be in range [0-Inf) to allow for slicing...")
    } else if(any(anyNA(B))){
    	warning("Calculated balance scores contained missing values!",
    	        "replacing these with 0...")
    	B[is.na(B)] <- 0

    message("Slice-reduce to find bidirectional clusters...")
    # Slice
    bidirLoci <- slice(B,
                       lower = balanceThreshold,
                       upper = Inf,
                       includeLower = FALSE,
                       rangesOnly = TRUE)

    # Merge
    mergeDist <- (window - 1) * 2
    bidirLoci <- reduce(bidirLoci, min.gapwidth = mergeDist)

    # Expand by window size
    bidirLoci <- bidirLoci + (window - 1)
    #start(bidirLoci) <- methods::as(start(bidirLoci) - window, "IntegerList")
    #end(bidirLoci) <- methods::as(end(bidirLoci) + window, "IntegerList")

    if (!sum(elementNROWS(bidirLoci), na.rm = TRUE) > 0) {
        warning("No bidirectional sites found at the given balance threshold!")

    message("Calculating statistics...")
    # Coverage on both strands
    A <- coverage(object, weight = "score")
    A <- round(A, digits = getOption("CAGEfightR.round"))

    # Views on score and balance
    viewsA <- Views(A, bidirLoci)
    viewsB <- Views(B, bidirLoci)
    rm(A, B)

    # Scores and midpoint
    scores <- viewSums(viewsA)
    peaks <- viewRangeMaxs(viewsB)
    peaks <- resize(x = peaks, width = 1, fix = "center", use.names = FALSE)

    # Maximum balance
    balance <- viewMaxs(viewsB)

    # Assemble output
    o <- GRanges(bidirLoci,
                 score = unlist(scores),
                 thick = unlist(peaks),
                 balance = unlist(balance))
    rm(scores, peaks, balance, viewsA, viewsB)

    # Carry over seqinfo
    message("Preparing output...")
    seqinfo(o) <- seqinfo(object)
    o <- sort(o)

    # Names as IDs for both ranges and peaks
    o_ids <- paste0(seqnames(o), ":", start(o), "-", end(o))
    names(o) <- o_ids
    names(o$thick) <- o_ids

    # Report summary for width, score and balance
    message("# Bidirectional clustering summary:")
    message("Number of bidirectional clusters: ", length(o))
    message("Maximum balance score: ", max(o$balance))
    message("Minimum balance score: ", min(o$balance))
    message("Maximum width: ", max(width(o)))
    message("Minimum width: ", min(width(o)))

    # Return

#' @rdname clusterBidirectionally
setMethod("clusterBidirectionally", signature(object = "GPos"),
					function(object, ...) {
						clusterBidirectionally(methods::as(object, "GRanges"), ...)

#' @rdname clusterBidirectionally
setMethod("clusterBidirectionally", signature(object = "RangedSummarizedExperiment"),
    function(object, ...) {
        clusterBidirectionally(rowRanges(object), ...)

#' Calculate sample-wise bidirectionally of clusters.
#' For each cluster, calculate how many individual samples shows transcription
#' in both directions. This is refered to as the 'bidirectionality'. Clusters
#' must be unstranded (*) and have a midpoint stored in the thick column
#' @param object GenomicRanges or RangedSummarizedExperiment: Unstranded
#'   clusters with midpoints stored in the 'thick' column.
#' @param samples RangedSummarizedExperiment: Sample-wise CTSSs stored as an
#'   assay.
#' @param inputAssay character: Name of assay in samples holding input CTSS
#'   values.
#' @param outputColumn character: Name of column in object to hold
#'   bidirectionality values.
#' @param ... additional arguments passed to methods.
#' @return object returned with bidirectionality scores added in rowData (or
#'   mcols).
#' @family Calculation functions
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(exampleCTSSs)
#' data(exampleBidirectional)
#' calcBidirectionality(exampleBidirectional, samples=exampleCTSSs)
setGeneric("calcBidirectionality", function(object, ...) {

#' @rdname calcBidirectionality
#' @export
setMethod("calcBidirectionality", signature(object = "GRanges"), function(object,
    samples, inputAssay = "counts", outputColumn = "bidirectionality") {
    # Pre-checks
                all(strand(object) == "*"),
                # Check samples
                methods::is(samples, "RangedSummarizedExperiment"),
                inputAssay %in% assayNames(samples),

    # Warnings
    if (outputColumn %in% colnames(mcols(object))) {
        warning("object already has a column named ",
                " in mcols: It will be overwritten!")

    # Extract arms
    arms_plus <- object
    start(arms_plus) <- end(arms_plus$thick)
    strand(arms_plus) <- "+"

    arms_minus <- object
    end(arms_minus) <- start(arms_minus$thick)
    strand(arms_minus) <- "-"

    # Quantify
    mat_plus <- suppressMessages(quantifyClusters(samples, arms_plus, inputAssay = inputAssay))
    mat_plus <- assay(mat_plus, inputAssay) > 0
    mat_minus <- suppressMessages(quantifyClusters(samples, arms_minus, inputAssay = inputAssay))
    mat_minus <- assay(mat_minus, inputAssay) > 0

    # Compare and count
    o <- mat_plus & mat_minus
    rm(mat_plus, mat_minus)
    o <- rowSums(o)

    # Post-checks
    stopifnot(length(o) == length(object), max(o) <= ncol(samples))

    # Add to object
    mcols(object)[, outputColumn] <- o

    # Return

#' @rdname calcBidirectionality
#' @export
setMethod("calcBidirectionality", signature(object = "GPos"),
          function(object, ...) {
              calcBidirectionality(methods::as(object, "GRanges"), ...)

#' @rdname calcBidirectionality
#' @export
setMethod("calcBidirectionality", signature(object = "RangedSummarizedExperiment"),
    function(object, ...) {
        rowRanges(object) <- calcBidirectionality(rowRanges(object), ...)

#' Subset by sample-wise bidirectionality of clusters.
#' A convenient wrapper around calcBidirectionality and subset.
#' @param object GRanges or RangedSummarizedExperiment: Unstranded clusters with
#'   peaks stored in the 'thick' column.
#' @param samples RangedSummarizedExperiment: Sample-wise CTSSs stored as an
#'   assay.
#' @param inputAssay character: Name of assay in samples holding input CTSS
#'   values.
#' @param outputColumn character: Name of column in object to hold
#'   bidirectionality values.
#' @param minSamples integer: Only regions with bidirectionality above this
#'   value are retained.
#' @param ... additional arguments passed to methods.
#' @return object with bidirectionality values added as a column, and low
#'   bidirectionaly regions removed.
#' @family Subsetting functions
#' @family Calculation functions
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(exampleCTSSs)
#' data(exampleBidirectional)
#' # Keep only clusters that are bidirectional in at least one sample:
#' subsetByBidirectionality(exampleBidirectional, samples=exampleCTSSs)
setGeneric("subsetByBidirectionality", function(object, ...) {

#' @rdname subsetByBidirectionality
#' @export
setMethod("subsetByBidirectionality", signature(object = "GRanges"), function(object,
    samples, inputAssay = "counts", outputColumn = "bidirectionality", minSamples = 0) {

    # Call function
    message("Calculating bidirectionality...")
    object <- calcBidirectionality(object = object,
                                   samples = samples,
                                   inputAssay = inputAssay,
                                   outputColumn = outputColumn)
    before <- length(object)

    # Subset
    object <- object[mcols(object)[, outputColumn] > minSamples, ]
    after <- length(object)
    removed <- before - after

    # Print some info
    message("Removed ", removed,
            " out of ", before,
            " regions (", round(removed/before * 100, digits = 1), "%)")

    # Return

#' @rdname subsetByBidirectionality
#' @export
setMethod("subsetByBidirectionality", signature(object = "GPos"),
          function(object, ...) {
              subsetByBidirectionality(methods::as(object, "GRanges"), ...)

#' @rdname subsetByBidirectionality
#' @export
setMethod("subsetByBidirectionality", signature(object = "RangedSummarizedExperiment"),
    function(object, ...) {
        # Force call of GRanges generic
        methods::selectMethod("subsetByBidirectionality", "GRanges")@.Data(object = object,
MalteThodberg/CAGEfightR documentation built on Sept. 11, 2021, 4:42 a.m.