
Defines functions annotMatching decodeB64 fluorData physicalSizes parseOverlayAttrs parseScanMetadata

Documented in annotMatching parseOverlayAttrs parseScanMetadata

COLORS <- c(Blue  = "#0000feff",
            Red   = "#fe0000ff",
            Green = "#00fe00ff",
            Purple = "#7f00feff",
            Yellow = "#fefe00ff",
            GreenYellow = "#7ffe00ff",
            Cyan = "#00fefeff",
            Magenta = "#fe00feff",
            Grey = "#7f7f7fff")

#' Parse the xml file for the scan metadata of GeoMx images 
#' @param omexml xml file from OME-TIFF, can provide path to OME-TIFF and 
#'                   xml will automatically be extracted 
#' @return metadata for entire scan
#' @importFrom XML xmlToList
#' @examples 
#' image <- downloadMouseBrainImage()
#' xml <- xmlExtraction(ometiff = image)
#' scan_metadata <- parseScanMetadata(omexml = xml)
#' @export

parseScanMetadata <- function(omexml){
    omexml <- xmlToList(omexml)
    if(endsWith(omexml, suffix = ".ome.tiff")){
      omexml <- xmlExtraction(ometiff = omexml)
  panels <- omexml$Screen$Reagent[["ReagentIdentifier"]]
  scanMetadata <- list(Panels=panels,

#' Parse the xml file for AOI attributes in GeoMx images 
#' @param omexml xml file from OME-TIFF, can provide path to OME-TIFF and xml 
#'                   will automatically be extracted 
#' @param annots df of annotations
#' @param labworksheet annots are from lab worksheet file
#' @param ... segCol in annotMatching, if auto detection doesn't work. 
#' @return SpatialPosition of AOIs containing metadata and base64encoded positions
#' @importFrom XML xmlToList
#' @examples 
#' image <- downloadMouseBrainImage()
#' xml <- xmlExtraction(ometiff = image)
#' muBrainLW <- system.file("extdata", "muBrain_LabWorksheet.txt", 
#'                          package = "SpatialOmicsOverlay")
#' muBrainLW <- readLabWorksheet(muBrainLW, slideName = "D5761 (3)")
#' overlay <- parseOverlayAttrs(omexml = xml, 
#'                              annots = muBrainLW, 
#'                              labworksheet = TRUE)
#' @export

parseOverlayAttrs <- function(omexml, annots, labworksheet, ...){
    stop("File must be read into R and passed as a dataframe")
    omexml <- xmlToList(omexml)
    if(endsWith(omexml, suffix = ".ome.tiff")){
      omexml <- xmlExtraction(ometiff = omexml)
  ROIs <- omexml[which(names(omexml) == "ROI")]
  names(ROIs) <- paste0(names(ROIs), 0:(length(ROIs)-1))
  AOIattrs <- NULL
  # Time trial with lapply showed minimal time difference 
  for(ROI in names(ROIs)){
    ROInum <- ROIs[[ROI]]$AnnotationRef
    ROInum <- as.numeric(gsub("Annotation:", "", ROInum))
    ROInum <- omexml$StructuredAnnotations[ROInum]$XMLAnnotation$Value$ChannelThresholds$RoiName
    ROInum <- gsub("\\W", "", ROInum)
    ROI <- ROIs[[ROI]]$Union
    masks <- which(names(ROI) == "Mask")
    for(mask in masks){
      maskNum <- which(masks == mask)
      segmentation <- ifelse(length(masks) == 1, "Geometric", "Segmented")
      mask.attrs <- ROI[[mask]]$.attrs
      if(labworksheet == TRUE & !"Text" %in% names(mask.attrs)){
        stop("Scan was not exported on version 2.4+, please use DA annotation instead of Lab Worksheet")
      }else if(labworksheet == TRUE){
        maskText <- mask.attrs[["Text"]]
        maskText <- NULL
      ROIannot <- annotMatching(annots, ROInum, maskNum, maskText, ...)
      if(is.null(ROIannot) ){
      }else if(nrow(ROIannot) == 0){
      AOIattr <- as.data.frame(c(ROILabel=ROInum,
                                 mask.attrs[c("Height", "Width", "X", "Y")], 
      AOIattr$Height <- as.numeric(AOIattr$Height)
      AOIattr$Width <- as.numeric(AOIattr$Width)
      AOIattr$X <- as.numeric(AOIattr$X)
      AOIattr$Y <- as.numeric(AOIattr$Y)
      AOIattrs <- rbind(AOIattrs, 
  if(nrow(AOIattrs) < nrow(annots)){
    names(annots)[names(annots) == "SegmentDisplayName"] <- "Sample_ID"
    warning(paste("Some AOIs do not match annotation file. \nNot Matched:",
                  paste(annots$Sample_ID[!annots$Sample_ID %in% AOIattrs$Sample_ID], 
                        collapse = ", ")))
  return(SpatialPosition(position = AOIattrs))

#' Parse physicalSize data from xml 
#' @param omexml xml file from OME-TIFF
#' @return physicalSizes info from xml
#' @noRd
physicalSizes <- function(omexml){
  physicalSizeX <- as.numeric(omexml$Image$Pixels$.attrs[["PhysicalSizeX"]])
  names(physicalSizeX) <- paste0(omexml$Image$Pixels$.attrs[["PhysicalSizeXUnit"]], 
  physicalSizeY <- as.numeric(omexml$Image$Pixels$.attrs[["PhysicalSizeY"]])
  names(physicalSizeY) <- paste0(omexml$Image$Pixels$.attrs[["PhysicalSizeYUnit"]], 

#' Parse fluorescence data from xml 
#' @param omexml xml file from OME-TIFF
#' @return fluorescence info from xml
#' @noRd 
fluorData <- function(omexml){
  fluorescence <- NULL
  planeLine <- min(which(names(omexml$Image$Pixels) == "Plane"))-1
  addition <- 0
  for(chan in seq_len(length(which(names(omexml$Image$Pixels) == "Channel")))){
    fluor <- omexml$Image$Pixels[chan]$Channel$.attrs
    exposure <- omexml$Image$Pixels[planeLine + chan]$Plane
    hex <- paste(as.hexmode(as.integer(fluor[["Color"]])))
    if(nchar(hex) != 8){
      hex <- paste0(paste(rep(0, 8-nchar(hex)), collapse = ""), hex)
    colorCode <- paste0("#", hex)
    col <- names(which(COLORS == colorCode))
    if(identical(col, character(0))){
      col <- fluorAnnots[["Name"]]
    chan <- chan + addition
    # Some xml files have 2 lines per Fluor. The addition catches this and keeps 
    # grabbing correct line needed info is only in ChannelInfo
    if(names(omexml$StructuredAnnotations[chan]$XMLAnnotation$Value) != "ChannelInfo"){
      addition <- addition + 1
      chan <- chan + 1
    fluorAnnots <- omexml$StructuredAnnotations[chan]$XMLAnnotation$Value$ChannelInfo
    if(fluor[["Fluor"]] != fluorAnnots[["Dye"]]){
      stop("Fluor and Dye doesn't match")
    if(names(omexml$StructuredAnnotations[chan+1]$XMLAnnotation$Value) == "ChannelInfo"){
      fluorescence <- as.data.frame(rbind(fluorescence, 
                                          c(Dye = fluor[["Fluor"]],
                                            DisplayName = fluorAnnots[["DyeDisplayName"]],
                                            Color = col,
                                            WaveLength = fluorAnnots[["DyeWavelength"]],
                                            Target = fluorAnnots[["BiologicalTarget"]],
                                            ExposureTime = paste(exposure[["ExposureTime"]],
                                            ColorCode = colorCode)))
      intensities <- omexml$StructuredAnnotations[chan+1]$XMLAnnotation$Value$ChannelIntensity
        fluorescence <- as.data.frame(rbind(fluorescence, 
                                            c(Dye = fluor[["Fluor"]],
                                              DisplayName = fluorAnnots[["DyeDisplayName"]],
                                              Color = col,
                                              WaveLength = fluorAnnots[["DyeWavelength"]],
                                              Target = fluorAnnots[["BiologicalTarget"]],
                                              ExposureTime = paste(exposure[["ExposureTime"]],
                                              ColorCode = colorCode)))
        fluorescence <- as.data.frame(rbind(fluorescence, 
                                            c(Dye = fluor[["Fluor"]],
                                              DisplayName = fluorAnnots[["DyeDisplayName"]],
                                              Color = col,
                                              WaveLength = fluorAnnots[["DyeWavelength"]],
                                              Target = fluorAnnots[["BiologicalTarget"]],
                                              ExposureTime = paste(exposure[["ExposureTime"]],
                                              MinIntensity = intensities[["Minintensity"]],
                                              MaxIntensity = intensities[["Maxintensity"]],
                                              ColorCode = colorCode)))
    rm(fluor, exposure, fluorAnnots)
    if(addition != 0){
      addition <- addition + 1

#' Decode a base 64 string into 8 bit binary image mask
#' @param b64string base 64 string 
#' @param width width of image
#' @param height height of image
#' @return binary vector mask 
#' @importFrom base64enc base64decode
#' @noRd
decodeB64 <- function(b64string, width, height){
  # rawToBits returns the reverse of the actual binary sequence, needs to be 
  #   reversed for real image
  # example from https://kb.iu.edu/d/afdl
  # Dec    Hex    Bin
  # 192    c0     11000000
  # rawToBits(as.raw(192)) 
  # returns 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 01
  base8 <- vapply(X = base64decode(b64string), 
                  FUN = function(x){rev(rawToBits(x))}, 
                  FUN.VALUE = raw(8))
  base8 <- base8[seq_len((width*height))]

#' Match ROIs in annotation file to xml 
#' @param annots df of annotations
#' @param ROInum ROI number from xml file
#' @param maskNum number of masks for ROI, used for AOI matching in software 
#'                  <= v2.4
#' @param maskText segment name, used for AOI matching in software v2.4+
#' @param segCol column containing segment name, if NULL function will determine automatically
#' @return df with ROI unique identifiers

annotMatching <- function(annots, ROInum, maskNum, maskText, segCol = NULL){
  if(!"ROILabel" %in% colnames(annots)){
    stop("The column ROILabel is not in annots. ")
    ROInum <- as.numeric(ROInum)
    annots$ROILabel <- as.numeric(annots$ROILabel)
  w2kp <- which(annots$ROILabel == ROInum)
  if(length(w2kp) == 0){
  annots <- annots[w2kp,]
      segCol <- colnames(annots)[grepl("^segment", tolower(colnames(annots)))]
      if(length(segCol) > 1L){
        warning("First matched ROI column used. If not correct specify segCol in fuction call")
        segCol <- segCol[1L]
    }else if(!segCol %in% colnames(annots)){
      stop("Provided segCol not valid")
    annots <- annots[which(annots[[segCol]] == maskText),]
    annots <- as.data.frame(annots[,c("Sample_ID")])
    colnames(annots) <- "Sample_ID"
    if(nrow(annots) < maskNum){
      stop("incorrect number of masks in annotation, was this file filtered?")
    if(!"SegmentID" %in% colnames(annots)){
      stop("Please change labWorksheet to TRUE")
    #sort by SegmentID
    #software versions #### missing the segment ID value in xml
    #software versions #### will match on segment ID
    annots <- annots[order(annots$SegmentID), ]
    annots <- annots[maskNum,]
    if("SegmentDisplayName" %in% colnames(annots)){
      sampCol <- "SegmentDisplayName"
    if("Sample_ID" %in% colnames(annots)){
      sampCol <- "Sample_ID"
    annots <- annots[,c(sampCol, "SegmentID")]
    colnames(annots) <- c("Sample_ID", "SegmentID")
Nanostring-Biostats/SpatialOmicsOverlay documentation built on April 20, 2024, 5:36 a.m.