Defines functions geolightConvert bmvnorm mvnorm gperm parametersGamma chainCoda chainApply2 chainApply chainAcceptance chainBcov chainCov chainCollapse chainLast chainTail chainSummary locationImage SGAT2Movebank locationMean locationSummary nlocation stellaMetropolis estelleMetropolis curveModel0 curveModel groupedThresholdModel0 groupedThresholdModel thresholdModel0 thresholdModel makeTwilightModel satelliteModel0 satelliteModel speedGammaModel coord twilightResiduals twilightPerturb twilightSimulate zenithSimulate thresholdSensitivity thresholdPath thresholdLocation thresholdEstimate twilightPairs trackBearingChange2 trackBearingChange trackDist2 trackDist trackMidpts sunset sunrise twilight twilightSolartime unrefracted refracted zenith solar unwrapLon wrapLon

Documented in bmvnorm chainAcceptance chainApply chainApply2 chainBcov chainCoda chainCollapse chainCov chainLast chainSummary chainTail coord curveModel curveModel0 estelleMetropolis geolightConvert gperm groupedThresholdModel groupedThresholdModel0 locationImage locationMean locationSummary makeTwilightModel mvnorm nlocation parametersGamma refracted satelliteModel satelliteModel0 SGAT2Movebank solar speedGammaModel stellaMetropolis sunrise sunset thresholdEstimate thresholdLocation thresholdModel thresholdModel0 thresholdPath thresholdSensitivity trackBearingChange trackBearingChange2 trackDist trackDist2 trackMidpts twilight twilightPairs twilightPerturb twilightResiduals twilightSimulate twilightSolartime unrefracted unwrapLon wrapLon zenith zenithSimulate

#' Solar/Satellite Geolocation for Animal Tracking
#' Provides facilities for estimating broadscale animal motions from
#' archival or satellite tag data, similar to the \pkg{GeoLight} and
#' \pkg{tripEstimation} packages.
#' @name SGAT-package
#' @docType package
#' @author S. Wotherspoon, M. Sumner and S. Lisovski.

##' These functions wrap and unwrap a sequence of longitudes around
##' the dateline.
##' The \code{wrapLon} function wraps the longitudes back into the
##' interval [lmin,lmin+360).  The \code{unwrapLon} function unwraps a
##' sequence of longitudes so the the initial point lies in
##' [lmin,lmin+360), but the subsequent longitudes in the sequence may
##' wander outside that range.
##' @title Wrap Locations Around the Dateline.
##' @param lon a vector of longitudes
##' @param lmin western boundary for wrapped longitudes
##' @return a vector of longitudes
##' @export
wrapLon <- function(lon,lmin=-180)

##' @rdname wrapLon
##' @export
unwrapLon <- function(lon,lmin=-180)

## Solar Zenith/Sunrise/Sunset calculations
## The functions presented here are based on code and the excel
## spreadsheet from the NOAA site
##       http://www.esrl.noaa.gov/gmd/grad/solcalc/

##' Calculate solar time, the equation of time and solar declination
##' The solar time, the equation of time and the sine and cosine of
##' the solar declination are calculated for the times specified by
##' \code{tm} using the same methods as
##' \url{www.esrl.noaa.gov/gmd/grad/solcalc/}.
##' @title Solar Time and Declination
##' @param tm a vector of POSIXct times.
##' @return A list containing the following vectors.
##' \item{\code{solarTime}}{the solar time (degrees)}
##' \item{\code{eqnTime}}{the equation of time (minutes of time)}
##' \item{\code{sinSolarDec}}{sine of the solar declination}
##' \item{\code{cosSolarDec}}{cosine of the solar declination}
##' @seealso \code{\link{zenith}}
##' @examples
##' ## Current solar time
##' solar(Sys.time())
##' @export
solar <- function(tm) {

  rad <- pi/180

  ## Time as Julian day (R form)
  Jd <- as.numeric(tm)/86400.0+2440587.5

  ## Time as Julian century [G]
  Jc <- (Jd-2451545)/36525

  ## The geometric mean sun longitude (degrees) [I]
  L0 <- (280.46646+Jc*(36000.76983+0.0003032*Jc))%%360

  ## Geometric mean anomaly for the sun (degrees) [J]
  M <- 357.52911+Jc*(35999.05029-0.0001537*Jc)

  ## The eccentricity of earth's orbit [K]
  e <- 0.016708634-Jc*(0.000042037+0.0000001267*Jc)

  ## Equation of centre for the sun (degrees) [L]
  eqctr <- sin(rad*M)*(1.914602-Jc*(0.004817+0.000014*Jc))+

  ## The true longitude of the sun (degrees) [M]
  lambda0 <- L0 + eqctr

  ## The apparent longitude of the sun (degrees) [P]
  omega <- 125.04-1934.136*Jc
  lambda <- lambda0-0.00569-0.00478*sin(rad*omega)

  ## The mean obliquity of the ecliptic (degrees) [Q]
  seconds <- 21.448-Jc*(46.815+Jc*(0.00059-Jc*(0.001813)))
  obliq0 <- 23+(26+(seconds/60))/60

  ## The corrected obliquity of the ecliptic (degrees) [R]
  omega <- 125.04-1934.136*Jc
  obliq <- obliq0 + 0.00256*cos(rad*omega)

  ## The equation of time (minutes of time) [U,V]
  y <- tan(rad*obliq/2)^2
  eqnTime <- 4/rad*(y*sin(rad*2*L0) -
                      2*e*sin(rad*M) +
                      4*e*y*sin(rad*M)*cos(rad*2*L0) -
                      0.5*y^2*sin(rad*4*L0) -

  ## The sun's declination (radians) [T]
  solarDec <- asin(sin(rad*obliq)*sin(rad*lambda))
  sinSolarDec <- sin(solarDec)
  cosSolarDec <- cos(solarDec)

  ## Solar time unadjusted for longitude (degrees) [AB!!]
  ## Am missing a mod 360 here, but is only used within cosine.
  solarTime <- ((Jd-0.5)%%1*1440+eqnTime)/4
  #solarTime <- ((Jd-2440587.5)*1440+eqnTime)/4

  ## Return solar constants

##' Calculate the solar zenith angle for given times and locations
##' \code{zenith} uses the solar time and declination calculated by
##' \code{solar} to compute the solar zenith angle for given times and
##' locations, using the same methods as
##' \url{www.esrl.noaa.gov/gmd/grad/solcalc/}.  This function does not
##' adjust for atmospheric refraction see \code{\link{refracted}}.
##' @title Solar Zenith Angle
##' @param sun list of solar time and declination computed by
##' \code{solar}.
##' @param lon vector of longitudes.
##' @param lat vector latitudes.
##' @return A vector of solar zenith angles (degrees) for the given
##' locations and times.
##' @seealso \code{\link{solar}}
##' @examples
##' ## Approx location of Sydney Harbour Bridge
##' lon <- 151.211
##' lat <- -33.852
##' ## Solar zenith angle for noon on the first of May 2000
##' ## at the Sydney Harbour Bridge
##' s <- solar(as.POSIXct("2000-05-01 12:00:00","EST"))
##' zenith(s,lon,lat)
##' @export
zenith <- function(sun,lon,lat) {

  rad <- pi/180

  ## Suns hour angle (degrees) [AC!!]
  hourAngle <- sun$solarTime+lon-180
  #hourAngle <- sun$solarTime%%360+lon-180

  ## Cosine of sun's zenith [AD]
  cosZenith <- (sin(rad*lat)*sun$sinSolarDec+

  ## Limit to [-1,1] [!!]
  cosZenith[cosZenith > 1] <- 1
  cosZenith[cosZenith < -1] <- -1

  ## Ignore refraction correction

##' Adjust the solar zenith angle for atmospheric refraction.
##' Given a vector of solar zeniths computed by \code{\link{zenith}},
##' \code{refracted} calculates the solar zeniths adjusted for the
##' effect of atmospheric refraction.
##' \code{unrefracted} is the inverse of \code{refracted}. Given a
##' (single) solar zenith adjusted for the effect of atmospheric
##' refraction, \code{unrefracted} calculates the solar zenith as
##' computed by \code{\link{zenith}}.
##' @title Atmospheric Refraction
##' @param zenith zenith angle (degrees) to adjust.
##' @return vector of zenith angles (degrees) adjusted for atmospheric
##' refraction.
##' @examples
##' ## Refraction causes the sun to appears higher on the horizon
##' refracted(85:92)
##' ## unrefracted gives unadjusted zenith
##' unrefracted(refracted(90))
##' @export
refracted <- function(zenith) {
  rad <- pi/180
  elev <- 90-zenith
  te <- tan((rad)*elev)
  ## Atmospheric Refraction [AF]
  r <- ifelse(elev>85,0,
  ## Corrected Zenith [90-AG]

##' @rdname refracted
##' @importFrom stats uniroot
##' @export
unrefracted <- function(zenith)
  uniroot(function(x) refracted(x)-zenith,c(zenith,zenith+2))

##' Estimate time of sunrise or sunset for a given location given the
##' approximate solar time of twilight
##' Solar declination and equation of time vary slowly over the day,
##' and so the values of the Solar declination and equation of time at
##' sunrise/sunset can be caclulated approximately if an approximate
##' time of sunrise/sunset is known. The sun's hour angle and hence
##' sunrise/sunset for the required zenith can then be calculated from
##' these approximations.
##' Note this function returns the time of twilight in solar time.
##' @title Solar Time of Sunrise and Sunset
##' @param solar output of \code{solar} for approximate times of
##' twilight.
##' @param lon vector of longitudes.
##' @param lat vector of latitudes.
##' @param rise logical vector indicating whether to compute rise or
##' set.
##' @param zenith the solar zenith angle that defines twilight.
##' @return a vector of twilight times in solar time (degrees)
##' @seealso \code{\link{twilight}}
##' @export
twilightSolartime <- function(solar,lon,lat,rise,zenith=96) {
  rad <- pi/180
  cosz <- cos(rad*zenith)
  cosHA <- (cosz-sin(rad*lat)*solar$sinSolarDec)/(cos(rad*lat)*solar$cosSolarDec)
  ## Compute the sun's hour angle from its declination for this location
  hourAngle <- ifelse(rise,360,0)+ifelse(rise,-1,1)*suppressWarnings(acos(cosHA)/rad)
  ## Solar time of sunrise at this zenith angle, lon and lat
  solarTime <- (hourAngle+180-lon)%%360

##' Estimate time of sunrise or sunset for a given day and location
##' \code{twilight} uses an iterative algorithm to estimate times of
##' sunrise and sunset.
##' Note that these functions return the twilight that occurs on the
##' same date GMT as \code{tm}, and so sunset may occur before
##' sunrise, depending upon latitude.
##' Solar declination and equation of time vary slowly over the day,
##' and so the values of the Solar declination and equation of time at
##' sunrise/sunset are well approximated by their values at 6AM/6PM
##' local time. The sun's hour angle and hence sunrise/sunset for the
##' required zenith can then be caclulates from these approximations.
##' The calculation is then repeated using the approximate
##' sunrise/sunset times to derive more accurate values of the Solar
##' declination and equation of time and hence better approximations
##' of sunrise/sunset.  The process is repreated and is accurate to
##' less than 2 seconds within 2 or 3 iterations.
##' It is possible that sunrise or sunset does occur for a given date
##' and location. When \code{closest} is \code{FALSE}, the twilight
##' returned on or before the (UTC) date of \code{tm}.  When
##' \code{closest} is \code{TRUE}, \code{twilight} attempts to return
##' the twilight closest to the input time \code{tm}.
##' \code{sunrise} and \code{sunset} are simple wrappers for
##' \code{twilight}.
##' @title Times of Sunrise and Sunset
##' @param tm vector of approximate times of twilight.
##' @param lon vector of longitudes.
##' @param lat vector of latitudes.
##' @param rise logical vector indicating whether to compute rise or
##' set.
##' @param zenith the solar zenith angle that defines twilight.
##' @param iters number of iteratve refinements made to the initial
##' approximation.
##' @param closest if \code{TRUE}, attempt to find the twilight
##' closest to \code{tm}.
##' @return a vector of twilight times.
##' @examples
##' ## Approx location of Santa Barbara
##' lon <- -119.7022
##' lat <- 34.4191
##' ## Sunrise and sunset for 8th April 2013 at Santa Barbara
##' day <- as.POSIXct("2013-04-08","GMT")
##' sunrise(day,lon,lat)
##' sunset(day,lon,lat)
##' @export
twilight <- function(tm,lon,lat,rise,zenith=96,iters=3,closest=FALSE) {

  ## Compute date
  date <- as.POSIXlt(tm)
  date$hour <- date$min <- date$sec <- 0
  date <- as.POSIXct(date,"GMT")

  lon <- (lon+180)%%360-180
  ## GMT equivalent of 6am or 6pm local time
  twl <- date+240*(ifelse(rise,90,270)-lon)
  ## Iteratively improve estimate
  for(k in seq_len(iters)) {
    s <- solar(twl)
    s$solarTime <- s$solarTime%%360
    solarTime <- 4*twilightSolartime(s,lon,lat,rise,zenith)-s$eqnTime
    twl <- date+60*solarTime

  if(closest) {
    delta <- (as.numeric(tm)-as.numeric(twl))/3600
    off <- double(length(delta))
    off[delta > 12] <- 86400
    off[delta < -12] <- -86400
    twl <- twilight(tm+off,lon,lat,rise,zenith,iters,FALSE)


##' @rdname twilight
##' @export
sunrise <- function(tm,lon,lat,zenith=96,iters=3,closest=FALSE)

##' @rdname twilight
##' @export
sunset <- function(tm,lon,lat,zenith=96,iters=3,closest=FALSE)

##' Midpoints of a path
##' Compute the midpoints of a sequence of locations along a path.
##' @title Path Midpoints
##' @param p a two column matrix of (lon,lat) locations along the
##' path.
##' @param fold should the longitudes be folded into [-180,180).
##' @return a two column matrix of (lon,lat) midpoints.
##' @export
trackMidpts <- function(p,fold=FALSE) {
  n <- nrow(p)
  rad <- pi/180
  p <- rad*p
  dlon <- diff(p[,1L])
  lon1 <- p[-n,1L]
  lat1 <- p[-n,2L]
  lat2 <- p[-1L,2L]
  bx <- cos(lat2)*cos(dlon)
  by <- cos(lat2)*sin(dlon)
  lat <- atan2(sin(lat1)+sin(lat2),sqrt((cos(lat1)+bx)^2+by^2))/rad
  lon <- (lon1+atan2(by,cos(lat1)+bx))/rad
  if(fold) lon <- wrapLon(lon)

##' Distances along a path
##' The \code{trackDist} computes the great circle distances (in km)
##' between successive locations along path. The \code{trackDist2}
##' accepts a second sequence of intermediate points, and computes the
##' great circle distances along the dog leg paths from \code{x[i,]}
##' to \code{z[i,]} to \code{x[i+1,]}.
##' @title Distance along a path
##' @param x a two column matrix of (lon,lat) locations along the path.
##' @param z a two column matrix of (lon,lat) intermediate locations
##' along the path.
##' @return vector of interpoint distances (km)
##' @export
trackDist <- function(x) {
  n <- nrow(x)
  rad <- pi/180
  cosx2 <- cos(rad*x[,2L])
  sinx2 <- sin(rad*x[,2L])


##' @rdname trackDist
trackDist2 <- function(x,z) {
    n <- nrow(x)
    rad <- pi/180
    cosx2 <- cos(rad*x[,2L])
    sinx2 <- sin(rad*x[,2L])
    cosz2 <- cos(rad*z[,2L])
    sinz2 <- sin(rad*z[,2L])

    6378.137*(acos(pmin.int(cosx2[-n] *cosz2*cos(rad*(z[,1L]-x[-n, 1L]))+sinx2[-n] *sinz2,1))+

##' Bearing changes along a track
##' The \code{trackBearingChange} computes the change in bearing between
##' successive locations along path. The \code{trackBearingChange2}
##' accepts a second sequence of intermediate points, and computes the
##' change in bearing along the dog leg paths from \code{x[i,]}
##' to \code{z[i,]} to \code{x[i+1,]}.
##' @title Distance along a path
##' @param x a two column matrix of (lon,lat) locations along the path.
##' @param z a two column matrix of (lon,lat) intermediate locations
##' along the path.
##' @return vector of changes in bearing (degrees)
##' @export
trackBearingChange <- function(x) {
  n <- nrow(x)
  rad <- pi/180
  cosx2 <- cos(rad*x[,2L])
  sinx2 <- sin(rad*x[,2L])

  ## Bearing from one x to the next
  bs <- atan2(sin(rad*(x[-1L,1L]-x[-n,1L]))*cosx2[-1L],
  ## Difference bs and fold difference into [-180,180)

##' @rdname trackBearingChange
##' @export
trackBearingChange2 <- function(x,z) {
  n <- nrow(x)
  rad <- pi/180
  cosx2 <- cos(rad*x[,2L])
  sinx2 <- sin(rad*x[,2L])
  cosz2 <- cos(rad*z[,2L])
  sinz2 <- sin(rad*z[,2L])
  dLon1 <- rad*(x[-n,1L]-z[,1L])
  dLon2 <- rad*(x[-1,1L]-z[,1L])

  ## Bearing from z to previous x
  b1 <- atan2(sin(dLon1)*cosx2[-n],

  ## Bearing from z to next
  b2 <- atan2(sin(dLon2)*cosx2[-1L],
  ## Reverse b1 and fold difference into [-180,180)

##' Convert streams of twilights to sunrise/sunset pairs
##' This function converts the twilight, rise format used by Stella
##' and Estelle into successive sunrise and sunset pairs.
##' @title Extract sunrise/sunset pairs
##' @param twilight the observed times of twilight as POSIXct.
##' @param rise logical vector indicating which twilights are sunrise.
##' @return A dataframe with columns
##' \item{\code{Twilight1}}{times of earlier twilight as POSIXct objects}
##' \item{\code{Twilight2}}{times of later twilight as POSIXct objects}
##' \item{\code{Day}}{logical vector indicating whether the twilights span a day.}
##' \item{\code{Mid}}{the midpont of the two twilights.}
##' @export
twilightPairs <- function(twilight,rise) {
  n <- length(twilight)
  t1 <- twilight[-n]
  r1 <- rise[-n]
  t2 <- twilight[-1L]
  ## Must have one rise and set per day, and must be less than 24
  ## hours apart.
  keep <- (r1!=rise[-1L]) & (as.numeric(t2)-as.numeric(t1) < 86400)
  mid <- .POSIXct(as.numeric(t1)+(as.numeric(t2)-as.numeric(t1))/2,"GMT")

##' Estimate location from consecutive twilights
##' These functions estimate the location of a stationary observer
##' given the times at which the observer sees two successive
##' twilights. \code{thresholdEstimate} estimates locations given
##' pairs of times of sunrise and sunset. \code{thresholdLocation}
##' is a wrapper for \code{thresholdEstimate} that estimates
##' locations given a sequence twilight times and rise indicators,
##' while \code{thresholdPath} interpolates the estimates generated
##' by \code{thresholdLocation} to give locations at a sequence of
##' arbitrary times.
##' Longitude is estimated by computing apparent time of local noon
##' from sunrise and sunset, and determining the longitude for which
##' this is noon.  Latitude is estimated from the required zenith and
##' the sun's hour angle for both sunrise and sunset, and averaged.
##' When the solar declination is near zero (at the equinoxes)
##' latitude estimates are extremely sensitive to errors.  Where the
##' sine of the solar declination is less than \code{tol}, the
##' latitude estimates are returned as \code{NA}.
##' The \code{thresholdPath} function interpolates the estimates
##' generated by \code{thresholdLocation} to produce estimates at the
##' arbitrary set of times specified the by the \code{time} argument.
##' If \code{time} is \code{NULL}, \code{thresholdPath} returns the
##' estimates generated by \code{thresholdLocation}. If
##' \code{unfold=TRUE}, \code{thresholdPath} attempts to construct a
##' continuous path that does not wrap longitudes into
##' (-180,180]. However, this process can fail if the observer crosses
##' the dateline near an equinox, and it may be necessary to make
##' manual adjustments.
##' These functions provides the same basic functionality of the
##' \code{coord} function from \pkg{GeoLight}, but are based on
##' different astronomical approximations.
##' @title Simple Threshold Geolocation Estimates
##' @param trise vector of sunrise times.
##' @param tset vector of sunset times.
##' @param twilight the observed times of twilight as POSIXct.
##' @param rise logical vector indicating which twilights are sunrise.
##' @param time times for which locations are required.
##' @param zenith the solar zenith angle that defines twilight.
##' @param tol tolerance on the sine of the solar declination.
##' @param unfold if \code{TRUE}, unfold longitudes across the dateline.
##' @return \code{thresholdEstimate} returns estimated locations as a
##' two column (lon,lat) matrix.  \code{thresholdLocation} and
##' \code{thresholdPath} return a list with components
##' \item{\code{time}}{the time as POSIXct.}
##' \item{\code{x}}{a two column matrix of (lon,lat) locations.}
##' @seealso \code{\link{zenith}}
##' @export
thresholdEstimate <- function(trise,tset,zenith=96,tol=0) {
  rad <- pi/180
  sr <- solar(trise)
  ss <- solar(tset)
  cosz <- cos(rad*zenith)
  lon <- -(sr$solarTime+ss$solarTime+ifelse(sr$solarTime<ss$solarTime,360,0))/2
  lon <- wrapLon(lon)

  ## Compute latitude from sunrise
  hourAngle <- sr$solarTime+lon-180
  a <- sr$sinSolarDec
  b <- sr$cosSolarDec*cos(rad*hourAngle)
  x <- (a*cosz-sign(a)*b*suppressWarnings(sqrt(a^2+b^2-cosz^2)))/(a^2+b^2)
  lat1 <- ifelse(abs(a)>tol,asin(x)/rad,NA)

  ## Compute latitude from sunset
  hourAngle <- ss$solarTime+lon-180
  a <- ss$sinSolarDec
  b <- ss$cosSolarDec*cos(rad*hourAngle)
  x <- (a*cosz-sign(a)*b*suppressWarnings(sqrt(a^2+b^2-cosz^2)))/(a^2+b^2)
  lat2 <- ifelse(abs(a)>tol,asin(x)/rad,NA)

  ## Average latitudes

##' @rdname thresholdEstimate
##' @export
thresholdLocation <- function(twilight,rise,zenith=96,tol=0.08) {
  ## Convert to sunrise/sunset pairs
  pr <- twilightPairs(twilight,rise)
  ## Estimate locations
  ps <- thresholdEstimate(ifelse(pr$Day,pr$Twilight1,pr$Twilight2),

##' @rdname thresholdEstimate
##' @importFrom stats approx
##' @export
thresholdPath <- function(twilight,rise,time=twilight,zenith=96,tol=0.08,unfold=TRUE) {
  ## Estimate locations
  ls <- thresholdLocation(twilight,rise,zenith=zenith,tol=tol)
  if(!is.null(time)) {
    ## Interpolate the non-missing longitudes
    keep <- !is.na(ls$x[,1L])
    ts <- ls$time[keep]
    lon <- ls$x[keep,1L]
    if(unfold) lon <- unwrapLon(lon)
    lon <- approx(x=ts,y=lon,xout=time,rule=2)$y
    ## Interpolate the non-missing latitudes
    keep <- !is.na(ls$x[,2L])
    ts <- ls$time[keep]
    lat <- ls$x[keep,2L]
    lat <- approx(x=ts,y=lat,xout=time,rule=2)$y
    ls <- list(time=time,x=cbind(lon,lat))

##' Estimate locations by the threshold method assuming a
##' nonstationary observer and errors in estimated twilights
##' Given the times of a single sunrise and sunset pair,
##' \code{thresholdSensitivity} estimates the location of the tagged
##' animal at sunrise and at sunset assuming that during this time the
##' animal moves no further than a given maximum range, and that the
##' observed times of sunrise and sunset contain an additive log
##' Normally distributed error with known mean and variance. These
##' errors are directed so that observed sunrise occurs earlier than
##' true sunrise, and the observed sunset occurs later than true
##' sunrise.
##' \code{thresholdSensitivity} implements a Metropolis sampler to
##' draw samples from the posterior distribution for the sunrise and
##' sunset.
##' @title Threshold Geolocation Sensitivity
##' @param rise observed time of sunrise as POSIXct.
##' @param set observed time of sunset as POSIXct.
##' @param zenith the solar zenith angle that defines twilight.
##' @param range maximum range of travel between twilights (km).
##' @param sr.mulog log mean parameter for the Log Normal distribution
##' of sunrise errors.
##' @param sr.sdlog log standard deviation parameter for the Log
##' Normal distribution of sunrise errors.
##' @param ss.mulog log mean parameter for the Log Normal distribution
##' of sunset errors.
##' @param ss.sdlog log standard deviation parameter for the Log
##' Normal distribution of sunset errors.
##' @param sr.proposal function for drawing from the proposal
##' distribution for sunrise location.
##' @param ss.proposal function for drawing from the proposal
##' distribution for sunrise location.
##' @param n.thin rate at which to thin samples.
##' @param n.iters total number of samples to draw.
##' @return a list with three components
##' \item{\code{p0}}{the threshold estimate}
##' \item{\code{rise}}{the sampled sunrise locations as a two column
##' matrix}
##' \item{\code{set}}{the sampled sunset locations as a two column
##' matrix}
##' @importFrom stats dlnorm runif
##' @export
thresholdSensitivity <- function(rise,set,zenith=96,range=100,
                                  n.thin=10,n.iters=1000) {

  ## Great circle distance (km)
  gcdist <- function(a,b) {
    rad <- pi/180

  ## Solar properties at ss/sr
  sr <- solar(rise)
  ss <- solar(set)

  ## Initialize chain from best estimate of location if stationary
  p0 <- as.vector(thresholdEstimate(rise,set,zenith))
  sr.p <- p0
  ss.p <- p0

  ## Initialize cached solar times
  sr.solar <- twilightSolartime(sr,sr.p[1L],sr.p[2L],TRUE,zenith)
  ss.solar <- twilightSolartime(ss,ss.p[1L],ss.p[2L],FALSE,zenith)

  ## Ensure approximation consistency
  sr$solarTime <- sr.solar
  ss$solarTime <- ss.solar

  ## Initialize cached log posterior
  sr.logp <- dlnorm(0,sr.mulog,sr.sdlog,log=TRUE)
  ss.logp <- dlnorm(0,ss.mulog,ss.sdlog,log=TRUE)

  P.sr <- matrix(0,2L,n.iters)
  P.ss <- matrix(0,2L,n.iters)
  for(k1 in 1:n.iters) {
    for(k2 in 1:n.thin) {

      ## Propose new sunrise location
      sr.p1 <- sr.proposal(sr.p)
      sr.solar1 <- twilightSolartime(sr,sr.p1[1L],sr.p1[2L],TRUE,zenith)
      if(is.finite(sr.solar1) && gcdist(sr.p1,ss.p) < range) {
        ## When proposal in range compute time error
        sr.delta <- 4*(sr$solarTime-sr.solar1)
        if(sr.delta>0) {
          ## Metropolis rule
          sr.logp1 <- dlnorm(sr.delta,sr.mulog,sr.sdlog,log=TRUE)
          if(sr.logp1-sr.logp > log(runif(1))) {
            ## Accept proposal
            sr.p <- sr.p1
            sr.solar <- sr.solar1
            sr.logp <- sr.logp1

      ## Propose new sunset location
      ss.p1 <- ss.proposal(ss.p)
      ss.solar1 <- twilightSolartime(ss,ss.p1[1L],ss.p1[2L],FALSE,zenith)
      if(is.finite(ss.solar1) && gcdist(sr.p,ss.p1) < range) {
        ## When proposal in range compute time error
        ss.delta <- 4*(ss.solar1-ss$solarTime)
        if(ss.delta>0) {
          ## Metropolis rule
          ss.logp1 <- dlnorm(ss.delta,ss.mulog,ss.sdlog,log=TRUE)
          if(ss.logp1-ss.logp > log(runif(1))) {
            ## Accept proposal
            ss.p <- ss.p1
            ss.solar <- ss.solar1
            ss.logp <- ss.logp1

    ## Record locations at sr/ss
    P.sr[,k1] <- sr.p
    P.ss[,k1] <- ss.p

##' Simulate zenith angles, times and locations of twilight along a
##' specified track.
##' Given times, longitudes and latitudes that specify a template
##' track, \code{zenithSimulate} interpolates the template onto the
##' new times specified by \code{tm.out} and computes the solar zenith
##' angle at each point along the new track. Given a dataframe
##' generated by \code{zenithSimulate}, \code{twilightSimulate}
##' computes times and locations of sunrise and sunset based on the
##' simulated zenith angles. The \code{twilightPerturb} adds a given
##' vector of errors (in minutes) to the twilights in a dataframe
##' generated by \code{twilightSimulate}, in such a way that a
##' positive error causes sunrise to occur later and sunset earlier.
##' @title Solar Zenith and Twilight Simulation
##' @param tm vector of times that specify the template track.
##' @param lon vector of longitude that specify the template track.
##' @param lat vector of latitude that specify the template track.
##' @param tm.out vector of times to which the template is resampled.
##' @param dfz a dataframe generated with \code{zenithSimulate}.
##' @param zenith the solar zenith angle that defines twilight.
##' @param dft a dataframe generated with \code{twilightSimulate}.
##' @param err a vector of adjustments (in minutes) to the twilight
##' times.
##' @return \code{zenithSimulate} returns a data frame with
##' components
##' \item{\code{Date}}{times along the simulated track}
##' \item{\code{Lon}}{longitudes along the simulated track}
##' \item{\code{Lat}}{latitudes along the simulated track}
##' \item{\code{Zenith}}{zenith angles along the simulated track}
##' \code{twilightSimulate} returns a data frame of twilights with
##' components
##' \item{\code{Twilight}}{times of twilight}
##' \item{\code{Rise}}{is this a sunrise}
##' \item{\code{Lon}}{longitude at twilight}
##' \item{\code{Lat}}{latitude at twilight}
##' @importFrom stats approx
##' @export
zenithSimulate <- function(tm,lon,lat,tm.out) {
  ## unwrap longitudes
  lon <- unwrapLon(lon)
  ## Interpolate track
  keep <- !is.na(lon)
  lon.out <- approx(tm[keep],lon[keep],tm.out,rule=2)$y
  keep <- !is.na(lat)
  lat.out <- approx(tm[keep],lat[keep],tm.out,rule=2)$y
  ## Compute zenith angles
  z <- zenith(solar(tm.out),lon.out,lat.out)

##' @rdname zenithSimulate
##' @export
twilightSimulate <- function(dfz,zenith=96) {

  n <- nrow(dfz)

  ## Compute indexes for sunrise and sunset
  sr.k <- which(dfz$Zenith[-n] >= zenith & dfz$Zenith[-1L] < zenith)
  ss.k <- which(dfz$Zenith[-n] < 96 & dfz$Zenith[-1L] >= 96)
  ## Interleave sunrise and sunset
  ord <- order(c(sr.k,ss.k))
  k <- c(sr.k,ss.k)[ord]
  rise <- rep(c(TRUE,FALSE),c(length(sr.k),length(ss.k)))[ord]
  ## Interpolation weights
  w <- (zenith-dfz$Zenith[k])/(dfz$Zenith[k+1L]-dfz$Zenith[k])

  ## Interplated times and locations of twilight
  data.frame(Twilight=dfz$Date[k] + w*(as.vector(dfz$Date[k+1L])-as.vector(dfz$Date[k])),
             Lon=dfz$Lon[k] + w*(dfz$Lon[k+1L]-dfz$Lon[k]),
             Lat=dfz$Lat[k] + w*(dfz$Lat[k+1L]-dfz$Lat[k]))

##' @rdname zenithSimulate
##' @export
twilightPerturb <- function(dft,err) {
  dft$Twilight <- dft$Twilight + ifelse(dft$Rise,60*err,-60*err)

##' Twilight residuals for known locations
##' Given known locations \code{p}, this function calculates the
##' difference between the predicted and observed twilights for those
##' locations, where the sign is chosen so that obscuration of the
##' sensor leads to a positive residual.
##' @title Twilight Residuals
##' @param twilight the observed times of twilight as POSIXct.
##' @param rise logical vector indicating which twilights are sunrise.
##' @param p a two column matrix of (lon,lat) locations
##' @param zenith the solar zenith angle that defines twilight.
##' @return a vector twilight residuals (in minutes).
##' @export
twilightResiduals <- function(twilight,rise,p,zenith=96) {
  sgn <- ifelse(rise,1,-1)
  s <- solar(twilight)

##' Estimate location from two consecutive twilights by a threshold
##' method
##' This package and the \pkg{GeoLight} package provide some common
##' functionality, but are based on different astronomical
##' approximations.  This function provides a drop-in replacement for
##' the \code{coord} function from the \pkg{GeoLight} package to allow
##' easy comparison of the two systems.
##' @title Geolocation Estimation by the Threshold Method
##' @param tFirst factor or character vector representing the times of
##' the first twilight in the format "Y-m-d H:M:S".
##' @param tSecond factor or character vector representing the times
##' of the second twilight in the format "Y-m-d H:M:S".
##' @param type vector with elements 1 or 2, defining the elements of
##' \code{tFirst} as sunrise or sunset respectively.
##' @param degElevation sun elevation angle (90-zenith).
##' @return location estimates stored as a two column (lon,lat) matrix.
coord <- function(tFirst,tSecond,type,degElevation=-6) {
  tFirst <- as.POSIXct(tFirst,"GMT")
  tSecond <- as.POSIXct(tSecond,"GMT")
  rise <- ifelse(type==1,tFirst,tSecond)
  set <- ifelse(type==1,tSecond,tFirst)

##' Movement model that assumes speeds are Gamma distributed
##' This function implements a movement model that assumes the speed
##' of travel between locations is Gamma distributed, and for Estelle
##' models, the change in bearing along the dog-leg path segments can
##' be assumed Normally distributed with mean zero.
##' For Stella models, average speeds is calculated along great circle
##' paths between primary locations (x).  For Estelle, average speed
##' is calculated along dog leg paths through the intermediate points
##' (z), and the change in bearing at each intermediate point calculated.
##' If \code{beta} is a vector, then \code{beta[1]} and \code{beta[2]}
##' specify the shape and rate of the Gamma distribution of speeds.
##' If \code{beta} has three elements, then \code{beta[3]} specifies
##' the standard deviation of the change in bearing (in degrees) along
##' dog leg paths.
##' Alternately, these parameters can be specified individually for
##' each track segment by passing \code{beta} as a matrix with one row
##' for each segment.
##' @title Gamma Behavioural Model
##' @param beta parameters of the behavioural model.
##' @param dt time intervals for speed calculation in hours.
##' @return Functions to evaluate the contributions to the log
##' posterior for the Estelle and Stella models.
##' @seealso \code{\link{satelliteModel}}, \code{\link{thresholdModel}},
##' \code{\link{groupedThresholdModel}}, \code{\link{curveModel}}.
##' @importFrom stats dgamma dnorm
##' @export
speedGammaModel <- function(beta,dt) {

  ## Sanity check
  if(any(dt <= 0)) stop("Data not ordered in time")

  ## Ensure beta is always a matrix
  if(!is.matrix(beta)) beta <- t(beta)

  if(ncol(beta)==2) {
    ## Contribution to log posterior from the movement
    estelle.logpb <- function(x,z) {
      spd <- pmax.int(trackDist2(x,z), 1e-06)/dt

  if(ncol(beta)==3) {
    ## Contribution to log posterior from the movement
    estelle.logpb <- function(x,z) {
      spd <- pmax.int(trackDist2(x,z), 1e-06)/dt
      angle <- trackBearingChange2(x,z)

  stella.logpb <- function(x) {
    spd <- pmax.int(trackDist(x), 1e-06)/dt

  ## Behavioural contribution to the log posterior

##' Satellite Model Structure for Stella and Estelle
##' Stella and Estelle require a model structure that describes the
##' model being fitted. This function generates a basic model
##' structure for satellite data that should provide a suitable
##' starting point for most analyses.
##' The \code{satelliteModel} function constructs a model structure
##' assuming that assumes the locations \code{X} determined by the
##' satellite are independently distributed about the corresponding
##' true locations.  The \code{location.model} parameter selects
##' whether \code{(X-x)/sd} is
##' \describe{
##' \item{'Normal'}{Normally distributed with zero mean and
##' unit variance, or}
##' \item{'T'}{t distributed with degrees of freedom df.}
##' }
##' Both Estelle and Stella variants of the model assume that the
##' average speed of travel between successive locations is Gamma
##' distributed, and for Estelle models, the change in bearing
##' (degrees) along the dog-leg path segments can be assumed Normally
##' distributed with mean zero.  By default, the speed of travel is
##' calculated based on the time intervals between the twilights (in
##' hours), but the intervals of time actually available for travel
##' can be specified directly with the \code{dt} argument.
##' If \code{beta} is a vector, then \code{beta[1]} and \code{beta[2]}
##' specify the shape and rate of the Gamma distribution of speeds.
##' If \code{beta} has three elements, then \code{beta[3]} specifies
##' the standard deviation of the change in bearing (in degrees) along
##' dog leg paths.
##' The \code{satelliteModel0} function constructs the non-movement
##' elements of the model, and the movement elements of the model are
##' constructed by the \code{speedGammaModel} function.
##' @title Satellite Model Structures
##' @param time the times of the satellite determined locations.
##' @param X the satellite determined locations.
##' @param location.model the model for the errors in satellite
##' locations.
##' @param sd a vector or two column matrix of dispersions for the
##' location model.
##' @param df a vector or two column matrix of degrees of freedom for
##' the t location model.
##' @param beta parameters of the behavioural model.
##' @param logp.x function to evaluate any additional contribution to
##' the log posterior from the satellite estimated locations.
##' @param logp.z function to evaluate any additional contribution to
##' the log posterior from the intermediate locations.
##' @param x0 suggested starting points for the satellite locations.
##' @param z0 suggested starting points for intermediate locations.
##' @param fixedx logical vector indicating which satellite locations
##' to hold fixed.
##' @param dt time intervals for speed calculation in hours.
##' @return a list with components
##' \item{\code{logpx}}{function to evaluate the contributions to the
##' log posterior from the twilight model}
##' \item{\code{logpz}}{function to evaluate the contributions to the
##' log posterior from the prior for the z locations}
##' \item{\code{estelle.logpb}}{function to evaluate contribution to
##' the log posterior from the behavioural model for estelle.}
##' \item{\code{stella.logpb}}{function to evaluate contribution to
##' the log posterior from the behavioural model for stella.}
##' \item{\code{fixedx}}{a logical vector indicating which locations
##' should remain fixed.}
##' \item{\code{x0}}{an array of initial twilight locations.}
##' \item{\code{z0}}{an array of initial intermediate locations.}
##' \item{\code{time}}{the times of the satellite determined
##' locations.}
##' \item{\code{X}}{the satellite determined locations.}
##' @export
satelliteModel <- function(time,X,
                            logp.x=function(x) rep.int(0L,nrow(x)),
                            logp.z=function(z) rep.int(0L,nrow(z)),
                            x0,z0=NULL,fixedx=FALSE,dt=NULL) {

  ## Times (hours) between observations
  if(is.null(dt)) dt <- diff(as.numeric(time)/3600)

  ## Contribution to log posterior from the x and z locations
  location.model <- satelliteModel0(time,X,location.model,sd,df,logp.x,logp.z,fixedx)

  ## Contribution to log posterior from the movement model
  behavioural.model <- speedGammaModel(beta,dt)

      ## Suggested starting points
      ## Data

##' @rdname satelliteModel
##' @importFrom stats dnorm dt
##' @export
satelliteModel0 <- function(time,X,
                             logp.x=function(x) rep.int(0L,nrow(x)),
                             logp.z=function(z) rep.int(0L,nrow(z)),
                             fixedx=FALSE) {

  ## Fixed x locations
  fixedx <- rep_len(fixedx,length.out=length(time))

  ## Function to compute residuals
  residuals <- function(x) X-x

  ## Contribution to log posterior from each x location
  location.model <- match.arg(location.model)
  logpx <-
           function(x) {
             r <- X-x
             logp <- rowSums(dnorm(r,0,sd,log=TRUE)) + logp.x(x)
             logp[fixedx] <- 0
           function(x) {
             r <- X-x
             logp <- rowSums(dt(r/sd,df,log=TRUE)) + logp.x(x)
             logp[fixedx] <- 0

  ## Contribution to log posterior from each z location
  logpz <- logp.z

    ## Positional contribution to the log posterior
    ## Residuals
    ## Locations to be held fixed

##' Log density of twilight errors
##' Construct a function to evalute the log density of the twilight
##' errors in a threshold model.
##' One of several models models may be selected for the errors in
##' twilight times.  The errors in twilight time are defined as the
##' difference in the observed and true times of twilight, with sign
##' selected so that a positive error always corresponds to a sunrise
##' observed after the true time of sunrise, and sunset observed
##' before the true time of sunset. That is, a positive error
##' corresponds to the observed light level being lower than expected.
##' The properties of the twilight model are determined by
##' \code{alpha}, which must be either a vector of parameters that are
##' to be applied to each twilight, or a matrix of parameters with one
##' row for each twilight.
##' The \code{twilight.model} argument selects the distribution of the
##' twilight errors
##' \describe{
##' \item{'Normal'}{Normally distributed with mean \code{alpha[,1]} and
##' standard deviation \code{alpha[,2]},}
##' \item{'LogNormal'}{Log Normally distributed so the log errors have
##' mean \code{alpha[,1]} and standard deviation \code{alpha[,2]}, or}
##' \item{'Gamma'}{Gamma distributed with shape \code{alpha[,1]} and
##' rate \code{alpha[2]}.}
##' }
##' The 'LogNormal' and 'Gamma' models forbid negative errors, that
##' is, the observed light cannot be brighter than expected.  There
##' are modified variants of these models for which negative errors
##' are extremely unlikely, but not forbidden, and can be used to
##' generate suitable initialization locations for their unmodified
##' counterparts.
##' @title Twilight Error Models
##' @param twilight.model the model for the errors in twilight times.
##' @param alpha parameters of the twilight model.
##' @return a function to evaluate the log density of the twilight
##' residuals in a threshold model.
##' @importFrom stats dgamma dnorm dlnorm
##' @export
makeTwilightModel <- function(twilight.model=c("Gamma","LogNormal","Normal","ModifiedGamma","ModifiedLogNormal"),
                                alpha) {

  twilight.model <- match.arg(twilight.model)
  logp <- switch(twilight.model,
                   shape <- alpha[,1L]
                   rate <- alpha[,2L]
                   function(r) dgamma(r,shape,rate,log=TRUE)
                   meanlog <- alpha[,1L]
                   sdlog <- alpha[,2L]
                   function(r) dlnorm(r,meanlog,sdlog,log=TRUE)
                   mean <- alpha[,1L]
                   sd <- alpha[,2L]
                   function(r) dnorm(r,mean,sd,log=TRUE)
                   shape <- alpha[,1L]
                   rate <- alpha[,2L]
                     ifelse(is.finite(r) & r < 0,
                   meanlog <- alpha[,1L]
                   sdlog <- alpha[,2L]
                     ifelse(is.finite(r) & r < 0,

##' Threshold Model Structures for Stella and Estelle
##' Stella and Estelle require a model structure that describes the
##' model being fitted. These function generate basic model structures
##' for threshold twilight data that should provide a suitable
##' starting point for most analyses.
##' The \code{thresholdModel} function constructs a model structure
##' assuming that each twilight time is associated with a single
##' location, while the \code{groupedThresholdModel} function allows
##' multiple twilight times to be associated with a single location.
##' One of several models models may be selected for the errors in
##' twilight times.  The errors in twilight time are defined as the
##' difference in the observed and true times of twilight, with sign
##' selected so that a positive error always corresponds to a sunrise
##' observed after the true time of sunrise, and sunset observed
##' before the true time of sunset. That is, a positive error
##' corresponds to the observed light level being lower than expected.
##' The properties of the twilight model are determined by
##' \code{alpha}, which must be either a vector of parameters that are
##' to be applied to each twilight, or a matrix of parameters with one
##' row for each twilight.
##' The \code{twilight.model} argument selects the distribution of the
##' twilight errors
##' \describe{
##' \item{'Normal'}{Normally distributed with mean \code{alpha[,1]} and
##' standard deviation \code{alpha[,2]},}
##' \item{'LogNormal'}{Log Normally distributed so the log errors have
##' mean \code{alpha[,1]} and standard deviation \code{alpha[,2]}, or}
##' \item{'Gamma'}{Gamma distributed with shape \code{alpha[,1]} and
##' rate \code{alpha[2]}.}
##' }
##' The 'LogNormal' and 'Gamma' models forbid negative errors, that
##' is, the observed light cannot be brighter than expected.  There
##' are modified variants of these models for which negative errors
##' are extremely unlikely, but not forbidden, and can be used to
##' generate suitable initialization locations for their unmodified
##' counterparts.
##' The initialization locations \code{x0} and \code{z0} must be
##' consistent with the chosen twilight model.  That is, if
##' 'LogNormal' or 'Gamma' models are selected, the \code{x0} cannot
##' yield negative twilight errors.
##' Both Estelle and Stella variants of the model assume that the
##' average speed of travel between successive locations is Gamma
##' distributed, and for Estelle models, the change in bearing
##' (degrees) along the dog-leg path segments can be assumed Normally
##' distributed with mean zero.  By default, the speed of travel is
##' calculated based on the time intervals between the twilights (in
##' hours), but the intervals of time actually available for travel
##' can be specified directly with the \code{dt} argument.
##' If \code{beta} is a vector, then \code{beta[1]} and \code{beta[2]}
##' specify the shape and rate of the Gamma distribution of speeds.
##' If \code{beta} has three elements, then \code{beta[3]} specifies
##' the standard deviation of the change in bearing (in degrees) along
##' dog leg paths.
##' Twilights can be missing because either the light record was too
##' noisy at that time to estimate twilight reliably, or because the
##' tag was at very high latitude and no twilight was observed.
##' Missing twilights should be replaced with an approximate time of
##' twilight, and the vector \code{missing} used to indicate which
##' twilights are approaximate and which are true.  This should be a
##' vector of integers, one for each twilight where the integer codes
##' signify
##' \describe{
##' \item{0:}{The twilight is not missing.}
##' \item{1:}{The twilight is missing, but a twilight did occur.}
##' \item{2:}{The twilight is missing because twilight did not occur.}
##' \item{3:}{The twilight is missing and it is not known if a twilight occurred.}
##' }
##' The \code{thresholdModel0} and \code{groupedThresholdModel0}
##' functions construct the non-movement elements of the model, and
##' the movement elements of the model are constructed by the
##' \code{speedGammaModel} function.
##' @title Threshold Model Structures
##' @param twilight the observed times of twilight as POSIXct.
##' @param rise logical vector indicating which twilights are sunrise.
##' @param group integer vector that defines the twilight groups.  If
##' code{group[k]==j} then the k-th twilight occurs at location j.
##' @param twilight.model the model for the errors in twilight times.
##' @param alpha parameters of the twilight model.
##' @param beta parameters of the behavioural model.
##' @param logp.x function to evaluate any additional contribution to
##' the log posterior from the twilight locations.
##' @param logp.z function to evaluate any additional contribution to
##' the log posterior from the intermediate locations.
##' @param x0 suggested starting points for twilight locations.
##' @param z0 suggested starting points for intermediate locations.
##' @param fixedx logical vector indicating which twilight locations
##' to hold fixed.
##' @param missing integer vector indicating which twilights were
##' unobserved and why.
##' @param dt time intervals for speed calculation in hours.
##' @param zenith the solar zenith angle that defines twilight.
##' @return a list with components
##' \item{\code{logpx}}{function to evaluate the contributions to the
##' log posterior from the twilight model}
##' \item{\code{logpz}}{function to evaluate the contributions to the
##' log posterior from the prior for the z locations}
##' \item{\code{estelle.logpb}}{function to evaluate contribution to
##' the log posterior from the behavioural model for estelle.}
##' \item{\code{stella.logpb}}{function to evaluate contribution to
##' the log posterior from the behavioural model for stella.}
##' \item{\code{residuals}}{function to evaluate the twilight model
##' residuals.}
##' \item{\code{fixedx}}{a logical vector indicating which locations
##' should remain fixed.}
##' \item{\code{x0}}{an array of initial twilight locations.}
##' \item{\code{z0}}{an array of initial intermediate locations.}
##' \item{\code{time}}{the twilight times.}
##' \item{\code{rise}}{the sunrise indicators.}
##' \item{\code{group}}{the grouping vector.}
##' @export
thresholdModel <- function(twilight,rise,
                            logp.x=function(x) rep.int(0L,nrow(x)),
                            logp.z=function(z) rep.int(0L,nrow(z)),
                            x0,z0=NULL,fixedx=FALSE,missing=0,dt=NULL,zenith=96) {

  ## Times (hours) between observations
    dt <- diff(as.numeric(twilight)/3600)

  ## Contribution to log posterior from the x and z locations
  location.model <- thresholdModel0(twilight,rise,twilight.model,alpha,logp.x,logp.z,fixedx,missing,zenith)

  ## Contribution to log posterior from the movement model
  behavioural.model <- speedGammaModel(beta,dt)

      ## Suggested starting points
      ## Data

##' @rdname thresholdModel
##' @export
thresholdModel0 <- function(twilight,rise,
                             logp.x=function(x) rep.int(0L,nrow(x)),
                             logp.z=function(z) rep.int(0L,nrow(z)),
                             fixedx=FALSE,missing=0,zenith=96) {

  ## Convert twilights to solar time.
  s <- solar(twilight)
  ## Sign for residuals
  sgn <- ifelse(rise,1,-1)
  ## Fixed x locations
  fixedx <- rep_len(fixedx,length.out=length(twilight))

  ## Ensure alpha is alway a matrix
  if(!is.matrix(alpha)) alpha <- t(alpha)

  ## Discrepancy in expected and observed times of twilight, with sign
  ## selected so that a positive value corresponds to the observed
  ## sunrise occurring after the expected time of sunrise, and the
  ## observed sunset occurring before the expected time of sunset
  residuals <- function(x) {

  ## Select the density of the twilight residuals
  twilight.model <- match.arg(twilight.model)
  logp.residual <- makeTwilightModel(twilight.model,alpha)

  ## Log density at forbidden locations
  forbid <- if(twilight.model %in% c("ModifiedGamma","ModifiedLogNormal")) -1.0E8 else -Inf

  ## Contribution to log posterior from each x location
  if(any(missing > 0)) {
    logpx <- function(x) {
      r <- residuals(x)
      logp <- logp.residual(r)
      ## Fix missing values
      logp[missing <= 1 & !is.finite(r)] <- forbid
      logp[missing == 1 & is.finite(r)] <- 0
      logp[missing == 2 & is.finite(r)] <- forbid
      logp[missing == 2 & !is.finite(r)] <- 0
      logp[missing == 3] <- 0
      logp <- logp + logp.x(x)
      logp[fixedx] <- 0
  } else {
    logpx <- function(x) {
      r <- residuals(x)
      logp <- logp.residual(r)
      ## Fix missing values
      logp[!is.finite(r)] <- forbid
      logp <- logp + logp.x(x)
      logp[fixedx] <- 0

  ## Contribution to log posterior from each z location
  logpz <- logp.z

    ## Positional contribution to the log posterior
    ## Residuals
    ## Locations to be held fixed

##' @rdname thresholdModel
##' @importFrom stats median
##' @export
groupedThresholdModel <- function(twilight,rise,group,
                                    logp.x=function(x) rep.int(0L,nrow(x)),
                                    logp.z=function(z) rep.int(0L,nrow(z)),
                                    x0,z0=NULL,fixedx=FALSE,missing=0,dt=NULL,zenith=96) {

  ## Compute median times
  time <- .POSIXct(tapply(twilight,group,median),"GMT")

  if(is.null(dt)) {
    ## Times (hours) between twilight groups
    tmin <- tapply(as.numeric(twilight)/3600,group,min)
    tmax <- tapply(as.numeric(twilight)/3600,group,max)
    dt <- tmin[-1L]-tmax[-max(group)]

  ## Contribution to log posterior from the x and z locations
  location.model <- groupedThresholdModel0(twilight,rise,group,twilight.model,alpha,logp.x,logp.z,fixedx,missing,zenith)

  ## Contribution to log posterior from the movement model
  behavioural.model <- speedGammaModel(beta,dt)

      ## Suggested starting points
      ## Data

##' @rdname thresholdModel
##' @export
groupedThresholdModel0 <- function(twilight,rise,group,
                                     logp.x=function(x) rep.int(0L,nrow(x)),
                                     logp.z=function(z) rep.int(0L,nrow(z)),
                                     fixedx=FALSE,missing=0,zenith=96) {

  ## Convert twilights to solar time.
  s <- solar(twilight)
  ## Sign for residuals
  sgn <- ifelse(rise,1,-1)
  ## Fixed x locations
  fixedx <- rep_len(fixedx,length.out=max(group))

  ## Ensure alpha is always a matrix
  if(!is.matrix(alpha)) alpha <- t(alpha)

  ## Discrepancy in expected and observed times of twilight, with sign
  ## selected so that a positive value corresponds to the observed
  ## sunrise occurring after the expected time of sunrise, and the
  ## observed sunset occurring before the expected time of sunset
  residuals <- function(x) {

  ## Select the density of the twilight residuals
  twilight.model <- match.arg(twilight.model)
  logp.residual <- makeTwilightModel(twilight.model,alpha)

  ## Log density at forbidden locations
  forbid <- if(twilight.model %in% c("ModifiedGamma","ModifiedLogNormal")) -1.0E8 else -Inf

  ## Contribution to log posterior from each x location
  if(any(missing > 0)) {
    logpx <- function(x) {
      r <- residuals(x)
      logp <- logp.residual(r)
      ## Fix missing values
      logp[missing <= 1 & !is.finite(r)] <- forbid
      logp[missing == 1 & is.finite(r)] <- 0
      logp[missing == 2 & is.finite(r)] <- forbid
      logp[missing == 2 & !is.finite(r)] <- 0
      logp[missing == 3] <- 0
      logp <- tapply(logp,group,sum)+logp.x(x)
      logp[fixedx] <- 0
  } else {
    logpx <- function(x) {
      r <- residuals(x)
      logp <- logp.residual(r)
      ## Fix missing values
      logp[!is.finite(r)] <- forbid
      logp <- tapply(logp,group,sum)+logp.x(x)
      logp[fixedx] <- 0

  ## Contribution to log posterior from each z location
  logpz <- logp.z

  list(## Positional contribution to the log posterior
    ## Residuals
    ## Locations to be held fixed

##' Light Curve Model Structures for Stella and Estelle
##' Stella and Estelle require a model structure that describes the
##' model being fitted. These function generate basic model structures
##' for curve fitting methods that should provide a suitable
##' starting point for most analyses.
##' The \code{curveModel} function constructs a model structure
##' assuming that each twilight profile is associated with a single
##' location.  The errors in observed log light level are assumed to
##' be Normally distributed about their expected value.
##' The initialization locations \code{x0} and \code{z0} must be
##' consistent with any other constraints imposed by the data.
##' Both Estelle and Stella variants of the model assume that the
##' average speed of travel between successive locations is Gamma
##' distributed, and for Estelle models, the change in bearing
##' (degrees) along the dog-leg path segments can be assumed Normally
##' distributed with mean zero.  By default, the speed of travel is
##' calculated based on the time intervals between the twilights (in
##' hours), but the intervals of time actually available for travel
##' can be specified directly with the \code{dt} argument.
##' If \code{beta} is a vector, then \code{beta[1]} and \code{beta[2]}
##' specify the shape and rate of the Gamma distribution of speeds.
##' If \code{beta} has three elements, then \code{beta[3]} specifies
##' the standard deviation of the change in bearing (in degrees) along
##' dog leg paths.
##' The \code{curveModel0} function constructs only the non-movement
##' elements of the model, and can be used as a basis for those
##' wishing to experiment with alternative movement models.
##' @title Curve Model Structure
##' @param time vector of sample times as POSIXct.
##' @param light vector of observed (log) light levels.
##' @param segment vector of integers that assign observations to
##' twilight segments.
##' @param calibration function that maps zenith angles to expected
##' light levels.
##' @param alpha parameters of the twilight model.
##' @param beta parameters of the behavioural model.
##' @param logp.x function to evaluate any additional contribution to
##' the log posterior from the twilight locations.
##' @param logp.z function to evaluate any additional contribution to
##' the log posterior from the intermediate locations.
##' @param x0 suggested starting points for twilight locations.
##' @param z0 suggested starting points for intermediate locations.
##' @param fixedx logical vector indicating which twilight locations
##' to hold fixed.
##' @param dt time intervals for speed calculation in hours.
##' @return a list with components
##' \item{\code{logpx}}{function to evaluate the contributions to the
##' log posterior from the twilight model}
##' \item{\code{logpz}}{function to evaluate the contributions to the
##' log posterior from the prior for the z locations}
##' \item{\code{estelle.logpb}}{function to evaluate contribution to
##' the log posterior from the behavioural model for estelle.}
##' \item{\code{stella.logpb}}{function to evaluate contribution to
##' the log posterior from the behavioural model for stella.}
##' \item{\code{fitted}}{function to evaluate the fitted values for a
##' given set of locations.}
##' \item{\code{fixedx}}{a logical vector indicating which locations
##' should remain fixed.}
##' \item{\code{x0}}{an array of initial twilight locations.}
##' \item{\code{z0}}{an array of initial intermediate locations.}
##' \item{\code{time}}{the sample times.}
##' \item{\code{light}}{the recorded light levels.}
##' \item{\code{segment}}{vector of integers that assign observations
##' to twilight segments.}
##' @importFrom stats median
##' @export
curveModel <- function(time,light,segment,
                        logp.x=function(x) rep.int(0L,nrow(x)),
                        logp.z=function(z) rep.int(0L,nrow(z)),
                        x0=NULL,z0=NULL,fixedx=FALSE,dt=NULL) {

  ## Median time in each segment
  tm <- .POSIXct(sapply(split(time,segment),median),"GMT")

  ## Times (hours) between observations
    dt <- diff(as.numeric(tm)/3600)

  ## Contribution to log posterior from the x and z locations
  location.model <- curveModel0(time,light,segment,calibration,alpha,logp.x,logp.z,fixedx)

  ## Contribution to log posterior from the movement model
  behavioural.model <- speedGammaModel(beta,dt)

      ## Suggested starting points
      ## Median time of twilights

##' @rdname curveModel
##' @importFrom stats dnorm
##' @export
curveModel0 <- function(time,light,segment,
                         logp.x=function(x) rep.int(0L,nrow(x)),
                         logp.z=function(z) rep.int(0L,nrow(z)),
                         fixedx=FALSE) {

  ## Convert to solar time.
  sun <- solar(time)
  ## Fixed x locations
  fixedx <- rep_len(fixedx,length.out=nlevels(factor(segment)))

  ## Ensure alpha is alway a matrix
  if(!is.matrix(alpha)) alpha <- t(alpha)

  ## Return a dataframe of the fitted zenith and light observations
  ## for a set of estimated locations.
  fitted <- function(x) {
    xs <- x[segment,]
    zenith <- zenith(sun,xs[,1L],xs[,2L])
    fitted <- calibration(zenith)+xs[,3L]
    ## Contributions to log posterior
    logp <- dnorm(light,fitted,alpha[,1L],log=TRUE)

  ## Contribution to log posterior from each x location
  logpx <- function(x) {
    xs <- x[segment,]
    zenith <- zenith(sun,xs[,1L],xs[,2L])
    fitted <- calibration(zenith)+xs[,3L]
    ## Contributions to log posterior
    logp <- dnorm(light,fitted,alpha[,1L],log=TRUE)
    sapply(split(logp,segment),sum) + logp.x(x) + dnorm(x[,3L],0,alpha[,2L],log=TRUE)

  ## Contribution to log posterior from each z location
  logpz <- logp.z

    ## Positional contribution to the log posterior
    ## Fitted values
    ## Locations to be held fixed

##' Metropolis samplers for Stella or Estelle.
##' These functions draw samples form posterior for the Stella or
##' Estelle model by the Metropolis algorithm.
##' @title Metropolis Samplers
##' @param model a model structure as generated by
##' \code{thresholdModel}.
##' @param proposal.x function for drawing proposals for x.
##' @param proposal.z function for drawing proposals for z.
##' @param x0 Starting values for twilight locations x.
##' @param z0 Starting values for intermediate locations z.
##' @param iters number of samples to draw.
##' @param thin rate at which to thin samples.
##' @param chains number of chains to sample.
##' @param verbose report progress at prompt?
##' @return If there are r samples drawn for each of q chains of p
##' parameters at n locations, Stella will return a list containing
##' \item{\code{model}}{the model structure}
##' \item{\code{x}}{a list of n x p x r arrays of twilight locations
##' from the q chains}
##' While in addition Estelle will return
##' \item{\code{z}}{a list of (n-1) x p x r arrays of intermediate
##' locations from the q chains}.
##' @seealso \code{\link{thresholdModel}}
##' @importFrom stats runif
##' @importFrom utils flush.console
##' @export
estelleMetropolis <- function(model,
                               verbose=interactive()) {

  ## Initialize x,z
  if(is.null(x0)) x0 <- model$x0
  if(is.null(z0)) z0 <- model$z0
  ## Expand starting values for multiple chains
  x0 <- rep(if(is.list(x0)) x0 else list(x0),length.out=chains)
  z0 <- rep(if(is.list(z0)) z0 else list(z0),length.out=chains)

  ## Number of locations
  n <- nrow(x0[[1]])
  ## Number of parameters
  m <- ncol(x0[[1]])

  ## Extract model components
  logpx <- model$logpx
  logpz <- model$logpz
  logpb <- model$estelle.logpb
  fixedx <- model$fixedx

  ## Lists of chains
  ch.xs <- vector(mode="list",chains)
  ch.zs <- vector(mode="list",chains)

  ## PARALLEL - parallelise this loop
  for(k1 in 1:chains) {
    ## Allocate chains
    ch.x <- array(0,c(n,m,iters))
    ch.z <- array(0,c(n-1L,2L,iters))

    ## Initialize
    x1 <- x0[[k1]]
    z1 <- z0[[k1]]
    ## Drop dimnames for speed
    dimnames(x1) <- NULL
    dimnames(z1) <- NULL

    ## Contribution to logp from the initial x,z
    logp.x1 <- logpx(x1)
    logp.z1 <- logpz(z1)
    logp.b1 <- logpb(x1,z1)

    k2 <- 0
    if(verbose) {
      cat("iter ",sprintf("%6d",k2))

    for(k2 in 1:iters) {

      if(verbose && k2%%10==0) {

      for(k3 in 1:thin) {

        ## Propose all x at once, and calculate contribution to the log
        ## posterior
        x2 <- proposal.x(x1)
        x2[fixedx,] <- x1[fixedx,]
        logp.x2 <- logpx(x2)

        x <- x1
        x[c(1L,n),] <- x2[c(1L,n),]
        logp.b2 <- logpb(x,z1)

        ## Update x
        ## In each case we compute full contribution (positional +
        ## behavourial) to the log posterior for current and proposed
        ## points, and apply the MH rule. If the proposal is accepted,
        ## we update both x and the cached contributions to the log
        ## posterior.

        ## Accept/reject first x
        if(!fixedx[1L]) {
          logp1 <- logp.x1[1L]+logp.b1[1L]
          logp2 <- logp.x2[1L]+logp.b2[1L]
          if(logp2-logp1 > log(runif(1))) {
            x1[1L,] <- x2[1L,]
            logp.x1[1L] <- logp.x2[1L]
            logp.b1[1L] <- logp.b2[1L]

        ## Accept/reject last x
        if(!fixedx[n]) {
          logp1 <- logp.x1[n]+logp.b1[n-1L]
          logp2 <- logp.x2[n]+logp.b2[n-1L]
          if(logp2-logp1 > log(runif(1))) {
            x1[n,] <- x2[n,]
            logp.x1[n] <- logp.x2[n]
            logp.b1[n-1L] <- logp.b2[n-1L]

        ## Red/Black update for interior x
        for(rb in 2:3) {
          is <- seq.int(rb,n-1L,by=2L)
          x <- x1
          x[is,] <- x2[is,]
          logp.b2 <- logpb(x,z1)

          logp1 <- logp.x1[is]+logp.b1[is-1L]+logp.b1[is]
          logp2 <- logp.x2[is]+logp.b2[is-1L]+logp.b2[is]
          ## MH rule - compute indices of the accepted points.
          accept <- is[logp2-logp1 > log(runif(length(is)))]
          x1[accept,] <- x[accept,]
          logp.x1[accept] <- logp.x2[accept]
          logp.b1[accept] <- logp.b2[accept]
          logp.b1[accept-1L] <- logp.b2[accept-1L]

        ## Update z
        ## Here we need only consider the behavioural contributions to
        ## the log posterior (the position contributions are constant
        ## and would cancel), and so we can update all the z in parallel.
        z2 <- proposal.z(z1)
        logp.z2 <- logpz(z2)
        logp.b2 <- logpb(x1,z2)
        logp1 <- logp.z1+logp.b1
        logp2 <- logp.z2+logp.b2
        ## MH rule - compute indices of the accepted points.
        accept <- logp2-logp1 > log(runif(n-1L))
        z1[accept,] <- z2[accept,]
        logp.z1[accept] <- logp.z2[accept]
        logp.b1[accept] <- logp.b2[accept]
      ## Store the current state
      ch.x[,,k2] <- x1
      ch.z[,,k2] <- z1
    ch.xs[[k1]] <- ch.x
    ch.zs[[k1]] <- ch.z
    if(verbose) cat("\n")

##' @rdname estelleMetropolis
##' @importFrom stats runif
##' @importFrom utils flush.console
##' @export
stellaMetropolis <- function(model,
                              verbose=interactive()) {

  ## Initialize x
  if(is.null(x0)) x0 <- model$x0
  ## Expand starting values for multiple chains
  x0 <- rep(if(is.list(x0)) x0 else list(x0),length.out=chains)

  ## Number of locations
  n <- nrow(x0[[1]])
  ## Number of parameters
  m <- ncol(x0[[1]])

  ## Extract model components
  logpx <- model$logpx
  logpb <- model$stella.logpb
  fixedx <- model$fixedx

  ## Lists of chains
  ch.xs <- vector(mode="list",chains)

  ## PARALLEL - parallelise this loop
  for(k1 in 1:chains) {
    ## Allocate chain
    ch.x <- array(0,c(n,m,iters))

    ## Initialize
    x1 <- x0[[k1]]
    ## Drop dimnames for speed
    dimnames(x1) <- NULL

    ## Contribution to logp from the initial x
    logp.x1 <- logpx(x1)
    logp.b1 <- logpb(x1)

    k2 <- 0
    if(verbose) {
      cat("iter ",sprintf("%6d",k2))

    for(k2 in 1:iters) {

      if(verbose && k2%%10==0) {

      for(k3 in 1:thin) {

        ## Propose all x at once, and calculate contribution to the log
        ## posterior
        x2 <- proposal.x(x1)
        x2[fixedx,] <- x1[fixedx,]
        logp.x2 <- logpx(x2)

        x <- x1
        x[c(1L,n),] <- x2[c(1L,n),]
        logp.b2 <- logpb(x)

        ## Update x
        ## In each case we compute full contribution (positional +
        ## behavourial) to the log posterior for current and proposed
        ## points, and apply the MH rule. If the proposal is accepted,
        ## we update both x and the cached contributions to the log
        ## posterior.

        ## Accept/reject first x
        if(!fixedx[1L]) {
          logp1 <- logp.x1[1L]+logp.b1[1L]
          logp2 <- logp.x2[1L]+logp.b2[1L]
          if(logp2-logp1 > log(runif(1))) {
            x1[1L,] <- x2[1L,]
            logp.x1[1L] <- logp.x2[1L]
            logp.b1[1L] <- logp.b2[1L]

        ## Accept/reject last x
        if(!fixedx[n]) {
          logp1 <- logp.x1[n]+logp.b1[n-1L]
          logp2 <- logp.x2[n]+logp.b2[n-1L]
          if(logp2-logp1 > log(runif(1))) {
            x1[n,] <- x2[n,]
            logp.x1[n] <- logp.x2[n]
            logp.b1[n-1L] <- logp.b2[n-1L]

        ## Red/Black update for interior x
        for(rb in 2:3) {
          is <- seq.int(rb,n-1L,by=2L)
          x <- x1
          x[is,] <- x2[is,]
          logp.b2 <- logpb(x)

          logp1 <- logp.x1[is]+logp.b1[is-1L]+logp.b1[is]
          logp2 <- logp.x2[is]+logp.b2[is-1L]+logp.b2[is]
          ## MH rule - compute indices of the accepted points.
          accept <- is[logp2-logp1 > log(runif(length(is)))]
          x1[accept,] <- x[accept,]
          logp.x1[accept] <- logp.x2[accept]
          logp.b1[accept] <- logp.b2[accept]
          logp.b1[accept-1L] <- logp.b2[accept-1L]

      ## Store the current state
      ch.x[,,k2] <- x1
    ch.xs[[k1]] <- ch.x
    if(verbose) cat("\n")

##' Number of locations
##' A convience function to determine the number of locations a chain,
##' or set of initial locations or a location summary
##' describe. Assumes \code{s} is either an array or a list of arrays
##' in which the first dimension corresponds to location, and returns
##' the length of the first dimension.
##' @title Number of locations
##' @param s an array or a list of arrays.
##' @return size of the first dimension of the array.
##' @export
nlocation <- function(s) {
  dim(if(is.list(s)) s[[1]] else s)[1]

##' Summarize a set of location samples
##' These functions compute various summaries of a sample or list of
##' samples generated by \code{estelleMetropolis} or
##' \code{stellaMetropolis}.
##' These functions accept either a sample from a single mcmc run, or
##' a list of samples from parallel mcmc runs.  When \code{collapse}
##' is true, multiple samples are merged and single result is
##' returned, otherwise a result is returned for each sample.
##' @rdname locationSummary
##' @title Summaries of Location Samples
##' @param s a single chain or a list of parallel chains generated by
##' \code{estelleMetropolis} or \code{stellaMetropolis}.
##' @param time the times corresponding to the x locations.
##' @param discard number of initial samples to discard.
##' @param alpha coverage of the credible intervals calculated by
##' \code{locationSummary}.
##' @param collapse whether to collapse parallel chains to a single chain
##' @param chains the set of chains to retain, or \code{NULL}.
##' @return
##' \item{\code{locationSummary}}{returns a dataframe or a list of
##' dataframes of summary quantities for each location.}
##' \item{\code{locationMean}}{returns an array or a list of arrays
##' of the means of the samples for each location.}
##' @importFrom stats sd
##' @export
locationSummary <- function(s,time=NULL,discard=0,alpha=0.95,collapse=TRUE,chains=NULL) {
  summary <- function(s) {
     stat <- function(x) c(mean=mean(x),sd=sd(x),quantile(x,prob=c(0.5,(1-alpha)/2,1-(1-alpha)/2)))
    lon <- t(apply(s[,1L,],1L,stat))
    colnames(lon) <- paste("Lon",colnames(lon),sep=".")
    lat <- t(apply(s[,2L,],1L,stat))
    colnames(lat) <- paste("Lat",colnames(lat),sep=".")
    d <- as.data.frame(cbind(lon,lat))
    if(!is.null(time)) {
      ## Add timing information
      n <- nrow(d)
        d <- cbind(Time=time,d)
        d <- cbind(Time1=time[1:n],Time2=time[2:(n+1L)],d)

  s <- chainCollapse(s,collapse=collapse,discard=discard,chains=chains)
  if(is.list(s)) lapply(s,summary) else summary(s)

##' @rdname locationSummary
##' @export
locationMean <- function(s,discard=0,collapse=TRUE,chains=NULL) {
  locmean <- function(s) apply(s[,1:2,],1:2,mean)

  s <- chainCollapse(s,collapse=collapse,discard=discard,chains=chains)
  if(is.list(s)) lapply(s,locmean) else locmean(s)

##' Summarize a set of location samples in the format required for upload to Movebank
##' These functions compute various summaries of a sample or list of
##' samples generated by \code{estelleMetropolis} or
##' \code{stellaMetropolis}.
##' These functions accept either a sample from a single mcmc run, or
##' a list of samples from parallel mcmc runs.
##' @rdname SGAT2Movebank
##' @title Summaries of Location Samples for Movebank
##' @param s a single chain or a list of parallel chains generated by
##' \code{estelleMetropolis} or \code{stellaMetropolis}.
##' @param time the times corresponding to the x locations.
##' @param group integer vector that defines the twilight groups.  If
##' code{group[k]==j} then the k-th twilight occurs at location j. Default is \code{NULL} for non-grouped models.
##' @param discard number of initial samples to discard.
##' @param alpha coverage of the credible intervals calculated by
##' \code{locationSummary}.
##' @param chains the set of chains to retain, or \code{NULL}.
##' @return
##' \item{\code{SGAT2Movebank}}{returns a dataframe of summary quantities for each location or grouped location.}
##' @importFrom stats sd quantile
##' @export
SGAT2Movebank <- function(s,time=NULL,group=NULL,discard=0,alpha=0.95,chains=NULL) {
  summary <- function(s) {
    stat <- function(x) c(quantile(x,prob=c(0.5,(1-alpha)/2,1-(1-alpha)/2)))
    lon <- t(apply(s[,1L,],1L,stat))
    colnames(lon) <- paste("Lon",colnames(lon),sep=".")
    lat <- t(apply(s[,2L,],1L,stat))
    colnames(lat) <- paste("Lat",colnames(lat),sep=".")
    d <- as.data.frame(cbind(lon,lat))
    if(!is.null(time)) {
      ## Add timing information
      n <- nrow(d)
        d <- cbind(Time=time,d)
        d <- cbind(Time1=time[1:n],Time2=time[2:(n+1L)],d)
  groupedSummary <- function(s) {
    stat <- function(x) c(quantile(x,prob=c(0.5,(1-alpha)/2,1-(1-alpha)/2)))
    lon <- t(apply(s[,1L,],1L,stat))
    colnames(lon) <- paste("Lon",colnames(lon),sep=".")
    lat <- t(apply(s[,2L,],1L,stat))
    colnames(lat) <- paste("Lat",colnames(lat),sep=".")
    d <- as.data.frame(cbind(lon,lat))
    if(!is.null(time)) {
      ## Add timing information
      n <- nrow(d)
        stop("Intermediate locations do not make sense for the grouped model, use fit$x instead.")
        d <- data.frame(StartTime = as.POSIXct(tapply(time, group, min), origin = "1970-01-01", tz = "GMT"),
                        EndTime =   as.POSIXct(tapply(time, group, max), origin = "1970-01-01", tz = "GMT"), d)


  s <- chainCollapse(s,collapse=TRUE,discard=discard,chains=chains)

  } else {
    if(is.list(s)) lapply(s,summary) else summary(s)


##' Bin locations to form a 2D density image
##' Bins the samples for a sequence of locations to produce 2D array
##' suitable for plotting with \code{image}.  Optionally, a vector of
##' weights can be provided to differentially weight samples by
##' location.
##' This function accepts either a sample from a single mcmc run, or
##' a list of samples from parallel mcmc runs.  If
##' \code{collapse} is true, multiple samples are merged and single
##' image is returned, otherwise an image is returned for each sample.
##' @title Location Density Image
##' @param s a single chain or a list of parallel chains generated by
##' \code{estelleMetropolis} or \code{stellaMetropolis}.
##' @param xlim range of the first coordinate.
##' @param ylim range of the second coordinate.
##' @param nx number of cells in the first coordinate.
##' @param ny number of cells in the second coordinate.
##' @param weight weights for each location.
##' @param discard number of initial samples to discard.
##' @param collapse whether to collapse parallel chains to a single chain
##' @param chains the set of chains to retain, or \code{NULL}.
##' @return A list with elesments
##' \item{\code{x}}{the x-ordinates that bound the bins}
##' \item{\code{y}}{the y-ordinates that bound the bins}
##' \item{\code{W}}{the weighted image.}
##' @export
locationImage <- function(s,xlim,ylim,nx,ny,weight=rep_len(1,dim(s)[1L]),
                           discard=0,collapse=TRUE,chains=NULL) {
  nx <- round(nx)
  ny <- round(ny)
  xbin <- seq.int(xlim[1L],xlim[2L],length.out=nx+1L)
  ybin <- seq.int(ylim[1L],ylim[2L],length.out=ny+1L)

  bin <- function(s) {
    W <- 0
    for(k in 1:dim(s)[1L]) {
      W <- W+weight[k]*table(
    W[W==0] <- NA

  s <- chainCollapse(s,collapse=collapse,discard=discard,chains=chains)
  if(is.list(s)) lapply(s,bin) else bin(s)

##' Manipulate the samples generated by the Metropolis samplers.
##' These functions provide some basic operations on the samples
##' generated by the Metropolis samplers for Estelle and Stella.
##' @rdname chainSummary
##' @title Manipulate MCMC samples
##' @param s a single chain or a list of parallel chains generated by
##' \code{estelleMetropolis} or \code{stellaMetropolis}.
##' @param discard number of initial samples to discard.
##' @param thin rate at which to thin the sample.
##' @param collapse whether to collapse parallel chains to a single chain
##' @param chains the set of chains to retain, or \code{NULL}.
##' @return
##' \code{chainSummary} returns a summary of the sample
##' \code{chainTail} discards the initial samples from each chain
##' \code{chainLast} returns the last sample for each location in each chain
##' \code{chainCollapse} collapses multiple chains into a single sample
##' \code{chainCov} returns the covariance of the parameters location by location as a pxpxn array.
##' \code{chainBcov} returns the joint covariance of the parameters as an (np)x(np) array.
##' \code{chainAcceptance} returns the acceptance rate in the (thinned) chain
##' @export
chainSummary <- function(s) {
  dm <- dim(s[[1]])
  cat("Sample of",dm[3L],"from",length(s),"chains of",dm[2L],"parameters for",dm[1L],"locations\n")

##' @rdname chainSummary
##' @export
chainTail <- function(s,discard=0,thin=1) {
  tail <- function(s) s[,,seq.int(from=1+max(discard,0),to=dim(s)[3L],by=thin)]
  if(!is.list(s)) tail(s) else lapply(s,tail)

##' @rdname chainSummary
##' @export
chainLast <- function(s) {
  last <- function(s) s[,,dim(s)[3L]]
  if(!is.list(s)) last(s) else lapply(s,last)

##' @rdname chainSummary
##' @export
chainCollapse <- function(s,collapse=TRUE,discard=0,thin=1,chains=NULL) {
  subset <- function(s) s[,,seq.int(from=1+max(discard,0),to=dim(s)[3L],by=thin)]
  if(!is.list(s)) {
    if(thin>1 || discard>0)
      s <- subset(s)
  } else {
    if(!is.null(chains)) s <- s[chains]
    if(thin>1 || discard>0) s <- lapply(s,subset)
    if(collapse) {
      dm <- dim(s[[1]])
      s <- array(unlist(s),c(dm[1:2],length(s)*dm[3]))

##' @rdname chainSummary
##' @importFrom stats var
##' @export
chainCov <- function(s,discard=0,chains=NULL) {
  s <- chainCollapse(s,collapse=FALSE,discard=discard,chains=chains)

  if(!is.list(s)) {
    V <- apply(s,1L,function(x) var(t(x)))
  } else {
    dm <- dim(s[[1]])
    V <- apply(array(unlist(lapply(s, function(s) apply(s,1L,function(y) var(t(y))))),

##' @rdname chainSummary
##' @importFrom stats var
##' @export
chainBcov <- function(s,discard=0,chains=NULL) {
  bcov <- function(s) {
    dm <- dim(s)
    dim(s) <- c(prod(dm[1:2]),dm[3])

  s <- chainCollapse(s,collapse=FALSE,discard=discard,chains=chains)

##' @rdname chainSummary
##' @export
chainAcceptance <- function(s,collapse=FALSE,chains=NULL) {
  rate <- function(s) mean(apply(s,1,function(x) mean(rowMeans(x[,-1L]-x[,-ncol(x)]!=0))))

  s <- chainCollapse(s,collapse=FALSE,chains=chains)
  r <- if(is.list(s)) lapply(s,rate) else rate(s)
  if(collapse & is.list(r)) do.call(mean,r) else r

##' Apply a function to chains of samples
##' The function \code{chainApply} applies a function of a single
##' argument to the samples of a chain or a list of parallel chains
##' generated by \code{estelleMetropolis} or
##' \code{stellaMetropolis}.
##' The function \code{chainApply2} applies a function of two
##' arguments to samples of two chain or two lists of parallel chains
##' generated by \code{estelleMetropolis} or
##' \code{stellaMetropolis}.
##' @title Apply a function to chains
##' @param f the function to apply to samples
##' @param s1 a single chain or a list of parallel chains generated by
##' \code{estelleMetropolis} or \code{stellaMetropolis}.
##' @param s2 a single chain or a list of parallel chains generated by
##' \code{estelleMetropolis} or \code{stellaMetropolis}.
##' @param collapse whether to collapse parallel chains to a single chain.
##' @param thin rate at which to thin the sample.
##' @param chains the set of chains to retain, or \code{NULL}.
##' @export
chainApply <- function(s1,f,collapse=TRUE,thin=1,chains=NULL) {
  s1 <- chainCollapse(s1,collapse=collapse,thin=thin,chains=chains)
  applyf <- function(s1) sapply(seq_len(dim(s1)[3]),function(k) f(s1[,,k]))
  if(!collapse) lapply(s1,applyf) else applyf(s1)

##' @rdname chainApply
##' @export
chainApply2 <- function(s1,s2,f,collapse=TRUE,thin=1,chains=NULL) {
  s1 <- chainCollapse(s1,collapse=collapse,thin=thin,chains=chains)
  s2 <- chainCollapse(s2,collapse=collapse,thin=thin,chains=chains)
  applyf <- function(s1,s2) sapply(seq_len(dim(s1)[3]),function(k) f(s1[,,k],s2[,,k]))
  if(!collapse) mapply(applyf,s1,s2,SIMPLIFY=FALSE) else applyf(s1,s2)

##' Convert to Coda objects
##' Convert samples generated by \code{estelleMetropolis} or
##' \code{stellaMetropolis} to a \pkg{coda} object.
##' @title Export to Coda
##' @param s a list of chains generated by \code{estelleMetropolis}
##' or \code{stellaMetropolis}.
##' @return a \pkg{coda} object.
##' @importFrom coda mcmc mcmc.list
##' @export
chainCoda <- function(s) {
  coda <- function(s) {
      dm <- dim(s)
      dim(s) <- c(prod(dm[1:2]),dm[3])
      nms <- c("Lon","Lat")
          nms <- c("Lon","Lat",paste0("P",seq.int(length.out=dm[2]-2)))
      nms <- as.vector(t(outer(nms,1:dm[1],paste,sep=".")))
      rownames(s) <- nms
  if(is.list(s)) {
      if(length(s)==1) coda(s[[1]]) else do.call(mcmc.list,lapply(s,coda))
  } else {

##' Calculate shape and rate parameters of the Gamma distribution
##' The Gamma distribution is usually parameterized in terms of the
##' shape and rate parameters.  The \code{parametersGamma} function
##' deterimines the shape and rate parameters that will yield a Gamma
##' distribution with a desired mean and standard deviation.
##' @title Alternate Gamma Parametrization
##' @param mean vector of means.
##' @param sd vector of standard deviations.
##' @return Returns a 2 column array of the shape and rate parameters
##' that will yield the required mean and standard deviation.
##' @examples
##' ## Shape and rate that give a mean of 3 and sd of 2
##' parametersGamma(3,2)
##' @export
parametersGamma <- function(mean,sd) {

##' Permute and collapse the dimensions of an array
##' Like \code{aperm} this function permutes the dimensions of an
##' array, but can also collapse adjacent dimensions.  The permutation
##' of dimensions is specified by a list of vectors.  The index of
##' each dimension must appear exactly once, but dimensions that occur
##' together in a vector are reduced to a single dimension.
##' @title Generalized Array Permutation
##' @param x an array.
##' @param perm the subscript permutation list.
##' @return The redimensioned array.
##' @examples
##' x <- array(1:120,2:5)
##' dim(gperm(x,list(4,3,2,1)))
##' dim(gperm(x,list(c(4,3),2,1)))
##' dim(gperm(x,list(1,c(3,2),4)))
##' @export
gperm <- function(x,perm) {
  dm <- dim(x)
  x <- aperm(x,unlist(perm))
  dim(x) <- sapply(perm,function(k) prod(dm[k]))

##' Construct a sampler to draw multivariate Normal deviates.
##' Construct a sampler that draws Multivariate Normal deviates with
##' covariances determined by \code{S} and mean determined by its
##' first argument.
##' The \code{mvnorm} function constructs a function that generates
##' \code{n} independent Multivariate Normal deviates, where the
##' covariance of each deviate is specified by \code{S} which must be
##' either a \code{m}x\code{m} covariance matrix or an
##' \code{n}x\code{m}x\code{m} array of covariance matrices.
##' The \code{bmvnorm} constructs a function that generates \code{n}
##' correlated Multivariate Normal deviates, where the joint
##' covariance is specified by \code{S} which must be a
##' \code{nm}x\code{nm} covariance matrix (as generated by
##' \code{chainBcov}).
##' @title Multivariate Normal Samples
##' @param S a covariance matrix or an array of covariance matrices.
##' @param s a scale factor applied to S.
##' @param n number of deviates to draw.
##' @param m dimension of each deviate.
##' @param tol minimum allowable variance.
##' @return A function that draws bivariate Normal deviates with mean
##' given by its first argument.
##' @importFrom stats rnorm
##' @export
mvnorm <- function(S,s=1,n=1,tol=1.0E-6) {

  ## Fault tolerant cholesky
  fchol <- function(V) {
    diag(V) <- pmax.int(diag(V),tol)
             error=function(e) {
               d <- diag(V)
               V <- V/4
               diag(V) <- pmax.int(d/2,tol)

  m <- dim(S)[1L]
  if(length(dim(S))==2) {
    S <- array(s*fchol(S),c(m,m,n))
  } else {
    n <- dim(S)[3L]
    for(k in 1:n) {
      S[,,k] <- s*fchol(S[,,k])
  S <- aperm(S,c(1L,3L,2L))
  dim(S) <- c(m*n,m)

  function(mu) {
    z <- rnorm(m*n)*S
    dim(z) <- c(m,m*n)
    z <- colSums(z)
    dim(z) <- c(n, m)

##' @rdname mvnorm
##' @importFrom stats rnorm
##' @export
bmvnorm <- function(S,m,s=1) {
  S <- chol(s*S)
  n <- nrow(S)/m

  function(mu) {
    z <- rnorm(m*n)%*%S
    dim(z) <- c(n,m)

##' Convert GeoLight data
##' This function converts from the tFirst, tSecond format used by
##' GeoLight to the twilight, rise format used by Stella and Estelle.
##' @title Convert GeoLight Format
##' @param tFirst times of first twilight.
##' @param tSecond times of second twilight.
##' @param type type of twilight.
##' @return A data frame with columns \item{\code{twilight}}{times of
##' twilight as POSIXct objects.}  \item{\code{rise}}{logical vector
##' indicating which twilights are sunrise.}
##' @export
geolightConvert <- function(tFirst,tSecond,type) {
  tm <- .POSIXct(c(as.POSIXct(tFirst,"GMT"),
  keep <- !duplicated(tm)
  tm <- tm[keep]
  rise <- c(type==1,type!=1)[keep]
  ord <- order(tm)

##' Twilight times from a flight of a Short-tailed Shearwater.
##' Twilight times derived from light intensity measurements from an
##' archival tag on a Short-tailed Shearwater (\emph{Puffinus
##' tenuirostris}).  The bird was tagged at its burrow on Wedge
##' Island, Tasmania Australia (147.670E 43.133S).  The bird makes two
##' foraging trips, returning to its burrow after each trip.
##' When the bird is in its burrow, no light is recorded by the tag
##' and the twilights reported in the data set are the calculated
##' twilights Wedge Island when solar zenith is 95 degrees.
##' These data supplied courtesy of Delphi Ward and Mark Hindell,
##' Institute of Marine and Antarctic Studies, University of
##' Tasmania.
##' @name Shearwater
##' @docType data
##' @title Short-tailed Shearwater Track
##' @format A data frame with 3 columns and 72 rows.  The columns
##' represent
##' \tabular{rl}{
##' \code{twilight} \tab times of twilight. \cr
##' \code{rise} \tab logical indicating which twilights are sunrise. \cr
##' \code{burrow} \tab logical indicating when the bird in its burrow.
##' }
##' @keywords data

##' Light data from the foraging trips of the Southern elephant seal.
##' Light intensity measurements over time from an archival tag on a
##' Southern elephant seal (\emph{Mirounga leonina}).  The seal was
##' tagged at the isthmus on Macquarie Island (158.950E, 54.5S), with
##' data from a time-depth-recorder (Mk9 TDR; Wildlife Computers,
##' Seattle, WA, USA).  These tags provides regular time series of
##' measurements of depth, water temperature, and ambient light
##' level. The original data for \code{ElephantSeal1} were processed
##' to remove values at depths greater than 15m and to classify
##' periods of twilight. The data for \code{ElephantSeal2} have also
##' been processed for twilight periods. The seals makes one single
##' foraging trip, returning to the isthmus where they were tagged.
##' Data recorded while the seal is at the isthmus are used for
##' calibration (\code{\link{ElephantSeal1calib}}).
##' These data supplied courtesy of Mark Hindell, Institute of Marine
##' and Antarctic Studies, University of
##' Tasmania. \code{ElephantSeal1} is B362_99 and \code{ElephantSeal2}
##' is C699_02
##' @name ElephantSeal1
##' @aliases ElephantSeal1calib ElephantSeal2 ElephantSeal2calib
##' @docType data
##' @title Southern Elephant seal tag data
##' @format \code{ElephantSeal1} A data frame with 3 columns.  The
##' columns represent
##' \tabular{rl}{
##' \code{time} \tab times of measurement \cr
##' \code{light} \tab  (log) light values \cr
##' \code{segment} \tab integer indicating sequence of twilight periods \cr
##' }
##' \code{ElephantSeal2} This tag is similar to \code{ElephantSeal1}
##' but also has columns
##' \tabular{rl}{
##' \code{depth} \tab depth in the water column in metres (positive) \cr
##' \code{temp} \tab temperature in the water column in degrees celcius \cr
##' }
##' \code{ElephantSeal1calib} and \code{ElephantSealcalib2} A data
##' frame with 2 columns.  The columns represent
##' \tabular{rl}{
##' \code{zenith} \tab zenith values \cr
##' \code{light} \tab  (log) light values \cr
##' }
##' @keywords data
SWotherspoon/SGAT documentation built on June 1, 2022, 10:49 p.m.