
Defines functions fluorLegend scaleBarPrinting scaleBarCalculation scaleBarMath themeTransparent plotSpatialOverlay

Documented in fluorLegend plotSpatialOverlay

#' overlay plots
#' @note hiRes and outline ggplots use fill, lowRes uses color
#' @param overlay SpatialOverlay object
#' @param colorBy annotation to color by
#' @param hiRes generated figures are either high resolution or print quickly.  
#'                 Note: hiRes and outline ggplots use fill, lowRes uses color
#' @param alpha opacity of overlays 
#' @param legend should legend be plotted
#' @param scaleBar should scale bar be plotted
#' @param image should image be plotted, image must be added to SpatialOverlay 
#'                object
#' @param fluorLegend should viz marker on the image be added to legend
#' @param ... additional parameters for scale bar line & text, will affect both 
#' @param corner where in the figure should the scale bar be printed. 
#'               Options: "bottomright"  "topright"
#'                        "bottomleft"   "topleft"
#'                        "bottomcenter" "topcenter" 
#' @param scaleBarWidth percent of total figure the scale bar should take up
#' @param scaleBarMicrons specific microns to set scale bar at, overrides scaleBarWidth if set 
#' @param scaleBarColor scale bar & text color
#' @param scaleBarFontSize font size
#' @param scaleBarLineSize width of line
#' @param textDistance text's distance from scale bar. 
#' @return gp 
#' @examples
#' muBrain <- readRDS(unzip(system.file("extdata", "muBrainSubset_SpatialOverlay.zip",
#'                                     package = "SpatialOmicsOverlay")))
#' plotSpatialOverlay(overlay = muBrain, legend = FALSE,  
#'                    hiRes = FALSE, scaleBar = FALSE)
#' @importFrom scattermore geom_scattermore
#' @import ggplot2
#' @importFrom magick image_ggplot
#' @importFrom ggtext element_markdown
#' @export 

plotSpatialOverlay <- function(overlay, colorBy = "sampleID", hiRes = TRUE, 
                               alpha = 1, legend = TRUE, scaleBar = TRUE, 
                               image = TRUE, fluorLegend = FALSE, ... , 
                               corner = "bottomright", scaleBarWidth = 0.2, 
                               scaleBarMicrons = NULL, scaleBarColor = NULL, 
                               scaleBarFontSize = 6, scaleBarLineSize = 1.5, 
                               textDistance = 2){
        overlay <- recolor(overlay)
    if(colorBy == "sampleID"){
        pts <- as.data.frame(cbind(coords(overlay), 
        if(!colorBy %in% colnames(plotFactors(overlay))){
            stop("colorBy not in plotFactors")
        pts <- as.data.frame(cbind(coords(overlay), 
        if(image == TRUE){
            scaleBarColor <- "white"
            scaleBarColor <- "black"
    if(fluorLegend == TRUE & image == FALSE){
        warning("fluorLegend can only be added with image", 
                immediate. = TRUE)
        fluorLegend <- FALSE
    if(!is.null(showImage(overlay)) & image == TRUE){
        gp <- image_ggplot(showImage(overlay))
        scaleImage <- imageInfo(overlay)
        gp <- ggplot()
    if(outline(overlay) == TRUE){
        gp <- gp +
            geom_polygon(data = pts, aes(x=xcoor, y=ycoor, fill=colorBy, 
                         alpha = alpha)+
            labs(fill = colorBy)
    }else if(hiRes == TRUE){
        gp <- gp +
            geom_tile(data = pts, aes(x=xcoor, y=ycoor, fill=colorBy),
                      alpha = alpha)+
            labs(fill = colorBy)
        gp <- gp +
            geom_scattermore(data = pts, aes(x=xcoor, y=ycoor, color=colorBy),
                             alpha = alpha)+
            labs(color = colorBy)
    if(fluorLegend == TRUE){
        cols <- fluor(overlay)$ColorCode
        names(cols) <- fluor(overlay)$Target
        if(outline(overlay) == TRUE | hiRes == TRUE){
            gp <- gp + geom_point(data = fluor(overlay), 
                                  mapping = aes(x=-100,y=-100, color=Target))+
                scale_color_manual(labels = paste("<span style='color:",
                                                  cols, "'>", names(cols),
                                   values = cols)+
                labs(color = "Fluorescence")+
                guides(color = guide_legend(
                    override.aes=list(shape = 15, color = cols)))
            gp <- gp + geom_point(data = fluor(overlay), 
                                  mapping = aes(x=-100,y=-100, fill=Target))+
                scale_fill_manual(labels = paste("<span style='color:",
                                                 cols, "'>", names(cols),
                                  values = cols)+
                labs(fill = "Fluorescence")+
                guides(fill = guide_legend(
                    override.aes=list(shape = 15, color = cols)))
    if(!is.null(showImage(overlay)) & image == FALSE){
        info <- image_info(showImage(overlay))
        gp <- gp + coord_fixed(expand = FALSE, xlim = c(0, info$width), 
                               ylim = c(0, info$height))+
        scaleImage <- imageInfo(overlay)
    }else if(is.null(showImage(overlay))){
        gp <- gp + coord_fixed(ratio = 1)+
        scaleImage <- NULL
    if(legend == FALSE){
        gp <- gp + theme(legend.position = "none")
    if(scaleBar == TRUE){
        scaleBar <- scaleBarMath(scanMetadata = scanMeta(overlay), 
                                 pts = pts, 
                                 scaleBarWidth = scaleBarWidth,
                                 image = scaleImage,
                                 scaleBarMicrons = scaleBarMicrons)
        gp <- scaleBarPrinting(gp = gp, scaleBar = scaleBar, 
                               scaleBarColor = scaleBarColor, 
                               scaleBarFontSize = scaleBarFontSize, 
                               scaleBarLineSize = scaleBarLineSize, 
                               corner = corner, 
                               textDistance = textDistance, 
                               image = scaleImage,

#' transparent theme for plots
#' @return ggplot theme 
#' @import ggplot2
#' @noRd

themeTransparent <- function(){
    return(theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill = "white", 
                                                 color = "black"), 
                 panel.grid.minor = element_blank(), 
                 panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
                 plot.background = element_rect(fill = "white", 
                                                color = NA),
                 axis.text = element_blank(),
                 axis.title = element_blank(),
                 axis.ticks = element_blank()))

#' ggplot layer with optimized formatting
#' @description 
#' corrected aspect ratio, y coordinates, and plotting
#' @param scanMetadata scan metadata including PhysicalSizeX/Y from xml
#' @param pts AOI coordinates
#' @param scaleBarWidth percent of total figure the scale bar should take up
#' @param scaleBarMicrons specific microns to set scale bar at, overrides scaleBarWidth if set 
#' @param image image from SpatialOverlay or NULL
#' @return values needed to print scale bar
#' @noRd
scaleBarMath <- function(scanMetadata, pts, scaleBarWidth = 0.20, 
                         scaleBarMicrons = NULL, image = NULL){
    axis <- "X"
    # in prep for user defined axis
    # axis <- toupper(axis)
    # if(!axis %in% c("X", "Y")){
    #     stop("Axis can only be X or Y") 
    # }
    if(scaleBarWidth <= 0 | scaleBarWidth >= 1){
        stop("scaleBarWidth must be a decimal number between 0 and 1")
    validSizes <- sort(c(seq(5,25,5), seq(30, 50, 10), 
                         seq(75,5000,25), seq(5100, 25000, 100)))
    ratio <- scanMetadata$PhysicalSizes[[axis]]
        minPtX <- min(pts$xcoor)
        maxPtX <- max(pts$xcoor)
        minPtY <- min(pts$ycoor)
        maxPtY <- max(pts$ycoor) 
        imageInfo <- image_info(image$imagePointer)
        minPtX <- 0
        maxPtX <- imageInfo$width
        minPtY <- 0
        maxPtY <- imageInfo$height
    if(axis == "X"){
        givenPixels <- (maxPtX - minPtX) * scaleBarWidth
        givenPixels <- (maxPtY - minPtY) * scaleBarWidth
        minPtX <- imageInfo$width * 0.02
        maxPtX <- imageInfo$width * 0.98
        minPtY <- imageInfo$height * 0.02
        maxPtY <- imageInfo$height * 0.98
        ratio <- ratio * 2^(image$resolution-1)
    um <- givenPixels * ratio
    um <- validSizes[which.min(abs(validSizes - um))]
        if(scaleBarMicrons > ((maxPtX - minPtX)*ratio)){
            warning("scaleBarMicrons is bigger than image, will use given scaleBarWidth value instead")
            um <- scaleBarMicrons
    pixels <- um / ratio
    names(pixels) <- NULL
    scaleBar <- list(um=um, pixels=pixels, axis=axis, minX=minPtX, 
                     maxX=maxPtX, minY=minPtY, maxY=maxPtY)

#' Calculate scale bar points on plot
#' @param corner where in the figure should the scale bar be printed. 
#'               Options: "bottomright"  "topright"
#'                        "bottomleft"   "topleft"
#'                        "bottomcenter" "topcenter"
#' @param scaleBar output from scaleBarMath
#' @param textDistance text's distance from scale bar. 
#' @return coordinates needed to print scale bar
#' @noRd
scaleBarCalculation <- function(corner = "bottomright", scaleBar, 
                                textDistance = 2){
    validCorners <- c("bottomright", "bottomleft", "bottomcenter", 
                      "topright", "topleft", "topcenter")
    if(!corner %in% validCorners){
        stop("Provided corner is not valid. Options: ", paste(validCorners, 
                                                              collapse = ", "))
    #preparation for other printing vertical scale bar
    #validAxes <- c("X", "Y")
    axis <- "X" #scaleBar$axis
    otherAxis <- "Y" #validAxes[validAxes != axis]
    if(grepl(pattern = "right", corner)){
        end <- scaleBar[[paste0("max",axis)]] 
        start <- end - scaleBar$pixels
    }else if(grepl(pattern = "left", corner)){
        start <- scaleBar[[paste0("min",axis)]] 
        end <- start + scaleBar$pixels
    }else if(grepl(pattern = "center", corner)){
        mid <- mean(c(scaleBar[[paste0("min",axis)]], 
        start <- mid - (scaleBar$pixels/2)
        end <- mid + (scaleBar$pixels/2)
    mid <- mean(c(end,start))
    if(grepl("bottom", corner)){
        lineY <- scaleBar[[paste0("max",otherAxis)]]
        textY <- lineY - (lineY*(0.01 * textDistance)) 
        lineY <- scaleBar[[paste0("min",otherAxis)]]
        textY <- lineY + (lineY*(0.01 * textDistance)) 
    return(list(start=start, end=end, lineY=lineY, textY=textY))

#' Add scale bar to ggplot object
#' must run scaleBarMath() first
#' @param gp ggplot object
#' @param scaleBar output from scaleBarMath
#' @param corner where in the figure should the scale bar be printed. 
#'               Options: "bottomright"  "topright"
#'                        "bottomleft"   "topleft"
#'                        "bottomcenter" "topcenter" 
#' @param scaleBarFontSize scale bar font size
#' @param scaleBarLineSize scale bar width of line
#' @param scaleBarColor scale bar color
#' @param textDistance text's distance from scale bar.
#' @param image image from SpatialOverlay or NULL
#' @param ... additional parameters for geom_line & geom_text, will apply to both
#' @return gp with scale bar 
#' @import ggplot2
#' @noRd
scaleBarPrinting <- function(gp, scaleBar, corner = "bottomright", 
                             scaleBarFontSize = 6, scaleBarLineSize = 1.5, 
                             scaleBarColor = "red", textDistance = 2, 
                             image = NULL, scaleBarUnit = "um", ...){
    if(!scaleBarUnit %in% c("um", "mm")){
      stop("scaleBarUnit not valid, options: um, mm")
    scaleBarPts <- scaleBarCalculation(scaleBar = scaleBar, corner = corner, 
    scaleBarValue <- switch(scaleBarUnit, 
           um={paste(scaleBar$um, paste0("\u03BC", "m"))},
           mm={paste(scaleBar$um/1000, "mm")}
        scaleBarPts$lineY <- image_info(image$imagePointer)$height - 
        scaleBarPts$textY <- image_info(image$imagePointer)$height - 
    df <- as.data.frame(rbind(c(scaleBarPts$start, scaleBarPts$lineY), 
                              c(scaleBarPts$end, scaleBarPts$lineY)))
    names(df) <- c("X", "Y")
    gp <- gp + geom_line(data = df, mapping = aes(x=X, y=Y, fill = NULL), 
                         color = scaleBarColor, linewidth = scaleBarLineSize, ...)+
        annotate(geom = "text", 
                 x = mean(c(scaleBarPts$start,scaleBarPts$end)),
                 y = scaleBarPts$textY,
                 label = scaleBarValue,
                 size = scaleBarFontSize,
                 color = scaleBarColor,

#' Add legend of fluorescence targets that make up image
#' @description Creates legend that can be overlayed on image using \code{cowplot}.
#' @param overlay SpatialOverlay
#' @param nrow number of rows in the legend. Most studies have 4 which is 
#'               where the values came from: 
#'               1 = horizontal legend, 4 = vertical legend, 2 = box legend
#' @param textSize font size
#' @param boxColor color of box behind legend
#' @param alpha alpha value of box behind legend
#' @return gp of fluorescence legend
#' @import ggplot2
#' @examples
#' muBrain <- readRDS(unzip(system.file("extdata", "muBrainSubset_SpatialOverlay.zip",
#'                                     package = "SpatialOmicsOverlay")))
#' # image <- downloadMouseBrainImage()
#' # muBrain <- addImageOmeTiff(overlay = muBrain, 
#' #                           ometiff = image, res = 8)
#' gp <- plotSpatialOverlay(overlay = muBrain,   
#'                          hiRes = FALSE, scaleBar = FALSE)
#' legend <- fluorLegend(muBrain, nrow = 2, textSize = 3, boxColor = "red")
#' cowplot::ggdraw() + 
#'     cowplot::draw_plot(gp) +
#'     cowplot::draw_plot(legend, scale = 0.12, x = -0.3, y = -0.25)
#' @export
fluorLegend <- function(overlay, nrow = 4, textSize = 10, 
                        boxColor = "grey", alpha = 0.25){
    if(!is(overlay, "SpatialOverlay")){
        stop("overlay must be a SpatialOverlay object")
    if(!nrow %in% c(1L,2L,4L)){
        stop("legend can only have 1, 2, or 4 rows")
    gp <- ggplot()
    if(nrow == 4L){
        for(i in seq_len(nrow(fluor(overlay)))){
            gp <- gp + annotate("text", x = 4, y = i, size=textSize, 
                                label = fluor(overlay)$Target[i], 
                                color = fluor(overlay)$ColorCode[i])
        gp <- gp + scale_y_continuous(limits = c(0.5,4.5))
    if(nrow == 1L){
        for(i in seq_len(nrow(fluor(overlay)))){
            gp <- gp + annotate("text", y = 4, x = i, size=textSize, 
                                label = fluor(overlay)$Target[i], 
                                color = fluor(overlay)$ColorCode[i])
        gp <- gp + scale_x_continuous(limits = c(0.5,4.5))
    if(nrow == 2L){
        for(i in seq_len(nrow(fluor(overlay)))){
            if(i %% 2 == 0){
                gp <- gp + annotate("text", x = 2, y = ceiling(i/2), 
                                    label = fluor(overlay)$Target[i], 
                                    color = fluor(overlay)$ColorCode[i])
                gp <- gp + annotate("text", x = 1, y = ceiling(i/2), 
                                    label = fluor(overlay)$Target[i], 
                                    color = fluor(overlay)$ColorCode[i])
        gp <- gp + scale_x_continuous(limits = c(0.5,2.5))+ 
            scale_y_continuous(limits = c(0.5,2.5))
    gp <- gp + theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill = alpha(boxColor, alpha), 
                                                     color = NA), 
                     panel.grid.minor = element_blank(), 
                     panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
                     plot.background = element_rect(fill = "transparent", 
                                                    color = NA),
                     axis.text = element_blank(),
                     axis.title = element_blank(),
                     axis.ticks = element_blank())
Nanostring-Biostats/SpatialOmicsOverlay documentation built on April 20, 2024, 5:36 a.m.