##' Fit the COMPASS Model
##' This function fits the \code{COMPASS} model.
##' @section Category Filter:
##' The category filter is used to exclude categories (combinations of
##' markers expressed for a particular cell) that are expressed very rarely.
##' It is applied to the \code{treatment} \emph{counts} matrix, which is a
##' \code{N} samples by \code{K} categories matrix. Those categories which
##' are mostly unexpressed can be excluded here. For example, the default
##' criteria,
##' \code{category_filter=function(x) colSums(x > 5) > 2}
##' indicates that we should only retain categories for which at least three samples
##' had at least six cells expressing that particular combination of markers.
##' @param data An object of class \code{COMPASSContainer}.
##' @param treatment An \R expression, evaluated within the metadata, that
##' returns \code{TRUE} for those samples that should belong to the
##' treatment group. For example, if the samples that received a positive
##' stimulation were named \code{"92TH023 Env"} within a variable in
##' \code{meta} called \code{Stim}, you could write \code{Stim == "92TH023 Env"}.
##' The expression should have the name of the stimulation vector on the
##' left hand side.
##' @param control An \R expression, evaluated within the metadata, that
##' returns \code{TRUE} for those samples that should belong to the
##' control group. See above for details.
##' @param subset An expression used to subset the data. We keep only the samples
##' for which the expression evaluates to \code{TRUE} in the metadata.
##' @param category_filter A filter for the categories that are generated. This is a
##' function that will be applied to the \emph{treatment counts} matrix generated from
##' the intensities. Only categories meeting the \code{category_filter} criteria will
##' be kept.
##' @param filter_lowest_frequency A number specifying how many of the least
##' expressed markers should be removed.
##' @param filter_specific_markers Similar to \code{filter_lowest_frequency},
##' but lets you explicitly exclude markers.
##' @param model A string denoting which model to fit; currently, only
##' the discrete model (\code{"discrete"}) is available.
##' @param iterations The number of iterations (per 'replication') to perform.
##' @param replications The number of 'replications' to perform. In order to
##' conserve memory, we only keep the model estimates from the last replication.
##' @param keep_original_data Keep the original \code{COMPASSContainer}
##' as part of the \code{COMPASS} output? If memory or disk space is an issue,
##' you may set this to \code{FALSE}.
##' @param verbose Boolean; if \code{TRUE} we output progress information.
##' @param dropDegreeOne Boolean; if \code{TRUE} we drop degree one categories
##' and merge them with the negative subset.
##' @param init_with_fisher Boolean;initialize from fisher's exact test. Any subset and subject with lower 95% log odds estimate >1 will be initialized as a responder.
##' Otherwise initialize very subject and subset as a responder except those where ps <= pu.
##' @param run_model_or_return_data \code{character} defaults to \code{"run_model"} otherwise set it to \code{"return_data"} in order to not fit the model just return the data set needed for modeling. Useful for extracting the boolean counts.
##' @param ... Other arguments; currently unused.
##' @seealso
##' \itemize{
##' \item \code{\link{COMPASSContainer}}, for constructing the data object
##' required by \code{COMPASS}
##' }
##' @return A \code{COMPASSResult} is a list with the following components:
##' \item{fit}{A list of various fitted parameters resulting from the
##' \code{COMPASS} model fitting procedure.}
##' \item{data}{The data used as input to the \code{COMPASS} fitting
##' procedure -- in particular, the counts matrices generated for the
##' selected categories, \code{n_s} and \code{n_u}, can be extracted
##' from here.}
##' \item{orig}{If \code{keep_original_data} was set to \code{TRUE}
##' in the \code{COMPASS} fit, then this will be the \code{COMPASSContainer}
##' passed in. This is primarily kept for easier running of the Shiny app.}
##' The \code{fit} component is a list with the following components:
##' \item{alpha_s}{The hyperparameter shared across all subjects under the
##' stimulated condition. It is updated through the \code{COMPASS} model
##' fitting process.}
##' \item{A_alphas}{The acceptance rate of \code{alpha_s}, as computed
##' through the MCMC sampling process in \code{COMPASS}.}
##' \item{alpha_u}{The hyperparameter shared across all subjects under the
##' unstimulated condition. It is updated through the \code{COMPASS}
##' model fitting process.}
##' \item{A_alphau}{The acceptance rate of \code{alpha_u}, as computed
##' through the MCMC sampling process in \code{COMPASS}.}
##' \item{gamma}{An array of dimensions \code{I x K x T}, where \code{I}
##' denotes the number of individuals, \code{K} denotes the number of
##' categories / subsets, and \code{T} denotes the number of iterations.
##' Each cell in a matrix for a given iteration is either zero or one,
##' reflecting whether individual \code{i} is responding to the stimulation
##' for subset \code{k}.}
##' \item{mean_gamma}{A matrix of mean response rates. Each cell denotes
##' the mean response of individual \code{i} and subset \code{k}.}
##' \item{A_gamma}{The acceptance rate for the gamma. Each element
##' corresponds to the number of times an individual's \code{gamma}
##' vector was updated.}
##' \item{categories}{The category matrix, showing which categories
##' entered the model.}
##' \item{model}{The type of model called.}
##' \item{posterior}{Posterior measures from the sample fit.}
##' \item{call}{The matched call used to generate the model fit.}
##' The \code{data} component is a list with the following components:
##' \item{n_s}{The counts matrix for stimulated samples.}
##' \item{n_u}{The counts matrix for unstimulated samples.}
##' \item{counts_s}{Total cell counts for stimulated samples.}
##' \item{counts_u}{Total cell counts for unstimulated samples.}
##' \item{categories}{The categories matrix used to define which
##' categories will enter the model.}
##' \item{meta}{The metadata. Note that only \strong{individual-level} metadata
##' will be kept; sample-specific metadata is dropped.}
##' \item{sample_id}{The name of the vector in the metadata used to
##' identify the samples.}
##' \item{individual_id}{The name of the vector in the metadata used
##' to identify the individuals.}
##' The \code{orig} component (included if \code{keep_original_data} is
##' \code{TRUE}) is the \code{\link{COMPASSContainer}} object used in the model
##' fit.
##' @export
##' @example examples/COMPASS_fit.R
COMPASS <- function(data, treatment, control, subset=NULL,
category_filter=function(x) colSums(x > 5) > 2,
filter_lowest_frequency=0, filter_specific_markers=NULL,
iterations=40000, replications=8,
verbose=TRUE, dropDegreeOne=FALSE, init_with_fisher=FALSE,
run_model_or_return_data="run_model",...) {
if (!inherits(data, "COMPASSContainer")) {
stop("'data' must be an object of class 'COMPASSContainer'; see the ",
"constructor 'COMPASSContainer' for more details.", call.=FALSE)
## used for brevity in later parts of code
sid <- data$sample_id
iid <- data$individual_id
vmessage <- function(...) if (verbose) message(...) else invisible(NULL)
call <- match.call()
## make sure all the data input
## will survive the model fitting
null_data <- sapply(data$data, is.null)
bad_samples <- names(data$data)[null_data]
if (any(null_data)) {
warning("The following samples had no cytometry data available ",
"and will not be included in the model fit:\n\t: ",
paste( bad_samples, collapse=", ")
data$data <- data$data[ !(names(data$data) %in% bad_samples) ]
data$counts <- data$counts[ !(names(data$counts) %in% bad_samples) ]
data$meta <- data$meta[ !(data$meta[[sid]] %in% bad_samples), ]
## If the object in the call is a symbol, try evaluating it partially
if (is.symbol(call$treatment)) call$treatment <- eval(call$treatment)
treatment <- call$treatment
if (!is.call(treatment)) {
stop("'treatment' must be an expression that defines the samples encompassing ",
"the treatment group.", call.=FALSE)
if (is.symbol(call$control)) call$control <- eval(call$control)
control <- call$control
if (!is.call(control)) {
stop("'control' must be an expression that defines the samples encompassing ",
"the control group.", call.=FALSE)
subset <- call$subset
## subset the data
if (!is.null(subset)) {
keep <- data$meta[[sid]][eval(subset, envir=data$meta)]
vmessage("Subsetting has removed ", length(data$data) - length(keep),
" of ", length(data$data), " samples.")
data$data <- data$data[ names(data$data) %in% keep ]
data$meta <- data$meta[ data$meta[[sid]] %in% keep, ]
.get_data <- function(data, expr, group) {
which <- eval(expr, envir=data$meta, enclos=parent.frame(n=2))
samples <- data$meta[[sid]][which]
samples <- samples[ samples %in% names(data$data) ]
individuals <- unique(data$meta[[iid]][ data$meta[[sid]] %in% samples ])
individuals <- individuals[ !is.na(individuals) ]
vmessage("There are a total of ", length(samples), " samples from ",
length(individuals), " individuals in the '", group, "' group.")
if (length(samples) > length(individuals)) {
vmessage("There are multiple samples per individual; ",
"these will be aggregated.")
output <- vector("list", length(individuals))
for (i in seq_along(output)) {
indiv <- individuals[i]
## get the samples belonging to the current individual
c_samples <- samples[ samples %in% data$meta[[sid]][ data$meta[[iid]] == indiv ] ]
output[[i]] <- do.call(rbind, data$data[match(c_samples, names(data$data))])
names(output) <- individuals
y_s <- .get_data(data, treatment, "treatment")
y_u <- .get_data(data, control, "control")
## make sure the names match up
ys_names <- names(y_s)
yu_names <- names(y_u)
diff <- setdiff(
union(ys_names, yu_names),
intersect(ys_names, yu_names)
if (length(diff)) {
vmessage("The selection criteria for 'treatment' and 'control' do not produce ",
"paired samples for each individual. The following individual(s) will be dropped:\n\t",
paste(diff, collapse=", "))
keep <- intersect(ys_names, yu_names)
ys_keep <- match(keep, ys_names)
yu_keep <- match(keep, yu_names)
y_s <- y_s[ys_keep]
y_u <- y_u[yu_keep]
if (length(y_s) == 0 || length(y_u) == 0) {
stop("Filtering has removed all samples.", call.=FALSE)
## reorder y_u to match order of y_s
y_u <- y_u[ match(names(y_s), names(y_u)) ]
## filter lowest frequency markers (i.e. marginalize over rarely expressed
## markers so we get fewer singleton categories)
proportions_expressed <- colMeans(do.call(rbind, y_s) > 0)
## markers we specifically want to drop
drop_markers <- NULL
c1 <- 0 < filter_lowest_frequency
c2 <- filter_lowest_frequency < (length(proportions_expressed) - 2)
if (c1 && c2) {
drop_markers <- c(sort(proportions_expressed, decreasing = FALSE)[1:filter_lowest_frequency])
keep_markers <- setdiff(
c(names(drop_markers), filter_specific_markers)
## subset based on the markers we keep
y_s <- lapply(y_s, function(x) x[, keep_markers, drop=FALSE])
y_u <- lapply(y_u, function(x) x[, keep_markers, drop=FALSE])
## remove the null cells
y_s <- lapply(y_s, function(x) x[rowSums(x) > 0, , drop=FALSE])
y_u <- lapply(y_u, function(x) x[rowSums(x) > 0, , drop=FALSE])
## generate the categories matrix here, and with it, the counts
.generate_categories <- function(data) {
## i'm sorry
tmp <- unique( as.data.table( lapply( lapply( as.data.table( do.call( rbind, data ) ), as.logical ), as.integer ) ) )
tmp[, c("Counts") := apply(.SD, 1, sum)]
setkeyv(tmp, c("Counts", rev(names(tmp))))
output <- as.matrix(tmp)
## the model output requires the last row to be the 'null' category;
## ie, number of cells that did not express one of the combinations
output <- rbind(output, 0)
categories <- .generate_categories( c(y_s, y_u) )
.counts <- function(y, categories, counts) {
## transform categories matrix into a list suitable for the counts function
combos <- as.list( as.data.frame( apply(categories[, -ncol(categories)], 1, function(x) {
tmp <- c( which(x == 1), -which(x == 0) )
tmp <- tmp[ match(1:length(tmp), abs(tmp)) ]
## generate nice names for the combos
names(combos) <- unname(sapply(combos, function(x) {
n <- length(x)
paste0( sep='', collapse='&',
swap(x, c(-n:-1, 1:n), c( rep("!", n), rep("", n) ) ),
m <- .Call(C_COMPASS_CellCounts, y, combos)
## set the last column to be the 'null'
m[, ncol(m)] <- counts[ names(y) ] - apply(m[,-ncol(m), drop=FALSE], 1, sum)
## we have to regenerate cell count totals (by individual) to account
## for aggregation
.update_total_CellCounts <- function(counts, individuals, expr) {
which <- eval(expr, data$meta,enclos=parent.frame(n=2))
new_counts <- sapply(individuals, function(ind) {
## get the samples corresponding to the current individual, expr
which2 <- data$meta[[iid]] == ind
keep <- sapply(as.logical(which * which2), isTRUE)
smp <- as.character(data$meta[[sid]][keep])
return( sum(counts[smp]) )
counts_s <- .update_total_CellCounts(data$counts, names(y_s), treatment)
counts_u <- .update_total_CellCounts(data$counts, names(y_u), control)
n_s <- .counts(y_s, categories, counts_s)
n_u <- .counts(y_u, categories, counts_u)
## check for negative counts
.check_negative_counts <- function(x) {
if (any(x < 0)) stop("Internal error: negative counts in '", deparse(substitute(x)), "'")
return( invisible(NULL) )
## Check for rows in n_s, n_u with zero counts
.zero_counts <- function(x, group) {
bad_ids <- character()
rs <- rowSums(x)
for (i in seq_along(rs)) {
if (rs[i] < 1) {
bad_ids <- c(bad_ids, rownames(x)[i])
if (length(bad_ids))
vmessage("The following individual(s) had no cells available for ",
"the '", group, "' group and will be removed:\n\t",
paste(bad_ids, sep=", "))
bad_ids <- c(.zero_counts(n_s, "treatment"), .zero_counts(n_u, "control"))
if (length(bad_ids)) {
n_s <- n_s[ !(rownames(n_s) %in% bad_ids), ]
n_u <- n_u[ !(rownames(n_u) %in% bad_ids), ]
counts_s <- counts_s[ !(names(counts_s) %in% bad_ids) ]
counts_u <- counts_u[ !(names(counts_u) %in% bad_ids) ]
y_s <- y_s[ !(names(y_s) %in% bad_ids) ]
y_u <- y_u[ !(names(y_u) %in% bad_ids) ]
vmessage("The model will be run on ", length(y_s), " paired samples.")
## filter the categories matrix
if (!is.null(category_filter)) {
category_filter <- match.fun(category_filter)
del <- !category_filter(n_s)
if (is.logical(del)) {
del <- which(del)
## only do this if del actually has a length, otherwise we get a 1-column vector.
if (length(del) > 0) {
vmessage("The category filter has removed ", length(del), " of ", nrow(categories), " categories.")
## since we're dropping some categories, those cells must be accounted
## for. We add them to the negative cell category.
n_s[, ncol(n_s)] <- n_s[,ncol(n_s)] + rowSums(n_s[,del, drop = FALSE])
n_u[, ncol(n_u)] <- n_u[,ncol(n_u)] + rowSums(n_u[,del, drop = FALSE])
## now we drop them
n_s <- n_s[, -c(del), drop=FALSE]
n_u <- n_u[, -c(del), drop=FALSE]
categories <- categories[ -c(del), , drop=FALSE ]
} else {
vmessage("The category filter did not remove any categories.")
if (nrow(categories) < 2) {
stop("There must be at least 2 categories (including the null categoy) for testing.", call.=FALSE)
## Drop degree one categories if the option is set
.drop_degree_one <- function(categories=NULL,n_s=NULL,n_u=NULL){
to_drop <- categories[,"Counts"]==1
categories_new <- categories
n_s_new <- n_s
n_u_new <- n_u
nc <- ncol(n_s_new)
n_s_new[,nc] <- n_s_new[,nc]+rowSums(n_s[,to_drop])
n_u_new[,nc] <- n_u_new[,nc]+rowSums(n_u[,to_drop])
n_s_new <- n_s_new[,-which(to_drop),drop=FALSE]
n_u_new <- n_u_new[,-which(to_drop),drop=FALSE]
categories_new <- categories_new[!to_drop,,drop=FALSE]
reduced <- .drop_degree_one(categories=categories,n_s=n_s,n_u=n_u)
categories <- reduced$categories
n_s <- reduced$n_s
n_u <- reduced$n_u
}else if(class(dropDegreeOne)=="character"){
.drop_degree_one_ <- function(categories=NULL,n_s=NULL,n_u=NULL,marker=dropDegreeOne){
to_drop <- categories[,"Counts"]==1
stop(paste0("Invalid marker name(s): ",paste(marker[!marker%in%colnames(categories)],collapse=",")))
marker.test <- rowSums(categories[,marker,drop=FALSE])==1
to_drop <- to_drop&marker.test
categories_new <- categories
n_s_new <- n_s
n_u_new <- n_u
nc <- ncol(n_s_new)
n_s_new[,nc] <- n_s_new[,nc]+rowSums(n_s[,to_drop,drop=FALSE])
n_u_new[,nc] <- n_u_new[,nc]+rowSums(n_u[,to_drop,drop=FALSE])
n_s_new <- n_s_new[,-which(to_drop),drop=FALSE]
n_u_new <- n_u_new[,-which(to_drop),drop=FALSE]
categories_new <- categories_new[!to_drop,,drop=FALSE]
reduced <- .drop_degree_one_(categories=categories,n_s=n_s,n_u=n_u,marker=dropDegreeOne)
categories <- reduced$categories
n_s <- reduced$n_s
n_u <- reduced$n_u
vmessage("There are a total of ", nrow(categories), " categories to be tested.")
model <- match.arg(model)
## go to the model fitting processes
output <- list(
fit=.COMPASS.discrete(n_s=n_s, n_u=n_u, categories=categories,
iterations=iterations, replications=replications, verbose=verbose, init_with_fisher=init_with_fisher, ...),
data=list(n_s=n_s, n_u=n_u, counts_s=counts_s, counts_u=counts_u,
categories=categories, meta=data$meta, sample_id=data$sample_id,
output<-list(fit="No model was fitted");
if (keep_original_data) {
output$orig <- data
if(run_model_or_return_data == "run_model"){
## Compute the posterior ps-pu; log(ps)-log(pu)
vmessage("Computing the posterior difference in proportions, posterior log ratio...")
output$fit$posterior <- compute_posterior(output)
## Filter metadata
..iid.. <- iid
meta_dt <- as.data.table(data$meta)
## Only keep metadata variables that occur once for each subject
meta_counts <- meta_dt[, lapply(.SD, function(x) length(unique(x))), by=..iid..]
keep <- names(meta_counts)[sapply(meta_counts, function(x) all(x == 1))]
output$data$meta <- as.data.frame(
meta_dt[ meta_dt[, .I[1], by=eval(..iid..)]$V1 ][, c(..iid.., keep), with=FALSE]
## Make sure that the symbols in the 'treatment', 'control' are evaluated
## if 'treatment' is a call, make sure the right side gets evaluated
if (is.call(call[["treatment"]])) {
if (is.symbol( call[["treatment"]][[3]] )) {
call[["treatment"]][[3]] <- eval( call[["treatment"]][[3]] )
## similarily for 'control'
if (is.call(call[["control"]])) {
if (is.symbol( call[["control"]][[3]] )) {
call[["control"]][[3]] <- eval( call[["control"]][[3]] )
output$fit$call <- call
class(output) <- "COMPASSResult"
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