
Defines functions cleanup_regressor visualize_design_matrix concat_design_runs fir1Bandpass detrendts runmean fmri.stimulus convolve_regressor place_dmat_on_time_grid

Documented in cleanup_regressor concat_design_runs convolve_regressor detrendts fir1Bandpass fmri.stimulus place_dmat_on_time_grid runmean visualize_design_matrix

#' Function to convert dmat (runs x regressor list) to a time-oriented representation.
#' This yields a list of runs where each element is data.frame of volumes x regressors
#' @param dmat A runs x regressors 2-d list where each element is a matrix containing
#'          onset, duration, and value for a signal
#' @param convolve If \code{TRUE} (default), convolve the time-oriented signals with an HRF
#' @param bdm_args A list of arguments passed to build_design_matrix, as well as a few fields added
#'          during the initial argument parsing. See build_design_matrix for details. Should contain:
#'          \itemize{
#'            \item convolve_wi_run TRUE/FALSE
#'            \item run_volumes Numeric vector of run length
#'            \item normalizations Character vector of HRF normalizations for each regressor.
#'              Options are "none", "durmax_1", or "evtmax_1".
#'            \item add_derivs A logical vector (\code{TRUE/FALSE}) of regressors whose temporal derivatives should
#'              be included. Temporal derivatives are only applied if \code{convolve} is \code{TRUE}.
#'            \item convmax_1 A logical vector (\code{TRUE/FALSE}) denoting whether to rescale max height to 1 after convolution
#'            \item high_pass The cutoff frequency (in Hz) used for high-pass filtering. If \code{NULL}, no filtering is applied.
#'            \item tr The repetition time (sometimes called TR) in seconds
#'            \item hrf_parameters The parameters for the double-gamma HRF
#'          }
#' @author Michael Hallquist
#' @keywords internal
place_dmat_on_time_grid <- function(dmat, convolve=TRUE, bdm_args) {

  if (bdm_args$convolve_wi_run) {
    #create an HRF-convolved version of the list

    #i is run, j is regressor
    dmat_convolved <- lapply(1:dim(dmat)[1L], function(i) {
      run.convolve <- lapply(1:dim(dmat)[2L], function(j) {
        reg <- dmat[[i,j]] #regressor j for a given run i
        attr(reg, "reg_name") <- dimnames(dmat)[[2L]][j] #tag regressor with a name attribute so that return is named properly
        convolve_regressor(n_vols=bdm_args$run_volumes[i], reg=reg, tr=bdm_args$tr,
                           normalization=bdm_args$normalizations[j], rm_zeros = bdm_args$rm_zeros[j],
                           center_values=bdm_args$center_values, convmax_1=bdm_args$convmax_1[j],
                           demean_convolved = FALSE, high_pass=bdm_args$high_pass, convolve=convolve,
                           beta_series=bdm_args$beta_series[j], ts_multiplier=bdm_args$ts_multiplier[[j]][[i]],
                           drop_volumes = bdm_args$drop_volumes[i], hrf_parameters = bdm_args$hrf_parameters)

      df <- do.call(data.frame, run.convolve) #pull into a data.frame with nvols rows and nregressors cols (convolved)
      #names(df) <- dimnames(dmat)[[2L]]
  } else {
    #issue with convolution of each run separately is that the normalization and mean centering are applied within-run
    #in the case of EV, for example, this will always scale the regressor in terms of relative differences in value within run, but
    #will fail to capture relative differences across run (e.g., if value tends to be higher in run 8 than run 1)

    dmat_sumruns <- lapply(1:dim(dmat)[2L], function(reg) {
      thisreg <- dmat[,reg]
      concattiming <- do.call(rbind, lapply(1:length(thisreg), function(run) {
        timing <- thisreg[[run]]
        timing[,"onset"] <- timing[,"onset"] + ifelse(run > 1, runtiming[run-1], 0)

      #concat runs of the ts_multiplier within the current regressor
      concat_ts_multiplier <- do.call(c, bdm_args$ts_multiplier[[reg]])

      #convolve concatenated events with hrf
      all.convolve <- convolve_regressor(n_vols=sum(bdm_args$run_volumes), reg=concattiming, tr=bdm_args$tr,
                         normalization=bdm_args$normalizations[reg], rm_zeros = bdm_args$rm_zeros[reg],
                         center_values=bdm_args$center_values, convmax_1=bdm_args$convmax_1[j],
                         demean_convolved = FALSE, high_pass=bdm_args$high_pass, convolve=convolve,
                         beta_series=bdm_args$beta_series[reg], ts_multiplier=concat_ts_multiplier,
                         drop_volumes = 0, #drop_volumes is weird in this case -- would need to chop from each run, right?
                         hrf_parameters = bdm_args$hrf_parameters)

      #now, to be consistent with code below (and elsewhere), split back into runs
      splitreg <- split(all.convolve, do.call(c, sapply(1:length(bdm_args$run_volumes), function(x) { rep(x, bdm_args$run_volumes[x]) })))


    #now have a list of length(regressors) with length(runs) elements.
    #need to reshape into a list of data.frames where each data.frame is a run with regressors
    dmat_convolved <- lapply(1:length(dmat_sumruns[[1L]]), function(run) {
      df <- data.frame(lapply(dmat_sumruns, "[[", run))
      names(df) <- dimnames(dmat)[[2L]]

  #If we are convolving regressors, also consider whether to add temporal derivatives
  #handle the addition of temporal dervitives
  if (convolve && any(bdm_args$add_derivs)) {
    which_vars <- which(dimnames(dmat)[[2]] %in% names(bdm_args$signals)[bdm_args$add_derivs])
    message("Adding temporal derivatives for ", paste(dimnames(dmat)[[2]][which_vars], collapse=", "), ", orthogonalized against design matrix")

    dmat_convolved <- lapply(dmat_convolved, function(run) {
      X <- as.matrix(run) #need as a matrix for lm call

      X_derivatives <- do.call(cbind, lapply(which_vars, function(col) {
        dx <- c(0, diff(X[,col]))

        ##orthogonalize wrt design
        return(residuals(lm(dx ~ X)))

      colnames(X_derivatives) <- paste0("d_", colnames(X)[which_vars])

      cbind(run, X_derivatives) #return design matrix with derivatives added


#' This function convolves a regressor with a normalized HRF whose peak amplitude is 1.0
#' It extends \code{fmri.stimulus} by allowing for two normalization approaches (building on AFNI dmUBLOCK):
#'   1) "evtmax_1": pre-convolution HRF max=1.0 normalization of each stimulus regardless of duration: identical to dmUBLOCK(1)
#'   2) "durmax_1": pre-convolution HRF max=1.0 normalization for long events (15+ sec) -- height of HRF is modulated by duration of event: identical to dmUBLOCK(0)
#' @param n_vols The number of volumes (scans) to be output in the convolved regressor
#' @param reg A matrix containing the trial, onset, duration, and value for each event
#' @param tr The repetition time in seconds
#' @param normalization The HRF normalization method used: "none", "durmax_1", or "evtmax_1"
#' @param rm_zeros Whether to remove zeros from events vector prior to convolution. Generally a good idea since we typically center
#'          values prior to convolution, and retaining zeros will lead them to be non-zero after mean centering.
#' @param center_values Whether to demean values vector before convolution. Default \code{TRUE}.
#' @param convmax_1 Whether to rescale the convolved regressor to a maximum height of 1.
#' @param demean_convolved Whether to demean the regressor after convolution (default: \code{TRUE})
#' @param high_pass The cutoff frequency (in Hz) used for high-pass filtering. If \code{NULL}, no filtering is applied.
#' @param convolve If \code{TRUE}, the regressor is convolved with the HRF. If \code{FALSE},
#'          the regressor values are simply aligned onto the time grid without convolution
#'          based on the corresponding onsets, durations, and values.
#' @param beta_series If \code{TRUE}, split \code{reg} into separate regressors for each event (row). These can be used
#'          to estimate separate betas in the GLM for each event.
#' @param ts_multiplier A vector that is n_vols in length that will be multiplied against the stimulus vector before convolution.
#' @param drop_volumes The number of volumes to drop from the beginning of the regressor
#' @param hrf_parameters. A named vector of parameters passed to \code{fmri.stimulus} that control the shape of the double gamma HRF.
#'          Default: \code{c(a1 = 6, a2 = 12, b1 = 0.9, b2 = 0.9, cc = 0.35)}.
#' @author Michael Hallquist
#' @keywords internal
convolve_regressor <- function(n_vols, reg, tr=1.0, normalization="none", rm_zeros=TRUE,
                                   center_values=TRUE, convmax_1=FALSE, demean_convolved=FALSE,
                                   high_pass=NULL, convolve=TRUE, beta_series=FALSE, ts_multiplier=NULL, drop_volumes=0,
                                   hrf_parameters=c(a1 = 6, a2 = 12, b1 = 0.9, b2 = 0.9, cc = 0.35)) {

  #reg should be a matrix containing, minimally: trial, onset, duration, value

  if (is.null(tr) || !is.numeric(tr)) { stop("tr must be a number (in seconds)") }

  #check for the possibility that the onset of an event falls after the number of good volumes in the run
  #if so, this should be omitted from the convolution altogether
  if (any(whichHigh <- (reg[,"onset"]/tr) >= n_vols)) {
    if (convolve) { message("At least one event onset falls on or after last volume of run. Omitting this from model.") } #just print on convolved execution
    r_orig <- reg
    reg <- reg[!whichHigh,] #this loses attributes, need to copy them over for code to work as expected
    attr(reg, "event") <- attr(r_orig, "event")
    attr(reg, "reg_name") <- attr(r_orig, "reg_name")

  hrf_max <- NULL #only used for durmax_1 normalization

  normeach <- FALSE #signals evtmax_1 scaling
  if (!convolve) {
    normalize_hrf <- FALSE #irrelevant when we are not convolving
  } else if (normalization == "evtmax_1") {
    normalize_hrf <- TRUE
    normeach <- TRUE
  } else if (normalization == "durmax_1") {
    normalize_hrf <- TRUE

    #this is my hacky way to figure out the peak value for durmax_1 setup
    #obtain an estimate of the peak HRF height of a long event convolved with the HRF at these settings of a1, b1, etc.
    hrf_boxcar <- fmri.stimulus(n_vols=300/tr, values=1.0, times=100, durations=100, tr=tr, demean=FALSE,  #don't mean center for computing max height
                                a1=hrf_parameters["a1"], a2=hrf_parameters["a2"], b1=hrf_parameters["b1"], b2=hrf_parameters["b2"], cc=hrf_parameters["cc"])
    hrf_max <- max(hrf_boxcar)
  } else if (normalization == "none") {
    normalize_hrf <- FALSE
  } else { stop("unrecognized normalization: ", normalization) }

  #cleanup NAs and zeros in the regressor before proceeding with placing it onto the time grid
  cleaned <- cleanup_regressor(reg[,"onset"], reg[,"duration"], reg[,"value"], rm_zeros = rm_zeros)
  times <- cleaned$times; durations <- cleaned$durations; values <- cleaned$values

  if (length(times) == 0L) {
    warning("No non-zero events for regressor to be convolved. Returning all-zero result for fMRI GLM.")
    ret <- matrix(0, nrow=n_vols -  drop_volumes, ncol=1)
    colnames(ret) <- attr(reg, "reg_name")

  #handle mean centering of parametric values prior to convolution
  #this is useful when one wishes to dissociate variance due to parametric modulation versus stimulus occurrence
  #don't demean a constant regressor such as an event regressor (all values = 1)
  if (!all(is.na(values)) && center_values && sd(values, na.rm=TRUE) > 1e-5) {
    values <- values - mean(values, na.rm=TRUE)

  #split regressor into separate events prior to convolution
  #in the case of evtmax_1 normalization, normalize the HRF for the event to max height of 1 prior to multiplying against the event value/height
  #in the case of durmax_1 normalization, normalize the HRF to a height of 1 for long events (~15s)
  #in the case of beta_series, convolve individual effects with HRF individually
  if (normalize_hrf || beta_series) {
    #for each event, convolve it with hrf, normalize, then sum convolved events to get full timecourse
    normedEvents <- sapply(1:length(times), function(i) {
      #obtain unit-convolved duration-modulated regressor to define HRF prior to modulation by parametric regressor
      stim_conv <- fmri.stimulus(n_vols=n_vols, values=1.0, times=times[i], durations=durations[i], tr=tr, demean=FALSE, center_values=FALSE, convolve = convolve, ts_multiplier=ts_multiplier,
                                 a1=hrf_parameters["a1"], a2=hrf_parameters["a2"], b1=hrf_parameters["b1"], b2=hrf_parameters["b2"], cc=hrf_parameters["cc"])

      if (normeach) {
        if (times[i] + durations[i] > (n_vols*tr - 20)) {
          #when the event occurs at the end of the time series and is the only event (i.e., as in evtmax_1), the HRF never reaches its peak. The further it is
          #away from the peak, the stranger the stim_conv/max(stim_conv) scaling will be -- it can lead to odd between-event scaling in the regressor.

          #Update Sep2019: it turns out that anything convolved regressor that has not achieved its peak by the end of the run -- even if it fits within the time interval --
          #  can be rescaled improperly. A general solution is to place this event in the middle of the interval, convolve it with the HRF, then use *that* height as the normalization factor.
          #  Apply this alternative correction to any event that begins or is 'on' in the last 20 seconds.
          message("Event occurs at the tail of the run. Using HRF peak from center of run for evtmax_1 regressor to avoid strange scaling. Please check that the end of your convolved regressors matches your expectation.")

          mid_vol <- n_vols*tr/2
          stim_at_center <- fmri.stimulus(n_vols=n_vols, values=1.0, times=mid_vol, durations=durations[i], tr=tr, demean=FALSE, center_values=FALSE, convolve = convolve, ts_multiplier=ts_multiplier,
                                     a1=hrf_parameters["a1"], a2=hrf_parameters["a2"], b1=hrf_parameters["b1"], b2=hrf_parameters["b2"], cc=hrf_parameters["cc"])

          stim_conv <- stim_conv/max(stim_at_center) #rescale HRF to a max of 1.0 for each event, regardless of duration -- EQUIVALENT TO dmUBLOCK(1). Use the peak of the HRF aligned to center of time interval
        } else {
          stim_conv <- stim_conv/max(stim_conv) #rescale HRF to a max of 1.0 for each event, regardless of duration -- EQUIVALENT TO dmUBLOCK(1)
      } else if (normalize_hrf == TRUE && normeach == FALSE) {
        stim_conv <- stim_conv/hrf_max #rescale HRF to a max of 1.0 for long event -- EQUIVALENT TO dmUBLOCK(0)

      stim_conv <- stim_conv*values[i] #for each event, multiply by parametric regressor value

    if (!beta_series) {
      tc_conv <- apply(normedEvents, 1, sum) #sum individual HRF regressors for combined time course
    } else {
      if (convolve) {
        #first remove any constant regressors (likely just from evtmax_1 at end of run)
        #NB. This should only be applied to convolved regressors. For unconvolved, brief events are sometimes all zero because of rounding on the time grid
        varying_cols <- apply(normedEvents, 2, function(x) { sd(x, na.rm=TRUE) > 1e-5 })
        #if (any(sapply(varying_cols, isFALSE))) { browser() }
        normedEvents <- normedEvents[,varying_cols]

      #keep beta series representation of a time x regressors matrix
      tc_conv <- normedEvents
  } else {
    #handle unnormalized convolution
    tc_conv <- fmri.stimulus(n_vols=n_vols, values=values, times=times, durations=durations, tr=tr, demean=FALSE, center_values=FALSE, convolve = convolve, ts_multiplier = ts_multiplier,
                               a1=hrf_parameters["a1"], a2=hrf_parameters["a2"], b1=hrf_parameters["b1"], b2=hrf_parameters["b2"], cc=hrf_parameters["cc"])

  #if we are not using a beta series, force the regressor to be a 1-column matrix so that apply calls below work
  if (!beta_series) { tc_conv <- matrix(tc_conv, ncol=1) }

  #apply high-pass filter after convolution if requested
  if (!is.null(high_pass)) {
    tc_conv <- apply(tc_conv, 2, function(col) {
      fir1Bandpass(col, TR=tr, low=high_pass, high=1/tr/2, plotFilter=FALSE, forward_reverse=TRUE, padx=1, detrend=1)

  # Allow for the convolved regressor to be rescaled to have a maximum height of 1.0. This normalizes
  # the range of the regressor across runs and subjects such that the betas for the regressor are on
  # similar scales, just with a change of gain... experimenting with this currently given SCEPTIC DAUC
  # regressors which tend to be highly skewed, potentially driven by behavioral parameter scaling challenges.
  # Note that this interacts with the normeach setting such that for normeach=FALSE (durmax_1), the height
  # of 1.0 will reflect a combination of the parameter and the duration. The interpretation is somewhat
  # cleaner under normeach=TRUE (evtmax_1) since the HRF has height of 1.0 for each stimulus, and then
  # rescaling to max 1.0 after convolution with the parametric value will change the relative heights of
  #the stimuli solely according to the parameter.
  if (convmax_1) {
    tc_conv <- tc_conv/max(tc_conv)

  #grand mean center convolved regressor
  if (demean_convolved) {
    tc_conv <- apply(tc_conv, 2, function(col) { col - mean(col, na.rm=TRUE) })

  #If requested, drop volumes from the regressor. This should be applied after convolution in case an event happens during the
  #truncated period, but the resulting BOLD activity has not yet resolved.
  if (drop_volumes > 0) {
    tc_conv <- tc_conv[-1*(1:drop_volumes),,drop=FALSE]

  #name the matrix columns appropriately
  if (beta_series) {
    colnames(tc_conv) <- paste(attr(reg, "reg_name"), sprintf("%03d", 1:ncol(tc_conv)), sep="_b")
  } else {
    colnames(tc_conv) <- attr(reg, "reg_name")


#' Convolve a regressor with a hemodynamic response function for fMRI analysis.
#' Extended from \code{fmri} package to allow for continuous-valued regressor,
#' which is passed using the values parameter.
#' The function also supports mean centering of parametric regressor prior to convolution
#' to dissociate it from stimulus occurrence (when event regressor also in model)
#' @param n_vols The number of volumes (scans) to be output in the convolved regressor
#' @param onsets A vector of times (in scans) specifying event onsets
#' @param durations A vector of durations (in seconds) for each event
#' @param values A vector of parametric values used as regressor heights prior to convolution
#' @param times A vector of times (in seconds) specifying event onsets. If times are passed in, the onsets
#'   argument (which is in scans) is ignored. That is, \code{onsets} and \code{times} are mutually exclusive.
#' @param center_values Whether to demean values vector before convolution
#' @param rm_zeros Whether to remove zeros from events vector prior to convolution. Generally a good idea since we typically center
#'          values prior to convolution, and retaining zeros will lead them to be non-zero after mean centering.
#' @param convolve Whether to convolve the regressor with the HRF. If FALSE, a time series of events, durations, and heights is returned.
#' @param tr The repetition time (sometimes called TR) in seconds
#' @param ts_multiplier A time series of length \code{n_vols} that is multiplied against the stimulus before convolution.
#' @param demean Whether to demean the regressor after convolution. Default: TRUE
#' @param convmax_1 Whether to rescale the convolved regressor to a maximum height of 1.
#' @param a1 The a1 parameter of the double gamma
#' @param a2 The a2 parameter of the double gamma
#' @param b1 The b1 parameter of the double gamma
#' @param b2 The b2 parameter of the double gamma
#' @param cc The cc parameter of the double gamma
#' @param conv_method Method for convolving HRF with stimulus. Either "r" or "cpp". The "r" method uses an FFT-based
#'   internal convolution with convolve(x, y, conj=TRUE). The "cpp" method uses an internal C++ function with a
#'   loop-based convolution over the vectors. Unfortunately, at present, the C++ approach is noticeably slower since
#'   it does not use FFT to obtain the filter.
#' @param microtime_resolution The number of bins between TRs used for calculating regressor values in continuous time
#' @importFrom stats approx convolve
#' @export
fmri.stimulus <- function(n_vols=1, onsets=c(1), durations=c(1), values=c(1), times=NULL, center_values=FALSE,
                          rm_zeros=TRUE, convolve=TRUE, tr=2, ts_multiplier=NULL, demean=TRUE, convmax_1=FALSE,
                          a1 = 6, a2 = 12, b1 = 0.9, b2 = 0.9, cc = 0.35, conv_method="r", microtime_resolution=20) {

  #double gamma function
  double_gamma_hrf <- function(x, a1, a2, b1, b2, cc) {
    d1 <- a1 * b1
    d2 <- a2 * b2
    c1 <- ( x/d1 )^a1
    c2 <- cc * ( x/d2 )^a2
    res <- c1 * exp(-(x-d1)/b1) - c2 * exp(-(x-d2)/b2)

  #verify that ts_multiplier is n_vols in length
  if (!is.null(ts_multiplier)) { stopifnot(is.vector(ts_multiplier) && length(ts_multiplier) == n_vols) }

  if (!is.null(times)) {
    cleaned <- cleanup_regressor(times, durations, values, rm_zeros = rm_zeros)
    times <- cleaned$times; durations <- cleaned$durations; values <- cleaned$values
  } else {
    cleaned <- cleanup_regressor(onsets, durations, values, rm_zeros = rm_zeros)
    onsets <- cleaned$times; durations <- cleaned$durations; values <- cleaned$values

  #handle mean centering of parametric values prior to convolution
  #this is useful when one wishes to dissociate variance due to parametric modulation versus stimulus occurrence
  if (!all(is.na(values)) && center_values && !all(abs(values - 1.0) < 1e-5)) {
    values <- values - mean(values, na.rm=TRUE)

  if (is.null(times)) {
    #onsets are specified in terms of scans (i.e., use onsets argument)
    microtime_resolution <- 1
  } else {
    #verify that there are events to be modeled in the time vector
    if (length(times) == 0L) {
      warning("No non-zero events for regressor to be convolved. Returning all-zero result for fMRI GLM.")
      return(rep(0, n_vols))
    } else if (all(times >= n_vols*tr)) {
      #all events fall outside of the modeled time window
      return(rep(0, n_vols))

    #upsample time grid by a factor (default 20) to get best estimate of hrf at each volume
    onsets <- times/tr*microtime_resolution
    durations <- durations/tr*microtime_resolution
    tr <- tr/microtime_resolution
    n_vols <- n_vols*microtime_resolution

    if (!is.null(ts_multiplier)) {
      #upsample ts_multiplier using linear interpolation
      ts_multiplier <- approx(ts_multiplier, n=n_vols)$y

  numberofonsets <- length(onsets)

  if (length(durations) == 1) {
    durations <- rep(durations,numberofonsets)
  } else if (length(durations) != numberofonsets)  {
    stop("Length of durations vector does not match the number of onsets!")

  if (length(values) == 1) {
    #use the same regressor height (usually 1.0) for all onsets
    values <- rep(values, numberofonsets)
  } else if (length(values) != numberofonsets) {
    stop("Length of values vector does not match the number of onsets!")

  if (any(onsets >= n_vols)) {
    #remove any events that begin outside the modeled time window
    badonsets <- onsets >= n_vols
    onsets <- onsets[!badonsets]
    durations <- durations[!badonsets]
    values <- values[!badonsets]
    numberofonsets <- numberofonsets - sum(badonsets)

  stimulus <- rep(0, n_vols)

  for (i in 1:numberofonsets) {
    for (j in onsets[i]:(onsets[i]+durations[i]-1)) {
      stimulus[j] <- values[i]

  #always truncate the stimulus back down to the target output length
  #if a stimulus starts after the last modeled timepoint or extends into it, stimulus
  #will become longer than expected, causing a convolution error. For now, be quiet about it,
  #but perhaps we should let the user know when he/she specifies a time vector that extends into
  #unmodeled timepoints
  stimulus <- stimulus[1:n_vols]

  #if we have a time-based modulator of the signal, multiply it against the stimulus vector before convolution
  if (!is.null(ts_multiplier)) {
    stimulus <- stimulus * ts_multiplier

  #  zero pad stimulus vector with 20 TRs on left and right to avoid bounding/edge effects in convolve
  stimulus <- c(rep(0,20*microtime_resolution),stimulus,rep(0,20*microtime_resolution))

  if (conv_method=="cpp") {
    regressor <- convolve_double_gamma(stimulus, a1, a2, b1/tr, b2/tr, cc)/microtime_resolution
  } else if (conv_method=="r") {
    #compute the double-gamma HRF for one event, scale to be as long as time series
    #this goes from last-to-first volume since this is reversed in convolution
    hrf_values <- double_gamma_hrf(((40*microtime_resolution)+n_vols):1, a1, a2, b1/tr, b2/tr, cc)
    regressor <- convolve(stimulus, hrf_values)/microtime_resolution

  regressor <- regressor[-(1:(20*microtime_resolution))][1:n_vols]
  regressor <- regressor[unique((microtime_resolution:n_vols)%/%microtime_resolution)*microtime_resolution]
  dim(regressor) <- c(n_vols/microtime_resolution,1)

  #rescale regressor to maximum height of 1.0 for scaling similarity across instances (see hrf_convolve_normalize for details)
  #only applicable to convolve regressors
  if (convmax_1 && convolve) { regressor <- regressor/max(regressor) }

  if (!convolve) {
    #just return the box car without convolving by HRF
    stimulus <- stimulus[-(1:(20*microtime_resolution))][1:n_vols] #remove zero padding
    stimulus <- stimulus[unique((microtime_resolution:n_vols)%/%microtime_resolution)*microtime_resolution] #subset the elements of the upsampled grid back onto the observed TRs
  } else if (demean) {
    regressor - mean(regressor, na.rm=TRUE)
  } else {

#' compute a moving average smooth over a time series (here, a vector of RTs)
#' used to fit smoothed RTs (\code{clock_model} object).
#' Function is an adapted version of \code{runmean} from the \code{caTools} package.
#' @keywords internal
runmean <- function(x, k=5) {
  n <- length(x)
  k2 = k%/%2
  k1 = k - k2 - 1
  y = c(sum(x[1:k]), diff(x, k))
  y = cumsum(y)/k
  y = c(rep(0, k1), y, rep(0, k2))

  idx1 = 1:k1
  idx2 = (n - k2 + 1):n

  #use mean of available data at tails
  for (i in idx1) y[i] = mean(x[1:(i + k2)])
  for (i in idx2) y[i] = mean(x[(i - k1):n])


#' Detrend a time series up to quadratic trend. Used by fir1Bandpass prior to filtering
#' @param x A time series to be detrended
#' @param order The polynomial order used for detrending. 0=demean; 1=linear; 2=quadratic
#' @export
detrendts <- function(x, order=0) {
  #order 0=demean; order 1=linear; order 2=quadratic
  lin <- 1:length(x)
  quad <- lin^2

  if (order == 0)
  else if (order == 1)
    residuals(lm(x ~ 1 + lin))
  else if (order == 2)
    residuals(lm(x ~ 1 + lin + quad))
    stop("order not supported:", order)

#' Apply a FIR-1 bandpass filter a signal. Can low- or high-pass filter by specifying 0 for low or >= Nyquist for high.
#' @param x The time series to be filtered
#' @param TR The sampling frequency in seconds
#' @param low The lower filter cutoff in Hz. Fluctuations below this frequency will be filtered out
#' @param high The upper filter cutoff in Hz. Fluctuations above this frequency will be filtered out
#' @param n The order of the filter coefficients. Should probably leave this alone in general
#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom signal fir1 filtfilt freqz
#' @export
fir1Bandpass <- function(x, TR=2.0, low=.009, high=.08, n=250, plotFilter=FALSE, forward_reverse=TRUE, padx=0, detrend=1) {
  #check for all NA
  if (all(is.na(x))) return(x)

  #n refers to filter order. 250 does quite well with typical signals
  Fs <- 1/TR
  nyq <- Fs/2

  #enforce filter upper bound at 1.0 (nyquist)
  if (high/nyq > 1.0) { high <- nyq }

  #coefficients are specified in the normalized 0-1 range.
  fir1Coef <- fir1(n, c(low/nyq, high/nyq), type="pass")

  if (plotFilter) print(freqz(fir1Coef, Fs=Fs))

  origLen <- length(x)

  #handle detrending (almost always a good idea to demean, if not detrend, for fourier series to be valid!)
  if (!is.null(detrend) && detrend >= 0)
    x <- detrendts(x, order=detrend)

  #zero-pad data, if requested
  x <- c(x, rep(0*x, padx))

  #as the order of the filter exceeds the length of the time series,
  #some sort of phase distortion is introduced.
  #forward+reverse filtering cleans it up
  if (forward_reverse) xfilt <- filtfilt(fir1Coef, x)
  else xfilt <- filter(fir1Coef, x)


#' Concatenate design matrices for each run to form a single design with unique baselines per run (ala AFNI)
#' @param d A design matrix object created by \code{build_design_matrix}. The $design_convolved element will be used for concatenation.
#' @param convolved If \code{TRUE} (the default), concatenate the convolved design matrix. If \code{FALSE}, use the unconvolved.
#' @importFrom dplyr bind_rows
#' @export
concat_design_runs <- function(d, convolved=TRUE) {

  if (!is.list(d) || is.null(d$design_convolved)) { stop("Cannot identify $design_convolved element of object") }

  to_concat <- if (convolved) { d$design_convolved } else { d$design_unconvolved }
  d_allruns <- do.call(bind_rows, lapply(1:length(to_concat), function(r) {
    thisrun <- to_concat[[r]]
    basecols <- grepl("base", names(thisrun))
    ##note that this will rename repeated names into something like ev and ev.1, which is good
    names(thisrun) <- gsub("base", paste0("run", r, "base"), names(thisrun))

  d_allruns[which(is.na(d_allruns), arr.ind=TRUE)] <- 0

  d_allruns <- as.matrix(d_allruns) #needed for lm
  attr(d_allruns, "run_names") <- names(to_concat) #keep the run names around for tracking
  if (length(to_concat) > 1L) {
    run_boundaries <- c(1, cumsum(sapply(to_concat[1:length(to_concat) - 1], nrow) + 1)) #keep the run names around for tracking
    names(run_boundaries) <- names(to_concat)
  } else {
    run_boundaries <- 1 #just first volume
    names(run_boundaries) <- names(to_concat)[1]

  attr(d_allruns, "run_boundaries") <- run_boundaries

#' Visualize design matrix, including event onset times and run boundaries
#' @param d a concatenated design matrix created by \code{build_design_matrix} and passed to \code{concat_design_runs}
#' @param outfile a filename used to export the design matrix using \code{ggsave}
#' @param run_boundaries a named vector of positions in the time series where a run boundary occurs (used for plotting)
#' @param events a named list of vectors containing the times of each event
#' @param include_baseline whether to display the baseline regressors in the design.
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot aes geom_line theme_bw facet_grid geom_vline ggsave scale_color_brewer scale_color_discrete guides guide_legend
#' @importFrom tidyr gather
#' @export
visualize_design_matrix <- function(d, outfile=NULL, run_boundaries=NULL, events=NULL, include_baseline=FALSE) {

  #this needs to come before removal of baseline because attributes are dropped at subset
  if (is.null(run_boundaries) && !is.null(attr(d, "run_boundaries"))) {
    #check whether run_boundaries are attached to the convolved design as an attribute and use this
    run_boundaries <- attr(d, "run_boundaries")
    run_names <- attr(d, "run_names")
  } else {
    if (is.null(names(run_boundaries))) {
      run_names <- paste0("run", 1:length(run_boundaries))
    } else {
      run_names <- names(run_boundaries)

  if (!include_baseline) {
    d <- d[,!grepl("(run[0-9]+)*base", colnames(d))]
  } else {
    d <- d[,!grepl("(run[0-9]+)*base0", colnames(d))] #always remove constant

  print(round(cor(d), 3))
  d <- as.data.frame(d)
  d$volume <- 1:nrow(d)
  d.m <- d %>% gather(key="variable", value="value", -volume)
  g <- ggplot(d.m, aes(x=volume, y=value)) + geom_line(size=1.2) + theme_bw(base_size=15) + facet_grid(variable ~ ., scales="free_y")

  if (!is.null(run_boundaries)) {
    rundf <- data.frame(run=run_names, boundary=run_boundaries)
    g <- g + geom_vline(data=rundf, aes(xintercept=boundary, color=run), size=1.3) + scale_color_discrete("Run") + #scale_color_brewer("Run", palette="Blues")
      #theme(legend.key = element_rect(size = 2), legend.key.size = unit(1.5, 'lines'))
      guides(color=guide_legend(keywidth=0.3, keyheight=1.5, default.unit="lines")) #not beautifully spaced, but come back to this later...

  colors <- c("black", "blue", "red", "orange") #just a hack for color scheme right now

  if (!is.null(events)) {
    for (i in 1:length(events)) {
      eventdf <- data.frame(name=names(events)[i], positions=events[[i]])
      g <- g + geom_vline(data=eventdf, aes(xintercept=events, color=name)) + scale_color_brewer("Event", palette="Greens")

  if (!is.null(outfile)) {
    ggsave(filename=outfile, plot=g, width=21, height=9)


#' Small utility function to handle any NAs in the regressor specification.
#' Also, optionally, removes values of 0 from the regressor prior to convolution.
#' The latter is usually a good idea to avoid a non-event (zero) becoming an event
#' after mean centering of a parametric regressor. Convolving a zero-height regressor
#' with an HRF will maintain all zeros, whereas a non-zero value (resulting from mean centering)
#' will not.
#' @param times Vector of times (in seconds) for regressor events
#' @param durations Vector of durations (in seconds) for regressor events
#' @param values Vector of values (parametric heights) for regressor events
#' @param rm_zeros Logical indicating whether to remove zero-valued events from regressor
#' @author Michael Hallquist
#' @keywords internal
cleanup_regressor <- function(times, durations, values, rm_zeros=TRUE) {
  #always remove any NAs from any of the input vectors
  napos <- which(is.na(times) | is.na(durations) | is.na(values))
  if (length(napos) > 0L) {
    times <- times[-1*napos]
    values <- values[-1*napos]
    durations <- durations[-1*napos]

  #remove zeros from events vector to avoid these becoming non-zero values in the hrf convolution after grand mean centering
  #for example, for negative RPEs, if one does not occur, it will have a value of zero. But after grand mean centering below, this
  #will now be treated as an "event" by the HRF convolution since the amplitude is no longer zero.
  if (rm_zeros) {
    zeros <- which(values==0.0)
    if (length(zeros) > 0L) {
      times <- times[-1*zeros]
      values <- values[-1*zeros]
      durations <- durations[-1*zeros]

  return(list(times=times, durations=durations, values=values))
PennStateDEPENdLab/dependlab documentation built on Sept. 26, 2024, 8:40 p.m.