
Defines functions hanatPlot hanatView hanatToVisGraph colourVector makeMICeDefsHierachical copyABIinfo lateralizeDefs fixBranching addHierarchyToDefs addVolumesToHierarchy hanatLmerEstimateDF hanatFDR copyExtraAttributes modelToTree hanatLmer hanatAnova hanatLm hanatToVolume

Documented in addVolumesToHierarchy hanatAnova hanatFDR hanatLm hanatLmer hanatLmerEstimateDF hanatPlot hanatToVisGraph hanatToVolume hanatView makeMICeDefsHierachical

#' Converts a column from a hierarchical tree into a volume for viewing or saving
#' @param anatTree The anatomical tree
#' @param labelVolume The volume containing the label definitions
#' @param column String indicating which column to turn into a volume
#' @return The volume with the values from the anatomical tree
#' @export
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' labelVol <- mincArray(mincGetVolume("some-labels.mnc"))
#' hLm <- hanatLm(~Sex, gfBasic, vols)
#' statsvol <- hanatToVolume(hLm, labelVol, "F.statistic")
#' mincPlotSliceSeries(anatVol, statsvol, anatLow = 700, anatHigh = 1400, 
#'   low=1, high=10, symmetric = F, begin=50, end=-50)
#' }
hanatToVolume <- function(anatTree, labelVolume, column) {
  if(is.null(getElement(anatTree, column)))
    stop(column, " doesn't seem to be in your anatomy tree")
  out <- array(0, dim=dim(labelVolume))
  labels <- c()
  values <- c()
  nodeList <- Traverse(anatTree, filterFun = isLeaf)
  for (i in 1:length(nodeList)) {
    nlabels <- length(nodeList[[i]]$label)
    labels <- c(labels, nodeList[[i]]$label)
    values <- c(values, rep(nodeList[[i]][[column]], nlabels))
  if (is.numeric(values)) {
    out <- array(0, dim=dim(labelVolume))
    replaceValues(labelVolume, out, labels, values)
  else if (is.character(values)) {
    labels <- c(labels, 0)
    values <- c(values, NA)
    out <- array("", dim=dim(labelVolume))
    replaceColours(labelVolume, out, labels, values)

#' linear model applied to every item in an anatomical tree
#' See \link{anatLm} for more detail
#' @param formula The model formula
#' @param data The data frame containing the right side of the formula
#' @param anatTree The anatomical tree
#' @return The anatomical tree with the model information added
#' @export
#' @details The volumes inside the anatomical hierarchy and the data must be of
#'   the same length and ordering.
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' vols <- addVolumesToHierarchy(hdefs, allvols)
#' hLm <- hanatLm(~Sex, gf, vols)
#' }
hanatLm <- function(formula, data, anatTree) {
  # create a copy of the anatTree
  modelTree <- Clone(anatTree)
  # get a simple matrix of volumes
  volTable <- modelTree$Get("volumes")
  # run standard anatLm
  modelled <- anatLm(formula, data, volTable)
  # and return the model table back to the tree
  modelToTree(modelled, modelTree)

#' ANOVA applied to every item in an anatomical tree
#' See \link{anatAnova} for more detail
#' @param formula The model formula
#' @param data The data frame containing the right side of the formula
#' @param anatTree The anatomical tree
#' @return The anatomical tree with the model information added
#' @export
#' @details The volumes inside the anatomical hierarchy and the data must be of
#'   the same length and ordering.
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' vols <- addVolumesToHierarchy(hdefs, allvols)
#' hLm <- hanatAnova(~Sex, gf, vols)
#' }
hanatAnova <- function(formula, data, anatTree) {
  # create a copy of the anatTree
  modelTree <- Clone(anatTree)
  # get a simple matrix of volumes
  volTable <- modelTree$Get("volumes")
  # run standard anatAnova
  modelled <- anatAnova(formula, data, volTable)
  # and return the model table back to the tree
  modelToTree(modelled, modelTree)

#' linear mixed effects model applied to every item in an anatomical tree
#' See \link{anatLmer} for more detail
#' @param formula The model formula
#' @param data The data frame containing the right side of the formula
#' @param anatTree The anatomical tree
#' @param ... Extra options (REML, control of parallel execution, etc.) passed on to anatLmer
#' @return The anatomical tree with the model information added
#' @export
#' @details The volumes inside the anatomical hierarchy and the data must be of
#'   the same length and ordering.
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' vols <- addVolumesToHierarchy(hdefs, allvols)
#' hLm <- hanatLmer(~Sex + (1|ID), gf, vols)
#' }
hanatLmer <- function(formula, data, anatTree, ...) {
  # create a copy of the anatTree
  modelTree <- Clone(anatTree)
  # get a simple matrix of volumes
  volTable <- modelTree$Get("volumes")
  # run standard anatLmer
  modelled <- anatLmer(formula, data, volTable, ...)
  # and return the model table back to the tree
  modelToTree(modelled, modelTree)

modelToTree <- function(modelled, modelTree) {
  nodeList <- Traverse(modelTree)
  for (i in 1:length(nodeList)) { 
    for (n in colnames(modelled)) {
      nn <- gsub('-', '.', n) # the $ accessor does not play nicely with dashes
      nodeList[[i]][[nn]] <- modelled[i,n]
    nodeList[[i]]$model <- modelled[i,]
  # copy attributes
  modelTree <- copyExtraAttributes(modelled, modelTree)
  attr(modelTree, "modelClass") <- attr(modelled, "class")
  attr(modelTree, "modelDimnames") <- attr(modelled, "dimnames")

copyExtraAttributes <- function(source, target) {
  sourceAttributes <- attributes(source)
  for (n in names(sourceAttributes)) {
    if (n %in% c("dim", "dimnames", "class")) {
      attr(target, paste0("original", n)) <- attr(source, n)
    else {
      attr(target, n) <- attr(source, n)

#' Compute the False Discovery Rate for an anatomical hierarchy
#' @param buffer What to compute FDR on
#' @return the anatomical hierarchy with FDR added (see details)
#' @export
#' @details Uses the Benjamini & Yekutieli (2001) algorithm for computing FDR to
#'   account for dependence (which is obviously present in a hierarchy where 
#'   parent values are directly derived from their children).
#'   Stores the values using the same name as the incoming statistic but with a
#'   q prepended. I.e. tvalue.Sexmale becomes qtvalue.Sexmale. Note that the original, 
#'   input, is modified with these new additions as well.
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' vols <- addVolumesToHierarchy(hdefs, allvols)
#' hLm <- hanatLm(~Sex, gfBasic, vols)
#' hLm <- hanatFDR(hLm)
#' thresholds(hLm)
#' }
hanatFDR <- function(buffer) {
  modelData <- buffer$Get("model")
  if (is.null(dim(modelData))) {
    dim(modelData) <- c(length(modelData), 1)
  else {
    modelData <- t(modelData)
  modelData <- copyExtraAttributes(buffer, modelData)
  dimnames(modelData) <- attr(buffer, "modelDimnames")
  class(modelData) <- attr(buffer, "modelClass")
  aFDR <- anatFDR(modelData, method="BY")
  nodeList <- Traverse(buffer)
  for (i in 1:length(nodeList)) { 
    for (n in colnames(aFDR)) {
      nn <- paste0("q", gsub('-', '.', n)) 
      nodeList[[i]][[nn]] <- aFDR[i,n]
    nodeList[[i]]$aFDR <- aFDR[i,]
  attr(buffer, "thresholds") <- attr(aFDR, "thresholds")
  class(buffer) <- c(class(buffer), "mincQvals")

#' Estimates degrees of freedom
#' see \link{anatLmerEstimateDF}
#' @param buffer input hierarchical tree
#' @param n number of structures to use for DF estimation
#' @return input tree with df added
#' @export
#' @details The volumes inside the anatomical hierarchy and the data must be of
#'   the same length and ordering.
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' vols <- addVolumesToHierarchy(hdefs, allvols)
#' hLm <- hanatLmer(~Sex + (1|ID), gf, vols)
#' hLm <- hanatLmerEstimateDF(hLm)
#' hLm <- hanatFDR(hLm)
#' thresholds(hLm)
#' }
hanatLmerEstimateDF <- function(buffer, n=50) {
  modelData <- buffer$Get("model")
  if (is.null(dim(modelData))) {
    dim(modelData) <- c(length(modelData), 1)
  else {
    modelData <- t(modelData)
  modelData <- copyExtraAttributes(buffer, modelData)
  dimnames(modelData) <- attr(buffer, "modelDimnames")
  class(modelData) <- attr(buffer, "modelClass")
  modelData <- anatLmerEstimateDF(modelData, n=n)
  attr(buffer, "df") <- attr(modelData, "df")

#' Add volumes to an anatomical hierarchy
#' Takes a tree of anatomical hierarchies and adds volumes from
#' \link{anatGetAll}
#' @param hdefs The anatomical hierarchy
#' @param volumes The matrix of volumes
#' @return The input anatomical hierarchy with volumes added
#' @export
#' @details Each node in the tree has two new attributes: 
#' \itemize{
#' \item{volumes -}{ The matrix of volumes}
#' \item{meanVolume -}{ The mean of the volumes of that node}
#' }
#' Currently propagates volumes up the tree by summing. Future versions
#'   will add propagating through weighted means or other functions
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' abijson <- "allen.json"
#' defs <- "Dorr_2008_Steadman_2013_Ullmann_2013_mapping_of_labels.csv"
#' hdefs <- makeMICeDefsHierachical(defs, abijson)
#' allvols <- anatGetAll(gf$filenames)
#' hanat <- addVolumesToHierarchy(hdefs, allvols)
#' }
addVolumesToHierarchy <- function(hdefs, volumes){
  #If hdefs$leafCount > regions in volumes, aggregation will fail as rowSums() is called on NULL volumes
  if (hdefs$leafCount > dim(volumes)[[2]]){
    stop("Your hierarchical definitions contain more leaves than regions in your volumes.\n",
         "Consider pruning your hierarchy of subtrees that do not exist in your volumes.")
  if (hdefs$leafCount < dim(volumes)[[2]]){
    stop("Your hierarchical definitions contain fewer leaves than regions in your volumes.\n",
         "Are you using the correct atlas labels?")
  if (any(is.na(volumes))) {
    warning("At least one anatomical region has a value of NA.\n",
            "That region's mean volume will be NA, and all of its parents too.")
  hanat <- Clone(hdefs)
  volLabels <- as.integer(attributes(volumes)$anatIDs)
  hanat$Do(function(x) {
    if (isLeaf(x)) {
      whichIndex <- which(volLabels == x$label)
      x$volumes <- volumes[, whichIndex]
      x$meanVolume <- mean(x$volumes)
  hanat$Do(function(x) x$meanVolume <- Aggregate(x, "meanVolume", sum), traversal="post-order")
  if (dim(volumes)[[1]]==1){
    hanat$Do(function(x) x$volumes <- Aggregate(x, "volumes", sum),
             traversal="post-order", filterFun = isNotLeaf)
  } else {
    hanat$Do(function(x) x$volumes <- Aggregate(x, "volumes", rowSums),
           traversal="post-order", filterFun = isNotLeaf)

addHierarchyToDefs <- function(defs, tree) {
  defs$pathString <- NA
  for (i in 1:nrow(defs)) {
    tmp <- FindNode(tree, defs$ABI[i])$Get("path")[[1]]
    tmp <- tmp[tmp != "children2"]
    tmp <- tmp[3:length(tmp)]
    Leaf <- as.character(defs$Leaf[i])
    if (defs$ABI[i] == Leaf | defs$name[i] == Leaf) {
      endpath <- as.character(defs$name[i])
    else {
      endpath <- c(Leaf, as.character(defs$name[i]))
    if (defs$ABI[i] == Leaf & defs$name[i] == defs$ABI[i]) {
      defs$pathString[i] <- paste(tmp, collapse="/")
    else {
      defs$pathString[i] <- paste(c(tmp, endpath), collapse="/")

fixBranching <- function(ldefs, tree) {
  # branching is a problem if a leaf has too many descendants
  for (i in 1:nrow(ldefs)) {
    ldefs$kidCount[i] <- FindNode(tree, ldefs$Leaf[i])$totalCount
    if (ldefs$kidCount[i] > 3) {
      ldefs$Leaf[i] <- paste0(ldefs$Leaf[i], "-other")
      ldefs$name[i] <- paste0(ldefs$name[i], "-other")


lateralizeDefs <- function(defs) {
  ldefs <- c()
  # some places in the ABI hierarchy are not the leafs of the structures we have. Fix that.
  defs$Leaf <- as.character(defs$ABI)
  dups <- which(duplicated(defs$ABI))
  dupsAll <- which(defs$ABI %in% defs$ABI[dups])
  defs$Leaf[dupsAll] <- as.character(defs$Structure[dupsAll])
  # and in some cases a duplicate will also have the same name in the structure column
  # as in the ABI column, so some munging is necessary
  samename <- which(as.character(defs$ABI) == as.character(defs$Structure))
  samenamedups <- samename[samename %in% dupsAll]
  defs$Leaf[samenamedups] <- paste0(as.character(defs$Structure[samenamedups]), "-other")
  for (i in 1:nrow(defs)) {
    if (defs$left.label[i] == defs$right.label[i]) {
      ldefs <- rbind(ldefs, data.frame(Structure=defs$Structure[i],
    else {
      ldefs <- rbind(ldefs, data.frame(Structure=defs$Structure[i],
                                       name=paste("left", defs$Leaf[i]),
      ldefs <- rbind(ldefs, data.frame(Structure=defs$Structure[i],
                                       name=paste("right", defs$Leaf[i]),

  ldefs$Leaf <- as.character(ldefs$Leaf)
  ldefs$side <- as.character(ldefs$side)
  ldefs$Structure <- as.character(ldefs$Structure)
  ldefs$name <- as.character(ldefs$name)
  ldefs$ABI <- as.character(ldefs$ABI)

copyABIinfo <- function(hdefs, abitree) {
  tmpfunc <- function(node) {
    # if node has an ABI name, use it. Otherwise assume that the name of the node
    # is the ABI name
    if (is.null(node$ABI)) {
      node$ABI <- node$name
    abiNode <- FindNode(abitree, node$ABI)
    # if the find failed, then we are probably in the left or right version of a 
    # new name not in the ABI dictionary. So take the first child and use it's 
    # ABI name instead.
    if (is.null(abiNode)) {
      abiNode <- FindNode(abitree, node$children[[1]]$ABI)
    node$ABI <- abiNode$name
    node$color_hex_triplet <- paste0('#', abiNode$color_hex_triplet)
    if (startsWith(node$name, "left")) {
      apref <- "l"
    else if (startsWith(node$name, "right")) {
      apref <- "r"
    else {
      apref <- ""
    node$acronym <- paste0(apref, abiNode$acronym)
  hdefs$Do(fun = tmpfunc)

#' Creates a hierarchical anatomical tree
#' Makes a hierarchical tree using ontogeny from Allen Brain Institute
#' @param defs CSV file describing anatomical labels. See details about format
#' @param abijson The JSON file from the Allen Brain Institute
#' @details Takes the label definitions from a CSV file (same as the rest of the
#'   anat family of functions) and places it into a tree (using
#'   \link{data.tree}). The CSV file must thus have an extra column giving the
#'   corresponding name of each structure in the Allen Institute's nomenclature.
#'   Currently the left and right structures are leaves at the end of the tree,
#'   and so are the first to be combined into the bilateral volumes. It is
#'   possible that in the future keeping hemispheres separate will be an option.
#' @return a \link{data.tree} object containing the full anatomical hierarchy
#' @export
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' abijson <- "allen.json"
#' defs <- "Dorr_2008_Steadman_2013_Ullmann_2013_mapping_of_labels.csv"
#' hdefs <- makeMICeDefsHierachical(defs, abijson) 
#' }
makeMICeDefsHierachical <- function(defs, abijson) {
  # read the definitions from the JSON file provided by the Allen institute
  abi <- fromJSON(file=abijson)
  # create a data.tree
  tree <- FromListSimple(abi, check="no-warn")
  # read the CSV defs file
  defs <- read.csv(defs)

  # split the definitions into one per line (i.e. left and right separate)
  ldefs <- lateralizeDefs(defs)
  tree$Do(function(n){ n$name <- gsub("/", " and ", n$name)})
  # create the first version of the anatomical hierarchy
  mh <- addHierarchyToDefs(ldefs, tree)
  treeMH <- as.Node(mh)
  # fix branching odds and ends (i.e. make sure that only leafs are at end of hierarchy)
  ldefs2 <- fixBranching(ldefs, treeMH)
  # recreate the anatomical hierarchy
  mh <- addHierarchyToDefs(ldefs2, tree )
  treeMH <- as.Node(mh)
  # copy important bits from the ABI tree - name and colour especially.
  copyABIinfo(treeMH, tree)
  # propagate the labels so that each structure has a vector of all associated labels
  treeMH$Do(function(x) x$label <- unlist(Aggregate(x, "label", c)), traversal="post-order")


colourVector <- function(vals, low, high, symmetric=F,
                         colourScale=colorRampPalette(c("red", "yellow"))(255), 
                         rColourScale=colorRampPalette(c("blue", "turquoise1"))(255), 
                         transparent=NA) {
  svals <- scaleSlice(vals, low, high, underTransparent=T)
  spvals <- scaleSliceToPalette(svals, low, high, colourScale)
  spvals <- colourScale[spvals]
  if (symmetric) {
    svalsN <- scaleSlice(vals, low*-1, high*-1, underTransparent=T)
    spvalsN <- scaleSliceToPalette(svalsN, low*-1, high*-1, rColourScale)
    spvalsN <- rColourScale[spvalsN]
    spvals <- paste0(spvals, spvalsN)
    spvals <- gsub('NA', '', spvals)
    spvals[spvals == ""] <- NA
  spvals[is.na(spvals)] <- transparent

#' Turns an anatomical tree into a nodes and edges for visNetwork plotting
#' @param hanatTree The input anatomical tree
#' @param colourVariable String containing the variable to colour nodes with
#' @param colourScale Colour scale to use
#' @param rColourScale Reverse colour scale to use if symmetric colours enabled
#' @param low Lower cut-off for colour scale
#' @param high Upper cut-off for colour scale
#' @param symmetric Boolean for whether colour scale is symmetric
#' @param transparent Colour to use for transparent nodes
#' @param edgeColourFromABI Whether to set edge colours based on ABI atlas
#' @param fontsize The font size for \code{hanatView}
#' @param levelSeparation Spacing between hierarchical layers for \code{hanatView}
#' @param ... Extra arguments to \code{hanatToVisGraph} from \code{hanatView}
#' @return list with nodes and edges data frames
#' @export
## @examples
hanatToVisGraph <- function(hanatTree, 
                            colourScale=colorRampPalette(c("red", "yellow"))(255), 
                            rColourScale=colorRampPalette(c("blue", "turquoise1"))(255),
                            edgeColourFromABI=F) {
  tree <- Clone(hanatTree)
  # check if colourVariable is a number; if so, colourize it
  if (is.double(tree[[colourVariable]])) {
    colourVals <- tree$Get(colourVariable)
    tree$Set(plotcolour=colourVector(colourVals, low, high, 
                                     symmetric = symmetric, 
    tree$Set(stat = round(colourVals, 3))
    plotcolour <- "plotcolour"
  # if not a number, assume that it's a colour itself (likely the ABI colours)
  else {
    plotcolour <- colourVariable
  nodes <- as.data.frame(tree, 
  # set the hover over title
  if (is.double(tree[[colourVariable]])) {
    nodes$title <- paste0("<p><b>", nodes$label, "</b><br>", round(nodes$stat, 3), "</p>")
  else {
    nodes$title <- paste0("<p><b>", nodes$label, "</b></p>")
  # create the edges
  edges <- data.frame()
  nn <- Traverse(tree, pruneFun = isNotLeaf)
  for (i in 1:length(nn)) {
    for (j in 1:length(nn[[i]]$children)) {
      edf <- data.frame(from=nn[[i]]$name, to=nn[[i]]$children[[j]]$name)
      if (edgeColourFromABI) {
        edf$color <- nn[[i]]$children[[j]]$color_hex_triplet
      edges <- rbind(edges, edf)
  return(list(nodes=nodes, edges=edges))

#' @describeIn hanatToVisGraph Directly view the graph
#' @export
hanatView <- function(..., fontsize=14, levelSeparation=500) {
  gv <- hanatToVisGraph(...)
  visNetwork(gv$nodes, gv$edges) %>% 
    visNodes(shape="box", font=list(size=fontsize)) %>% 
    visEdges(width=10, smooth=F, arrows="to") %>% 
    visHierarchicalLayout(direction="LR", levelSeparation = levelSeparation, sortMethod="directed") %>% 

#' hanatPlot
#' Create a basic plot of the anatomy tree
#' @param anatTree the input anatomical tree
#' @export
hanatPlot <- function(anatTree) {
  tree <- Clone(anatTree)
  tree$Do(function(x) x$name <- gsub("'", "", x$name))
  SetGraphStyle(tree, layout="dot", rankdir="LR")

Mouse-Imaging-Centre/RMINC documentation built on Nov. 12, 2022, 1:50 p.m.