
##    RTCGA package for R
#' @title Merge Clinical data with genes' Mutations and Expressions data
#' @description \code{mergeTCGA} enables to 
#' @param clinicalDir A directory to a \code{cancerType.clin.merged.txt} file. 
#' \code{cancerType} might be \code{BRCA, OV} etc. Can be checked using \link{infoTCGA} function.
#' @param rnaseqDir A directory to a \code{} file,
#' which is a set with gene's Expressions.
#' @param mutationDir A directory to a \code{Mutation_Packager_Calls.Level} folder where are genes' Mutations files.
#' @param genes For \code{rnaseqDir} - which genes' expressions to merge with clinical data in \code{clinicalDir}. For \code{mutationDir} which
#' gene's mutations to merge with clinical data in \code{clinicalDir}.
#' @param columnName A character specifing which column to extract from \code{Mutations} data for a gene passes to \code{genes} parameter.
#' Works only when \code{mutationDir} was used.
#' @return A \code{cancerType.clin.merged.txt} file is updated with newline containing informations about genes
#' passed to \code{genes} argument.
#' @note Original \code{cancerType.clin.merged.txt} file will be changed after performing merge operation.
#' Only one of \code{rnaseqDir} and \code{mutationDir} can be used at a time.
#' @family
#' @rdname mergeTCGA
#' @export
mergeTCGA <- function( clinicalDir, rnaseqDir = NULL, mutationDir = NULL, genes, columnName = "Variant_Classification" ){
   assert_that( is.character( genes ) )
   assert_that( is.character( clinicalDir ) )
   assert_that( xor( is.character( rnaseqDir ), is.character( mutationDir ) ) )        
   assert_that( xor( is.null( rnaseqDir ), is.null( mutationDir ) ) ) 
   if( is.null( rnaseqDir ) && is.character( mutationDir ) ) 
      mergeTCGA_clinical_mutations( clinicalDir = clinicalDir,
                                    mutationDir = mutationDir,
                                    genes = genes,
                                    columnName = columnName )
   if( is.character( rnaseqDir ) && is.null( mutationDir ) ) 
      mergeTCGA_clinical_rnaseq( clinicalDir = clinicalDir,
                                 rnaseqDir = rnaseqDir,
                                 genes = genes )

mergeTCGA_clinical_rnaseq <- function( clinicalDir, rnaseqDir,
                                       genes = c("MDM2") ){
   assert_that( is.character(clinicalDir) & length(clinicalDir) == 1)
   assert_that( is.character(rnaseqDir) & length(rnaseqDir) == 1)
   assert_that( is.character(genes) & length(genes) > 0)
   rnaseqv2 <- fread( rnaseqDir )
   # in case column names are not unique :| 
   # mb they are uniqe
   rnaseqv2 <- rnaseqv2[,unique(names(rnaseqv2)),with=FALSE]
   rnaseqv2 %>% setnames( x=.,
                          old = names(rnaseqv2), 
                          new =  c("HybridizationREF", 
                                   gsub(  ".", #if a column name has "." instead of "-"
                                          "-", # mb there isn't such any
                                          fixed = TRUE)
                          ) %>%
                             substr(1,12) )
   realGenesNames <- genes %>% sapply( function(element) 
   {grep( pattern = element, 
          x = rnaseqv2[[1]], 
          value = TRUE ) }) %>%
      unlist( )
   rnaseqv2_short <-  rnaseqv2 %>%
      filter( Hybridizatio %in% realGenesNames )
   clin.merged <- getPatientsBarcodes( clinicalDir )
   #     patientsOrder <- clin.merged[,1] %>%
   #         sapply( function(element){
   #             grep( x = names(rnaseqv2)[-1], pattern = element, value = TRUE)[1]
   #         })
   rnaseqv2_short_frame <- cbind( data.frame( barcode = names(rnaseqv2_short), 
                                              stringsAsFactors = FALSE ),
   # need to remove warning somehow
   joinedFrames <- left_join(clin.merged, rnaseqv2_short_frame[-1,], by = "barcode") 
   # ok rows are copied now... so we need to remove some of them 
   joinedFrames <- unique( data.table(joinedFrames), by = "barcode" )
   for( i in 1:(ncol(joinedFrames)-1)){
      write.table( file = clinicalDir, 
                   append = TRUE, 
                   x = strsplit(c(as.character(rnaseqv2_short_frame[1,i+1]), 
                                split = "\t"),
                   col.names = FALSE,
                   row.names = FALSE,
                   quote = FALSE, 
                   sep = "\t"

# #' @family RTCGA
# #' @rdname mergeTCGA
# #' @export
# prepareTCGA_mutations_for_merging <- function( clinicalDir, mutationDir ){
#     assert_that( is.character(clinicalDir) & length(clinicalDir) == 1)
#     assert_that( is.character(mutationDir) & length(mutationDir) == 1)
#     mutationDir <- checkDirectory( mutationDir )
#     #genesNames <- availableGenesNames(rnaseqDir)
#     clin.merged <- getPatientsBarcodes( clinicalDir )
#     clin.merged[, 1] <- clin.merged[, 1] %>% 
#         paste0( "-01")
#     filesForExistingBARCODES <- clin.merged[, 1] %>%
#         sapply( function(element){
#             grep( pattern = element,
#                   x = list.files( mutationDir ),
#                   value = TRUE )
#         } ) %>%
#         unlist()
#     genesNames <- filesForExistingBARCODES %>%
#         sapply( function(element){
#             fread( paste0(mutationDir, element), 
#                    select = c(1), 
#                    skip = 1, sep = "\t")
#         }) %>%
#         unlist() %>%
#         unique()
#     genesNames <- sort( genesNames )
#     mergedMutations <- data.frame(  patient.bcr_patient_barcode = as.character( genesNames ), 
#                                     stringsAsFactors =  FALSE )
#     file.create( paste0(mutationDir, "preparedForMerging.txt"))
#     write.table( strsplit( mergedMutations[, 1], split = "\t"), 
#                 file = paste0(mutationDir, "preparedForMerging.txt"),
#                 quote = FALSE,
#                 row.names = TRUE,
#                 col.names = FALSE,
#                 sep = "\t"
#     )
#     # then do this for every file:
#     # join with genes names
#     # and write to a preparedForMerging.txt
# #     mergedMutations %>%
# #         setnames( "Variant_Classification",
# #                   names(filesForExistingBARCODES[1])
# #         )
#     how_many_files <- length(filesForExistingBARCODES)
#     for( i in seq_along(filesForExistingBARCODES) ){
#         mergedMutationsToAdd <- fread( paste0( mutationDir,
#                                           filesForExistingBARCODES[i] ), 
#                                   select= c(1,9) )
#         mergedMutationsToAdd %>% 
#             setnames( "Variant_Classification",
#                       names(filesForExistingBARCODES[i])
#             )
#         mergedMutations <- full_join(mergedMutations,
#                                       mergedMutationsToAdd,
#                                       by="Hugo_Symbol")    
#         cat( "\r Merged ", i, " out of ", how_many_files, " used files.")
#     }
#     file.create( paste0(mutationDir, "preparedForMerging.txt"))
#     write.table(mergedMutations, 
#                 file = paste0(mutationDir, "preparedForMerging.txt"),
#                 quote = FALSE,
#                 row.names = FALSE,
#                 col.names = TRUE,
#                 sep = "\t"
#                 )
#     cat( "\n Data prepared for merging using mergeTCGA_clinical_mutations were saved in a file", paste0(mutationDir, "preparedForMerging.txt"))
#     return( paste0(mutationDir, "preparedForMerging.txt") )
# }

mergeTCGA_clinical_mutations <- function( clinicalDir, mutationDir,
                                          genes = "TP53", columnName = "Variant_Classification" ){
   assert_that( is.character(clinicalDir) & length(clinicalDir) == 1)
   assert_that( is.character(mutationDir) & length(mutationDir) == 1)
   assert_that( is.character(genes) & length(genes) == 1)
   assert_that( is.character(columnName) & length(columnName) == 1)
   #to be fixed :)
   gene <- genes
   mutationDir <- checkDirectory( mutationDir )
   clin.merged <- getPatientsBarcodes( clinicalDir )
   MutationfilesName <-list.files( mutationDir )
   genesAndVariants <- clin.merged[, 1] %>%
      sapply( function(element){
         fileDir <- grep( element,
                          value = TRUE)[1] 
         if( ! ){
            fread( paste0(mutationDir,fileDir) ) %>%
      ) %>%
               filter( Hugo_Symbol %in% gene ) %>%
               select_( columnName )
      }) %>% 
   write.table( file = clinicalDir, 
                append = TRUE, 
                x = strsplit( c(as.character( gene ), 
                                genesAndVariants ), split = "\t"),
                col.names = FALSE,
                row.names = FALSE,
                quote = FALSE, 
                sep = "\t"

getPatientsBarcodes <- function( clinicalDir ){
   clin.merged <- read.delim( clinicalDir ) %>% # fread error
      filter( .[,1] == "patient.bcr_patient_barcode" ) 
   clin.merged <- clin.merged %>%
      sapply( toupper) %>%
      data.frame( barcode = . ) 
   clin.merged <- clin.merged[-1,1] %>% .,
                     stringsAsFactors = FALSE )
   names(clin.merged) <- "barcode"

# md <- data.frame(barcode = toupper(sapply(a[,-1], as.character)))

# gdy nie dopisalo sie danych z rnaseq to wykonywalo sie poprawnie,
# jednak pozniej wystapil taki blad:
# mozliwe, ze write.tables musi sie oknczyc albo zaczynac specjalnym znakiem
RTCGA/RTCGA documentation built on Nov. 1, 2022, 8:15 p.m.