
Defines functions .toFormula .replace_coef fit_DoseResponseCurve

Documented in fit_DoseResponseCurve

#' @title Fit a dose-response curve for luminescence data (Lx/Tx against dose)
#' @description
#' A dose-response curve is produced for luminescence measurements using a
#' regenerative or additive protocol. The function supports interpolation and
#' extrapolation to calculate the equivalent dose.
#' @details
#' **Fitting methods**
#' For all options (except for the `LIN`, `QDR` and the `EXP OR LIN`),
#' the [minpack.lm::nlsLM] function with the `LM` (Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm)
#' algorithm is used. Note: For historical reasons for the Monte Carlo
#' simulations partly the function [nls] using the `port` algorithm.
#' The solution is found by transforming the function or using [uniroot].
#' `LIN`: fits a linear function to the data using
#' [lm]: \deqn{y = mx + n}
#' `QDR`: fits a linear function with a quadratic term to the data using
#' [lm]: \deqn{y = a + bx + cx^2}
#' `EXP`: tries to fit a function of the form
#' \deqn{y = a(1 - exp(-\frac{(x+c)}{b}))}
#' Parameters b and c are approximated by a linear fit using [lm]. Note: b = D0
#' `EXP OR LIN`: works for some cases where an `EXP` fit fails.
#' If the `EXP` fit fails, a `LIN` fit is done instead.
#' `EXP+LIN`: tries to fit an exponential plus linear function of the
#' form:
#' \deqn{y = a(1-exp(-\frac{x+c}{b}) + (gx))}
#' The \eqn{D_e} is calculated by iteration.
#' **Note:** In the context of luminescence dating, this
#' function has no physical meaning. Therefore, no D0 value is returned.
#' `EXP+EXP`: tries to fit a double exponential function of the form
#' \deqn{y = (a_1 (1-exp(-\frac{x}{b_1}))) + (a_2 (1 - exp(-\frac{x}{b_2})))}
#' This fitting procedure is not robust against wrong start parameters and
#' should be further improved.
#' `GOK`: tries to fit the general-order kinetics function after
#' Guralnik et al. (2015) of the form of
#' \deqn{y = a (d - (1 + (\frac{1}{b}) x c)^{(-1/c)})}
#' where **c > 0** is a kinetic order modifier
#' (not to be confused with **c** in `EXP` or `EXP+LIN`!).
#' `LambertW`: tries to fit a dose-response curve based on the Lambert W function
#' according to Pagonis et al. (2020). The function has the form
#' \deqn{y ~ (1 + (W((R - 1) * exp(R - 1 - ((x + D_{int}) / D_{c}))) / (1 - R))) * N}
#' with \eqn{W} the Lambert W function, calculated using the package [lamW::lambertW0],
#' \eqn{R} the dimensionless retrapping ratio, \eqn{N} the total concentration
#' of trappings states in cm^-3 and \eqn{D_{c} = N/R} a constant. \eqn{D_{int}} is
#' the offset on the x-axis. Please not that finding the root in `mode = "extrapolation"`
#' is a non-easy task due to the shape of the function and the results might be
#' unexpected.
#' **Fit weighting**
#' If the option `fit.weights =  TRUE` is chosen, weights are calculated using
#' provided signal errors (Lx/Tx error):
#' \deqn{fit.weights = \frac{\frac{1}{error}}{\Sigma{\frac{1}{error}}}}
#' **Error estimation using Monte Carlo simulation**
#' Error estimation is done using a parametric bootstrapping approach. A set of
#' `Lx/Tx` values is constructed by randomly drawing curve data sampled from normal
#' distributions. The normal distribution is defined by the input values (`mean
#' = value`, `sd = value.error`). Then, a dose-response curve fit is attempted for each
#' dataset resulting in a new distribution of single `De` values. The standard
#' deviation of this distribution is becomes then the error of the `De`. With increasing
#' iterations, the error value becomes more stable. However, naturally the error
#' will not decrease with more MC runs.
#' Alternatively, the function returns highest probability density interval
#' estimates as output, users may find more useful under certain circumstances.
#' **Note:** It may take some calculation time with increasing MC runs,
#' especially for the composed functions (`EXP+LIN` and `EXP+EXP`).\cr
#' Each error estimation is done with the function of the chosen fitting method.
#' @param sample [data.frame] (**required**):
#' data frame with columns for `Dose`, `LxTx`, `LxTx.Error` and `TnTx`.
#' The column for the test dose response is optional, but requires `'TnTx'` as
#' column name if used. For exponential fits at least three dose points
#' (including the natural) should be provided.
#' @param mode [character] (*with default*):
#' selects calculation mode of the function.
#' - `"interpolation"` (default) calculates the De by interpolation,
#' - `"extrapolation"` calculates the equivalent dose by extrapolation (useful for MAAD measurements) and
#' - `"alternate"` calculates no equivalent dose and just fits the data points.
#' Please note that for option `"interpolation"` the first point is considered
#' as natural dose
#' @param fit.method [character] (*with default*):
#' function used for fitting. Possible options are:
#' - `LIN`,
#' - `QDR`,
#' - `EXP`,
#' - `EXP OR LIN`,
#' - `EXP+LIN`,
#' - `EXP+EXP`,
#' - `GOK`,
#' - `LambertW`
#' See details.
#' @param fit.force_through_origin [logical] (*with default*)
#' allow to force the fitted function through the origin.
#' For `method = "EXP+EXP"` the function will be fixed through
#' the origin in either case, so this option will have no effect.
#' @param fit.weights [logical] (*with default*):
#' option whether the fitting is done with or without weights. See details.
#' @param fit.includingRepeatedRegPoints [logical] (*with default*):
#' includes repeated points for fitting (`TRUE`/`FALSE`).
#' @param fit.NumberRegPoints [integer] (*optional*):
#' set number of regeneration points manually. By default the number of all (!)
#' regeneration points is used automatically.
#' @param fit.NumberRegPointsReal [integer] (*optional*):
#' if the number of regeneration points is provided manually, the value of the
#' real, regeneration points = all points (repeated points) including reg 0,
#' has to be inserted.
#' @param fit.bounds [logical] (*with default*):
#' set lower fit bounds for all fitting parameters to 0. Limited for the use
#' with the fit methods `EXP`, `EXP+LIN`, `EXP OR LIN`, `GOK`, `LambertW`
#' Argument to be inserted for experimental application only!
#' @param NumberIterations.MC [integer] (*with default*):
#' number of Monte Carlo simulations for error estimation. See details.
#' @param txtProgressBar [logical] (*with default*):
#' enables or disables `txtProgressBar`. If `verbose = FALSE` also no
#' `txtProgressBar` is shown.
#' @param verbose [logical] (*with default*):
#' enables or disables terminal feedback.
#' @param ... Further arguments to be passed (currently ignored).
#' @return
#' An `RLum.Results` object is returned containing the slot `data` with the
#' following elements:
#' \tabular{lll}{
#' **DATA.OBJECT** \tab **TYPE** \tab **DESCRIPTION** \cr
#' `..$De` : \tab  `data.frame` \tab Table with De values \cr
#' `..$De.MC` : \tab `numeric` \tab Table with De values from MC runs \cr
#' `..$Fit` : \tab [nls] or [lm] \tab object from the fitting for `EXP`, `EXP+LIN` and `EXP+EXP`.
#' In case of a resulting  linear fit when using `LIN`, `QDR` or `EXP OR LIN` \cr
#' `..$Formula` : \tab [expression] \tab Fitting formula as R expression \cr
#' `..$call` : \tab `call` \tab The original function call\cr
#' }
#' @section Function version: 1.2
#' @author
#' Sebastian Kreutzer, Institute of Geography, Heidelberg University (Germany)\cr
#' Michael Dietze, GFZ Potsdam (Germany) \cr
#' Marco Colombo, Institute of Geography, Heidelberg University (Germany)
#' @references
#' Berger, G.W., Huntley, D.J., 1989. Test data for exponential fits. Ancient TL 7, 43-46.
#' Guralnik, B., Li, B., Jain, M., Chen, R., Paris, R.B., Murray, A.S., Li, S.-H., Pagonis, P.,
#' Herman, F., 2015. Radiation-induced growth and isothermal decay of infrared-stimulated luminescence
#' from feldspar. Radiation Measurements 81, 224-231.
#' Pagonis, V., Kitis, G., Chen, R., 2020. A new analytical equation for the dose response of dosimetric materials,
#' based on the Lambert W function. Journal of Luminescence 225, 117333. \doi{10.1016/j.jlumin.2020.117333}
#' @seealso [plot_GrowthCurve], [nls], [RLum.Results-class], [get_RLum],
#' [minpack.lm::nlsLM], [lm], [uniroot], [lamW::lambertW0]
#' @examples
#' ##(1) fit growth curve for a dummy data.set and show De value
#' data(ExampleData.LxTxData, envir = environment())
#' temp <- fit_DoseResponseCurve(LxTxData)
#' get_RLum(temp)
#' ##(1b) to access the fitting value try
#' get_RLum(temp, data.object = "Fit")
#' ##(2) fit using the 'extrapolation' mode
#' LxTxData[1,2:3] <- c(0.5, 0.001)
#' print(fit_DoseResponseCurve(LxTxData, mode = "extrapolation"))
#' ##(3) fit using the 'alternate' mode
#' LxTxData[1,2:3] <- c(0.5, 0.001)
#' print(fit_DoseResponseCurve(LxTxData, mode = "alternate"))
#' ##(4) import and fit test data set by Berger & Huntley 1989
#' QNL84_2_unbleached <-
#' read.table(system.file("extdata/QNL84_2_unbleached.txt", package = "Luminescence"))
#' results <- fit_DoseResponseCurve(
#'  QNL84_2_unbleached,
#'  mode = "extrapolation",
#'  verbose = FALSE)
#' #calculate confidence interval for the parameters
#' #as alternative error estimation
#' confint(results$Fit, level = 0.68)
#' \dontrun{
#' QNL84_2_bleached <-
#' read.table(system.file("extdata/QNL84_2_bleached.txt", package = "Luminescence"))
#' STRB87_1_unbleached <-
#' read.table(system.file("extdata/STRB87_1_unbleached.txt", package = "Luminescence"))
#' STRB87_1_bleached <-
#' read.table(system.file("extdata/STRB87_1_bleached.txt", package = "Luminescence"))
#' print(
#'  fit_DoseResponseCurve(
#'  QNL84_2_bleached,
#'  mode = "alternate",
#'  verbose = FALSE)$Fit)
#' print(
#'  fit_DoseResponseCurve(
#'  STRB87_1_unbleached,
#'  mode = "alternate",
#'  verbose = FALSE)$Fit)
#' print(
#'  fit_DoseResponseCurve(
#'  STRB87_1_bleached,
#'  mode = "alternate",
#'  verbose = FALSE)$Fit)
#'  }
#' @md
#' @export
fit_DoseResponseCurve <- function(
  mode = "interpolation",
  fit.method = "EXP",
  fit.force_through_origin = FALSE,
  fit.weights = TRUE,
  fit.includingRepeatedRegPoints = TRUE,
  fit.NumberRegPoints = NULL,
  fit.NumberRegPointsReal = NULL,
  fit.bounds = TRUE,
  NumberIterations.MC = 100,
  txtProgressBar = TRUE,
  verbose = TRUE,
) {
  on.exit(.unset_function_name(), add = TRUE)

  .validate_class(sample, c("data.frame", "matrix", "list"))
  mode <- .validate_args(mode, c("interpolation", "extrapolation", "alternate"))
  fit.method_supported <- c("LIN", "QDR", "EXP", "EXP OR LIN",
                            "EXP+LIN", "EXP+EXP", "GOK", "LambertW")
  fit.method <- .validate_args(fit.method, fit.method_supported)
  .validate_class(fit.force_through_origin, "logical")
  .validate_class(fit.weights, "logical")
  .validate_class(fit.includingRepeatedRegPoints, "logical")
  .validate_class(fit.bounds, "logical")
  .validate_positive_scalar(fit.NumberRegPoints, int = TRUE, null.ok = TRUE)
  .validate_positive_scalar(fit.NumberRegPointsReal, int = TRUE, null.ok = TRUE)
  .validate_positive_scalar(NumberIterations.MC, int = TRUE)

  ## convert input to data.frame
    data.frame = sample,
    matrix = sample <- as.data.frame(sample),
    list = sample <- as.data.frame(sample),

  ##2.1 check column numbers; we assume that in this particular case no error value
  ##was provided, e.g., set all errors to 0
  if(ncol(sample) == 2)
    sample <- cbind(sample, 0)

  ##2.2 check for inf data in the data.frame
      #This is slow, but it does not break with previous code
      sample <- do.call(data.frame, lapply(sample, function(x) replace(x, is.infinite(x),NA)))
      .throw_warning("Inf values found, replaced by NA")

  ##2.3 check whether the dose value is equal all the time
  if(sum(abs(diff(sample[[1]])), na.rm = TRUE) == 0){
    message("[fit_DoseResponseCurve()] Error: All points have the same dose, ",
            "NULL returned")

  ## count and exclude NA values and print result
  if (sum(!complete.cases(sample)) > 0)
                   " NA values removed")

  ## exclude NA
  sample <- na.exclude(sample)

  ## Check if anything is left after removal
  if (nrow(sample) == 0) {
    message("[fit_DoseResponseCurve()] Error: After NA removal, nothing is left ",
            "from the data set, NULL returned")

  ##3. verbose mode
    txtProgressBar <- FALSE

  ##remove rownames from data.frame, as this could causes errors for the reg point calculation
  rownames(sample) <- NULL

  ## zero values in the data.frame are not allowed for the y-column
  y.zero <- sample[, 2] == 0
  if (sum(y.zero) > 0) {
    .throw_warning(sum(y.zero), " values with 0 for Lx/Tx detected, ",
                   "replaced by ", .Machine$double.eps)
    sample[y.zero, 2] <- .Machine$double.eps

  ##1. INPUT
  #1.0.1 calculate number of reg points if not set
    fit.NumberRegPoints <- length(sample[-1,1])

    fit.RegPointsReal <- which(!duplicated(sample[,1]) | sample[,1] != 0)
    fit.NumberRegPointsReal <- length(fit.RegPointsReal)

  ## 1.1 Produce data.frame from input values

  ## for interpolation the first point is considered as natural dose
  first.idx <- ifelse(mode == "interpolation", 2, 1)
  last.idx <- fit.NumberRegPoints + 1

  xy <- sample[first.idx:last.idx, 1:2]
  colnames(xy) <- c("x", "y")
  y.Error <- sample[first.idx:last.idx, 3]

  ##1.1.1 produce weights for weighted fitting
    fit.weights <- 1 / abs(y.Error) / sum(1 / abs(y.Error))

    if(any(is.na(fit.weights))){ # FIXME(mcol): infinities?
      fit.weights <- rep(1, length(y.Error))
      .throw_warning("Error column invalid or 0, 'fit.weights' ignored")
    fit.weights <- rep(1, length(y.Error))

  #1.2 Prepare data sets regeneration points for MC Simulation

  ## for interpolation the first point is considered as natural dose
  first.idx <- ifelse(mode == "interpolation", 2, 1)
  last.idx <- fit.NumberRegPoints + 1

  data.MC <- t(vapply(
      X = first.idx:last.idx,
      FUN = function(x) {
          n = 10000,
          mean = sample[x, 2],
          sd = abs(sample[x, 3])
        size = NumberIterations.MC,
        replace = TRUE)
      FUN.VALUE = vector("numeric", length = NumberIterations.MC)

  if (mode == "interpolation") {
    #1.3 Do the same for the natural signal
    data.MC.De <-
      sample(rnorm(10000, mean = sample[1, 2], sd = abs(sample[1, 3])),
             replace = TRUE)

  #1.3 set x.natural
  x.natural <- NA

  ##1.4 set initialise variables
  De <- De.Error <- D01 <-  R <-  Dc <- N <- NA

  ## FITTING ----------------------------------------------------------------
  ##3. Fitting values with nonlinear least-squares estimation of the parameters
  ## set functions for fitting
  ## REMINDER: DO NOT ADD {} brackets, otherwise the formula construction will not
  ## work

  ## get current environment, we need that later
  currn_env <- environment()

  ## Define functions ---------
  ### EXP -------
  fit.functionEXP <- function(a,b,c,x) a*(1-exp(-(x+c)/b))

  ### EXP+LIN -----------
  fit.functionEXPLIN <- function(a,b,c,g,x) a*(1-exp(-(x+c)/b)+(g*x))

  ### EXP+EXP ----------
  fit.functionEXPEXP <- function(a1,a2,b1,b2,x) (a1*(1-exp(-(x)/b1)))+(a2*(1-exp(-(x)/b2)))

  ### GOK ----------------
  fit.functionGOK <- function(a,b,c,d,x) a*(d-(1+(1/b)*x*c)^(-1/c))

  ### Lambert W -------------
  fit.functionLambertW <- function(R, Dc, N, Dint, x) (1 + (lamW::lambertW0((R - 1) * exp(R - 1 - ((x + Dint) / Dc ))) / (1 - R))) * N

  ## input data for fitting; exclude repeated RegPoints
  if (!fit.includingRepeatedRegPoints[1]) {
    is.dup <- duplicated(xy$x)
    fit.weights <- fit.weights[!is.dup]
    data.MC <- data.MC[!is.dup, , drop = FALSE]
    y.Error <- y.Error[!is.dup]
    xy <- xy[!is.dup, , drop = FALSE]
  data <- xy

  ## for unknown reasons with only two points the nls() function is trapped in
  ## an endless mode, therefore the minimum length for data is 3
  ## (2016-05-17)
  if (!fit.method %in% c("LIN", "QDR") && nrow(data) < 3) {
    fit.method <- "LIN"
    msg <- paste("Fitting a non-linear least-squares model requires",
                 "at least 3 dose points, 'fit.method' set to 'LIN'")
    if (verbose)
      message("[fit_DoseResponseCurve()] ", msg)

  ##general setting of start parameters for fitting

  ##a - estimation for a a the maximum of the y-values (Lx/Tx)
  a <- max(data[,2])

  ##b - get start parameters from a linear fit of the log(y) data
  ##    (suppress the warning in case one parameter is negative)
  fit.lm <- try(lm(suppressWarnings(log(data$y))~data$x))

  b <- 1
  if (!inherits(fit.lm, "try-error"))
    b <- as.numeric(1/fit.lm$coefficients[2])

  ##c - get start parameters from a linear fit - offset on x-axis
  c <- as.numeric(abs(fit.lm$coefficients[1]/fit.lm$coefficients[2]))

  #take slope from x - y scaling
  g <- max(data[,2]/max(data[,1]))

  #set D01 and D02 (in case of EXP+EXP)
  D01 <- NA
  D01.ERROR <- NA
  D02 <- NA
  D02.ERROR <- NA

  ## helper to report the fit
  .report_fit <- function(De, ...) {
    if (verbose && mode != "alternate") {
      writeLines(paste0("[fit_DoseResponseCurve()] Fit: ", fit.method,
                        " (", mode,") ", "| De = ", round(abs(De), 2),

  ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## to be a little bit more flexible, the start parameters varies within
  ## a normal distribution

  ## draw 50 start values from a normal distribution
  if (fit.method != "LIN") {
    a.MC <- suppressWarnings(rnorm(50, mean = a, sd = a / 100))

    if (!is.na(b)) {
      b.MC <- suppressWarnings(rnorm(50, mean = b, sd = b / 100))

    c.MC <- suppressWarnings(rnorm(50, mean = c, sd = c / 100))
    g.MC <- suppressWarnings(rnorm(50, mean = g, sd = g / 1))

    ##set start vector (to avoid errors within the loop)
    a.start <- NA
    b.start <- NA
    c.start <- NA
    g.start <- NA

  ## QDR --------------------------------------------------------------------
  if (fit.method == "QDR") {

    ## establish models without and with intercept term
    if (fit.force_through_origin) {
      model.qdr <- y ~ 0 + I(x) + I(x^2)
      De.fs <- function(fit, x, y) {
        0 + coef(fit)[1] * x + coef(fit)[2] * x ^ 2 - y
    } else {
      model.qdr <- y ~ I(x) + I(x^2)
      De.fs <- function(fit, x, y) {
        coef(fit)[1] + coef(fit)[2] * x + coef(fit)[3] * x ^ 2 - y

    if (mode == "interpolation") {
      y <- sample[1, 2]
      lower <- 0
    } else if (mode == "extrapolation") {
      y <- 0
      lower <- -1e06

    ## linear fitting
    fit <- lm(model.qdr, data = data, weights = fit.weights)

    ## solve and get De
    De <- NA
    if (mode != "alternate") {
      De.uniroot <- try(uniroot(De.fs,
                                fit = fit,
                                y = y,
                                lower = lower,
                                upper = max(sample[, 1]) * 1.5), silent = TRUE)

      if (!inherits(De.uniroot, "try-error")) {
        De <- De.uniroot$root

      if (verbose) {
        if (!inherits(De.uniroot, "try-error")) {
        } else{
          writeLines("[fit_DoseResponseCurve()] No solution found for QDR fit")

    ##set progressbar
      cat("\n\t Run Monte Carlo loops for error estimation of the QDR fit\n")
      pb<-txtProgressBar(min=0,max=NumberIterations.MC, char="=", style=3)

    ## Monte Carlo Error estimation
    fit.MC <- sapply(1:NumberIterations.MC, function(i){
      data <- data.frame(x = xy$x, y = data.MC[,i])

      if (mode == "interpolation") {
        y <- data.MC.De[i]

      ## linear fitting
      fit.MC <- lm(model.qdr, data = data, weights = fit.weights)

      ## solve and get De
      De.MC <- NA
      if (mode != "alternate") {
        De.uniroot.MC <- try(uniroot(De.fs,
                                     fit = fit.MC,
                                     y = y,
                                     lower = lower,
                                     upper = max(sample[, 1]) * 1.5),
                             silent = TRUE)

        if (!inherits(De.uniroot.MC, "try-error")) {
          De.MC <- De.uniroot.MC$root

      ##update progress bar
      if(txtProgressBar) setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)


    if(txtProgressBar) close(pb)

    x.natural<- fit.MC

  ## EXP --------------------------------------------------------------------
  if (fit.method=="EXP" | fit.method=="EXP OR LIN" | fit.method=="LIN"){

    if(fit.method != "LIN"){

      if (anyNA(c(a, b, c))) {
        message("[fit_DoseResponseCurve()] Error: Fit could not be applied ",
                "for this data set, NULL returned")

      #	--use classic R fitting routine to fit the curve

      ##try to create some start parameters from the input values to make
      ## the fitting more stable
      for(i in 1:50){
        a <- a.MC[i]
        b <- b.MC[i]
        c <- c.MC[i]
        fit.initial <- suppressWarnings(try(nls(
          formula = .toFormula(fit.functionEXP, env = currn_env),
          data = data,
          start = c(a = a, b = b, c = c),
          trace = FALSE,
          algorithm = "port",
          lower = c(a = 0, b > 0, c = 0),
            maxiter = 100,
            warnOnly = TRUE,
            minFactor = 1 / 2048
        silent = TRUE

        if(!inherits(fit.initial, "try-error")){
          #get parameters out of it
          a.start[i] <- as.vector((parameters["a"]))
          b.start[i] <- as.vector((parameters["b"]))
          c.start[i] <- as.vector((parameters["c"]))

      ##used median as start parameters for the final fitting
      a <- median(na.exclude(a.start))
      b <- median(na.exclude(b.start))
      c <- median(na.exclude(c.start))

      ## exception: if b is 1 it is likely to be wrong and should be reset
      if(!is.na(b) && b == 1)
        b <- mean(b.MC)

      lower <- if (fit.bounds) c(0, 0, 0) else c(-Inf, -Inf, -Inf)
      upper <- if (fit.force_through_origin) c(Inf, Inf, 0) else c(Inf, Inf, Inf)

      #FINAL Fit curve on given values
      fit <- try(minpack.lm::nlsLM(
        formula = .toFormula(fit.functionEXP, env = currn_env),
        data = data,
        start = list(a = a, b = b, c = 0),
        weights = fit.weights,
        trace = FALSE,
        algorithm = "LM",
        lower = lower,
        upper = upper,
        control = minpack.lm::nls.lm.control(maxiter = 500)
      ), silent = TRUE

      if (inherits(fit, "try-error") & inherits(fit.initial, "try-error")){
        if(verbose) writeLines("[fit_DoseResponseCurve()] try-error for EXP fit")

        ##this is to avoid the singular convergence failure due to a perfect fit at the beginning
        ##this may happen especially for simulated data
        if(inherits(fit, "try-error") & !inherits(fit.initial, "try-error")){
          fit <- fit.initial

        #get parameters out of it
        parameters <- (coef(fit))
        a <- as.vector((parameters["a"]))
        b <- as.vector((parameters["b"]))
        c <- as.vector((parameters["c"]))

        #calculate De
        De <- NA
        if(mode == "interpolation"){
          De <- suppressWarnings(-c-b*log(1-sample[1,2]/a))

          ## account for the fact that we can still calculate a De that is negative
          ## even it does not make sense
          if(!is.na(De) && De < 0)
            De <- NA

        }else if (mode == "extrapolation"){
          De <- suppressWarnings(-c-b*log(1-0/a))

        #print D01 value
        D01 <- b

        .report_fit(De, " | D01 = ", round(D01, 2))

        #EXP MC -----
        ##Monte Carlo Simulation
        #	--Fit many curves and calculate a new De +/- De_Error
        #	--take De_Error

        #set variables
        var.a<-vector(mode="numeric", length=NumberIterations.MC)
        var.b<-vector(mode="numeric", length=NumberIterations.MC)
        var.c<-vector(mode="numeric", length=NumberIterations.MC)

        #start loop
        for (i in 1:NumberIterations.MC) {
          ##set data set
          data <- data.frame(x = xy$x,y = data.MC[,i])

          fit.MC <- try(minpack.lm::nlsLM(
            formula = .toFormula(fit.functionEXP, env = currn_env),
            data = data,
            start = list(a = a, b = b, c = c),
            weights = fit.weights,
            trace = FALSE,
            algorithm = "LM",
            lower = lower,
            upper = upper,
            control = minpack.lm::nls.lm.control(maxiter = 500)
          ), silent = TRUE

          #get parameters out of it including error handling
          if (inherits(fit.MC, "try-error")) {
            x.natural[i] <- NA

          }else {
            #get parameters out
            var.a[i]<-as.vector((parameters["a"])) #Imax
            var.b[i]<-as.vector((parameters["b"])) #D0

            #calculate x.natural for error calculation
            if(mode == "interpolation"){

            }else if(mode == "extrapolation"){

              x.natural[i] <- NA

        }#end for loop

        ##write D01.ERROR
        D01.ERROR <- sd(var.b, na.rm = TRUE)

        ##remove values
        rm(var.b, var.a, var.c)

      }#endif::try-error fit


    ## LIN ------------------------------------------------------------------
    ##two options: just linear fit or LIN fit after the EXP fit failed

    #set fit object, if fit object was not set before
    if (!exists("fit")) {
      fit <- NA

    if ((fit.method=="EXP OR LIN" & inherits(fit, "try-error")) |
        fit.method=="LIN" | length(data[,1])<2) {

      ## establish models without and with intercept term
      if (fit.force_through_origin) {
        model.lin <- y ~ 0 + x
        De.fs <- function(fit, y) y / coef(fit)[1]
      } else {
        model.lin <- y ~ x
        De.fs <- function(fit, y) (y - coef(fit)[1]) / coef(fit)[2]

      if (mode == "interpolation") {
        y <- sample[1, 2]
      } else if (mode == "extrapolation") {
        y <- 0

      ## linear fitting
      fit.lm <- lm(model.lin, data = data, weights = fit.weights)

      if (mode != "alternate") {
        De <- De.fs(fit.lm, y)

      ##remove vector labels

      #start loop for Monte Carlo Error estimation
      #LIN MC ---------
      for (i in 1:NumberIterations.MC) {
        data <- data.frame(x = xy$x, y = data.MC[, i])

        if (mode == "interpolation") {
          y <- data.MC.De[i]

        ## do fitting
        fit.lmMC <- lm(model.lin, data = data, weights=fit.weights)

        if (mode != "alternate") {
          x.natural[i] <- De.fs(fit.lmMC, y)

      }#endfor::loop for MC

      #correct for fit.method
      fit.method <- "LIN"

      ##set fit object

  }#end if EXP (this includes the LIN fit option)

  ## EXP+LIN ----------------------------------------------------------------
  else if (fit.method=="EXP+LIN") {
    ##try some start parameters from the input values to makes the fitting more stable
    for(i in 1:length(a.MC)){

      ##start: with EXP function
      fit.EXP <- try({
        formula = .toFormula(fit.functionEXP, env = currn_env),
        data = data,
        start = c(a=a,b=b,c=c),
        trace = FALSE,
        algorithm = "port",
        lower = c(a=0, b>10, c = 0),
        control = nls.control(maxiter=100,warnOnly=FALSE,minFactor=1/1024)

      if(!inherits(fit.EXP, "try-error")){
        #get parameters out of it

        ##end: with EXP function

          formula = .toFormula(fit.functionEXPLIN, env = currn_env),
          data = data,
          start = c(a=a,b=b,c=c,g=g),
          trace = FALSE,
          algorithm = "port",
          lower = if(fit.bounds){
          else{c(a = -Inf,b = -Inf,c = -Inf,g = -Inf)
          control = nls.control(
            maxiter = 500,
            warnOnly = FALSE,
            minFactor = 1/2048) #increase max. iterations
      )}, silent=TRUE)

      if(!inherits(fit, "try-error")){
        #get parameters out of it
        a.start[i] <- as.vector((parameters["a"]))
        b.start[i] <- as.vector((parameters["b"]))
        c.start[i] <- as.vector((parameters["c"]))
        g.start[i] <- as.vector((parameters["g"]))
    }##end for loop

    ## used mean as start parameters for the final fitting
    a <- median(na.exclude(a.start))
    b <- median(na.exclude(b.start))
    c <- median(na.exclude(c.start))
    g <- median(na.exclude(g.start))

    lower <- if (fit.bounds) c(0, 10, 0, 0) else rep(-Inf, 4)
    upper <- if (fit.force_through_origin) c(Inf, Inf, 0, Inf) else rep(Inf, 4)

    ##perform final fitting
    fit <- try(minpack.lm::nlsLM(
      formula = .toFormula(fit.functionEXPLIN, env = currn_env),
      data = data,
      start = list(a = a, b = b,c = c, g = g),
      weights = fit.weights,
      trace = FALSE,
      algorithm = "LM",
      lower = lower,
      upper = upper,
      control = minpack.lm::nls.lm.control(maxiter = 500)
    ), silent = TRUE

    #if try error stop calculation
    if(!inherits(fit, "try-error")){
      #get parameters out of it
      parameters <- coef(fit)
      a <- as.vector((parameters["a"]))
      b <- as.vector((parameters["b"]))
      c <- as.vector((parameters["c"]))
      g <- as.vector((parameters["g"]))

      #problem: analytically it is not easy to calculate x,
      #use uniroot to solve that problem ... readjust function first
      f.unirootEXPLIN <- function(a, b, c, g, x, LnTn) {
        fit.functionEXPLIN(a, b, c, g, x) - LnTn

      if (mode == "interpolation") {
        LnTn <- sample[1, 2]
        min.val <- 0
      } else if (mode == "extrapolation") {
        LnTn <- 0
        min.val <- -1e6

      De <- NA
      if (mode != "alternate") {
        temp.De <-  try(uniroot(
          f = f.unirootEXPLIN,
          interval = c(min.val, max(xy$x) * 1.5),
          tol = 0.001,
          a = a,
          b = b,
          c = c,
          g = g,
          LnTn = LnTn,
          extendInt = "yes",
          maxiter = 3000
        silent = TRUE)

        if (!inherits(temp.De, "try-error")) {
          De <- temp.De$root


      ##Monte Carlo Simulation for error estimation
      #	--Fit many curves and calculate a new De +/- De_Error
      #	--take De_Error

      #set variables
      var.a <- vector(mode="numeric", length=NumberIterations.MC)
      var.b <- vector(mode="numeric", length=NumberIterations.MC)
      var.c <- vector(mode="numeric", length=NumberIterations.MC)
      var.g <- vector(mode="numeric", length=NumberIterations.MC)

      ##set progressbar
        cat("\n\t Run Monte Carlo loops for error estimation of the EXP+LIN fit\n")
        pb <- txtProgressBar(min=0,max=NumberIterations.MC, char="=", style=3)

      ## start Monte Carlo loops
      for(i in  1:NumberIterations.MC){
        data <- data.frame(x=xy$x,y=data.MC[,i])

        ##perform MC fitting
        fit.MC <- try(minpack.lm::nlsLM(
          formula = .toFormula(fit.functionEXPLIN, env = currn_env),
          data = data,
          start = list(a = a, b = b,c = c, g = g),
          weights = fit.weights,
          trace = FALSE,
          algorithm = "LM",
          lower = if (fit.bounds) {
            c(-Inf,-Inf,-Inf, -Inf)
          control = minpack.lm::nls.lm.control(maxiter = 500)
        ), silent = TRUE

        #get parameters out of it including error handling
        if (inherits(fit.MC, "try-error")) {
          x.natural[i] <- NA

        }else {
          parameters <- coef(fit.MC)
          var.a[i] <- as.vector((parameters["a"]))
          var.b[i] <- as.vector((parameters["b"]))
          var.c[i] <- as.vector((parameters["c"]))
          var.g[i] <- as.vector((parameters["g"]))

          if (mode == "interpolation") {
            LnTn <- data.MC.De[i]
            min.val <- 0
          } else if (mode == "extrapolation") {
            LnTn <- 0
            min.val <- -1e6

          #problem: analytically it is not easy to calculate x,
          #use uniroot to solve this problem
          temp.De.MC <- try(uniroot(
              f = f.unirootEXPLIN,
              interval = c(min.val, max(xy$x) * 1.5),
              tol = 0.001,
              a = var.a[i],
              b = var.b[i],
              c = var.c[i],
              g = var.g[i],
              LnTn = LnTn
            silent = TRUE)

          if (!inherits(temp.De.MC, "try-error")) {
            x.natural[i] <- temp.De.MC$root
          } else{
            x.natural[i] <- NA
        ##update progress bar
        if(txtProgressBar) setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)

      }#end for loop

      if(txtProgressBar) close(pb)

      ##remove objects
      rm(var.b, var.a, var.c, var.g)

      .report_fit(NA, " (fitting FAILED)")

    } #end if "try-error" Fit Method

  } #End if EXP+LIN

  ## EXP+EXP ----------------------------------------------------------------
  else if (fit.method == "EXP+EXP") {
    a1.start <- NA
    a2.start <- NA
    b1.start <- NA
    b2.start <- NA

    ## try to create some start parameters from the input values to make the fitting more stable
    for(i in 1:50) {
      a1 <- a.MC[i];b1 <- b.MC[i];
      a2 <- a.MC[i] / 2; b2 <- b.MC[i] / 2

      fit.start <- try({
        nls(formula = .toFormula(fit.functionEXPEXP, env = currn_env),
        data = data,
        start = c(
          a1 = a1,a2 = a2,b1 = b1,b2 = b2
        trace = FALSE,
        algorithm = "port",
        lower = c(a1 > 0,a2 > 0,b1 > 0,b2 > 0),
          maxiter = 500,warnOnly = FALSE,minFactor = 1 / 2048
        ) #increase max. iterations
      silent = TRUE)

      if (!inherits(fit.start, "try-error")) {
        #get parameters out of it
        parameters <- coef(fit.start)
        a1.start[i] <- as.vector((parameters["a1"]))
        b1.start[i] <- as.vector((parameters["b1"]))
        a2.start[i] <- as.vector((parameters["a2"]))
        b2.start[i] <- as.vector((parameters["b2"]))

    ##use obtained parameters for fit input
    a1.start <- median(a1.start, na.rm = TRUE)
    b1.start <- median(b1.start, na.rm = TRUE)
    a2.start <- median(a2.start, na.rm = TRUE)
    b2.start <- median(b2.start, na.rm = TRUE)

    lower <- if (fit.bounds) rep(0, 4) else rep(-Inf, 4)

    ##perform final fitting
    fit <- try(minpack.lm::nlsLM(
      formula = .toFormula(fit.functionEXPEXP, env = currn_env),
      data = data,
      start = list(a1 = a1, b1 = b1, a2 = a2, b2 = b2),
      weights = fit.weights,
      trace = FALSE,
      algorithm = "LM",
      lower = lower,
      control = minpack.lm::nls.lm.control(maxiter = 500)
    ), silent = TRUE

    ##insert if for try-error
    if (!inherits(fit, "try-error")) {
      #get parameters out of it
      parameters <- coef(fit)
      b1 <- as.vector((parameters["b1"]))
      b2 <- as.vector((parameters["b2"]))
      a1 <- as.vector((parameters["a1"]))
      a2 <- as.vector((parameters["a2"]))

      ##set D0 values
      D01 <- round(b1,digits = 2)
      D02 <- round(b2,digits = 2)

      #problem: analytically it is not easy to calculate x, use uniroot
      De <- NA
      if (mode == "interpolation") {
        f.unirootEXPEXP <-
          function(a1, a2, b1, b2, x, LnTn) {
            fit.functionEXPEXP(a1, a2, b1, b2, x) - LnTn

        temp.De <-  try(uniroot(
          f = f.unirootEXPEXP,
          interval = c(0, max(xy$x) * 1.5),
          tol = 0.001,
          a1 = a1,
          a2 = a2,
          b1 = b1,
          b2 = b2,
          LnTn = sample[1, 2],
          extendInt = "yes",
          maxiter = 3000
        silent = TRUE)

        if (!inherits(temp.De, "try-error")) {
          De <- temp.De$root

        ##remove object

      }else if (mode == "extrapolation"){
        .throw_error("Mode 'extrapolation' for fitting method 'EXP+EXP' ",
                     "not supported")

      #print D0 and De value values
      .report_fit(De, " | D01 = ", D01, " | D02 = ", D02)

      ##Monte Carlo Simulation for error estimation
      #	--Fit many curves and calculate a new De +/- De_Error
      #	--take De_Error from the simulation
      # --comparison of De from the MC and original fitted De gives a value for quality

      #set variables
      var.b1 <- vector(mode="numeric", length=NumberIterations.MC)
      var.b2 <- vector(mode="numeric", length=NumberIterations.MC)
      var.a1 <- vector(mode="numeric", length=NumberIterations.MC)
      var.a2 <- vector(mode="numeric", length=NumberIterations.MC)

      ##progress bar
        cat("\n\t Run Monte Carlo loops for error estimation of the EXP+EXP fit\n")
        pb<-txtProgressBar(min=0,max=NumberIterations.MC, initial=0, char="=", style=3)

      ## start Monte Carlo loops
      for (i in 1:NumberIterations.MC) {
        #update progress bar
        if(txtProgressBar) setTxtProgressBar(pb,i)


        ##perform final fitting
        fit.MC <- try(minpack.lm::nlsLM(
          formula = .toFormula(fit.functionEXPEXP, env = currn_env),
          data = data,
          start = list(a1 = a1, b1 = b1, a2 = a2, b2 = b2),
          weights = fit.weights,
          trace = FALSE,
          algorithm = "LM",
          lower = lower,
          control = minpack.lm::nls.lm.control(maxiter = 500)
        ), silent = TRUE

        #get parameters out of it including error handling
        if (inherits(fit.MC, "try-error")) {

        }else {
          parameters <- (coef(fit.MC))
          var.b1[i] <- as.vector((parameters["b1"]))
          var.b2[i] <- as.vector((parameters["b2"]))
          var.a1[i] <- as.vector((parameters["a1"]))
          var.a2[i] <- as.vector((parameters["a2"]))

          #problem: analytically it is not easy to calculate x, here an simple approximation is made

          temp.De.MC <-  try(uniroot(
            f = f.unirootEXPEXP,
            interval = c(0,max(xy$x) * 1.5),
            tol = 0.001,
            a1 = var.a1[i],
            a2 = var.a2[i],
            b1 = var.b1[i],
            b2 = var.b2[i],
            LnTn = data.MC.De[i]
          ), silent = TRUE)

          if (!inherits(temp.De.MC, "try-error")) {
            x.natural[i] <- temp.De.MC$root
            x.natural[i] <- NA

        } #end if "try-error" MC simulation

      } #end for loop

      ##write D01.ERROR
      D01.ERROR <- sd(var.b1, na.rm = TRUE)
      D02.ERROR <- sd(var.b2, na.rm = TRUE)

      ##remove values
      rm(var.b1, var.b2, var.a1, var.a2)

      .report_fit(NA, " (fitting FAILED)")

    } #end if "try-error" Fit Method

    if(txtProgressBar) if(exists("pb")){close(pb)}

  ## GOK --------------------------------------------------------------------
  else if (fit.method[1] == "GOK") {

    lower <- if (fit.bounds) rep(0, 4) else rep(-Inf, 4)
    upper <- if (fit.force_through_origin) c(Inf, Inf, Inf, 1) else rep(Inf, 4)

    fit <- try(minpack.lm::nlsLM(
      formula = .toFormula(fit.functionGOK, env = currn_env),
      data = data,
      start = list(a = a, b = b, c = 1, d = 1),
      weights = fit.weights,
      trace = FALSE,
      algorithm = "LM",
      lower = lower,
      upper = upper,
      control = minpack.lm::nls.lm.control(maxiter = 500)
    ), silent = TRUE)

    if (inherits(fit, "try-error")){
      if(verbose) writeLines("[fit_DoseResponseCurve()] try-error for GOK fit")

      #get parameters out of it
      parameters <- (coef(fit))
      b <- as.vector((parameters["b"]))
      a <- as.vector((parameters["a"]))
      c <- as.vector((parameters["c"]))
      d <- as.vector((parameters["d"]))

      #calculate De
      y <- sample[1,2]
      De <- switch(
        "interpolation" = suppressWarnings(-(b * (( (a * d - y)/a)^c - 1) * ( ((a * d - y)/a)^-c  )) / c),
        "extrapolation" = suppressWarnings(-(b * (( (a * d - 0)/a)^c - 1) * ( ((a * d - 0)/a)^-c  )) / c),

      #print D01 value
      D01 <- b

      .report_fit(De, " | D01 = ", round(D01, 2), " | c = ", round(c, 2))

      #EXP MC -----
      ##Monte Carlo Simulation
      #	--Fit many curves and calculate a new De +/- De_Error
      #	--take De_Error

      #set variables
      var.a <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = NumberIterations.MC)
      var.b <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = NumberIterations.MC)
      var.c <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = NumberIterations.MC)
      var.d <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = NumberIterations.MC)

      #start loop
      for (i in 1:NumberIterations.MC) {
        ##set data set
        data <- data.frame(x = xy$x,y = data.MC[,i])

        fit.MC <- try({
          formula = .toFormula(fit.functionGOK, env = currn_env),
          data = data,
          start = list(a = a, b = b, c = 1, d = 1),
          weights = fit.weights,
          trace = FALSE,
          algorithm = "LM",
          lower = lower,
          upper = upper,
          control = minpack.lm::nls.lm.control(maxiter = 500)
        )}, silent = TRUE)

        # get parameters out of it including error handling
        if (inherits(fit.MC, "try-error")) {
          x.natural[i] <- NA

        } else {
          # get parameters out
          var.a[i] <- as.vector((parameters["a"])) #Imax
          var.b[i] <- as.vector((parameters["b"])) #D0
          var.c[i] <- as.vector((parameters["c"])) #kinetic order modifier
          var.d[i] <- as.vector((parameters["d"])) #origin

          # calculate x.natural for error calculation
          x.natural[i] <- switch(
            "interpolation" = suppressWarnings(-(var.b[i] * (( (var.a[i] * var.d[i] - data.MC.De[i])/var.a[i])^var.c[i] - 1) *
                                                   (((var.a[i] * var.d[i] - data.MC.De[i])/var.a[i])^-var.c[i]  )) / var.c[i]),
           "extrapolation" = suppressWarnings(abs(-(var.b[i] * (( (var.a[i] * var.d[i] - 0)/var.a[i])^var.c[i] - 1) *
                                                      ( ((var.a[i] * var.d[i] - 0)/var.a[i])^-var.c[i]  )) / var.c[i])),

      }#end for loop

      ##write D01.ERROR
      D01.ERROR <- sd(var.b, na.rm = TRUE)

      ##remove values
      rm(var.b, var.a, var.c)

  ## LambertW ---------------------------------------------------------------
  else if (fit.method == "LambertW") {

    if(mode == "extrapolation"){
      Dint_lower <- 50 ##TODO - fragile ... however it is only used by a few

    } else{
      Dint_lower <- 0.01

    lower <- if (fit.bounds) c(0, 0, 0, Dint_lower) else rep(-Inf, 4)
    upper <- if (fit.force_through_origin) c(10, Inf, Inf, 0) else c(10, Inf, Inf, Inf)

    fit <- try(minpack.lm::nlsLM(
          formula = .toFormula(fit.functionLambertW, env = currn_env),
          data = data,
          start = list(R = 0, Dc = b, N = b, Dint = 0),
          weights = fit.weights,
          trace = FALSE,
          algorithm = "LM",
          lower = lower,
          upper = upper,
          control = minpack.lm::nls.lm.control(maxiter = 500)
        ), silent = TRUE)

        if (inherits(fit, "try-error")){
          if(verbose) writeLines("[fit_DoseResponseCurve()] try-error for LambertW fit")

          #get parameters out of it
          parameters <- coef(fit)
          R <- as.vector((parameters["R"]))
          Dc <- as.vector((parameters["Dc"]))
          N <- as.vector((parameters["N"]))
          Dint <- as.vector((parameters["Dint"]))

          #calculate De
          De <- NA
          if(mode == "interpolation"){
             De <- try(suppressWarnings(stats::uniroot(
               f = function(x, R, Dc, N, Dint, LnTn) {
                 fit.functionLambertW(R, Dc, N, Dint, x) - LnTn},
               interval = c(0, max(sample[[1]]) * 1.2),
               R = R,
               Dc = Dc,
               N = N,
               Dint = Dint,
               LnTn = sample[1,2])$root), silent = TRUE)

          }else if (mode == "extrapolation"){
            De <- try(suppressWarnings(stats::uniroot(
              f = function(x, R, Dc, N, Dint) {
                fit.functionLambertW(R, Dc, N, Dint, x)},
              interval = c(-max(sample[[1]]),0),
              R = R,
              Dc = Dc,
              N = N,
              Dint = Dint)$root), silent = TRUE)

            ## there are cases where the function cannot calculate the root
            ## due to its shape, here we have to use the minimum
            if(inherits(De, "try-error")){
                  "Standard root estimation using stats::uniroot() failed. ",
                  "Using stats::optimize() instead, which may lead, however, ",
                  "to unexpected and inconclusive results for fit.method = 'LambertW'")

              De <- try(suppressWarnings(stats::optimize(
                f = function(x, R, Dc, N, Dint) {
                  fit.functionLambertW(R, Dc, N, Dint, x)},
                interval = c(-max(sample[[1]]),0),
                R = R,
                Dc = Dc,
                N = N,
                Dint = Dint)$minimum), silent = TRUE)

          if(inherits(De, "try-error")) De <- NA

          .report_fit(De, " | R = ", round(R, 2), " | Dc = ", round(Dc, 2))

          #LambertW MC -----
          ##Monte Carlo Simulation
          #	--Fit many curves and calculate a new De +/- De_Error
          #	--take De_Error
          #set variables
          var.R <-  var.Dc <- var.N <- var.Dint <- vector(
            mode = "numeric", length = NumberIterations.MC)

          #start loop
          for (i in 1:NumberIterations.MC) {
            ##set data set
            data <- data.frame(x = xy$x,y = data.MC[,i])
            fit.MC <- try(minpack.lm::nlsLM(
              formula = .toFormula(fit.functionLambertW, env = currn_env),
              data = data,
              start = list(R = 0, Dc = b, N = 0, Dint = 0),
              weights = fit.weights,
              trace = FALSE,
              algorithm = "LM",
              lower = if (fit.bounds) c(0, 0, 0, Dint*runif(1,0,2)) else c(-Inf,-Inf,-Inf, -Inf),
              upper = upper,
              control = minpack.lm::nls.lm.control(maxiter = 500)
            ), silent = TRUE)

            # get parameters out of it including error handling
            x.natural[i] <- NA
            if (!inherits(fit.MC, "try-error")) {
              # get parameters out
              var.R[i] <- as.vector((parameters["R"]))
              var.Dc[i] <- as.vector((parameters["Dc"]))
              var.N[i] <- as.vector((parameters["N"]))
              var.Dint[i] <- as.vector((parameters["Dint"]))

              # calculate x.natural for error calculation
              if(mode == "interpolation"){
                try <- try(
                  f = function(x, R, Dc, N, Dint, LnTn) {
                    fit.functionLambertW(R, Dc, N, Dint, x) - LnTn},
                  interval = c(0, max(sample[[1]]) * 1.2),
                  R = var.R[i],
                  Dc = var.Dc[i],
                  N = var.N[i],
                  Dint = var.Dint[i],
                  LnTn = data.MC.De[i])$root)
                }, silent = TRUE)

              }else if(mode == "extrapolation"){
                try <- try(
                    f = function(x, R, Dc, N, Dint) {
                      fit.functionLambertW(R, Dc, N, Dint, x)},
                    interval = c(-max(sample[[1]]), 0),
                    R = var.R[i],
                    Dc = var.Dc[i],
                    N = var.N[i],
                    Dint = var.Dint[i])$root),
                  silent = TRUE)

                if(inherits(try, "try-error")){
                  try <- try(suppressWarnings(stats::optimize(
                    f = function(x, R, Dc, N, Dint) {
                      fit.functionLambertW(R, Dc, N, Dint, x)},
                    interval = c(-max(sample[[1]]),0),
                    R = var.R[i],
                    Dc = var.Dc[i],
                    N = var.N[i],
                    Dint = var.Dint[i])$minimum),
                    silent = TRUE)
              }##endif extrapolation
              if(!inherits(try, "try-error") && !inherits(try, "function"))
                x.natural[i] <- try

          }#end for loop

          ##we need absolute numbers
          x.natural <- abs(x.natural)

          ##write Dc.ERROR
          Dc.ERROR <- sd(var.Dc, na.rm = TRUE)

          ##remove values
          rm(var.R, var.Dc, var.N, var.Dint)

    }#endif::try-error fit
  }#End if Fit Method

  #Get De values from Monte Carlo simulation

  #calculate mean and sd (ignore NaN values)
  De.MonteCarlo <- mean(na.exclude(x.natural))

  #De.Error is Error of the whole De (ignore NaN values)
  De.Error <- sd(na.exclude(x.natural))

  # Formula creation --------------------------------------------------------

  ## This information is part of the fit object output anyway, but
  ## we keep it here for legacy reasons
  fit_formula <- NA
  if(!inherits(fit, "try-error") && !is.na(fit[1]))
    fit_formula <- .replace_coef(fit)

# Output ------------------------------------------------------------------
  ##calculate HPDI
  HPDI <- matrix(c(NA,NA,NA,NA), ncol = 4)
    HPDI <- cbind(
      .calc_HPDI(x.natural, prob = 0.68)[1, ,drop = FALSE],
      .calc_HPDI(x.natural, prob = 0.95)[1, ,drop = FALSE])

  ## calculate the n/N value (the relative saturation level)
  ## the absolute intensity is the integral of curve
      ## define the function
      f_int <- function(x) eval(fit_formula)

      ## run integrations (they may fail; so we have to check)
      N <- try({
          stats::integrate(f_int, lower = 0, upper = max(xy$x, na.rm = TRUE))$value)
      }, silent = TRUE)
      n <- try({
          stats::integrate(f_int, lower = 0, upper = max(De, na.rm = TRUE))$value)
      }, silent = TRUE)

      if(inherits(N, "try-error") || inherits(n, "try-error"))
        n_N <- NA
        n_N <- n/N

  output <- try(data.frame(
    De = abs(De),
    De.Error = De.Error,
    D01 = D01,
    D01.ERROR = D01.ERROR,
    D02 = D02,
    D02.ERROR = D02.ERROR,
    Dc = Dc,
    n_N = n_N,
    De.MC = De.MonteCarlo,
    Fit = fit.method,
    HPDI68_L = HPDI[1,1],
    HPDI68_U = HPDI[1,2],
    HPDI95_L = HPDI[1,3],
    HPDI95_U = HPDI[1,4],
    row.names = NULL
  silent = TRUE

  ##make RLum.Results object
  output.final <- set_RLum(
    class = "RLum.Results",
    data = list(
      De = output,
      De.MC = x.natural,
      Fit = fit,
      Formula = fit_formula
    info = list(
      call = sys.call()

# Helper functions in fit_DoseResponseCurve() -------------------------------------
#'@title Replace coefficients in formula
#'Replace the parameters in a fitting function by the true, fitted values.
#'This way the results can be easily used by the other functions
#'@param f [nls] or [lm] (**required**): the output object of the fitting
#'@returns Returns an [expression]
.replace_coef <- function(f) {
  ## get formula as character string
  if(inherits(f, "nls")) {
    str <- as.character(f$m$formula())[3]
    param <- coef(f)

  } else {
    str <- "a * x + b * x^2 + n"
    param <- c(n = 0, a = 0, b = 0)
     if(!"(Intercept)" %in% names(coef(f)))
      param[2:(length(coef(f))+1)] <- coef(f)
      param[1:length(coef(f))] <- coef(f)

  ## replace
  for(i in 1:length(param))
    str <- gsub(
      pattern = names(param)[i],
      replacement = format(param[i], digits = 3, scientific = TRUE),
      x = str,
      fixed = TRUE)

  ## return
  return(parse(text = str))

#'@title Convert function to formula
#'@description The fitting functions are provided as functions, however, later is
#'easer to work with them as expressions, this functions converts to formula
#'@param f [function] (**required**): function to be converted
#'@param env [environment] (*with default*): environment for the formula
#'creation. This argument is required otherwise it can cause all kind of
#'very complicated to-track-down errors when R tries to access the function
.toFormula <- function(f, env) {
  ## deparse
  tmp <- deparse(f)

  ## set formula
  ## this is very fragile and works only if the functions are constructed
  ## without {} brackets, otherwise it will not work in combination
  ## of covr and testthat
  tmp_formula <- as.formula(paste0("y ~ ", paste(tmp[-1], collapse = "")), env = env)

R-Lum/Luminescence documentation built on Oct. 16, 2024, 5:49 a.m.