
Defines functions tworows2twocols tworows2twocols.file tworows2twocols.dfr twocols2tworows twocols2tworows.file twocols2tworows.dfr transpose transpose.file transpose.dfr testSourceTarget read.table.origheaders isPedigreeSorted sortPedigree calc.recombs writeDatafiles writePedimapFile get.chromnames getUsedMarkermap getHaploblockmap getMarkerarray mrkallnrarr2mrkallnamearr haplo2mrkallnrarr allelecolors.statistics allelecolors.statistics.mrkrows allelecolors processAllFocalpoints processFocalpointHS calc.oldVSnew processHSfam checkNadd2 checkNadd1 addNArow gethaplotypenr is.nodata calcMinHaplofreq groupNwrite.all.haploblockalleles write.grouped.haplotypes groupHaplotypes calc.matchmatrix combineHaplotypes writeHSfamHaplotypes writeHSfamHaplotypes.hapinfo writeHSfamHaplotypes.faminfo get.HSfam.haplotypes getHSParentalHaplotypeFreqs get.all.HSfamilies write.all.haploblockalleles conv.hballelenames get_hballeleID get_initial_haplotypes getnewhapnr include_oldhballeles read_oldhballeles match.haplo mhaplotypes2generic read_phasedgenofile checkMapOrder checkHaploblocks read_map_from_table read_map_from_extended_FQmap checkmapfiletype read_map_from_mhaplotypes read_pedigree read_FQparfile fq_haplotyping_session haplotyping_session

Documented in fq_haplotyping_session haplotyping_session transpose twocols2tworows tworows2twocols

# PediHaplotyper
# Author: Roeland E. Voorrips,
#         Wageningen University and Research Centre - Plant Breeding
#         P.O. Box 386, 6700AJ Wageningen, the Netherlands
#         email: roeland.voorrips@wur.nl

# Copyright 2015 Roeland E. Voorrips
# PediHaplotyper is distributed under the GNU General Public License (GPL)
# version 2 or later (http://www.gnu.org).
# PediHaplotyper is a package for assigning haploblock alleles based on
# phased marker genotypes.
# Development started in November 2013
# Citation:
# Voorrips RE, Bink MCAM, Kruisselbrink JW, Koehorst - van Putten HJJ,
#   van de Weg WE (2016) PediHaplotyper: Software for consistent assignment of
#   marker haplotypes in pedigrees. Mol Breeding (2016) 36:119.
#   DOI 10.1007/s11032-016-0539-y

# NOTE:   When the software was originally written, a focalpoint (fp) was a set
#         of tightly linked markers, and a fp haplotype was one of the alleles
#         at a focalpoint. Later on a set of tightly linked markers was called
#         a haploblock (hb). So in this script focalpoint (fp) means the same as
#         haploblock (hb), and a focalpoint haplotype (fphaplotype) the same as
#         a haploblock allele (hballele). The change of names has only partially
#         been implemented, mostly in names of functions and parameters
#         directly used by users

# Function haplotyping_session is a user-friendly wrapper for the separate
# steps that make up the haplotyping process.
# The first 4 parameters specify a sessionID that will be prefixed to
# the output file names, and the 3 mandatory input data files; these 4 parameters
# must be supplied by the user.
# Almost all other parameters are names for input and output files and have
# default values. To suppress an output file (except messagefile), set its name
# to "".
haplotyping_session <- function(
   sessionID, #text string, will be prefixed to all output filenames
   mapfile, #may not be omitted, but in a fq_haplotyping_session it may be ""
   pedigreefile, # may also include phenotypic data
   oldhballelesfile="", #optional hballeles file from an earlier PediHaplotyper run
   #all output files with default names, will be preceded by sessionID:
   origdatahbfile="orighb_geno", #.dat and for FlexQTL .par and .map will be appended
   finaldatahbfile="finalhb_geno", #same
   origdatamrkfile="origmrk_geno", #same
   finaldatamrkfile="finalmrk_geno", #same
   #some non-file parameters, all with default values:
   min.allele.freq=3, #see function read_mhaplotypes - specifies minimum required polymorphism of markers
   mv.count=FALSE, #if TRUE, the number of missing marker scores is shown after the hballele number
   fqparfile="", # if an existing file is specified, all input is assumed to be in flexqtl format;
   #             in that case use function fq_haplotyping_session
   FQout=fqparfile!="" #if TRUE, output is in FlexQTL format including a
   #                    FlexQTL parameter file
  ) {
  # this function performs a complete workflow with default settings
  if (FQout && fqparfile=="") FQout <- FALSE #parfile needed to write FQ output
  if (mv.count) mv.sep <- "()" else mv.sep <- NA
  if (messagefile == "") messagefile <- "messages.txt"
  msgfile <- paste(sessionID, messagefile, sep="_")
  write(paste("haplotyping session started on", date()), file=msgfile)

  cat("reading datafiles ...\n")
  #read map:
  maptype <- checkmapfiletype(mapfile)
  if (fqparfile != "" && maptype == 3) {
    stop("mapfile must be specified")
  map <- switch(maptype,
  if (is.data.frame(map)) {
    #map is a map data.frame, we need to add usemarker:
    usemarker <- rep(TRUE, nrow(map))
  } else {
    #map is a list as returned by read_map_from_table, split:
    usemarker <- map$usemarker
    map <- map$map
  #we delete the not-usemarkers from the map: this will also exclude them
  #from the marker data set later on:
  map <- map[usemarker,]
  #note that usemarker here is a logical vector indicating for each marker in
  #the map file if it will be used in analysis or not (a user selection, only
  #available from read_map_from_table).
  #This is different from the usemarker returned by read_phasedgenofile: that
  #indicates which markers are sufficiently polymorphic to be used.

  e <- checkMapOrder(map, allowColocalizedMarkers=TRUE)
  if (length(e) > 0)
    stop("map should be organized per chromosome in ascending order")

  chb <- checkHaploblocks(map)
  if (length(chb) > 0) {
    write(paste("\nThe following", length(chb),
                "haploblocks do not form one marker block:"), file=msgfile,
    cat(paste("The following", length(chb),
                "haploblocks do not form one marker block:\n"))
    for (f in chb) {
      write(f, file=msgfile, append=TRUE)
      cat(f); cat("\n")
    stop("not all haploblocks are composed of one marker block")

  #read pedigree with nuisance and trait variables:
  ped <- read_pedigree(pedfilename=pedigreefile, parfilename=fqparfile)
  #Note: this will also correctly read non-flexqtl input
  if (is.character(ped)) stop(paste("error in pedigree:",ped))

  #read oldhballeles if specified:
  if (oldhballelesfile == "") oldhballeles <- NULL else
    oldhballeles <- read_oldhballeles(oldhballelesfile)

  #read phased marker data:
  mhaplo <- read_phasedgenofile(
    map=map, ped=ped, min.allele.freq=min.allele.freq,
    diagnostic_filename=paste(sessionID, mrkpolymorphismfile, sep="_"),
  write(c("", mhaplo$messages), file=msgfile, append=TRUE)

  #calculate the initial haploblock alleles (haplotypes):
  ih <- get_initial_haplotypes(mrkallele.arr=mhaplo$mrkallele.arr,
                               map=map, usemarker=mhaplo$usemarker,
  write(c("", ih$messages), file=msgfile, append=TRUE)
  fp_haplotypes <- ih$fp_haplotypes
  hapnrarr <- ih$hapnrarr
  mhaplo$alleledata <- ih$alleledata
  hbmap <- getHaploblockmap(fp_haplotypes)
  msg <- checkMapOrder(hbmap, allowColocalizedMarkers=FALSE)
  if (length(msg) > 0) {
    msg <- c(" ",
             "The following set(s) of haploblocks have identical positions:",
    write(msg, file=msgfile, append=TRUE)
    cat(paste(msg, "\n", sep=""))

  #get a list with all HS families:
  HSfam <- get.all.HSfamilies(ped)

  #write all haploblock alleles found initially in each HS family:
  if (HSorighballelesfile != "") {
    cat("writing initial HS family haploblock alleles file ...\n")
    writeHSfamHaplotypes(HSfam=HSfam, fp_haplotypes=fp_haplotypes,
                         filename=paste(sessionID, HSorighballelesfile, sep="_"),

  #the actual calculation of haploblock alleles:
  cat("calculation haploblock alleles ...\n")
  procAFP <- processAllFocalpoints(fp_haplotypes, hapnrarr, HSfam)
  write(c("", procAFP$messages), file=msgfile, append=TRUE)

  cat("writing all requested output files ...\n")
  #write all alleles per haploblock:
  if (hballelesfile != "") {
    write.all.haploblockalleles(filename=paste(sessionID, hballelesfile, sep="_"),
                         procAFP$fp_haplotypes, procAFP$hapnrarr,
                         map=map, na.char="-",

  # For debugging: write the final haploblock alleles grouped:
  # groupNwrite.all.haploblockalleles(procAFP$fp_haplotypes, procAFP$hapnrarr,
  #   filename=paste(sessionID, "hballeles_grouped.dat", sep="_"))

  #write all haploblock alleles found finally in each HS family:
  if (HSfinalhballelesfile != "") {
    writeHSfamHaplotypes(HSfam, procAFP$fp_haplotypes, procAFP$hapnrarr,
                         filename=paste(sessionID, HSfinalhballelesfile, sep="_"),

  #calculate the original and final marker allele data arrays:
  origmarkerarray <- getMarkerarray(fp_haplotypes, hapnrarr,
  finalmarkerarray <- getMarkerarray(procAFP$fp_haplotypes, procAFP$hapnrarr,
  mrkconvergence <- procAFP$convergence[match(map$hb, names(fp_haplotypes))]

  #write the haploblock files:
  hbmap <- getHaploblockmap(fp_haplotypes)

  fphapcol <- allelecolors(old=hapnrarr,
  allelecolors.statistics(colors=fphapcol, map=hbmap,
                          filename=paste(sessionID, hbstatisticsfile, sep="_"))

  #create a version of missing value symbols for haploblocks for use in writing
  #the output file
  if (is.na(mv.sep)) missing <- 1 else {
    missing <- character(length(fp_haplotypes))
    for (hb in seq_along(fp_haplotypes))
      missing[hb] <- get_hballeleID(hb, 1, fp_haplotypes, mv.sep)

  if (origpedimaphbfile != "" || origdatahbfile != "") {
    #create a version of hapnrarr with the desired type of hballele ID's:
    if (is.na(mv.sep)) {
      hna <- hapnrarr
    } else {
      hna <- conv.hballelenames(x=hapnrarr, fp_haplotypes, mv.sep)
  if (origpedimaphbfile != "") {
    writePedimapFile(filename=paste(sessionID, origpedimaphbfile, sep="_"),
  if (origdatahbfile != "") {
                   outfiles=paste(sessionID, "_", origdatahbfile, sep=""),
                   origFQparfile=ifelse(FQout, fqparfile, ""),

  if (finalpedimaphbfile != "" || finaldatahbfile != "") {
    #create a version of procAFP$hapnrarr with the desired type of hballele ID's:
    if (is.na(mv.sep)) {
      hna <- procAFP$hapnrarr
    } else hna <- conv.hballelenames(x=procAFP$hapnrarr, fp_haplotypes, mv.sep)
  if (finalpedimaphbfile != "") {
    writePedimapFile(filename=paste(sessionID, finalpedimaphbfile, sep="_"),
  if (finaldatahbfile != "") {
                 outfiles=paste(sessionID, "_", finaldatahbfile, sep=""),
                 origFQparfile=ifelse(FQout, fqparfile, ""),
  if ((origdatahbfile != "" || finaldatahbfile != "") && !FQout) {
    #write the hbmapfile once
    write.table(hbmap, file=paste(sessionID, "_hbmap.dat", sep=""), sep="\t",
                quote=FALSE, na="", col.names=TRUE, row.names=FALSE)

  #write the marker files:
  mrkhapcol <- allelecolors(old=origmarkerarray[[1]],
  allelecolors.statistics(colors=mrkhapcol, map=map,
                          filename=paste(sessionID, mrkstatisticsfile, sep="_"))
  if (origpedimapmrkfile !="") {
    writePedimapFile(filename=paste(sessionID, origpedimapmrkfile, sep="_"),
  if (finalpedimapmrkfile != "") {
    writePedimapFile(filename=paste(sessionID, finalpedimapmrkfile, sep="_"),
  if (origdatamrkfile != "") {
                 outfiles=paste(sessionID, "_", origdatamrkfile, sep=""),
                 origFQparfile=ifelse(FQout, fqparfile, ""),
  if (finaldatamrkfile != "") {
                 outfiles=paste(sessionID, "_", finaldatamrkfile, sep=""),
                 origFQparfile=ifelse(FQout, fqparfile, ""),
  if ((origdatamrkfile != "" || finaldatamrkfile != "") && !FQout) {
    #write the mrkmapfile once
    write.table(map, file=paste(sessionID, "_mrkmap.dat", sep=""), sep="\t",
                quote=FALSE, na="", col.names=TRUE, row.names=FALSE)
  if ((origdatahbfile != "" || finaldatahbfile != "" ||
         origdatamrkfile != "" || finaldatamrkfile != "") && !FQout) {
    #write the pedigreefile once
    write.table(ped, file=paste(sessionID, "_pedigree.dat", sep=""), sep="\t",
                quote=FALSE, na="", col.names=TRUE, row.names=FALSE)

  cat(paste("haplotyping session", sessionID, "finished.\n"))
} #haplotyping_session

# Function fq_haplotyping_session is a user-friendly wrapper for the separate
# steps that make up the haplotyping process, to be used if the input files are
# in FlexQTL format.
# The first 2 parameters specify a sessionID that will be prefixed to
# the output file names, and the map file; these parameters
# must be supplied by the user.
# Almost all other parameters are names for input and output files and have
# default values. To suppress an output file (except messagefile), set its name
# to "".
fq_haplotyping_session <- function(
  #three flexqtl input files with default names:
  pedigreefile="flexqtl.sort", #if not available, the datafile from flexqtl.par is used
  #all output files with default names, will be preceded by sessionID
  origflexqtlhbfiles="orighb_flexqtl", #.par, .map and .dat will be appended
  origflexqtlmrkfiles="origmrk_flexqtl", #same
  finalflexqtlmrkfiles="finalmrk_flexqtl", #same
  #some non-file parameters, all with default values:
  min.allele.freq=3, #see function read_mhaplotypes
  mv.count=FALSE, #if TRUE, the number of missing marker scores is shown after the hballele number
) {
  # This function takes flexqtl input with (mostly) default file names
  # and calls the generic haplotyping_session with appropriate parameters
    sessionID=sessionID, mapfile=mapfile,
    #all output files with default names, will be preceded by sessionID
} #fq_haplotyping_session

read_FQparfile <- function(parfilename="flexqtl.par") {
  #return value: list with items
  # $datafile will only be used (to read pedigree with nuisance and trait names)
  #           if the flexQTL.sort file is not available
  # $mapfile (also not used, we need a mapfile with extra haploblock column)
  # $ncolN number of nuisance trait columns, may be 0
  datafile <- ""
  misvalT <- "-"
  mapfile <- ""
  ncolN <- NA
  ncolT <- NA
  namesN <- character(0)
  namesT <- character(0)
  i <- 1
  line <- readLines(parfilename, warn=F)
  while (i<=length(line) && (is.na(ncolN) || is.na(ncolT) ||
                               datafile == "" || mapfile == "" ||
                               length(namesN) == 0 ||
                               length(namesT) == 0) ) {
    words <- unlist(strsplit(line[i], split="[[:blank:]]"))
    words <- words[nchar(words) > 0]
    if (length(words) > 0 && words[1][1] != ";") {
      #not a comment line
      words[1] <- toupper(words[1])
      if (words[1]=="NCOLN" && !is.na(as.integer(words[2])) )
        ncolN <- as.integer(words[2])
      if (words[1]=="NCOLT" && !is.na(as.integer(words[2])) )
        ncolT <- as.integer(words[2])
      if (words[1]=="DATAFILE" && length(words)>1)
        datafile <- words[2]
      if (words[1]=="MAPFILE" && length(words)>1)
        mapfile <- words[2]
      if (words[1]=="NAMESN" && length(words)>1)
        namesN <- words[-1]
      if (words[1]=="NAMEST" && length(words)>1)
        namesT <- words[-1]
      if (words[1]=="MISVALT" && length(words)>1)
        misvalT <- words[-1]
    i <- i+1
  if (datafile == "") stop(paste("No datafile specified in ",parfilename))
  if (mapfile == "") stop(paste("No mapfile specified in ",parfilename))
  if (is.na(ncolN)) stop(paste("ncolN not found in ",parfilename))
  if (is.na(ncolT)) stop(paste("ncolT not found in ",parfilename))
  #check and correct if nuisance or trait names not defined or incorrect length:
  lN <- length(namesN)
  if (lN < ncolN) {
    namesN[(lN+1):ncolN] <- paste("nuisancevar", (lN+1):ncolN, sep="_")
  if (ncolN > 0) namesN <- namesN[1:ncolN]
  lT <- length(namesT)
  if (lT < ncolT) {
    namesT[(lT+1):ncolT] <- paste("traitvar",(lT+1):ncolT, sep="_")
  if (ncolT > 0) namesT <- namesT[1:ncolT]
  list (datafile=datafile, mapfile=mapfile, ncolN=ncolN, ncolT=ncolT,
        namesN=namesN, namesT=namesT, misvalT=misvalT)
} #read_FQparfile

read_pedigree <- function(pedfilename="flexqtl.sort",
                          parfilename="flexqtl.par") {
  #20150902: if flexqtl parfile is specified and present, then only the
  #pedigree and the nuisance and trait columns are read from flexqtl.sort
  #or the original flexqtl datafile.
  #if no flexqtl parfile, a generic pedfile is read with all columns as trait columns
  #(even if parfilename is specified but no such file present)
  #The generic format has a header line with "name", "parent1", "parent2" and
  #trait names for any further columns, has "" as NA-string and is tab-separated
  #In both the flexqtl and generic format it is possible to exclude individuals
  #by placing a ";" in front of the row
  if (!is.na(parfilename) && !(parfilename=="") && file.exists(parfilename)) {
    #flexQTL parameter and data file available
    FQpar <- read_FQparfile(parfilename)
    if (!file.exists(pedfilename)) pedfilename <- FQpar$datafile
    if (!file.exists(pedfilename)) stop("read_pedigree: pedigreefile not found")
    na.trait <- FQpar$misvalT
    ped <- read.table(pedfilename, header=FALSE, as.is=TRUE, na.strings=na.trait,
    ped <- ped[,2:(4+FQpar$ncolN+FQpar$ncolT)]
    names(ped) <- c("name", "parent1", "parent2", FQpar$namesN, FQpar$namesT)
    ped$parent1[ped$parent1=="0"] <- NA
    ped$parent2[ped$parent2=="0"] <- NA
  } else {
    #no FQ parfile, we read a file containing only the pedigree and
    #possibly trait values:
    if (!file.exists(pedfilename)) stop("read_pedigree: pedigreefile not found")
    con <- file(pedfilename, "r", blocking = FALSE)
    headers <- strsplit(readLines(con, 1), split="\t")[[1]]
    ped <- read.table(pedfilename, skip=1, header=FALSE, as.is=TRUE, na.strings="",
                      comment.char=";", sep="\t")
    headers[1:3] <- c("name", "parent1", "parent2")
    names(ped) <- headers
  ped <- sortPedigree(ped, colInd=1, colPar1=2, colPar2=3,
                           parentsFirst=TRUE, semiFounders=TRUE)
} #read_pedigree

read_map_from_mhaplotypes <- function(filename="mhaplotypes.csv") {
  # read the map from line 19-20:
  tmp <- read.table(filename, skip=18, header=F, na.strings="-",sep=",",nrows=2)
  #read the marker names from line 21:
  mhaplo <- read.table(filename, skip=20, header=T, na.strings="-",sep=",",
                       as.is=TRUE, nrows=1)
  map <- data.frame(marker=names(mhaplo)[3:length(mhaplo)],
  #add the haploblock here by rounding of position:
  chrchar <- max(nchar(map$chrom))
  chr <- substr(rep("00000", nrow(map)), 1, chrchar - nchar(map$chrom) + 1)
  chr <- paste(substr(chr, 2, chrchar), map$chrom, sep="")
  flp <- as.integer(floor(map$pos))
  pschar <- max(nchar(flp))
  ps <- substr(rep("00000000", nrow(map)), 1, pschar - nchar(flp) + 1)
  ps <- paste(substr(ps, 2, pschar), flp, sep="")
  map$hb <- paste("hb", chr, "_", ps, sep="")
} #read_map_from_mhaplotypes

checkmapfiletype <- function(mapfilename) {
  #if mapfilename=="", mapfiletype=3 (read map from phasedgenotypesfile,
  #valid only for flexqtl input). Else if the first non-empty line that
  #does not start with a ';' has only two words before the first ';' (if that
  #occurs) and the first word is 'group' or 'chrom' the mapfiletype is 2
  #extended FQ mapfile), else mapfiletype=1 (tab-separated table)
  if (mapfilename=="") return(3)
  line <- readLines(mapfilename, warn=FALSE)
  i <- 1 #line number
  words <- character(0)
  while (i<=length(line) && length(words)==0) {
    words <- unlist(strsplit(line[i], split="[[:blank:]]"))
    words <- words[nchar(words)>0]
    if (length(words)>0 && substr(words[1], 1, 1) == ";") words <- character(0)
  if (length(words)<2) stop (paste(mapfilename,": unrecognized map file format"))
  W <- toupper(words[1])
  if (W!="GROUP" && W!="CHROM") return(1)
  if (length(words) == 2) return(2) else {
    if (substr(words[3], 1, 1) ==';') return(2) else return(1)
} #checkmapfiletype

read_map_from_extended_FQmap <- function(mapfilename) {
  #each linkage group starts with a header line with the keyword "GROUP" or
  #"CHROM" (upper/lower case not relevant) and the name of the group
  #following the header lines are one or more lines, each with a locus name,
  #position AND haploblock name (this last is not present in FQ mapfile)
  #The loci must be listed in ascending order of position (although that is
  #not checked here). Words and numbers must be separated by one or more spaces
  #and/or tab characters
  #Empty lines and lines starting with ";" are ignored
  line <- line <- readLines(mapfilename, warn=FALSE)
  i <- 1 #line number
  chromname <- ""
  loc <- 0
  locnames <- character(0)
  chrom <- character(0)
  position <- double(0)
  hb <- character(0)

  while (i<=length(line)) {
    words <- unlist(strsplit(line[i], split="[[:blank:]]"))
    words <- words[nchar(words)>0]
    if (length(words)>0 && words[1][1] != ";") {
      W <- toupper(words[1])
      if (W=="GROUP" || W=="CHROM") {
        if (length(words)<2)
          stop (paste(mapfilename,": GROUP or CHROM without group name on line",i))
        chromname <- words[2]
      else {
        if (chromname=="")
          stop(paste(mapfilename, ": locus",words[1],
                     "appears before GROUP header on line", i))
        if (length(words)<3 ||
              is.na(suppressWarnings(as.double(words[2]))) )
          stop(paste(mapfilename, ": locus name", words[1],
                      "without valid position or haploblock"))
        loc <- loc + 1
        locnames[loc] <- words[1]
        chrom[loc] <- chromname
        position[loc] <- as.double(words[2])
        hb[loc] <- words[3]
        if (loc>1 && chrom[loc] == chrom[loc - 1] &&
            position[loc] < position[loc - 1]) {
          stop(paste(mapfilename, ": locus name", words[1],
                     "position lower than previous locus"))
    } # line not empty or comment
    i <- i + 1
  data.frame(marker=locnames, chrom=chrom, pos=position, hb=hb)
} #read_map_from_extended_FQmap

read_map_from_table <- function(mapfilename,
                                extraColumns=FALSE) {
  #mapfile is a tab-separated file with a table with at least
  #columns marker, chrom, pos, fp (or alternative names, see code; columns
  #may be in any order); map must be in ascending map order
  #Also a column use or omit, containing 0/1 values specifying marker(s) to
  #use or to omit may be present
  #allowDuplicatedMarkers: if FALSE no two marker names may be identical
  #allowColocalizedMarkers: if FALSE no two markers may be at the same
  #                         position on the same chromosome
  #roundPosition: an integer or NA. If not NA, positions are rounded to this
  #               number of decimals
  #extraColumns: if TRUE: any extra columns besides the required marker,
  #              chromosome, position, haploblock and optional use/omit
  #              are also read, else they are ignored
  #Return value: a list with items
  # $map: a data frame containing the 4 required columns, and any other
  #       columns if extraColumns is TRUE; the map contains only the markers
  #       indicated by the use or omit column is present, and the use or omit
  #       column itself is not present any more.
  # $usemarker: the original use column, or (1-omit) translated to TRUE/FALSE,
  #       or all TRUE's if no use or omit was present; this may be used to
  #       select markers from any other data files if these are in map order.
  #NOTE that markers can also be excluded by commenting out the line
  #     i.e. by putting the comment character ';' in front of the line
  #     In that case the map will be shorter than the original
  #     map, and may not match any more with other data files.
  #     The preferred way to omit markers is therefore the use or omit column.

  #This function is forgiving for some format errors:
  #it will clean leading and trailing blanks in column captions and data
  #and it accepts lines having unequal numbers of fields.
  #All lines are padded with NA fields such that all have equal length,
  #any columns after the one with the last non-blank caption are ignored.
  #This will avoid problems where users have added (invisible) spaces or tabs
  #Comments can be added at the end of any line if preceded by a tab and/or the
  #comment character ';'
  #Lines consisting of only blanks (spaces and tabs) are ignored, and also
  #lines where the first non-blank character is the commentchar

  #first find header line and parse it to count columns (readLines)
  #assign all columns to their correct caption,
  #and delete all columns for which there was no caption
  #convert all column names to their preferred version
  #check for correctly sorted, no NA in required columns
  #check for duplicate marker names and names containing spaces
  #delete all rows where use==0 or omit==1, and then column use or omit
  #round position to 3 decimals
  #optionally: check after rounding for co-localized markers
  sep <- "\t"; commentchar <- ";"
  colnames <- data.frame(
    prefname = factor(c(rep("marker", 5),
                         rep("chrom", 4),
                         rep("pos", 3),
                         rep("use", 4),
                         rep("hb", 4))),
    allowedname = c("mrk", "mark", "marker", "loc", "locus",
                     "chr", "chrom", "chromosome", "group",
                     "pos", "position", "cm",
                     "use", "include", "omit", "exclude", #the last two are treated different from the first two!
                     "hb", "fp", "haploblock", "focalpoint")
  #find and parse header line:
  con <- file(mapfilename, "r")
  line <- 0
  while(TRUE) {
    line <- line + 1
    s <- readLines(con, n=1, warn=FALSE)
    if (length(s) != 1) stop("no header line found")
    s <- gsub("^\\s+|\\s+$", "", s) #trim leading and trailing whitespace
    if (nchar(s) > 0 && substring(s,1,1) != commentchar) break()
  captions <- unlist(strsplit(s, split=sep, fixed=TRUE))
  captions <- gsub("^\\s+|\\s+$", "", captions)
  startcomment <- which(substring(captions, 1, 1) == commentchar)
  if (length(startcomment) > 0) captions <- captions[1:(min(startcomment) - 1)]
  #at least one caption remains
  capchar <- nchar(captions)
  lastcol <- max(which(capchar > 0))
  if (lastcol == 0) stop("header line contains no non-blank column headers")
  captions <- tolower(captions[1:lastcol])
  #remove possible comment included in last caption:
  commentat <- regexpr(paste(" ",commentchar,sep=""), captions[lastcol])[1]
  if (commentat > 0)
    captions[lastcol] <- gsub("^\\s+|\\s+$", "", substring(captions[lastcol], 1, commentat-1))
  # this always has at least one non-blank character left!
  if (sum( (capchar==0)[1:lastcol]) > 0) stop("blank column headers in header line")
  spaceat <- regexpr(" ", captions) #vector with pos of 1st space (or -1) for each caption
  if (sum(spaceat > 0) > 0) stop("some column headers contain spaces")
  # now we have a number of consecutive non-blank column captions without spaces
  #next we check the maximum number of fields in any data line:
  fields <- count.fields(mapfilename, sep=sep, skip=line,
                         blank.lines.skip=TRUE, comment.char=commentchar)
  tmpnames <- paste("V", 1:max(fields), sep="")
  # read the rest of the file without risking the first column to become rownames:
  map <- read.table(mapfilename, skip=line, header=FALSE, col.names=tmpnames,
                    sep=sep, comment.char=commentchar, na.strings="",
                    blank.lines.skip = TRUE, strip.white=TRUE,

  if (length(map) < lastcol) stop("more column headers than data columns")
  #read and check the four required columns:
  newmap <- NULL
  mapnames <- c("marker", "chrom", "pos", "hb")
  for (cname in mapnames) {
    fc <- which(captions %in% colnames$allowedname[colnames$prefname==cname])
    if (length(fc) != 1) stop(paste("one column", cname, "required"))
    if (sum(is.na(map[, fc])) > 0)
      stop(paste("no missing values allowed in column", captions[fc]))
    if (is.null(newmap)) newmap <- data.frame(map[, fc]) else
      newmap <- cbind(newmap, map[, fc])
  names(newmap) <- mapnames
  r1 <- 1:(nrow(newmap) - 1); r2 <- r1+1
  # check chromosomes sorted:
  e <- which(newmap$chrom[r2] != newmap$chrom[r1])
  if (length(e) != length(unique(newmap$chrom)) - 1)
    stop("map should be organized per chromosome in ascending order")
  #check markers ascending:
  e <- checkMapOrder(newmap, allowColocalizedMarkers)
  if (length(e) > 0)
    stop("map should be organized per chromosome in ascending order")
  # check for haploblocks forming blocks of successive markers is done elsewhere
  if (!is.na(roundPosition)) newmap$pos <- round(newmap$pos, roundPosition)
  #include any optional columns if requested (this will not copy the
  #use/omit column):
  if (extraColumns) {
    for (cname in setdiff(unique(captions), colnames$allowedname)) {
      fc <- which(captions == cname)
      if (length(fc) != 1) stop(paste("multiple columns", cname))
      if (fc <= length(map)) {
        newmap <- cbind(newmap, map)
        names(newmap)[length(newmap)] <- cname
  #process a possible column use or omit:
  fc <- which (captions %in% colnames$allowedname[colnames$prefname=="use"])
  if (length(fc) > 1) stop("only one column 'use' or 'omit' allowed")
  usemarker <- rep(TRUE, nrow(map))
  if (length(fc) == 1) {
    if (sum(is.na(map[, fc])) > 0 ||
        sum(map[, fc] %in% c(0, 1)) != nrow(map))
      stop(paste("invalid entries in column", captions[fc]))
    if (captions[fc] %in% c("omit", "exclude")) {
      usemarker <- map[, fc] == 0
    } else {
      usemarker <- map[, fc] == 1
    #DO NOT delete the omitted markers:
    #newmap <- newmap[usemarker,]
  list(map=newmap, usemarker=usemarker)
} #read_map_from_table

checkHaploblocks <- function(map) {
  #returns a character vector of haploblocks that do not form one consecutive
  #block of markers, or that group markers over chromosome boundaries
  result <- character(0)
  fp <- as.character(map$hb)
  ufp <- unique(fp)
  for (f in ufp) {
    wf <- which(fp == f)
    if (max(wf) - min(wf) + 1 != length(wf) ||          #not one consec. block
        length(unique(map$chrom[min(wf):max(wf)])) > 1) #not on one chrom
        result <- c(result, f)
} #checkHaploblocks

checkMapOrder <- function(map, allowColocalizedMarkers=TRUE) {
  #map: data frame with at least columns marker, chrom, pos
  #allowColocalizedMarkers: TRUE if successive markers may be at exactly the
  #         same position within a chromosome, FALSE if not
  #(decreasing order of position within a chromosome is never allowed)
  #return value:
  #character vector with in each element the names of two successive
  #markers violating the requirements, separated by a tab.
  #(0 elements if order was ok)
  if (nrow(map) < 1) stop("empty map")
  msg <- character(0)
  if (nrow(map) == 1) return(msg)
  if (allowColocalizedMarkers) {
    x <- which(map$chrom[2:nrow(map)] == map$chrom[1:(nrow(map)-1)] &
                 map$pos[2:nrow(map)] < map$pos[1:(nrow(map)-1)])
  } else {
    x <- which(map$chrom[2:nrow(map)] == map$chrom[1:(nrow(map)-1)] &
                 map$pos[2:nrow(map)] <= map$pos[1:(nrow(map)-1)])
  if (length(x) > 0) {
    markerpairs <- cbind(map$marker[x], map$marker[x+1])
    msg <- paste(map$marker[x], "\t", map$marker[x+1])
} #checkMapOrder

read_phasedgenofile <- function(map, ped, min.allele.freq=3,
                             fq) {
  #map: a data.frame with columns marker, chrom, pos, fp; as returned by
  #     any of the read_map_xxx functions
  #ped: pedigree, a data frame as produced by read_pedigree
  #min.allele.freq: if there are not at least two alleles occurring at least
  #                 min.allele.freq times, usemarker (see below) is set to FALSE
  #phasedgenofile: input file, either in the flexqtl mhaplotypes.csv format
  #                (if fq TRUE) or in generic format (fq FALSE). The generic
  #                format is a tab-separated text file with empty cells for
  #                missing data. It has one row per individual and 2 columns per
  #                marker, with a header row where the first column of each marker
  #                is supposed to have the marker name (the name of the second
  #                marker column is ignored) and the individual names in the
  #                first column.
  #fq: TRUE (FlexQTL input) or FALSE (generic input)
  #return value: a list with items
  # $mrkallele.arr: a 3-dim array; dim 1 = markers, dim 2 = individuals,
  #          dim 3 = 1:2 (parental origin); contains the allele number:
  #          the allele numbers refer to allele names per marker
  #          as specified in the second item:
  # $alleledata: a data frame with columns markername, markernr,
  #              chrom, pos, haploblock, allelename, allelenr,
  #              one line per allele over all markers
  # $usemarker: logical vector in order of map: TRUE for markers to be used,
  #             FALSE for markers to be omitted from analysis (TRUE if at least
  #             2 alleles occur at least min.allele.freq times)
  #side effect: a file is written to diagnostic_filename with info on the
  #             number of observations of each marker allele and with usemarker
  messages <- character(0)
  if (fq) {
    #read flexqtl input:
    mhaplo <- read.table.origheaders(phasedgenofile, skip=20, header=TRUE,
                                     na.strings="-", sep=",", comment.char="",
    #  no conversion to factors as each column has a mixture of data types
    indcount <- nrow(mhaplo)/5 #as read from mhaplotypes, may be different from pedigree
    # get the haplotypes from the first 2 lines for each individual:
    mhaplo <- mhaplo[sort(c(seq(1, by=5, length.out=indcount),
                            seq(2, by=5, length.out=indcount))),
                     -2] #omit 2nd column VAR (hap1/2, gpo1/2, prob)

  } else {
    #fq FALSE, read generic input:
    mhaplo <- read.table.origheaders(phasedgenofile, header=TRUE, sep="\t",
                                     comment.char="", na.strings=c("", "NA"),
    #extra checks, since unknown source:
    if (length(mhaplo) < 3 || length(mhaplo) %% 2 == 0)
      return("read_phasedgenofile: invalid column count")
    indcount <- nrow(mhaplo)
    #any column that has only T and F will be interpreted as logical, correct:
    logi <- integer(0)
    for (i in 2:length(mhaplo))
      if (class(mhaplo[,i])=="logical") logi <- c(logi, i)
    if (length(logi) > 0) {
      mh <- read.table(phasedgenofile, skip=1, header=FALSE, sep="\t",
                       comment.char="", colClasses="character")
      for (i in logi) mhaplo[,i] <- mh[,i]
    #now we convert the mhaplo to have 2 columns (instead of 1) for each markers
    #and 2 rows (instead of 1) for each individual:
    mhaplo <- twocols2tworows.dfr(mhaplo)
  } #fq FALSE
  #all markers on map must be in file, not v.v:
  mmrk <- which(names(mhaplo)[-1] %in% map$marker)
  if (length(mmrk) != nrow(map))
      stop("read_phasedgenofile: not all markers on map in file")
  mmrk <- match(map$marker, names(mhaplo)[-1])
  mhaplo <- mhaplo[,c(1, 1+mmrk)] #marker columns in map order
  mrkcount <- length(mmrk)
  #for each column (each marker): if all alleles are actually numeric,
  #convert them to numeric
  for (i in 2:length(mhaplo)) {
      num <- as.numeric(mhaplo[,i])
      if (sum(is.na(num)) == sum(is.na(mhaplo[,i]))) mhaplo[,i] <- num
  indnames <- mhaplo[seq(1, by=2, length.out=indcount), 1]
  # now each column has all allele names of that marker
  # For efficiency we convert all allele names to integers and keep a
  # translation table, and arrange the data as a 3-dim array:
  haparr <- array(integer(indcount*mrkcount*2), dim=c(mrkcount,indcount,2),
                  dimnames=list(names(mhaplo)[-1], #markers
                                indnames, #individuals
                                c("hap1","hap2"))) # parental origin
  names(dimnames(haparr)) <- c("marker", "individual", "parentalhaplo")
  alleledata <- data.frame()
  for (m in 1:mrkcount) {
    ch <- mhaplo[,m+1]
    chf <- as.factor(ch)
    chi <- as.integer(chf) #levels are now 1,2,3... in numeric or alphabetical order of alleles
    haparr[m,,1] <- chi[seq(1, by=2, length.out=indcount)]
    haparr[m,,2] <- chi[seq(2, by=2, length.out=indcount)]
    mname <- names(mhaplo)[m+1]
    df <- data.frame(markername=rep(mname,length(levels(chf))),
    alleledata <- rbind(alleledata,df)
  alleledata$allelename <- as.character(alleledata$allelename)
  #all individuals in pedigree must be in file, not v.v:
  pind <- which(dimnames(haparr)[[2]] %in% ped$name)
  if (length(pind) != nrow(ped))
      stop("read_phasedgenofile: not all individuals from pedigree in file")
  mhaplo_not_ped <- setdiff(dimnames(haparr)[[2]], as.character(ped$name))
  if (length(mhaplo_not_ped) > 0) {
    messages <- c(messages,
                  paste("read_phasedgenofile: the following",
                        "individuals occur in", phasedgenofile,
                        "but not in pedigree;"))
    messages <- c(messages,
                 "they will be ignored and won't occur in the output files:")
    for (i in seq_along(mhaplo_not_ped))
      messages <- c(messages, mhaplo_not_ped[i])
  for (m in seq_along(messages)) cat(paste(messages[m], "\n", sep=""))
  #individuals in pedigree order:
  haparr <- haparr[, match(ped$name,dimnames(haparr)[[2]]),]
  #get the tables of allele counts and the and write the file
  allfrq <- list()
  usemarker <- rep(TRUE, nrow(map))
  max_allele_count <- 0
  for (mrk in seq_along(map$marker)) {
    allfrq[[mrk]] <- table(haparr[mrk,,], useNA="no")
    usemarker[mrk] <- sum(allfrq[[mrk]] >= min.allele.freq) > 1
    #   at least 2 alleles should occur at least min.allele.freq times, that
    #   is more severe than just requiring that the marker is not monomorphic
    #   if min.allele.freq > 1
    if (length(allfrq[[mrk]]) > max_allele_count)
      max_allele_count <- length(allfrq[[mrk]])
  con <- file(diagnostic_filename, "w")
  s <- "marker\tchrom\tpos\thaploblock\tusemarker\tcount_NA"
  for (i in 1:max_allele_count) s <- paste(s,"\tcount_",i,sep="")
  for (i in 1:max_allele_count) s <- paste(s,"\tallele_",i,sep="")
  writeLines(s, con)
  for (mrk in seq_along(map$marker)) {
    s <- paste(map$marker[mrk], map$chrom[mrk], map$pos[mrk], map$hb[mrk],
               2*indcount - sum(allfrq[[mrk]]), sep="\t")
    with0s <- c(allfrq[[mrk]], rep(0, max_allele_count - length(allfrq[[mrk]])))
    s <- paste(s, "\t", paste(with0s, sep="", collapse="\t"), sep="")
    with0s <- c(subset(alleledata, markernr==mrk)$allelename,
                rep("", max_allele_count - length(allfrq[[mrk]])))
    s <- paste(s, "\t", paste(with0s, sep="", collapse="\t"), sep="")
    writeLines(s, con)
  list(mrkallele.arr=haparr, alleledata=alleledata, usemarker=usemarker,
} #read_phasedgenofile

mhaplotypes2generic <- function(mhaplotypes, generic) {
  #convert the phased genotypes data from flexqtl mhaplotypes.csv format
  #to generic phased genotyp file format
  #mhaplotypes: name of flexqtl file (input)
  #generic: name of new output file (will overwrite existing)
  con <- file(mhaplotypes, "r", blocking = FALSE)
  headers <- readLines(con, 21)
  headers <- strsplit(headers[21], split=",")[[1]]
  #to avoid the unwanted conversion of not allowed characters in marker names
  mhaplo <- read.table(mhaplotypes, skip=20, header=TRUE, na.strings="-",
                       sep=",", comment.char="", as.is=TRUE)
  indcount <- nrow(mhaplo)/5 #as read from mhaplotypes, may be different from pedigree
  # get the haplotypes from the first 2 lines for each individual:
  mhaplo <- mhaplo[sort(c(seq(1, by=5, length.out=indcount),
                          seq(2, by=5, length.out=indcount))),
                   -2] #omit 2nd column VAR (hap1/2, gpo1/2, prob)
  indnames <- mhaplo[,1]
  mhaplo <- data.frame(marker=headers[3:length(headers)],t(mhaplo[,-1]))
  names(mhaplo) <- c("marker", indnames)
  write.table(mhaplo, generic, na="", col.names=TRUE, row.names=FALSE,
              quote=FALSE, sep="\t")
} #mhaplotypes2generic

# function match.haplo returns TRUE if both haplotypes matching (i.e. no
# conflicts at any marker), FALSE if at least one conflict, and a specified
# value (T, F or NA) if at all markers at least one haplotype has NA
# (also if for all markers at least one of the hap is NA)
# hap1, hap2: 2 vectors with marker alleles of equal length > 0 (may be vectors
#             of allele numbers or names)
# match.NA: logical (TRUE or FALsE, not NA); if FALSE, NA in one hap matches NA
#           or any integer in the other; if TRUE, NA matches only NA
#           (i.e. only 2 identical haplotypes return TRUE)
# no.info: logical (TRUE, FALSE or NA): if match.NA is FALSE, the no.info value
#          is returned if at all markers at least one haplotype has NA
match.haplo <- function(hap1, hap2, match.NA, no.info) {
  if (length(hap1)==0 || length(hap2)==0 || length(hap1) != length(hap2)) {
    stop("match.haplo: both haplotypes must have equal length > 0")
  } else {
    neq <- hap1 != hap2
    one.na  <- xor(is.na(hap1), is.na(hap2))
    if (match.NA) {
      return(sum(one.na)==0 &&
        (is.na(sum(neq, na.rm=TRUE)) || sum(neq, na.rm=TRUE)==0))
    } else {
      if (sum(!is.na(neq))==0) {
        return(no.info) #at all markers at least one of the haplotypes has NA
      } else {
        return( sum(neq, na.rm=TRUE)==0)
} #match.haplo

read_oldhballeles <- function(fname) {
  #reads a file with the alleles of all haploblocks from an
  #earlier run, with the aim of assigning the same ID's to the same alleles
  #in the current run.

  #Return value: a list with one item for each haploblock.
  #The items have the names of the haploblock and are character or numeric
  #arrays with markers in columns and haplotypes in rows; the row names are
  #the haplotype ID's (integers!) and the column names are either
  #the marker names (if available from the file) or NULL. The cell contents are
  #the marker allele names or NA.
  oldhballeles <- list()
  hapdata <- read.table(fname, header=FALSE, sep="\t", as.is=TRUE, na.strings="-")
  if (sum(hapdata[1,]=="hballelenr", na.rm=TRUE) != 1 || #this is the ID nr, excl a mv representation
        sum(hapdata[1,]=="markercount", na.rm=TRUE) != 1)
    stop("read_oldhballeles: file invalid")
  startlines <- which(hapdata[,1] == "hbnr")
  #check if there is at least one allele per haploblock (should be true unless
  #file is edited by user) and other errors:
  if (length(startlines) == 0 || startlines[1] != 1 || sum(is.na(startlines)) > 0 ||
        startlines[length(startlines)] == nrow(hapdata))
    stop("read_oldhballeles: file invalid")
  sl <- c(startlines, nrow(hapdata)+1)
  if (min(diff(sl)) <= 0)
    stop("read_oldhballeles: file invalid") #some haploblocks with no alleles
  fpnames <- hapdata[startlines+1, 2]
  markercounts <- as.integer(hapdata[startlines+1, which(hapdata[1,]=="markercount")])

  #hapdata <- hapdata[, c(4, 7:length(hapdata))] #hballeleID and all marker allele columns
  startlines <- c(startlines, nrow(hapdata)+1)
  for (fp in 1:(length(startlines)-1)) {
    hbcol <- which(hapdata[startlines[fp],] != "") #omit the final columns where this haploblock has no markers
    hd <-
      hapdata[(startlines[fp]+1):(startlines[fp+1]-1), hbcol]
    names(hd) <- hapdata[startlines[fp], hbcol]
    hapnrs <- gsub("^\\s+|\\s+$", "", hd[, "hballelenr"]) #whitespace trimmed
    if (sum(is.na(hapnrs)) > 0 || sum(hapnrs == "") > 0)
      stop("read_oldhballeles: missing or empty hballelenr")
      if (sum(is.na(as.numeric(hapnrs))) > 0)
        stop("read_oldhballeles: all hballelenr must be integers >= 1")
    hapnrs <- as.numeric(hapnrs)
    if (sum(hapnrs < 1) > 0)
      stop("read_oldhballeles: all hballelenr must be integers >= 1")
    if (sum(hapnrs != round(hapnrs)) > 0)
      stop("read_oldhballeles: all hballelenr must be integers >= 1")
    if (length(unique(hapnrs)) != length(hapnrs))
      stop(paste("read_oldhballeles: duplicate hballelenr in haploblock",
    oldhballeles[[fp]] <- as.matrix(hd[, (length(hd)-markercounts[fp]+1):length(hd)])
    rownames(oldhballeles[[fp]]) <- hapnrs
    #colnames(oldhballeles[[fp]]) <- hd[1, -1]
  names(oldhballeles) <- fpnames
} #read_oldhballeles

include_oldhballeles <- function(hapmat, fpname, oldhballeles, alleledata,
                                 emptyhapID) {
  #hapmat: a matrix with markers in columns and haplotype alleles in rows;
  #        values are integer (index to alleledata to obtain marker allele names)
  #oldhballeles: a list of character or numeric matrices as returned
  #            by read_oldhballeles, containing the old alleles for all old
  #            haploblocks from an earlier run
  #alleledata: a data frame with at least columns marker, allelenr, allelename;
  #            allelename should be numeric of character, not factor
  #emptyhapID: the ID (an integer) if the allele with only missing marker data
  #Return value: a list with 3 elements:
  #$hapmat: the original hapmat extended with new alleles from oldhballeles
  #         and the names of already present alleles overwritten by those from
  #         oldhballeles if those alleles are in there
  #$alleledata: the original alleledata extended with any extra marker alleles
  #             occurring in oldhballeles (needed to later write the haplotypes
  #             to file with those marker alleles that do not occur in the
  #             present population)
  #$messages: a character vector, empty if no messages
  messages <- character(0)
  if (is.null(oldhballeles) || length(oldhballeles) == 0 || is.null(alleledata))
    return(list(hapmat=hapmat, alleledata=alleledata, messages=messages))
  fp <- which(names(oldhballeles) == fpname)
  if (length(fp) > 1) {
    messages <- c(messages,
                  paste("include_oldhballeles: haploblock", fpname,
                        "occurs more than once; all ignored"))
    return(list(hapmat=hapmat, alleledata=alleledata, messages=messages))
  if (length(fp) == 0)
    #this focalpoint did not occur in the earlier run
    return(list(hapmat=hapmat, alleledata=alleledata, messages=messages))
  oldhballeles <- oldhballeles[[fp]]
  if (nrow(oldhballeles) == 0)
    return(list(hapmat=hapmat, alleledata=alleledata, messages=messages))
  #are the markers in alleledata the same as in hapmat?
  fpmrk <- unique(as.character(alleledata$markername[alleledata$haploblock==fpname]))
  if (!setequal(fpmrk, colnames(hapmat)))
    stop(paste("include_oldhballeles: markers in alleledata don't match hapmat in haploblock",
  #are the markers in oldhballeles the same as in hapmat?
  if (ncol(oldhballeles) != ncol(hapmat))
    stop(paste("include_oldhballeles: markers in oldhballeles don't match in haploblock",
  if (!setequal(colnames(oldhballeles), colnames(hapmat)))
    stop(paste("include_oldhballeles: markers in oldhballeles don't match in haploblock",
  #in case the markers within the focalpoint are rearranged, align them:
  if (sum(colnames(oldhballeles) != colnames(hapmat)) > 0) {
    messages <- c(messages, paste("in oldhballeles markers in different order for haploblock",
                                  fpname, "; rearranged"))
    oldhballeles <- oldhballeles[,match(colnames(oldhballeles), colnames(hapmat))]
  #if we reach this, the markers in all three data sources match.

  #if hballele 1 is present in oldhballeles it should consist of only
  #missing marker data
  empty <- which(rownames(oldhballeles) == emptyhapID)
  if (length(empty) == 1 && sum(!is.na(oldhballeles[empty,])) > 0)
    stop(paste("include_oldhballeles: markers in oldhballele allele", emptyhapID,
               "are not all missing in haploblock", fpname))
  #if any haplotype with only missing data occurs in oldhaballeles it must have
  #the emptyhapID:
  empty <- which(rowSums(!is.na(oldhballeles)) == 0)
  if (length(empty) > 0 && sum(rownames(oldhballeles[empty]) != emptyhapID) > 0)
    stop(paste("include_oldhballeles: the allele in oldhballele with only missing marker values",
               "do not have the hballelenr", emptyhapID,
               "in haploblock", fpname))
  #first add any marker alleles from the previous run to alleledata:
  mcount <- ncol(hapmat)
  for (m in 1:mcount) {
    mrkall <- alleledata[alleledata$markername == colnames(hapmat)[m],]
    oldall <- setdiff(unique(oldhballeles[,m]), mrkall$allelename)
    oldall <- oldall[!is.na(oldall)]
    if (length(oldall) > 0) {
      oldmaxnr <- max(mrkall$allelenr)
      extra <- mrkall[rep(1, length(oldall)),]
      extra$allelename <- oldall
      extra$allelenr <- (oldmaxnr+1):(oldmaxnr+length(oldall))
      alleledata <- rbind(alleledata, extra)

  #next create an array corresponding to oldhballeles with the marker allelenrs
  #instead of the marker allele names:
  hapallelenrs <- matrix(as.integer(NA),
                         nrow=nrow(oldhballeles), ncol=ncol(oldhballeles))
  rownames(hapallelenrs) <- rownames(oldhballeles)
  colnames(hapallelenrs) <- colnames(oldhballeles)
  for (m in 1:mcount) {
    mrkall <- alleledata[alleledata$markername == colnames(hapmat)[m],]
    hapallelenrs[,m] <- mrkall$allelenr[match(oldhballeles[,m], mrkall$allelename)]

  #add the alleles from hapallelenrs sequentially to hapmat, checking if
  #they already existed (this will also remove duplicates within hapallelenrs):
  for (a in seq_len(nrow(hapallelenrs))) {
    b <- nrow(hapmat)
    while (b > 0 && !identical(hapallelenrs[a,], hapmat[b,])) b <- b - 1
    if (b > 0) {
      #allele already in hapmat, assign name from hapallelenrs:
      rownames(hapmat)[b] <- rownames(hapallelenrs)[a]
    } else {
      #this allele did not yet exist and must be added:
      hapmat <- rbind(hapmat, hapallelenrs[a,, drop=FALSE])
  list(hapmat=hapmat, alleledata=alleledata, messages=messages)
} #include_oldhballeles

getnewhapnr <- function(hapmat, index=nrow(hapmat)) {
  #hapmat: a matrix with markers in columns and haploblock alleles in rows;
  #        values are integer (index to alleledata to obtain marker allele names)
  #index: the row in hapmat for which a name must be obtained
  #Currently a new allele gets the next available integer and the numbers are equal to the row numbers
  currnames <- as.integer(rownames(hapmat)[-index])
  if (sum(is.na(currnames)) > 0) stop("getnewhapnr: non-integer numbers occur")
  max(currnames) + 1
} #getnewhapnr

get_initial_haplotypes <- function(mrkallele.arr, map, usemarker,
                                   emptyhapID=1) {
  #obtain the haplotypes for each focal point (with NA as one extra allele)
  #mrkallele.arr: 3-dim array of marker alleles per marker/individual/parent
  #               as returned by read_mhaplotypes
  #map: a data.frame with columns marker, chrom, pos, fp; as returned by
  #     read_map_from_mhaplotypes; used for grouping of markers to focal points
  #usemarker: a logical vector without NAs of length nrow(map), indicating for
  #           each marker if it must be used or not
  #alleledata: as returned my read_mhaplotypes; data frame with at least
  #            columns markername, allelename, allelenr
  #oldhballeles: a data frame with one row per haplotype (as assigned
  #            in a previous run) with at least columns focalpoint (the name),
  #            haploname (name), and N columns with captions marker_1 .. marker_N
  #            containing the alleles (names), "-" for missing alleles or
  #            "%" for unused markers. oldhballeles may not contain duplicate
  #            alleles for the same focalpoint; the number of non-"%" markers
  #            must match the number of markers in the present focalpoint.
  #            The markers in oldhballeles must be the same markers in the same
  #            order as in the current map, but apart from the number of
  #            markers that cannot be checked
  #emptyhapID: the default name of the first haplotype of each focalpoint,
  #            which contains missing data for all markers. This name may be
  #            overwritten if an allele with only missing data is present in
  #            oldhballeles
  #return value: a list with items
  # $fp_haplotypes: a list with one item per focal point; for each focal point
  #                 the following items:
  #    $chrom: character or numeric value, name of the chromosome of this
  #            focalpoint
  #    $pos: numeric value, average position of all markers of this focalpoint
  #    $markers: integer vector of marker numbers in the focal point (numbering
  #              in map order; order of markers within focal point not relevant)
  #    $na.count: integer vector: for each haplotype in this focal point
  #               the number of missing marker alleles;
  #               a haplotype is a sequence of marker alleles, where NA is
  #               considered an allele (e.g. A-A-B, A-B-B and A-NA-B are three
  #               different haplotypes)
  #    $hapmat: integer matrix with markers in columns and haplotypes in rows,
  #             with the marker allele numbers (corresponding to the alleledata
  #             item in the return value of read_mhaplotypes).
  #             colnames are marker names, rownames are haplotype names (by
  #             default consecutive numbers)
  # second item of return value:
  # $hapnrarr: a 3-dim array with per focalpoint / individual / parent the
  #            haplotype number, which in an index into the
  #            fp_haplotypes[[fp.ix]] sub-items
  # third item of return value:
  # $alleledata: the input data frame with additional marker alleles from
  #              oldhballeles
  # $messages: a character vecor

  #first some input checks:
  if (dim(mrkallele.arr)[1] != nrow(map) ||
      length(which(dimnames(mrkallele.arr)[[1]] != map$marker)) > 0) {
    stop("get_initial_haplotypes: markers in mrkallele.arr don't match map")
  if (length(usemarker) == 1) {
    #allow to specify usemarker=TRUE to include all markers
    usemarker <- rep(usemarker, nrow(map))
  if (length(usemarker) != nrow(map) || sum(is.na(usemarker)) > 0) {
    stop("get_initial_haplotypes: usemarker doesn't match map or contains NAs")
  if (sum(usemarker) == 0) {
    stop("get_initial_haplotypes: usemarker excludes all markers")

  #first get the list of chromosome names in supplied map order
  #(not alphabetical / numerical order)
  chromnames <- c(as.character(map$chrom),"")
  chromlist2 <- c("",as.character(map$chrom))
  chromnames <- chromnames[chromnames!=chromlist2]
  length(chromnames) <- length(chromnames)-1
  #next get the list of focalpoints in map order:
  fpnames <- unique(as.character(map$hb))
  empty_fp <- logical(length(fpnames))

  # create fp.df: for each fp its name, chrom, average position)
  fp.df <- data.frame()
  for (fp.ix in seq_along(fpnames)) {
    fpname <- fpnames[fp.ix]
    fpchrom <- unique(map$chrom[map$hb == fpname])
    if (length(fpchrom) != 1)
      stop("get_initial_haplotypes: each focalpoint should be on one chromosome")
    fppos <- round(mean(map$pos[usemarker & map$hb == fpname]), digits=3)
    fp.df <- rbind(fp.df, data.frame(fp=fpname, chrom=fpchrom, pos=fppos))
  fp.df <- fp.df[!is.na(fp.df$pos),] #excludes fps without used markers
  fp.df <- fp.df[order(match(fp.df$chrom, chromnames), fp.df$pos),] #fp.df in map order
  #   NOTE: if this results in a reordering of the fp's, in a later stage the
  #         marker order will be different from the original order, causing
  #         problems in haplo2mrkallnrarr. Therefore we now (20150609) require in
  #         fq_haplotyping_session that the markers are already in map order
  fp.df$chrom <- as.character(fp.df$chrom)
    if (sum(is.na(as.numeric(fp.df$chrom)))==0) {
      fp.df$chrom <- as.numeric(fp.df$chrom)
  fp.df$fp <- as.character(fp.df$fp)
    if (sum(is.na(as.numeric(fp.df$fp)))==0) {
    fp.df$fp <- as.numeric(fp.df$fp)
  #next we create and fill fp_haplotypes and hapnrarr
  fpcount <- nrow(fp.df)
  indcount <- dim(mrkallele.arr)[2]
  hapnrarr <- array(integer(fpcount*indcount*2), dim=c(fpcount,indcount,2),
                    dimnames=list(fp.df$fp,                      #focalpoints
                                  dimnames(mrkallele.arr)[[2]],  #individuals
                                  dimnames(mrkallele.arr)[[3]])) #hap1/hap2
  names(dimnames(hapnrarr)) <- c("focalpoint", "individual", "parentalhaplo")

  fp_haplotypes <- list()
  messages <- character(0)
  for (fp.ix in seq_along(fp.df$fp)) {
    fp_haplotypes[[fp.ix]] <- list()
    fp_haplotypes[[fp.ix]]$chrom <- fp.df$chrom[fp.ix]
    fp_haplotypes[[fp.ix]]$pos <- fp.df$pos[fp.ix]
    fp_haplotypes[[fp.ix]]$markers <-
      which(usemarker & map$hb == fp.df$fp[fp.ix]) #index to marker in map
    fp_haplotypes[[fp.ix]]$na.count <- integer(0) #put this before hapmat
    # make an array of haplotypes including NAs for this fp:
    # first row: the haplotype with all marker alleles missing (even if that
    #            doesn't occur in the data)
    fp_haplotypes[[fp.ix]]$hapmat <-
      matrix(as.integer(rep(NA,length(fp_haplotypes[[fp.ix]]$markers))), nrow=1)
    rownames(fp_haplotypes[[fp.ix]]$hapmat) <- emptyhapID
    colnames(fp_haplotypes[[fp.ix]]$hapmat) <-
    #if earlier (named) haplotypes are given, include them:
    if (!is.null(oldhballeles)) {
      tmp <-
                           oldhballeles=oldhballeles, alleledata=alleledata,
      fp_haplotypes[[fp.ix]]$hapmat <- tmp$hapmat
      alleledata <- tmp$alleledata
      messages <- c(messages, tmp$messages)
    #now add all haplotypes from all individuals:
    for (ind in 1:indcount) for (p in 1:2) {
      ihap <- mrkallele.arr[fp_haplotypes[[fp.ix]]$markers,ind,p]
      h <- 1
      while (h<=nrow(fp_haplotypes[[fp.ix]]$hapmat) &&
                          ihap, match.NA=TRUE,no.info=TRUE)) {
        h <- h+1
      if (h>nrow(fp_haplotypes[[fp.ix]]$hapmat)) {
        # new haplotype found
        fp_haplotypes[[fp.ix]]$hapmat <-
        rownames(fp_haplotypes[[fp.ix]]$hapmat)[h] <-
          getnewhapnr(fp_haplotypes[[fp.ix]]$hapmat, h)
        #fp_haplotypes[[fp.ix]]$na.count[h] <- sum(is.na(ihap))
      fp_haplotypes[[fp.ix]]$na.count <-
      hapnrarr[fp.ix,ind,p] <- h
    #rownames(fp_haplotypes[[fp.ix]]$hapmat) <- NULL
    # now we have the complete set of haplotypes_including_NAs in
    # fp_haplotypes[[fp.ix]]$hapmat, and an array hapnrarr has the haplotype
    # numbers corresponding to the rows of that matrix for each focalpoint,
    # individual and hap1/hap2
    msg <- paste("hb ", fp.ix, " = ", fp.df$fp[fp.ix],": ",
                 nrow(fp_haplotypes[[fp.ix]]$hapmat)," initial alleles",
    messages <- c(messages, msg)
    cat(paste(msg, "\n", sep=""))
  names(fp_haplotypes) <- fp.df$fp #fp_haplotypes is sorted in map order

  list(fp_haplotypes=fp_haplotypes, hapnrarr=hapnrarr,
       alleledata=alleledata, messages=messages)
} # get_initial_haplotypes

get_hballeleID <- function(haploblock, hballele, fp_haplotypes, mv.sep) {
  #haploblock: the index to a haploblock in fp_haplotypes
  #hballele: a vector of *indices* of an allele of the haploblock (i.e. their
  #          row numbers in the $hapmat matrix)
  #fp_haplotypes: a fp_haplotypes object as returned by get_initial_haplotypes
  #mv.sep: if NA the hballeleID is just its number (the row NAME of the $hapmat
  #        matrix);
  #        if a string of length 1 that will be inserted between its number and
  #        the number of missing marker data in the allele;
  #        if a string of length 2, eg "()", these will enclose the number of
  #        missing marker data
  if (haploblock < 1 || haploblock > length(fp_haplotypes) ||
        sum(is.na(hballele)) > 0 ||
        min(hballele) < 1 ||
        max(hballele) > nrow(fp_haplotypes[[haploblock]]$hapmat)) {
    stop("get_hballeleID: invalid parameter values")
  if (is.na(mv.sep)) {
  } else {
          substr(mv.sep, 1, 1),
          #width = nchar(length(fp_haplotypes[[haploblock]]$markers)),
          #format = "d", flag = "0"), #padded with zeroes
          fp_haplotypes[[haploblock]]$na.count[hballele], #unpadded
          substr(mv.sep, 2, 2), #"" if nchar(mv.sep)==1
} #get_hballeleID

conv.hballelenames <- function(x, fp_haplotypes, mv.sep) {
  #x: a 3D array as hapnrarr with haploblocks in dim 1, individuals in dim 2
  #   and parental (1/2) in dim 3, containing hballele numbers
  #fp_haplotypes: a list as returned by get.initial.haplotypes
  #mv.sep: a character (pair) used to separate the hballele number from the
  #             number of missing marker scores (in get_hballeleID)
  result <- x
  #we cannot write back to x because after the first hb x is converted
  #to character instead of integer
  for (hb in seq_len(dim(x)[1])) {
      result[hb,,] <- matrix(get_hballeleID(hb, x[hb,,], fp_haplotypes, mv.sep),
} #conv.hballelenames

write.all.haploblockalleles <- function(filename, fp_haplotypes, hapnrarr,
                                     alleledata=NULL, map=NULL, na.char="-",
                                     mv.sep) {
  #fp_haplotypes: a fp_haplotypes object as returned by get_initial_haplotypes
  #hapnrarr: 3-dim array of haplotype numbers (alleles) with dimensions
  #          focalpoint, individual, hap1/hap2, as returned by
  #          get_initial_haplotypes
  #alleledata: if NULL, allele numbers are written, else alleledata must be
  #            an alleledata object as returned by read_mhaplotypes, and then
  #            the marker allele names are written
  #map: data frame
  #na.char: currently works only for allele names, not if alleledata NULL
  maxfpmrk <- 0
  for (fp.ix in seq_along(fp_haplotypes))
    if (length(fp_haplotypes[[fp.ix]]$markers) > maxfpmrk)
      maxfpmrk <- length(fp_haplotypes[[fp.ix]]$markers)
  con <- file(filename, "w")
  for (fp.ix in seq_along(fp_haplotypes)) {
    if (is.null(map)) markerlist <- fp_haplotypes[[fp.ix]]$markers else
      markerlist <- map$marker[fp_haplotypes[[fp.ix]]$markers]
    line <- paste("hbnr\thaploblock\tmarkercount\thballeleID\thballelenr\tnacount\tfreq",
                  paste(markerlist, collapse="\t"), sep="\t")
    filler <- paste(rep("\t", maxfpmrk-length(markerlist)), collapse="")
    line <- paste(line, filler, sep="")
    writeLines(line, con)
#     writeLines(paste("fpnr\thaploblock\tmarkercount\thaplonr\thaploID\tnacount\tfreq",
#                      paste(markerlist, collapse="\t"),
#                      paste(rep("", maxfpmrk-length(markerlist)),
#                            collapse="\t"),
#                      sep="\t"),
#                con)
    #get freq of all haplotypes:
    hapfrq <- table(hapnrarr[fp.ix,,])
    hapfrq <- hapfrq[match(seq_along(fp_haplotypes[[fp.ix]]$na.count),
                           names(hapfrq))] #add the non-occurring haplotypes
    hapfrq[is.na(hapfrq)] <- 0
    startline <- paste(fp.ix,
    for (h in seq_along(fp_haplotypes[[fp.ix]]$na.count)) {
      midline <- paste(get_hballeleID(fp.ix, h, fp_haplotypes, mv.sep),
      if (is.null(alleledata)) {
        endline <- paste(fp_haplotypes[[fp.ix]]$hapmat[h,],
      } else {
        endline <- ""
        for (m in seq_along(fp_haplotypes[[fp.ix]]$markers)) {
          hapname <- subset(alleledata,
                            markernr==fp_haplotypes[[fp.ix]]$markers[m] &
          if (length(hapname)==0) hapname <- na.char
          endline <- paste(endline, hapname, sep="\t")
        endline <- paste(substring(endline,2,nchar(endline)),
} #write.all.haploblockalleles

#enumerate all HS families and sort by decreasing size:
get.all.HSfamilies <- function(ped) {
  #ped: pedigree, a data frame as produced by read_pedigree
  #return value: a list with one item per HS family,
  #sorted in order of decreasing family size.
  # items of each family:
  # $parentname
  # $parentnr: the individual number (in the ped) of the parent
  #            to be used for indexing hapnrarr etc
  # $HSf1: the individuals with parent as first parent
  # $HSf2: the individuals with parent as second parent
  # $size: the total size of the HS (HSf1 and HSf2)
  HSparents <- unique(c(as.character(ped$parent1),as.character(ped$parent2)))
  HSparents <- HSparents[!is.na(HSparents)]
  HSfam <- list()
  HSfamSize <- integer(0)
  for (hsp in seq_along(HSparents)) {
    HSf1 <- which(ped$parent1 == HSparents[hsp])
    HSf2 <- which(ped$parent2 == HSparents[hsp])
    # progeny from a selfing is among HSf1 and HSf2
    # that is correct, as both its parental alleles are derived from this parent
    if (length(c(HSf1,HSf2)) == 0) {
      stop("error in get.all.HSfamilies: family size = 0")
    HSnr <- length(HSfam)+1
    HSfam[[HSnr]] <- list()
    HSfam[[HSnr]]$parentname <- HSparents[hsp]
    HSfam[[HSnr]]$parentnr <- which(ped$name == HSparents[hsp])
    HSfam[[HSnr]]$HSf1 <- HSf1 #the individuals with parent as first parent
    HSfam[[HSnr]]$HSf2 <- HSf2 #the individuals with parent as second parent
    HSfam[[HSnr]]$size <- length(c(HSf1,HSf2))
    HSfamSize[HSnr] <- HSfam[[HSnr]]$size
  tmp <- order(HSfamSize, decreasing=TRUE)
  HSfam <- HSfam[tmp]
} #get.all.HSfamilies

getHSParentalHaplotypeFreqs <- function(HSnr, fphapnrarr, HSfam) {
  #HSnr: index to HSfam
  #HSfam: a list as produced by get.all.HSfamilies
  #fphapnrarr: 2-dim array of haplotype numbers (alleles) with dimensions
  #          individual, hap1/hap2: hapnrarr[fp,,] where hapnrarr is a 3-D array
  #          as returned by get_initial_haplotypes
  #return value: a frequency table of all haplotypes inherited from the parent
  #HSf1, HSf2: numbers of :
  HSf1 <- HSfam[[HSnr]]$HSf1 #HS individuals with parent as mother
  HSf2 <- HSfam[[HSnr]]$HSf2 #HS individuals with parent as father
  table(c(fphapnrarr[HSf1, 1], fphapnrarr[HSf2, 2]))
} #getHSParentalHaplotypeFreqs

# get.HSfam.haplotypes collects haplotype info for one haploblock and
# the individuals with parent as mother and as father combined
get.HSfam.haplotypes <- function(HSnr, fphapnrarr, HSfam) {
  #fp: focalpoint number (not ID)
  #HSnr: number of HSfamily (indexes HSfam, the result of get.all.HSfamilies)
  #fphapnrarr: 2-dim array of haplotype numbers (alleles) with dimensions
  #            individual, hap1/hap2: hapnrarr[fp,,] where hapnrarr is a 3-dim
  #            array as returned by get_initial_haplotypes
  #HSfam: a list as produced by get.all.HSfamilies
  #return value: a list with items:
  # $parhaplo: a vector with the 2 haplotypes of the parent
  # $HShaplofrq: a freq.table as returned by getHSParentalHaplotypeFreqs:
  #              a table with the frequencies of the haplotypes in the HS family
  #NOTE that the hballeles in fphapnrarr are the row numbers in fp_haplotypes$hapmat,
  #NOT the hballele names (the rownames of that hapmat) !!!
  result <- list()
  result$parhaplo <- fphapnrarr[HSfam[[HSnr]]$parentnr,]
  result$HShaplofrq <- getHSParentalHaplotypeFreqs(HSnr, fphapnrarr, HSfam)
} #get.HSfam.haplotypes

writeHSfamHaplotypes.faminfo <- function(HSnr, HSfam) {
  #used a.o. by writeHSfamHaplotype, see there for parameters
} #writeHSfamHaplotypes.faminfo

writeHSfamHaplotypes.hapinfo <- function(fp, hap, hapinfo, fp_haplotypes, mv.sep) {
  #used a.o. by writeHSfamHaplotype, see there for further info
  #hap: haplotype number in current focalpoint
  #hapinfo: a list as produced by get.HSfam.haplotypes
  inparent <- (hap %in% hapinfo$parhaplo)
        get_hballeleID(fp, hapinfo$parhaplo[1], fp_haplotypes, mv.sep),
        get_hballeleID(fp, hapinfo$parhaplo[2], fp_haplotypes, mv.sep),
        get_hballeleID(fp, hap, fp_haplotypes, mv.sep),
        hapinfo$HShaplofrq[which(names(hapinfo$HShaplofrq) == hap)],
} #writeHSfamHaplotypes.hapinfo

writeHSfamHaplotypes <- function(HSfam, fp_haplotypes, hapnrarr, filename,
                                 na.char="-", mv.sep) {
  #HSfam: a list as produced by get.all.HSfamilies
  #hapnrarr: 3-dim array of haplotype numbers (alleles) with dimensions
  #          focalpoint, individual, hap1/hap2, as returned by get_initial_haplotypes
  con <- file(filename, "w")
  for (HSnr in seq_along(HSfam)) {
    startline <- writeHSfamHaplotypes.faminfo(HSnr, HSfam)
    for (fp in 1:dim(hapnrarr)[1]) {
      hapinfo <- get.HSfam.haplotypes(HSnr, hapnrarr[fp,,], HSfam)
      for (h in seq_along(hapinfo$HShaplofrq)) {
        hap <- as.integer(names(hapinfo$HShaplofrq)[h]) #the current haplotype
        midline <- writeHSfamHaplotypes.hapinfo(fp, hap, hapinfo, fp_haplotypes, mv.sep)
        endline <- fp_haplotypes[[fp]]$hapmat[hap,]
        endline[is.na(endline)] <- na.char
        endline <- paste(endline, sep="\t", collapse="\t")
    } #for fp
} #writeHSfamHaplotypes

combineHaplotypes <- function(haplotypes,
                              fp_haplotypes=NULL) {
  #haplotypes: integer vector of haplotype numbers to combine (if
  #             focalpointnr and fp_haplotypes are not NULL)
  #             or matrix with haplotype sequences in rows
  #focalpointnr: the focalpoint sequential number (not the ID), or NA
  #return value: the consensus haplotype sequence
  #              or NA if not all haplotypes match
  if (length(haplotypes)==0) return(NA)
  if (!is.matrix(haplotypes)) {
    if (is.null(focalpointnr)) return(NA) else {
      if (length(focalpointnr) != 1)
        stop("combineHaplotypes: length(focalpointnr) != 1")
      haplovec <- haplotypes
      haplotypes <- fp_haplotypes[[focalpointnr]]$hapmat[haplotypes[haplovec],, drop=FALSE]
  if (!is.matrix(haplotypes)) stop("combineHaplotypes: not matrix")
  if (nrow(haplotypes)==1) return(haplotypes[1,]) #as vector
  consensus <- haplotypes[1,, drop=FALSE]
  for (i in 2:nrow(haplotypes)) {
    hap <- haplotypes[i,]
    if (!match.haplo(hap,consensus, match.NA=FALSE, no.info=TRUE)) {
    } else {
      consensus[is.na(consensus)] <- hap[is.na(consensus)]
} #combineHaplotypes

calc.matchmatrix <- function(haploseq, names=NULL) {
  # haploseq: matrix with one row per haplotype, with the marker data
  # names: names (numbers) of the haplotypes in haploseq, used as row and column
  #        names of  matchmatrix if given
  #return value: a square matrix with in rows and columns the haplotypes
  #              and in each cell TRUE or FALSE indicating that these 2
  #              haplotypes match each other or not, or NA if at all markers
  #              at least one of both has a NA score
  matchmatrix <- matrix(TRUE, nrow=nrow(haploseq), ncol=nrow(haploseq))
  for (h1 in 1:nrow(haploseq)) for (h2 in h1:nrow(haploseq)) {
    matchmatrix[h1,h2] <- match.haplo(haploseq[h1,], haploseq[h2,],
                          match.NA=FALSE, no.info=NA)
    matchmatrix[h2,h1] <- matchmatrix[h1,h2]
  if (!is.null(names) && length(names) == nrow(haploseq)) {
    colnames(matchmatrix) <- rownames(matchmatrix) <- names
} #calc.matchmatrix

groupHaplotypes <- function(haplonr, haploseq, haplofreq, matchmatrix=NULL) {
  # haplonr: integer vector of all haplotype IDs to be grouped, eg. all
  #          haplotypes occurring in one family (ordered by descending frequency)
  # haploseq: matrix with one row per haplonr, with the marker alleles
  # haplofreq: table with frequencies of haplonr in current family
  # matchmatrix: see return value. If NULL it is generated, else used and
  #              returned without checking
  # return value: a list with items
  # $matchmatrix: a square matrix with in rows and columns the haplotypes,
  #               and in each cell T or F indicating if these 2 haplotypes
  #               match each other or NA if at all markers at least one of both
  #               has a NA
  # $groups: a list of vectors each containing a set of haplotype nrs having true
  #          matches (not only absence of conflicts) within the group and
  #          conflicting with the consensus of each other group.
  #          the group list is sorted in order of decreasing group frequency
  # $ungrouped: a vector of haplotype nrs not in one of the groups (because they
  #             match with more than one group, or have only NA matches with all
  #             groups; NOT the $nodata haplotype)
  #             sorted in order of decreasing frequency
  # $nodata: integer(0) or one integer (1: the haplotype with NA at all markers)
  # $consensus: matrix with for each group a row with the consensus marker scores
  # $groupfreq: vector with the total frequencies of each groups, in same order
  #             as $groups
  # $maxgroupfreq: vector with the total frequencies of each group, assuming that
  #                all haplotypes in $ungrouped and $nodata that match (a.o.)
  #                with this group actually belong to this group
  # $ungroupedfreq: vector of frequencies of all haplotypes in $ungrouped
  # $log: (currently, for debugging): a character vector

  #1.After building the groups and removing one item that matches 2 or more groups
  #the remaining items might all belong to the same group (since the removed
  #item might have caused the groups to split). True? Yes, even though it
  #matched some items in the second group it might not have matched all items
  #in the second group; so removing it may change the whole group structure.
  #Therefore each time a haplotype is removed from one of the groups,
  #start over with building the groups and removing one.
  #When no more haplotypes removed: all remaining groups have only haplotypes
  #that match (no conflict, not just no info) all other haplotypes within the groups
  #and that conflict AT LEAST ONE haplotype in every other group.
  #Then we can try to add one by one the removed haplotypes. They can be added if
  #(a) they match all haplotypes in one group and (b) conflict with the consensus
  #in all other groups. We don't create any new groups in that final stage: new
  #groups might cause some haplotypes in other groups now to match the new
  #groups as well
  #Note that within this function we mostly use INDICES to haplonr etc
  #to identify the haplotypes, not the haplotype IDs.
  #this is often shown in names (.hapix, hi = haplotype index)
  log <- "GroupHaplotypes"
  log <- c(log,paste("haplotypes:",paste(haplonr,collapse=" ")))
  if (is.vector(haploseq)) haploseq <- matrix(haploseq, nrow=1)
  result <- list()
  if (is.null(matchmatrix)) {
    result$matchmatrix <- calc.matchmatrix(haploseq, names=haplonr)
  } else {
    result$matchmatrix <- matchmatrix
  nodata.hapix <- which(rowSums(!is.na(haploseq))==0) # the haplotype with all
  #                                                     marker scores unknown
  log <- c(log,paste("nodata.hapix:", paste(nodata.hapix, collapse=" ")))
  hap.nacount <- rowSums(is.na(haploseq))

  #build groups taking the haplotypes in order of increasing number of NA marker scores
  ungrouped.hapix <- integer(0) # haplotypes set (temporarily) aside because they
  #                               match more than 1 group

  #define a nested function assign.hapix that takes one haplotype index hi (into
  #haplonr) and returns the group nr where it belongs:
  #if hi conflicts with all existing groups, the return value is one number above
  #the highest group
  #if there are two or more groups with which hi does not conflict, NA is returned
  #else (just one group that does not conflict with hi): if hi has a true match
  #(other than through NA marker scores) with this group, the group number is
  #returned, else NA
  #Note that this function does not actually create a group or move the haplotype
  #to a group, it just says where the haplotype would fit.
  assign.hapix <- function(hi) {
    if (length(groups.hapix)==0) {
    conflictgrp <- logical(length(groups.hapix)) #for each group, does hi conflict with it?
    matchgrp <- conflictgrp #for each group, does hi have a true match (other than NA)?
    for (gi in seq_along(groups.hapix)) {
      h <- 1 #index to haplotypes within group gi
      while(h<=length(groups.hapix[[gi]]) &&
            !conflictgrp[gi]) {
        if (!is.na(result$matchmatrix[hi,groups.hapix[[gi]][h]])) {
          if (result$matchmatrix[hi,groups.hapix[[gi]][h]]) {
            matchgrp[gi] <- TRUE
          } else {
            conflictgrp[gi] <- TRUE
        h <- h + 1
      } # while h
    if (sum(!conflictgrp)==0) {
      #hi conflicts with all groups, should start new group:
      return(length(groups.hapix) + 1)
    if (sum(!conflictgrp)==1) {
      #hi conflicts with all but one group:
      if (matchgrp[!conflictgrp]) {
        #actual match in only group not conflicting with hi:
      #else no actual match:
    #else hi has no conflicts with more than one group:
  } #assign.hapix within groupHaplotypes

  removed <- TRUE
  cycle <- 0
  while (removed) {
    removed <- FALSE
    cycle <- cycle + 1
    log <- c(log, paste("cycle:", cycle))
    log <- c(log, paste("ungrouped.hapix:", paste(ungrouped.hapix, collapse=" ")))
    groups.hapix <- list() # same as result$groups, but with index numbers to
    #                        haplonr instead of haplonr ID's)
    again.hapix <- integer(0) #haplotypes temporarily unplaced, to try again later
    for (hi in order(hap.nacount)) {
      if (!(hi %in% c(nodata.hapix,ungrouped.hapix))) {
        #note that since haplonr, haplofreq and haploseq are already sorted by
        #descending haplofreq, we here take the haplotypes with the same number of
        #missing marker scores in order of descending frequency
        hap <- haplonr[hi]
        #compare hi with all existing non-singlet groups and add to existing or new group:
        foundgroup <- assign.hapix(hi)
        if (is.na(foundgroup)) {
          again.hapix <- c(again.hapix, hi)
          log <- c(log, paste("placed in again.hapix:", hi))
        } else {
          if (length(groups.hapix)<foundgroup) {
            groups.hapix[[foundgroup]] <- integer(0)
          groups.hapix[[foundgroup]] <- c(groups.hapix[[foundgroup]],hi)
          log <- c(log, paste("group", foundgroup, ": added", hi))
    } #for h
    # next we try to add the haplotypes set aside because they had no match within
    # their selected group:
    changed <- TRUE
    while (changed && length(again.hapix)>0) {
      log <- c(log, paste("add from again.hapix, contents are",
                          paste(again.hapix, collapse=" ")))
      for (hi in again.hapix) {
        changed <- FALSE
        foundgroup <- assign.hapix(hi)
        if (is.na(foundgroup)) {
          #no change
          log <- c(log, paste("remains in again.hapix:", hi))
        } else {
          if (length(groups.hapix)<foundgroup) {
            groups.hapix[[foundgroup]] <- integer(0)
          groups.hapix[[foundgroup]] <- c(groups.hapix[[foundgroup]],hi)
          again.hapix <- setdiff(again.hapix, hi)
          log <- c(log, paste("group", foundgroup,
                              ": added from again.hapix ", hi))
          changed <- TRUE
      } #for hi
    } #while changed
    #now we know that within a group all haplotypes match, but we must remove the
    #ones that match between groups
    # we do that one by one, in order of decreasing number of missing marker scores
    consensus <- matrix(integer(length(groups.hapix)*ncol(haploseq)),
    for (gi in seq_along(groups.hapix)) {
      consensus[gi,] <- combineHaplotypes(haploseq[groups.hapix[[gi]],,drop=FALSE])
    remove.order <- order(-hap.nacount, haplofreq) #decreasing nacount, then increasing freq
    log <- c(log, paste("remove.order:", paste(remove.order, collapse=" ")))
    removed <- FALSE
    i <- 1
    while (!removed && i<=length(remove.order)) {
      hi <- remove.order[i] # hi is index to haplonr etc
      logline <- paste("i=",i," hi=",hi," haplonr=",haplonr[hi],sep="")
      if (hi %in% ungrouped.hapix) {
        #ungrouped.hapix contains one haplotype more in each cycle
        log <- c(log,paste(logline," already in ungrouped",sep=""))
      } else if (hi %in% again.hapix) {
        #again.hapix may be different in each cycle
        log <- c(log,paste(logline," in again.hapix",sep=""))
      } else if (hi %in% nodata.hapix) {
        #nodata.hapix contains one or no haplotypes: the one with all markerdata missing
        log <- c(log,paste(logline," in nodata.hapix",sep=""))
      } else {
        #where is this haplotype?
        gi <- length(groups.hapix)
        while (gi>0 && !(hi %in% groups.hapix[[gi]])) gi <- gi-1
        if (gi<=0) stop ("GroupHaplotypes: gi<=0")
        #hi in group gi
        #with which groups does hi not conflict?
        matchgrp <- logical(length(groups.hapix))
        for (gj in seq_along(groups.hapix)) {
          matchgrp[gj] <- match.haplo(haploseq[hi,], consensus[gj,],
                                      match.NA=FALSE, no.info=TRUE)
        if (!(gi %in% which(matchgrp))) stop ("gi not in matchgrp")
        if (sum(matchgrp) > 1) {
          #hi has no conflict with multiple groups and must be removed
          ungrouped.hapix <- c(ungrouped.hapix, hi)
          groups.hapix[[gi]] <- setdiff(groups.hapix[[gi]],hi)
          removed <- TRUE
          log <- c(log,paste(logline," from group ",gi, " also matches group(s)",
                             paste(setdiff(which(matchgrp),gi)),"; removed", sep=""))
        } else {
          log <- c(log,paste(logline," has only matches in its group ",gi, sep=""))

      i <- i+1
    } #while i
  } #while removed

  #There should now not be any empty groups: if in the last cycle a group with one
  #haplotype was created, that same haplotype does not match any other group
  #and therefore will not be removed;
  #but just in case we check for and remove all empty groups:
  emptygrp <- sapply(groups.hapix,"length")==0
  groups.hapix <- groups.hapix[!emptygrp]
  if (sum(emptygrp)>0) log <- c(log,"emptygrp not empty, this should not happen")

  #Finally, add back all from ungrouped.hapix that now match only one remaining group:
  #If we add a new haplotype to an existing group we do not increase its number
  #of NA markers, so it is not possible that haplotypes in other groups will now
  #match this group (although they may match this one new haplotype)
  #If we would create a new group because a haplotype does not match any existing
  #group, it is possible that haplotypes within existing groups do match the new
  #group (with only one haplotype).
  #However it seems impossible that haplotypes not matching any existing group
  #have ended up in ungrouped.hapix.
  #In any case, we now add back haplotypes from ungrouped.hapix ONLY if they
  #do not conflict with exactly one group and have real matches with that group,
  #and we will not create any new groups.
  ungrouped.hapix <- c(ungrouped.hapix,again.hapix)
  ungrouped.hapix <- ungrouped.hapix[order(haplofreq[ungrouped.hapix], decreasing=TRUE)]
  changed <- TRUE
  while (changed && length(ungrouped.hapix)>0) {
    log <- c(log, paste("add from ungrouped.hapix, contents are",
                        paste(ungrouped.hapix, collapse=" ")))
    for (hi in ungrouped.hapix) {
      changed <- FALSE
      foundgroup <- assign.hapix(hi)
      if (is.na(foundgroup) || foundgroup>length(groups.hapix)) {
        #no change
        log <- c(log, paste("remains in ungrouped.hapix:", hi))
      } else {
        groups.hapix[[foundgroup]] <- c(groups.hapix[[foundgroup]],hi)
        ungrouped.hapix <- setdiff(again.hapix, hi)
        log <- c(log, paste("group", foundgroup, ": added from ungrouped.hapix ", hi))
        changed <- TRUE
    } #for hi
  } #while changed

  consensus <- matrix(integer(length(groups.hapix)*ncol(haploseq)),
  for (gi in seq_along(groups.hapix)) {
    consensus[gi,] <- combineHaplotypes(haploseq[groups.hapix[[gi]],,drop=FALSE])

  # calculate the maximum possible freq of each group:
  # we could extend this to check if the different haplotypes from ungrouped hapix
  # that match a given group conflict with each other (in that case they could not
  # all be added to the group). But for now that seems a waste of time.
  try.hapix <- c(ungrouped.hapix, nodata.hapix)
  maxgrpfrq <- integer(length(groups.hapix))
  for (gi in seq_along(groups.hapix)) {
    maxgrp.hapix <- groups.hapix[[gi]]
    for (tryhi in try.hapix) {
      if (sum(!result$matchmatrix[tryhi,maxgrp.hapix],na.rm=TRUE)==0) {
        maxgrp.hapix <- c(maxgrp.hapix,tryhi)
    maxgrpfrq[gi] <- sum(haplofreq[maxgrp.hapix])

  #next we sort the groups in order of decreasing frequency:
  #(note that there are no empty groups, see above)
  grpfrq <- integer(length(groups.hapix))
  for (gi in seq_along(groups.hapix)) {
    grpfrq[gi] <-sum(haplofreq[groups.hapix[[gi]]])
  grporder <- order(grpfrq, decreasing=TRUE)
  result$groups <- list()
  g <- 1
  while (g<=length(grporder)) {
    #now we must convert the haplotype indices to haplotype ID's:
    grp <- grporder[g]
    nwg <- length(result$groups) + 1
    result$groups[[nwg]] <- haplonr[groups.hapix[[grp]]]
    g <- g+1
  result$consensus <- consensus[grporder,,drop=FALSE]
  #ungrouped is already ordered by decreasing frequency
  result$ungrouped <- haplonr[ungrouped.hapix]
  result$nodata <- haplonr[nodata.hapix]
  result$groupfreq <- (grpfrq[grporder])[seq_along(result$groups)] #some groups at end may be empty
  result$maxgroupfreq <- maxgrpfrq[grporder][seq_along(result$groups)]
  result$ungroupedfreq <- sum(haplofreq[ungrouped.hapix])
  result$log <- log
} #groupHaplotypes

#write the components of the return value of groupHaplotypes (for one fp)
write.grouped.haplotypes <- function(con, fp, grouping, fp_haplotypes,
                                     fphaplofreq, haplolen) {
  #grouping: a list as returned by groupHaplotypes
  #fphaplofreq: integer vector with frequencies of all haplotypes for this fp
  startline <- paste(fp,
  for (g in seq_along(grouping$groups)) {
    for (hap in grouping$groups[[g]]) {
      midline <- paste(hap,
                       fphaplofreq[hap], g,
                       #fp_haplotypes[[fp]]$freq[hap], g,
                       grouping$groupfreq[g], grouping$maxgroupfreq[g],
      endline <- paste(fp_haplotypes[[fp]]$hapmat[hap,],
                       sep="\t", collapse="\t")
      if (ncol(fp_haplotypes[[fp]]$hapmat)<haplolen) {
        for (i in 1:(haplolen-ncol(fp_haplotypes[[fp]]$hapmat)))
          endline <- paste(endline,"\t",sep="")
      endline2 <- paste(grouping$consensus[g,],
                        sep="\t", collapse="\t")
  for (hap in grouping$ungrouped) {
    midline <- paste(hap,
                     fphaplofreq[hap], "ungrouped",
    endline <- paste(fp_haplotypes[[fp]]$hapmat[hap,],
                     sep="\t", collapse="\t")
  for (hap in grouping$nodata) {
    midline <- paste(hap,
                     fphaplofreq[hap], "nodata",
    endline <- paste(fp_haplotypes[[fp]]$hapmat[hap,],
                     sep="\t", collapse="\t")
} #write.grouped.haplotypes

groupNwrite.all.haploblockalleles <- function(fp_haplotypes, hapnrarr, filename) {
  #group all haplotypes in data per focalpoint and write to file
  #fp_haplotypes: the fp_haplotypes object returned by get_initial_haplotypes
  #hapnrarr: 3-dim array of haplotype numbers (alleles) with dimensions
  #          focalpoint, individual, hap1/hap2, as returned by
  #          get_initial_haplotypes
  #return value: a list with for each focalpoint a grouping by groupHaplotypes
  #side effect: file filename is written: a tab-separated file with the grouped
  #haplotypes for all focalpoints.
  #Note that this is the overall grouping over all pedigree individuals;
  #the grouping per family will often be different: absence of some haplotypes
  #will affect the grouping of the remaining haplotypes
  res <- list()
  for (fp in seq_along(fp_haplotypes)) {
    haplonr <- 1:length(fp_haplotypes[[fp]]$na.count)
    haplofreq <- table(hapnrarr[fp,,])
    haplofreq <- haplofreq[match(seq_along(fp_haplotypes[[fp]]$na.count),
    haplofreq[is.na(haplofreq)] <- 0
    haploseq <- fp_haplotypes[[fp]]$hapmat
    or <- order(haplofreq, decreasing=T)
    haplonr <- haplonr[or]
    haplofreq <- haplofreq[or]
    haploseq <- haploseq[or,, drop=FALSE]
    res[[fp]] <- groupHaplotypes(haplonr, haploseq,haplofreq)
    #write(res[[fp]]$log, paste("fp",fp,"_logfile",ver,".txt", sep=""))
  #write all the haplotypes to file:
  con <- file(filename, "w")
  haplolen <- 0
  for (fp in seq_along(fp_haplotypes)) {
    if (haplolen < ncol(fp_haplotypes[[fp]]$hapmat))
      haplolen <- ncol(fp_haplotypes[[fp]]$hapmat)
  captions <- "fpnr\tfocalpoint\tmarkercount\thaplonr\tnacount\tfreq\tgroup\tgrpfrq\tmaxgrpfrq\tmarker_alleles"
  for (i in 1:haplolen) captions <- paste(captions,"\t",sep="")
  captions <- paste(captions,"-\tgrpconsensus",sep="")
  for (fp in 1:length(fp_haplotypes)) {
    #get freq of all haplotypes:
    fphaplofreq <- table(hapnrarr[fp,,])
    fphaplofreq <- fphaplofreq[match(seq_along(fp_haplotypes[[fp]]$na.count),
    fphaplofreq[is.na(fphaplofreq)] <- 0
    write.grouped.haplotypes(con, fp, res[[fp]], fp_haplotypes,
                             fphaplofreq, haplolen)
  invisible(res) #list of the groupings of all focalpoints,
  #               won't print if not assigned
} #groupNwrite.all.haploblockalleles

#   ___________________________________________________________________________
#   Approach of processHSfam
#   VERSION 28-12-2013
#   DONE: omit uninformative / interfering marker scores:
#         where 2 parentals (should) match same group but do not match each other:
#         join haplotypes if possible by setting one marker score to NA in both
#         where 2 parentals identical and match 2 groups, with one group small:
#         join groups if possible by setting one marker score to missing
#   DONE: within each cycle: set clearly incorrect haplotypes or marker scores
#         to NA, and set NA with clear solution to consensus. We dont set a wrong
#         haplotype directly to consensus, to allow filling the NA in the next
#         round by other evidence
#   TODO: idea: if a hi-freq ungrouped matches 2 conflicting groups of which
#         at least one is lo-freq, see if omitting one marker solves problem
#         (esp if this improves fit with parental). We then need a
#         function to find haplotype that fits all haplotypes in vector by
#         setting one marker to NA in all (and still has each haplotype having at
#         least one marker score overlapping with consensus)
#   1 group :
#   HSsize>=15, groupfreq incl matching unmatched (so: excl NAs) >
#     HSsize-qbinom(0.02,HSsize,1/3):
#   really one haplotype, no segregation, fill in all HS with consensus
#   (matching parentals also used for consensus and replaced, non-matching
#    parentals replaced by NA; OR: if both parentals match group but not each other,
#    see if setting one marker score to NA in parentals and group solves problem)
#   1 group:
#   HSsize>=15, number of NA >= qbinom(0.02,HSsize,1/3), or HSsize<15:
#   there is room for a second haplotype;
#   if both parentals match group and each other: we really have one group, fill
#   in all HS and parentals with consensus incl matching unmatched
#   if both parentals match group but not each other:
#     if HSsize>=15 and group freq>=HSsize/2: non-matching parentals replaced
#       by NA; OR: see if setting one marker score to NA in parentals and group
#       solves problem
#     else: set all HS to consensus and parentals to missing
#   if one parental matches and the other not or NA: second haplotype possible,
#   fill in group 1 (excl matching unmatched) and matching parental with consensus
#   leave remaining HS to NA, leave remaining parental as is (OR: fill in HS NAs
#   with other parental? only one sample supports!)
#   if both parentals not matching: if group large enough at least one parental
#   must be wrong; else group may be wrong
#   ->  group freq excl matching unmatched >2: keep group, leave other HS NA,
#   set parentals to NA; group freq ==2: set parentals and all HS to NA;
#   group freq ==1: set all HS but not parentals to NA
#   >=2 groups:
#   HSsize>=15, two largest groups larger than qbinom(0.02,HSsize,1/3): these are
#   the two real haplotypes.
#   if both parentals each match one group: make 2 consensus groups. From unmatched
#     add the haplotypes that match only one of the two groups. Create the overall
#     consensus and set parentals and groups; set all other HS to NA
#   if both parentals missing or one missing and one matching: similar (set missing
#     parental to 2nd group consensus)
#   if one or both parentals not matching: similar, set non-matching parentals
#     to NA
#   if both parentals match the same group: at least one is wrong, set both to NA,
#     and set the two groups incl matching unmatched to consensus per group
#   if parentals identical and match both groups: both groups are real, parentals
#     have at least one missing marker score compared to both groups or one parental
#     is wrong: as previous
#   >=2 groups:
#   HSsize>=15, only one group larger than qbinom(0.02,HSsize,1/3): there may be one
#   or two real haplotypes.
#   one parental matches largest group, other parental another group:
#     make 2 consensus groups. From unmatched haplotypes that match only one of
#     the two groups. Create the overall
#     consensus and set parentals and groups; set all other HS to NA
#   one parental matches largest group, other parental missing:
#     make 1 consensus group. add from unmatched all matching.
#     If this total group lets less than qbinom(0.02,HSsize,1/3) outside group: there
#     is only one haplotypes, set missing parental and all other HS also to
#     consensus.
#     Else there may still be two haplotypes: Set one parental plus group to
#     consensus, all other HS to NA
#   both parentals identical and match largest group and one of smaller groups:
#     there is only one haplotype but the 2 groups differ by at least one
#     unreliable marker and the parentals have a missing marker score. See if
#     setting one marker to missing in both groups solves problem. If yes: make
#     consensus score over both groups+parentals+matching unmatched, set all other
#     HS to NA. If no (too many discrepancies between groups): make 1 consensus
#     group, add from unmatched all matching; all other HS and both parentals to NA
#   both parentals missing:
#     make 1 consensus group. add from unmatched all matching. set all other HS
#     to NA.
#   one parental matches a smaller group, other parental missing:
#     assume missing parental matches the largest group, and then as above:
#     make 2 consensus groups. From unmatched haplotypes that match only one of
#     the two groups. Create the overall consensus and set both parentals and
#     groups; set all other HS to NA
#   one parental matches a smaller group, other parental doesnt match a group
#     assume non-matching parental is wrong and actually matches largest group,
#     and then as above:
#     make 2 consensus groups. From unmatched haplotypes that match only one of
#     the two groups. Create the overall consensus, set one parental to group
#     consensus and the other to NA; set all other HS to NA
#   both parentals match a different smaller group or no group:
#     make consensus of largest group. add from unmatched all matching. Set both
#     parentals to NA and also all HS outside largest group
#   >= 2 groups
#   HSsize>=15, no groups larger than qbinom(0.02,HSsize,1/3):
#   both parentals identical and match 2 groups:
#     there is only one haplotype but the 2 groups differ by at least one
#     unreliable marker and the parentals have a missing marker score. See if
#     setting one marker to missing in both groups solves problem. If yes: make
#     consensus score over both groups+parentals+matching unmatched, set all other
#     HS to NA. If no (too many discrepancies between groups): set all HS to NA,
#     leave parentals
#   both parentals match only the same group:
#     if parentals match each other: make consensus of parentals and group; add all
#     matching unmatched to group, set all other HS to NA
#     else (parentals dont match each other): make consensus of group, add all
#     matching unmatched: set all other HS and both parentals to NA
#   both parentals each match only one, different group:
#     make two consensus groups, add all unmatched that match only one of these
#     groups, set all other HS to NA
#   one parental matches only one group, other parental missing:
#     make one consensus group, add no unmatched, make all other HS NA
#   two parentals missing, or at least one parental not matching any group:
#     set all HS and both parentals to NA
#   >=2 groups
#   HSsize<15
#   both parentals identical and match 2 groups:
#     there is only one haplotype but the 2 groups differ by at least one
#     unreliable marker and the parentals have a missing marker score. See if
#     setting one marker to missing in both groups solves problem. If yes: make
#     consensus score over both groups+parentals+matching unmatched, set all other
#     HS to NA. If no (too many discrepancies between groups): set all HS to NA,
#     leave parentals
#   both parentals match only the same group:
#     if parentals match each other: make consensus of parentals and group; add all
#     matching unmatched to group, set all other HS to NA
#     else (parentals dont match each other): make consensus of group, add all
#     matching unmatched: set all other HS and both parentals to NA
#   both parentals each match only one, different group:
#     make two consensus groups, add all unmatched that match only one of these
#     groups, set all other HS to NA
#   one parental matches only one group, other parental missing:
#     if there are exactly 2 groups and the unmatched group freq >2:
#     make two consensus groups, add no unmatched, make all other HS NA, set one
#     parental to its group consensus and leave other parental NA;
#     else (>2 groups): make one consensus group, add no unmatched, make all other
#     HS NA
#   two parentals missing: if exactly two groups: make two consensus group, add no
#     unmatched, make all other HS NA;
#     else (>2 groups): make all HS missing
#   one parental matches a group, the other not:
#     if there are exactly 2 groups and the unmatched group has freq > 2:
#     make 2 consensus groups, add no unmatched, set non-matching parent to NA
#     else (more than 2 groups or second group has freq <=2): set non-matching
#     parental to NA, make only one consensus, add no unmatched, all other HS to NA
#   both parentals dont match groups: if exactly two groups both with freq>2:
#     make two consensus groups, add no unmatched, make all other HS and both
#     parentals NA;
#     else (>2 groups or freqs<=2): make all HS and parentals missing

#some helper functions for processHSfam:

calcMinHaplofreq <- function(famsize) {
  #famsize: number of individuals in the family
  #return value:
  #the minimum expected frequency of a real haplotype
  #(if this is one of the two haplotypes of parent par and its expected
  # fraction in the progeny is at least max.skewed, then we should observe
  # at least the returned number of progeny with this haplotype at the given
  # significance. The lower the significance (more significant), the lower
  # the minimum expected number of progeny)
  max.skewed = 1/3 # the most extreme skewedness, where unskewed is 0.5
  signif <- 0.02
  qbinom(signif, famsize, max.skewed)
} #calcMinHaplofreq

is.nodata <- function(haploseq) {
  #haploseq: a vector with marker alleles
  #return value: TRUE if all marker alleles are NA, else FALSE
  sum(!is.na(haploseq)) == 0
} #is.nodata

gethaplotypenr <- function(haploseq, fphaplo) {
  #haploseq: a vector with marker alleles
  #fphaplo: fp_haplotypes[[fp]] where fp is the index to the current focalpoint
  #return value: list with
  # $haplotypenr: integer
  # $fphaplo: NULL (meaning not present) if haploseq already in fphaplo,
  #           else fphaplo with haploseq added
  h <- 1
  while (h <= nrow(fphaplo$hapmat) &&
         !match.haplo(haploseq, fphaplo$hapmat[h,],
                     match.NA=TRUE, no.info=FALSE)) {
    h <- h + 1
  result <- list()
  result$haplotypenr <- h
  result$fphaplo <- NULL
  if (h>nrow(fphaplo$hapmat)) {
    # add consensus to fphaplo:
    fphaplo$hapmat <- rbind(fphaplo$hapmat, haploseq)
    rownames(fphaplo$hapmat)[h] <- getnewhapnr(fphaplo$hapmat, h)
    fphaplo$na.count[h] <- sum(is.na(haploseq))
    #fphaplo$freq[h] <- NA
    result$fphaplo <- fphaplo
} #gethaplotypenr

addNArow <- function(m) {
  #m is vector or matrix
  #returns a matrix with a row of NA's rbind-ed to m
  if (is.vector(m)) {
    nas <- rep(NA,length(m))
  } else {
    nas <- rep(NA,ncol(m))
} #addNArow

checkNadd1 <- function(consensus, groups, ungrouped, fphaplo, check=TRUE) {
  #checks all haplotypes in ungrouped if they match with the (one) group.
  #matching ungrouped haplotypes are moved from ungrouped to group
  #and the consensus is updated
  #consensus: vector, consensus seq of group before calling
  #groups: integer vector, all haplotype numbers already in group
  #ungrouped: integer vector, all ungrouped haplotypes
  #fphaplo: fp_haplotypes[[fp]] where fp is the index to the current focalpoint
  #check: if TRUE (default) the contents of ungrouped are checked (again)
  #       against groups, else ungrouped and groups remain unchanged and this
  #       function just generates a result list of the unchanged input data
  #return value: list with items as if there were 2 groups,
  #compatible with checkNadd2:
  # $consensus: the updated consensus seq rbinded with a row of NA's
  # $groups: the updated group as groups[[1]], integer(0) as groups[[2]]
  # $ungrouped: the updated ungrouped
  # $consensushaplonr: c(NA, NA) (to be filled in by caller)
  # $addnodata: FALSE, to be filled in by caller (should the nodata
  #             progeny be added to groups 1 or not?)
  #note that fphaplo is not updated here, the initial and final consensus
  #may both not occur in fphaplo but all group and ungrouped haplotypes
  #do occur in fphaplo
  groups <- list(groups, integer(0)) #second group empty, for compatibility
  #                                   with checkNadd2
  if (check) for (h in ungrouped) {
    h.seq <- fphaplo$hapmat[h,]
    if (match.haplo(consensus, h.seq, match.NA=FALSE, no.info=FALSE)) {
      groups[[1]] <- c(groups[[1]], h)
      ungrouped <- setdiff(ungrouped, h)
      consensus <- combineHaplotypes(rbind(consensus, h.seq))
  list(consensus=addNArow(consensus), groups=groups, ungrouped=ungrouped,
       consensushaplonr = c(NA, NA), addnodata=FALSE)
} #checkNadd1

checkNadd2 <- function(consensus, groups, ungrouped, fphaplo, check=TRUE) {
  #checks all haplotypes in ungrouped if they match with only one of the two groups.
  #matching ungrouped haplotypes are moved from ungrouped to their group
  #and the group consensus is updated
  #consensus: 2-row matrix, consensus seq of groups before calling
  #group: list of 2 integer vectors, all haplotype numbers already in groups
  #ungrouped: integer vector, all ungrouped haplotypes
  #fphaplo: fp_haplotypes[[fp]] where fp is the index to the current focalpoint
  #check: if TRUE (default) the contents of ungrouped are checked (again)
  #       against groups, else ungrouped and groups remain unchanged and this
  #       function just generates a result list of the unchanged input data
  #return value: list with items:
  # $consensus: matrix with the two updated group consensus
  # $group: list: the two updated group
  # $ungrouped: the updated ungrouped
  # $consensushaplonr: c(NA, NA) (to be filled in by caller)
  # $addnodata: FALSE, to be filled in by caller (should the nodata
  #             progeny be added to groups 1 or not?)
  #note that fphaplo is not updated here, the initial and final consensus
  #may both not occur in fphaplo but all group and ungrouped haplotypes
  #do occur in fphaplo
  if (check) for (h in ungrouped) {
    h.seq <- fphaplo$hapmat[h,]
    match1 <- match.haplo(consensus[1,], h.seq, match.NA=FALSE, no.info=FALSE)
    match2 <- match.haplo(consensus[2,], h.seq, match.NA=FALSE, no.info=FALSE)
    if (xor(match1, match2)) {
      if (match1) gr <- 1 else gr <- 2
      groups[[gr]] <- c(groups[[gr]], h)
      ungrouped <- setdiff(ungrouped, h)
      consensus[gr,] <- combineHaplotypes(rbind(consensus[gr,], h.seq))
  if (!is.matrix(consensus)) stop("checkNadd2: not matrix")
  list(consensus=consensus, groups=groups, ungrouped=ungrouped,
       consensushaplonr = c(NA, NA), addnodata=FALSE)
} #checkNadd2

setHShaplonrs <- function (dat, HSnr, HSfam, fphapnrarr, fphaplo) {
  #dat: a list as produced by checkNadd1 or 2, specifying which haplonrs are
  #     in groups 1 and 2 and ungrouped, what their consensus seq are,
  #     which haplonrs correspond to the consensus seq (or NA) and whether
  #     nodata should be added to group 1
  #fphapnrarr: a 2-dim array of individuals * parental (1:2)
  #            with the haplotype numbers (but no NA: nodata haplotype is 1)
  #HSnr: number of HS family (index to HSfam)
  #par: 1 or 2, the parental haplotype
  #fphaplo: a list with info on the haplotypes of the current focalpoint
  #return value: a list with
  # $fphaplo = updated version or NULL
  # $fphapnrarr = updated version
  indf1 <- list() #2 elements: individuals in HSf1 belonging to group 1 and 2
  indf2 <- list() #..same for HSf2
  fphaplo.changed <- FALSE
  for (gr in 1:2) {
    if (is.na(dat$consensushaplonr[gr])) {
      #is the group consensus an existing haplotype?
      haplonr <- gethaplotypenr(dat$consensus[gr,], fphaplo)
      h <- haplonr$haplotypenr
      if (!is.null(haplonr$fphaplo)) {
        fphaplo <- haplonr$fphaplo
        fphaplo.changed <- TRUE
      dat$consensushaplonr[gr] <- h
    indf1[[gr]] <- which(fphapnrarr[, 1] %in% dat$groups[[gr]])
    if (dat$addnodata && gr==1) {
      #add the HS indiv with nodata haplotype 1 to group 1
      indnodata <- which(fphapnrarr[, 1] == 1) # 1 is nodata haplotype
      indf1[[gr]] <- union(indf1[[gr]], indnodata)
    indf1[[gr]] <- intersect(indf1[[gr]], HSfam[[HSnr]]$HSf1)
    fphapnrarr[indf1[[gr]], 1] <- rep(dat$consensushaplonr[gr],
    indf2[[gr]] <- which(fphapnrarr[, 2] %in% dat$groups[[gr]])
    if (dat$addnodata && gr==1) {
      #add the HS indiv with nodata haplotype 1 to group 1
      indnodata <- which(fphapnrarr[, 2] == 1) # 1 is nodata haplotype
      indf2[[gr]] <- union(indf2[[gr]], indnodata)
    indf2[[gr]] <- intersect(indf2[[gr]], HSfam[[HSnr]]$HSf2)
    fphapnrarr[indf2[[gr]], 2] <- rep(dat$consensushaplonr[gr],
  # ... and set the HS individuals outside the groups to nodata = 1:
  ind <- setdiff(HSfam[[HSnr]]$HSf1, c(indf1[[1]], indf1[[2]]))
  fphapnrarr[ind, 1] <- 1
  ind <- setdiff(HSfam[[HSnr]]$HSf2, c(indf2[[1]], indf2[[2]]))
  fphapnrarr[ind, 2] <- 1
  if (!fphaplo.changed) fphaplo <- NULL
  list(fphaplo=fphaplo, fphapnrarr=fphapnrarr)
} #setHShaplonrs

#Here we implement the above strategy
#processHSfam looks at one HS family HSnr (with parent), for one focalpoint fp,
#and at only the haplotypes inherited from the common parent.
#It tries to determine if one or two haplotypes are inherited from the parent,
#and to resolve conflicts such as multiple haplotypes in the HS progeny,
#discrepancies due to missing marker alleles, conflicts between parent and
#offspring. It replaces conflicting haplotypes by nodata (= haplotype 1),
#and if possible imputes new haplotypes for nodata individuals.
#This function should be called multiple times until no further changes occur,
#or until an earlier configuration is reached again.
processHSfam <- function(fp, HSnr,
                         fphaplo, fphapnrarr, HSfam) {
  # fp: focalpoint (index number, not ID)
  # HSnr: number of HSfamily (indexes HSfam, the result of get.all.HSfamilies)
  # fphaplo: fp_haplotypes[[fp]], part of the object returned by
  #          get_initial_haplotypes
  # fphapnrarr: hapnrarr[fp,,], a 2-dim slice from the array of haplotype
  #             numbers (alleles) returned by get_initial_haplotypes
  # HSfam: a list as produced by get.all.HSfamilies
  #return value: a list with items
  # $fphaplo: possibly changed version of fp_haplotypes[[fp]] (new haplotypes added)
  # $fphaplo.changed: TRUE or FALSE; need to replace fp_haplotypes[[fp]]
  # $fphapnrarr: probably changed version of hapnrarr[fp,,]
  # TODO possible future extension: take into account the number of nodata
  #      haplotypes among HS individuals
  fphaplo.changed <- FALSE
  hapinfo <- get.HSfam.haplotypes(HSnr, fphapnrarr, HSfam)
  HSsize <- sum(hapinfo$HShaplofrq) #nr of HS individuals in HS family
  #        (with parent either as mother or father)
  parhaplo <- hapinfo$parhaplo # the two haplotypes of the parent
  HShaplofreq <- sort(hapinfo$HShaplofrq, decreasing=T) #frequencies of all
  #                haplotypes from parent HSfamily
  HShaplonr <- as.integer(names(HShaplofreq)) #the IDnumbers of these HSfam
  #                                          haplotypes in same order
  parhaploseq <- fphaplo$hapmat[parhaplo,, drop=FALSE]
  parnodata <- parhaplo == 1 # 1 is nodata haplotype
  if (sum(is.na(parnodata)) > 0) stop("processHSfam: parnodata")
  HShaploseq <- fphaplo$hapmat[HShaplonr,,drop=FALSE]
  minfrq <- calcMinHaplofreq(HSsize)
  matchmatrix <- calc.matchmatrix(HShaploseq, names=HShaplonr)
  grouping <- groupHaplotypes(HShaplonr, HShaploseq, HShaplofreq, matchmatrix)
  ## from 20140117 - fq_haplotyping_exper9.r we consider a non-overlap between
  ## a parental and a group as a conflict,
  ## else there are so many situations that the approach gets unmanageable
  # 20140218: check for non-informative haplotypes if 1 group:
  # If only one group is found, this group may include some
  # haplotypes that are hardly informative (many missing
  # marker scores) but that are grouped only because there
  # are no other haplotypes with which they might also match.
  # If there is at least one parental haplotype that does not
  # match with the group consensus but with which some of the
  # haplotypes in the groups do match, then those haplotypes
  # are not informative.
  # We replace them with nodata=1 in fphapnrarr and adjust the
  # grouping$groups[[1]] and grouping$groupfreq accordingly,
  # before proceeding with the original analysis
  if (length(grouping$groups) == 1) {
    matchpar <- logical(2)
    for (p in 1:2) {
      matchpar[p] <- match.haplo(grouping$consensus[1,], parhaploseq[p,],
                                 match.NA=FALSE, no.info=TRUE)
    for (h in grouping$groups[[1]]) {
      matchfound <- FALSE
      for (p in 1:2) {
        if ((!matchfound) && (!matchpar[p]) &&
              match.haplo(fphaplo$hapmat[h,], parhaploseq[p,],
                          match.NA=FALSE, no.info=TRUE)) {
          #haplotype h from group 1 matches with a parental haplotype
          #that did not match the group consensus; set all HS individuals
          #with this haplotype to nodata=1:
          indgrp <- which(fphapnrarr[, 1] == h)
          ind <- intersect(HSfam[[HSnr]]$HSf1, indgrp)
          fphapnrarr[ind, 1] <- 1
          grouping$groupfreq[1] <- grouping$groupfreq[1] - length(ind)
          indgrp <- which(fphapnrarr[, 2] == h)
          ind <- intersect(HSfam[[HSnr]]$HSf2, indgrp)
          fphapnrarr[ind, 2] <- 1
          grouping$groupfreq[1] <- grouping$groupfreq[1] - length(ind)
          grouping$groups[[1]] <- setdiff(grouping$groups[[1]], h)
          grouping$nodata <- union(grouping$nodata, 1)
          matchfound <- TRUE
    } #for h
    if (xor(length(grouping$groups[[1]]) == 0, grouping$groupfreq[1] == 0) ||
        grouping$groupfreq[1] < 0) {
      stop("processHSfam: error checking one-group situation")
    if (grouping$groupfreq[1] == 0) {
      #the one group is now empty; delete it:
      grouping$groups <- list()
      grouping$groupfreq <- integer(0)
      grouping$consensus <- grouping$consensus[-1,]
  #now we continue with the original analysis:
  if (length(grouping$groups) == 0) {
    #only nodata HS progeny
    #if both parentals exactly the same (match with match.NA TRUE) then all
    #progeny set to this haplotype,
    #else no change
    if (parhaplo[1] == parhaplo[2]) {
      fphapnrarr[HSfam[[HSnr]]$HSf1, 1] <- rep(parhaplo[1],
      fphapnrarr[HSfam[[HSnr]]$HSf2, 2] <- rep(parhaplo[1],
  } else if (length(grouping$groups) == 1) {
    #1 group
    if (length(grouping$ungrouped)>0) {
      #in the following we assume that with one group, ungrouped must be empty;
      #but we print a message if this is not true:
      #WRONG: eg if there are two haplotypes that both have marker data but
      #       have no overlapping data, the most frequent will be grouped and
      #       the other left ungrouped
      #So we do not print the warning
      #cat(paste("Warning in processHSfam: 1 group, but ungrouped is not empty",
      #          "\n", sep=""))
    if (HSsize>=15 && HSsize-grouping$groupfreq[1] < minfrq) {
      # there is really only this group
      consensus <- grouping$consensus[1,]
      if (match.haplo(consensus, parhaploseq[1,],
                      match.NA=FALSE, no.info=FALSE) &&
            match.haplo(consensus, parhaploseq[2,],
                        match.NA=FALSE, no.info=FALSE)) {
        #both parentals match group.
        if (match.haplo(parhaploseq[1,], parhaploseq[2,],
                        match.NA=FALSE, no.info=FALSE)) {
          #both parentals also match each other; get consensus with parentals
          consensus <- combineHaplotypes(rbind(consensus, parhaploseq))
        } else {
          #parentals both match group consensus but not each other.
          #due to one or more marker scores that are NA in group consensus
          #but different in parentals.
          #use group consensus also for both parentals
      } else {
        #not both parentals match this group, but if one matches we make a
        #consensus with this one parental:
        for (p in 1:2) {
          if (match.haplo(consensus, parhaploseq[p,],
                          match.NA=FALSE, no.info=FALSE)) {
            consensus <- combineHaplotypes(rbind(consensus, parhaploseq[p,]))
      } #not both parentals match group
      #is the consensus an existing haplotype?
      haplonr <- gethaplotypenr(consensus, fphaplo)
      h <- haplonr$haplotypenr
      if (!is.null(haplonr$fphaplo)) {
        fphaplo <- haplonr$fphaplo
        fphaplo.changed <- TRUE
      #replace the haplotype of all HS individuals with h:
      #(all HS are already in group[[1]] or in nodata)
      fphapnrarr[HSfam[[HSnr]]$HSf1, 1] <- rep(h, length(HSfam[[HSnr]]$HSf1))
      fphapnrarr[HSfam[[HSnr]]$HSf2, 2] <- rep(h, length(HSfam[[HSnr]]$HSf2))
      #replace the parental(s) that do not conflict with consensus with h,
      #and the parental(s) that conflict with nodata = 1:
      for (p in 1:2) {
        if (match.haplo(consensus, parhaploseq[p,],
                        match.NA=FALSE, no.info=TRUE)) {
          fphapnrarr[HSfam[[HSnr]]$parentnr, p] <- h
        } else {
          fphapnrarr[HSfam[[HSnr]]$parentnr, p] <- 1
    } else {
      #1 group, HSsize<15 or nodata>=minfrq, there might be a second group
      #if both parentals match group there is again one group:
      consensus <- grouping$consensus[1,]
      if (match.haplo(consensus, parhaploseq[1,],
                      match.NA=FALSE, no.info=FALSE) &&
            match.haplo(consensus, parhaploseq[2,],
                        match.NA=FALSE, no.info=FALSE)) {
        #both parentals match group.
        consensus <- grouping$consensus[1,]
        if (match.haplo(parhaploseq[1,], parhaploseq[2,],
                        match.NA=FALSE, no.info=FALSE)) {
          #both parentals also match each other; get consensus with parentals
          for (p in 1:2) {
            consensus <- combineHaplotypes(rbind(consensus, parhaploseq[p,]))
        } else {
          #parentals both match group consensus but not each other.
          #due to one or more marker scores that are NA in group consensus
          #but different in parentals.
          #use group consensus also for both parentals
        #is the consensus an existing haplotype?
        haplonr <- gethaplotypenr(consensus, fphaplo)
        h <- haplonr$haplotypenr
        if (!is.null(haplonr$fphaplo)) {
          fphaplo <- haplonr$fphaplo
          fphaplo.changed <- TRUE
        #replace the haplotype of all HS individuals with h:
        #(all HS are already in group[[1]] or in nodata)
        fphapnrarr[HSfam[[HSnr]]$HSf1, 1] <- rep(h, length(HSfam[[HSnr]]$HSf1))
        fphapnrarr[HSfam[[HSnr]]$HSf2, 2] <- rep(h, length(HSfam[[HSnr]]$HSf2))
        #replace the two parentals (both match with group) also with consensus:
        for (p in 1:2) {
          fphapnrarr[HSfam[[HSnr]]$parentnr, p] <- h
      } else {
        #not both parentals match group. If one parental matches and the other
        #is  nodata or not matching we set the group + one parent to overall
        #consensus and leave the other parental and other HS as they were:
        if (match.haplo(consensus, parhaploseq[1,],
                        match.NA=FALSE, no.info=FALSE) ||
            match.haplo(consensus, parhaploseq[2,],
                        match.NA=FALSE, no.info=FALSE)) {
          #one parent matches and the other nodata or not matching
          if (match.haplo(consensus, parhaploseq[1,],
                          match.NA=FALSE, no.info=FALSE)) {
            p <- 1
          } else {
            p <- 2
          consensus <- combineHaplotypes(rbind(grouping$consensus[1,],
          #is the consensus an existing haplotype?
          haplonr <- gethaplotypenr(consensus, fphaplo)
          h <- haplonr$haplotypenr
          if (!is.null(haplonr$fphaplo)) {
            fphaplo <- haplonr$fphaplo
            fphaplo.changed <- TRUE
          #replace the haplotype of the group individuals with h:
          indgrp <- which(fphapnrarr[, 1] %in% grouping$groups[[1]])
          ind <- intersect(HSfam[[HSnr]]$HSf1, indgrp)
          fphapnrarr[ind, 1] <- h
          indgrp <- which(fphapnrarr[, 2] %in% grouping$groups[[1]])
          ind <- intersect(HSfam[[HSnr]]$HSf2, indgrp)
          fphapnrarr[ind, 2] <- h
          #replace the parental that matches with consensus with h,
          #and leave the other parental unchanged:
          fphapnrarr[HSfam[[HSnr]]$parentnr, p] <- h
        } else {
          #no parentals match group: each is nodata or non-matching
          #first get the group consensus haplotype:
          haplonr <- gethaplotypenr(grouping$consensus[1,], fphaplo)
          h <- haplonr$haplotypenr
          if (!is.null(haplonr$fphaplo)) {
            fphaplo <- haplonr$fphaplo
            fphaplo.changed <- TRUE
          #if group large enough at least one parental should match it;
          #else group may be wrong
          if (grouping$groupfreq[1] > 2) {
            #keep group, leave other HS nodata = 1;
            #if one parental is nodata, set this to consensus and leave the other;
            #else set both parentals to nodata = 1
            #is the consensus an existing haplotype?
            haplonr <- gethaplotypenr(grouping$consensus[1,], fphaplo)
            h <- haplonr$haplotypenr
            if (!is.null(haplonr$fphaplo)) {
              fphaplo <- haplonr$fphaplo
              fphaplo.changed <- TRUE
            #replace the haplotype of the group individuals with h:
            indgrp <- which(fphapnrarr[, 1] %in% grouping$groups[[1]])
            ind <- intersect(HSfam[[HSnr]]$HSf1, indgrp)
            fphapnrarr[ind, 1] <- h
            indgrp <- which(fphapnrarr[, 2] %in% grouping$groups[[1]])
            ind <- intersect(HSfam[[HSnr]]$HSf2, indgrp)
            fphapnrarr[ind, 2] <- h
            #set parentals:
            if (xor(parnodata[1], parnodata[2])) {
              #one parental nodata and the other is conflicting
              if (parnodata[1]) {
                fphapnrarr[HSfam[[HSnr]]$parentnr, 1] <- h
              } else {
                fphapnrarr[HSfam[[HSnr]]$parentnr, 2] <- h
            } else {
              #both parentals nodata or both conflicting; set both to nodata = 1:
              for (p in 1:2) {
                fphapnrarr[HSfam[[HSnr]]$parentnr, p] <- 1
          } else {
            #one group with only <=2 individuals;
            #both parentals don't match: each is nodata or non-matching
            #if at least one parent nodata we set the group to consensus,
            #leave rest progeny nodata, and leave parentals as they are,
            #else we set all progeny and both parentals to nodata = 1
            if (parnodata[1] || parnodata[2]) {
              #set the group to consensus, leave rest progeny nodata
              #is the consensus an existing haplotype?
              haplonr <- gethaplotypenr(grouping$consensus[1,], fphaplo)
              h <- haplonr$haplotypenr
              if (!is.null(haplonr$fphaplo)) {
                fphaplo <- haplonr$fphaplo
                fphaplo.changed <- TRUE
              indgrp <- which(fphapnrarr[, 1] %in% grouping$groups[[1]])
              ind <- intersect(HSfam[[HSnr]]$HSf1, indgrp)
              fphapnrarr[ind, 1] <- h
              indgrp <- which(fphapnrarr[, 2] %in% grouping$groups[[1]])
              ind <- intersect(HSfam[[HSnr]]$HSf2, indgrp)
              fphapnrarr[ind, 2] <- h
            } else {
              #set parentals and all HS to nodata = 1:
              fphapnrarr[HSfam[[HSnr]]$HSf1, 1] <- 1
              fphapnrarr[HSfam[[HSnr]]$HSf2, 2] <- 1
              fphapnrarr[HSfam[[HSnr]]$parentnr, 1] <- 1
              fphapnrarr[HSfam[[HSnr]]$parentnr, 2] <- 1
          } #one group with only <=2 individuals
        } #both parentals nodata, not matching or conflicting
      } #not both parentals match group
    } #1 group, HSsize<15 or nodata>=minfrq
  } else {
    # >=2 groups
    if (HSsize >= 15) {
      # >= 2 groups, HSsize >= 15
      dat <- list() #will contain updated info on groups 1 and 2 and ungrouped
      if (grouping$groupfreq[2] >= minfrq) {
        # HSsize >= 15, >= 2 groups, largest 2 >= minfrq
        # probably 2 real haplotypes segregating
        # first add all ungrouped that match only one of the two groups to that group:
        dat <- checkNadd2(consensus=grouping$consensus[1:2,, drop=FALSE],
        #aim: place all haplotypes that are not in dat$groups into ungrouped
        #but: dat$groups are now changed from grouping$groups (some former
        #ungrouped haplotypes may now be in groups)
        #So: take all haplotypes in grouping$groups (do.call) and move all
        #of those that are not in dat$groups (groupedhap) to dat$ungrouped:
        groupedhap <- union(dat$groups[[1]], dat$groups[[2]])
        dat$ungrouped <- c(dat$ungrouped,
                           setdiff(do.call(c, grouping$groups), groupedhap))
        #next check the parentals:
        matchgrp <- matrix(logical(4), ncol=2)
        for (gr in 1:2) for (p in 1:2) {
          matchgrp[gr,p] <- match.haplo(dat$consensus[gr,], parhaploseq[p,],
                                        match.NA=FALSE, no.info=FALSE)
        #parentals that match more than one group are set to nodata = 1
        #(they have missing data for some important markers)
        #and matchgrp is updated accordingly:
        morematches <- which(colSums(matchgrp) > 1)
        for (p in morematches) {
          fphapnrarr[HSfam[[HSnr]]$parentnr, p] <- 1
          parnodata[p] <- TRUE
          matchgrp[,p] <- rep(FALSE, nrow(matchgrp))
        #in the following situations the parentals are set or kept to nodata:
        if (sum(matchgrp) == 0 || #no matches between any parent and any group
              sum(rowSums(matchgrp)==2) != 0) { #one or both groups match with both parentals
          # no reliable data on parentals, set to nodata = 1:
          fphapnrarr[HSfam[[HSnr]]$parentnr, 1] <- 1
          fphapnrarr[HSfam[[HSnr]]$parentnr, 2] <- 1
        } else if (xor(parnodata[1], parnodata[2])) {
          # one parental known, and it must match exactly one group
          # (if matches 0 groups it would be captured in the first if,
          # and if it matched more groups it is already set to nodata)
          if (parnodata[1]) p <- 2 else p <- 1
          g <- which(matchgrp[,p])
          #calculate overall consensus of parental p and its group g:
          dat$consensus[g,] <- combineHaplotypes(rbind(dat$consensus[g,],
          #try again to add ungrouped haplotypes:
          dat <- checkNadd2(consensus=dat$consensus,
          #are the group consensus existing haplotypes?
          for (gr in 1:2) {
            haplonr <- gethaplotypenr(dat$consensus[gr,], fphaplo)
            if (!is.null(haplonr$fphaplo)) {
              fphaplo <- haplonr$fphaplo
              fphaplo.changed <- TRUE
            dat$consensushaplonr[gr] <- haplonr$haplotypenr
          #set parental p to group consensus:
          fphapnrarr[HSfam[[HSnr]]$parentnr, p] <- dat$consensushaplonr[g]
          #set unknown parental to other group consensus:
          fphapnrarr[HSfam[[HSnr]]$parentnr, 3-p] <- dat$consensushaplonr[3-g]
        } else {
          #both parentals known
          #- each parental matches a different group: ok
          #- both parentals match the same group: already caught
          #- one parental matches a group and the other not: set the non-
          #  matching to nodata=1 and calculate consensus of matching parental
          #  + group
          #- both parentals don't match group: already caught
          #- one or both parentals match more than 1 group: these were already
          #  set to nodata
          if (sum(colSums(matchgrp)==1) == 2) {
            #both parentals match a group, and these groups must be different
            if (matchgrp[1,1]) p <- 1 else p <- 2
            #now parental 1 matches group g and parental 2 matches group 3-g
            dat$consensus[1,] <- combineHaplotypes(rbind(dat$consensus[1,],
            dat$consensus[2,] <- combineHaplotypes(rbind(dat$consensus[2,],
            #try again to add ungrouped haplotypes:
            dat <- checkNadd2(consensus=dat$consensus,
            #are the group consensus existing haplotypes?
            for (gr in 1:2) {
              haplonr <- gethaplotypenr(dat$consensus[gr,], fphaplo)
              if (!is.null(haplonr$fphaplo)) {
                fphaplo <- haplonr$fphaplo
                fphaplo.changed <- TRUE
              dat$consensushaplonr[gr] <- haplonr$haplotypenr
            #set parentals to group consensus:
            fphapnrarr[HSfam[[HSnr]]$parentnr, 1] <- dat$consensushaplonr[p]
            fphapnrarr[HSfam[[HSnr]]$parentnr, 2] <- dat$consensushaplonr[3-p]
          } else {
            #only one parent matches a group (and not two groups)
            #this differs from the situation where only one parental known:
            #here we set the known but non-matching parental to nodata = 1,
            #there we set the unknown parental to the other group consensus
            p <- which(colSums(matchgrp) == 1)
            g <- which(matchgrp[,p])
            #calculate overall consensus of this parental p and its group g:
            dat$consensus[g,] <- combineHaplotypes(rbind(dat$consensus[g,],
            #try again to add ungrouped haplotypes:
            dat <- checkNadd2(consensus=dat$consensus,
            #are the group consensus existing haplotypes?
            for (gr in 1:2) {
              haplonr <- gethaplotypenr(dat$consensus[gr,], fphaplo)
              if (!is.null(haplonr$fphaplo)) {
                fphaplo <- haplonr$fphaplo
                fphaplo.changed <- TRUE
              dat$consensushaplonr[gr] <- haplonr$haplotypenr
            #set parental p to group consensus:
            fphapnrarr[HSfam[[HSnr]]$parentnr, p] <- dat$consensushaplonr[g]
            #set other, conflicting parental to nodata = 1:
            fphapnrarr[HSfam[[HSnr]]$parentnr, 3-p] <- 1
          } #both parentals known, only one matches a group
        } #both parentals known
        #end of different parental situations for HSsize>=15, >= 2 groups, 2 groups >= minfreq
        #finally set the haplonrs of the HS individuals:
        update <- setHShaplonrs(dat, HSnr, HSfam, fphapnrarr, fphaplo)
        fphapnrarr <- update$fphapnrarr
        if (!is.null(update$fphaplo)) {
          fphaplo.changed <- TRUE
          fphaplo <- update$fphaplo
        #end of HSsize >= 15, >= 2 groups, largest 2 >= minfrq
      } else if (grouping$groupfreq[1] >= minfrq) {
        # HSsize >= 15, >= 2 groups, only one >= minfrq
        matchgrp <- matrix(logical(2*length(grouping$groups)), ncol=2)
        for (gr in seq_along(grouping$groups)) for (p in 1:2) {
          matchgrp[gr,p] <- match.haplo(grouping$consensus[gr,], parhaploseq[p,],
                                        match.NA=FALSE, no.info=FALSE)
        #parentals that match more than one group are set to nodata = 1
        #(they have missing data for some important markers)
        #and matchgrp is updated accordingly:
        morematches <- which(colSums(matchgrp) > 1)
        for (p in morematches) {
          fphapnrarr[HSfam[[HSnr]]$parentnr, p] <- 1
          parnodata[p] <- TRUE
          matchgrp[,p] <- rep(FALSE, nrow(matchgrp))
        if (sum(matchgrp) == 0) { #no matches between any parental and any group
          # no reliable data on parentals, set to nodata=1
          # and keep only the large group
          fphapnrarr[HSfam[[HSnr]]$parentnr, 1] <- 1
          fphapnrarr[HSfam[[HSnr]]$parentnr, 2] <- 1
          dat <- checkNadd1(consensus=grouping$consensus[1,],
          #for (gr in 2:length(grouping$groups)) {
          #  dat$ungrouped <- c(dat$ungrouped, grouping$group[[gr]])
          #aim: place all haplotypes that are not in dat$groups into ungrouped
          #but: dat$groups are now changed from grouping$groups (some former
          #ungrouped haplotypes may now be in groups)
          #So: take all haplotypes in grouping$groups (do.call) and move all
          #of those that are not in dat$groups (groupedhap) to dat$ungrouped:
          groupedhap <- union(dat$groups[[1]], dat$groups[[2]])
          dat$ungrouped <- c(dat$ungrouped,
                             setdiff(do.call(c, grouping$groups), groupedhap))

        } else if (xor(parnodata[1], parnodata[2])) {
          #one known parental and this matches with exactly one group.
          #if it matches the largest group, get the consensus, re-check the
          #ungrouped and set the other parental and all F1 indivs outside the
          #largest group to nodata.
          #if it matches a minor group, get the consensus with this minor group,
          #re-check the consensus
          #and assign the consensus of the large group to the other parental
          p <- 3 - which(parnodata)
          g <- which(matchgrp[,p])
          if (g==1) {
            #parental matches large group
            dat <- checkNadd1(consensus=combineHaplotypes(rbind(dat$consensus[1,],
            #for (gr in 2:length(grouping$groups)) {
            #  dat$ungrouped <- c(dat$ungrouped, grouping$group[[gr]])
            #aim: place all haplotypes that are not in dat$groups into ungrouped
            #but: dat$groups are now changed from grouping$groups (some former
            #ungrouped haplotypes may now be in groups)
            #So: take all haplotypes in grouping$groups (do.call) and move all
            #of those that are not in dat$groups (groupedhap) to dat$ungrouped:
            groupedhap <- union(dat$groups[[1]], dat$groups[[2]])
            dat$ungrouped <- c(dat$ungrouped,
                               setdiff(do.call(c, grouping$groups), groupedhap))

            #is new consensus a new haplotype?
            haplonr <- gethaplotypenr(dat$consensus[1,], fphaplo)
            if (!is.null(haplonr$fphaplo)) {
              fphaplo <- haplonr$fphaplo
              fphaplo.changed <- TRUE
            dat$consensushaplonr[1] <- haplonr$haplotypenr
            #set parental p to group consensus:
            fphapnrarr[HSfam[[HSnr]]$parentnr, p] <- dat$consensushaplonr[1]
          } else {
            #parental matches a smaller group
            consensus2 <- combineHaplotypes(rbind(grouping$consensus[g,],
            dat <- checkNadd2(consensus=rbind(grouping$consensus[1,],
                              groups=grouping$groups[c(1, g)],
            #for (gr in 2:length(grouping$groups)) {
            #  if (gr != g) dat$ungrouped <- c(dat$ungrouped, grouping$group[[gr]])
            #aim: place all haplotypes that are not in dat$groups into ungrouped
            #but: dat$groups are now changed from grouping$groups (some former
            #ungrouped haplotypes may now be in groups)
            #So: take all haplotypes in grouping$groups (do.call) and move all
            #of those that are not in dat$groups (groupedhap) to dat$ungrouped:
            groupedhap <- union(dat$groups[[1]], dat$groups[[2]])
            dat$ungrouped <- c(dat$ungrouped,
                               setdiff(do.call(c, grouping$groups), groupedhap))
            #is new consensus a new haplotype?
            for (gr in 1:2) {
              haplonr <- gethaplotypenr(dat$consensus[gr,], fphaplo)
              if (!is.null(haplonr$fphaplo)) {
                fphaplo <- haplonr$fphaplo
                fphaplo.changed <- TRUE
              dat$consensushaplonr[gr] <- haplonr$haplotypenr
            #set parental p to group consensus:
            fphapnrarr[HSfam[[HSnr]]$parentnr, p] <- dat$consensushaplonr[2]
            #set unknown parental to large group consensus:
            fphapnrarr[HSfam[[HSnr]]$parentnr, 3-p] <- dat$consensushaplonr[1]
        } else {
          #2 parentals known, each matches one or no groups,
          #we have the following possibilities:
          # - both parentals match the large group: only one haplotype segregating,
          #   if both parentals match each other we take the overall consensus,
          #   else we use the group consensus. We set both parentals, HS in group
          #   and all nodata HS to consensus, all other HS to nodata
          # - both parentals match the same smaller group: we keep the smaller and the
          #   large groups (consensus with both parentals if these match each
          #   other) but set both parentals to nodata
          # - one parental matches the large group, one a smaller group:
          #   we keep both groups, consensus with parentals, re-check ungrouped
          # - both parentals match a different smaller group: keep only the
          #   largest group and set both parentals and all other F1 indivs to nodata
          # - one parental matches the large group, the other conflicts with all
          #   groups: keep consensus of parental and large group, re-check
          #   ungrouped, set other parental and all other HS indiv to nodata
          # - one parental matches small group, other conflicts with all groups:
          #   get consensus of small group and parental, re-check ungrouped,
          #   set other parental and all HS outside large and small group
          #   to nodata = 1
          # - both parentals conflict with all groups: already caught
          # - one or both parentals match multiple groups: already caught
          if (sum(colSums(matchgrp)) == 1) {
            #one parental matches a group, the other does not;
            #similar to if one parental known, but now the non-matching parental
            #is set to nodata=1 instead to set to the large group consensus:
            p <- which(colSums(matchgrp) > 0)
            g <- which(matchgrp[,p])
            #set non-matching parental to nodata = 1:
            fphapnrarr[HSfam[[HSnr]]$parentnr, 3-p] <- 1
            if (g==1) {
              #parental matches large group
              dat <- checkNadd1(consensus=combineHaplotypes(rbind(dat$consensus[1,],
              dat$addnodata <- TRUE
              #for (gr in 2:length(grouping$groups)) {
              #  dat$ungrouped <- c(dat$ungrouped,grouping$group[[gr]])
              #aim: place all haplotypes that are not in dat$groups into ungrouped
              #but: dat$groups are now changed from grouping$groups (some former
              #ungrouped haplotypes may now be in groups)
              #So: take all haplotypes in grouping$groups (do.call) and move all
              #of those that are not in dat$groups (groupedhap) to dat$ungrouped:
              groupedhap <- union(dat$groups[[1]], dat$groups[[2]])
              dat$ungrouped <- c(dat$ungrouped,
                                 setdiff(do.call(c, grouping$groups), groupedhap))
              #is new consensus a new haplotype?
              haplonr <- gethaplotypenr(dat$consensus[1,], fphaplo)
              if (!is.null(haplonr$fphaplo)) {
                fphaplo <- haplonr$fphaplo
                fphaplo.changed <- TRUE
              dat$consensushaplonr[1] <- haplonr$haplotypenr
              #set parental p to group consensus:
              fphapnrarr[HSfam[[HSnr]]$parentnr, p] <- dat$consensushaplonr[1]
            } else {
              #parental matches a smaller group g, the other matches no group
              consensus2 <- combineHaplotypes(rbind(grouping$consensus[g,],
              dat <- checkNadd2(consensus=rbind(grouping$consensus[1,],
                                groups=grouping$groups[c(1, g)],
              #for (gr in 2:length(grouping$groups)) {
              #  if (gr != g) dat$ungrouped <- c(dat$ungrouped,
              #                                  grouping$group[[gr]])
              #aim: place all haplotypes that are not in dat$groups into ungrouped
              #but: dat$groups are now changed from grouping$groups (some former
              #ungrouped haplotypes may now be in groups)
              #So: take all haplotypes in grouping$groups (do.call) and move all
              #of those that are not in dat$groups (groupedhap) to dat$ungrouped:
              groupedhap <- union(dat$groups[[1]], dat$groups[[2]])
              dat$ungrouped <- c(dat$ungrouped,
                                 setdiff(do.call(c, grouping$groups), groupedhap))
              #is new consensus a new haplotype?
              for (gr in 1:2) {
                haplonr <- gethaplotypenr(dat$consensus[gr,], fphaplo)
                if (!is.null(haplonr$fphaplo)) {
                  fphaplo <- haplonr$fphaplo
                  fphaplo.changed <- TRUE
                dat$consensushaplonr[gr] <- haplonr$haplotypenr
              #set parental p to group consensus:
              fphapnrarr[HSfam[[HSnr]]$parentnr, p] <- dat$consensushaplonr[2]
          } else {
            #both parentals match a group
            g <- integer(2) #group matched by parentals 1 and 2
            g[1] <- which(matchgrp[,1]); g[2] <- which(matchgrp[,2])
            if (g[1] == g[2]) {
              #both parentals match the same group
              #if both parentals match each other we use the consensus of all three,
              #else only the group consensus
              if (match.haplo(parhaploseq[1,], parhaploseq[2,],
                              match.NA=FALSE, no.info=FALSE)) {
                consensus <- combineHaplotypes(rbind(grouping$consensus[g[1],],
              } else {
                consensus <- grouping$consensus[g[1],]
              if (g[1] == 1) {
                #both parentals match the large group; there is only one haplotype
                dat <- checkNadd1(consensus=consensus,
                #for (gr in 2:length(grouping$groups)) {
                #  dat$ungrouped <- c(dat$ungrouped,grouping$group[[gr]])
                #aim: place all haplotypes that are not in dat$groups into ungrouped
                #but: dat$groups are now changed from grouping$groups (some former
                #ungrouped haplotypes may now be in groups)
                #So: take all haplotypes in grouping$groups (do.call) and move all
                #of those that are not in dat$groups (groupedhap) to dat$ungrouped:
                groupedhap <- union(dat$groups[[1]], dat$groups[[2]])
                dat$ungrouped <- c(dat$ungrouped,
                                   setdiff(do.call(c, grouping$groups), groupedhap))
                #add nodata HS to group 1:
                dat$groups[[1]] <- c(dat$groups[[1]], grouping$nodata)
                #is new consensus a new haplotype?
                haplonr <- gethaplotypenr(dat$consensus[1,], fphaplo)
                if (!is.null(haplonr$fphaplo)) {
                  fphaplo <- haplonr$fphaplo
                  fphaplo.changed <- TRUE
                dat$consensushaplonr[1] <- haplonr$haplotypenr
                #set parentals to group consensus:
                fphapnrarr[HSfam[[HSnr]]$parentnr, 1] <- dat$consensushaplonr[1]
                fphapnrarr[HSfam[[HSnr]]$parentnr, 2] <- dat$consensushaplonr[1]
              } else {
                #both parentals match a smaller group; we keep that group and the
                #large group but set both parentals to nodata = 1
                dat <- checkNadd2(consensus=rbind(grouping$consensus[1,],
                                  groups=grouping$groups[c(1, g[1])],
                #for (gr in 2:length(grouping$groups)) {
                #  if (gr != g[1]) dat$ungrouped <- c(dat$ungrouped,
                #                                     grouping$group[[gr]])
                #aim: place all haplotypes that are not in dat$groups into ungrouped
                #but: dat$groups are now changed from grouping$groups (some former
                #ungrouped haplotypes may now be in groups)
                #So: take all haplotypes in grouping$groups (do.call) and move all
                #of those that are not in dat$groups (groupedhap) to dat$ungrouped:
                groupedhap <- union(dat$groups[[1]], dat$groups[[2]])
                dat$ungrouped <- c(dat$ungrouped,
                                   setdiff(do.call(c, grouping$groups), groupedhap))
                #set parentals:
                fphapnrarr[HSfam[[HSnr]]$parentnr, 1] <- 1
                fphapnrarr[HSfam[[HSnr]]$parentnr, 2] <- 1
            } else {
              #both parentals match a different group
              if (sum(g == 1) == 0) {
                #both parentals match a different smaller group:
                #keep only the largest group and set both parentals and
                #all other F1 indivs to nodata = 1
                dat <- checkNadd1(consensus=grouping$consensus[1,],
                #for (gr in 2:length(grouping$groups)) {
                #  dat$ungrouped <- c(dat$ungrouped,grouping$group[[gr]])
                #aim: place all haplotypes that are not in dat$groups into ungrouped
                #but: dat$groups are now changed from grouping$groups (some former
                #ungrouped haplotypes may now be in groups)
                #So: take all haplotypes in grouping$groups (do.call) and move all
                #of those that are not in dat$groups (groupedhap) to dat$ungrouped:
                groupedhap <- union(dat$groups[[1]], dat$groups[[2]])
                dat$ungrouped <- c(dat$ungrouped,
                                   setdiff(do.call(c, grouping$groups), groupedhap))
                #set parental haplotypes:
                fphapnrarr[HSfam[[HSnr]]$parentnr, 1] <- 1
                fphapnrarr[HSfam[[HSnr]]$parentnr, 2] <- 1
              } else {
                #one parental matches the large group, the other parental a small group
                #set both groups with its parental to their consensus
                p <- which(matchgrp[1,]) #the parental matching the large group
                g <- which(matchgrp[,3-p]) #the group matching the other parental
                consensus <- rbind(
                dat <- checkNadd2(consensus=consensus,
                                  groups=grouping$groups[c(1, g)],
                #for (gr in 2:length(grouping$groups)) {
                #  if (gr != g) dat$ungrouped <- c(dat$ungrouped,
                #                                  grouping$group[[gr]])
                #aim: place all haplotypes that are not in dat$groups into ungrouped
                #but: dat$groups are now changed from grouping$groups (some former
                #ungrouped haplotypes may now be in groups)
                #So: take all haplotypes in grouping$groups (do.call) and move all
                #of those that are not in dat$groups (groupedhap) to dat$ungrouped:
                groupedhap <- union(dat$groups[[1]], dat$groups[[2]])
                dat$ungrouped <- c(dat$ungrouped,
                                   setdiff(do.call(c, grouping$groups), groupedhap))
                #is new consensus a new haplotype?
                for (gr in 1:2) {
                  haplonr <- gethaplotypenr(dat$consensus[gr,], fphaplo)
                  if (!is.null(haplonr$fphaplo)) {
                    fphaplo <- haplonr$fphaplo
                    fphaplo.changed <- TRUE
                  dat$consensushaplonr[gr] <- haplonr$haplotypenr
                #set parentals to group consensus:
                fphapnrarr[HSfam[[HSnr]]$parentnr, p] <-
                fphapnrarr[HSfam[[HSnr]]$parentnr, 3-p] <-
              } #one parental matches the large, the other a small group
            } #both parentals match a different group
          } #both parentals match a group
        } #2 parentals known, each matches one or no groups
        #end of different parental situations for HSsize>=15, >= 2 groups, 1 group >= minfreq
        #finally set the haplonrs of the HS individuals:
        update <- setHShaplonrs(dat, HSnr, HSfam, fphapnrarr, fphaplo)
        fphapnrarr <- update$fphapnrarr
        if (!is.null(update$fphaplo)) {
          fphaplo.changed <- TRUE
          fphaplo <- update$fphaplo
        #end of HSsize >= 15, >= 2 groups, 1 group >= minfreq
      } else {
        # HSsize >= 15, >= 2 groups, no groups >= minfrq
        #TODO: where we have matching parentals and HS groups we now update
        #      both with the overall consensus; but does the evidence from the
        #      small group warrant the filling in of many markers in the parent?
        #      The same question applies in earlier cases where we update
        #      groups with their consensus with a matching parent: one parent
        #      supplies missing marker data for the group.
        #      For the moment we leave it as it is now.
        #      (for the one-group case we have already an alternative check)
        matchgrp <- matrix(logical(2*length(grouping$groups)), ncol=2)
        for (gr in seq_along(grouping$groups)) for (p in 1:2) {
          matchgrp[gr,p] <- match.haplo(grouping$consensus[gr,], parhaploseq[p,],
                                        match.NA=FALSE, no.info=FALSE)
        #parentals that match more than one group are set to nodata = 1
        #(they have missing data for some important markers)
        #and matchgrp is updated accordingly:
        morematches <- which(colSums(matchgrp) > 1)
        for (p in morematches) {
          fphapnrarr[HSfam[[HSnr]]$parentnr, p] <- 1
          parnodata[p] <- TRUE
          matchgrp[,p] <- rep(FALSE,nrow(matchgrp))
        if (sum(matchgrp) == 0) { #no matches between any parental and any group
          # no confirmed data on parentals nor on any group,
          # set both parentals and all F1 progeny to nodata = 1:
          fphapnrarr[HSfam[[HSnr]]$parentnr, 1] <- 1
          fphapnrarr[HSfam[[HSnr]]$parentnr, 2] <- 1
          dat <- list()
          dat$consensus <- rep(NA, ncol(parhaploseq))
          dat$consensus <- rbind(dat$consensus, dat$consensus)
          dat$groups <- list()
          dat$groups[[1]] <- integer(0); dat$groups[[2]] <- integer(0)
          dat$ungrouped <- grouping$ungrouped
          for (gr in seq_along(grouping$groups)) {
            dat$ungrouped <- c(dat$ungrouped, grouping$groups[[gr]])
          dat$consensushaplonr = c(1, 1) # both nodata
          dat$addnodata <- FALSE
        } else if (sum(colSums(matchgrp) == 1) == 1) {
          #one parental matches one group, other parental missing or
          #matches no group:
          #make one consensus group, add no unmatched, make all other HS
          #and other parental nodata = 1
          p <- which(colSums(matchgrp) == 1)
          g <- which(matchgrp[,p])
          consensus <- combineHaplotypes(rbind(grouping$consensus[g,],
          dat <- checkNadd1(consensus=rbind(consensus),
                            groups=grouping$groups[[g]], #g has 1 value, this is a vector
          #for (gr in seq_along(grouping$groups)) {
          #  if (gr != g) dat$ungrouped <- c(dat$ungrouped,grouping$group[[gr]])
          #aim: place all haplotypes that are not in dat$groups into ungrouped
          #but: dat$groups are now changed from grouping$groups (some former
          #ungrouped haplotypes may now be in groups)
          #So: take all haplotypes in grouping$groups (do.call) and move all
          #of those that are not in dat$groups (groupedhap) to dat$ungrouped:
          groupedhap <- union(dat$groups[[1]], dat$groups[[2]])
          dat$ungrouped <- c(dat$ungrouped,
                             setdiff(do.call(c, grouping$groups), groupedhap))
          #is new consensus a new haplotype?
          haplonr <- gethaplotypenr(dat$consensus[1,], fphaplo)
          if (!is.null(haplonr$fphaplo)) {
            fphaplo <- haplonr$fphaplo
            fphaplo.changed <- TRUE
          dat$consensushaplonr[1] <- haplonr$haplotypenr
          #set parental p to group consensus:
          fphapnrarr[HSfam[[HSnr]]$parentnr, p] <- dat$consensushaplonr[1]
          #set other parental to nodata = 1:
          fphapnrarr[HSfam[[HSnr]]$parentnr, 3-p] <- 1
        } else {
          #2 parentals known, each matches one group,
          #we have the following possibilities:
          # - both parentals match same group:
          #   if parentals match each other we use total consensus and recheck
          #   ungrouped, else use group consensus. Set parentals and group (but
          #   not nodata HS) to consensus, all other HS to nodata
          # - both parentals match a different group:
          #   use both groups + parental consensus, recheck ungrouped
          # - one parental matches a group, the other not: already caught
          # - both parentals match no groups: already caught
          g <- integer(2) #group matched by parentals 1 and 2
          g[1] <- which(matchgrp[,1]); g[2] <- which(matchgrp[,2])
          if (g[1] == g[2]) {
            #both parentals match the same group
            #if both parentals match each other we use the consensus of all three,
            #else only the group consensus
            if (match.haplo(parhaploseq[1,], parhaploseq[2,],
                            match.NA=FALSE, no.info=FALSE)) {
              consensus <- combineHaplotypes(rbind(grouping$consensus[g[1],],
            } else {
              consensus <- grouping$consensus[g[1],]
            dat <- checkNadd1(consensus=grouping$consensus[g[1],],
            #for (gr in seq_along(grouping$groups)) {
            #  if (gr != g[1]) dat$ungrouped <- c(dat$ungrouped,
            #                                     grouping$group[[gr]])
            #aim: place all haplotypes that are not in dat$groups into ungrouped
            #but: dat$groups are now changed from grouping$groups (some former
            #ungrouped haplotypes may now be in groups)
            #So: take all haplotypes in grouping$groups (do.call) and move all
            #of those that are not in dat$groups (groupedhap) to dat$ungrouped:
            groupedhap <- union(dat$groups[[1]], dat$groups[[2]])
            dat$ungrouped <- c(dat$ungrouped,
                               setdiff(do.call(c, grouping$groups), groupedhap))
            #is new consensus a new haplotype?
            haplonr <- gethaplotypenr(dat$consensus[1,], fphaplo)
            if (!is.null(haplonr$fphaplo)) {
              fphaplo <- haplonr$fphaplo
              fphaplo.changed <- TRUE
            dat$consensushaplonr[1] <- haplonr$haplotypenr
            fphapnrarr[HSfam[[HSnr]]$parentnr, 1] <- dat$consensushaplonr[1]
            fphapnrarr[HSfam[[HSnr]]$parentnr, 2] <- dat$consensushaplonr[1]
          } else {
            #both parentals match a different group
            #use the consensuses of both groups
            consensus <- rbind(combineHaplotypes(rbind(grouping$consensus[g[1],],
            dat <- checkNadd2(consensus=consensus,
                              groups=grouping$groups[g], #g has 2 items, this is a list
            #for (gr in 2:length(grouping$groups)) {
            #  if (!gr %in% g) dat$ungrouped <- c(dat$ungrouped,
            #                                     grouping$group[[gr]])
            #aim: place all haplotypes that are not in dat$groups into ungrouped
            #but: dat$groups are now changed from grouping$groups (some former
            #ungrouped haplotypes may now be in groups)
            #So: take all haplotypes in grouping$groups (do.call) and move all
            #of those that are not in dat$groups (groupedhap) to dat$ungrouped:
            groupedhap <- union(dat$groups[[1]], dat$groups[[2]])
            dat$ungrouped <- c(dat$ungrouped,
                               setdiff(do.call(c, grouping$groups), groupedhap))
            #is new consensus a new haplotype?
            for (gr in 1:2) {
              haplonr <- gethaplotypenr(dat$consensus[gr,], fphaplo) #corrected, gr was 1
              if (!is.null(haplonr$fphaplo)) {
                fphaplo <- haplonr$fphaplo
                fphaplo.changed <- TRUE
              dat$consensushaplonr[gr] <- haplonr$haplotypenr
            #set parentals to group consensus:
            fphapnrarr[HSfam[[HSnr]]$parentnr, 1] <- dat$consensushaplonr[1] # corrected, was g[1]
            fphapnrarr[HSfam[[HSnr]]$parentnr, 2] <- dat$consensushaplonr[2] # corrected, was g[2]
          } #both parentals match a different group
        } #2 parentals known, each matches one or no groups
        #end of different parental situations for HSsize>=15, >= 2 groups, no group >= minfreq
        #finally set the haplonrs of the HS individuals:
        update <- setHShaplonrs(dat, HSnr, HSfam, fphapnrarr, fphaplo)
        fphapnrarr <- update$fphapnrarr
        if (!is.null(update$fphaplo)) {
          fphaplo.changed <- TRUE
          fphaplo <- update$fphaplo
      } #end of HSsize >= 15, >= 2 groups, no groups >= minfrq
    } else {
      # HSsize < 15, >= 2 groups
      matchgrp <- matrix(logical(2*length(grouping$groups)), ncol=2)
      for (gr in seq_along(grouping$groups)) for (p in 1:2) {
        matchgrp[gr,p] <- match.haplo(grouping$consensus[gr,], parhaploseq[p,],
                                      match.NA=FALSE, no.info=FALSE)
      #parentals that match more than one group are set to nodata = 1
      #(they have missing data for some important markers)
      #and matchgrp is updated accordingly:
      morematches <- which(colSums(matchgrp) > 1)
      for (p in morematches) {
        fphapnrarr[HSfam[[HSnr]]$parentnr, p] <- 1
        parnodata[p] <- TRUE
        matchgrp[,p] <- rep(FALSE, nrow(matchgrp))
      if (sum(parnodata) == 2) {
        #no parental data; if exactly 2 groups keep
        # these, else set also all HS to nodata
        if (length(grouping$groups) == 2) {
          #exactly 2 groups, keep both
          dat <- checkNadd2(consensus=grouping$consensus,
        } else {
          #more than 2 groups, set all progeny to nodata = 1
          dat <- checkNadd1(consensus=rbind(rep(NA, ncol(parhaploseq))),
          #for (gr in seq_along(grouping$groups)) {
          #  dat$ungrouped <- c(dat$ungrouped, grouping$groups[[gr]])
          dat$consensushaplonr <- c(1, 1)
          #aim: place all haplotypes that are not in dat$groups into ungrouped
          #but: dat$groups are now changed from grouping$groups (some former
          #ungrouped haplotypes may now be in groups)
          #So: take all haplotypes in grouping$groups (do.call) and move all
          #of those that are not in dat$groups (groupedhap) to dat$ungrouped:
          groupedhap <- union(dat$groups[[1]], dat$groups[[2]])
          dat$ungrouped <- c(dat$ungrouped,
                             setdiff(do.call(c, grouping$groups), groupedhap))
      } else if (sum(parnodata) == 1) {
        #one parental known
        p <- 3 - which(parnodata)
        if (sum(matchgrp[, p]) == 1) {
          #the one known parental matches a group:
          #use consensus for group and parental, recheck ungrouped
          g <- which(matchgrp[, p])
          consensus <- combineHaplotypes(rbind(grouping$consensus[g,],
          #if exactly 2 groups, keep also other group,
          #else set all other groups to nodata = 1
          if (length(grouping$groups) == 2) {
            #exactly 2 groups
            dat <- checkNadd2(consensus=rbind(consensus,
                              groups=grouping$groups[c(g, 3-g)],
            #is new consensus a new haplotype?
            haplonr <- gethaplotypenr(dat$consensus[1,], fphaplo)
            if (!is.null(haplonr$fphaplo)) {
              fphaplo <- haplonr$fphaplo
              fphaplo.changed <- TRUE
            dat$consensushaplonr[1] <- haplonr$haplotypenr
            #set parental p to group consensus:
            fphapnrarr[HSfam[[HSnr]]$parentnr, p] <- dat$consensushaplonr[1]
          } else {
            #there are more than 2 groups, we set all except the one matching
            #the parent to nodata = 1
            dat <- checkNadd1(consensus=consensus,
                              groups=grouping$groups[[g]], #g has 1 value, this is a vector
            #is new consensus a new haplotype?
            haplonr <- gethaplotypenr(dat$consensus[1,], fphaplo)
            if (!is.null(haplonr$fphaplo)) {
              fphaplo <- haplonr$fphaplo
              fphaplo.changed <- TRUE
            dat$consensushaplonr[1] <- haplonr$haplotypenr
            #set parental p to group consensus:
            fphapnrarr[HSfam[[HSnr]]$parentnr, p] <- dat$consensushaplonr[1]
            #set all other groups to nodata = 1:
            for (gr in seq_along(grouping$groups)) {
              if (gr != g) dat$ungrouped <- c(dat$ungrouped,
        } else {
          #one known parental doesn't match any group,
          #we set everything to nodata = 1
          dat <- list()
          dat$groups <- list(integer(0),integer(0))
          dat$consensushaplonr <- c(1, 1)
          dat$addnodata <- FALSE
          fphapnrarr[HSfam[[HSnr]]$parentnr, p] <- 1
      } else {
        #both parentals known, each matches 0 or 1 group
        if (sum(matchgrp) == 0) {
          #both parentals match no group, we set everything to nodata = 1
          dat <- checkNadd1(consensus=rbind(rep(NA, ncol(parhaploseq))),
          #for (gr in seq_along(grouping$groups)) {
          #  dat$ungrouped <- c(dat$ungrouped, grouping$groups[[gr]])
          #aim: place all haplotypes that are not in dat$groups into ungrouped
          #but: dat$groups are now changed from grouping$groups (some former
          #ungrouped haplotypes may now be in groups)
          #So: take all haplotypes in grouping$groups (do.call) and move all
          #of those that are not in dat$groups (groupedhap) to dat$ungrouped:
          groupedhap <- union(dat$groups[[1]], dat$groups[[2]])
          dat$ungrouped <- c(dat$ungrouped,
                             setdiff(do.call(c, grouping$groups), groupedhap))
          dat$consensushaplonr <- c(1, 1)
          fphapnrarr[HSfam[[HSnr]]$parentnr, 1] <- 1
          fphapnrarr[HSfam[[HSnr]]$parentnr, 2] <- 1
        } else if (sum(matchgrp) == 1) {
          #one parental matches a group, the other doesn't;
          #we use group&parental consensus,
          #set other parental and groups to nodata = 1
          p <- which(colSums(matchgrp) == 1)
          g <- which(matchgrp[,p])
          dat <- checkNadd1(consensus=combineHaplotypes(rbind(grouping$consensus[g,],
                            groups=grouping$groups[[g]], #g has 1 value, this is a vector
          #for (gr in seq_along(grouping$groups)) {
          #  if (gr != g) dat$ungrouped <- c(dat$ungrouped,grouping$group[[gr]])
          #aim: place all haplotypes that are not in dat$groups into ungrouped
          #but: dat$groups are now changed from grouping$groups (some former
          #ungrouped haplotypes may now be in groups)
          #So: take all haplotypes in grouping$groups (do.call) and move all
          #of those that are not in dat$groups (groupedhap) to dat$ungrouped:
          groupedhap <- union(dat$groups[[1]], dat$groups[[2]])
          dat$ungrouped <- c(dat$ungrouped,
                             setdiff(do.call(c, grouping$groups), groupedhap))
          #is new consensus a new haplotype?
          haplonr <- gethaplotypenr(dat$consensus[1,], fphaplo)
          if (!is.null(haplonr$fphaplo)) {
            fphaplo <- haplonr$fphaplo
            fphaplo.changed <- TRUE
          dat$consensushaplonr[1] <- haplonr$haplotypenr
          #set parental p to group consensus:
          fphapnrarr[HSfam[[HSnr]]$parentnr, p] <- dat$consensushaplonr[1]
          #set other parental to nodata = 1:
          fphapnrarr[HSfam[[HSnr]]$parentnr, 3-p] <- 1
        } else {
          #2 parentals known, each matches one group,
          #we have the following possibilities:
          # - both parentals match same group:
          #   if parentals match each other we use total consensus and recheck
          #   ungrouped, else use group consensus. Set parentals and group (but
          #   not nodata HS) to consensus, all other HS to nodata = 1
          # - both parentals match a different group:
          #   use both groups + parental consensus, recheck ungrouped
          # - one parental matches a group, the other not: already caught
          # - both parentals match no groups: already caught
          g <- integer(2) #group matched by parentals 1 and 2
          g[1] <- which(matchgrp[,1]); g[2] <- which(matchgrp[,2])
          if (g[1] == g[2]) {
            #both parentals match the same group
            #if both parentals match each other we use the consensus of all three,
            #else only the group consensus
            if (match.haplo(parhaploseq[1,], parhaploseq[2,],
                            match.NA=FALSE, no.info=FALSE)) {
              consensus <- combineHaplotypes(rbind(grouping$consensus[g[1],],
            } else {
              consensus <- grouping$consensus[g[1],]
            dat <- checkNadd1(consensus=grouping$consensus[g[1],],
            #for (gr in seq_along(grouping$groups)) {
            #  if (gr != g[1]) dat$ungrouped <- c(dat$ungrouped,
            #                                     grouping$group[[gr]])
            #aim: place all haplotypes that are not in dat$groups into ungrouped
            #but: dat$groups are now changed from grouping$groups (some former
            #ungrouped haplotypes may now be in groups)
            #So: take all haplotypes in grouping$groups (do.call) and move all
            #of those that are not in dat$groups (groupedhap) to dat$ungrouped:
            groupedhap <- union(dat$groups[[1]], dat$groups[[2]])
            dat$ungrouped <- c(dat$ungrouped,
                               setdiff(do.call(c, grouping$groups), groupedhap))
            #is new consensus a new haplotype?
            haplonr <- gethaplotypenr(dat$consensus[1,], fphaplo)
            if (!is.null(haplonr$fphaplo)) {
              fphaplo <- haplonr$fphaplo
              fphaplo.changed <- TRUE
            dat$consensushaplonr[1] <- haplonr$haplotypenr
            fphapnrarr[HSfam[[HSnr]]$parentnr, 1] <- dat$consensushaplonr[1]
            fphapnrarr[HSfam[[HSnr]]$parentnr, 2] <- dat$consensushaplonr[1]
          } else {
            #both parentals match a different group
            #use the consensuses of both groups
            consensus <- rbind(combineHaplotypes(rbind(grouping$consensus[g[1],],
            dat <- checkNadd2(consensus=consensus,
                              groups=grouping$groups[g], #g has 2 values, this is a list
            #due to the order of g, dat$groups 1 and 2 now match parentals 1 and 2
            #for (gr in seq_along(grouping$groups)) {
            #  if (!(gr %in% g)) dat$ungrouped <- c(dat$ungrouped,
            #                                       grouping$group[[gr]])
            #aim: place all haplotypes that are not in dat$groups into ungrouped
            #but: dat$groups are now changed from grouping$groups (some former
            #ungrouped haplotypes may now be in groups)
            #So: take all haplotypes in grouping$groups (do.call) and move all
            #of those that are not in dat$groups (groupedhap) to dat$ungrouped:
            groupedhap <- union(dat$groups[[1]], dat$groups[[2]])
            dat$ungrouped <- c(dat$ungrouped,
                               setdiff(do.call(c, grouping$groups), groupedhap))
            #is new consensus a new haplotype?
            for (gr in 1:2) {
              haplonr <- gethaplotypenr(dat$consensus[gr,], fphaplo)
              if (!is.null(haplonr$fphaplo)) {
                fphaplo <- haplonr$fphaplo
                fphaplo.changed <- TRUE
              dat$consensushaplonr[gr] <- haplonr$haplotypenr
            #set parentals to group consensus:
            fphapnrarr[HSfam[[HSnr]]$parentnr, 1] <- dat$consensushaplonr[1]
            fphapnrarr[HSfam[[HSnr]]$parentnr, 2] <- dat$consensushaplonr[2]
          } #both parentals match a different group
        } #both parentals match a group
      } #both parentals known, each matches 0 or 1 group
      #end of different parental situations for HSsize<15, >= 2 groups
      #finally set the haplonrs of the HS individuals:
      update <- setHShaplonrs(dat, HSnr, HSfam, fphapnrarr, fphaplo)
      fphapnrarr <- update$fphapnrarr
      if (!is.null(update$fphaplo)) {
        fphaplo.changed <- TRUE
        fphaplo <- update$fphaplo
    } #end of >= 2 groups, HSsize < 15
  } # >= 2 groups
       grouping=grouping) #for debugging
  #the caller should make sure that the global data structures are updated:
  #hapnrarr[fp,,] <- result$fphapnrarr
  #if (result$fphaplo.changed) fp_haplotypes[[fp]] <- fphaplo
} #processHSfam

calc.oldVSnew <- function(old, new, missing, no.comp=FALSE) {
  #old and new are 2-dim arrays as fphapnrarr or mhaplo$mrkallele.arr[fp,,]
  #            (but could be any pair of vectors or arrays of identical dim)
  #missing is a single value (1 for haplotypes, NA for markers)
  #        that indicates how missing values are represented in old and new
  #no.comp: if TRUE the returned vector has the same names but 5 NA's
  #return value: a vector with the frequencies of 5 different types of changes
  oldVSnew <- rep(NA, 5)
  names(oldVSnew) <- c("scored_unchanged",
  if (no.comp) return(oldVSnew)
  if (sum(dim(old) != dim(new)) > 0) {
    stop("calc.oldVSnew: old and new do not match")
  missing <- missing[1]
  if (is.na(missing)) {
    # replace NA's with a (hopefully not normally occurring) value:
    missing <- -(.Machine$integer.max) + 4218063
    old[is.na(old)] <- missing
    new[is.na(new)] <- missing
  oldVSnew[1] <- sum(old != missing & new != missing & old == new)
  oldVSnew[2] <- sum(old == missing & new == missing)
  oldVSnew[3] <- sum(old == missing & new != missing)
  oldVSnew[4] <- sum(old != missing & new != missing & old != new)
  oldVSnew[5] <- sum(old != missing & new == missing)
} #calc.oldVSnew

processFocalpointHS <- function(fp, fphaplo, fphapnrarr, HSfam, maxcycle=50) {
  # this function calls processHSfam repeatedly such that all HSfamilies in
  # the pedigree are processed for focalpoint fp.
  # In one cycle all families are processed in the order of HSfam (which is
  # ordered by decreasing family size). At the end of each cycle the
  # resulting hapnrarr is compared to all previous versions to detect if the
  # process has converged (final version equal to previous) or is coming
  # back to an earlier version.

  # fp: focalpoint (index number, not ID)
  # fphaplo: fp_haplotypes[[fp]], part of the object returned by
  #          get_initial_haplotypes
  # fphapnrarr: hapnrarr[fp,,], a 2-dim slice from the array of haplotype
  #             numbers (alleles) returned by get_initial_haplotypes
  # HSfam: a list as produced by get.all.HSfamilies
  # maxcycle: the maximum number of cycles
  #return value: a list with items
  # $fphaplo: possibly changed version of fp_haplotypes[[fp]] (new haplotypes added)
  # $fphaplo.changed: TRUE or FALSE; need to replace fp_haplotypes[[fp]]
  # $fphapnrarr: probably changed version of hapnrarr[fp,,]
  # $convergence: "yes", "no" or "cyclical" (no if fphapnearr scores are still
  #               changing when maxcycle is reached; cyclical if the scores keep
  #               repeating themselves in a cyclical way, yes if the scores don't
  #               change in successive cycles)
  # $cycles: the number of cycles used
  # $startVSend: integer(5): frequencies of haplotype changes

  fphaplo.changed <- FALSE
  hapnrarr_versions <- list()
  hapnrarr_versions[[1]] <- fphapnrarr
  testhapnrarr <- hapnrarr_versions
  lastcycle_thisversion <- NA
  cycle <- 0
  testn <- 1
  testversion <- matrix(c(0,0,0,testn),nrow=1)
  colnames(testversion) <- c("fp","cycle","HSnr","testn")
  repeat {
    cycle <- cycle + 1
    changes <- FALSE
    for (HSnr in seq_along(HSfam)) {
      testn <- testn + 1
      testversion <- rbind(testversion, c(fp, cycle, HSnr, testn))
      #cat(paste(fp, cycle, HSnr, testn, "\n"))
      #if (HSnr==12) browser()
      procHS <- processHSfam(fp, HSnr, fphaplo, fphapnrarr, HSfam)
      #if (sum(is.na(procHS$fphapnrarr)) > 0) browser()
      testhapnrarr[[testn]] <- procHS$fphapnrarr
      fphapnrarr <- procHS$fphapnrarr
      if (procHS$fphaplo.changed) {
        changes <- TRUE #new haplotype, non-circular changes
        fphaplo <- procHS$fphaplo
        fphaplo.changed <- TRUE
    if (sum(is.na(fphapnrarr)) > 0) {
      stop(paste("processFocalpoint: NA's generated in fphapnrarr in cycle",
    hapnrarr_versions[[cycle + 1]] <- fphapnrarr
    found <- FALSE
    if (!changes) {
      cyc <- cycle
      while (cyc >= 1 && !found) {
        diff <- sum(fphapnrarr != hapnrarr_versions[[cyc]])
        found <- diff == 0
        cyc <- cyc - 1
      if (found) {
        lastcycle_thisversion <- cyc
    if (found || cycle >= maxcycle) break
  } #repeat

  if (is.na(lastcycle_thisversion)) {
    convergence <- "no"
  } else if ((cycle - lastcycle_thisversion) == 1) {
    convergence <- "yes"
  } else {
    convergence <- "cyclical"

  if (convergence == "yes") {
    oldVSnew <- calc.oldVSnew(old=hapnrarr_versions[[1]],
  } else {
    fphapnrarr <- hapnrarr_versions[[1]] #back to original version
    oldVSnew <- calc.oldVSnew(no.comp=TRUE)

  list(fphaplo = fphaplo,
       fphaplo.changed = fphaplo.changed,
       fphapnrarr = fphapnrarr,
       convergence = convergence,
       cycles = cycle,
       oldVSnew = oldVSnew,
       hapnrarr_versions = hapnrarr_versions, #for debugging
       testversion = testversion,
       testhapnrarr = testhapnrarr)
} #processFocalpointHS

processAllFocalpoints <- function(fp_haplotypes, hapnrarr, HSfam,
                                  focalpoints=seq_along(fp_haplotypes)) {
  #processAllFocalpoints calls processFocalpointHS for each focalpoint
  #successively, but allows also to select a subset of focalpoints
  #return value: a list with elements
  # $fp_haplotypes: including any new haplotypes created
  # $hapnrarr: updated
  # $convergence: a character vector with one element per focalpoint
  #and the convergence and oldVSnew statistics.
  #By default all focalpoints are analyzed and output, but by supplying
  #an integer vector (with focalpoint numbers) or character vector (with
  #names) also a subset can be selected.
  if (is.character(focalpoints)) {
    fpmap <- getHaploblockmap(fp_haplotypes)
    focalpoints <- match(focalpoints, fpmap$marker)
  focalpoints <- focalpoints[focalpoints %in% seq_along(fp_haplotypes)]
  convergence <- rep("no", length(fp_haplotypes))
  oldVSnew <- matrix(integer(0), nrow=0, ncol=5)
  messages <- character(0)
  for (fp in focalpoints) {
    #cat(paste("fp=", fp, "\n"))
    procFP <- processFocalpointHS(fp, fp_haplotypes[[fp]],
                                  hapnrarr[fp,,], HSfam)
    s <- paste("hb ", fp, " = ", names(fp_haplotypes)[fp], ": convergence = ",
               procFP$convergence, " in ", procFP$cycles, " cycles", sep="")
    convergence[fp] <- procFP$convergence
    #oldVSnew <- rbind(oldVSnew, procFP$oldVSnew)
    if (procFP$fphaplo.changed) {
      s <- paste(s, ", new haplotype(s) created", sep="")
      fp_haplotypes[[fp]] <- procFP$fphaplo
    messages <- c(messages, s)
    cat(paste(s, "\n", sep=""))
    if (procFP$convergence == "yes") hapnrarr[fp,,] <- procFP$fphapnrarr
} #processAllFocalpoints

allelecolors <- function(old, new, missing, convergence, usemarker=TRUE) {
  # allelecolors is the name of this function as it originally was only used
  # to determine the color code of each allele in the Pedimap files.
  # Actually these color codes are codes for how the end result of the
  # haplotyping compares with the start: Was convergence reached (or not: codes
  # 8 and 9); was the marker used (or not: code 7); were alleles for focalpoints
  # or markers originally present or not, and filled in, changed or discarded
  # (codes 0-4).
  # Now the same codes are used both for the Pedimap files and for the
  # statistics files.
  #old and new are 3-dim arrays as hapnrarr or mhaplo$mrkallele.arr
  #missing is a single value (1 for haplotypes, NA for markers)
  #        that indicates how missing values are represented in old and new
  #convergence is a character vector with for each focalpoint the
  #            convergence result (yes, no, cyclical)
  #usemarker NULL or a logical vector with length == dim(old)[1]
  #result is an 3-dim array of integers (Pedimap color codes) with the same
  #       dimensions as old and new
  nonconverged <- 9
  cyclical <- 8
  unused <- 7
  unchanged_ok <- 0 #old and new same score, not missing
  unchanged_missing <- 1 #old and new both missing score
  added <- 2    #old was missing, new is a haplotype
  changed <- 3  #old and new different haplotypes, both not missing
  removed <- 4  #old was a haplotype, new is missing
  if (sum(dim(old) != dim(new)) > 0) {
    stop("allelecolors: old and new do not match")
  if (length(convergence) != dim(old)[1]) {
    stop("allelecolors: convergence doesn't match old and new")
  if (length(usemarker) == 1) {
    usemarker <- seq(usemarker, length.out=dim(old)[1])
  } else if (length(usemarker) != dim(old)[1]) {
    stop("allelecolors: usemarker doesn't match old and new")
  colors <- array(integer(prod(dim(old))), dim=dim(old), dimnames=dimnames(old))
  missing <- missing[1]
  if (is.na(missing)) {
    # replace NA's with a (hopefully not normally occurring) value:
    missing <- -(.Machine$integer.max) + 4218063
    old[is.na(old)] <- missing
    new[is.na(new)] <- missing
  colors[new == old & new != missing] <- unchanged_ok
  colors[new == old & new == missing] <- unchanged_missing
  colors[new != old & old == missing] <- added
  colors[new != old & old != missing & new != missing] <- changed
  colors[new != old & new == missing] <- removed
  colors[convergence == "no",,] <- nonconverged
  colors[convergence == "cyclical",,] <- cyclical
  colors[!usemarker,,] <- unused
} #allelecolors

allelecolors.statistics.mrkrows <- function(colors, map, filename) {
  #The old version of this function, with 1 line per marker and 2 columns
  #per individual
  #The colorvalues calculated by function allelecolors indicate the result
  #of the haplotyping for each marker and each individual allele; here
  #we produce the complete overview of these data.
  #This function takes a 3-dim allelecolors array (colors) with dimensions
  #markers, individuals, hap (1:2) and converts it to a 2-dim array (matrix)
  #with markers in rows and 2 columns per individual (hap1 and hap2),
  #plus top and left margins with totals per color value.
  #in addition the chromosome, positions and in applicable the fp from the map
  #are in columns 2-3 or 2-4.
  #this is written to file and returned (silent)
  if (length(map$marker) != dim(colors)[1] ||
      sum(map$marker != dimnames(colors)[[1]]) > 0) {
    stop("allelecolors.markers: map doesn't match colors array")
  colorvalues <- c(0:4, 7:9) #other color values are not assigned
  indcount <- dim(colors)[2]
  col2d <- matrix(nrow=dim(colors)[1], ncol=2*indcount)
  col2d[,seq(1, by=2, length.out=indcount)] <- colors[,,1]
  col2d[,seq(2, by=2, length.out=indcount)] <- colors[,,2]
  indnames <- dimnames(colors)[[2]]
  colnames(col2d)[seq(2, by=2, length.out=indcount)] <-
    paste(indnames, 2, sep="_")
  colnames(col2d)[seq(1, by=2, length.out=indcount)] <-
    paste(indnames, 1, sep="_")
  rownames(col2d) <- dimnames(colors)[[1]]
  #generate the totals per marker and per individual_hap:
  col1 <- 1+col2d #because 0 is not tabulated
  mrktable <- apply(col1, 1, tabulate, 10) #markers in columns, bins in rows
  haptable <- apply(col1, 2, tabulate, 10) #ind_hap in columns, bins in rows
  #omit entries for color non-existing color values:
  mrktable <- mrktable[colorvalues+1,, drop=FALSE]
  haptable <- haptable[colorvalues+1,, drop=FALSE ]
  #get the diagonal matrix at to left:
  topleft <- matrix(ncol=length(colorvalues), nrow=length(colorvalues))
  for (i in seq_along(colorvalues)) topleft[i, i] <- sum(mrktable[i,])
  #assemble the total matrix:
  result <- matrix(nrow=nrow(topleft) + nrow(col2d),
                   ncol=ncol(topleft) + ncol(col2d))
  result[1:nrow(topleft), 1:ncol(topleft)] <- topleft
  result[(nrow(topleft)+1):nrow(result), (ncol(topleft)+1):ncol(result)] <- col2d
  result[1:nrow(topleft), (ncol(topleft)+1):ncol(result)] <- haptable
  result[(nrow(topleft)+1):nrow(result), 1:ncol(topleft)] <- t(mrktable)
  #header <- c(names(map), colorvalues, colnames(col2d))
  #namecol <- c(colorvalues, rownames(col2d))
  nmap <- data.frame(marker=c(paste("c", colorvalues, sep=""), as.character(map$marker)),
                     chrom=c(rep(NA, length(colorvalues)), map$chrom),
                     pos=c(rep(NA, length(colorvalues)), map$pos))
  if ("hb" %in% names(map)) {
    nmap$hb <- c(rep(NA, length(colorvalues)), as.character(map$hb))
  } else names(nmap)[1] <- "haploblock"
  result <- data.frame(nmap, result)
  names(result) <- c(names(nmap), paste("c", colorvalues, sep=""), colnames(col2d))
  write.table(result, filename, col.names=TRUE, row.names=FALSE, na="",
              quote=FALSE, sep="\t")
} #allelecolors.statistics.mrkrows

allelecolors.statistics <- function(colors, map, filename) {
  #New version of the function, with one row per individual and
  #2 columns per marker in the result
  #The colorvalues calculated by function allelecolors indicate the result
  #of the haplotyping for each marker and each individual allele; here
  #we produce the complete overview of these data.
  #This function takes a 3-dim allelecolors array (colors) with dimensions
  #markers, individuals, hap (1:2) and converts it to a 2-dim array (matrix)
  #with markers in rows and 2 columns per individual (hap1 and hap2),
  #plus top and left margins with totals per color value.
  #in addition the chromosome, positions and in applicable the fp from the map
  #are in columns 2-3 or 2-4.
  #this is written to file and returned (silent)
  if (length(map$marker) != dim(colors)[1] ||
        sum(map$marker != dimnames(colors)[[1]]) > 0) {
    stop("allelecolors.markers: map doesn't match colors array")
  colorvalues <- c(0:4, 7:9) #other color values are not assigned
  colornames <- paste("c", colorvalues, sep="")
  mrkcount <- dim(colors)[1]
  mrknames <- dimnames(colors)[[1]]
  indcount <- dim(colors)[2]
  indnames <- dimnames(colors)[[2]]
  col2d <- matrix(nrow=indcount, ncol=2*mrkcount)
  col2d[,seq(1, by=2, length.out=mrkcount)] <- t(colors[,,1])
  col2d[,seq(2, by=2, length.out=mrkcount)] <- t(colors[,,2])
  colnames(col2d)[seq(2, by=2, length.out=mrkcount)] <-
    paste(mrknames, "2nd", sep="_")
  colnames(col2d)[seq(1, by=2, length.out=mrkcount)] <- mrknames
  rownames(col2d) <- indnames
  #generate the totals per individual and per marker_hap:
  col1 <- 1+col2d #because 0 is not tabulated
  indtable <- apply(col1, 1, tabulate, 10) #markers in columns, bins in rows
  haptable <- apply(col1, 2, tabulate, 10) #ind_hap in columns, bins in rows
  #omit entries for color non-existing color values:
  indtable <- indtable[colorvalues+1,, drop=FALSE]
  haptable <- haptable[colorvalues+1,, drop=FALSE ]
  #get the diagonal matrix at top left:
  topleft <- matrix(ncol=length(colorvalues), nrow=length(colorvalues))
  for (i in seq_along(colorvalues)) topleft[i, i] <- sum(indtable[i,])
  #assemble the total matrix:
  result <- matrix(nrow=nrow(topleft) + nrow(col2d),
                   ncol=ncol(topleft) + ncol(col2d))
  result[1:nrow(topleft), 1:ncol(topleft)] <- topleft
  result[(nrow(topleft)+1):nrow(result), (ncol(topleft)+1):ncol(result)] <- col2d
  result[1:nrow(topleft), (ncol(topleft)+1):ncol(result)] <- haptable
  result[(nrow(topleft)+1):nrow(result), 1:ncol(topleft)] <- t(indtable)
  colnames(result) <- c(colornames, colnames(col2d))
  rownames(result) <- c(colornames, indnames)
  #include some lines for chromosome, position and possible haploblock
  #of each marker:
  hormap <- matrix("", nrow=ncol(map)-1, ncol=2*nrow(map))
  hormap[,seq(1, by=2, length.out=mrkcount)] <- t(map[,-1])
  hormap <- cbind(matrix("", ncol=ncol(topleft), nrow=nrow(hormap)), hormap)
  colnames(hormap) <- colnames(result)
  result <- rbind(hormap, result) #same column names, upper is character, lower is integer
  result <- cbind(c(names(map)[-1], colornames, indnames), result)
  colnames(result)[1] <- "name"

  write.table(result, filename, col.names=TRUE, row.names=FALSE, na="",
              quote=FALSE, sep="\t")
} #allelecolors.statistics

haplo2mrkallnrarr <- function(fp_haplotypes, hapnrarr,
                              mrkallele.arr=NULL) {
  #haplo2markerarr converts a 3-dim hapnrarr to a 3-dim array of marker
  #allele NUMBERS.
  #mrkallele.arr: if not NULL, a 3-dim array as returned by read_mhaplotypes.
  #               All markers in the haplotypes of fp_haplotypes should occur
  #               in the same order in mrkallele.arr.
  #               If this is the case, after generating a marker allele array
  #               from fp_haplotypes and hapnrarr, any extra markers from
  #               mrkallele.arr will be added.
  #return value: a list with 2 elements:
  # $mrkallnrarr: a 3-dim array of marker allele numbers; if mrkallele.arr
  #                is NULL the first dimension has only the markers in the
  #                fp_haplotypes focalpoints, else the first dimension is
  #                the same as that of mrkallele.arr
  # $usemarker: a logical vector of length dim(mrkallnrarr)[1]; if
  #             mrkallele.arr is NULL all elements are TRUE, else they are
  #             FALSE for the markers that are in mrkallele.arr but not in
  #             fp_haplotypes.
  if (length(fp_haplotypes) != dim(hapnrarr)[1]) {
    stop("haplo2markerarr: fp_haplotypes and hapnrarr don't match")
  #set up the markerarr:
  mrknames <- character(0)
  for (fp in seq_along(fp_haplotypes)) {
    mrknames <- c(mrknames, colnames(fp_haplotypes[[fp]]$hapmat))
  mrkallnrarr <- array(NA, dim=c(length(mrknames),dim(hapnrarr)[2:3]))
  dimnames(mrkallnrarr)[[1]] <- mrknames
  dimnames(mrkallnrarr)[[2]] <- dimnames(hapnrarr)[[2]]
  dimnames(mrkallnrarr)[[3]] <- dimnames(hapnrarr)[[3]]
  names(dimnames(mrkallnrarr))[1] <- "marker"
  names(dimnames(mrkallnrarr))[2:3] <- names(dimnames(hapnrarr))[2:3]

  #fill the mrkallnrarr:
  startmarker <- 1
  for (fp in seq_along(fp_haplotypes)) {
    endmarker <- startmarker + length(fp_haplotypes[[fp]]$markers) - 1
    for (p in 1:2) {
      hapall <- hapnrarr[fp,,p, drop=TRUE] #vector: haplo.allele for each indiv
      mrkalleles <- fp_haplotypes[[fp]]$hapmat[hapall,] #matrix: indiv in rows,
      #                                                  markers in columns
      mrkallnrarr[startmarker:endmarker,,p] <- t(mrkalleles)
    startmarker <- endmarker + 1
  } # for fp
  usemarker <- rep(TRUE, dim(mrkallnrarr)[1])
  if (!is.null(mrkallele.arr)) {
    #check if all new names are in old array in same order:
    ord <- match(dimnames(mrkallnrarr)[[1]], dimnames(mrkallele.arr)[[1]])
    if (sum(is.na(ord)) > 0) {
      stop("haplo2mrkallnrarr: not all markers from fp_haplotypes are in mrkallele.arr")
    if (sum(diff(ord) <= 0) > 0) {
      stop("haplo2mrkallnrarr: markers in fp_haplotypes and mrkallele.arr in different order")
    usemarker <- dimnames(mrkallele.arr)[[1]] %in% dimnames(mrkallnrarr)[[1]]
    mrkallele.arr[usemarker,,] <- mrkallnrarr
    mrkallnrarr <- mrkallele.arr
  list(mrkallnrarr=mrkallnrarr, usemarker=usemarker)
} #haplo2mrkallnrall

mrkallnrarr2mrkallnamearr <- function(mrkallnrarr, alleledata) {
  #mrkallnrarr2mrkallnamearr converts a 3-dim array with marker allele
  #numbers to an array with the same dimensions with marker allele names
  #mrkallnrarr: a 3-dim array with dimensions markers, individuals and parental
  mrkallnamearr <- mrkallnrarr #same dimensions and dimnames
  for (mrknr in seq_along(dimnames(mrkallnrarr)[[1]])) {
    mrkname <- dimnames(mrkallnrarr)[[1]][mrknr]
    allelenames <- alleledata$allelename[alleledata$markername == mrkname]
    mrkallnamearr[mrknr,,] <- allelenames[mrkallnrarr[mrknr,,]]
} #mrkallnrarr2mrkallnamearr

getMarkerarray <- function(fp_haplotypes, hapnrarr, alleledata,
                           mrkallele.arr=NULL) {
  #produce a 3-dim array of marker allele NAMES from a 3-dim array of
  #focalpoint allele numbers (hapnrarr). If mrkallele.arr is not NULL
  #it is the original 3-dim marker allele (numbers) array, and may include
  #markers that were discarded before analysis (and that therefore are not
  #in fp_haplotypes)
  tmp <- haplo2mrkallnrarr(fp_haplotypes, hapnrarr, mrkallele.arr)
  list(markerarr = mrkallnrarr2mrkallnamearr(tmp$mrkallnrarr, alleledata),
       usemarker = tmp$usemarker)
} #getMarkerarray

getHaploblockmap <- function(fp_haplotypes) {
  map <- data.frame(marker=names(fp_haplotypes),
  for (hb in seq_along(fp_haplotypes)) {
    map$chrom[hb] <- fp_haplotypes[[hb]]$chrom
    map$pos[hb] <- fp_haplotypes[[hb]]$pos
} #getHaploblockmap

getUsedMarkermap <- function(map, markernames) {
  subset(map, map$marker %in% markernames)
} ##getUsedMarkermap

get.chromnames <- function(map) {
  #map is a data frame with (at least) columns marker, chrom and pos,
  #sorted in map order
  #result is a list of unique chromosome names in order of the map
  currchrom <- "%&-1$"
  chromnames <- character(0)
  map$chrom <- as.character(map$chrom)
  for (m in 1:nrow(map)) {
    if (map$chrom[m] != currchrom) {
      chromnames <- c(chromnames, map$chrom[m])
      currchrom <- map$chrom[m]
} #get.chromnames

writePedimapFile <- function(filename, map, ped, allelearr, missing,
                             allelecolors=0) {
  #filename: a new file (overwriting existing ones) in Pedimap format.
  #map: data frame with columns (at least) marker, chrom, pos; its column
  #     markers must be exactly identical to dimnames(allelearr)[[1] (so this is
  #     a different map than the original one, if allelearr contains
  #     focalpoint haplotypes and not marker alleles)
  #ped: pedigree, possibly with traits, as before
  #allelearr: a 3-dim array with as first dimension the "markers" in the map
  #           (which are the focalpoints if allelearr is hapnrarr)
  #missing: the value used for missing allele scores in allelearr
  #         (1 for focalpoints, NA for markers)
  #allelecolors: an array of same dimensions as allelearr with the color codes
  #             for all haplotype scores, or integer of length 1
  if (sum(is.na(allelecolors) > 0)) {
    stop("writePedimapFile: allelecolors may not have missing values")
  if (is.vector(allelecolors)) {
    allelecolors <- 0
  } else if (sum(dim(allelearr) != dim(allelecolors)) > 0) {
    stop("writePedimapFile: allelecolors doesn't match allelearr")
  map$marker <- as.character(map$marker)
  if (nrow(map) != dim(allelearr)[1] ||
        sum(map$marker != dimnames(allelearr)[[1]]) > 0) {
    stop("writePedimapFile: map doesn't match allelearr")
  ped$name <- as.character(ped$name)
  if (nrow(ped) != dim(allelearr)[2] ||
      sum(ped$name != dimnames(allelearr)[[2]]) > 0) {
    stop("writePedimapFile: ped doesn't match allelearr")
  if (!is.na(missing[1])) {
    allelearr[allelearr %in% missing] <- NA
  if (length(missing) == 1) missing <- rep(missing, dim(allelearr)[1])

  # write header lines:
  write("POPULATION = mhaplotypes", file=filename)
  write("UNKNOWN = - *", file=filename, append=TRUE)
  write("PLOIDY = 2", file=filename, append=TRUE)
  write("NULLHOMOZ = $", file=filename, append=TRUE)
  write("CONFIRMEDNULL = $$", file=filename, append=TRUE)

  # write pedigree and possible phenotype columns
  write("", file=filename, append=TRUE)
  write("PEDIGREE", file=filename, append=TRUE)
  write("",file=filename, append=TRUE)
  suppressWarnings( #suppress warning about appending column names
    write.table(ped, file=filename, sep="\t", quote=F,
                col.names=TRUE, row.names=FALSE, na="-", append=TRUE)

  #write linkage groups
  currlocus <- 0
  chromnames <- get.chromnames(map)
  for (chr in chromnames) {
    #write chrom to file:
    chrmap <- subset(map, chrom==chr)
    if (nrow(chrmap) > 0) {
      write("", file=filename, append=TRUE)
      write(paste("LINKAGEGROUP ", chr), file=filename, append=TRUE)
      write("", file=filename, append=TRUE)
      write("MAP", file=filename, append=TRUE)
      write.table(chrmap[,c(1,3)], file=filename, sep="\t", quote=FALSE,
                  col.names=FALSE, row.names=FALSE, append=TRUE)
      for (loc in min(which(map$chrom == chr)) : max(which(map$chrom == chr))) {
        currlocus <- currlocus + 1
        write("", file=filename, append=TRUE)
        write(paste("LOCUS ", map$marker[loc]), file=filename, append=TRUE)
        allelenames <- sort(unique(as.vector(allelearr[loc,,])))
        if (!is.na(missing[currlocus]))
          allelenames <- setdiff(allelenames, missing[currlocus])
        write(c("ALLELENAMES", allelenames), file=filename, sep="\t",
              ncolumns=length(allelenames)+1, append=TRUE)
  } # for chr

  # write allele scores
  for (mrk in 1:nrow(map)) {
    if (length(allelecolors) == 1) {
      sc <- cbind(allelearr[mrk,,1],
    } else {
      sc <- cbind(allelearr[mrk,,1],
    write("", file=filename, append=TRUE)
    write(paste("ALLELES ", map$marker[mrk],
                " ; chrom ", map$chrom[mrk],
                ", pos ", map$pos[mrk], sep=""),
          file=filename, append=TRUE)
    write.table(sc, file=filename, sep="\t", quote=FALSE,
                col.names=FALSE, row.names=TRUE, na="-", append=TRUE)
  } #for mrk
} #writePedimapFile

writeDatafiles <- function(map, ped, allelearr, missing, outfiles,
                         origFQparfile, usemarker=TRUE) {
  #map: data frame with columns (at least) marker, chrom, pos; its column
  #     marker must be exactly identical to dimnames(allelearr)[[1]] (so this is
  #     a different map than the original one, especially if allelearr contains
  #     focalpoint haplotypes and not marker alleles)
  #ped: as before
  #allelearr: a 3-dim array with as first dimension the "markers" in the map
  #           (which are the focalpoints if allelearr is hapnrarr)
  #           This must be rearranged to a 2-dim array
  #           with rows for individuals and 2 columns per marker.
  #missing: the value used for missing allele scores in allelearr
  #         (1 for focalpoints, NA for markers) or a vector with one symbol for
  #         each haploblock (e.g. 1^5, 1^8, 1^3, ...)
  #outfiles: the basic output filename. if origFQparfile=="" generic output
  #          is written consisting of only the
  #          phased genotypes file outfiles.dat.
  #          Else FlexQTL output is written consisting of the FQ parameter file
  #          outfiles.par, the map file outfiles.map and the data file outfiles.dat
  #          NOTE that for read.table it may be necessary to read the header lines
  #          separately, if trait and/or marker names contain invalid characters
  #          (and anyway the two columns for each marker have the same name so the
  #           second will be changed)
  #origFQparfile: the flexqtl.par used to generate the input data for this
  #               haplotyping script
  #usemarker: logical vector of length 1 or dim(allelearr)[1]: markers with
  #           usemarker=FALSE will not be written (e.g. non-analyzed markers,
  #           non-converged focalpoints)
  map$marker <- as.character(map$marker)
  if (nrow(map) != dim(allelearr)[1] ||
        sum(map$marker != dimnames(allelearr)[[1]])) {
    stop("writeDatafiles: map doesn't match allelearr")
  ped$name <- as.character(ped$name)
  if (nrow(ped) != dim(allelearr)[2] ||
      sum(ped$name != dimnames(allelearr)[[2]]) > 0) {
    stop("writeDatafiles: ped doesn't match allelearr")
  if (length(usemarker) == 1) usemarker <- rep(usemarker, dim(allelearr)[1])
  if (sum(is.na(usemarker)) > 0 || sum(usemarker) == 0) {
    stop("writeDatafiles: usemarker invalid")
  if (length(usemarker) != dim(allelearr)[1]) {
    stop("writeDatafiles: usemarker doesn't match allelearr")
  #select markers according to usemarker and replace missing-symbol by NA:
  map <- map[usemarker,, drop=FALSE]
  allelearr <- allelearr[usemarker,,, drop=FALSE]
  if (!is.na(missing[1])) {
    allelearr[allelearr %in% missing] <- NA
  #make 2-dim array from allelearr:
  FQarr <- matrix(NA, nrow = dim(allelearr)[2], ncol = 2 * dim(allelearr)[1])
  for (mrk in 1:dim(allelearr)[1]) {
    FQarr[,(2*mrk-1):(2*mrk)] <- allelearr[mrk,,]
  rownames(FQarr) <- dimnames(allelearr)[[2]]
  #set the column names to marker names:
  cols <- rep(dimnames(allelearr)[[1]], each=2) #duplicated names
  secondcols <- seq(2, by=2, length.out=dim(allelearr)[1])
  cols[secondcols] <- paste(cols[secondcols], "_2nd", sep="")
  colnames(FQarr) <- as.vector(cols) #? always a vector unless no markers
  #make a data frame in layout of FQ data file:
  FQ.df <- cbind(population=rep(1, nrow(ped)), ped, FQarr)
  names(FQ.df) <- c("population", names(ped), cols) #on creating data frame,
  #                             invalid characters in column names were changed,
  #                             we change back to original names
  if (origFQparfile == "") {
    #generic output:
                file=paste(outfiles, ".dat", sep=""), sep="\t",
                quote=FALSE, na="", col.names=TRUE, row.names=FALSE)
  } else {
    #FlexQTL output:
    FQparfile <- paste(outfiles, ".par", sep="")
    FQmapfile <- paste(outfiles, ".map", sep="")
    FQdatafile <- paste(outfiles, ".dat", sep="")
    names(FQ.df)[1] <- paste(";", names(FQ.df)[1], sep="") #prepend a ;
    #    (without space after it) to make header a comment line for FQ
    write.table(FQ.df, file=FQdatafile, sep="\t",
                quote=FALSE, na="-", row.names=FALSE, col.names=TRUE)
    #write FQ map file:
    chromnames <- get.chromnames(map)
    mrkPerChr <- integer(length(chromnames))
    con <- file(FQmapfile, "w")
    for (chr in seq_along(chromnames)) {
      writeLines(paste("group",chromnames[chr], sep="\t"), con)
      chrmap <- map[map$chrom==chromnames[chr], c("marker","pos")]
      mrkPerChr[chr] <- nrow(chrmap)
      write.table(chrmap, con, append=TRUE, quote=FALSE,
                  sep="\t", row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE)
    #next create a new flexqtl par-file for this data and map file, based on the original:

    trim.leading <- function (x)  sub("^\\s+", "", x) #removes leading whitespace

    find.second.word <- function(x) {
      i <- 1
      while (i <= nchar(x) && substr(x,i,i) %in% c(" ", "\t")) i <- i + 1
      while (i <= nchar(x) && !(substr(x,i,i) %in% c(" ", "\t"))) i <- i + 1
      while (i <= nchar(x) && substr(x,i,i) %in% c(" ", "\t")) i <- i + 1
      if (i > nchar(x)) stop("find.second.word: not found")

    chromnames <- get.chromnames(map)
    FQpar <- readLines(origFQparfile)
    fqp <- substr(trim.leading(FQpar), 1, 6) #6 chars from first non-blank
    i <- which(fqp == "datafi"); j <- find.second.word(FQpar[i])
    FQpar[i] <- paste(substr(FQpar[i], 1, j-1), FQdatafile, sep="")
    i <- which(fqp == "mapfil"); j <- find.second.word(FQpar[i])
    FQpar[i] <- paste(substr(FQpar[i], 1, j-1), FQmapfile, sep="")
    i <- which(fqp == "nchrom"); j <- find.second.word(FQpar[i])
    FQpar[i] <- paste(substr(FQpar[i], 1, j-1), length(chromnames), sep="")
    i <- which(fqp == "nmrkrC"); j <- find.second.word(FQpar[i])
    FQpar[i] <- paste(substr(FQpar[i], 1, j-1), paste(mrkPerChr, collapse=" "),
    write(FQpar, file=FQparfile)
} #writeDatafiles

calc.recombs <- function(hap1,hap2) {
  #function currently not used
  #hap1, hap2: 2 integer vectors of equal length > 0
  #result: matrix with all possible single recombinants in rows,
  #        excluding recombinants identical to one of the parental haplotypes,
  #        with NA treated as one extra allele
  if (length(hap1)==0 || length(hap2)==0 || length(hap1) != length(hap2)) {
    stop("calc.recombs: both haplotypes must have equal length > 0")
  } else {
    result <- matrix(integer(0),ncol=length(hap1))
    for (pos in 2:length(hap1)) {
      # recomb between marker (pos-1) and marker pos
      if (match.haplo(hap1[1:(pos-1)],hap2[1:(pos-1)],TRUE) ||
          match.haplo(hap1[pos:length(hap1)],hap2[pos,length(hap2)],TRUE)) {
        #on one or both sides identical subhaplotypes, no recombinants
        #that are different from one of the parental haplotypes
      } else {
        result <- rbind(result,
} #calc.recombs

# Functions to re-order a pedigree data frame

sortPedigree <- function(dat, colInd, colPar1, colPar2,
                         parentsFirst=TRUE, semiFounders=FALSE) {
  #based on sortPedigree in Pedimap
  #function sorts a data frame containing pedigree info such
  #that parents always occur before (default) or always after their offspring
  #with minimal shuffling
  #dat: the data frame to be ordered
  #colInd, colPar1, colPar2: the column numbers with the names of the
  #        individuals, first and second parents. Individuals may not have
  #        missing values, but for (semi-)founders one or both parents are NA.
  #        All individuals must be different.
  #parentsFirst: if TRUE (default), parents will be sorted before any progeny,
  #              if FALSE, after all progeny
  #semiFounders: if FALSE (default) no semiFounders are allowed: parent1 and
  #              parent2 must either both be NA or both be non-NA
  #Return value: character (error message) if the input is incorrect,
  #              else the dat data frame with the rows reordered if necessary,
  #              and with the colInd, colPar1 and colPar2 as factors with
  #              the same set of levels.

  #first checks of the input (except circular pedigrees):
  if (nrow(dat) == 0) return(dat)
  dat[, colInd] <- as.character(dat[, colInd])
  dat[, colPar1] <- as.character(dat[, colPar1])
  dat[, colPar2] <- as.character(dat[, colPar2])
  if (sum(is.na(dat[, colInd])) > 0)
    return ("missing individual names not allowed")
  if (length(unique(dat[, colInd])) < nrow(dat))
    return("duplicate individual names not allowed")
  if (length(setdiff(dat[, colPar1], c(NA_character_, dat[, colInd]))) > 0 ||
        length(setdiff(dat[, colPar2], c(NA, dat[, colInd]))) > 0  )
    return("all parents should also be listed as individuals")
  if (!semiFounders &&
        sum(xor(is.na(dat[, colPar1]), is.na(dat[, colPar2]))) > 0)
    return("semi-founders not allowed")
  if (sum(dat[, colPar1] == dat[, colInd], na.rm=TRUE) > 0 ||
        sum(dat[, colPar2] == dat[, colInd], na.rm=TRUE) > 0  )
    return("some individuals are listed as their own parents")
  if (!parentsFirst) dat <- dat[nrow(dat):1,] #reverse dat:
  #we sort in parents first order, in this case starting with the reversed
  #pedigree so that if it is already sorted as parentsLast no changes will
  #be made (at the end the pedigree is again reversed for parentsLast)
  #double size of dat for sorting:
  pedsize <- nrow(dat)
  dat <- rbind(dat, dat) #double number of rows, for sorting
  for (i in 1:length(dat)) dat[(pedsize+1):nrow(dat), i] <-
    rep(NA, pedsize) #lower half empty

  #first step: place first founder at line 1
  founders <- which(is.na(dat[1:pedsize, colPar1]) &
                      is.na(dat[1:pedsize, colPar2]))
  if (length(founders) == 0)
    return ("pedigree contains no founders")
  if (pedsize == 1) {
    dat <- dat[1,]
    dat[, colInd] <- factor(dat[, colInd]) #both parents are NA
  if (founders[1] > 1) {
    #move all individuals from 1 to founders[1]-1 to end
    #and then move up all indivs to 1
    dat[(pedsize+1):(pedsize + founders[1] - 1),] <- dat[1:(founders[1] - 1),]
    dat[1:pedsize,] <- dat[founders[1]:(pedsize + founders[1] - 1),]
  #second step: loop, placing in each pass the next individual whose parents
  #(if there are any) are already placed
  pass <- 2
  while(pass < pedsize) {
    #for sorting, pass<pedsize-1 would be sufficient, but in that case
    #the last Indiv might have a non-existing parent which would not be noticed
    #find first indiv i that can be placed at position pass,
    #i.e. whose parents (if present) are already placed
    #For all ind from position pass to end:
    #find position of parents (0 if parent NA, NA if parent not yet placed):
    posP1 <- match(dat[pass:pedsize, colPar1], dat[1:(pass-1), colInd])
    posP1[which(is.na(dat[pass:pedsize, colPar1]))] <- 0
    posP2 <- match(dat[pass:pedsize, colPar2], dat[1:(pass-1), colInd])
    posP2[which(is.na(dat[pass:pedsize, colPar2]))] <- 0
    #find the next individuals (from position pass) that could now be placed
    nxt <- which((posP1 < pass) & (posP2 < pass))
    if (length(nxt) == 0)
      return("circular references in pedigree")
    if (nxt[1] == 1) {
      #individual dat[pass,] is already in place and possibly a number of the
      #next individuals as well, find out which:
      last.ok <- max(which(nxt == 1:length(nxt)))
      #we set pass to the next individual after that:
      pass <- pass + last.ok
    } else {
      #nxt[1] > 1: the next individual that can now be placed is
      #dat[pass + nxt[1] - 1,]
      #move all individuals from pass to pass + nxt[1] - 2 to end
      #and then move up all indivs to pass
      #dat[(pedsize+1):(2*pedsize - pass - nxt[1] + 1),] <-
      dat[(pedsize + 1):(pedsize + nxt[1] - 1),] <-  #nxt[1]-1 indiv
        dat[pass:(pass + nxt[1] - 2),]               #nxt[1]-1 indiv
      dat[pass:pedsize,] <-                          #pedsize-pass+1 indiv
        dat[(pass + nxt[1] - 1):
              (pedsize + nxt[1] - 1),]                 #pedsize-pass+1 indiv
      #the individual at pass is now ok, move to next:
      pass <- pass + 1
  } #while pass
  dat <- dat[1:pedsize,]
  if (!parentsFirst) dat <- dat[nrow(dat):1,] #reverse dat back again
  dat[, colInd] <- factor(dat[, colInd])
  dat[, colPar1] <- factor(dat[, colPar1], levels=levels(dat[, colInd]))
  dat[, colPar2] <- factor(dat[, colPar2], levels=levels(dat[, colInd]))
} #sortPedigree

isPedigreeSorted <- function(dat, colInd, colPar1, colPar2,
                             parentsFirst=TRUE, semiFounders=FALSE) {
  #parameters as sortPedigree
  #return value: error message if input incorrect (see sortPedigree),
  #              else TRUE or FALSE
  dat[[colInd]] <- as.character(dat[[colInd]])
  dat[[colPar1]] <- as.character(dat[[colPar1]])
  dat[[colPar2]] <- as.character(dat[[colPar2]])
  if (sum(is.na(dat[[colInd]])) > 0)
    return ("missing individual names not allowed")
  if (length(unique(dat[[colInd]])) < nrow(dat))
    return("duplicate individual names not allowed")
  if (length(setdiff(dat[[colPar1]], dat[[colInd]])) > 0 ||
        length(setdiff(dat[[colPar2]], dat[[colInd]])) > 0  )
    return("all parents should be listed as individuals")
  if (!semiFounders &&
        sum(xor(is.na(dat[[colPar1]]), is.na(dat[[colPar2]]))) > 0)
    return("semi-founders not allowed")
  if (parentsFirst) {
    parline <- match(dat[[colPar1]], dat[[colInd]])
    if (sum(parline > (1:nrow(dat)), na.rm=TRUE) > 0) return(FALSE)
    parline <- match(dat[[colPar2]], dat[[colInd]])
    if (sum(parline > (1:nrow(dat)), na.rm=TRUE) > 0) return(FALSE)
  } else {
    parline <- match(dat[[colPar1]], dat[[colInd]])
    if (sum(parline < (1:nrow(dat)), na.rm=TRUE) > 0) return(FALSE)
    parline <- match(dat[[colPar2]], dat[[colInd]])
    if (sum(parline < (1:nrow(dat)), na.rm=TRUE) > 0) return(FALSE)
} #isPedigreeSorted

#some file manipulation tools

read.table.origheaders <- function(file, header=FALSE, sep="", skip=0, ...) {
  #read a data frame from a file and restore the original headers if present,
  #even if some or all are invalid identifiers
  if (!header) {
    df <- read.table(file=file, header=FALSE, sep=sep, skip=skip, ...)
  } else {
    #first read the header line:
    con <- file(file, "r", blocking = FALSE)
    headers <- readLines(con, n=skip+1)[skip+1]
    if (sep == "") headers <- strsplit(headers, split="\\s+")[[1]] else
      headers <- strsplit(headers, split=sep)[[1]]
    #then read the table without the header:
    df <- read.table(file, header=FALSE, sep=sep, skip=skip+1, ...)
    if (length(headers) != length(df))
      stop("read.table.origheaders: count of column headers does not match count of data columns")
    #add the original headers:
    names(df) <- headers
} #read.table.origheaders

testSourceTarget <- function(source, target, funcname) {
  message <- ""
  if (class(source) != "character" || length(source) != 1) {
    message <- paste(funcname, ": source must be a character of length 1")
  } else if (!file.exists(source)) {
    message <- paste(funcname, ": source '", source, "' not found", sep="")
  } else if (class(target) != "character" || length(target) != 1) {
    message <- paste(funcname, ": target must be a character of length 1")
  } else {
    suppressWarnings(if (!file.create(target))
    message <- paste(funcname, ": target '", target, "' cannot be created", sep=""))
} #testSourceTarget

transpose.dfr <- function(dfr) {
  #transposes a data frame such that the column names go to the first column
  #and the first column becomes the column names,
  #even if some of those column names would not be valid identifiers.
  #the name of the first column becomes "name"
  nwcolnames <- as.character(dfr[,1])
  dfr <- data.frame(name=names(dfr)[-1], t(dfr[,-1]))
  names(dfr) <- c("name", nwcolnames)
  rownames(dfr) <- NULL
} #transpose.dfr

transpose.file <- function(source, target, sep="", skip=0,
                           sep.out="\t", na.out="", ...) {
  #transposes the file source using function transpose.dfr and writes it to
  #file target.
  #sep, skip and na.strings are as for read.table; any other parameters for
  #read.table can be added optionally.
  #sep.out and na.out are the separator and the missing value symbol used in
  #the output file; the default values are those expected by haplotyping_session
  msg <- testSourceTarget(source, target, "transpose.file")
  if (msg != "") stop (msg)
  dfr <- read.table.origheaders(source, header=TRUE, sep=sep, skip=skip,
                                na.strings=na.strings, ...)
  dfr <- transpose(dfr)
  write.table(dfr, file=target, quote=FALSE, sep=sep.out, na=na.out,
              col.names=TRUE, row.names=FALSE)
} #transpose.file

transpose <- function(source, target="", sep="", skip=0,
                           sep.out="\t", na.out="", ...) {
  #if source is a data. frame, transpose.dfr is called and all other parameters
  #are ignored, else if source is a character transpose.file is called
  if (is.data.frame(source)) {
  } else if (is.character(source)) {
    transpose.file(source, target, sep, skip,
                   sep.out, na.out, ...)
  } else stop("transpose: source must be a data frame or a file name")
} #transpose

twocols2tworows.dfr <- function(dfr) {
  #dfr is a data frame that has one column of marker (or individual) names
  #and then a pair of columns for each individual (or marker). These two
  #columns store the two alleles for that individual and that marker. There is
  #one row for each marker (or individual)
  #The result is a similar data frame that now has two rows for each marker
  #(or individual) and one column for each individual (or marker).
  #Note that this is not a transposition of the data frame: if the markers
  #were in the rows and the individuals in the columns (or the other way round)
  #that does not change, only the two alleles in one marker and one individual
  #end up one above the other instead of side by side.
  #The marker (or individual) names in column 1 are duplicated (twice the same
  #name) and the first column name of each pair of columns is kept.
  if (length(dfr) %% 2 == 0) stop("twocols2tworows: number of columns should be odd")
  ncolitems <- (length(dfr) - 1) / 2
  firstrowitems <- seq(2, by=2, length.out=ncolitems)
  secondrowitems <- firstrowitems + 1;
  nwcolnames <- names(dfr)[c(1, firstrowitems)]
  #names(dfr) <- NULL
  for (i in 2:length(dfr))
    if (class(dfr[,i])=="factor") dfr[,i] <- as.character(dfr[,i])
  result1 <- dfr[, c(1, firstrowitems)]
  result2 <- dfr[, c(1, secondrowitems)]
  names(result2) <- names(result1)
  result <- rbind (result1, result2)
  rownrs <- rep(1:nrow(dfr), each=2)
  rownrs <- rownrs + c(0, nrow(dfr))
  result <- result[rownrs,]
  rownames(result) <- NULL
} #twocols2tworows.dfr

twocols2tworows.file <- function(source, target, sep="", skip=0,
                           sep.out="\t", na.out="", ...) {
  #changes the file source using function twocols2tworows.dfr and writes it to
  #file target.
  #sep, skip and na.strings are as for read.table; any other parameters for
  #read.table can be added optionally.
  #sep.out and na.out are the separator and the missing value symbol used in
  #the output file; the default values are those expected by haplotyping_session
  msg <- testSourceTarget(source, target, "twocols2tworows.file")
  if (msg != "") stop (msg)
  dfr <- read.table.origheaders(source, header=TRUE, sep=sep, skip=skip,
                                na.strings=na.strings, ...)
  dfr <- twocols2tworows.dfr(dfr)
  write.table(dfr, file=target, quote=FALSE, sep=sep.out, na=na.out,
              col.names=TRUE, row.names=FALSE)
} #twocols2tworows.file

twocols2tworows <- function(source, target="", sep="", skip=0,
                      sep.out="\t", na.out="", ...) {
  #if source is a data.frame, twocols2tworows.dfr is called and all other parameters
  #are ignored, else if source is a character twocols2tworows.file is called
  if (is.data.frame(source)) {
  } else if (is.character(source)) {
    twocols2tworows.file(source, target, sep, skip,
                   sep.out, na.out, ...)
  } else stop("twocols2tworows: source must be a data frame or a file name")
} #twocols2tworows

tworows2twocols.dfr <- function(dfr) {
  #dfr is a data frame that has one column of marker (or individual) names
  #and then one column for each individual (or marker). There is a pair of rows
  #for each marker (or individual). These two rows store the two alleles for
  #that individual and that marker.
  #The result is a similar data frame that now has one row for each marker
  #(or individual) and two columns for each individual (or marker).
  #Note that this is not a transposition of the data frame: if the markers
  #were in the rows and the individuals in the columns (or the other way round)
  #that does not change, only the two alleles in one marker and one individual
  #end up side by side instead of one above the other.
  #The first of each pair of marker (or individual) names in column 1 is used,
  #and the column names are duplicated with "_2nd" appended to the second copy
  #(no checking if that results in duplicate column names).
  if (nrow(dfr) %% 2 == 1) stop("tworows2twocols: number of rows should be even")
  nrowitems <- nrow(dfr) / 2
  firstcolitems <- seq(1, by=2, length.out=nrowitems)
  secondcolitems <- firstcolitems + 1;
  result <- cbind(dfr[firstcolitems,], dfr[secondcolitems, -1])
  names(result) <- c(names(dfr), paste(names(dfr)[-1], "_2nd", sep=""))
  rownames(result) <- NULL
  colnrs <- rep(2:length(dfr), each=2)
  colnrs <- c(1, colnrs + c(0, length(dfr)-1))
  result[, colnrs]
} #tworows2twocols.dfr

tworows2twocols.file <- function(source, target, sep="", skip=0,
                                 sep.out="\t", na.out="", ...) {
  #changes the file source using function twocols2tworows.dfr and writes it to
  #file target.
  #sep, skip and na.strings are as for read.table; any other parameters for
  #read.table can be added optionally.
  #sep.out and na.out are the separator and the missing value symbol used in
  #the output file; the default values are those expected by haplotyping_session
  msg <- testSourceTarget(source, target, "tworows2twocols.file")
  if (msg != "") stop (msg)
  dfr <- read.table.origheaders(source, header=TRUE, sep=sep, skip=skip,
                                na.strings=na.strings, ...)
  dfr <- tworows2twocols.dfr(dfr)
  write.table(dfr, file=target, quote=FALSE, sep=sep.out, na=na.out,
              col.names=TRUE, row.names=FALSE)
} #tworows2twocols.file

tworows2twocols <- function(source, target="", sep="", skip=0,
                            sep.out="\t", na.out="", ...) {
  #if source is a data.frame, tworows2twocols.dfr is called and all other parameters
  #are ignored, else if source is a character tworows2twocols.file is called
  if (is.data.frame(source)) {
  } else if (is.character(source)) {
    tworows2twocols.file(source, target, sep, skip,
                         sep.out, na.out, ...)
  } else stop("tworows2twocols: source must be a data frame or a file name")
} #tworows2twocols
PBR/PediHaplotyper documentation built on Feb. 3, 2021, 12:03 a.m.