
Defines functions createCube smoothMatrix simulateStatesRecursiveAdd simulateDnf simpleNorm removeCycles pamNorm makeDesign makeDesignFull localSearch kmeansNorm isDag graph2adj getHierarchy exSearch exportVars expNorm expandNEM drawScores drawLocal dnf2adj disc deleteSignal deleteEdge computeScoreNemT1 checkNEMlist checkMethod checkCNOlist adj2graph adj2dnf addSignal addEdge preprocessInput

#' @noRd
preprocessInput <- function(stimuli=NULL, inhibitors=NULL, signals=NULL,
                            design = NULL, expression=NULL, fc=NULL, pkn,
                            maxInputsPerGate=100) {

    if (is.null(design[1])) {

        stimcols <- stimcols2 <- matrix(0, length(stimuli), ncol(fc))

        for (i in seq_len(length(stimuli))) {

            tmp <- numeric(ncol(fc))

            tmp[grep(stimuli[i], gsub("_vs_.*", "", colnames(fc)))] <- 1

            stimcols[i, ] <- tmp

            tmp <- numeric(ncol(fc))

            tmp[grep(stimuli[i], gsub(".*_vs_", "", colnames(fc)))] <- 1

            stimcols2[i, ] <- tmp


        maxStim <- max(c(colSums(stimcols), colSums(stimcols2)))

        inhibitcols <- inhibitcols2 <- matrix(0, length(inhibitors), ncol(fc))

        for (i in seq_len(length(inhibitors))) {

            tmp <- numeric(ncol(fc))

            tmp[grep(inhibitors[i], gsub("_vs_.*", "", colnames(fc)))] <- 1

            inhibitcols[i, ] <- tmp

            tmp <- numeric(ncol(fc))

            tmp[grep(inhibitors[i], gsub(".*_vs_", "", colnames(fc)))] <- 1

            inhibitcols2[i, ] <- tmp


        maxInhibit <- max(c(colSums(inhibitcols), colSums(inhibitcols2)))

        if (is.null(signals[1])) { signals <- unique(c(stimuli, inhibitors)) }

        CNOlist <- dummyCNOlist(stimuli=stimuli, inhibitors=inhibitors,
                                maxStim=maxStim, maxInhibit=maxInhibit,

        model <- preprocessing(CNOlist, pkn, maxInputsPerGate=maxInputsPerGate)


    NEMlist <- list()

    NEMlist$fc <- fc

    if (is.null(expression[1])) {
        NEMlist$expression <- matrix(rnorm(nrow(getCues(CNOlist))*10), 10,
    } else {
        NEMlist$expression <- expression

    return(list(CNOlist=CNOlist, model=model, NEMlist=NEMlist))

#' @importFrom graphics abline axis legend mtext par screen split.screen
#' @importFrom utils combn write.table
#' @noRd
addEdge <-
    function(edges, CNOlist, model, n = 100, full = FALSE) {
        sifMatrix <- numeric()
        graph <- model$reacID[-grep("\\+", model$reacID)]
        for (i in c(graph, edges)) {
            tmp2 <- unlist(strsplit(i, "="))
            if (gsub("!", "", tmp2[1]) %in% tmp2[1]) {
                sifMatrix <- rbind(sifMatrix, c(tmp2[1], 1, tmp2[2]))
            } else {
                sifMatrix <- rbind(sifMatrix, c(gsub("!", "", tmp2[1]), -1,
        temp.file <- tempfile(pattern="interaction",fileext=".sif")
        write.table(sifMatrix, file = temp.file, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE,
                    col.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE)
        PKN2 <- readSIF(temp.file)
        model2 <- preprocessing(CNOlist, PKN2, maxInputsPerGate=n)
        if (!full) {
            index <- !(model2$reacID %in% model$reacID) &
                !(model2$reacID %in% edges)
            model2$reacID <- model2$reacID[-index]
            model2$interMat[, -index]
            model2$notMat[, -index]
#' @noRd
addSignal <-
    function(s, CNOlist, stim = NULL, inhibit = NULL) {
        CNOlist2 <- CNOlist
        CNOlist2@signals[[1]] <- cbind(getSignals(CNOlist2)[[1]], s = 0)
        CNOlist2@signals[[2]] <- cbind(getSignals(CNOlist2)[[2]], s = 0)
        colnames(CNOlist2$signals[[1]]) <-
            c(colnames(getSignals(CNOlist)[[1]]), s)
        colnames(CNOlist2$signals[[2]]) <-
            c(colnames(getSignals(CNOlist)[[2]]), s)
        if (!is.null(inhibit[1])) {
            CNOlist2@cues <- cbind(getCues(CNOlist2), 0)
            CNOlist2@cues <- rbind(getCues(CNOlist2),
                                   matrix(0, nrow =nrow(inhibit),
                                          ncol = ncol(getCues(CNOlist2))))
            CNOlist2@cues[(nrow(getCues(CNOlist2)) -
                               nrow(inhibit) + 1):nrow(getCues(CNOlist2)),
                          colnames(getCues(CNOlist2)) %in%
                              colnames(inhibit)] <- inhibit
            CNOlist2@cues[(nrow(getCues(CNOlist2)) -
                               nrow(inhibit) + 1):nrow(getCues(CNOlist2)),
                          ncol(getCues(CNOlist2))] <- 1
            colnames(CNOlist2@cues)[ncol(getCues(CNOlist2))] <- s
            CNOlist2@stimuli <-
                getCues(CNOlist2)[, colnames(getCues(CNOlist2)) %in%
            CNOlist2@inhibitors <-
                getCues(CNOlist2)[, colnames(getCues(CNOlist2)) %in%
                                      c(colnames(getInhibitors(CNOlist2)), s)]
            CNOlist2@signals[[1]] <-
                      matrix(0, nrow = nrow(inhibit),
                             ncol = ncol(getSignals(CNOlist2)[[1]])))
            CNOlist2@signals[[2]] <-
                      matrix(0, nrow = nrow(inhibit),
                             ncol = ncol(getSignals(CNOlist2)[[2]])))
        CNOlist2 <- checkCNOlist(CNOlist2)
#' @noRd
adj2dnf <-
    function(A) {
        dnf <- NULL
        edges <- which(A!=0,arr.ind=TRUE)
        for (i in seq_len(nrow(edges))) {
            if (A[edges[i,1],edges[i,2]]>0) {
                dnf <- c(dnf, paste(colnames(A)[edges[i,1]],
                                    rownames(A)[edges[i,2]], sep = "="))
            } else {
                dnf <- c(dnf, paste0("!",colnames(A)[edges[i,1]],"=",
        dnf <- unique(dnf)
#' @noRd
adj2graph <-
    function(adj.matrix) {
        V   <- rownames(adj.matrix)
        edL <- vector("list", length=nrow(adj.matrix))
        names(edL) <- V
        for (i in seq_len(nrow(adj.matrix))) {
            edL[[i]] <- list(edges=which(!adj.matrix[i,]==0),
        gR <- new("graphNEL",nodes=V,edgeL=edL,edgemode="directed")
#' @noRd
#' @import CellNOptR
checkCNOlist <-
    function(CNOlist) {
        if (ncol(getStimuli(CNOlist)) > 1) {
            CNOlist@stimuli <- getStimuli(CNOlist)[,
        if (ncol(getInhibitors(CNOlist)) > 1) {
            CNOlist@inhibitors <-
                getInhibitors(CNOlist)[, order(colnames(
        CNOlist@cues <- cbind(getStimuli(CNOlist), getInhibitors(CNOlist))
        if (ncol(getSignals(CNOlist)[[1]]) > 1) {
            for (i in seq_len(length(getSignals(CNOlist)))) {
                CNOlist@signals[[i]] <-
        rownames(CNOlist@cues) <- rownames(CNOlist@stimuli) <-
            rownames(CNOlist@inhibitors) <-
            unlist(lapply(rownames(getCues(CNOlist)), function(x) {
                y <- unlist(strsplit(x, "_"))
                y <- paste(c(sort(y[y %in% colnames(getStimuli(CNOlist))]),
                             sort(y[!(y %in%
                           collapse = "_")
        CNOlist@variances <- list()
#' @noRd
checkMethod <-
    function(method) {
        methods2 <- method
        methods <- c("llr", "cosine", "euclidean", "maximum", "manhattan",
                     "canberra", "binary", "minkowski", "spearman", "pearson",
                     "kendall", "mLL", "cp", "none")
        method <- methods[grep(paste(paste("^", method, sep = ""),
                                     collapse = "|"), methods)[1]]
        method  <- unique(c(method, methods2))
        if (!(any(c("llr", "cosine", "euclidean", "maximum", "manhattan",
                    "canberra", "binary", "minkowski", "spearman", "pearson",
                    "kendall", "mLL", "cp", "none") %in% method))) {
            stop("You have to pick a valid method: ",
                 "llr, cosine, euclidean, maximum, manhattan, ",
                 "canberra, binary, ",
                 "minkowski, spearman, pearson, kendall")
            ## , mLL, cp, none"))
#' @noRd
#' @importFrom matrixStats rowMins
checkNEMlist <-
    function(NEMlist, CNOlist, parameters, approach, method,verbose=FALSE) {
        NEMlistTmp <- NEMlist
        if("abs" %in% approach) {
            if (length(table(NEMlist$expression)) == 2) {
                NEMlist$norm <- NEMlist$expression
                    table(NEMlist$expression))[1])] <- 0
                    names(table(NEMlist$expression))[2])] <- 1
            if (length(NEMlist$norm) == 0 &
                !any(c("pearson", "spearman", "kendall") %in% method)) {
                if ("pam" %in% approach) {
                    warning("data is not discretized/normalized to (0,1);
performing two cluster pam normalization")
                    NEMlist$norm <- pamNorm(NEMlist$expression)
                } else {
                    warning("data is not discretized/normalized to (0,1);
performing simple normalization")
                    NEMlist$norm <- simpleNorm(NEMlist$expression)
                if ("kmeans" %in% approach) {
                    warning("data is not discretized/normalized to (0,1);
performing two means normalization")
                    NEMlist$norm <- pamNorm(NEMlist$expression)
                } else {
                    warning("data is not discretized/normed to (0,1);
performing simple normalization")
                    NEMlist$norm <- simpleNorm(NEMlist$expression)
            if ("spearman" %in% method) {
                colnames.expression <- colnames(NEMlist$expression)
                rownames.expression <- rownames(NEMlist$expression)
                NEMlist$expression <- t(apply(NEMlist$expression, 1, rank))
                colnames(NEMlist$expression) <- colnames.expression
                rownames(NEMlist$expression) <- rownames.expression
            if ("cosine" %in% method) {
                colnames.expression <- colnames(NEMlist$expression)
                rownames.expression <- rownames(NEMlist$expression)
                vprod <- function(x) { return(x%*%x) }
                NEMlist$expression <-
                    NEMlist$expression/(apply(NEMlist$expression, 1, vprod)^0.5)
                colnames(NEMlist$expression) <- colnames.expression
                rownames(NEMlist$expression) <- rownames.expression
        if ("fc" %in% approach) {
            if (length(NEMlist$fc) == 0)  {
                warning("foldchanges missing; automatic calculation")
                NEMlist$fc <- computeFc(CNOlist, NEMlist$expression)
                egenes <- NEMlist$egenes
                if (parameters$cutOffs[2] != 0) {
                    NEMlist <- computeSm(CNOlist, NEMlist, parameters,
                                         method = method)
                NEMlist$egenes <- egenes
            } else {
                ## put somethign here to sort the contrasts abc vs abcd etc...
            if (length(NEMlist$E0) == 0)  {
                egenes <- NEMlist$egenes
                if (parameters$cutOffs[2] != 0) {
                    NEMlist <- computeSm(CNOlist, NEMlist, parameters,
                                         method = method)
                NEMlist$egenes <- egenes
            if ("spearman" %in% method) {
                colnames.fc <- colnames(NEMlist$fc)
                rownames.fc <- rownames(NEMlist$fc)
                NEMlist$fc <- t(apply(NEMlist$fc, 1, rank))
                colnames(NEMlist$fc) <- colnames.fc
                rownames(NEMlist$fc) <- rownames.fc
            if ("cosine" %in% method) {
                colnames.fc <- colnames(NEMlist$fc)
                rownames.fc <- rownames(NEMlist$fc)
                vprod <- function(x) { return(x%*%x) }
                NEMlist$fc <- NEMlist$fc/(apply(NEMlist$fc, 1, vprod)^0.5)
                colnames(NEMlist$fc) <- colnames.fc
                rownames(NEMlist$fc) <- rownames.fc
        if (!is.null(NEMlist$egenes[1]) & is.null(NEMlist$geneGrid[1])) {
            sgeneAdd <- matrix(Inf, nrow = nrow(NEMlist$fc),
                               ncol = (ncol(getSignals(CNOlist)[[1]])*2))
            for (i in seq_len(nrow(NEMlist$fc))) {
                egeneName <- rownames(NEMlist$fc)[i]
                sgeneCols <- numeric()
                for (j in seq_len(length(NEMlist$egenes))) {
                    if (egeneName %in% NEMlist$egenes[[j]]) {
                        colTmp <- which(colnames(getSignals(CNOlist)[[1]]) ==
                        sgeneCols <- c(sgeneCols, colTmp,
                sgeneAdd[i, sgeneCols] <- 0
            sgeneAddCheck <- rowMins(sgeneAdd)
            sgeneAdd[sgeneAddCheck == Inf, ] <- 0
            NEMlist$geneGrid <- sgeneAdd
        if (!is.null(NEMlistTmp$weights[1])) {
            NEMlist$weights <- NEMlistTmp$weights
        NEMlist$signalStates <- NEMlistTmp$signalStates
#' @noRd
computeFcII <-
    function (y, stimuli = NULL, inhibitors = NULL, batches, runs, extra = 0) {
        design <- makeDesign(y, stimuli, inhibitors, c(batches, runs))
        CompMat <- numeric()
        CompMatNames <- character()
        stimuliDesign <- design[, grep(paste(stimuli, collapse = "|"),
        inhibitorsDesign <- design[, grep(paste(inhibitors, collapse = "|"),
        if (length(stimuli) == 1) {
            stimuliDesign <-
                as.matrix(design[, grep(paste(stimuli, collapse = "|"),
            colnames(stimuliDesign) <- stimuli
        if (length(inhibitors) == 1) {
            inhibitorsDesign <-
                as.matrix(design[, grep(paste(inhibitors, collapse = "|"),
            colnames(inhibitorsDesign) <- inhibitors
        if (is.null(stimuli[1]) == TRUE) {
            stimuliSum <- numeric(nrow(design))
        } else {
            if (length(stimuli) == 1) {
                stimuliSum <- design[, grep(paste(stimuli, collapse = "|"),
            } else {
                stimuliSum <- rowSums(design[, grep(paste(stimuli,
                                                          collapse = "|"),
        if (is.null(inhibitors[1]) == TRUE) {
            inhibitorsSum <- numeric(nrow(design))
        } else {
            if (length(inhibitors) == 1) {
                inhibitorsSum <- design[, grep(paste(inhibitors,
                                                     collapse = "|"),
            } else {
                inhibitorsSum <-
                    rowSums(design[, grep(paste(inhibitors, collapse = "|"),
        cuesSum <-
            rowSums(design[, grep(paste(c(stimuli, inhibitors), collapse = "|"),
        maxStim <- max(stimuliSum)
        maxKd <- max(inhibitorsSum)
        for (run in runs) {
            for (batch in batches) {
                targetRows <- intersect(which(design[, run] == 1),
                                        which(design[, batch] == 1))
                if (length(targetRows) == 0) { next() }
                grepCtrl <- intersect(which(cuesSum == 0), targetRows)[1]
                grepStims <- intersect(intersect(which(stimuliSum != 0),
                                                 which(inhibitorsSum == 0)),
                grepKds <- intersect(intersect(which(stimuliSum == 0),
                                               which(inhibitorsSum != 0)),
                grepStimsKds <- intersect(intersect(which(stimuliSum != 0),
                                                    which(inhibitorsSum != 0)),
                grepStimsStims <- intersect(intersect(which(stimuliSum >= 2),
                                                      which(inhibitorsSum ==
                # get ctrl_vs_stim:
                for (i in grepStims) {
                    if (is.na(grepCtrl)) { next() }
                    stimNames <-
                        paste(c("Ctrl", "vs",
                                sort(names(which(stimuliDesign[i, ] >= 1))),
                                batch, run), collapse = "_")
                    if (stimNames %in% CompMatNames) {
                    } else {
                        CompMatNames <- c(CompMatNames, stimNames)
                        CompMat <- cbind(CompMat, (y[, i] - y[, grepCtrl]))
                # get ctrl_vs_kd:
                for (i in grepKds) {
                    if (is.na(grepCtrl)) { next() }
                    kdNames <-
                        paste(c("Ctrl", "vs",
                                sort(names(which(inhibitorsDesign[i, ] >= 1))),
                                batch, run), collapse = "_")
                    if (kdNames %in% CompMatNames) {
                    } else {
                        CompMatNames <- c(CompMatNames, kdNames)
                        CompMat <- cbind(CompMat, (y[, i] - y[, grepCtrl]))
                # get kd_vs_kd_stim:
                for (i in grepKds) {
                    kdNames <-
                        paste(sort(names(which(inhibitorsDesign[i, ] >= 1))),
                              collapse = "_")
                    for (j in grepStimsKds) {
                        if (paste(sort(names(which(inhibitorsDesign[j, ] >=
                                  collapse = "_") %in% kdNames) {
                            stimNames <-
                                paste(c(kdNames, "vs", kdNames,
                                            which(stimuliDesign[j, ] >= 1))),
                                        batch, run), collapse = "_")
                            if (stimNames %in% CompMatNames) {
                            } else {
                                CompMatNames <- c(CompMatNames, stimNames)
                                CompMat <- cbind(CompMat, (y[, j] - y[, i]))
                        } else {
                # get stim_vs_stim_kd:
                for (i in grepStims) {
                    if (is.na(grepCtrl)) { next() }
                    stimNames <-
                        paste(sort(names(which(stimuliDesign[i, ] >= 1))),
                              collapse = "_")
                    for (j in grepStimsKds) {
                        if (paste(sort(names(which(stimuliDesign[j, ] >= 1))),
                                  collapse = "_") %in% stimNames) {
                            kdNames <-
                                paste(c(stimNames, "vs", stimNames,
                                            which(inhibitorsDesign[j, ] >= 1))),
                                        batch, run), collapse = "_")
                            if (kdNames %in% CompMatNames) {
                            } else {
                                CompMatNames <- c(CompMatNames, kdNames)
                                CompMat <- cbind(CompMat, (y[, j] - y[, i]))
                        } else {
                if (extra == 1) {
                    ## get stim_vs_stim_stim:
                    for (i in grepStims) {
                        if (is.na(grepCtrl)) { next() }
                        stimNames <-
                            paste(sort(names(which(stimuliDesign[i, ] >= 1))),
                                  collapse = "_")
                        for (j in grepStimsStims) {
                            if (length(unlist(strsplit(stimNames, "_")) %in%
                                       names(which(stimuliDesign[j, ] >= 1)))
                                == length(unlist(strsplit(stimNames, "_"))) &
                                length(unlist(strsplit(stimNames, "_")) %in%
                                       names(which(stimuliDesign[j, ] >= 1)))
                                < length(names(which(stimuliDesign[j, ] >= 1))))
                                stim2Names <-
                                    paste(c(stimNames, "vs",
                                            sort(names(which(stimuliDesign[j, ]
                                                             >= 1))),
                                            batch, run), collapse = "_")
                                if (stim2Names %in% CompMatNames) {
                                } else {
                                    CompMatNames <- c(CompMatNames, stim2Names)
                                    CompMat <- cbind(CompMat, (y[, j] - y[, i]))
                            } else {
                    ## get ctrl_vs_stim_kd:
                    for (i in grepStimsKds) {
                        if (is.na(grepCtrl)) { next() }
                        stimNames <-
                            paste(sort(names(which(stimuliDesign[i, ] >= 1))),
                                  collapse = "_")
                        stimkdNames <-
                            paste(c("Ctrl_vs", stimNames,
                                        which(inhibitorsDesign[i, ] >= 1))),
                                    batch, run), collapse = "_")
                        if (stimkdNames %in% CompMatNames) {
                        } else {
                            CompMatNames <- c(CompMatNames, stimkdNames)
                            CompMat <- cbind(CompMat, (y[, i] - y[, grepCtrl]))
                # get s - sk - (k - ctrl): not trivial
                ## for (i in stimuli) {
                ##   for (j in inhibitors) {
                ##     name <-
                ##       CompMatNames <- c(CompMatNames, )
                ##   }
                ## }
        colnames(CompMat) <- CompMatNames
        CompMatCont <- CompMat[, sort(colnames(CompMat))]
        CompMat <- CompMatCont
#' @noRd
#' @import CellNOptR
computeScoreNemT1 <-
             sizeFac = 10^-10,
             NAFac = 1,
             parameters = list(cutOffs = c(0,1,0), scoring = c(0.25,0.5,2)),
             approach = "fc",
             NEMlist = NULL,
             tellme = 0,
             sim = 0,
             relFit = FALSE,
             method = "s",
             verbose = TRUE,
             opt = "min"
    ) {
        cutModel2 <- function (model, bString) {
            if (sum(bString == 1) > 0) {
                bs = as.logical(bString)
                newmodel <- list()
                if (is.null(dim(model$interMat)[1])) {
                    newmodel$interMat <- model$interMat[bs]
                    newmodel$notMat <- model$notMat[bs]
                    newmodel$reacID <- model$reacID[bs]
                    newmodel$namesSpecies <- model$namesSpecies
                } else {
                    newmodel$interMat <- model$interMat[, bs]
                    newmodel$notMat <- model$notMat[, bs]
                    newmodel$reacID <- model$reacID[bs]
                    newmodel$namesSpecies <- model$namesSpecies
            } else {
                newmodel <- model

        method <- checkMethod(method)
        ## if (is.null(simList[1]) == TRUE) {
        ##   simList = prep4sim(model)
        ## }
        ## if (is.null(indexList[1]) == TRUE) {
        ##   indexList = indexFinder(CNOlist, model)
        ## }
        if (sim == 0) {
            timeIndex = 2
            modelCut = cutModel2(model, bString)
            if (all(bString == 0)) {
                simResults <-
                    simulateStatesRecursive(CNOlist = CNOlist,
                                            model = model, bString = bString,
            } else {
                simResults <-
                    simulateStatesRecursive(CNOlist = CNOlist, model = modelCut,
                                            bString =
                                                 + 1), NEMlist)
        nInTot <- length(unlist(strsplit(model$reacID, "\\+")))
        nTmp <- unlist(strsplit(model$reacID[bString == 1], "\\+"))
        nInputsNeg <- length(grep("!", nTmp))
        nInputs <- length(nTmp) - nInputsNeg
        ## nInTot <- 1 # use this for no normalization
        sizePen <- sum((c(nInputs, nInputsNeg)/nInTot)*sizeFac)
        suppressWarnings(Score <- getNemFit(simResults = simResults,
                                            CNOlist = CNOlist, model = modelCut,
                                            timePoint = timeIndex,
                                            NAFac = NAFac, sizePen = sizePen,
                                            simResultsT0 = NA,
                                            approach = approach,
                                            NEMlist = NEMlist, tellme = tellme,
                                            parameters = parameters, sim = sim,
                                            relFit = relFit, method = method,
                                            verbose = verbose, opt = opt))
        if (!is(CNOlist, "CNOlist")) {
            CNOlist <- CNOlist(CNOlist)
#' @noRd
computeSm <-
    function (CNOlist,
    ) {
        CompMatCont <- NEMlist$fc
        fitScore <- -1 # match of high degree
        errorScore <- parameters$scoring[3] # mismatch of high degree
        fitMult <- parameters$scoring[2] # multiplicator for match of low degree
        errorMult <- parameters$scoring[2] # multi. mismatch of low degree
        zeroMult <- parameters$scoring[1]

        CompMat <- CompMatCont
        Epos <- CompMat
        Eneg <- CompMat
        E0 <- CompMat
        EposI <- CompMat*(-1)
        EnegI <- CompMat*(-1)

        beta <- parameters$cutOffs[2]
        alpha <- parameters$cutOffs[1]

        wrongPos <- Epos < -beta
        rightPosII <- Epos > alpha & Epos < beta
        rightPosI <- Epos >= beta
        zerosPosI <- Epos <= alpha & Epos >= -alpha
        zerosPosII <- Epos < -alpha & Epos > -beta

        wrongNeg <- Eneg > beta
        rightNegII <- zerosPosII # Eneg < -alpha & Eneg > -beta
        rightNegI <- Eneg <= -beta
        zerosNegI <- zerosPosI # Eneg >= -alpha & Eneg <= alpha
        zerosNegII <- rightPosII # Eneg > alpha & Eneg < beta

        right0I <- abs(E0) <= alpha
        right0II <- abs(E0) > alpha & abs(E0) < beta
        wrong0 <- abs(E0) >= beta

        if ("mLL" %in% method | "cp" %in% method) {

            E0 <- E0*0
            E0[right0I] <- 1

            Epos <- Epos*0
            Epos[rightPosI] <- 1

            Eneg <- Eneg*0
            Eneg[rightNegI] <- 1

            EposI <- EposI*0
            EposI[rightPosII] <- 1

            EnegI <- EnegI*0
            EnegI[rightNegII] <- 1

        } else {

            E0[wrong0] <- errorScore*zeroMult
            E0[right0II] <- fitScore*zeroMult*fitMult
            E0[right0I] <- fitScore*zeroMult

            Epos[zerosPosI] <- errorScore*errorMult*zeroMult
            Epos[zerosPosII] <- errorScore*errorMult
            Epos[wrongPos] <- errorScore
            Epos[rightPosI] <- fitScore
            Epos[rightPosII] <- fitScore*fitMult

            Eneg[zerosNegI] <- -errorScore*errorMult*zeroMult
            Eneg[zerosNegII] <- -errorScore*errorMult
            Eneg[wrongNeg] <- -errorScore
            Eneg[rightNegI] <- -fitScore
            Eneg[rightNegII] <- -fitScore*fitMult

            EposI[zerosNegI] <- errorScore*errorMult*zeroMult
            EposI[zerosNegII] <- errorScore*errorMult
            EposI[wrongNeg] <- errorScore
            EposI[rightNegI] <- fitScore
            EposI[rightNegII] <- fitScore*fitMult

            EnegI[zerosPosI] <- -errorScore*errorMult*zeroMult
            EnegI[zerosPosII] <- -errorScore*errorMult
            EnegI[wrongPos] <- -errorScore
            EnegI[rightPosI] <- -fitScore
            EnegI[rightPosII] <- -fitScore*fitMult


        return(list(expression = NEMlist$expression, fc = CompMatCont, E0 = E0,
                    Epos = Epos, Eneg = Eneg, EposI = EposI, EnegI = EnegI))
#' @noRd
deleteEdge <-
    function(edges, CNOlist, model, n = 100) {
        sifMatrix <- numeric()
        graph <- model$reacID[-grep("\\+", model$reacID)]
        for (i in edges) {
            if (i %in% graph) {
                graph <- graph[!graph %in% i]
        for (i in graph) {
            tmp2 <- unlist(strsplit(i, "="))
            if (gsub("!", "", tmp2[1]) %in% tmp2[1]) {
                sifMatrix <- rbind(sifMatrix, c(tmp2[1], 1, tmp2[2]))
            } else {
                sifMatrix <- rbind(sifMatrix, c(gsub("!", "", tmp2[1]), -1,
        temp.file <- tempfile(pattern="interaction",fileext=".sif")
        write.table(sifMatrix, file = temp.file, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE,
                    col.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE)
        PKN2 <- readSIF(temp.file)
        NCNOcutCompExp<-expandNEM(NCNOcutComp, maxInputsPerGate = n)
        model2 <- NCNOcutCompExp
#' @noRd
deleteSignal <-
    function(s, CNOlist) {
        CNOlist2 <- CNOlist
        for (i in s) {
            if (i %in% colnames(getSignals(CNOlist2)[[1]])) {
                CNOlist2@signals[[1]] <-
                        , !colnames(getSignals(CNOlist2)[[1]]) %in% i]
                CNOlist2@signals[[2]] <-
                        , !colnames(getSignals(CNOlist2)[[2]]) %in% i]
            if (i %in% colnames(getStimuli(CNOlist2))) {
                CNOlist2@cues <-
                    getCues(CNOlist2)[, !colnames(getCues(CNOlist2)) %in% i]
                if (!is.null(
                        , colnames(getStimuli(CNOlist2))
                        %in% i])[1])) {
                    CNOlist2@stimuli <-
                            , !colnames(getStimuli(CNOlist2)) %in% i]
                } else {
                    CNOlist2@stimuli <-
                            , !colnames(getStimuli(CNOlist2))
                            %in% i])
            if (i %in% colnames(getInhibitors(CNOlist2))) {
                CNOlist2@cues <-
                    getCues(CNOlist2)[, !colnames(getCues(CNOlist2)) %in% i]
                if (!is.null(
                        , !colnames(getInhibitors(CNOlist2))
                        %in% i])[1])) {
                    CNOlist2@inhibitors <-
                            , !colnames(getInhibitors(CNOlist2))
                            %in% i]
                } else {
                    CNOlist2@inhibitors <-
                                , !colnames(getInhibitors(CNOlist2))
                                %in% i])
#' @noRd
disc <-
    function(x, beta = 0.5) { # simple discretization
        x.disc <- x
        x.disc[abs(x.disc) <= beta] <- 0
        x.disc[x.disc > beta] <- 1
        x.disc[x.disc < -beta] <- -1
#' @noRd
dnf2adj <-
    function(dnf, closed = FALSE) {
        if (length(dnf) == 0) {
        } else {
            nodes <- character()
            for (i in dnf) {
                tmp <- unlist(strsplit(i, "="))
                nodes <- c(nodes, tmp[2], unlist(strsplit(tmp[1], "\\+")))
            nodes <- unique(gsub("!", "", nodes))
            adjmat <- matrix(0, length(nodes), length(nodes))
            colnames(adjmat) <- nodes
            rownames(adjmat) <- nodes
            for (i in dnf) {
                tmp <- unlist(strsplit(i, "="))
                child <- tmp[2]
                parents <- unlist(strsplit(tmp[1], "\\+"))
                for (j in parents) {
                    if (gsub("!", "", j) %in% j) {
                        adjmat[rownames(adjmat) %in% j,
                               colnames(adjmat) %in% child] <- 1
                    } else {
                        adjmat[rownames(adjmat) %in% gsub("!", "", j),
                               colnames(adjmat) %in% child] <- -1
            diag(adjmat) <- 1
            if (closed) {
                stop <- FALSE
                cons <- c(TRUE, rep(FALSE, (length(adjmat) - 1)))
                while(!stop) {
                    adjmat <- adjmat%*%adjmat
                    if (all(cons == (adjmat != 0))) {
                        stop <- TRUE
                    } else {
                        cons <- (adjmat != 0)
                adjmat[adjmat > 1] <- 1
                adjmat[adjmat < -1] <- -1
#' @noRd
#' @importFrom Rgraphviz lines
drawLocal <-
    function(l, type = "l", ...) {
        local.edges <- c(1, l$edges[[1]])
        local.edges1 <- local.edges
        if (length(unique(local.edges)) < 2) {
            local.edges <- rep(mean(l$scores[[1]]), length(local.edges1))
            min.local.edges <- min(local.edges)
            convert.edges <- seq(min(l$scores[[1]]), max(l$scores[[1]]),
                                 length.out = max(local.edges -
            convert.legend <- sort(unique(local.edges))
        } else {
            min.local.edges <- min(local.edges)
            convert.edges <- seq(min(l$scores[[1]]), max(l$scores[[1]]),
                                 length.out = max(local.edges -
            convert.legend <- sort(unique(local.edges))
            for (i in seq_len((max(local.edges - min.local.edges)+1))) {
                local.edges[local.edges == (i+min.local.edges)-1] <-
                    convert.edges[convert.legend ==
        ylim <- c(min(l$scores[[1]]), max(l$scores[[1]]))
        par(mar=c(4, 4, 4, 4) + 0.1)
        plot(l$scores[[1]], type = type, main = "score improvement (black)
and number of changed edges (red)", ylab = "score", xlab = "move", ...)
        lines(local.edges, col = 2, type = "b")
        axis(4, at = sort(unique(local.edges)),
             labels = sort(unique(local.edges1)), col = "red",
             col.ticks = "red", col.axis = "red")
        mtext("edges changed", side=4, line=3, cex.lab=1,las=0, col="red")
#' @noRd
#' @importFrom Rgraphviz lines
drawScores <-
    function(CNOresult) {
        gens <- CNOresult$results[, 1]
        stallGens <- as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(gens, " / ")))
        stallGens <- stallGens[(seq_len((length(stallGens)/2)))*2 - 1]
        getInfo <- CNOresult$results[stallGens == 0, ]
        bestScore <- unlist(strsplit(getInfo[, 2], " "))
        bestScore <- as.numeric(gsub("\\(", "", gsub("\\)", "", bestScore)))
        bestScore <- bestScore[(seq_len((length(bestScore)/2)))*2 - 1]
        avgScore <- unlist(strsplit(getInfo[, 2], " "))
        avgScore <- as.numeric(
            gsub("\\)", "", gsub("\\(", "",
        plot(seq_len(length(bestScore)), bestScore, col = "red", type = "l",
             main = paste("Score Improvement", sep = ""), xlab = "Generation",
             ylab = "Score",
             ylim = c(min(bestScore), max(c(bestScore, avgScore))), xaxt='n')
        axis(1, at = seq_len(length(bestScore)), labels = which(stallGens == 0))
        lines(seq_len(length(bestScore)), avgScore, col = "blue", type = "l")
        legend(length(bestScore), max(c(bestScore, avgScore)),
               legend = c("Best Score", "Average Score"),
               fill = c("red", "blue"), xjust = 1)
        if (sum(as.numeric(CNOresult$results[, "Iter_time"])) > 200) {
            overallTime <-
                            CNOresult$results[, "Iter_time"]))/60, 3),
                    " minutes", sep = "")
        if (sum(as.numeric(CNOresult$results[, "Iter_time"])) > 18000) {
            overallTime <-
                            CNOresult$results[, "Iter_time"]))/60/60, 4),
                    " hours", sep = "")
        if (sum(as.numeric(CNOresult$results[, "Iter_time"])) > 864000) {
            overallTime <-
                            CNOresult$results[, "Iter_time"]))/60/60/24, 5),
                    " days", sep = "")
        if (sum(as.numeric(CNOresult$results[, "Iter_time"])) <= 200 ) {
            overallTime <-
                        sum(as.numeric(CNOresult$results[, "Iter_time"])), 2),
                    " seconds", sep = "")
        plot(as.numeric(CNOresult$results[, "Iter_time"]),
             xlab = "Generation", ylab = "Iteration Time in seconds",
             main = paste("Iteration Time over all Generations (time overall: ",
                          overallTime, ")", sep = ""), type = "l")
        bStringDist <- numeric()
        for (i in seq_len((nrow(getInfo) - 1))) {
            bStringDist <-
                  dist(rbind(unlist(strsplit(getInfo[i, 3], ", ")),
                             unlist(strsplit(getInfo[i+1, 3], ", ")))))
        bStringDist <- c(0, bStringDist)
        plot(seq_len(length(bStringDist)), bStringDist, type = "l",
             main = paste("Best Strings Distance (average distance: ",
                          round(mean(bStringDist), 2), ")", sep = ""),
             xlab = "Generation", ylab = "Euclidean Distance", xaxt='n')
        axis(1, at = seq_len(length(bestScore)), labels = which(stallGens == 0))
        diffs <- numeric()
        for (i in seq_len(length(unlist(strsplit(getInfo[1, 3], ", "))))) {
            diffs <- c(diffs, dist(rbind(rep(0, i), rep(1, i))))
        axis(4, at = diffs, labels = seq_len(length(diffs)))
#' @noRd
expandNEM <-
    function(model, ignoreList=NA,maxInputsPerGate=2){

        Model = model
        # check that Model is a Model list
        if(!is.list(Model)) stop("This function expects as input a Model
as output by readSIF")
        if(length(Model) == 4) {
            if(all(names(Model) != c("reacID",
                stop("This function expects as input a Model
as output by readSIF")
        if(length(Model) == 5) {
            if(all(names(Model) != c("reacID","namesSpecies","interMat",
                                     "notMat","speciesCompressed"))) {
                stop("This function expects as input a Model
as output by readSIF")

        SplitANDs <- list(initialReac=c("split1","split2"))
        splitR <- 1

        ## split all the ANDs
        ## remove any ANDs 2/3 and save >3 to add later
        ## +3 won't get added here again but are part of prior
        ## knowledge if contained within PKN
        andToAdd = c()
        remove.and = c()
        reacs2Ignore = c()
        initialReacN <- length(Model$reacID)

        ## TODO: move into readSIF ?
        if (initialReacN == 1){
            Model$interMat <- as.matrix(Model$interMat)

        ## which reactions have ignoreList as output?
        if(!is.na(ignoreList[1])) {
            for(s in seq_len(initialReacN)) {
                if(any(Model$interMat[ignoreList,s] == 1)) {
                    reacs2Ignore = c(reacs2Ignore, s)

        for(r in seq_len(initialReacN)) {
            inNodes <- which(Model$interMat[,r] == -1)
            if(length(inNodes) > 1) {
                if(length(inNodes) > 3) {
                    andToAdd = c(andToAdd, r)
                remove.and = c(remove.and, r)

                if(!any(reacs2Ignore == r)) {
                    outNode <- which(Model$interMat[,r] == 1)
                    newReacs <- matrix(data=0,nrow=nrow(Model$interMat),
                    newReacsNots <- matrix(data=0,nrow=nrow(Model$interMat),
                    newReacs[outNode,] <- 1
                    newReacsIDs <- rep("a",length(inNodes))
                    for(i in seq_len(length(inNodes))) {
                        newReacs[inNodes[i],i] <- -1
                        newReacsNots[inNodes[i],i] <- Model$notMat[inNodes[i],r]
                        newReacsIDs[i] <-
                        if (Model$notMat[inNodes[i],r] == 1) {
                            newReacsIDs[i] <- paste("!",newReacsIDs[i],sep="")
                    colnames(newReacs) <- newReacsIDs
                    colnames(newReacsNots) <- newReacsIDs
                    SplitANDs[[splitR]] <- newReacsIDs
                    names(SplitANDs)[splitR] <- Model$reacID[r]
                    splitR <- splitR+1
                    Model$notMat <- cbind(Model$notMat,newReacsNots)
                    Model$interMat <- cbind(Model$interMat,newReacs)
                    Model$reacID <- c(Model$reacID,newReacsIDs)

        if(length(andToAdd)) {
            toAdd = list()
            toAdd$notMat <- Model$notMat[,andToAdd]
            toAdd$interMat <- Model$interMat[,andToAdd]
            toAdd$reacID <- Model$reacID[andToAdd]
        } else {
            toAdd <- NA

        if(length(remove.and)) {
            Model$notMat <- Model$notMat[,-remove.and]
            Model$interMat <- Model$interMat[,-remove.and]
            Model$reacID <- Model$reacID[-remove.and]

        newANDs <- list(finalReac=c("or1","or2"))
        ANDsadded <- 1
        total.list = seq_len(length(Model$namesSpecies))

        ## functions to get lhs and rhs of reactions
        getlhs <- function(x) {
            spec1 = strsplit(x, "=")[[1]][1]
        getrhs <- function(x) {
            spec2 = strsplit(x, "=")[[1]][2]

        ## scan all species and build and gates if required
        for(sp in total.list) {
            inReacsIndex <- which(Model$interMat[sp,] == 1)
            if(length(inReacsIndex) > 1) {
                inReacs <- Model$interMat[,inReacsIndex]
                findInput <- function(x) {
                    inNode<-which(x == -1)
                inSp <- apply(inReacs,2,findInput)

                ## let
                ## find the input species first and store in a vector
                inSpecies = apply(as.matrix(colnames(inReacs)), 1, getlhs)
                outname = Model$namesSpecies[sp]

                ## just for sanity check, all outputs must be the same
                outnames = apply(as.matrix(colnames(inReacs)), 1, getrhs)
                if (length(unique(outnames))!=1 | outname!=outnames[1]){
                    stop("error in expandGates.
should not happen here. please report")

                # an alias
                myrownames = rownames(Model$interMat)

                # first the 2 inputs cases

                combinations = combn(seq(1,length(inSpecies)), 2)

                for (this in seq(1, ncol(combinations))){
                    i = combinations[1,this]
                    j = combinations[2,this]
                    ## names[i] and names[j] contains possibly the !
                    ## sign,let us get the real species names
                    realname1 = ifelse(substr(inSpecies[i], 1,1)=="!",
                    realname2 = ifelse(substr(inSpecies[j], 1,1) =="!",

                    realnames = c(realname1,realname2)
                    if (any(combn(realnames,2)[1,] == combn(realnames,2)[2,])){
                        ## exclude reaction if any name are indentical

                    ## create the new reaction Id to be used as a column name
                    newcolname = paste(paste(inSpecies[i],
                                       outname, sep="=")
                    if (newcolname %in% colnames(Model$interMat)){
                        next() # skip if exist already
                    Model$reacID <- c(Model$reacID,newcolname)

                    ## fill the interMat (-1 if in lhs, 1 if in rhs)
                    values = as.matrix(rep(0, length(Model$namesSpecies)))
                    values[myrownames == realname1]<- -1
                    values[myrownames == realname2]<- -1
                    values[myrownames == outname]<- 1
                    Model$interMat= cbind(Model$interMat, values)

                    # now, the notMat, 0 by default
                    values = as.matrix(rep(0, length(Model$namesSpecies)))
                    if (substr(inSpecies[i],1,1) == "!"){ #look first specy
                        values[myrownames == realname1]<- 1
                    if (substr(inSpecies[j],1,1) == "!"){# and second one
                        values[myrownames == realname2]<- 1
                    Model$notMat= cbind(Model$notMat, values)

                    # finally, fill the newAnd list
                    newreac1 = paste(inSpecies[i], outname, sep="=")
                    newreac2 = paste(inSpecies[j], outname, sep="=")
                    newANDs[[length(newANDs)+1]] <- c(newreac1, newreac2)
                    names(newANDs)[[length(newANDs)]] <- newcolname

                ## Same code as above but to create the 3 inputs combinations
                if (length(inSpecies)>=3 & maxInputsPerGate>=3){
                    combinations = combn(seq(1,length(inSpecies)), 3)
                    indices = seq(1,ncol(combinations))
                    indices = seq(length=0)

                for (this in indices){
                    i = combinations[1,this]
                    j = combinations[2,this]
                    k = combinations[3,this]
                    realname1 = ifelse(substr(inSpecies[i], 1,1)=="!",
                    realname2 = ifelse(substr(inSpecies[j], 1,1) =="!",
                    realname3 = ifelse(substr(inSpecies[k], 1,1) =="!",

                    realnames = c(realname1,realname2, realname3)
                    if (any(combn(realnames,2)[1,] == combn(realnames,2)[2,])){
                        ## exclude reaction if any name are indentical
                    newcolname <- paste(paste(inSpecies[i],
                                              sep="+"), outname, sep="=")
                    if (newcolname %in% colnames(Model$interMat)){
                        next() # skip if exist already
                    Model$reacID <- c(Model$reacID,newcolname)

                    # intermat first
                    values = as.matrix(rep(0, length(Model$namesSpecies)))
                    for (name in inSpecies){
                        realname = ifelse(substr(name, 1,1)=="!",
                                          substr(name,2,10000), name)
                        values[myrownames == realname]<- -1
                    values[myrownames == outname]<- 1
                    Model$interMat= cbind(Model$interMat, values)

                    # now, the notMat
                    values = as.matrix(rep(0, length(Model$namesSpecies)))
                    for (name in inSpecies){
                        if (substr(name,1,1) == "!"){
                            realname = ifelse(substr(name, 1,1) =="!",
                                              substr(name,2,10000), name)
                            values[myrownames == realname]<- 1
                    Model$notMat= cbind(Model$notMat, values)

                    # finally the newAnd
                    newreac1 = paste(inSpecies[i], outname, sep="=")
                    newreac2 = paste(inSpecies[j], outname, sep="=")
                    newreac3 = paste(inSpecies[k], outname, sep="=")
                    newANDs[[length(newANDs)+1]] <- c(newreac1, newreac2,
                    names(newANDs)[[length(newANDs)]] <- newcolname

                ## Same code as above but to create the 4 inputs combinations
                if (length(inSpecies)>=4 & maxInputsPerGate>=4){
                    combinations = combn(seq(1,length(inSpecies)), 4)
                    indices = seq(1,ncol(combinations))
                    indices = seq(length=0)

                for (this in indices){
                    i = combinations[1,this]
                    j = combinations[2,this]
                    k = combinations[3,this]
                    l = combinations[4,this]
                    realname1 = ifelse(substr(inSpecies[i], 1,1)=="!",
                    realname2 = ifelse(substr(inSpecies[j], 1,1) =="!",
                    realname3 = ifelse(substr(inSpecies[k], 1,1) =="!",
                    realname4 = ifelse(substr(inSpecies[l], 1,1) =="!",
                    realnames = c(realname1,realname2, realname3, realname4)
                    if (any(combn(realnames,2)[1,] == combn(realnames,2)[2,])){
                        ## exclude reaction if any name are indentical
                    newcolname <- paste(paste(inSpecies[i], inSpecies[j],
                                              sep="+"), outname, sep="=")
                    if (newcolname %in% colnames(Model$interMat)){
                        next() # skip if exist already
                    Model$reacID <- c(Model$reacID,newcolname)

                    # intermat first
                    values = as.matrix(rep(0, length(Model$namesSpecies)))
                    for (name in inSpecies){
                        realname = ifelse(substr(name, 1,1)=="!",
                                          substr(name,2,10000), name)
                        values[myrownames == realname]<- -1
                    values[myrownames == outname]<- 1
                    Model$interMat= cbind(Model$interMat, values)

                    # now, the notMat
                    values = as.matrix(rep(0, length(Model$namesSpecies)))
                    for (name in inSpecies){
                        if (substr(name,1,1) == "!"){
                            realname = ifelse(substr(name, 1,1) =="!",
                                              substr(name,2,10000), name)
                            values[myrownames == realname]<- 1
                    Model$notMat= cbind(Model$notMat, values)

                    # finally the newAnd
                    newreac1 = paste(inSpecies[i], outname, sep="=")
                    newreac2 = paste(inSpecies[j], outname, sep="=")
                    newreac3 = paste(inSpecies[k], outname, sep="=")
                    newreac4 = paste(inSpecies[l], outname, sep="=")
                    newANDs[[length(newANDs)+1]] <- c(newreac1, newreac2,
                                                      newreac3, newreac4)
                    names(newANDs)[[length(newANDs)]] <- newcolname

                } # end if length(inSp) == 2
                if (maxInputsPerGate >= 5) {
                    for (mip in 5:maxInputsPerGate) {
                        if (length(inSpecies) >= mip & maxInputsPerGate >=
                            mip) {
                            combinations = combn(seq(1, length(inSpecies)),
                            indices = seq(1, ncol(combinations))
                        else {
                            indices = seq(length = 0)
                        for (this in indices) {
                            combs <- c()
                            realnames <- c()
                            for (i in seq_len(mip)) {
                                combs[i] = combinations[i, this]
                                realnames[i] =
                                    ifelse(substr(inSpecies[combs[i]], 1, 1) ==
                                               "!", substr(inSpecies[i],
                                                           2, 10000),
                            if (any(combn(realnames, 2)[1, ] ==
                                          2)[2, ])) {
                            newcolname <- paste(paste(inSpecies[combs],
                                                      collapse = "+"), outname,
                                                sep = "=")
                            if (newcolname %in% colnames(Model$interMat)) {
                            Model$reacID <- c(Model$reacID, newcolname)
                            values = as.matrix(rep(0,
                            colnames(values) <- newcolname
                            for (name in inSpecies) {
                                realname = ifelse(substr(name, 1, 1) == "!",
                                                  substr(name, 2, 10000), name)
                                values[myrownames == realname] <- -1
                            values[myrownames == outname] <- 1
                            Model$interMat = cbind(Model$interMat, values)
                            values = as.matrix(rep(0,
                            colnames(values) <- newcolname
                            for (name in inSpecies) {
                                if (substr(name, 1, 1) == "!") {
                                    realname = ifelse(substr(name, 1, 1) == "!",
                                                      substr(name, 2, 10000),
                                    values[myrownames == realname] <- 1
                            Model$notMat = cbind(Model$notMat, values)
                            newreac1 = paste(inSpecies[i], outname, sep = "=")
                            newreac2 = paste(inSpecies[j], outname, sep = "=")
                            newreac3 = paste(inSpecies[k], outname, sep = "=")
                            newreac4 = paste(inSpecies[l], outname, sep = "=")
                            newreacs <- c()
                            for (i in seq_len(mip)) {
                                newreacs[i] <- paste(inSpecies[combs[i]],
                                                     outname, sep = "=")
                            newANDs[[length(newANDs) + 1]] <- newreacs
                            names(newANDs)[[length(newANDs)]] <- newcolname


        if(!is.na(toAdd)) {
            Model$notMat = cbind(Model$notMat, toAdd$notMat)
            Model$interMat = cbind(Model$interMat, toAdd$interMat)
            Model$reacID = c(Model$reacID, toAdd$reacID)

        modelExp <- Model
        modelExp$SplitANDs <- SplitANDs
        modelExp$newANDs <- newANDs
#' @noRd
expNorm <-
    function(x,  stimuli = NULL, inhibitors = NULL, batches, runs, cutoff) {
        design <- makeDesign(x, stimuli, inhibitors, c(batches, runs))
        normedX <- x*0
        for (run in runs) {
            for (batch in batches) {
                targetRows <- intersect(which(design[, run] == 1),
                                        which(design[, batch] == 1))
                if (length(targetRows) == 0) { next() }
                for (i in seq_len(nrow(normedX))) {
                    if (max(x[i, targetRows]) -
                        min(x[i, targetRows]) >= cutoff) {
                        normedX[i, targetRows] <-
                            simpleNorm(x[i, targetRows])
        cuesSum <- rowSums(design[, grep(paste(c(stimuli, inhibitors),
                                               collapse = "|"),
        grepCtrl <- which(cuesSum == 0)
        for (run in runs) {
            for (batch in batches) {
                targetRows <- intersect(which(design[, run] == 1),
                                        which(design[, batch] == 1))
                if (length(targetRows) == 0) { next() }
                for (i in seq_len(nrow(normedX))) {
                    if (max(x[i, targetRows]) -
                        min(x[i, targetRows]) < cutoff) {
                        normedX[i, targetRows] <- median(normedX[i, grepCtrl])
#' @noRd
#' @importFrom mnem plotDnf
exportVars <-
    function(type = "ga") { # type: ga, loc, ex
        if ("ga" %in% type) {
            return(list("computeScoreNemT1", "simulateStatesRecursiveAdd",
                        "simulateStatesRecursive", "reduceGraph", "getNemFit",
                        "checkCNOlist", "checkNEMlist", "computeFc",
                        "computeSm", "relFit", "sizeFac", "method",
                        "removeCycles", "dnf2adj", "verbose", "getHierarchy",
                        "absorption", "checkMethod"))
        if ("loc" %in% type) {
            return(list("computeScoreNemT1", "simulateStatesRecursiveAdd",
                        "simulateStatesRecursive", "reduceGraph", "getNemFit",
                        "checkCNOlist", "checkNEMlist", "computeFc",
                        "computeSm", "relFit", "sizeFac", "method",
                        "absorptionII", "max.steps", "max.time", "removeCycles",
                        "node", "dnf2adj", "verbose", "absorpII", "draw",
                        "getHierarchy", "absorption", "bitStrings",
        if ("ex" %in% type) {
            return(list("computeScoreNemT1", "simulateStatesRecursiveAdd",
                        "simulateStatesRecursive", "reduceGraph", "getNemFit",
                        "checkCNOlist", "checkNEMlist", "computeFc",
                        "computeSm", "relFit", "sizeFac", "method",
                        "removeCycles", "dnf2adj", "verbose", "getHierarchy",
                        "absorption", "checkMethod", "NEMlist"))
#' @noRd
#' @import snowfall CellNOptR
exSearch <-
             parameters=list(cutOffs=c(0,1,0), scoring=c(0.1,0.2,0.9)),
             parallel = NULL, method = "s", relFit = FALSE, verbose = TRUE,
             reduce = TRUE, approach = "fc", ...) {

        cutModel2 <- function (model, bString) {
            if (sum(bString == 1) > 0) {
                bs = as.logical(bString)
                newmodel <- list()
                if (is.null(dim(model$interMat)[1])) {
                    newmodel$interMat <- model$interMat[bs]
                    newmodel$notMat <- model$notMat[bs]
                    newmodel$reacID <- model$reacID[bs]
                    newmodel$namesSpecies <- model$namesSpecies
                } else {
                    newmodel$interMat <- model$interMat[, bs]
                    newmodel$notMat <- model$notMat[, bs]
                    newmodel$reacID <- model$reacID[bs]
                    newmodel$namesSpecies <- model$namesSpecies
            } else {
                newmodel <- model

        bin2dec <- function(x) {
            exp2 <- 2^c((length(x)-1):0)
            y <- exp2%*%x

        dec2bin <- function(x) {
            if (x == 0) {
                y <- 0
            } else {
                tmp <- rev(as.integer(intToBits(x)))
                y <- tmp[which(tmp != 0)[1]:length(tmp)] # fast dec2bin

        dec2binOld <- function(x) {
            if (x == 0) {
                y <- 0
            } else {
                xTmp <- x
                start <- floor(log(xTmp)/log(2))
                y <- numeric(start)
                count <- 0
                for (i in start:0) {
                    count <- count + 1
                    exp <- floor(log(xTmp)/log(2))
                    if (i == exp) {
                        y[count] <- 1
                        xTmp <- xTmp - 2^exp
                    } else {
                        y[count] <- 0

        if (!is.null(parallel[1])) {
            if (is.list(parallel)) {
                if (length(parallel[[1]]) != length(parallel[[2]])) {
                    stop("The nodes (second list object in parallel) and
the number of cores used on every node (first list object in parallel)
must be the same.") }
                hosts <- character()
                for (i in seq_len(length(parallel[[1]]))) {
                    hosts <- c(hosts, rep(parallel[[2]][i], parallel[[1]][i]))
                hosts <- as.list(hosts)
                sfInit(parallel=TRUE, socketHosts=hosts)
            } else {
                sfInit(parallel=TRUE, cpus=parallel)
        spaceExp <- 2^length(model$reacID)
        if (verbose) {
            message("structurally different networks: ",
        ## reduce to equivalent classes by absorption
        bigBang <- function(j) {
            essential <- dec2bin((j-1))
            tmp <-
                reduceGraph(c(rep(0, (length(model$reacID)-
                              essential), model, CNOlist)
        pop <- matrix(NA, nrow = spaceExp, ncol = length(model$reacID))
        if (!is.null(parallel[1])) {
            pop <- sfLapply(as.list(seq_len(spaceExp)), bigBang)
        } else {
            pop <- lapply(as.list(seq_len(spaceExp)), bigBang)
        pop <- do.call("rbind", pop)
        res <- pop
        res <- apply(res, 1, paste, collapse = "")
        realSpace <- seq_len(spaceExp)
        if (sum(duplicated(res) == TRUE) > 0 & reduce) {
            realSpace <- realSpace[!duplicated(res)]
        ## pop <- pop[!duplicated(res), ]
        if (verbose) {
            message("reduction to structurally different equivalence classes: ",
        scores <- numeric(spaceExp)
        getBinScore <- function(j) {
            scores[j] <- computeScoreNemT1(CNOlist, model = model, pop[j, ],
                                           sizeFac = sizeFac, NAFac = NAFac,
                                           NEMlist = NEMlist,
                                           parameters = parameters,
                                           method = method, relFit = relFit,
        if (!is.null(parallel[1])) {
            res <- sfApply(as.matrix(realSpace), 1, getBinScore)
        } else {
            res <- apply(as.matrix(realSpace), 1, getBinScore)
        if (sizeFac == 0) {
            getSize <- function(x) {
                dnf <- model$reacID[as.logical(x)]
                nTmp <- unlist(strsplit(dnf, "\\+"))
            sizes <- apply(pop[realSpace, ], 1, getSize)
            minscores <- which(res == min(res))
            minscore <- minscores[order(sizes[minscores],
                                        decreasing = FALSE)[1]]
            bString <- (pop[realSpace, ])[minscore, ]
        } else {
            bString <- (pop[realSpace, ])[which(res == min(res))[1], ]
        dtmRatio <- mean(abs(res - mean(res)))/abs(min(res) - mean(res))
        dtmRatio2 <- 1 - abs(min(res) - mean(res))/abs(min(res) - max(res))
        if (!is.null(parallel[1])) {
        if (verbose) {
            message("best network found:")
            message("distance to mean ratio (smaller is better):")
        ## names(res) <- samples
        return(list(bString = bString, score = min(res), bStrings = pop,
                    scores = res, dtmRatio = dtmRatio))
#' @noRd
#' @importFrom mnem plotDnf
#' @importFrom Rgraphviz lines
#' @import snowfall
gaBinaryNemT1 <-
    function (CNOlist,
              initBstring = NULL, # initBstring = TRUE
              sizeFac = 10^-10,
              NAFac = 1,
              popSize = 100,
              pMutation = 0.5,
              maxTime = Inf,
              maxGens = Inf,
              stallGenMax = 10,
              relTol = 0.01,
              verbose = TRUE,
              priorBitString = NULL,
              selPress = c(1.2,0.0001), # 1.2
              approach = "fc",
              fit = "linear",
              targetBstring = "none",
              elitism = NULL,
              inversion = NULL,
              graph = TRUE,
              parameters = list(cutOffs = c(0,1,0), scoring = c(0.25,0.5,2)),
              parallel = NULL, # parallel = N with N number of cores to use or
              ## a list with cores in the first and machines in the second entry
              ## like list(cores=c(2,4,8), machines=c("bionform1", "bioinform2",
              ## "bioinform3"))
              parallel2 = 1,
              selection = c("t"), # can be "t" or "s"
              relFit = FALSE,
              method = "s",
              type = "SOCK",
              exhaustive = FALSE,
              delcyc = TRUE,
    ) {
        addPriorKnowledge <- get("addPriorKnowledge",
                                 envir = asNamespace("CellNOptR"))
        method <- checkMethod(method)
        if (parameters$cutOffs[1] > parameters$cutOffs[2]) {
            parameters$cutOffs <- sort(parameters$cutOffs)
            stop("Your're cutoff parameters don't make any sense.")
        if (is.null(elitism[1]) == TRUE) { elitism <- ceiling(popSize*0.1) }
        if (elitism >= popSize) { elitism <- floor(0.1*popSize) }
        if (is.null(inversion[1]) == TRUE) { inversion <- 0 }
        if (is.null(initBstring[1]) == TRUE) {
            initBstring <- rep(1, length(model$reacID))
        if (length(initBstring) == 1 & length(model$reacID) > 1) {
            initBstring <- max(0, min(initBstring, floor((popSize)*0.5)))
            initBstring <- localSearch(CNOlist=CNOlist, NEMlist=NEMlist,
                                       model=model, approach=approach,
                                       seeds=initBstring, parameters=parameters,
                                       verbose = verbose, parallel=parallel,
                                       parallel2=parallel2,relFit = relFit,
                                       method = method, ...)
            localString <- initBstring
            initBstring <- initBstring[order(localString[, ncol(localString)],
                                             decreasing = TRUE),
        if (!is(CNOlist, "CNOlist")) {
            CNOlist <- CNOlist(CNOlist)
        spaceExp <- 2^length(model$reacID)
        if ((popSize*stallGenMax) >= spaceExp & exhaustive) {
            warning("the genetic algorithm would score at least ",
                    " networks, while the size of
the search space is only ", spaceExp,
                    "; therefore an exhaustive search is initialised")
            result <- exSearch(CNOlist,model,sizeFac,NAFac,NEMlist,parameters,
                               parallel=parallel,relFit = relFit,
                               method = method, ...)
            PopTolScores <-
                result$scores[result$scores <
                                  (result$score + abs(result$score)*relTol)]
            PopTol <-
                result$bStrings[result$scores <
                                    (result$score +
            return(list(bString = result$bString, stringsTol = PopTol,
                        stringsTolScores = PopTolScores,
                        dtmRatio = result$dtmRatio, population = result$scores))
        } else {
            if ("s" %in% selection) {
                if (length(selPress) == 2) {
                    selPressPct <- selPress[2]
                    selPress <- selPress[1]
                } else {
                    selPressPct <- 0
                if (selPress < 1) {
                    warning("with selPress less than 1",
                            " low ranking networks are favoured")
                    msg1 <- 1
                if (selPress > 2 & fit == "linear") {
                    selPress <- 2
                    warning("if selPress is greater than 2, ",
                            "fit cannot be set to linear; ",
                            "selPress set to 2; or restart with ",
                            "fit set to nonlinear")
                    msg2 <- 1
                if (selPress >= popSize) {
                    selPress <- popSize - 1
                    warning("selPress must be lower than popSize; ",
                            "selPress set to ", selPress)
                    msg3 <- 1
                if (selPress < 0) {
                    selPress <- 1
                    warning("selPress has to be greater than zero ",
                            "and should be greater than 1; selPress set to 1")
                    msg3 <- 1
            if ("t" %in% selection) {
                selPress <- floor(min(max(2, selPress[1]), popSize/2))
            bLength <- length(model$reacID) # changed from length(initBstring)
            ## simList <- prep4sim(model)
            simList <- NULL
            indexList <- indexFinder(CNOlist, model)
            ## initialize starting population
            if (is.null(nrow(initBstring)[1])) {
                initBstring <- t(as.matrix(initBstring))
            Pop <-
                rbind(1 - initBstring,
                                    (bLength *
                                         (popSize -
                                    replace = TRUE),
                             nrow = (popSize - (nrow(initBstring)*2)),
                             ncol = bLength), initBstring)
            Pop <- addPriorKnowledge(Pop, priorBitString)
            bestbit <- Pop[1, ]
            bestobj <- Inf
            stop <- FALSE
            g <- 0
            stallGen <- 0
            res <- rbind(c(g, bestobj, toString(bestbit), stallGen, Inf,
                           Inf, toString(bestbit), 0),
                         c(g, bestobj, toString(bestbit),
                           stallGen, Inf, Inf, toString(bestbit), 0))
            colnames(res) <- c("Generation", "Best_score", "Best_bitString",
                               "Stall_Generation", "Avg_Score_Gen",
                               "Best_bit_Gen", "Iter_time")
            ## introduce the outputvector based on elitism on or off
            if (elitism >= 1) {
                res <- rbind(c(paste(res[4], " / ", res[1], sep = ""),
                               paste(res[6], " (", res[5], ")", sep = ""),
                               res[7], res[8], "."))
                colnames(res) <- c("Stall Generations / Total Generations",
                                   "Best Score (Average Score)",
                                   "Best_bitString", "Iter_time",
            } else {
                res <- rbind(c(paste(res[4], " / ", res[1], sep = ""),
                               paste(res[6], " (", res[5], ")", sep = ""),
                               res[7], res[2], res[3],res[8], "."))
                colnames(res) <- c("Stall Generations / Total Generations",
                                   "Best Score (Average Score)_Gen",
                                   "Best_bitString_Gen", "Best Score",
            PopTol <- rep(NA, bLength)
            PopTolScores <- NA
            getObj <- function(x) {
                Score <- computeScoreNemT1(CNOlist=CNOlist, model=model,
                                           bString=x, sizeFac=sizeFac,
                                           NAFac=NAFac, approach = approach,
                                           NEMlist = NEMlist,
                                           parameters=parameters, tellme = 0,
                                           relFit = relFit, method = method,
            t0 <- Sys.time()
            t <- t0
            selPressOrg <- selPress
            ## add a graph that shows the improvement:
            if (graph) {
                distances <- numeric()
                for (i in seq_len(100)) {
                    distances <- c(distances, dist(rbind(rep(1, i), rep(0, i))))
                graphVal <- numeric()
                graphValAvg <- numeric()
                graphValSp <- numeric()
                gUp <- 0
                graphAxis <- numeric()
                ## graphics.off()
                par(bg = "white")
                graphValDist <- numeric()
                bestMemTurn <- 0
                bestMem <- "off"
            if (!is.null(parallel[1])) {
                if (is.list(parallel)) {
                    if (length(parallel[[1]]) != length(parallel[[2]])) {
                        stop("The nodes (second list object in parallel) and
the number of cores used on every node (first list object in parallel) must be
the same.")
                    hosts <- character()
                    for (i in seq_len(length(parallel[[1]]))) {
                        hosts <- c(hosts, rep(parallel[[2]][i],
                    hosts <- as.list(hosts)
                    sfInit(parallel=TRUE, socketHosts=hosts)
                } else {
                    sfInit(parallel=TRUE, cpus=parallel, type = type)
                ## sfExport(list = exportVars("ga"), local = TRUE)
            scores <- numeric(nrow(Pop))
            if ("t" %in% selection) {
                tsReduce <- function(x, scores) {
                    y <- x[order(scores[x])[1]]
            if ("s" %in% selection) {
                susSel <- function(x, wheel1, breaks) {
                    y <- which(wheel1 > breaks[x])[1]
            popMem <- numeric() # see high diversity later
            scoresMem <- numeric() # see high diversity later
            likelihoods <- numeric()
            lh.samples <- character()
            while (!stop) {
                if (delcyc) {
                    if (!is.null(parallel[1])) {
                        Pop <- t(sfApply(Pop, 1, removeCycles, model))
                    } else {
                        Pop <- t(apply(Pop, 1, removeCycles, model))
                bestReduced <- reduceGraph(Pop[popSize, ], model, CNOlist)
                if (sum((Pop[popSize, ] - bestReduced) != 0) > 0) {
                    Pop[1, ] <- bestReduced
                scores <- numeric(nrow(Pop))
                if (!is.null(parallel[1])) {
                    scores <- sfApply(Pop, 1, getObj)
                } else {
                    scores <- apply(Pop, 1, getObj)
                scores[is.nan(scores)] <-
                    max(scores[!is.nan(scores)]) + 1
                rankP <- order(scores, decreasing = TRUE)
                Pop <- Pop[rankP, ]
                ## something to remember the samples:
                ## for (sample in seq_len(nrow(Pop))) {
                ##   if (!(toString(Pop[sample, ]) %in% lh.samples)) {
                ##     likelihoods <- c(likelihoods, scores[sample])
                ##     lh.samples <- c(lh.samples, toString(Pop[sample, ]))
                ##   }
                ## }
                ## try to alternatively keep in mind the best networks:
                if (graph) {
                    if (bestMem[1] == "off") {
                        bestMem <- list()
                        bestMem[[1]] <- Pop[popSize, ]
                        bestMem[[2]] <- Pop[popSize, ]
                        bestMemTurn <- abs(bestMemTurn - 1)
                    } else {
                        bestMem[[(bestMemTurn+1)]] <- Pop[popSize, ]
                        bestMemTurn <- abs(bestMemTurn - 1)
                ## replace worst ranked networks with random networks for
                ## variation, ranking again would slow up the process and
                ## the idea is not to get random good networks but just good
                ## chunks in overall worse networks
                if (inversion >= 1) {
                    Pop[seq_len(inversion), ] <-
                        abs(Pop[(popSize - inversion + 1):popSize, ] - 1)
                scores <- scores[rankP]
                ## for high diversity, similar to sokolov & whitley (2005)
                ## popFull <- rbind(popMem, Pop)
                ## scoresFull <- c(scoresMem, scores)
                ## rankPFull <- order(scoresFull, decreasing = TRUE)
                ## popFull <- popFull[rankPFull, ]
                ## scoresFull <- scoresFull[rankPFull]
                ## bitsInDec <- apply(popFull, 1, bitToDec)
                ## uniquePop <- unique(bitsInDec)
                ## uniquePopPos <- numeric()
                ## for (i in length(scoresFull):(1 +
                ## max(popSize,(length(scoresFull) - length(uniquePop))))) {
                ##   uniquePopPos <- c(uniquePopPos,
                ## which(bitsInDec %in% uniquePop[i])[1])
                ## }
                ## uniquePopPos <- c(uniquePopPos,
                ## sample(seq_len(nrow(popFull)),
                ## (popSize - length(uniquePopPos))))
                ## popMem <- popFull[uniquePopPos, ]
                ## scoresMem <- scores[uniquePopPos]
                ## Pop <- popMem
                ## selection (s or t)
                PSize3 <- popSize - elitism
                if ("s" %in% selection) {
                    ## nonlinear or linear fitness
                    if (fit == "nonlinear") {
                        x <- as.double(polyroot(c(rep(selPress, popSize-1),
                                                  (selPress - popSize))))
                        y <- polyroot(c(rep(selPress, popSize-1),
                                        (selPress - popSize)))
                        x <- x[order(abs(y - as.double(y)))[1]]
                        fitness <-
                    if (fit == "linear") {
                        fitness <- 2 - selPress + (2 * (selPress - 1) *
                                                        - 1)/(popSize - 1))
                    wheel1 <- cumsum(fitness/sum(fitness))
                    breaks <- runif(1) * 1/popSize
                    breaks <- c(breaks, breaks +
                                    ((seq_len((popSize - 1))))/popSize)
                    sel <- rep(1, popSize)

                    if (!is.null(parallel[1]) & popSize > 10000) {
                        sel <- sfApply(as.matrix(seq_len(popSize)), 1, susSel,
                                       wheel1, breaks)
                    } else {
                        sel <- apply(as.matrix(seq_len(popSize)), 1, susSel,
                                     wheel1, breaks)
                if ("t" %in% selection) {

                    pRanks <- sample(seq_len(popSize), popSize)
                    t.size <- min(popSize/2, selPress)
                    ppRanks <- matrix(0, popSize, t.size)
                    for (i in seq_len(t.size)) {
                        if (i == 1) {
                            ppRanks[, i] <- pRanks[c(popSize,
                        } else {
                            ppRanks[, i] <- ppRanks[c(popSize,

                    if (!is.null(parallel[1]) & popSize > 10000) {
                        sel <-
                                cbind(pRanks, ppRanks), 1, tsReduce, scores)))
                    } else {
                        sel <- as.vector(unlist(apply(
                            cbind(pRanks, ppRanks), 1, tsReduce, scores)))

                if ("r" %in% selection) {

                    sel <- rep(seq_len(popSize),

                    if (length(sel) < popSize) {
                        sel <- c(sel, sel[length(sel)])

                if ("f" %in% selection) {

                    scoresF <- scores*(-1)
                    scoresF <- scoresF - min(scoresF)

                    sel <- rep(seq_len(popSize),

                    if (length(sel) < popSize) {
                        sel <- c(sel, sel[seq_len((popSize-length(sel)))])

                Pop2 <- Pop[sel, ]
                PSize2 <- nrow(Pop2)
                mates <- cbind(ceiling(runif(PSize3) * PSize2),
                               ceiling(runif(PSize3) * PSize2))
                InhBit <- matrix(runif((PSize3 * bLength)), nrow = PSize3,
                                 ncol = bLength)
                InhBit <- InhBit < 0.5
                Pop3par1 <- Pop2[mates[, 1], ]
                Pop3par2 <- Pop2[mates[, 2], ]
                Pop3 <- Pop3par2
                Pop3[InhBit] <- Pop3par1[InhBit]
                MutProba <- matrix(runif((PSize3 * bLength)), nrow = PSize3,
                                   ncol = bLength)
                MutProba <- (MutProba < (pMutation/bLength))
                Pop3[MutProba] <- 1 - Pop3[MutProba]
                t <- c(t, Sys.time())
                g <- g + 1
                thisGenBest <- scores[popSize]
                thisGenBestBit <- Pop[popSize, ]
                if (is.na(thisGenBest)) {
                    thisGenBest <- min(scores, na.rm = TRUE)
                    thisGenBestBit <- Pop[which(scores == thisGenBest)[1],]
                if (thisGenBest < bestobj) {
                    bestobj <- thisGenBest
                    bestbit <- thisGenBestBit
                    stallGen <- 0
                else {
                    stallGen <- stallGen + 1
                if ("s" %in% selection) {
                    if (selPressPct < 0) {
                        selPress <- max(selPress - selPress*selPressPct, 1)
                    } else {
                        if (fit == "linear") {
                            selPress <- min(selPress + selPress*selPressPct, 2)
                        } else {
                            selPress <- min(selPress + selPress*selPressPct,
                ## the following code needs changes if elitism is set to 0:
                resThisGen <- c(g, bestobj, toString(bestbit), stallGen,
                                (mean(scores, na.rm = TRUE)), thisGenBest,
                                as.numeric((t[length(t)] -
                                                t[length(t) - 1]),
                                           units = "secs"),
                names(resThisGen) <- c("Generation", "Best_score",
                                       "Stall_Generation", "Avg_Score_Gen",
                                       "Best_bit_Gen", "Iter_time",
                ## verbose output based on elitism on or off
                if (elitism >= 1) {
                    resThisGen <- c(g, bestobj, toString(bestbit), stallGen,
                                    (mean(scores, na.rm = TRUE)), thisGenBest,
                                    as.numeric((t[length(t)] -
                                                    t[length(t) - 1]),
                                               units = "secs"),
                    names(resThisGen) <- c("Generation", "Best_score",
                                           "Stall_Generation", "Avg_Score_Gen",
                                           "Best_bit_Gen", "Iter_time",
                    if (targetBstring[1] == "none") {
                        resThisGen <- c(paste(resThisGen[4], " / ",
                                              resThisGen[1], sep = ""),
                                        paste(resThisGen[6], " (",
                                              resThisGen[5], ")", sep = ""),
                                        resThisGen[7], resThisGen[8],
                        names(resThisGen) <-
                            c("Stall Generations / Total Generations",
                              "Best Score (Average Score)", "Best_bitString",
                              "Iter_time", "----------------------------------")
                    } else {
                        resThisGen <- c(paste(resThisGen[4], " / ",
                                              resThisGen[1], sep = ""),
                                        paste(resThisGen[6], " (",
                                              resThisGen[5], ")", sep = ""),
                                        resThisGen[7], paste(targetBstring,
                                                             collapse = ", "),
                        names(resThisGen) <-
                            c("Stall Generations / Total Generations",
                              "Best Score (Average Score)", "Best_bitString",
                              "Target_bitString", "Iter_time",
                } else {
                    resThisGen <- c(g, bestobj, toString(bestbit), stallGen,
                                    (mean(scores, na.rm = TRUE)), thisGenBest,
                                    as.numeric((t[length(t)] -
                                                    t[length(t) - 1]),
                                               units = "secs"),
                    names(resThisGen) <- c("Generation", "Best_score",
                                           "Avg_Score_Gen", "Best_score_Gen",
                                           "Best_bit_Gen", "Iter_time",
                    if (targetBstring[1] == "none") {
                        resThisGen <- c(paste(resThisGen[4], " / ",
                                              resThisGen[1], sep = ""),
                                        paste(resThisGen[6], " (",
                                              resThisGen[5], ")", sep = ""),
                                        resThisGen[7], resThisGen[2],
                        names(resThisGen) <-
                            c("Stall Generations / Total Generations",
                              "Best Score (Average Score)_Gen",
                              "Best_bitString_Gen", "Best Score",
                    } else {
                        resThisGen <- c(paste(resThisGen[4], " / ",
                                              resThisGen[1], sep = ""),
                                        paste(resThisGen[6], " (",
                                              resThisGen[5], ")", sep = ""),
                                        resThisGen[7], resThisGen[2],
                                        resThisGen[3], paste(targetBstring,
                                                             collapse = ", "),
                        names(resThisGen) <-
                            c("Stall Generations / Total Generations",
                              "Best Score (Average Score)_Gen",
                              "Best_bitString_Gen", "Best Score",
                              "Best_bitString", "Target_bitString",
                              "Iter_time", "----------------------------------")
                if (verbose) {
                    if (elitism >= 1) {
                        if (targetBstring[1] == "none") {
                            message(names(resThisGen)[3], ":")
                            message(names(resThisGen)[1], ": ",
                            message(names(resThisGen)[2], ": ",
                            message(names(resThisGen)[4], ": ",
                                    resThisGen[4], "s @ ",
                            message(names(resThisGen)[5], ": ",
                        } else {
                            message(names(resThisGen)[3], ":")
                            message(names(resThisGen)[4], ":")
                            message(names(resThisGen)[1], ": ",
                            message(names(resThisGen)[2], ": ",
                            message(names(resThisGen)[5], ": ",
                            message(names(resThisGen)[6], ": ",
                                    paste(resThisGen[6], "s @ ",
                    } else {
                res <- rbind(res, resThisGen)
                Criteria <- c((stallGen > stallGenMax),
                              (as.numeric((t[length(t)] -
                                               t[1]), units = "secs") >
                                   maxTime), (g > maxGens))
                ## introduce a stop criteria for a target network
                if (targetBstring[1] != "none" & g >= 2) {
                    Criteria <- c((stallGen > stallGenMax),
                                  (as.numeric((t[length(t)] -
                                                   t[1]), units = "secs") >
                                  (g > maxGens),
                                                     approach = approach,
                                                     NEMlist = NEMlist,
                                                     tellme = 0,
                                                     relFit = relFit, ...) <=
                                                         approach = approach,
                                                         NEMlist = NEMlist,
                                                         tellme = 0,
                                                         relFit = relFit,
                if (any(Criteria)) {
                    stop <- TRUE
                tolScore <- abs(scores[popSize] * relTol)
                TolBs <- which(scores < scores[popSize] + tolScore)
                if (length(TolBs) > 0) {
                    PopTol <- rbind(PopTol, Pop[TolBs, ])
                    PopTolScores <- c(PopTolScores, scores[TolBs])
                if (elitism > 0) {
                    Pop <- rbind(Pop3, Pop[(popSize - elitism + 1):popSize, ])
                else {
                    Pop <- Pop3
                Pop <- addPriorKnowledge(Pop, priorBitString)
                if (graph) {
                    split.screen(figs = c(1, 2), erase = FALSE)
                    split.screen(figs = c(2, 1), screen = 1, erase = FALSE)
                    graphDraw <- 0
                    if (length(graphVal) > 0) {
                        if ((scores[order(scores, decreasing = TRUE)[popSize]] <
                             graphVal[length(graphVal)]) |
                            (stallGen %in% ceiling(stallGenMax*c(1)))) {
                            ModelCut <- model
                            ModelCut$interMat <-
                                ModelCut$interMat[, as.logical(Pop[popSize, ])]
                            ModelCut$notMat <-
                                ModelCut$notMat[, as.logical(Pop[popSize, ])]
                            ModelCut$reacID <-
                                ModelCut$reacID[as.logical(Pop[popSize, ])]
                            screen(2, new = TRUE)
                            plotDnf(ModelCut$reacID, CNOlist = CNOlist)
                            graphVal <-
                                               decreasing = TRUE)[popSize]])
                            graphValAvg <- c(graphValAvg,
                            graphValSp <- c(graphValSp, selPress)
                            gUp <- gUp + 1
                            graphAxis <- c(graphAxis, (g+1))
                            graphDraw <- 1
                            graphValDist <- c(graphValDist,
                    } else {
                        graphVal <-
                            c(graphVal, scores[order(scores,
                                                     decreasing =
                        graphValAvg <-
                            c(graphValAvg, sum(scores)/length(scores))
                        graphValSp <- c(graphValSp, selPress)
                        graphValDist <-
                            c(graphValDist, dist(rbind(bestMem[[1]],
                        gUp <- gUp + 1
                        graphAxis <- c(graphAxis, (g+1))
                        graphDraw <- 1
                    if (graphDraw == 1) {
                        screen(3, new = TRUE)
                        plot(seq_len(gUp), graphVal, col = "red", type = "l",
                             main = paste("Score Improvement", sep = ""),
                             xlab = "Generation", ylab = "Score",
                             ylim = c(min(graphVal),
                                      max(c(graphVal, graphValAvg))),
                             xaxt = "n")
                        axis(1, at = seq_len(gUp), labels = graphAxis)
                        lines(seq_len(gUp), graphValAvg, col = "blue",
                              type = "l")
                        if (selection %in% "s") {
                            legend(gUp, max(c(graphVal, graphValAvg)),
                                   legend = c("Best Score", "Average Score",
                                              "Selective Pressure"),
                                   fill = c("red", "blue", "black"), xjust = 1)
                            mtext("Selective Pressure", 4, line = 2)
                            plot(seq_len(gUp), graphValSp, col = "black",
                                 type = "l", axes=FALSE, ylab = "", xlab = "",
                                 yaxt = "n",
                                 ylim = c(1,max(2,ceiling(max(graphValSp)))))
                            axis(4, at = (10:max(20,(ceiling(max(
                                labels = (10:max(20,(ceiling(max(
                        } else {
                            legend(gUp, max(c(graphVal, graphValAvg)),
                                   legend = c("Best Score", "Average Score"),
                                   fill = c("red", "blue"), xjust = 1)
                        screen(4, new = TRUE)
                        plot(seq_len(gUp), graphValDist, col = "black",
                             type = "l", main = "Best Strings Distance",
                             xlab = "Generation", ylab = "Distance",
                             ylim = c(min(graphValDist), max(graphValDist)),
                        mtext("Edge Difference", 4, line = 2)
                        abline(h = distances, lty = 3)
                        axis(4, at = distances,
                             labels = seq_len(length(distances)))
                        axis(1, at = seq_len(gUp), labels = graphAxis)
            PopTol <- as.matrix(PopTol)[-1, ]
            PopTolScores <- PopTolScores[-1]
            TolBs <- which(PopTolScores < scores[popSize] + tolScore)
            PopTol <- as.matrix(PopTol)[TolBs, ]
            PopTolScores <- PopTolScores[TolBs]
            PopTolT <- cbind(PopTol, PopTolScores)
            PopTolT <- unique(PopTolT, MARGIN = 1)
            if (!is.null(dim(PopTolT)[1])) {
                PopTol <- PopTolT[, seq_len((ncol(PopTolT) - 1))]
                PopTolScores <- PopTolT[, ncol(PopTolT)]
            else {
                PopTol <- PopTolT[seq_len((length(PopTolT) - 1))]
                PopTolScores <- PopTolT[length(PopTolT)]
            res <- res[2:nrow(res), ]
            rownames(res) <- NULL
            if (!is.null(parallel[1])) {
            bestbit <- reduceGraph(bestbit, model, CNOlist)
            dtmRatio <- 0
            return(list(bString = bestbit, results = res, stringsTol = PopTol,
                        stringsTolScores = PopTolScores, dtmRatio = dtmRatio,
                        population = likelihoods))
#' @noRd
#' @importFrom mnem plotDnf
getHierarchy <-
    function(graph) {
        adj <- dnf2adj(graph)
        dnf <- adj2dnf(adj)
        g <- plotDnf(dnf, draw = FALSE)
        Ypos <- g@renderInfo@nodes$labelY
        Ynames <- names(g@renderInfo@nodes$labelY)
        ## Ypos <- Ypos[-grep("and", Ynames)]
        ## Ynames <- Ynames[-grep("and", Ynames)]
        hierarchy <- list()
        count <- 0
        for (i in sort(unique(Ypos), decreasing = TRUE)) {
            count <- count + 1
            hierarchy[[count]] <- Ynames[Ypos == i]
#' @noRd
#' @import
#' matrixStats
#' stats
#' @importFrom flexclust dist2
getNemFit <-
    function (simResults, CNOlist, model, indexList, # VERSION of CNO: 1.4
              timePoint = c("t1", "t2"),
              NAFac = 1, sizePen, simResultsT0 = NA,
              tellme = 0,
              approach = "fc",
              sim = 0,
              relFit = FALSE,
              method = "pearson",
              verbose = FALSE,
              opt = "min"
    ) {
        if (!is(CNOlist, "CNOlist")) {
            CNOlist <- CNOlist(CNOlist)
        simResults <- simResults[, colnames(getSignals(CNOlist)[[1]])]
        if (timePoint == "t1") {
            tPt <- 2
        else {
            if (timePoint == "t2") {
                tPt <- 3
            else {
                tPt <- timePoint
        ## MY CODE START start with the nem approaches for the error
        MSEAabs <- NULL
        MSEIabs <- NULL
        MSEAfc <- NULL
        MSEIfc <- NULL
        if ("abs" %in% approach) {
            MSEE <- rep(Inf, nrow(NEMlist$norm))
            S.mat <- simResults
            colnames(NEMlist$norm)[colnames(NEMlist$norm) %in% ""] <-
            rownames(S.mat)[rownames(S.mat) %in% ""] <- "Base"
            S.mat <- S.mat[colnames(NEMlist$norm), ]
            if (any(c("spearman", "pearson", "kendall") %in% method)) {
                if ("spearman" %in% method) {
                    E.mat <- NEMlist$expression
                    S.mat.ranks <- t(S.mat)
                    cosine.sim <- -t(cor(S.mat.ranks, t(E.mat), method = "p"))
                } else {
                    E.mat <- NEMlist$expression
                    cosine.sim <- -t(cor(S.mat, t(E.mat), method = method))
                R <- cbind(cosine.sim, -cosine.sim)
            } else {
                ESpos <- NEMlist$norm%*%abs(1 - S.mat)*parameters$scoring[1]
                ES0 <- abs(1 - NEMlist$norm)%*%S.mat*parameters$scoring[2]
                ESposI <- NEMlist$norm%*%S.mat*parameters$scoring[1]
                ES0I <- abs(1 -
                    abs(1 - S.mat)*parameters$scoring[2]
                MSEAabs <- (ESpos + ES0)
                MSEIabs <- (ESposI + ES0I)
                R <- cbind(MSEAabs, MSEIabs)
                R <- R/ncol(NEMlist$expression)
            R[is.na(R)] <- max(R[!is.na(R)])
            MSEE <- rowMins(R)
        if ("fc" %in% approach) {
            MSEE <- rep(Inf, nrow(NEMlist$fc))
            SCompMat <- computeFc(CNOlist, t(simResults))
            signtmp <- sign(SCompMat)
            SCompMat <- SCompMat/SCompMat
            SCompMat[is.na(SCompMat)] <- 0
            SCompMat <- SCompMat*signtmp
            SCompMat <- t(SCompMat)
            SCompMat <- rbind(SCompMat, null = 0)
            if (is.null(rownames(SCompMat)[1])) {
                SCompMat <- SCompMat[, colnames(NEMlist$fc)]
            } else {
                SCompMat <- SCompMat[colnames(NEMlist$fc), ]
            if (ncol(SCompMat) != ncol(NEMlist$fc)) {
                SCompMat <- t(SCompMat)
            if (length(grep("_vs_", rownames(SCompMat))) > 0) {
                SCompMat <- t(SCompMat)
            if (any(c("cosine", "euclidean", "maximum", "manhattan", "canberra",
                      "binary", "minkowski", "spearman", "pearson",
                      "kendall") %in% method)) {
                S.mat <- SCompMat
                E.mat <- NEMlist$fc
                if (any(c("euclidean", "maximum", "manhattan", "canberra",
                          "binary", "minkowski") %in% method)) {
                    power <- as.numeric(method)
                    power <- power[!is.na(power)]
                    if (length(power) == 0) {
                        power <- 2
                    method <- method[which(method %in% c("euclidean", "maximum",
                                                         "canberra", "binary",
                    cosine.sim <-  dist2(S.mat, E.mat, method = method,
                                         p = power)
                    cosine.simI <- dist2(S.mat, -E.mat, method = method,
                                         p = power)
                    MSEAfc <- t(cosine.sim)
                    MSEIfc <- t(cosine.simI)
                if (any(c("spearman", "pearson", "kendall",
                          "cosine") %in% method)) {
                    weighted <- parameters$scoring[2]
                    if (weighted > 1) {
                        for (i in seq_len(nrow(S.mat))) {
                            S.mat[i, grep(rownames(S.mat)[i],
                                          colnames(S.mat))] <-
                                S.mat[i, grep(rownames(S.mat)[i],
                    if (parameters$scoring[1] == 0) {
                        S.mat[S.mat == 0] <- NA
                    if ("pearson" %in% method) {
                        cosine.sim <- -t(cor(t(S.mat), t(E.mat), method = "p",
                                             use = "pairwise.complete.obs"))
                    if ("spearman" %in% method) {
                        S.mat.ranks <- t(S.mat)
                        cosine.sim <- -t(cor(S.mat.ranks, t(E.mat),
                                             method = "p",
                                             use = "pairwise.complete.obs"))
                    if ("kendall" %in% method) {
                        cosine.sim <- -t(cor(t(S.mat), t(E.mat), method = "k",
                                             use = "pairwise.complete.obs"))
                    if ("cosine" %in% method) {
                        if (any(is.na(S.mat))) {
                            S.mat[is.na(S.mat)] <- 0
                        vprod <- function(x) { return(x%*%x) }
                        S.mat <- S.mat/(apply(S.mat, 1, vprod)^0.5)
                        cosine.sim <- -E.mat%*%t(S.mat)
                    if ("test" %in% method) {
                        cs.fisher <- atanh(cosine.sim)
                        ## 0.5*log((1+cosine.sim)/(1-cosine.sim))
                        cs.sd <- 1/sqrt(ncol(NEMlist$fc) - 3)
                        cs.z <- (cs.fisher - 0)/cs.sd
                        cs.sign <- sign(cosine.sim)
                        cosine.sim <- 2*pnorm(-abs(cs.z))
                        cosine.sim[seq_len(length(cosine.sim))] <-
                            abs(1 - p.adjust(cosine.sim, method = "bonferroni"))
                        cosine.sim <- cosine.sim*cs.sign
                    cosine.sim[is.na(cosine.sim)] <- 0
                    MSEAfc <- cosine.sim
                    MSEIfc <- -cosine.sim
            } else {
                if ("llr" %in% method) {
                    S.mat <- SCompMat
                    E.mat <- NEMlist$fc
                    cosine.sim <- -E.mat%*%t(S.mat)
                    cosine.sim[is.na(cosine.sim)] <- 0
                    MSEAfc <- cosine.sim
                    MSEIfc <- -cosine.sim
                } else {
                    S0 <- as.matrix(1 - abs(SCompMat))
                    Spos <- SCompMat
                    Spos[Spos == -1] <- 0
                    Sneg <- SCompMat
                    Sneg[Sneg == 1] <- 0
                    if ("mLL" %in% method | "cp" %in% method) {
                        Sneg <- abs(Sneg)
                        E0 <- NEMlist$E0
                        Epos <- NEMlist$Epos
                        Eneg <- NEMlist$Eneg
                        EposI <- NEMlist$EposI
                        EnegI <- NEMlist$EnegI
                        ES0 <- E0%*%S0
                        ES0pos <- E0%*%Spos
                        ES0neg <- E0%*%Sneg
                        ESpos <- Epos%*%Spos
                        ESpos0 <- Epos%*%S0
                        ESposneg <- Epos%*%Sneg
                        ESneg <- Eneg%*%Sneg
                        ESneg0 <- Eneg%*%S0
                        ESnegpos <- Eneg%*%Spos
                        ESposI <- EposI%*%Spos
                        ESposI0 <- EposI%*%S0
                        ESposIneg <- EposI%*%Sneg
                        ESnegI <- EnegI%*%Sneg
                        ESnegI0 <- EnegI%*%S0
                        ESnegIpos <- EnegI%*%Spos
                        alpha1 <- parameters$scoring[1]
                        beta2 <- parameters$scoring[2]
                        beta4 <- beta2/3
                        if ("cont" %in% method) {
                            MSEAfc <- exp(ESpos + ESneg)
                            MSEIfc <- exp(ESposneg + ESnegpos)
                        } else {
                            alpha2 <- alpha1/2
                            beta1 <- parameters$scoring[3]
                            beta3 <- beta2/2
                            Alpha <- 1 - alpha1 - alpha2
                            Beta <- 1 - beta1 - beta2 - beta3 - beta4
                            MSEAfc <- Alpha^ES0 * Beta^(ESpos + ESneg) *
                                beta1^(ESposI + ESnegI) *
                                beta2^(ES0pos + ES0neg) *
                                beta3^(ESposIneg + ESnegIpos) *
                                beta4^(ESposneg + ESnegpos) *
                                alpha1^(ESposI0 + ESnegI0) *
                                alpha2^(ESpos0 + ESneg0)
                            MSEIfc <- Alpha^ES0 * beta4^(ESpos + ESneg) *
                                beta3^(ESposI + ESnegI) *
                                beta2^(ES0pos + ES0neg) *
                                beta1^(ESposIneg + ESnegIpos) *
                                Beta^(ESposneg + ESnegpos) *
                                alpha1^(ESposI0 + ESnegI0) *
                                alpha2^(ESpos0 + ESneg0)
                        if ("cp" %in% method) {
                            MSEAfc <- -log(MSEAfc)
                            MSEIfc <- -log(MSEIfc)
                    } else {
                        E0 <- NEMlist$E0
                        Epos <- NEMlist$Epos
                        Eneg <- NEMlist$Eneg
                        EposI <- NEMlist$EposI
                        EnegI <- NEMlist$EnegI
                        ## differ between count all fc and alignment
                        ESpos <- Epos%*%Spos
                        ESneg <- Eneg%*%Sneg
                        ESposI <- EposI%*%Spos
                        ESnegI <- EnegI%*%Sneg
                        ES0 <- E0%*%S0
                        MSEAfc <- (ESpos + ESneg + ES0)
                        MSEIfc <- (ESposI + ESnegI + ES0)
            if ("mLL" %in% method) {
                R <- rbind(MSEAfc, MSEIfc)
                MSEE <- log(rowSums(R))
            } else {
                if (any(c("cosine", "euclidean", "maximum", "manhattan",
                          "canberra", "binary", "minkowski", "spearman",
                          "pearson", "kendall") %in% method)) {
                    R <- cbind(MSEAfc, MSEIfc)
                    R[is.na(R)] <- max(R[!is.na(R)])
                    if (relFit) {
                        S0 <- as.matrix(1 - abs(SCompMat))
                        Spos <- SCompMat
                        Spos[Spos == -1] <- 0
                        Sneg <- SCompMat
                        Sneg[Sneg == 1] <- 0
                        SS0 <- t(S0*parameters$scoring[1])%*%S0
                        SSpos <- t(Spos)%*%Spos
                        SSneg <- t(Sneg)%*%Sneg
                        MSES <- (SSpos + SSneg + SS0)/ncol(NEMlist$fc)
                        R <- t(t(R)*diag(MSES))
                } else {
                    R <- cbind(MSEAfc, MSEIfc)
                    R[is.na(R)] <- max(R[!is.na(R)])
                    if (relFit) {
                        SS0 <- t(S0*parameters$scoring[1])%*%S0
                        SSpos <- t(Spos)%*%Spos
                        SSneg <- t(Sneg)%*%Sneg
                        MSES <- (SSpos + SSneg + SS0)
                        R <- t(t(R)/diag(MSES))
                        R[is.na(R)] <- 0
                    } else {
                        R <- R#/ncol(NEMlist$fc)
                if (is.null(NEMlist$egenes[1])) {
                    MSEE <- rowMins(R)
                } else {
                    MSEE <- numeric()
                    R <- R+NEMlist$geneGrid
                    R[is.na(R)] <- Inf
                    if (is.null(NEMlist$weights[1])) {
                        MSEE <- rowMins(R)
                    } else {
                        R[is.infinite(R)] <- 0
                        topNsum <- function(x, N) {
                            y <- sum(x[order(x)[seq_len(N)]])
                        MSEE <- apply(R, 1, topNsum,
                        MSEE <- MSEE*NEMlist$weights
        if (parameters$cutOffs[3] == -1) {
            ## do median polish over gene clusters
            data.med <- NEMlist$fc[seq_len(ncol(getSignals(CNOlist)[[2]])), ]*0
            Epos <- which(R == MSEE, arr.ind = TRUE)
            for (i in seq_len(ncol(getSignals(CNOlist)[[1]]))) {
                tmp <-
                        NEMlist$fc[Epos[Epos[, 2] == i, 1], ],
                        -NEMlist$fc[Epos[Epos[, 2] ==
                                             ),1], ]), trace.iter=FALSE)
                data.med[i, ] <- tmp$col
            E.mat <- data.med
            E.mat[is.na(E.mat)] <- 0
            tmp <- rowSums(E.mat) != 0
            E.mat <- as.matrix(E.mat[rowSums(E.mat) != 0, ])
            rownames(E.mat) <- rownames(S.mat)[tmp]
            NEMlist$fc <- E.mat
            S.mat <- SCompMat
            if (parameters$scoring[1] == 0) {
                S.mat[S.mat == 0] <- NA
            if ("pearson" %in% method) {
                cosine.sim <- -t(cor(t(S.mat), t(E.mat), method = "p",
                                     use = "pairwise.complete.obs"))
            if ("spearman" %in% method) {
                S.mat.ranks <- t(S.mat)
                cosine.sim <- -t(cor(S.mat.ranks, t(E.mat), method = "p",
                                     use = "pairwise.complete.obs"))
            cosine.sim[is.na(cosine.sim)] <- 0
            MSEAfc <- cosine.sim
            MSEIfc <- -cosine.sim
            R <- cbind(MSEAfc, MSEIfc)
            R[is.na(R)] <- max(R[!is.na(R)])
            MSEE <- rowMins(R)
        if (tellme == 1) {
            names(MSEE) <- rownames(NEMlist$fc)
            if (parameters$cutOffs[3] > 0 & parameters$cutOffs[3] <= 1) {
                R <- R[MSEE < -parameters$cutOffs[3], ]
                MSEE <- MSEE[MSEE < -parameters$cutOffs[3]]
            if (parameters$cutOffs[3] < 0 & parameters$cutOffs[3] > -1) {
                score.quantile <- quantile(MSEE, -parameters$cutOffs[3])
                R <- R[MSEE < score.quantile, ]
                MSEE <- MSEE[MSEE < score.quantile]
            if (parameters$cutOffs[3] > 1 & parameters$cutOffs[3] <=
                length(MSEE)) {
                R <- R[order(MSEE)[seq_len(parameters$cutOffs[3])], ]
                MSEE <- MSEE[order(MSEE)[seq_len(parameters$cutOffs[3])]]
            topEgenes <- 0
            subtopo <- matrix(0, nrow = length(MSEE),
                              ncol = ncol(getSignals(CNOlist)[[1]]))
            colnames(subtopo) <- colnames(getSignals(CNOlist)[[1]])
            if (is.null(NEMlist$weights[1])) {
                Epos <- which(R == MSEE, arr.ind = TRUE)
            } else {
                Epos <-
                        , seq_len(ncol(getSignals(CNOlist)[[1]]))]
                        == 0, arr.ind = TRUE)
            if (length(Epos) != 0) {
                if (is.null(dim(Epos)[1])) {
                    Epos <- t(as.matrix(Epos))
                posReg <- Epos[Epos[, 2] <= ncol(getSignals(CNOlist)[[1]]), ]
                if (length(posReg) > 0) {
                    if (length(posReg) > 3) {
                        subtopo[posReg] <- 1
                    } else {
                        subtopo[posReg[1], posReg[2]] <- 1
                negReg <- Epos[Epos[, 2] > ncol(getSignals(CNOlist)[[1]]), ]
                if (length(negReg) > 0) {
                    if (length(negReg) > 3) {
                        negReg[, 2] <- negReg[, 2] -
                        subtopo[negReg] <- -1
                    } else {
                        negReg[2] <- negReg[2] -
                        subtopo[negReg[1], negReg[2]] <- -1

                EtoS <- matrix(0, nrow = nrow(Epos), ncol = 4)
                colnames(EtoS) <- c("Egene", "Sgene", "Type", "MSE")
                rownames(EtoS) <- names(MSEE)[Epos[, 1]]

                Epos[Epos[, 2] > ncol(subtopo), 2] <-
                    Epos[Epos[, 2] > ncol(subtopo), 2] - ncol(subtopo)

                EtoS[, 1] <- Epos[, 1]
                EtoS[, 2] <- Epos[, 2]
                EtoS[, 3] <- subtopo[cbind(Epos[, 1], Epos[, 2])]
                EtoS[, 4] <- MSEE[Epos[, 1]]

                EtoS <- EtoS[order(EtoS[, 4], decreasing = FALSE), ]
                sgeneScore <- numeric(ncol(subtopo))
            } else {
                EtoS <- matrix(0, nrow = 1, ncol = 4)
                colnames(EtoS) <- c("Egene", "Sgene", "Type", "MSE")
            if (verbose) {
                for (j in seq_len(ncol(subtopo))) {
                    message(j, ".", colnames(simResults)[j], ": ",
                            sum(EtoS[, 2] == j))
                    message("Activated: ", sum(EtoS[, 2] == j &
                                                   EtoS[, 3] == 1))
                    message("Inhibited: ", sum(EtoS[, 2] == j &
                                                   EtoS[, 3] == -1))
                    message("Summary Score:")
                    message(summary(EtoS[EtoS[, 2] == j, 4]))
                dups <- sum(duplicated(rownames(Epos)) == TRUE)
                if (dups > 0) {
                    used <-
                        sum(EtoS[!duplicated(rownames(Epos)), 2]
                            %in% seq_len(ncol(subtopo)))
                } else {
                    used <- nrow(EtoS)
                message("Unique genes used: ",
                        (used), " (", round((used/nrow(NEMlist$fc))*100, 2), "
                message("Duplicated genes: ", dups)
                message("Overall fit:")
                message(summary(EtoS[, 4]))
        if ("mLL" %in% method) {
            deviationPen <- -sum(MSEE)
        } else {
            if (parameters$cutOffs[3] > 1 &
                parameters$cutOffs[3] <= length(MSEE) & tellme == 0) {
                MSEE <- MSEE[order(MSEE, decreasing = FALSE)[
            if (parameters$cutOffs[3] > 0 & parameters$cutOffs[3] <= 1 &
                tellme == 0) {
                MSEE <- MSEE[MSEE < -parameters$cutOffs[3]]
            if (parameters$cutOffs[3] < 0 & parameters$cutOffs[3] > -1 &
                tellme == 0) {
                score.quantile <- quantile(MSEE, -parameters$cutOffs[3])
                MSEE <- MSEE[MSEE < score.quantile]
            if ("cp" %in% method) {
                deviationPen <- sum(MSEE[!is.na(MSEE)])/nrow(NEMlist$fc)
            } else {
                if (parameters$cutOffs[3] > 1 &
                    parameters$cutOffs[3] <= length(MSEE) & tellme == 0) {
                    deviationPen <-
                        1 + sum(MSEE[!is.na(MSEE)])/parameters$cutOffs[3]
                } else {
                    deviationPen <-
                        1 + sum(MSEE[!is.na(MSEE)])#/nrow(NEMlist$fc)
        ## END of my code
        NAPen <- NAFac * length(which(is.na(simResults)))
        if (opt %in% "min") {
            score <- deviationPen + NAPen + sizePen
        } else {
            score <- 1 - deviationPen - NAPen - sizePen
        if (tellme == 1) {
            return(list(EtoS = EtoS, score = score))
        } else {
#' @noRd
#' @import graph
graph2adj <-
    function(gR) {
        adj.matrix <- matrix(0,
        rownames(adj.matrix) <- nodes(gR)
        colnames(adj.matrix) <- nodes(gR)
        for (i in seq_len(length(nodes(gR)))) {
            adj.matrix[nodes(gR)[i],adj(gR,nodes(gR)[i])[[1]]] <- 1

#' @noRd
isDag <-
    function(graph = NULL, bString = 0, model = NULL) {
        if (any(bString != 0)) {
            graph <- model$reacID[bString == 1]
        if (!is.null(graph[1])) {
            adjmat <- dnf2adj(graph)
            get.order2 <- colSums(adjmat)
            adjmat <- adjmat[order(get.order2, decreasing = FALSE),
                             order(get.order2, decreasing = FALSE)]
            if (all(adjmat[lower.tri(adjmat)] == 0)) {
            } else {
        } else {
#' @noRd
#' @import cluster
kmeansNorm <-
    function(x, k = 2) {
        if (!is.matrix(x)) {
            x <- t(as.matrix(x))
            if (nrow(x) != 1) {
                x <- t(x)
        y <- x
        for (i in seq_len(nrow(x))) {
            if (sd(x[i, ]) == 0) { next() }
            cat('\r', paste(round(i/nrow(x)*100), "%", sep = ""))
            x.clust <- kmeans(x[i, ], k)
            x.dist <- dist(x[i, ])
            x.sil <- silhouette(x.clust$cluster, x.dist)
            x.norm <- x.sil[, 3]
            if (sum(x[i, x.clust$cluster == 1]) <
                sum(x[i, x.clust$cluster == 2])) {
                x.norm[x.clust$cluster == 1] <-
                    x.norm[x.clust$cluster == 1]*(-1)
            } else {
                x.norm[x.clust$cluster == 2] <-
                    x.norm[x.clust$cluster == 2]*(-1)
            x.norm <- x.norm - min(x.norm)
            x.norm <- x.norm/max(x.norm)
            y[i, ] <- x.norm
#' @noRd
#' @import
#' matrixStats
#' snowfall
#' CellNOptR
#' @importFrom mnem plotDnf
#' @importFrom Biobase rowMin rowMax
#' @importFrom matrixStats rowMaxs
localSearch <-
    function(CNOlist, NEMlist, model, approach = "fc", initSeed = NULL,
             seeds = 1,
             parameters = list(cutOffs = c(0,1,0), scoring = c(0.25,0.5,2)),
             sizeFac = 10^-10, NAFac = 1, relTol = 0.01, verbose = TRUE,
             parallel=NULL, parallel2 = 1, relFit = FALSE, method = "s",
             max.steps = Inf, max.time = Inf, node = NULL, absorpII = TRUE,
             draw = TRUE, prior = NULL) {
        if (is.null(prior[1])) {
            prior <- rep(0, length(model$reacID))
        method <- checkMethod(method)
        debug <- FALSE
        if (verbose %in% "part") {
            verbose2 <- "part"
            verbose <- TRUE
        } else {
            verbose2 <- ""
        if (seeds == "max") {
            seeds <- length(model$reacID)*2
            seeds2 <- "max"
        } else {
            seeds2 <- "none"
        if (!is(CNOlist, "CNOlist")) {
            CNOlist <- CNOlist(CNOlist)
        bLength <- length(model$reacID)
        ##simList = prep4sim(model)
        indexList = indexFinder(CNOlist, model)
        n = seeds # number of strings to analyse
        bitStrings <- matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = bLength)
        if (n >= 1) {
            bitStrings[1, ] <- c(0, rep(0, bLength-1))
        if (!is.null(initSeed[1])) {
            bitStrings[1, ] <- reduceGraph(initSeed, model, CNOlist)
        ## add a few random (but good) strings:
        if (seeds >= 2 & seeds2 != "max") {
            seed.cube <- createCube(ncol(bitStrings),seeds-1)
            if (nrow(seed.cube)>nrow(bitStrings)) {
                bitStrings[2:nrow(bitStrings), ] <-
            } else {
                bitStrings[2:(nrow(seed.cube)+1), ] <- seed.cube
        bitStringsMem <- numeric()
        bitStringsScores <- numeric()
        if (!is.null(parallel[1])) {
            if (is.list(parallel)) {
                if (length(parallel[[1]]) != length(parallel[[2]])) {
                    stop("The nodes (second list object in parallel) and the
 number of cores used on every node (first list object in parallel) must be
 the same.") }
                hosts <- character()
                for (i in seq_len(length(parallel[[1]]))) {
                    hosts <- c(hosts, rep(parallel[[2]][i], parallel[[1]][i]))
                hosts <- as.list(hosts)
                sfInit(parallel=TRUE, cpus=sum(parallel[[1]]), type="SOCK",
            } else {
                sfInit(parallel=TRUE, cpus=parallel)
            ## sfExport(list = exportVars("loc"), local = TRUE)
        start.time <- Sys.time()
        processSeed <- function(i, bitStrings, CNOlist, model, simList = NULL,
                                indexList, sizeFac, NAFac, approach = approach,
                                NEMlist = NEMlist, parameters, tellme = 0,
                                relFit = relFit, method = method,
                                max.steps = max.steps, node = node, ...) {
            stimuli <- colnames(getStimuli(CNOlist))
            inhibitors <- colnames(getInhibitors(CNOlist))
            signals <- colnames(getSignals(CNOlist)[[1]])
            step.count <- 0
            row <- i
            new <- FALSE
            bitString <- bitStrings[row, ]
            compMatTmp <- t(t(bitStringsMem) - bitString)
            compScore <- rowMaxs(abs(compMatTmp))
            if (length(compScore) == 0) { compScore <- 1 }
            if (min(compScore) == 0) {
                new <- FALSE
                safeNumber <- 0
                while(!new & safeNumber < 1000) {
                    safeNumber <- safeNumber + 1
                    bitString <- sample(c(0,1), bLength, replace = TRUE)
                    compMatTmp <-
                        t(t(rbind(bitStrings,bitStringsMem)) - bitStringTmp)
                    compScore <- rowMaxs(abs(compMatTmp))
                    if (min(compScore) > 0) {
                        new <- TRUE
            fullScore <- computeScoreNemT1(CNOlist=CNOlist, model=model,
                                           bString=bitString, sizeFac=sizeFac,
                                           NAFac=NAFac, approach = approach,
                                           NEMlist = NEMlist,
                                           parameters=parameters, tellme = 0,
                                           relFit = relFit, method = method,
            if (verbose) {
                message("Seed Network ", row, "/", n)
                if (!(verbose2 %in% "part")) {
                message(" - Score: ", fullScore)
                if (any(bitString != 0) & draw) {
                    plotDnf(model$reacID[bitString == 1],
                            CNOlist = CNOlist)
            stop <- FALSE
            save.scores <- numeric()
            edges.changed <- numeric()
            edge.history <- character()
            counter <- 0
            while(!stop) {
                score <- computeScoreNemT1(CNOlist=CNOlist, model=model,
                                           bString=bitString, sizeFac=sizeFac,
                                           NAFac=NAFac, approach = approach,
                                           NEMlist = NEMlist,
                                           parameters=parameters, tellme = 0,
                                           relFit = relFit, method = method,
                save.scores <-c(save.scores, score)
                scores <- numeric(bLength)
                sizes <- numeric(bLength)
                pValues <- numeric(bLength) + 1
                timeMark <- Sys.time()
                scoreThem <- function(i, CNOlist, model, simList = NULL,
                                      indexList, sizeFac, NAFac,
                                      approach = approach, NEMlist = NEMlist,
                                      parameters, tellme = 0, relFit = relFit,
                                      method = method, ...) {
                    if (!is.null(node[1])) {
                        if (length(grep(paste(node, collapse = "|"),
                                        model$reacID[i])) == 0) {
                        } else {
                            bitStringTmp <- bitString
                            bitStringTmp[i] <- abs(1 - bitStringTmp[i])
                            redBstring <- reduceGraph(bitStringTmp, model,
                            if (all(bitString == redBstring) & absorpII) {
                                bitStringTmp <- absorptionII(bitStringTmp,
                            } else {
                                bitStringTmp <- redBstring
                                                     approach = approach,
                                                     NEMlist = NEMlist,
                                                     tellme = 0,
                                                     relFit = relFit,
                                                     method = method,
                    } else {
                        bitStringTmp <- bitString
                        bitStringTmp[i] <- abs(1 - bitStringTmp[i])
                        redBstring <- reduceGraph(bitStringTmp, model, CNOlist)
                        if (all(bitString == redBstring) & absorpII) {
                            bitStringTmp <- absorptionII(bitStringTmp, model)
                        } else {
                            bitStringTmp <- redBstring
                        if (sizeFac == 0) {
                            size <-
                                            model$reacID[bitStringTmp == 1],
                                                       approach = approach,
                                                       NEMlist = NEMlist,
                                                       tellme = 0,
                                                       relFit = relFit,
                                                       method = method,
                                                       ...), size))
                        } else {
                                                     approach = approach,
                                                     NEMlist = NEMlist,
                                                     tellme = 0,
                                                     relFit = relFit,
                                                     method = method,
                edge.matrix <- as.matrix(seq_len(bLength))
                if (sum(prior != 0) > 0) {
                    edge.matrix <- as.matrix(edge.matrix[!prior != 0, ])
                if (parallel2 == 1 & !is.null(parallel[1])) {
                    scores <- sfApply(edge.matrix, 1, scoreThem, CNOlist, model,
                                      simList = NULL, indexList, sizeFac, NAFac,
                                      approach = approach, NEMlist = NEMlist,
                                      parameters, tellme = 0, relFit = relFit,
                                      method = method)
                } else {
                    scores <- apply(edge.matrix, 1, scoreThem, CNOlist, model,
                                    simList = NULL, indexList, sizeFac, NAFac,
                                    approach = approach, NEMlist = NEMlist,
                                    parameters, tellme = 0, relFit = relFit,
                                    method = method)
                if (sizeFac == 0) {
                    sizes <- scores[2, ]
                    scores <- scores[1, ]
                    size <-
                                strsplit(model$reacID[bitString == 1],
                    check.size <- FALSE
                    if (any(scores == score) & all(scores >= score)) {
                        if (any(sizes[scores == score] < size)) {
                            check.size <- TRUE
                } else {
                    check.size <- FALSE
                if (sum(prior != 0) > 0) {
                    scores.tmp <- scores
                    scores <- numeric(length(model$reacID))
                    scores[prior == 0] <- scores.tmp
                    scores[prior != 0] <- Inf
                timePassed <- as.numeric(Sys.time() - timeMark, unit = "secs")
                if (sum(scores < score) > 0 | check.size) {
                    if (check.size) { ##pValues[is.na(pValues)] <- 1
                        pValues <- scores # if you do not want to use pValues
                        topGates <- which(scores == score)
                        topScores <- scores[topGates]
                        topPvalues <- pValues[topGates]
                        minPvalue <- min(topPvalues)
                        topGate <- which(topPvalues == minPvalue)
                        topGate <- topGate[which(sizes[topGate] ==
                        topScore <- topScores[topGate]
                        whichGate <- which(sizes < size & scores == score)[1]
                        bitStringTmp <- bitString
                        bitStringTmp[whichGate] <-
                            abs(1 - bitStringTmp[whichGate])
                        redBstring <- reduceGraph(bitStringTmp, model, CNOlist)
                        if (all(bitString == redBstring) & absorpII) {
                            bitStringTmp2 <- bitString
                            bitString <- absorptionII(bitStringTmp, model)
                            edges <- sum(bitString != bitStringTmp2)
                            edges.changed <- c(edges.changed, -edges)
                            if (verbose) {
                                deleted <-
                                    which(bitString == 0 & bitStringTmp == 1)
                                if (bitStringTmp[whichGate] == 0 &
                                    length(deleted) > 1) {
                                    deleted <-
                                        deleted[!deleted == whichGate]
                                message("Edges changed: ", edges)
                                message("Deleted gates due to inverse ",
                                        "absorption: ",
                                              collapse = ", "))
                        } else {
                            bitStringTmp2 <- bitString
                            bitString <- redBstring
                            deleted <-
                                which(bitString == 0 & bitStringTmp2 == 1)
                            edges <- sum(bitString != bitStringTmp2)
                            edges.changed <- c(edges.changed, edges)
                            if (verbose & (length(deleted) > 1 |
                                           (length(deleted) > 0 &
                                            bitString[whichGate] == 1))) {
                                message("Edges changed: ", edges)
                                message("Deleted gates due to absorption: ",
                                              collapse = ", "))
                        bitStringsMem <- rbind(bitStringsMem, bitString)
                        if (bitString[whichGate] == 1) {
                            edge.history <- c(edge.history,
                        if (verbose) {
                            counter <- counter + 1
                            message("Iter step: ", counter)
                            if (bitString[whichGate] == 1) {
                                message("Added gate ",
                            } else {
                                message("Deleted gate ",
                            if (!(verbose2 %in% "part")) {
                            message(" - Score: ", topScore)
                            message(" - Iter_time: ", timePassed, " @ ",
                            if (any(bitString != 0) & draw) {
                                plotDnf(model$reacID[bitString == 1],
                                        CNOlist = CNOlist)
                        step.count <- step.count + 1
                        if (step.count >= max.steps) {
                            if (verbose) message("no more steps")
                            stop <- TRUE
                    } else {
                        ##pValues[is.na(pValues)] <- 1
                        pValues <- scores # if you do not want to use pValues
                        topGates <- which(scores < score)
                        topScores <- scores[topGates]
                        topPvalues <- pValues[topGates]
                        minPvalue <- min(topPvalues)
                        topGate <- which(topPvalues == minPvalue)[1]
                        topScore <- topScores[topGate]
                        whichGate <- topGates[topGate]
                        bitStringTmp <- bitString
                        bitStringTmp[whichGate] <-
                            abs(1 - bitStringTmp[whichGate])
                        redBstring <- reduceGraph(bitStringTmp, model, CNOlist)
                        if (all(bitString == redBstring) & absorpII) {
                            bitStringTmp2 <- bitString
                            bitString <- absorptionII(bitStringTmp, model)
                            edges <- sum(bitString != bitStringTmp2)
                            edges.changed <- c(edges.changed, -edges)
                            if (verbose) {
                                deleted <-
                                    which(bitString == 0 & bitStringTmp == 1)
                                if (bitStringTmp[whichGate] == 0 &
                                    length(deleted) > 1) {
                                    deleted <-
                                        deleted[!deleted == whichGate]
                                message("Edges changed: ", edges)
                                message("Deleted gates due to inverse ",
                                        "absorption: ",
                                              collapse = ", "))
                        } else {
                            bitStringTmp2 <- bitString
                            bitString <- redBstring
                            deleted <-
                                which(bitString == 0 & bitStringTmp2 == 1)
                            edges <- sum(bitString != bitStringTmp2)
                            edges.changed <- c(edges.changed, edges)
                            if (verbose & (length(deleted) > 1 |
                                           (length(deleted) > 0 &
                                            bitString[whichGate] == 1))) {
                                message("Edges changed: ", edges)
                                message("Deleted gates due to absorption: ",
                                              collapse = ", "))
                        bitStringsMem <- rbind(bitStringsMem, bitString)
                        if (bitString[whichGate] == 1) {
                            edge.history <- c(edge.history,
                        if (verbose) {
                            counter <- counter + 1
                            message("Iter step: ", counter)
                            if (bitString[whichGate] == 1) {
                                message("Added gate ",
                                if (!(verbose2 %in% "part")) {
                                message(" - Score: ", topScore)
                                message(" - Iter_time: ", timePassed, " @ ",
                            } else {
                                message("Deleted gate ",
                                if (!(verbose2 %in% "part")) {
                                message(" - Score: ", topScore)
                                message(" - Iter_time: ", timePassed, " @ ",
                            if (any(bitString != 0) & draw) {
                                plotDnf(model$reacID[bitString == 1],
                                        CNOlist = CNOlist)
                        step.count <- step.count + 1
                        if (step.count >= max.steps) {
                            if (verbose) message("no more steps")
                            stop <- TRUE
                } else {
                    if (verbose) message("no further improvement")
                    stop <- TRUE
                if (Sys.time() - start.time > max.time) {
                    if (verbose) message("no more time")
                    stop <- TRUE
            return(list(A=score,B=bitString,row=row, C=save.scores,
                        D=edges.changed, E=edge.history))
        if (!is.null(parallel[1]) & parallel2 == 0) {
            bsTemp <- sfApply(as.matrix(seq_len(n)), 1, processSeed, bitStrings,
                              CNOlist, model, simList = NULL, indexList,
                              sizeFac, NAFac, approach = approach,
                              NEMlist = NEMlist, parameters, tellme = 0,
                              relFit = relFit, method = method,
                              max.steps = max.steps, node = node)
        } else {
            bsTemp <- apply(as.matrix(seq_len(n)), 1, processSeed, bitStrings,
                            CNOlist, model, simList = NULL, indexList, sizeFac,
                            NAFac, approach = approach, NEMlist = NEMlist,
                            parameters, tellme = 0, relFit = relFit,
                            method = method, max.steps = max.steps,
                            node = node)
        save.scores <- list()
        edges.changed <- list()
        edge.history <- list()
        for (i in seq_len(length(bsTemp))) {
            bitStringsScores[bsTemp[[i]]$row] <- bsTemp[[i]]$A
            bitStrings[bsTemp[[i]]$row, ] <- bsTemp[[i]]$B
            save.scores[[i]] <- bsTemp[[i]]$C
            edges.changed[[i]] <- bsTemp[[i]]$D
            edge.history[[i]] <- bsTemp[[i]]$E
        bitString <- bitStrings
        if (!is.null(parallel[1])) {
        bitString <- bitStrings # cbind(bitStrings, bitStringsScores)
        return(list(bStrings = bitString, scores = save.scores,
                    edges = edges.changed, history = edge.history))
#' @noRd
makeDesignFull <-
    function(x, stimuli, inhibitors, batches = NULL, runs = NULL,
             method = "raw") {
        design0 <- makeDesign(x, stimuli, inhibitors, c(batches, runs))
        design <- design0
        stimuliDesign <- design[, grep(paste(stimuli, collapse = "|"),
        inhibitorsDesign <- design[, grep(paste(inhibitors, collapse = "|"),
        if (length(stimuli) == 1) {
            stimuliDesign <- as.matrix(design[, grep(paste(stimuli,
                                                           collapse = "|"),
            colnames(stimuliDesign) <- stimuli
        if (length(inhibitors) == 1) {
            inhibitorsDesign <- as.matrix(design[, grep(paste(inhibitors,
                                                              collapse = "|"),
            colnames(inhibitorsDesign) <- inhibitors
        if (is.null(stimuli[1]) == TRUE) {
            stimuliSum <- numeric(nrow(design))
        } else {
            if (length(stimuli) == 1) {
                stimuliSum <- stimuliDesign
            } else {
                stimuliSum <- rowSums(stimuliDesign)
        if (is.null(inhibitors[1]) == TRUE) {
            inhibitorsSum <- numeric(nrow(design))
        } else {
            if (length(inhibitors) == 1) {
                inhibitorsSum <- inhibitorsDesign
            } else {
                inhibitorsSum <- rowSums(inhibitorsDesign)
        cuesSum <- rowSums(design[, grep(paste(c(stimuli, inhibitors),
                                               collapse = "|"),
        maxStim <- max(stimuliSum)
        maxKd <- max(inhibitorsSum)
        maxCue <- max(cuesSum)

        grepCtrl <- which(cuesSum == 0)
        grepStims <- intersect(which(stimuliSum != 0),
                               which(inhibitorsSum == 0))
        grepKds <- intersect(which(stimuliSum == 0),
                             which(inhibitorsSum != 0))
        grepStimsKds <- intersect(which(stimuliSum != 0),
                                  which(inhibitorsSum != 0))

        design <- numeric()
        designNames <- character()
        design <- rep(0, ncol(x))
        design[grepCtrl] <- 1
        designNames <- "Ctrl"

        for (i in grepStims) {
            stimNames <- paste(sort(names(which(stimuliDesign[i, ] >= 1))),
                               collapse = "_")
            if (stimNames %in% designNames) {
                design[i, designNames %in% stimNames] <- 1
            } else {
                design <- cbind(design, rep(0, ncol(x)))
                designNames <- c(designNames, stimNames)
                design[i, designNames %in% stimNames] <- 1

        for (i in grepKds) {
            stimNames <- paste(sort(names(which(inhibitorsDesign[i, ] >= 1))),
                               collapse = "_")
            if (stimNames %in% designNames) {
                design[i, designNames %in% stimNames] <- 1
            } else {
                design <- cbind(design, rep(0, ncol(x)))
                designNames <- c(designNames, stimNames)
                design[i, designNames %in% stimNames] <- 1

        for (i in grepStimsKds) {
            stimNames <- paste(c(sort(names(which(inhibitorsDesign[i, ] >= 1))),
                                 sort(names(which(stimuliDesign[i, ] >= 1)))),
                               collapse = "_")
            if (stimNames %in% designNames) {
                design[i, designNames %in% stimNames] <- 1
            } else {
                design <- cbind(design, rep(0, ncol(x)))
                designNames <- c(designNames, stimNames)
                design[i, designNames %in% stimNames] <- 1

        if (!is.null(batches[1]))  {
            for (i in batches) {
                if (!is.null(runs[1])) {
                    for (j in runs) {
                        tmp <- numeric(ncol(x))
                        tmp[intersect(grep(i, colnames(x)),
                                      grep(j, colnames(x)))] <- 1
                        if (sum(tmp) != 0) {
                            design <- cbind(design, tmp)
                            designNames <- c(designNames, paste(sort(c(i, j)),
                                                                collapse = "_"))
        colnames(design) <- designNames
        if (method %in% "inter") {
            for (i in c(stimuli, inhibitors)) {
                design[, i] <- design0[, i]
#' @noRd
makeDesign <-
    function(x, stimuli, inhibitors, batches = NULL, runs = NULL) {
        design <- numeric()
        designNames <- character()
        for (i in c(stimuli, inhibitors, batches, runs)) {
            tmp <- numeric(ncol(x))
            tmp[grep(i, colnames(x))] <- 1
            if (sum(tmp) != 0) {
                design <- cbind(design, tmp)
                designNames <- c(designNames, i)
        colnames(design) <- designNames
#' @noRd
#' @import cluster
pamNorm <-
    function(x, method = "euclidean") {
        if (is.matrix(x)) {
            for (i in seq_len(nrow(x))) {
                clust <- pam(x[i, ], 2)
                clust.nums <- clust$clustering
                dist <- dist(x[i, ], method = method)
                sil <- silhouette(clust.nums, dist=dist)
                cluster.one <- sil[x[i, ] == max(x[i, ]), 1]
                cluster.zero <- c(1,2)[-cluster.one]
                sil[sil[, 1] == cluster.zero, 3] <-
                    sil[sil[, 1] == cluster.zero, 3]*(-1)
                sil[, 3] <- (sil[, 3] + 1)/2
                sil[x[i, ] >= x[i, which(sil[, 3] ==
                                             max(sil[, 3]))[1]], 3] <-
                    sil[which(x[i, ] == x[i, which(sil[, 3] ==
                                                       max(sil[, 3]))[1]])[1],
                sil[x[i, ] <= x[i, which(sil[, 3] ==
                                             min(sil[, 3]))[1]], 3] <-
                    sil[which(x[i, ] == x[i, which(sil[, 3] ==
                                                       min(sil[, 3]))[1]])[1],
                sil[, 3] <- sil[, 3] - min(sil[, 3])
                sil[, 3] <- sil[, 3]/max(sil[, 3])
                x[i, ] <- sil[, 3]
        } else {
            clust <- pam(x, 2)
            clust.nums <- clust$clustering
            dist <- dist(x, method = method)
            sil <- silhouette(clust.nums, dist=dist)
            cluster.one <- sil[x == max(x), 1]
            cluster.zero <- c(1,2)[-cluster.one]
            sil[sil[, 1] == cluster.zero, 3] <-
                sil[sil[, 1] == cluster.zero, 3]*(-1)
            sil[, 3] <- (sil[, 3] + 1)/2
            sil[x >= x[which(sil[, 3] == max(sil[, 3]))[1]], 3] <-
                sil[which(x == x[which(sil[, 3] == max(sil[, 3]))[1]])[1], 3]
            sil[x <= x[which(sil[, 3] == min(sil[, 3]))[1]], 3] <-
                sil[which(x == x[which(sil[, 3] == min(sil[, 3]))[1]])[1], 3]
            sil[, 3] <- sil[, 3] - min(sil[, 3])
            sil[, 3] <- sil[, 3]/max(sil[, 3])
            x <- sil[, 3]
#' @noRd
removeCycles <-
    function(bString, model, dnf = NULL) {
        if (is.null(dnf[1])) {
            if (any(bString != 0)) {
                graph <- model$reacID[bString == 1]
                adjmat <- abs(dnf2adj(graph))
                get.order <- colSums(adjmat)
                adjmat <- adjmat[order(get.order), order(get.order)]
                cycles <- which(lower.tri(adjmat) == TRUE & adjmat == 1,
                                arr.ind = TRUE)
                while(any(adjmat[lower.tri(adjmat)] == 1) &
                      nrow(cycles) > 0) {
                    for (i in seq_len(nrow(cycles))) {
                        bad.cycles <-
                            grep(paste(".*", rownames(adjmat)[cycles[i, 1]],
                                       ".*=", colnames(adjmat)[cycles[i, 2]],
                                       sep = ""), model$reacID)
                        if (length(bad.cycles) > 0 &
                            any(bString[bad.cycles] == 1)) {
                            bString[bad.cycles] <- 0
                            graph <- model$reacID[bString == 1]
                    adjmat <- abs(dnf2adj(graph))
                    get.order <- colSums(adjmat)
                    adjmat <- adjmat[order(get.order), order(get.order)]
                    cycles <- which(lower.tri(adjmat) == TRUE & adjmat == 1,
                                    arr.ind = TRUE)
            } else {
        } else {
            graph <- dnf
            adjmat <- abs(dnf2adj(graph))
            get.order <- colSums(adjmat)
            adjmat <- adjmat[order(get.order), order(get.order)]
            cycles <- which(lower.tri(adjmat) == TRUE & adjmat == 1,
                            arr.ind = TRUE)
            while(any(adjmat[lower.tri(adjmat)] == 1) & nrow(cycles) > 0) {
                for (i in seq_len(nrow(cycles))) {
                    bad.cycles <-
                                   rownames(adjmat)[cycles[i, 1]],
                                   colnames(adjmat)[cycles[i, 2]], sep = ""),
                    if (length(bad.cycles) > 0) {
                        graph <- graph[-bad.cycles]
                adjmat <- abs(dnf2adj(graph))
                get.order <- colSums(adjmat)
                adjmat <- adjmat[order(get.order), order(get.order)]
                cycles <- which(lower.tri(adjmat) == TRUE & adjmat == 1,
                                arr.ind = TRUE)
#' @noRd
simpleNorm <-
    function(x) {
        if (is.matrix(x) == FALSE) {
            genes.min <- min(x)
            x <- (x - genes.min)
            genes.max <- max(x)
            x <- x/genes.max
        } else {
            genes.min <- rowMins(x)
            x <- (x - genes.min)
            genes.max <- rowMaxs(x)
            x <- x/genes.max
        x[is.na(x)] <- 0
#' @noRd
#' @import matrixStats
simulateDnf <-
    function(dnf, stimuli = NULL, inhibitors = NULL) {
        getStateDnf <- function(node, signalStates, graph, children = NULL) {
            graphCut <- graph[grep(paste("=", node, "$", sep = ""), graph)]
            if (length(graphCut) == 0) {
                signalStates[, node] <- 0
            } else {
                sop <- numeric(nrow(signalStates))
                children2 <- gsub("!", "", children)
                for (i in graphCut) {
                    parents <- gsub("=.*$", "", unlist(strsplit(i, "\\+")))
                    pob <- rep(1, nrow(signalStates))
                    for (j in parents) {
                        j2 <- gsub("!", "", j)
                        if (sum(is.na(signalStates[, j2]) == TRUE) ==
                            length(signalStates[, j2])) {
                            if (j %in% j2) {
                                node2 <- node
                                add1 <- 0
                            } else {
                                node2 <- paste("!", node, sep = "")
                                add1 <- 1
                            if (j2 %in% children2) {
                                subGraph <-
                                    graph[-grep(paste(".*=", node, "|.*", j2,
                                                      ".*=.*", sep = ""),
                                signalStatesTmp <-
                                    getStateDnf(node = j2,
                                                signalStates = signalStates,
                                                graph = subGraph,
                                                children = NULL)
                                if (
                                            children[which(children2 %in%
                                            add1)/2)) {
                                    ## negative feedback loop calculation does
                                    ## not seem to be general enough and also
                                    ## not feasible:
                                } else {
                                if (add1 == 0) {
                                    pobMult <- signalStatesTmp[, j2]
                                } else {
                                    pobMult <- add1 - signalStatesTmp[, j2]
                            } else {
                                signalStates <-
                                    getStateDnf(node = j2,
                                                signalStates = signalStates,
                                                graph = graph,
                                                children = unique(c(children,
                                if (add1 == 0) {
                                    pobMult <- signalStates[, j2]
                                } else {
                                    pobMult <- add1 - signalStates[, j2]
                            pob <- pob*pobMult
                        } else {
                            if (j %in% j2) {
                                add1 <- 0
                            } else {
                                add1 <- 1
                            if (add1 == 0) {
                                pobMult <- signalStates[, j2]
                            } else {
                                pobMult <- add1 - signalStates[, j2]
                            pob <- pob*pobMult
                        if (max(pob, na.rm = TRUE) == 0) { break() }
                    sop <- sop + pob
                    if (min(sop, na.rm = TRUE) > 0) { break() }
                sop[sop > 0] <- 1
                if (node %in% inhibitors) {
                    sop <- sop*0
                if (node %in% stimuli) {
                    sop <- max(sop, 1)
                signalStates[, node] <- sop
        signals <-
            unique(gsub("!", "", unlist(strsplit(unlist(strsplit(dnf, "=")),
        graph <- dnf
        signalStates <- matrix(NA, nrow = 1, ncol = length(signals))
        rownames(signalStates) <- paste(c("stimuli:", stimuli, "inhibitors:",
                                          inhibitors), collapse = " ")
        colnames(signalStates) <- signals
        signalStates[signals %in% stimuli] <- 1
        for (k in signals) {
            if (is.na(signalStates[, k]) == TRUE) {
                signalStates <- getStateDnf(node = k,
                                            signalStates = signalStates,
                                            graph = graph, children = NULL)
        namestmp <- colnames(signalStates)
        signalStates <- as.vector(signalStates)
        names(signalStates) <- namestmp
        return(signalStates = signalStates)
#' @noRd
#' @import
#' matrixStats
#' @importFrom Biobase rowMin rowMax
simulateStatesRecursiveAdd <-
    function(CNOlist, model, bString, NEMlist = NULL) {
        getStateAdd <- function(CNOlist, node, signalStates, graph,
                                children = NULL, NEMlist = NULL) {
            graphCut <- graph[grep(paste("=", node, sep = ""), graph)]
            if (length(graphCut) == 0) {
                if (node %in% colnames(getInhibitors(CNOlist))) {
                    signalStates[, node] <- 0 - getInhibitors(CNOlist)[, node]
                } else {
                    signalStates[, node] <- 0
            } else {
                sop <- numeric(nrow(signalStates)) - 1
                children2 <- gsub("!", "", children)
                for (i in graphCut) {
                    parents <- gsub("=.*$", "", unlist(strsplit(i, "\\+")))
                    pob <- rep(1, nrow(signalStates))
                    for (j in parents) {
                        j2 <- gsub("!", "", j)
                        if (sum(is.na(signalStates[, j2]) == TRUE) ==
                            length(signalStates[, j2])) {
                            if (j2 %in% children2) {
                                if (j2 %in% j) {
                                    node2 <- node
                                    add1 <- 0
                                } else {
                                    node2 <- paste("!", node, sep = "")
                                    add1 <- 1
                                if (
                                                    children2 %in%
                                     add1)/2 !=
                                                        children2 %in% j2):
                                    ) {
                                    subGraph <-
                                                        sep = ""), graph)]
                                    subResult <-
                                        getStateAdd(CNOlist = CNOlist,
                                                    node = node,
                                                    signalStates = signalStates,
                                                    graph = subGraph,
                                                    children = NULL, NEMlist)
                                    pobMult <- subResult[, node]
                                    subResult <- signalStates
                                    subResult[, node] <- pobMult
                                    subGraph2 <- graph[!graph %in% i]
                                    subResult2 <-
                                        getStateAdd(CNOlist = CNOlist,
                                                    node = j2,
                                                    signalStates = subResult,
                                                    graph = subGraph2,
                                                    children = NULL, NEMlist)
                                    if (add1 == 0) {
                                        pobMult2 <- subResult2[, j2]
                                    } else {
                                        pobMult2 <- add1 - subResult2[, j2]
                                    pobMult2[pobMult2 == 2] <- 1

                                    pobNA <- numeric(length(pob))
                                    pobNA[is.na(pob)] <- 1
                                    pobNA[is.na(pobMult)] <- 1
                                    pobNA[pobMult != pobMult2] <- 1
                                    pobMult[is.na(pobMult)] <- 1
                                    pobMult[pobMult != pobMult2] <- 1
                                    pob[is.na(pob)] <- 1

                                    ##pobMult[pobMult == -1] <- 0
                                    pob <- rowMin(cbind(pob,pobMult))

                                    pobNA[pob == 0] <- 0
                                    pob[pobNA > 0] <- NA
                                } else {
                                    signalStatesTemp <- signalStates
                                    if (!(j %in% j2)) {
                                        if (j2 %in%
                                            colnames(getInhibitors(CNOlist))) {
                                            signalStatesTemp[, node] <-
                                                1 - getInhibitors(CNOlist)[, j2]
                                        } else {
                                            signalStatesTemp[, node] <- 1
                                    } else {
                                        if (j2 %in%
                                            colnames(getInhibitors(CNOlist))) {
                                            signalStatesTemp[, node] <-
                                                0 - getInhibitors(CNOlist)[, j2]
                                        } else {
                                            signalStatesTemp[, node] <- 0
                                    subGraph <- graph[!graph %in% i]
                                    subResult <-
                                        getStateAdd(CNOlist = CNOlist,
                                                    node = j2,
                                                    signalStates =
                                                    graph = subGraph,
                                                    children = NULL, NEMlist)

                                    if (add1 == 0) {
                                        pobMult <- subResult[, j2]
                                    } else {
                                        pobMult <- add1 - subResult[, j2]
                                    pobMult[pobMult == 2] <- 1

                                    pobNA <- numeric(length(pob))
                                    pobNA[is.na(pob)] <- 1
                                    pobNA[is.na(pobMult)] <- 1
                                    pobMult[is.na(pobMult)] <- 1
                                    pob[is.na(pob)] <- 1

                                    ##pobMult[pobMult == -1] <- 0
                                    pob <- rowMin(cbind(pob,pobMult))

                                    pobNA[pob == 0] <- 0
                                    pob[pobNA > 0] <- NA
                            } else {
                                if (j %in% j2) {
                                    node2 <- node
                                    add1 <- 0
                                } else {
                                    node2 <- paste("!", node, sep = "")
                                    add1 <- 1
                                signalStates <-
                                    getStateAdd(CNOlist = CNOlist, node = j2,
                                                signalStates = signalStates,
                                                graph = graph,
                                                children =
                                                    unique(c(children, node2)),

                                if (add1 == 0) {
                                    pobMult <- signalStates[, j2]
                                } else {
                                    pobMult <- add1 - signalStates[, j2]
                                pobMult[pobMult == 2] <- 1

                                pobNA <- numeric(length(pob))
                                pobNA[is.na(pob)] <- 1
                                pobNA[is.na(pobMult)] <- 1
                                pobMult[is.na(pobMult)] <- 1
                                pob[is.na(pob)] <- 1

                                ##pobMult[pobMult == -1] <- 0
                                pob <- rowMin(cbind(pob,pobMult))

                                pobNA[pob == 0] <- 0
                                pob[pobNA > 0] <- NA
                        } else {
                            if (j %in% j2) {
                                add1 <- 0
                            } else {
                                add1 <- 1

                            if (add1 == 0) {
                                pobMult <- signalStates[, j2]
                            } else {
                                pobMult <- add1 - signalStates[, j2]
                            pobMult[pobMult == 2] <- 1

                            pobNA <- numeric(length(pob))
                            pobNA[is.na(pob)] <- 1
                            pobNA[is.na(pobMult)] <- 1
                            pobMult[is.na(pobMult)] <- 1
                            pob[is.na(pob)] <- 1
                            pob <- rowMin(cbind(pob,pobMult))

                            pobNA[pob == 0] <- 0
                            pob[pobNA > 0] <- NA
                        if (max(pob, na.rm = TRUE) == 0) { break() }
                    pobNA <- numeric(length(pob))
                    pobNA[is.na(pob)] <- 1
                    pobNA[is.na(sop)] <- 1
                    pob[is.na(pob)] <- 0
                    sop[is.na(sop)] <- 0
                    sop <- rowMax(cbind(sop,pob))
                    pobNA[sop > 0] <- 0
                    sop[pobNA > 0] <- NA
                    if (min(sop, na.rm = TRUE) > 0) { break() }
                ##sop[sop > 0] <- 1
                if (node %in% colnames(getInhibitors(CNOlist))) {
                    sop <- sop - getInhibitors(CNOlist)[, node]
                if (node %in% colnames(getStimuli(CNOlist))) {
                    sop <- sop + getStimuli(CNOlist)[, node]
                signalStates[, node] <- sop
        bString <- reduceGraph(bString, CNOlist, model)
        stimuli <- colnames(getStimuli(CNOlist))
        inhibitors <-
              model$namesSpecies[!model$namesSpecies %in%
        graph <- model$reacID[bString == 1]
        stimuliStates <- getStimuli(CNOlist)
        if (!is.null(NEMlist$signalStates[1])) {
            signalStates <- NEMlist$signalStates
        } else {
            signalStates <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(getSignals(CNOlist)[[2]]),
                                   ncol = length(inhibitors))
            rownames(signalStates) <- rownames(getSignals(CNOlist)[[2]])
            colnames(signalStates) <- inhibitors
            signalStates <- cbind(stimuliStates, signalStates)
        for (k in inhibitors) {
            if (sum(is.na(signalStates[, k]) == TRUE) ==
                length(signalStates[, k])) {
                signalStates <- getStateAdd(CNOlist = CNOlist, node = k,
                                            signalStates = signalStates,
                                            graph = graph, children = NULL,
#' @noRd
smoothMatrix <-
    function(M, n=1, direction = 0, torus = FALSE, verbose = FALSE) {
        Msmooth <- M
        if (n > 0) {
            for (i in seq_len(n)) {
                cat('\r', i)
                Mtmp <- Msmooth
                M1 <- M2 <- M3 <- M4 <- M5 <- M6 <- M7 <- M8 <- M*0
                if (torus) {
                    if (any(direction %in% c(0,1))) {
                        M1 <- cbind(Msmooth[, ncol(M)],
                                    Msmooth[, seq_len((ncol(M)-1))])
                        M5 <- cbind(Msmooth[, 2:ncol(M)], Msmooth[, 1])
                    if (any(direction %in% c(0,2))) {
                        M3 <- rbind(Msmooth[nrow(M), ],
                                    Msmooth[seq_len((nrow(M)-1)), ])
                        M7 <- rbind(Msmooth[2:nrow(M), ], Msmooth[1, ])
                    if (any(direction %in% c(0,3))) {
                        M2 <- rbind(cbind(Msmooth[, ncol(M)],
                                              , seq_len((ncol(M)-1))])[nrow(M),
                                    cbind(Msmooth[, ncol(M)],
                                              , seq_len((ncol(M)-1))])[
                                                  seq_len((nrow(M)-1)), ])
                        M6 <- rbind(cbind(Msmooth[, 2:ncol(M)],
                                          Msmooth[, 1])[2:nrow(M), ],
                                    cbind(Msmooth[, 2:ncol(M)],
                                          Msmooth[, 1])[1, ])
                    if (any(direction %in% c(0,4))) {
                        M4 <- rbind(cbind(Msmooth[, 2:ncol(M)],
                                          Msmooth[, 1])[nrow(M), ],
                                    cbind(Msmooth[, 2:ncol(M)],
                                          Msmooth[, 1])[seq_len((nrow(M)-1)), ])
                        M8 <- cbind(rbind(Msmooth[2:nrow(M), ],
                                          Msmooth[1, ])[, ncol(M)],
                                    rbind(Msmooth[2:nrow(M), ],
                                          Msmooth[1, ])[, seq_len((ncol(M)-1))])
                } else {
                    if (any(direction %in% c(0,1))) {
                        M1 <- cbind(0, Msmooth[, seq_len((ncol(M)-1))])
                        M5 <- cbind(Msmooth[, 2:ncol(M)], 0)
                    if (any(direction %in% c(0,2))) {
                        M3 <- rbind(0, Msmooth[seq_len((nrow(M)-1)), ])
                        M7 <- rbind(Msmooth[2:nrow(M), ], 0)
                    if (any(direction %in% c(0,3))) {
                        M2 <-
                                            , seq_len((ncol(M)-1))])[
                                                seq_len((nrow(M)-1)), ])
                        M6 <- rbind(cbind(Msmooth[, 2:ncol(M)], 0)[2:nrow(M), ]
                                    , 0)
                    if (any(direction %in% c(0,4))) {
                        M4 <- rbind(0, cbind(Msmooth[, 2:ncol(M)], 0)[
                            seq_len((nrow(M)-1)), ])
                        M8 <- cbind(0, rbind(Msmooth[2:nrow(M), ], 0)[
                            , seq_len((ncol(M)-1))])
                denom <- matrix(9, nrow(M), ncol(M))
                Msmooth <- Mtmp+M1+M2+M3+M4+M5+M6+M7+M8
                Msmooth <- Msmooth/denom
                if (all(Mtmp == Msmooth)) {
                    if (verbose) message("convergence")
#' @noRd
createCube <- function(n=3, m=n) {
    if (m > n) { m <- n-1 }
    n2 <- FALSE
    m2 <- FALSE
    if (!(round(n/2) == n/2)) {
        n2 <- TRUE
        n <- n + 1
    if (!(round(m/2) == m/2)) {
        m2 <- TRUE
        m <- m + 1
    e <- matrix(0, m, n)
    e[1, ] <- sample(c(0,1), n, replace = TRUE)
    for (i in (seq_len((m/2))*2)) {
        e[i, ] <- 1 - e[i-1, ]
        if (i >= m) { break() }
        for (j in seq_len(i)) {
            e[i+1, ((j-1)*(n/i)+1):(j*(n/i))] <- e[j, ((j-1)*(n/i)+1):(j*(n/i))]
    if (n2) {
        e <- e[, -1]
    if (m2) {
        e <- e[-nrow(e), ]
MartinFXP/B-NEM documentation built on May 8, 2024, 4:28 a.m.