# server.R
server <- function(input, output, session) {
# import tab server side ####
# Import and do mandatory cleaning of the data only after the process button has been pressed:
peptides_full <- eventReactive(input$processRaw, {
readFile <- input$inputfile
if (is.null(readFile)) {
dataFile <- system.file("extData", "data.txt", package = "ComPrAn")
} else {
peptides <- reactive({cleanData(peptides_full())})
maxFraction <- eventReactive(peptides(),{
# Import normalized data only after the process button has been pressed:
vNormProts <- reactiveValues(data = NULL)
# compiledNorm_import <- eventReactive(input$processNorm, {
# readNorm <- input$inputfileNorm
# if (is.null(readNorm)) {
# dataFile <- system.file("extdata", "dataNormProts.txt", package = "ComPrAn")
# protImportForAnalysis(data.table::fread(dataFile))
# } else {
# protImportForAnalysis(data.table::fread(readNorm$datapath))
# }
# })
observeEvent(input$processNorm, {
readNorm <- input$inputfileNorm
if (is.null(readNorm)) {
dataFile <- system.file("extData", "dataNormProts.txt", package = "ComPrAn")
vNormProts$data <- protImportForAnalysis(dataFile)
} else {
vNormProts$data <- protImportForAnalysis(readNorm$datapath)
vImportMessage <- reactiveValues(data = "No file uploaded and no example file chosed.
Please upload a file or click on one of the process buttons in the above tabs.")
observeEvent(input$processRaw, {
vImportMessage$data <- "Using raw data file. Proceed to part 1."
observeEvent(input$processNorm, {
vImportMessage$data <- "Using normalized vales file. Proceed to part 2."
output$useCase <- renderText({
# output$useCase <- renderText({
# if (input$processRaw != 0) {
# "Using raw data file. Proceed to part 1."
# } else if (input$processNorm != 0) {
# "Using normalized vales file. Proceed to part 2."
# } else {
# "No file uploaded and no example file chosed. Please upload a file or click on one of the process buttons in the above tabs."
# }
# })
# output$NormInputTest_0 <- renderText({
# if(input$processNorm != 0) {
# # if(input$processRaw != 0) {
# # names(normalized_full())
# is.object(compiledNorm_import())
# # names(peptides())
# # print("hello, there.")
# } else {
# print("no norm file")
# }
# })
# # To test a widgets value
# output$test_widget_value <- renderText({names(peptides())[2]})
# summary tab server side ####
# Plot split between labeled and unlabeled
output$totalSplit <- renderPlot({
totalSplit <- data.frame(value = c(nrow(peptides_full()) - nrow(peptides()), nrow(peptides())),
label = c("val1", "val2"))
# totalSplit <- data.frame(value = c(330, 670),
# label = c("val1", "val2"))
percentUsed <- round(totalSplit$value[2]/sum(totalSplit$value) * 100, 2)
totalSplit %>%
ggplot(aes(x = 1, y = value, fill = label)) +
geom_col(position = "stack") +
coord_flip(expand = 0) +
annotate("text", y = totalSplit$value[2], label = paste(percentUsed, "% of total\nused in analysis"), x = 1, hjust = 1.1) +
scale_x_continuous("") +
scale_y_continuous("Peptides") +
scale_fill_manual(values = c("grey90", "skyblue")) +
theme(axis.text.y = element_blank(),
axis.line.y = element_blank(),
axis.ticks.y = element_blank(),
legend.position = "none",
rect = element_rect(fill = plotBkg, color = plotBkg))
# Display number of peptides to the user:
output$test_input <- renderText({
if (is.null(input$inputfile)) {
paste("The example dataset containing", nrow(peptides_full()), " peptides and ", maxFraction() ," fractions will be used. After mandatory cleaning", nrow(peptides()), " (",round(nrow(peptides())/nrow(peptides_full())*100,2) ,"% ) remain. You may now proceed to filtering your data.")
} else {
paste0("Your dataset containing ", nrow(peptides_full()), " peptides and ", maxFraction() ," fractions has been imported. After mandatory cleaning", nrow(peptides()), " (",round(nrow(peptides())/nrow(peptides_full())*100,2) ,"% ) remain. You may now proceed to filtering your data.")
# Plot split between labeled and unlabeled
output$labUnlabSplit <- renderPlot({
labUnlabSplit <- data.frame(y = peptides()$isLabel)
percentLab <- round(table(labUnlabSplit$y)/nrow(labUnlabSplit)*100,2)[2]
percentUnlab <- round(table(labUnlabSplit$y)/nrow(labUnlabSplit)*100,2)[1]
labUnlabSplit %>%
ggplot(aes(x = 1, fill = y)) +
geom_bar(position = "fill") +
coord_flip(expand = 0) +
annotate("text", y = 0, label = paste0(input$labelledName, ", ", percentLab, "%"), x = 1, hjust = -0.1) +
annotate("text", y = 1, label = paste0(input$unlabelledName, ", ", percentUnlab, "%"), x = 1, hjust = 1.1) +
scale_x_continuous("") +
scale_y_continuous("", labels = scales::percent) +
scale_fill_brewer(palette = "Set1") +
theme(axis.text.y = element_blank(),
axis.line.y = element_blank(),
axis.ticks.y = element_blank(),
legend.position = "none",
rect = element_rect(fill = plotBkg, color = plotBkg))
# filter tab server side ####
output$UI_rank <- renderUI({
sliderInput("rank", label = "Keep peptides ranked below or equal to:",
min = 1, max = max(peptides()$Rank), value = 1, step = 1)
# Pre-filtering
# A in the venn diagrams
setdiff_LU_unfiltered <- reactive({setdiff(peptides()$`Protein Group Accessions`[peptides()$isLabel],
peptides()$`Protein Group Accessions`[!peptides()$isLabel])
# B in the venn diagrams
LU_intersect_unfiltered <- reactive({intersect(peptides()$`Protein Group Accessions`[peptides()$isLabel],
peptides()$`Protein Group Accessions`[!peptides()$isLabel])
# C in the venn diagrams
setdiff_UL_unfiltered <- reactive({setdiff(peptides()$`Protein Group Accessions`[!peptides()$isLabel],
peptides()$`Protein Group Accessions`[peptides()$isLabel])
# D in the venn diagrams
LU_union_unfiltered <- reactive({union(peptides()$`Protein Group Accessions`[peptides()$isLabel],
peptides()$`Protein Group Accessions`[!peptides()$isLabel])
# Display text for venn diagrams, pre:
output$preFilterVennText <- renderText({
# Intersect
B <- length(LU_intersect_unfiltered())
# Union
D <- length(LU_union_unfiltered())
paste("The dataset contains", D, "proteins.", B, "occur in both the", input$labelledName, "and", input$unlabelledName, "samples.")
# Display venn diagrams, pre:
output$preFilterVenn <- renderPlot({
# Labelled but not unlabelled
A <- length(setdiff_LU_unfiltered())
# Intersection
B <- length(LU_intersect_unfiltered())
# Unlabelled but not labelled
C <- length(setdiff_UL_unfiltered())
grid.rect(gp=gpar(fill = plotBkg, col = NA))
draw.pairwise.venn(A + B,
B + C,
fill = rbCol,
lty = 0,
category = c(input$labelledName, input$unlabelledName),
fontfamily = "sans",
cat.fontfamily = "sans",
cat.col = rbCol)
# Filtering...
peptides_filtered <- eventReactive(input$filter, {
withProgress(message = 'Filtering and reformatting data...', value = 0, {
# Step 1:
n <- 4
incProgress(1/n, detail = "Filtering...")
peptides_filtered <- toFilter(peptides(), rank = as.numeric(input$rank), cl = input$checkGroup)
# Step 2:
incProgress(1/n, detail = "Formating Modifications and labels...")
peptides_filtered <- splitModLab(peptides_filtered)
# Step 3:
# Sys.sleep(1)
incProgress(1/n, detail = "Simplifying...")
if(input$simplify) {
peptides_filtered <- simplifyProteins(peptides_filtered)
# Step 4:
incProgress(1/n, detail = "Ready")
# Post-filtering
# A in the venn diagrams
setdiff_LU_filtered <- reactive({setdiff(peptides_filtered()$`Protein Group Accessions`[peptides_filtered()$isLabel],
peptides_filtered()$`Protein Group Accessions`[!peptides_filtered()$isLabel])
# B in the venn diagrams
LU_intersect_filtered <- reactive({intersect(peptides_filtered()$`Protein Group Accessions`[peptides_filtered()$isLabel],
peptides_filtered()$`Protein Group Accessions`[!peptides_filtered()$isLabel])
# C in the venn diagrams
setdiff_UL_filtered <- reactive({setdiff(peptides_filtered()$`Protein Group Accessions`[!peptides_filtered()$isLabel],
peptides_filtered()$`Protein Group Accessions`[peptides_filtered()$isLabel])
# D in the venn diagrams
LU_union_filtered <- reactive({union(peptides_filtered()$`Protein Group Accessions`[peptides_filtered()$isLabel],
peptides_filtered()$`Protein Group Accessions`[!peptides_filtered()$isLabel])})
# Display text for venn diagrams, post:
output$postFilterVennText <- renderText({
B <- length(LU_intersect_filtered())
D <- length(LU_union_filtered())
paste("The filtered dataset contains", D, "proteins.", B, "occur in both the", input$labelledName, "and", input$unlabelledName, "samples.")
# Display venn diagrams, post:
output$postFilterVenn <- renderPlot({
# Labelled but not unlabelled
A <- length(setdiff_LU_filtered())
# Intersect
B <- length(LU_intersect_filtered())
# Unlabelled but not labelled
C <- length(setdiff_UL_filtered())
grid.rect(gp=gpar(fill = plotBkg, col = NA))
draw.pairwise.venn(A + B,
B + C,
fill = rbCol,
lty = 0,
category = c(input$labelledName, input$unlabelledName),
fontfamily = "sans",
cat.fontfamily = "sans",
cat.col = rbCol)
# observeEvent(input$filter,{
# output$postFilterVenn = NULL
# output$postFilterVennText = NULL
# })
# observeEvent(input$processRaw,{
# output$postFilterVenn = NULL
# output$postFilterVennText = NULL
# })
# output$pepsFilteredButton <- renderUI({
# if(is.null(peptides_filtered())) {
# return(0)
# } else {
# actionButton("pickPepsNow", "Select peptides")
# }
# })
output$pepsFilteredButton <- renderUI({
actionButton("pickPepsNow", "Select peptides")
# observeEvent(input$filter,{
# output$pepsFilteredButton <- renderUI({
# req(peptides_filtered())
# actionButton("pickPepsNow", "Select peptides")
# })
# })
# Pick representative peptide...
peptide_index <- eventReactive(input$pickPepsNow, {
withProgress(message = 'Picking representative peptides...',
value = 0, {
n <- 3
# Sys.sleep(3)
incProgress(1/n, detail = "Choosing Representative peptides")
peptide_index <- pickPeptide(peptides_filtered())
vFilterTabPostVenn <- reactiveValues(data = "")
vFilterTabPostVenn$data <- "show"
vFilterTabPostVenn$data <- ""
output$filterTabPostVenn <- renderText({
outputOptions(output, "filterTabPostVenn", suspendWhenHidden = FALSE)
vOpenRepPep <- reactiveValues(data = "")
vOpenRepPep$data <- ""
vOpenRepPep$data <- ""
vOpenRepPep$data <- ""
observeEvent(input$pickPepsNow, {
vOpenRepPep$data <- "Representative peptides selected, proceed to next section!"
output$openRepPep <- renderText({
outputOptions(output, "openRepPep", suspendWhenHidden = FALSE)
# output$peptidesSelected <- renderText({
# if (!is.null(peptide_index())) {
# "Representative peptides selected, proceed to next section!"
# }else {
# ""
# }
# })
# analysis tab server side ####
proteinLists <- eventReactive(peptide_index(), {
# output$trace_table <- renderDataTable({
# if (is.null(iris)) return()
# DT::datatable(iris, options = list(paging = FALSE))
# })
# # Display table for selections
# output$x1 = DT::renderDataTable(cars, server = FALSE)
# # highlight selected rows in the scatterplot
# output$x2 = renderPlot({
# s = input$x1_rows_selected
# par(mar = c(4, 4, 1, .1))
# plot(cars)
# if (length(s)) points(cars[s, , drop = FALSE], pch = 19, cex = 2)
# })
# print info text:
# To test an object's value
# output$test_object_value <- renderText({length(peptides_plot())})
# output$test_object_value <- renderText({length(v$data)})
# output$test_object_value_2 <- renderText({length(peptides_full_parameters())})
# Display table for selections
# output$allPeptides_choose = DT::renderDataTable(data.frame(Protein = peptides_plot()), server = FALSE)
# output$allPeptides_choose = DT::renderDataTable(data.frame(Proteins = peptides_plot()),
# options = list(paging = FALSE),
# server = FALSE,
# selection = "single")
v <- reactiveValues(data = NULL)
observeEvent(input$chooseUnlabeled, {
v$data <- proteinLists()$onlyUnlabelled
observeEvent(input$chooseBoth, {
v$data <- proteinLists()$both
observeEvent(input$chooseLabeled, {
v$data <- proteinLists()$onlyLabelled
observeEvent(input$tabset1, {
if(input$tabset1 == "All Proteins"){
v$data <- names(peptide_index())
observeEvent(proteinLists(), {
if(input$tabset1 == "All Proteins"){
v$data <- names(peptide_index())
# List of filtered values for selecting proteins
# output$dt <- renderUI({
# selectInput("proteinsUnion", label = "Choose protein species",
# choices = peptides_filtered()$`Protein Group Accessions`[1:50],
# multiple = FALSE)
# })
output$dt = DT::renderDataTable({
if (is.null(v$data)) {
} else {
DT::datatable(data.frame(Proteins = v$data),
options = list(paging = FALSE,
scrollY = 250,
scrollCollapse = TRUE),
selection = "single")
}, server = FALSE
output$allPeptides_choose = DT::renderDataTable({
if (is.null(v$data)) {
} else {
DT::datatable(data.frame(Proteins = v$data),
options = list(paging = FALSE,
scrollY = 200,
scrollCollapse = TRUE),
selection = "single")
}, server = FALSE
# allPeptidesPlot
output$allPeptidesPlot = renderPlot({
if (input$tabset1 == "All Proteins") {
if (is.null(input$dt_rows_selected)) {
} else {
protein <- v$data[input$dt_rows_selected]
} else if (is.null(input$allPeptides_choose_rows_selected)) {
} else {
protein <- v$data[input$allPeptides_choose_rows_selected]
allPeptidesPlot(peptide_index(), protein, maxFraction(),
meanLine = input$allPeptidesPlot_mean,
repPepLine = input$allPeptidesPlot_reppep,
separateLabStates = input$allPeptidesPlot_sepstates,
grid = input$allPeptidesPlot_removegrid,
titleLabel = input$allPeptidesPlot_title,
titleAlign = input$allPeptidesPlot_align,
xlabel = input$allPeptidesPlot_xaxis,
ylabel = input$allPeptidesPlot_yaxis,
labelled = input$labelledName,
unlabelled = input$unlabelledName)
## Allow user to downloadtables of proteins in both/only one data set
output$downloadDataBoth <- downloadHandler(
filename = function() {
content = function(file) {
# Write to a file specified by the 'file' argument
write(proteinLists()$both, file, sep = "\n")
output$downloadDataLabeled <- downloadHandler(
filename = function() {
paste0("proteinsOnlyIn_",input$labelledName, "_sample.txt")
content = function(file) {
# Write to a file specified by the 'file' argument
write(proteinLists()$onlyLabelled, file, sep = "\n")
output$downloadDataUnlabeled <- downloadHandler(
filename = function() {
paste0("proteinsOnlyIn_",input$unlabelledName, "_sample.txt")
content = function(file) {
# Write to a file specified by the 'file' argument
write(proteinLists()$onlyUnlabelled, file, sep = "\n")
# Display download link when data are available
output$dl_both <- renderUI({
downloadLink("downloadDataBoth", "List of proteins present in both samples")
output$dl_onlyLab <- renderUI({
downloadLink("downloadDataLabeled", "List of proteins present only in labelled sample")
output$dl_onlyUnlab <- renderUI({
downloadLink("downloadDataUnlabeled", "List of proteins present only in unlabelled sample")
# Normalization tab server side ####
withProgress(message = 'Normalizing protein data for further analysis...',
value = 0.25,{
vNormProts$data <- getNormTable(peptide_index(),purpose = "analysis")
compiledExport <- eventReactive(input$normData,{
withProgress(message = 'Preparing normalized protein data for export...',
value = 0.55, {
getNormTable(peptide_index(),purpose = "export")
# compiledNorm <- eventReactive(input$normData,{
# getNormTable(peptide_index(),purpose = "analysis")
# })
output$dl_Norm <- renderUI({
downloadLink("downloadNormData", "Download Normalized Values")
# output$dl_Norm <- renderUI({
# if(is.null(compiledExport())) {
# return(0)
# } else {
# downloadLink("downloadNormData", "Download Normalized Values")
# }
# })
output$downloadNormData <- downloadHandler(
filename = function() {
content = function(file) {
export(compiledExport(), file)
vNormProtDownload <- reactiveValues(data = "")
vNormProtDownload$data <- "show"
vNormProtDownload$data <- ""
vNormProtDownload$data <- ""
output$normProtDownload <- renderText({
outputOptions(output, "normProtDownload", suspendWhenHidden = FALSE)
# output$NormTest <- renderText({
# if(is.null(input$normData)) {
# return()
# } else {
# names(compiledNorm())
# }
# })
vOpenPart2 <- reactiveValues(data = "")
vOpenPart2$data <- "Part2 ready!"
observeEvent(input$normData, {
vOpenPart2$data <- "Part2 ready!"
observeEvent(input$processRaw, {
vOpenPart2$data <- ""
vOpenPart2$data <- ""
vOpenPart2$data <- ""
output$openPart2 <- renderText({
outputOptions(output, "openPart2", suspendWhenHidden = FALSE)
# proteinNormViz tab server side ####
# decide on the sourcedata set fot Part 2
# either output from Part 1
# example normalized file
# imported normalized file
# compiledNorm_plot <- reactiveValues(value = NULL)
# observeEvent(input$processNorm, {
# compiledNorm_plot$value <- compiledNorm_import()
# })
# observeEvent(compiledNorm(), {
# compiledNorm_plot$value <- compiledNorm()
# })
# compiledNorm_plot <- reactive({
# if(input$processNorm != 0) {
# compiledNorm_import()
# } else {
# compiledNorm()
# }
# })
# vNormProts <- reactiveValues(data = NULL)
# observeEvent(compiledNorm_import(), {
# vNormProts$data <- compiledNorm_import()
# })
# observeEvent(compiledNorm(), {
# vNormProts$data <- compiledNorm()
# })
# output$normDataPresent <- reactive({
# nrow(vNormProts$data)
# })
# observeEvent(compiledNorm_plot(), {
# vNormProts$data <- "dataIn"
# })
# observeEvent(input$processNorm, {
# vNormProts$data <- "dataIn"
# })
# output$normDataPresent <- renderText({
# vNormProts$data
# })
# outputOptions(output, "normDataPresent", suspendWhenHidden = FALSE)
# Just some output testing here
output$NormInputTest <- renderText({
length(unique(vNormProts$data[vNormProts$data$scenario == "B",]$`Protein Group Accessions`))
# List of filtered values for selecting proteins
output$dt_2 <- renderUI({
selectInput("proteinNormChoose", label = "Choose protein species",
choices = unique(vNormProts$data[vNormProts$data$scenario == "B",]$`Protein Group Accessions`),
multiple = FALSE)
# Produce the plot as a reactive object
normPlotSingle <- reactive({
if (is.null(input$proteinNormChoose)) {
} else {
protein <- input$proteinNormChoose
# proteinPlot(vNormProts$data[vNormProts$data$scenario == "B",], protein, max(peptides()$Fraction),
proteinPlot(vNormProts$data, protein, as.numeric(max(vNormProts$data$Fraction)),
grid = input$allProteinPlot_removegrid,
titleLabel = input$allProteinPlot_title,
titleAlign = input$allProteinPlot_align,
xlabel = input$allProteinPlot_xaxis,
ylabel = input$allProteinPlot_yaxis,
legendLabel = input$allProteinPlot_legend,
labelled = input$labelledName,
unlabelled = input$unlabelledName)
# Send the reactive plot to the UI
output$proteinPlot = renderPlot({
# Display download link only if a protein is selected
output$dl_Norm_Plot <- renderUI({
if(is.null(input$proteinNormChoose)) {
} else {
downloadLink("downloadNormPlotSingle", "Download plot")
# Download handler for the reactive normalized single protein plot
output$downloadNormPlotSingle <- downloadHandler(
filename = function() {
paste0(input$proteinNormChoose_normValues, ".pdf")
content = function(file) {
ggsave(file, normPlotSingle())
# Input for multiple normalized plots
normPlotsMultipleInput <- reactive({
strsplit(x = input$normPlotsMultipleInput, split = "\\s")[[1]]
# Save multiplots to a reactive object (list)
g_norm <- reactive({
normPlotsMultipleInput() %>%
# c("Q16540", "P52815", "P09001", "Q13405", "Q9H2W6", "Q9NYK5", "Q96DV4") %>%
map(~ proteinPlot(vNormProts$data, ., as.numeric(max(vNormProts$data$Fraction)),
grid = input$allProteinPlot_removegrid,
titleLabel = input$allProteinPlot_title,
titleAlign = input$allProteinPlot_align,
xlabel = input$allProteinPlot_xaxis,
ylabel = input$allProteinPlot_yaxis,
legendLabel = input$allProteinPlot_legend,
labelled = input$labelledName,
unlabelled = input$unlabelledName))
output$allgraphsNorm = downloadHandler(
filename = 'multiPlotsNorm.pdf',
content = function(file) {
ggsave(file, marrangeGrob(grobs = g_norm(), nrow=1, ncol=1))
# heatMaps tab server side ####
### reactive value to get a list of all column names in group data frame
# vPresentColumns <- reactiveValues(data = NULL)
## reactive value to read in group data frame
vGroupDF <- reactiveValues(data = NULL)
vGroupDF$data <- read_tsv(system.file("extData", "exampleGroup.txt", package = "ComPrAn"))
# vPresentColumns$data <- names(vGroupDF$data)
vGroupDF$data <- read_tsv(input$heatMapFile$datapath)
error = function(e) {
# return a safeError if a parsing error occurs
# vPresentColumns$data <- names(vGroupDF$data)
### reactive value to return as a new column name
vHeatmapGroupColumn <- reactiveValues(data = NULL)
# reset in case the tickbox is clicked
observeEvent(input$renameProteinsHeatMap ,{
vHeatmapGroupColumn$data <- NULL
vHeatmapGroupColumn$data <- NULL
#List of columns to select a column to rename the data with
output$HeatmapGroupColList <- renderUI({
if (input$renameProteinsHeatMap & any(sapply(vGroupDF$data, typeof) == "character")) {
presentColumnsCH <- names(vGroupDF$data)[sapply(vGroupDF$data, typeof) == "character"]
selectInput("heatGroupNameCol", label = "Choose column with new names",
choices = presentColumnsCH,
multiple = FALSE)
#if tickbox selected, save name of column to be renamed
vHeatmapGroupColumn$data <- input$heatGroupNameCol
if(input$renameProteinsHeatMap & (input$heatGroupNameCol %in% names(vGroupDF$data))){
vHeatmapGroupColumn$data <- input$heatGroupNameCol
vHeatmapGroupColumn$data <- NULL
# observeEvent(c(vGroupDF$data,input$renameProteinsHeatMap),{
# req(input$heatGroupNameCol)
# if(input$heatGroupNameCol %in% names(vGroupDF$data)){
# vHeatmapGroupColumn$data <- input$heatGroupNameCol
# }
# })
### reactive value to return column name with desired protein order
vHeatmapOrderColumn <- reactiveValues(data = NULL)
# reset in case the tickbox is clicked
observeEvent(input$reorderProteinsHeatMap ,{
vHeatmapOrderColumn$data <- NULL
vHeatmapOrderColumn$data <- NULL
#List of columns to select a column to reorder the data with, allow only columns with data in "double" type
output$HeatmapGroupColList_2 <- renderUI({
if (input$reorderProteinsHeatMap & any(sapply(vGroupDF$data, typeof) == "double")) {
presentColumnsD <- names(vGroupDF$data)[sapply(vGroupDF$data, typeof) == "double"]
selectInput("heatGroupOrderCol", label = "Choose column with order",
choices = presentColumnsD,
multiple = FALSE)
#if tickbox selected save name of column to be renamed
vHeatmapOrderColumn$data <- input$heatGroupOrderCol
if(input$reorderProteinsHeatMap & (input$heatGroupOrderCol %in% names(vGroupDF$data))){
vHeatmapOrderColumn$data <- input$heatGroupOrderCol
vHeatmapOrderColumn$data <- NULL
output$noDoubleColumn <- renderText({
if (input$reorderProteinsHeatMap & !any(sapply(vGroupDF$data, typeof) == "double")) {
"There is no numeric column in your group data!"
# output$testDF <- renderText({
# #any(sapply(vGroupDF$data, typeof) == "double")
# paste(vHeatmapOrderColumn$data, names(vGroupDF$data)[sapply(vGroupDF$data, typeof) == "double"], sep = "|")
# })
# # Make reactive plot object
# heatMapPlotObject_example <- reactive({
# # req(input$exampleGroup)
# # df <- read_tsv(system.file("extdata", "exampleGroup.txt", package = "ComPrAn"))
# req(vGroupDF$data)
# groupHeatMap(vNormProts$data[vNormProts$data$scenario == "B",],
# vGroupDF$data, input$heatMapGroupName,
# titleAlign = "center",
# newNamesCol = vHeatmapGroupColumn$data,
# grid = FALSE, colNumber = as.integer(input$showSamplesHeatMap),
# labelled = input$labelledName,
# unlabelled = input$unlabelledName,
# orderColumn = vHeatmapOrderColumn$data,dev
# legendPosition = input$legendPosition)
# })
# Make reactive plot object
heatMapPlotObject <- reactive({
groupHeatMap(vNormProts$data[vNormProts$data$scenario == "B",],
vGroupDF$data, input$heatMapGroupName,
titleAlign = "center",
newNamesCol = vHeatmapGroupColumn$data,
grid = FALSE,colNumber=as.integer(input$showSamplesHeatMap),
labelled = input$labelledName,
unlabelled = input$unlabelledName,
orderColumn = vHeatmapOrderColumn$data,
legendPosition = input$legendPosition)
# Display sliders for plot sizes only when group is selected
output$heatmapHeightSlider <- renderUI({
sliderInput("heatmapHeight", label = "Plot heigth",
min = 50, max = 2000, value = 800, step = 1)
output$heatmapWidthSlider <- renderUI({
sliderInput("heatmapWidth", label = "Plot width",
min = 50, max = 2000, value = 600, step = 1)
# heightPlot <- reactive({
# (nrow(vGroupDF$data)*15+20)*(2/as.integer(input$showSamplesHeatMap))})
# widthPlot <- reactive({max(compiledNorm_plot()$Fraction)*25+20})
# output$testPlay <- renderText(
# paste(widthPlot(),
# heightPlot())
# )
# observeEvent(c(input$exampleGroup,input$showSamplesHeatMap,
# widthPlot(),heightPlot()),{
# #req(input$heatmapWidth)
# #req(input$heatmapHeight)
# output$heatMapPlot = renderPlot(
# heatMapPlotObject_example(),
# width = widthPlot(),
# height = heightPlot()
# )
# })
# observeEvent(input$heatMapFile,{
# output$heatMapPlot = renderPlot(
# heatMapPlotObject()
# )
# })
output$heatMapPlot = renderPlot(
width = input$heatmapWidth,
height = input$heatmapHeight
output$heatMapPlot = NULL
# Save heatmap
# Display download link only if a protein is selected
output$dl_Heat_Plot <- renderUI({
if(is.null(heatMapPlotObject())) {
} else {
downloadLink("downloadHeatPlot", "Download Heatmap")
# Download handler for the reactive normalized single protein plot
output$downloadHeatPlot <- downloadHandler(
filename = function() {
content = function(file) {
ggsave(file, heatMapPlotObject(), height = input$heatmapHeight/96,
width = input$heatmapWidth/96)
# coMigration tab server side ####
# Comigration plot 1:
# Comigration plot 2, reactive:
coMig_2_plot <- reactive({
twoGroupsWithinLabelCoMigration(vNormProts$data, as.numeric(max(vNormProts$data$Fraction)),
# group1Data = group1DataVector,
# group1Name = group1Name,
# group2Data = group2DataVector,
# group2Name = group2Name,
group1Data = strsplit(x = input$groupData_coMig2_g1, split = "\\s")[[1]],
group1Name = input$groupName_coMig2_g1,
group2Data = strsplit(x = input$groupData_coMig2_g2, split = "\\s")[[1]],
group2Name = input$groupName_coMig2_g2,
grid = input$grid_coMig2,
meanLine = input$meanLine_coMig2,
medianLine = input$medianLine_coMig2,
jitterPoints = input$jitterPoints_coMig2,
pointSize = input$pointSize_coMig2,
alphaValue = input$alphaValue_coMig2,
titleAlign = input$titleAlign_coMig2,
ylabel = input$ylabel_coMig2,
xlabel = input$xlabel_coMig2,
legendLabel = input$legendLabel_coMig2,
labelled = input$labelledName,
unlabelled = input$unlabelledName
# Send plot to GUI
vComig <- reactiveValues(data = NULL)
observeEvent(input$groupData_coMig1, {
vComig$data <- strsplit(x = input$groupData_coMig1, split = "\\s")[[1]]
observeEvent(input$mtLSU, {
vComig$data <- mtLSUProts
observeEvent(input$mtSSU, {
vComig$data <- mtSSUProts
coMig1Plot_proteins <- reactive({
} else {
coMig_1_plot <- reactive({
oneGroupTwoLabelsCoMigration(vNormProts$data, as.numeric(max(vNormProts$data$Fraction)),
# groupData = groupDataVector,
# groupName = groupName,
groupData = coMig1Plot_proteins(),
groupName = input$groupName_coMig1,
grid = input$grid_coMig1,
meanLine = input$meanLine_coMig1,
medianLine = input$medianLine_coMig1,
jitterPoints = input$jitterPoints_coMig1,
pointSize = input$pointSize_coMig1,
alphaValue = input$alphaValue_coMig1,
titleAlign = input$titleAlign_coMig1,
ylabel = input$ylabel_coMig1,
xlabel = input$xlabel_coMig1,
legendLabel = input$legendLabel_coMig1,
labelled = input$labelledName,
unlabelled = input$unlabelledName)
output$coMig_1 <- renderPlot({
# Save comig2
# Display download link only if a protein is selected
output$dl_Comig1_Plot <- renderUI({
if(is.null(coMig_1_plot())) {
} else {
downloadLink("downloadComig1Plot", "Download comigration (type 1) plot")
# Download handler for the reactive normalized single protein plot
output$downloadComig1Plot <- downloadHandler(
filename = function() {
content = function(file) {
ggsave(file, coMig_1_plot())
# Comigration plot 2, reactive:
coMig_2_plot <- reactive({
twoGroupsWithinLabelCoMigration(vNormProts$data, as.numeric(max(vNormProts$data$Fraction)),
# group1Data = group1DataVector,
# group1Name = group1Name,
# group2Data = group2DataVector,
# group2Name = group2Name,
group1Data = strsplit(x = input$groupData_coMig2_g1, split = "\\s")[[1]],
group1Name = input$groupName_coMig2_g1,
group2Data = strsplit(x = input$groupData_coMig2_g2, split = "\\s")[[1]],
group2Name = input$groupName_coMig2_g2,
grid = input$grid_coMig2,
meanLine = input$meanLine_coMig2,
medianLine = input$medianLine_coMig2,
jitterPoints = input$jitterPoints_coMig2,
pointSize = input$pointSize_coMig2,
alphaValue = input$alphaValue_coMig2,
titleAlign = input$titleAlign_coMig2,
ylabel = input$ylabel_coMig2,
xlabel = input$xlabel_coMig2,
legendLabel = input$legendLabel_coMig2,
labelled = input$labelledName,
unlabelled = input$unlabelledName
# Send plot to GUI
output$coMig_2 <- renderPlot({
# Save comig2
# Display download link only if a protein is selected
output$dl_Comig2_Plot <- renderUI({
if(is.null(coMig_2_plot())) {
} else {
downloadLink("downloadComig2Plot", "Download comigration (type 2) plot")
# Download handler for the reactive normalized single protein plot
output$downloadComig2Plot <- downloadHandler(
filename = function() {
content = function(file) {
ggsave(file, coMig_2_plot())
# cluster tab server side ####
## Create components necessary for clustering
clusteringDF <- eventReactive(input$distCentered,{
scenar = "A",
PearsCor = input$distCentered)})
# Generate slider for cutoff
output$UI_distCutoff <- renderUI({
sliderInput("distCutoff", "Cutoff for distance matrix",
min = round(min(clusteringDF()$labDistM,
max = round(max(clusteringDF()$labDistM,
value = round(max(clusteringDF()$labDistM,
step = 0.05)
labelledTable_clust <- reactive({
assignClusters(.listDf = clusteringDF(),
sample = "labeled",
method = input$distMethod,
cutoff = input$distCutoff)})
unlabelledTable_clust <- reactive({
assignClusters(.listDf = clusteringDF(),
sample = "unlabeled",
method = input$distMethod,
cutoff = input$distCutoff)})
#make bar plots summarizing numbers of proteins per cluster
labeledBar <- reactive({
makeBarPlotClusterSummary(labelledTable_clust(), name = input$labelledName)
unlabeledBar <- reactive({
makeBarPlotClusterSummary(unlabelledTable_clust(), name = input$unlabelledName)
# Send plots to GUI
output$labeledBar_plot <- renderPlot({
output$unlabeledBar_plot <- renderPlot({
# GUI for labeledBar_plot
# Display download link only if a protein is selected
output$dl_labeledBar_Plot <- renderUI({
if(is.null(labeledBar())) {
} else {
downloadLink("downloadlabeledBar_Plot", "Download plot")
# GUI for unlabeledBar_plot
# Display download link only if a protein is selected
output$dl_unlabeledBar_Plot <- renderUI({
if(is.null(unlabeledBar())) {
} else {
downloadLink("downloadunlabeledBar_Plot", "Download plot")
# Save labeledBar_plot
# Download handler for the reactive normalized single protein plot
output$downloadlabeledBar_Plot <- downloadHandler(
filename = function() {
content = function(file) {
ggsave(file, labeledBar())
# Save unlabeledBar_plot
# Download handler for the reactive normalized single protein plot
output$downloadunlabeledBar_Plot <- downloadHandler(
filename = function() {
content = function(file) {
ggsave(file, unlabeledBar())
# Datatable generation and download
#create table for export
tableForClusterExport <- reactive({exportClusterAssignments(labelledTable_clust(),unlabelledTable_clust())})
# GUI for cluster table
# Display download link only if a protein is selected
output$dl_clustertable <- renderUI({
if(is.null(tableForClusterExport())) {
} else {
downloadLink("downloadClusters", "Download table of cluster IDs")
# Save unlabeledBar_plot
# Download handler for the reactive normalized single protein plot
output$downloadClusters <- downloadHandler(
filename = function() {
content = function(file) {
export(tableForClusterExport(), file)
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.