
Defines functions get_LDSC_fixed_args Create_GWAS_df Calculate_H2 Calculate_LDscore

Documented in Calculate_H2 Calculate_LDscore Create_GWAS_df get_LDSC_fixed_args

#' Function to calculate LD score for a number of annotations.
#' Note: For this to be able to run, annot.gz files should be stored in:
#' $ANNOTATION_BASEDIR refers to the common directory, $ANNOT_NAME refers to the
#' author of article from which the annotation is derived and
#' $ANNOTATION_SUBCATEGORY refers to the subcategories within the annotation.
#' Function should be run in the folder $ANNOT_NAME/
#' @param Command Python command to use. Default is "python", assuming this
#'   alias directs to python 2.7.
#' @param Annotation_Basedir Common directory wherein specific annotation is
#'   stored.
#' @param Annot_name  Name of annotation. This should be written exactly as
#'   written in the annotation directory name.
#' @param Annotation_Subcategories Annotation subcategories. If there is more
#'   than 1, these should be written precisely as in the folder, and should be
#'   entered with a comma separator without any spaces.
#' @param Fixed_Arguments List of fixed arguments. This can be created using the
#'   get_LDSC_fixed_args() function.
#' @param cores integer. Number of cores to parallelise across. Default = 1.
#' @return Will run LDscore script for all annotations and chromosomes.
#' @export

Calculate_LDscore <- function(Command = "python", Annotation_Basedir = NULL, Annot_name = NULL, Annotation_Subcategories = NULL, Fixed_Arguments = NULL, cores = 1){

  # Run in parallel
  cl <- parallel::makeCluster(cores)

  # Register clusters

  # Arguments
  fixed_args <- Fixed_Arguments
  current_dir <- paste0(Annotation_Basedir, Annot_name, "/")

  # Loop for annotation subcategories
  foreach::foreach(i = 1:length(Annotation_Subcategories),
          .verbose = TRUE,
          .packages = c("LDSCforRyten", "tidyverse", "stringr")) %dopar% {

            annot_prefix <- paste0(Annotation_Basedir, Annot_name, "/", Annotation_Subcategories[i], "/", Annotation_Subcategories[i])
            out_prefix <- paste0(Annotation_Subcategories[i], ".")

            # Loop for chromsomes within annotation subcategories
            for(CHR in 1:22){

              # Print annotation and chromosome for tracking of progress
              print(stringr::str_c("Annotation: ", Annotation_Subcategories[i], ", CHR: ", CHR))

              # Creating necessary sub arguments with chromosome number attached
              refLD_chr <- paste0(fixed_args$refLD_basedir, CHR)
              annot_chr <- paste0(annot_prefix, ".", CHR,".annot.gz")
              out_chr <- paste0(out_prefix, CHR)
              printsnps_chr <- paste0(fixed_args$printsnps_basedir, "SNPsinBaselinel2ld.", CHR, ".snp")

              # Creating entire argument
              LDscoreARG <- paste0(" ", fixed_args$ldsc,
                                   " --l2 --bfile ", refLD_chr,
                                   " --ld-wind-cm 1",
                                   " --annot ", annot_chr,
                                   " --out ", out_chr,
                                   " --print-snps ", printsnps_chr)


              # Running command
              system2(command = Command, args = LDscoreARG)



  # Stop cluster

  # Move results to appropriate directories
  for(i in seq_along(Annotation_Subcategories)){

    list.of.files <- list.files(current_dir, paste0(Annotation_Subcategories[i], "\\."), full.names = T)
    new.location <- paste0(Annotation_Basedir, Annot_name, "/", Annotation_Subcategories[i], "/")

    file.copy(list.of.files, new.location)




#' Function to run LDSC heritability script for a number of annotations and
#' GWASs.
#' #' Note: For this to be able to run, annot.gz files should be stored in:
#' $ANNOTATION_BASEDIR refers to the common directory, $ANNOT_NAME refers to the
#' author of article from which the annotation is derived and
#' $ANNOTATION_SUBCATEGORY refers to the subcategories within the annotation.
#' Function should be run in the folder $ANNOT_NAME/
#' @param Command Python command to use. Default is "python", assuming this
#'   alias directs to python 2.7.
#' @param Annotation_Basedir Common directory wherein specific annotation is
#'   stored.
#' @param Annot_name  Name of annotation. This should be written exactly as
#'   written in the annotation directory name.
#' @param Annotation_Subcategories Annoation subcategories. If there is more
#'   than 1, these should be written precisely as in the folder, and should be
#'   entered with a comma separator without any spaces.
#' @param Fixed_Arguments List of fixed arguments. This can be created using the
#'   get_LDSC_fixed_args() function.
#' @param GWAS_df Dataframe of GWAS to be run in the H2 estimation, as generated
#'   using the Create_GWAS_df() function. Columns should include: Full.paths
#'   (full paths to GWAS), Original.name (original name of sumstat.gz file),
#'   Output.prefix (alternative output name).
#' @param cores integer. Number of cores to parallelise across. Default = 1.
#' @return Will run heritability script for all annotations and GWASs.
#' @export

Calculate_H2 <- function(Command = "python", Annotation_Basedir = NULL, Annot_name = NULL, Annotation_Subcategories = NULL, Fixed_Arguments = NULL, GWAS_df = NULL, cores = 1){

  # Run in parallel
  cl <- parallel::makeCluster(cores)

  # Register clusters

  # Arguments
  fixed_args <- Fixed_Arguments
  current_dir <- paste0(Annotation_Basedir, Annot_name, "/")

  # Make directory for output
  directory <- paste0(Annotation_Basedir, Annot_name, "/", "Output")

    cat("Directory exists")
  } else {
    cat("Directory does not exist -- creating")
    system2(command = "mkdir", args = directory)

  # Loop for annotation subcategories
  foreach::foreach(i = 1:length(Annotation_Subcategories),
          .verbose = TRUE,
          .packages = c("LDSCforRyten", "tidyverse", "stringr")) %dopar% {

            annot_prefix <- paste0(Annotation_Basedir, Annot_name, "/", Annotation_Subcategories[i], "/", Annotation_Subcategories[i], ".")
            out_suffix <- paste0(Annotation_Subcategories[i])

            # Loop for GWASs
            for(j in 1:nrow(GWAS_df)){

              # Creating necessary sub arguments
              h2 <- as.character(GWAS_df$Full.paths[j])
              out_prefix <- as.character(GWAS_df$Output.prefix[j])

              # Creating entire argument
              H2ARG <- paste0(" ", fixed_args$ldsc,
                              " --h2 ", h2,
                              " --w-ld-chr ", fixed_args$regression_weights,
                              " --ref-ld-chr ", annot_prefix, ",", fixed_args$baseline_annot_path,
                              " --overlap-annot ",
                              " --frqfile-chr ", fixed_args$freqfile,
                              " --out ", out_prefix, "_", Annot_name, "_", fixed_args$baseline_model_name, "baseline_", out_suffix, # baseline_model_name to indicate which one is in use
                              " --print-coefficients ")

              # Print annotation and chromosome for tracking of progress
              print(stringr::str_c("Annotation: ", Annotation_Subcategories[i], ", GWAS: ", out_prefix))


              # Running command
              system2(command = Command, args = H2ARG)



  # Stop cluster

  # Move results to appropriate directories
  list.of.files.results <- list.files(current_dir, ".results", full.names = T)
  list.of.files.log <- list.files(current_dir, ".log", full.names = T)

  file.copy(list.of.files.results, directory)
  file.copy(list.of.files.log, directory)



#' Create GWAS dataframe.
#' Function that creates a GWAS dataframe based on all of the .sumstats.gz files available in the LDscore GWAS directory.
#' @return Dataframe of availabe GWASs in the LDscore GWAS directory.
#' @export

Create_GWAS_df <- function(){

  GWAS.paths <- list.files(path = "/data/LDScore/GWAS/", pattern = ".sumstats.gz", recursive = TRUE)

  Full.paths <- paste0("/data/LDScore/GWAS/", GWAS.paths)
  Original.name <- GWAS.paths %>%
    stringr::str_replace(".*/", "") %>%
    stringr::str_replace(".sumstats.gz", "")
  Output.prefix <- GWAS.paths %>%
    stringr::str_replace(".*/", "") %>%
    stringr::str_replace(".sumstats.gz", "")

  # Change names of those .sumstats.gz files that include '_', so that output name works with Assimilate_H2_results() function
  # (i.e. provides full name of the GWAS, otherwise anything after an '_' would be removed)
  Output.prefix[Output.prefix == "ILAE_All_Epi_11.8.14"] <- "EPI2014"
  Output.prefix[Output.prefix == "Epilepsy2018"] <- "EPI2018"
  Output.prefix[Output.prefix == "epipgx_dre_hc"] <- "EPI.Dre.Hc"
  Output.prefix[Output.prefix == "epipgx_dre_res"] <- "EPI.Dre.Res"
  Output.prefix[Output.prefix == "PD"] <- "PD2017"
  Output.prefix[Output.prefix == "SCZ"] <- "SCZ2014"
  Output.prefix[Output.prefix == "ALS"] <- "ALS2014"
  Output.prefix[Output.prefix == "PD2018_meta5_ex23andMe"] <- "PD2018.ex23andMe"
  Output.prefix[Output.prefix == "PD2018_AOO"] <- "PD2018.AOO"

  GWAS_df <- data.frame(Full.paths) %>%
    dplyr::bind_cols(data.frame(Original.name)) %>%



#' Get fixed LDSC arguments.
#' Function to return a list of the fixed arguments. To be used in combination
#' with the Calculate_LDscore() and Calculate_H2() functions.
#' @param Baseline_model Choose baseline model to run heritability estimates
#'   with. Choose by specifying number of annotations: 53, 75, 76, 86, or 97.
#' @return List of fixed LDSC arguments.
#' @export

get_LDSC_fixed_args <- function(Baseline_model = NULL){

  fixed_args <- list()

  # Fixed paths to python programme and reference files
  fixed_args$ldsc <- "/tools/ldsc/ldsc.py"
  fixed_args$refLD_basedir <- "/data/LDScore/Reference_Files/1000G_EUR_Phase3_plink/1000G.EUR.QC."
  fixed_args$regression_weights <- "/data/LDScore/Reference_Files/weights_hm3_no_hla/weights."
  fixed_args$freqfile <- "/data/LDScore/Reference_Files/1000G_Phase3_frq/1000G.EUR.QC."

  if (!is.null(Baseline_model)) {

    # Directory path to baseline models
    # Baseline model argument
    if(!Baseline_model %in% c("53", "75", "76", "86", "97")){
      stop("Invalid baseline model specified. Please use either denote which baseline model to use: 53, 75, 76, 86, 97.")

    # Choose baseline model
    fixed_args$baseline_model_name <- as.character(Baseline_model)

    # Read in correct baseline model depending on model specified in argument baseline.model
    if (fixed_args$baseline_model_name == "53") {
      # Need to overwrite refLD path and weights path, as v1.2 is aligned to GRCh38 and therefore cannot use original reference files.
      fixed_args$baseline_annot_path <- "/data/LDScore/Reference_Files/GRCh38/baseline_v1.2/baseline."
      fixed_args$refLD_basedir <- "/data/LDScore/Reference_Files/GRCh38/plink_files/1000G.EUR.hg38."
      fixed_args$printsnps_basedir <- "/data/LDScore/Reference_Files/GRCh38/baseline_v1.2/SNPsinBaselinel2ldscore/"
      fixed_args$regression_weights <- "/data/LDScore/Reference_Files/GRCh38/weights/weights.hm3_noMHC."

    if (fixed_args$baseline_model_name == "75") {
      fixed_args$baseline_annot_path <- "/data/LDScore/Reference_Files/1000G_Phase3_baselineLD_v1.1_ldscores_75annot/baselineLD."
      fixed_args$printsnps_basedir <- "/data/LDScore/Reference_Files/1000G_Phase3_baselineLD_v1.1_ldscores_75annot/SNPsinBaselinel2ldscore/"

    if (fixed_args$baseline_model_name == "76") {
      fixed_args$baseline_annot_path <- "/data/LDScore/Reference_Files/1000G_Phase3_baselineLD_v2.0/baselineLD."
      fixed_args$printsnps_basedir <- "/data/LDScore/Reference_Files/1000G_Phase3_baselineLD_v2.0/SNPsinBaselinel2ldscore/"

    if (fixed_args$baseline_model_name == "86") {
      fixed_args$baseline_annot_path <- "/data/LDScore/Reference_Files/1000G_Phase3_baselineLD_v2.1_ldscores/baselineLD."
      fixed_args$printsnps_basedir <- "/data/LDScore/Reference_Files/1000G_Phase3_baselineLD_v2.1_ldscores/SNPsinBaselinel2ldscore/"

    if (fixed_args$baseline_model_name == "97") {
      fixed_args$baseline_annot_path <- "/data/LDScore/Reference_Files/1000G_Phase3_baselineLD_v2.2_ldscores/baselineLD."
      fixed_args$printsnps_basedir <- "/data/LDScore/Reference_Files/1000G_Phase3_baselineLD_v2.2_ldscores/SNPsinBaselinel2ldscore/"



RHReynolds/LDSCforRyten documentation built on Sept. 27, 2021, 5:20 p.m.