
Defines functions thresholds.mincQvals thresholds mincFDRMask mincFDRThresholdVector anatFDR.anatLmer anatFDR.anatModel anatFDR vertexFDR.vertexLmer vertexFDR.vertexMultiDim vertexFDR mincFDR.mincMultiDim mincFDR.mincLmer mincFDR.mincLogLikRatio mincFDR.mincSingleDim mincFDR

Documented in anatFDR anatFDR.anatLmer anatFDR.anatModel mincFDR mincFDRMask mincFDR.mincLmer mincFDR.mincLogLikRatio mincFDR.mincMultiDim mincFDR.mincSingleDim mincFDRThresholdVector thresholds thresholds.mincQvals vertexFDR vertexFDR.vertexLmer vertexFDR.vertexMultiDim

#' False Discovery Rates
#' Takes the output of a minc modelling function and computes False Discovery Rate thresholds.
#' @param buffer The results of a mincLm type run.
#' @param columns A vector of column names. By default the threshold will
#' be computed for all columns; with this argument the computation can
#' be limited to a subset.
#' @param mask Either a filename or a numeric vector representing a mask
#' only values inside the mask will be used to compute the
#' threshold.
#' @param df The degrees of freedom - normally this can be determined
#' from the input object.
#' @param statType This should be either a "t","F","u","chisq" or "tlmer" depending upon the
#' type of statistic being thresholded.
#' @param method The method used to compute the false discovery
#' rate. Options are "FDR" and "pFDR".
#' @param ... extra parameters to pass to methods
#' @details This function uses the \code{qvalue} package to compute the
#'  False Discovery Rate threshold for the results of a \link{mincLm}
#'  computation. The False Discovery Rate represents the percentage of
#'  results expected to be a false positive. Two implementations can be
#'  used as specified by the method argument. "FDR" uses the
#'  implementation in \code{p.adjust}, whereas "pFDR" is a version of the
#'  postivie False Discovery Rate as found in John Storey's \code{qvalue}
#'  package. The main interface functions are 
#'  \itemize{
#'  \item{mincFDR.mincMultiDim}{ The workhorse function, used to compute q-values
#'  and thresholds for sets of minc volumes}
#'  \item{mincFDR.logLikRatio}{ Similar to above, but calculates thresholds by parametric
#'  bootstrap when possible}
#'  \item{mincFDR.mincSingleDim}{ Used when \link{mincLm}-like results are written out and read back in
#'  either to the same or another R session. In this case it loses it's \code{minMultiDim} class
#'  and must be converted back}
#'  \item{vertexFDR}{ Used with results of a \link{vertexLm}-like command. Results are converted internally
#'  to resemble a mincMultiDim and processed as normal}
#'  } 
#' @return A object of type \code{mincQvals} with the same number of columns
#'  as the input (or the subset specified by the columns argument to
#'  mincFDR). Each column now contains the qvalues for each voxel. Areas
#'  outside the mask (if a mask was specified) will be represented by a
#'  value of 1. The result also has an attribute called "thresholds"
#'  which contains the 1, 5, 10, 15, and 20 percent false discovery rate
#'  thresholds.
#' @seealso mincWriteVolume,mincLm,mincWilcoxon or mincTtest 
#' @examples 
#' \dontrun{
#' getRMINCTestData() 
#' # read the text file describing the dataset
#' gf <- read.csv("/tmp/rminctestdata/test_data_set.csv")
#' # run a linear model relating the data in all voxels to Genotype
#' vs <- mincLm(jacobians_fixed_2 ~ Sex, gf)
#' # compute the False Discovery Rate
#' qvals <- mincFDR(vs)
#' }
#' @export
mincFDR <- function(buffer, ...) {
#' @describeIn mincFDR mincSingleDim
#' @export
mincFDR.mincSingleDim <- function(buffer, df, mask = NULL, method = "fdr", ...) {
  if (is.null(df)) {
    stop("Error: need to specify the degrees of freedom")
  message('default method has changed, specify method = "qvalue" to retain old implementation')
  # if (length(df) == 1) {
  #   df <- c(1,df)
  # }
  dim(buffer) <- c(length(buffer), 1)
  mincFDR.mincMultiDim(buffer, columns=1, mask=mask, df=df, method=method, ...)

#' @describeIn mincFDR mincLogLikRatio
#' @export
mincFDR.mincLogLikRatio <- function(buffer, mask=NULL, ...) {
  cat("Computing FDR for mincLogLikRatio\n")
  df <- attr(buffer, "df")
  mask <- mincFDRMask(mask, buffer)
  ncols <- ncol(buffer)
  # compute the thresholds at several sig levels
  p.thresholds <- c(0.01, 0.05, 0.10, 0.15, 0.20)
  # check whether the parametric bootstrap was estimated on the model
  haveParametricBootstrap <- "parametricBootstrap" %in% names(attributes(buffer))
  if (haveParametricBootstrap) {
    # we'll keep the estimate, corrected q|pvals and their upper and lower 95% conf limits
    # note: same as parametricBootstrap, at the moment has a limit of a single column of
    # chi-squared values (i.e. the comparison of two input models)
    ncols <- 4
  # compute p and q values
  # pvals and qvals size corresponds to voxels inside mask, whereas output
  # is the size of the buffer. (ncols is changed if parametricBootstrap present)
  pvals <- matrix(nrow=sum(mask>0.5), ncol=ncols)
  output <- matrix(1, nrow=nrow(buffer), ncol=ncols)
  thresholds <- matrix(nrow=length(p.thresholds), ncol=ncols)
  qvals <- pvals
  for (i in 1:ncols) {
    # compute qvals through R's p.adjust function
    currentDF <- df[[1]]
    if (i == 1 | haveParametricBootstrap == F) {
      currentDF <- df[[i]]
      pvals[, i] <- pchisq(buffer[mask>0.5, i], currentDF, lower.tail=F)
    if (haveParametricBootstrap & i==1) {
      # the linear model computed as part of the parametric bootstrap
      # note: as with the parametricBootstrap code, at the moment the assumption is
      # that there were only two models being compared, and thus a single column of
      # chisq values in the input 
      pvals[,2:4] <- predict(attr(buffer, "parametricBootstrapModel"),
    qvals[, i] <- p.adjust(pvals[, i], "fdr")
    tfunc <- function(x) { qchisq(max(x), currentDF, lower.tail=FALSE) }
    thresholds[,i] <- mincFDRThresholdVector(pvals[,i], qvals[,i], tfunc, p.thresholds)
    output[mask>0.5, i] <- qvals[, i]
  if (haveParametricBootstrap) {
    columnNames <- c("Chisq approx.", "Corrected", "Corrected lwr CI", "Corrected upr CI")
  else {
    columnNames <- colnames(buffer)
  rownames(thresholds) <- p.thresholds
  colnames(thresholds) <- columnNames
  attr(output, "thresholds") <- thresholds
  colnames(output) <- columnNames
  attr(output, "likeVolume") <- attr(buffer, "likeVolume")
  attr(output, "DF") <- df
  class(output) <- c("mincQvals", "mincMultiDim", "matrix")
  # run the garbage collector...
  gcout <- gc()

#' @describeIn mincFDR mincLmer
#' @export
mincFDR.mincLmer <- function(buffer, mask=NULL, method="fdr", ...) {
  # if no DF set, exit with message
  df <- attr(buffer, "df")
  if (is.null(df)) {
    stop("No degrees of freedom for object. Needs to be explicitly assigned with {minc|anat|vertex}LmerEstimateDF (and read the documentation of that function to learn about the dragons that be living there!).")
  else {
    warning("Here be dragons! Hypothesis testing with mixed effects models is challenging, since nobody quite knows how to correctly estimate denominator degrees of freedom.")
  # get the mask
  mask <- mincFDRMask(mask, buffer)
  # only compute stats on tlmer columns
  tlmerColumns <- grep("tlmer", attr(buffer, "stat-type"))
  ncolsToUse <- length(tlmerColumns)
  # sanity check to ensure that number of tlmer columns matches DF
  if (ncolsToUse != length(df)) {
    stop("Mismatch between DF and number of columns")
  # compute p and q values
  # pvals and qvals size corresponds to voxels inside mask, whereas output
  # is the size of the buffer.
  pvals <- matrix(nrow=sum(mask>0.5), ncol=ncolsToUse)
  qvals <- pvals
  output <- matrix(1, nrow=nrow(buffer), ncol=ncolsToUse)
  # compute the thresholds at several sig levels
  p.thresholds <- c(0.01, 0.05, 0.10, 0.15, 0.20)
  thresholds <- matrix(nrow=length(p.thresholds), ncol=ncolsToUse)
  for (i in 1:ncolsToUse) {
    # compute qvals through R's p.adjust function
    pvals[, i] <- pt2(buffer[mask>0.5, tlmerColumns[i]], df[[i]])
    qvals[, i] <- p.adjust(pvals[, i], method=method)
    output[mask>0.5, i] <- qvals[, i]
    for (j in 1:length(p.thresholds)) {
      # compute thresholds; to be honest, not quite sure what the NA checking is about
      subTholdPvalues <- pvals[qvals[,i] <= p.thresholds[j], i]
      subTholdPvaluesNumbers = subTholdPvalues[which(!is.na(subTholdPvalues))];
      if ( length(subTholdPvaluesNumbers) >= 1 ) {
        thresholds[j,i] <-qt(max(subTholdPvaluesNumbers)/2, df[[i]], lower.tail=FALSE)
      else { thresholds[j,i] <- NA }
  columnNames <- colnames(buffer)[tlmerColumns]
  columnNamesQ <- sub("tvalue", "qvalue", columnNames)
  rownames(thresholds) <- p.thresholds
  colnames(thresholds) <- columnNames
  attr(output, "thresholds") <- thresholds
  colnames(output) <- columnNamesQ
  rownames(output) <- rownames(buffer)
  attr(output, "likeVolume") <- attr(buffer, "likeVolume")
  attr(output, "DF") <- df
  class(output) <- c("mincQvals", "mincMultiDim", "matrix")
  # run the garbage collector...
  gcout <- gc()

#' @describeIn mincFDR mincMultiDim
#' @export
mincFDR.mincMultiDim <- function(buffer, columns=NULL, mask=NULL, df=NULL,
                                 method="FDR", statType=NULL, ...) {
  if(is.null(attr(buffer, "df"))) attr(buffer, "df") <- df
  originalMincAttrs <- mincAttributes(buffer)
  stattype <- originalMincAttrs$`stat-type`
  # Remove coefficients from buffer
    for (nStat in 1:length(stattype)) {
      if(stattype[nStat] == 'beta' || stattype[nStat] == 'R-squared' || stattype[nStat] == "logLik") {
        if(!exists('indicesToRemove')) {
          indicesToRemove = nStat 
        else {
          indicesToRemove = c(indicesToRemove,nStat) 
    if(exists('indicesToRemove')) {
      updatedAttrs <- originalMincAttrs
      updatedAttrs$`stat-type` <- updatedAttrs$`stat-type`[-indicesToRemove]
      updatedAttrs$dimnames[[2]] <- updatedAttrs$dimnames[[2]][-indicesToRemove]
      buffer <- buffer[,-indicesToRemove]
      buffer <- setMincAttributes(buffer, updatedAttrs)
  # must know the type of statistic we are dealing with
  knownStats <- c("t", "F", "u", "chisq", "tlmer")
  if (is.null(statType)) {
    # stat type not specified - must be an attribute to the buffer
    if (is.null(attr(buffer, "stat-type"))) {
      stop("Error: need to specify the type of statistic.")
    else {
      statType <- attr(buffer, "stat-type")
    # make sure that there are either just one stat type
    # or as many as there are columns
    if (length(statType) == 1 & ncol(buffer) !=1) {
      statType <- rep(statType, ncol(buffer))
    else if (length(statType) == ncol(buffer)) {
      # do nothing
    else {
      stop("Error: stat type needs to be either a single entry or as many entries as there are columns in the buffer")

  # make sure that the stat type is recognized
  if (! all(statType %in% knownStats)) {
    stop("Error: not all the stat types are recognized. Currently allowed are: ",
         paste(knownStats, collapse=" "))
  if ( any(statType %in% "u")) {
    m <- attr(buffer, "m") 
    n <- attr(buffer, "n")
  else {
    # need to know the degrees of freedom
    df <- attr(buffer, "df")
    if (is.null(df)) {
      if (any(statType %in% "tlmer")) {
        stop("Error: no degrees of freedom for mincLmer object. Needs to be explicitly assigned with mincLmerEstimateDF (and read the documentation of that function to learn about the dragons that be living there!).")
      else {
        stop("Error: need to specify the degrees of freedom")
    if (length(df) == 1 & ncol(buffer) != 1) {
      df <- rep(list(df), ncol(buffer))
    else if (length(df) == ncol(buffer)) {
      # do nothing
    else {
      stop("Error: df needs to be of either length 1 or the same length as number of columns in the buffer")
    #df <- vector(length=2)
    #df[1] <- ncol(attributes(buffer)$model) -1
    #df[2] <- nrow(attributes(buffer)$model) - ncol(attributes(buffer)$model)
  if (is.null(columns)) {
    columns <- colnames(buffer)
    cat("\nComputing FDR threshold for all columns\n")
  n.cols <- length(columns)
  n.row <-0
  if (is.matrix(buffer)) {
    n.row <- nrow(buffer)
  else {
    n.row <- length(buffer)
  if (is.null(mask)) {
    mask <- vector(length=n.row) + 1
  else {
    mask <- mincGetMask(mask)
  output <- matrix(1, nrow=n.row, ncol=n.cols)
  p.thresholds <- c(0.01, 0.05, 0.10, 0.15, 0.20)
  thresholds <- matrix(nrow=length(p.thresholds), ncol=n.cols)
  if (any("tlmer" %in% statType)) {
    warning("Warning: computing p-values from a mincLmer call. Mixed-effects models are notoriously difficult to correctly obtain p-values from, so this is based on an approximation and might be incorrect. Read the documentation and, if in doubt, use log likelihood testing for a more correct approach.")
  new_dfs <- list()
  for (i in 1:n.cols) {
    cat("  Computing threshold for ", columns[i], "\n")
    pvals <- 0
    qobj <- vector("list", length(pvals))
    col_ind <- match(columns[i], colnames(buffer))
    new_dfs[[i]] <- df[[col_ind]]
    # convert statistics to p-values
    if (statType[col_ind] %in% c("t", "tlmer")) {
      if (is.matrix(buffer)) {
        pvals <- pt2(buffer[mask>0.5, col_ind], df[[col_ind]])
      else {
        pvals <- pt2(buffer[mask>0.5], df[[col_ind]])
    else if (statType[col_ind] == "F") {
      if (is.matrix(buffer)) {
        pvals <- pf(buffer[mask>0.5, col_ind], df[[col_ind]][1], df[[col_ind]][2],
      else {
        pvals <- pf(buffer[mask>0.5], df[[col_ind]][1], df[[col_ind]][2], lower.tail=FALSE)
    else if (statType[col_ind] == "u") {
      pvals <- 1 - pwilcox(buffer[mask>0.5,col_ind],m,n,lower.tail = FALSE)
    else if (statType[col_ind] == "chisq") {
      if (is.matrix(buffer)) {
        pvals <- pchisq(buffer[mask>0.5, col_ind], df[[col_ind]], lower.tail=F)
      else {
        pvals <- pchisq(buffer[mask>0.5], df[[col_ind]], lower.tail=F)
    # determine corresponding q values
    if (method=="qvalue") {
      qobj <- qvalue::qvalue(pvals)
    else if (method == "FDR" | method == "p.adjust") {
      qobj$pvalue <- pvals
      qobj$qvalue <- p.adjust(pvals, "fdr")
    else if (method == "BY") {
      qobj$pvalue <- pvals
      qobj$qvalue <- p.adjust(pvals, "BY")
    else if (method == "pFDR" | method == "fastqvalue") {
      qobj <- fast.qvalue(pvals)
    # calculate thresholds at different sig levels
    for (j in 1:length(p.thresholds)) {
      if (statType[col_ind] == "F") {
        subTholdPvalues <- qobj$pvalue[qobj$qvalue <= p.thresholds[j]]
        subTholdPvaluesNumbers = subTholdPvalues[which(!is.na(subTholdPvalues))];
        # cat(sprintf("Number of sub-threshold F p-values: %d\n", length(subTholdPvalues)))
        if ( length(subTholdPvaluesNumbers) >= 1 ) {
          thresholds[j,i] <-
            qf(max(subTholdPvaluesNumbers), df[[col_ind]][1], df[[col_ind]][2], lower.tail=FALSE)
        } else { thresholds[j,i] <- NA }
      else if (statType[col_ind] %in% c("t", "tlmer")) {
        subTholdPvalues <- qobj$pvalue[qobj$qvalue <= p.thresholds[j]]
        subTholdPvaluesNumbers = subTholdPvalues[which(!is.na(subTholdPvalues))];
        #cat(sprintf("Number of sub-threshold t p-values: %d\n", length(subTholdPvalues)))
        if ( length(subTholdPvaluesNumbers) >= 1 ) {
          thresholds[j,i] <-qt(max(subTholdPvaluesNumbers)/2, df[[col_ind]], lower.tail=FALSE)
        } else { thresholds[j,i] <- NA }
      else if (statType[col_ind] == "u") {
        subTholdPvalues <- qobj$pvalue[qobj$qvalue <= p.thresholds[j]]
        subTholdPvaluesNumbers = subTholdPvalues[which(!is.na(subTholdPvalues))];
        #cat(sprintf("Number of sub-threshold t p-values: %d\n", length(subTholdPvalues)))
        if ( length(subTholdPvaluesNumbers) >= 1 ) {
          thresholds[j,i] <-qwilcox(max(subTholdPvaluesNumbers),m,n,lower.tail = TRUE)
        } else { thresholds[j,i] <- NA }
      else if (statType[col_ind] == "chisq") {
        subTholdPvalues <- qobj$pvalue[qobj$qvalue <= p.thresholds[j]]
        #cat(sprintf("Number of sub-threshold t p-values: %d\n", length(subTholdPvalues)))
        if ( length(subTholdPvalues) >= 1 ) {
          thresholds[j,i] <-qchisq(max(subTholdPvalues), df[[col_ind]], lower.tail=FALSE)
        } else { thresholds[j,i] <- NA }       
    output[mask>0.5,i] <- qobj$qvalue
  rownames(thresholds) <- p.thresholds
  colnames(thresholds) <- columns
  attr(output, "thresholds") <- thresholds
  colnames(output) <- paste0("qvalue-", columns)
  rownames(output) <- rownames(buffer)
  attr(output, "likeVolume") <- attr(buffer, "likeVolume")
  attr(output, "DF") <- new_dfs
  class(output) <- c("mincQvals", "mincMultiDim", "matrix")
  # run the garbage collector...
  gcout <- gc()

#' Vertex False Discovery Rates
#' Takes the output of a minc modelling function and computes False Discovery Rate thresholds.
#' @param buffer The results of a vertexLm type run.
#' @param ... additional parameters to \link{mincFDR} like method
#' @return A object of type \code{mincQvals} with the same number of columns
#' as the input. Each column now contains the qvalues for each vertex. Areas
#' outside the mask (if a mask was specified) will be represented by a
#' value of 1. The result also has an attribute called "thresholds"
#' which contains the 1, 5, 10, 15, and 20 percent false discovery rate
#' thresholds.
#' @export
vertexFDR <- function(buffer, ...){

#' @describeIn vertexFDR vertexMultiDim
#' @export
vertexFDR.vertexMultiDim <- function(buffer, ...) {
  mincFDR.mincMultiDim(buffer, ...)

#' @describeIn vertexFDR vertexLmer
#' @export
vertexFDR.vertexLmer <-
  function(buffer, ...){
    arglist <- list(...)
    if(! "mask" %in% names(arglist))
      arglist$mask <- maskFile(buffer, strict = FALSE)
    if(!is.null(arglist$mask) & is.character(arglist$mask))
      arglist$mask <- as.numeric(readLines(arglist$mask))
    do.call(mincFDR.mincLmer, c(list(buffer), arglist))

#' Anatomy False Discovery Rates
#' @param buffer the result of an \link{anatLm} type call
#' @param ... additional parameters to \code{mincLmer} like method
#' @inheritParams mincLmer
#' @return A object of type \code{mincQvals} with the same number of columns
#' as the input. Each column now contains the qvalues for each structure. Areas
#' outside the mask (if a mask was specified) will be represented by a
#' value of 1. The result also has an attribute called "thresholds"
#' which contains the 1, 5, 10, 15, and 20 percent false discovery rate
#' @export
anatFDR <- function(buffer, ...){

#' @describeIn anatFDR anatModel
#' @export
anatFDR.anatModel <- function(buffer, ...) {
  vertexFDR.vertexMultiDim(buffer, ...)

#' @describeIn anatFDR anatLmerModel
#' @export 
anatFDR.anatLmer <-
  function(buffer, ...){
    mincFDR.mincLmer(buffer, ...)

#' a utility function to compute thresholds
#' @param pvals a vector of pvalues
#' @param qvals a vector of corrected qvalues (such as returend by p.adjust)
#' @param thresholdFunc a function that returns the threshold given a vector of pvalues
#' @param p.thresholds the pvalues at which to compute the threshold
#' The function should be the quantile function for the distribution being tested. For example,
#' for the chi squared distribution the function would be:
#' tfunc <- function(x) { qchisq(max(x), df[[i]], lower.tail=FALSE) }
mincFDRThresholdVector <- function(pvals, qvals, thresholdFunc=NULL,
                                   p.thresholds = c(0.01, 0.05, 0.10, 0.15, 0.20)) {
  thresholds <- vector("numeric", length=length(p.thresholds))
  for (j in 1:length(p.thresholds)) {
    # compute thresholds; to be honest, not quite sure what the NA checking is about
    subTholdPvalues <- pvals[qvals <= p.thresholds[j]]
    subTholdPvaluesNumbers = subTholdPvalues[which(!is.na(subTholdPvalues))];
    if ( length(subTholdPvaluesNumbers) >= 1 ) {
      thresholds[j] <- thresholdFunc(subTholdPvaluesNumbers)
      #qchisq(max(subTholdPvaluesNumbers), df[[i]], lower.tail=FALSE)
    else { thresholds[j] <- NA }

#' mincFDRMask
#' Returns either the specified mask, the mask associated with the buffer, 
#' or a vector of ones to be used as a mask.
#' @param mask a mask file or vector to be passed to mincGetMask
#' if left null, the buffer is checked for a mask attribute, if no mask
#' is found, a vector of ones is used
#' @param buffer a buffer describing a minc volume  
#' @return a numeric mask vector
#' @export
mincFDRMask <- function(mask = NULL, buffer) {
  if (is.null(mask)) {
    mask <- attr(buffer, "mask")
    cat("Using mask: <numeric vector>")
  } else {
    cat("Using mask:", mask, "\n") 
  # if mask is still null, create a vector of ones with length of buffer
  if (is.null(mask)) {
    mask <- vector(length=nrow(buffer)) + 1
  else {
    mask <- mincGetMask(mask)

#' Get Probability Thresholds
#' @param x A \code{mincQvals} object, typically computed with \code{mincFDR} or a 
#' \code{minc*_randomzation} type object.
#' methods
#' @param probs What probabilities to compute thresholds for (only applicable with randomization objects)
#' @param ... extra arguments for methods
#' @return A matrix of thresholds, accessible with standard matrix indexing
#' @export 
thresholds <-
  function(x, ...){

#' @describeIn thresholds mincQvals
#' @export
thresholds.mincQvals <- 
  function(x, ...){
    attr(x, "thresholds")
Mouse-Imaging-Centre/RMINC documentation built on Nov. 12, 2022, 1:50 p.m.