
Defines functions makeZIVignettes .make_scales zipNoteGet zipNoteAdd getDec calibrate parseIni ecd calcVars dropVars skimageVars addClass makeId listSamples trimString underscoreToSpace sampleInfo

Documented in addClass calcVars calibrate dropVars ecd getDec listSamples makeId makeZIVignettes parseIni sampleInfo skimageVars trimString underscoreToSpace zipNoteAdd zipNoteGet

# Copyright (c) 2004-2018, Ph. Grosjean <phgrosjean@sciviews.org>
# This file is part of ZooImage
# ZooImage is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# ZooImage is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with ZooImage. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

# Get information about a sample, given its name
sampleInfo <- function(filename,  type = c("sample", "fraction", "image",
"scs", "date", "id", "frac", "imgnbr"), ext = "_dat[135][.]zim$") {
  base <- basename(as.character(filename))
  if (ext != "") base <- sub(ext, "", base)

  # Filename without extension is supposed to follow the convention:
  # scs.date.id+f[img] with scs.date.id forming an unique sample identifier
  # Note: not all verifications are conducted. So, it sometimes returns a
  # result even if the name does not conform to this specification!
  # TODO: check that the name follows the convention and determine what is
  #       optional, like date, for instance)
    sample = sub("\\+[a-zA-Z][0-9.]+$", "", base),
    fraction = sub("[0-9.]+$", "", base),
    image = base,
    scs = sub("[+.].+$", "", base),
    date = {
      res <- try(
        as.Date(sub("^.*([0-9]{4}-[0-1][0-9]-[0-3][0-9]).*$", "\\1", base)),
        silent = TRUE)
      if (inherits(res, "try-error")) {
        warning("Wrong sample filename: impossible to extract the sample date")
      } else res
    id = sub("^.*\\..*\\.(.*)\\+.*$", "\\1", base),
    frac = sub("^.*\\+([a-zA-Z]).*$", "\\1",base),
    imgnbr = as.numeric(sub("^.*\\+[a-zA-Z]([0-9.]*)$", "\\1", base)),
      warning("'type' must be 'sample', 'fraction', 'image', 'scs', 'date', ",
        "'id', 'frac' or 'imgnbr'")

# Convert underscores into spaces
underscoreToSpace <- function(string)
  gsub("_", " ", string)

# Trim leading and trailing white spaces and tabs
trimString <- function(string)
  sub("\\s+$", "", sub("^\\s+", "", string))

# All sample with at least one entry in a given object
listSamples <- function(ZIobj) {
  if (!inherits(ZIobj, c("ZIDat", "ZIDesc","ZITrain","ZITest"))) {
    warning("'ZIobj' must be a 'ZIDat', 'ZIDesc', 'ZITrain' or 'ZITest' object")

  # List all samples represented in a given object
  if (inherits(ZIobj, "ZIDat")) {
    res <- sort(unique(sampleInfo(as.character(ZIobj$Label),
    type = "sample", ext = "")))
  } else if (inherits(ZIobj, "ZIDesc")) {
    res <- sort(unique(as.character(ZIobj$Label)))
  } else if (inherits(ZIobj, c("ZITrain", "ZITest"))) {
    res <- as.character(ZIobj$Id)
    res <- sub("_[0-9]*$", "", res)
    res <- sort(unique(sampleInfo(res, type = "sample", ext = "")))

# Unique identifiers (Ids) are a combination of Label and Item
makeId <- function(ZIDat)
  paste(ZIDat$Label, ZIDat$Item, sep = "_")

# Add classes into a ZIDat object, from ZITrain or ZITest objects
addClass <- function(ZIDat, ZIobj) {
  # Is there a 'Class' variable in ZIobj?
  Cl <- ZIobj$Class
  if (!length(Cl))
    stop("No 'Class' column found in the ZIobj object")
  # Select only those items that are in ZIDat, in the correct order...
  Id <- ZIobj$Id
  if (!length(Id)) Id <- makeId(ZIobj)
  if (!length(Id)) stop("unable to get particle Ids from 'ZIobj'")
  names(Cl) <- Id
  ZIDat$Class <- Cl[makeId(ZIDat)]

# Reanalyze images using scikit-image (python via reticulate)
skimageVars <- function(zidbfile) {
  skimage <- import("skimage")
  np <- import("numpy", convert = FALSE)

  # Lazy loading data from one ZIDB file in R
  db1 <- zidbLink(zidbfile)

  # Get the list of all vignettes in this dataset
  items1 <- ls(db1) # Contains data in *_dat1 and vignettes in *_nn
  vigs1 <- items1[-grep("_dat", items1)]
  lvigs1 <- length(vigs1)
  if (!lvigs1)
    stop("No vignettes found in the file '", zidbfile,
      "'. Are you sure it is correct?")

  # Read one vignette at a time into R, and calculate skimage attributes
  for (i in 1:lvigs1) {
    # Note: (try 1 for good vignette -only one item- and
    # 18 for a bad vignette with two items)
    vig <- vigs1[i]
    png <- db1[[vig]]
    img <- readPNG(png, native = FALSE)

    # Blue channel: the mask is greylevel 50, and the rest is visual again
    mask <- (img[ , , 3] != 50/255) + 0

    # We convert the [0, 1] scale of png into [0, 255] and get it as Numpy array
    # But we first need integer inside our object
    mask2 <- as.integer(mask * 255L)
    dim(mask2) <- dim(mask)
    mask3 <- skimage$util$img_as_ubyte(np$array(mask2)) < 128
    # Note: connectivity is supposed to be mask3.ndim in Python, with value = 2L here
    label_mask3 <- skimage$measure$label(mask3, connectivity = 2L)
    # Again, in R, automatic conversion into numeric!
    dim_lm3 <- dim(label_mask3)
    label_mask3 <- as.integer(label_mask3)
    dim(label_mask3) <- dim_lm3
    # Get the inverted OD image
    invod <- as.integer(img[ , , 1] * 255L)
    dim(invod) <- dim(img[ , , 1])

    # Measure the particles
    # This does not work for convex_area and solidity because an array
    # passed from R to Python is F-contiguous while a C-contiguous array is needed!
    #props <- skimage$measure$regionprops(label_image = label_mask3, intensity_image = invod)
    py$mask <- label_mask3
    py$invod <- invod
    py_run_string("import skimage; props = skimage.measure.regionprops(label_image = skimage.util.img_as_uint(mask.copy(order = 'C')), intensity_image = invod.copy(order = 'C'))", convert = FALSE)
    props <- py$props
    # In case we got several blobs, check which one is the right one
    item <- 1
    l <- length(props)
    # In case we got several items, check which one is better filling the area
    # (ZooImage increases the bbox by 150%, but sometimes, it fails because the
    # object is too close to the border(s)!)
    if (l > 1) {
      idim <- dim(mask)
      deltas <- numeric(0)
      for (j in 1:l) {
        bbox <- unlist(props[[j]]$bbox)
        deltas[[j]] <- (idim[1] - (bbox[3] - bbox[1]) * 1.5) +
          (idim[2] - (bbox[4] - bbox[2]) * 1.5)
      item <- which.min(deltas)
    prop <- props[[item]]

    # Now, get items (note: same columns as for the ZOoscan dataset)
    inertia_tensor <- as.numeric(prop$inertia_tensor)
    inertia_tensor_eigvals <- as.numeric(prop$inertia_tensor_eigvals)
    moments_hu <- as.numeric(prop$moments_hu)
    moments_normalized <- as.numeric(prop$moments_normalized)
    weighted_moments_hu <- as.numeric(prop$weighted_moments_hu)
    weighted_moments_normalized <- as.numeric(prop$weighted_moments_normalized)
    res1 <- data.frame(
      objid = vig,
      area = prop$area,
      convex_area = prop$convex_area,
      eccentricity = prop$eccentricity,
      equivalent_diameter = prop$equivalent_diameter,
      euler_number = prop$euler_number,
      filled_area = prop$filled_area,
      inertia_tensor0 = inertia_tensor[1],
      inertia_tensor1 = inertia_tensor[2],
      inertia_tensor2 = inertia_tensor[3],
      inertia_tensor3 = inertia_tensor[4],
      inertia_tensor_eigvals0 = inertia_tensor_eigvals[1],
      inertia_tensor_eigvals1 = inertia_tensor_eigvals[2],
      major_axis_length = prop$major_axis_length,
      max_intensity = prop$max_intensity,
      mean_intensity = prop$mean_intensity,
      min_intensity = prop$min_intensity,
      minor_axis_length = prop$minor_axis_length,
      moments_hu0 = moments_hu[1],
      moments_hu1 = moments_hu[2],
      moments_hu2 = moments_hu[3],
      moments_hu3 = moments_hu[4],
      moments_hu4 = moments_hu[5],
      moments_hu5 = moments_hu[6],
      moments_hu6 = moments_hu[7],
      moments_normalized0 = moments_normalized[1],
      moments_normalized1 = moments_normalized[2],
      moments_normalized2 = moments_normalized[3],
      moments_normalized3 = moments_normalized[4],
      moments_normalized4 = moments_normalized[5],
      moments_normalized5 = moments_normalized[6],
      moments_normalized6 = moments_normalized[7],
      moments_normalized7 = moments_normalized[8],
      moments_normalized8 = moments_normalized[9],
      moments_normalized9 = moments_normalized[10],
      moments_normalized10 = moments_normalized[11],
      moments_normalized11 = moments_normalized[12],
      moments_normalized12 = moments_normalized[13],
      moments_normalized13 = moments_normalized[14],
      moments_normalized14 = moments_normalized[15],
      moments_normalized15 = moments_normalized[16],
      perimeter = prop$perimeter,
      solidity = prop$solidity,
      weighted_moments_hu0 = weighted_moments_hu[1],
      weighted_moments_hu1 = moments_hu[2],
      weighted_moments_hu2 = moments_hu[3],
      weighted_moments_hu3 = moments_hu[4],
      weighted_moments_hu4 = moments_hu[5],
      weighted_moments_hu5 = moments_hu[6],
      weighted_moments_hu6 = moments_hu[7],
      weighted_moments_normalized0 = weighted_moments_normalized[1],
      weighted_moments_normalized1 = weighted_moments_normalized[2],
      weighted_moments_normalized2 = weighted_moments_normalized[3],
      weighted_moments_normalized3 = weighted_moments_normalized[4],
      weighted_moments_normalized4 = weighted_moments_normalized[5],
      weighted_moments_normalized5 = weighted_moments_normalized[6],
      weighted_moments_normalized6 = weighted_moments_normalized[7],
      weighted_moments_normalized7 = weighted_moments_normalized[8],
      weighted_moments_normalized8 = weighted_moments_normalized[9],
      weighted_moments_normalized9 = weighted_moments_normalized[10],
      weighted_moments_normalized10 = weighted_moments_normalized[11],
      weighted_moments_normalized11 = weighted_moments_normalized[12],
      weighted_moments_normalized12 = weighted_moments_normalized[13],
      weighted_moments_normalized13 = weighted_moments_normalized[14],
      weighted_moments_normalized14 = weighted_moments_normalized[15],
      weighted_moments_normalized15 = weighted_moments_normalized[16]
    # What about centroid, weighted_centroid, moments, moments_central, orientation,   and weighted_moments?
    if (i == 1) res <- res1 else res <- rbind(res, res1)

# Default list of variables to drop
# Version 3.0-1: added a list of useless FIT variables to be dropped
dropVars <- function() {
  res <- try(get("ZI.dropVarsDef"), silent = TRUE)
  if (inherits(res, "try-error"))
    res <- getOption("ZI.dropVarsDef",
      c("Id", "Label", "Item", "X", "Y", "XM", "YM", "BX", "BY", "Width",
      "Height", "Angle", "XStart", "YStart", "Dil", "Predicted",
      "Predicted2", "FIT_Cal_Const", "FIT_Avg_Red", "FIT_Avg_Green",
      "FIT_Avg_Blue", "FIT_PPC", "FIT_Ch1_Peak", "FIT_Ch1_TOF",
      "FIT_Ch2_Peak", "FIT_Ch2_TOF", "FIT_Ch3_Peak", "FIT_Ch3_TOF",
      "FIT_SaveX", "FIT_SaveY", "FIT_PixelW", "FIT_PixelH",
      "FIT_CaptureX", "FIT_CaptureY", # Keep this one?"FIT_Edge_Gradient",
      "FIT_Source_Image", "FIT_Calibration_Image", "FIT_High_U32",
      "FIT_Low_U32", "FIT_Total", "FIT_Red_Green_Ratio",
      "FIT_Blue_Green_Ratio", "FIT_Red_Blue_Ratio",
      "FIT_Ch2_Ch1_Ratio", "FIT_Ch4_Peak", "FIT_Ch4_TOF", "FIT_Timestamp1",
      "FIT_Timestamp2", "FIT_Camera", "FIT_FringSize",
      "FIT_Ch1_Area", "FIT_Ch2_Area", "FIT_Ch3_Area",
      "FIT_TimeStamp1", "FIT_Source_Image.1",
      "X.Item.1", "FeretAngle", "Count",
      "Skew", "Kurt", "Solidity", # Last 3: NAs with multiple ROIs

      "MinFeret", "AR", "Round", # Problems with these variables at IFREMER!?

      # Added in zooimage v.5:
      "FIT_Filename", "FIT_Feret_Min_Angle", "FIT_Feret_Max_Angle",

      # This is somehow redundant with other variables
      "FIT_Raw_Area", "FIT_Raw_Perim", "FIT_Raw_Convex_Perim",
      "FIT_Raw_Feret_Max", "FIT_Raw_Feret_Min", "FIT_Raw_Feret_Mean",
      "FIT_Diameter_ABD", # This one is indeed ECD

      # Changes in variables names
      "FIT_Ppc", "FIT_Fringe_Size", "FIT_Circle_Fit",

      # Found in format 17 of a color FlowCAM (from KAUST) and not used yet
      "FIT_Symmetry", "FIT_Circularity_Hu", "FIT_Intensity_Calimage",
      "FIT_Raw_Convex_Hull_Area", "FIT_Raw_Filled_Area",
      "FIT_CircleFit", "FIT_Edge_Gradient"

      # TODO: should we drop also Id.1, Class, Validated and Suspect???

# Calculate derived variables... default function
calcVars <- function(x, drop.vars = NULL, drop.vars.def = dropVars()) {
  # This is the calculation of derived variables
  # Note that you can make your own version of this function for more
  # calculated variables!

  # Calculate derived variables... FlowCAM's Visual Spreadsheet
  calcVarsVIS <- function(x, drop.vars = NULL, drop.vars.def = dropVars()) {
    # Use only FIT_xxx vars, andderived attributes (26 attributes in total):
    # ECD, FIT_Area_ABD, FIT_Length, FIT_Width, FIT_Diameter_ESD,
    # FIT_Perimeter, FIT_Convex_Perimeter, FIT_Intensity, FIT_Sigma_Intensity,
    # FIT_Compactness, FIT_Elongation, FIT_Sum_Intensity, FIT_Roughness,
    # FIT_Volume_ABD, FIT_Volume_ESD, FIT_Aspect_Ratio, FIT_Transparency,
    # CV, MeanFDia, Transp2, FeretRoundness & Perim_Ratio

    # A small hack to correct some 0 (which can be problematic in further calcs)
    noZero <- function(x) {
      x[x == 0] <- 1e-09

    # Euclidean distance between two points
    distance <- function(x, y)
      sqrt(x^2 + y^2)

    # All FIT_Raw_xxx vars have their counterpart resized in um:
    # FIT_Raw_Area -> FIT_Diameter_ABD
    # FIT_Raw_Feret_Max -> FIT_Length
    # FIT_Raw_Feret_Min -> FIT_Width
    # FIT_Raw_Feret_Mean -> FIT_Diameter_ESD
    # FIT_Raw_Perim -> FIt_Perimeter
    # FIT_Raw_Convex_Perim -> FIt_Convex_Perimeter
    # (=> all FIT_Raw_xxx should be eliminated in dropVars()!)

    # (re)calculate ECD from FIT_DIameter_ABD (was once calc from FIT_Raw_Area)
    x$ECD <- noZero(ecd(x$FIT_Area_ABD))
    x$FIT_Area_ABD <- noZero(x$FIT_Area_ABD)
    x$FIT_Length <- noZero(x$FIT_Length)
    x$FIT_Width <- noZero(x$FIT_Width)
    x$FIT_Diameter_ESD <- noZero(x$FIT_Diameter_ESD)
    x$FIT_Perimeter <- noZero(x$FIT_Perimeter)
    x$FIT_Convex_Perimeter <- noZero(x$FIT_Convex_Perimeter)
    x$FIT_Intensity <- noZero(x$FIT_Intensity)
    x$FIT_Sigma_Intensity <- noZero(x$FIT_Sigma_Intensity)
    x$FIT_Sum_Intensity <- noZero(x$FIT_Sum_Intensity)
    x$FIT_Compactness <- noZero(x$FIT_Compactness)
    x$FIT_Elongation <- noZero(x$FIT_Elongation)
    x$FIT_Roughness <- noZero(x$FIT_Roughness)
    x$FIT_Aspect_Ratio <- noZero(x$FIT_Aspect_Ratio)
    x$FIT_Volume_ABD <- noZero(x$FIT_Volume_ABD)
    x$FIT_Volume_ESD <- noZero(x$FIT_Volume_ESD)
    x$FIT_Transparency <- noZero(x$FIT_Transparency)
    x$FIT_Edge_Gradient <- noZero(x$FIT_Edge_Gradient)

    # Additional calculated variables
    # This is FIT_Aspect_Ratio! x$ARFeret <- x$FIT_Width/x$FIT_Length
    # For later on:
    x$EdgeRange <- abs(x$FIT_Intensity - x$FIT_Edge_Gradient)
    x$CV <- x$FIT_Sigma_Intensity/x$FIT_Intensity * 100
    x$MeanFDia <- (x$FIT_Length + x$FIT_Width) / 2
    x$Transp2 <- 1 - (x$FIT_Diameter_ABD/x$MeanFDia)
    x$Transp2[x$Transp2 < 0] <- 0
    x$FeretRoundness <- 4 * x$FIT_Area_ABD/(pi * sqrt(x$FIT_Length))
    # ImageJ calculation
    x$Circ. <- 4 * pi * x$FIT_Area_ABD / sqrt(x$FIT_Perimeter)
    # For later on:
    x$EdgeCV <- x$FIT_Sigma_Intensity/x$FIT_Edge_Gradient * 100
    x$EdgeSDNorm <- x$FIT_Intensity/x$EdgeRange
    x$Perim_Ratio <- x$FIT_Convex_Perimeter / x$FIT_Perimeter

    # Eliminate variables that are not predictors... and use Id as rownames
    Id <- x$Id
    if (length(Id)) rownames(x) <- Id

    # Variables to drop
    # For those samples treated with FIT_VIS in ImageJ, we need to get rid of
    # the ImageJ variables
    x$Area <- NULL
    x$Mean <- NULL
    x$StdDev <- NULL
    x$Mode <- NULL
    x$Min <- NULL
    x$Max <- NULL
    x$Perim. <- NULL
    x$Major <- NULL
    x$Minor <- NULL
    x$Circ. <- NULL
    x$Feret <- NULL
    x$IntDen <- NULL
    x$Median <- NULL

    dropAll <- unique(as.character(c(drop.vars, drop.vars.def)))
    for (dropVar in dropAll) x[[dropVar]] <- NULL

    # Return the recalculated data frame

  # For data from the FlowCAM, we use a specific function
  if (any(names(x) == "FIT_Length"))
    return(calcVarsVIS(x, drop.vars = drop.vars, drop.vars.def = drop.vars.def))

  # A small hack to correct some 0 (which can be problematic in further calcs)
  noZero <- function(x) {
    x[x == 0] <- 0.000000001

  # Euclidean distance between two points
  distance <- function(x, y)
    sqrt(x^2 + y^2)

  x$Minor <- noZero(x$Minor)
  x$Major <- noZero(x$Major)
  x$AspectRatio <- x$Minor / x$Major
  x$CentBoxD <- distance(x$BX + x$Width/2 - x$X, x$BY + x$Height/2 - x$Y)
  x$GrayCentBoxD <- distance(x$BX + x$Width/2 - x$XM, x$BY + x$Height/2 - x$YM)
  x$CentroidsD <- distance(x$X - x$XM, x$Y - x$YM)
  x$Range <- x$Max - x$Min
  x$MeanPos <- (x$Max - x$Mean) / x$Range
  x$SDNorm <- x$StdDev / x$Range
  x$CV <- x$StdDev / x$Mean * 100
  x$Area <- noZero(x$Area)
  #x$logArea <- log(x$Area)
  x$Perim. <- noZero(x$Perim.)
  #x$logPerim. <- log(x$Perim.)
  #x$logMajor <- log(x$Major)
  #x$logMinor <- log(x$Minor)
  #x$logECD <- log(noZero(x$ECD))
  x$Feret <- noZero(x$Feret)
  #x$logFeret <- log(x$Feret)
  x$MeanDia <- (x$Major + x$Minor) / 2
  x$MeanFDia <- (x$Feret + x$Minor) / 2
  #x$logMeanDia <- log(x$MeanDia)
  #x$logMeanFDia <- log(x$MeanFDia)
  x$Transp1 <- 1 - (x$ECD / x$MeanDia)
  x$Transp1[x$Transp1 < 0] <- 0
  x$Transp2 <- 1 - (x$ECD / x$MeanFDia)
  x$Transp2[x$Transp2 < 0] <- 0
  PA <- x$Perim.^2/16 - x$Area
  x$Elongation <- ifelse(PA <= 0, 1, x$Area / (x$Perim./4 - PA^.5)^2)
  x$Compactness <-  x$Perim.^2/4/pi/x$Area  # env. 1/Circ.
  x$Roundness <- 4 * x$Area / (pi * sqrt(x$Major))

  # Eliminate variables that are not predictors... and use Id as rownames
  Id <- x$Id
  if (length(Id)) rownames(x) <- Id

  # Variables to drop
  dropAll <- unique(as.character(c(drop.vars, drop.vars.def)))
  for (dropVar in dropAll) x[[dropVar]] <- NULL

  # Return the recalculated data frame

# Calculate equivalent circular diameter (similar to equivalent spherical
# diameter, but for 2D images)
ecd <- function(area, cells = 1)
  2 * sqrt(area / cells / pi)

# Parse an ini file (.zim, .zie, etc. are .ini files!)
# TODO: manage the case where there is no '=' in the data!
parseIni <- function(data, label = "1") {
  # Parse an ini file (tag=value => 'tag', 'value')
  # and make a list with different sections

  # Is str a section?
  is.section <- function(str)
    as.logical(length(grep("^\\[.+\\]$", trimString(str)) > 0))

  # Get the name of a section
  get.section.name <- function(str)
    sub("^\\[", "", sub("\\]$", "", trimString(str)))

  # Transform a vector of characters into a data frame,
  # possibly with type conversion
  vector.convert <- function(vec)
    as.data.frame(lapply(as.list(vec), type.convert, as.is = TRUE))

  if (!length(data) || !inherits(data, "character"))

  # Trim leading and trailing white spaces
  data <- trimString(data)

  # Convert underscore to space
  data <- underscoreToSpace(data)

  # Eliminate empty lines
  data <- data[data != ""]
  data <- paste(data, " ", sep = "")
  if (!length(data)) return(character(0))
  # Substitute the first '=' sign by another separator unlikely to appear in
  # the argument
  data <- sub("=", "&&&&&", data)

  # Split the strings according to this separator
  data <- strsplit(data, "&&&&&")

  # Get a matrix
  data <- t(as.data.frame(data))
  rownames(data) <- NULL

  # Make sure we have a section for the first entries (otherwise, use [.])
  if (!is.section(data[1, 1]))
    data <- rbind(c("[.]", "[.]"), data)
  Names <- as.vector(trimString(data[, 1]))
  Dat <- as.vector(trimString(data[, 2]))

  # Determine which is a section header
  Sec <- grep("\\[.+\\]$", Names)
  SecNames <- get.section.name(Names[Sec])

  # Make a vector of sections
  if (length(Sec) == 1) {
    SecNames <- rep(SecNames, length(Names))
  } else {
    SecNames <- rep(SecNames, c(Sec[2:length(Sec)], length(Names) + 1) - Sec)

  # Replace section headers from all vectors
  Names[Sec] <- "Label"
  Dat[Sec] <- label
  names(Dat) <- Names

  # Transform SecNames in a factor
  SecNames <- as.factor(SecNames)

  # Split Dat on sections
  DatSec <- split(Dat, SecNames)

  # For each section, transform the vector in a data frame and possibly
  # convert its content
  DatSec <- lapply(DatSec, vector.convert)

  # Eliminate "Label" if it is ""
  if (label == "")
    DatSec <- lapply(DatSec, function(x) x[-1])


# Grayscale calibration in O.D. scale
# TODO: rework all this using ImageJ in zooimagej (should be much faster)
calibrate <- function(ODfile) {
  # TODO: include also a spatial calibration procedure
  # (with a black circle around the center of the image)
  # and check also other characteristics, especially the sharpness

  cal <- c(NA, NA)
  names(cal) <- c("WhitePoint", "BlackPoint")
  msg <- character(0)

  if (!file.exists(ODfile)) {
    msg <- paste("O.D. file '", ODfile, "' not found!", sep = "")
    attr(cal, "msg") <- msg

  # Is it a test file?
  #if (.isTestFile(ODfile)) {
  #  # We behave like if the file was correct and return fake calibration data!
  #  cal <- c(1000, 50000)
  #  names(cal) <- c("WhitePoint", "BlackPoint")
  #  attr(cal, "msg") <- character(0)
  #  return(cal)

  #filedir <- dirname(ODfile)
  #if (filedir != ".") {
  #  # Temporary change directory to the one where the file is located
  #  inidir <- setwd(filedir)
  #  on.exit(setwd(inidir))
  #  ODfile <- basename(ODfile)

  # The command to use depends on the format of the image (determined on the
  # extension)
  #ext <- tolower(rev(strsplit(ODfile, "\\.")[[1]])[1])
  #pgmfile <- ODfile
  #if (ext == "tif") {
  #  ## First, convert into a .pgm file
  #  pgmfile <- paste(ODfile, "pgm", sep = ".")
####    netpbm_tifftopnm( ODfile, pgmfile )
  #  delfile <- TRUE
  #  ext <- "pgm"
  #} else delfile <- FALSE
  #if (ext != "pgm")
  #  return(paste("Unrecognized image format for '", ODfile, "'", sep = ""))
####  OD <- netpbm_pgmhist(pgmfile, delete = delfile)

  ## Make sure we work with 16bit images
  #if (max(OD$Gray) < 256) {
  #  msg <- c(msg, "O.D. seems to be a 8bit image (16bit required)")
  #} else {
  #  ## Eliminate values with low number of points
  #  OD <- OD[OD$Count > 100, ]

  # PhG: new code... fully implemented in R
  grays <- readTIFF(ODfile, as.is = TRUE)
  grays <- sort.int(as.integer(grays), method = "quick")
  grays <- as.data.frame(unclass(rle(grays)))
  OD <- grays[grays$lengths > 200, ]
  names(OD) <- c("Count", "Gray")

  # Look at range: should be widespread enough, but without saturation
  rngOD <- range(OD$Gray)
  if (rngOD[2] > 65500) msg <-
    c(msg, "Images are overexposed, or whitepoint is already calibrated")
  if (rngOD[2] < 55000)
    msg <- c(msg, "Images are underexposed")

  # Saturation on the left-side of the histogram is not much a problem!
  if (rngOD[2] - rngOD[1] < 40000)
    msg <- c(msg, "Images lack contrast")
  # We should end up with four segments
  graylev <- OD$Gray
  gap <- (diff(graylev) > 500)

  # There are not *exactly* four gaps => problem with the image!
  if (sum(gap) != 4) {
    msg <- c(msg, "Impossible to calibrate O.D.: wrong image")
  } else {
    # Get the five peaks, analyze them and get modes for blank, NDx2,
    # NDx4 and NDx8
    peaks <- as.factor(cumsum(c(0, gap)) + 1)
    peaksgray <- split(graylev, peaks)
    names(peaksgray) <- c("Black", "NDx8", "NDx4", "NDx2", "White")

    # These are supposed to be all narrow peaks... check this
    peakspan <- sapply(peaksgray, range)
    peaksrange <- peakspan[2, ] - peakspan[1, ]

    # 1.2-2: width of black peak is much larger for Epson 4990
    # => be more tolerant for that peak
    if (any(peaksrange > c(20000, rep(5000, 4)))) {
      wrongpeaks <- paste(names(peaksrange)[peaksrange > 5000], collapse = ", ")
      msg <- c(msg, paste("Wrong O.D. image: lack of homogeneity for",

    # Look for the gray levels at the top of the peaks
    peaksheight <- split(OD$Count, peaks)
    names(peaksheight) <- c("Black", "NDx8", "NDx4", "NDx2", "White")
    findmax <- function(x)
      which.max(lowess(x, f = 0.05, iter = 1)$y)
    peaksval <- sapply(peaksheight, findmax)

    # Get the number of pixels in the white peak
    nbrwhite <- peaksheight$White[peaksval["White"]]

    # Replace the location by the actual gray level
    for (i in 1:5)
      peaksval[i] <- peaksgray[[i]][peaksval[i]]
    # If the number of pixels for pure white is larger than the white
    # peak found, replace it by pure white (65535)
    nbrpurewhite <- OD[nrow(OD), 2]
    if (nbrpurewhite > nbrwhite)
      peaksval["White"] <- 65535

    # Now, we need to calibrate the black and white points
    WhitePoint <- 65535 - peaksval["White"]

    # Perform a correction for the white point
    peaksval <- peaksval + WhitePoint

    # Transform those gray levels into O.D.
    peaksOD <- log(peaksval) * 65535 / log(65535)

    # Create a data frame with gray levels and corresponding OD for
    # White, NDx2, NDx4 and NDx8
    calib <- data.frame(Gray = peaksOD[5:2], OD = c(0, 0.3, 0.6, 0.9))

    # Fit a line on these data
    calib.lm <- lm(OD ~ Gray, data = calib)

    # Check that calibration line is fine (i.e., the ANOVA should
    # reject H0 at alpha = 5%)
    if (anova(calib.lm)[["Pr(>F)"]][1] > 0.01)
      msg <- c(msg, "Wrong OD calibration: not a straight line relation at alpha level = 0.01")

    # Check also that R squared is at least 0.98
    rsq <- summary(calib.lm)$r.squared
    if (rsq < 0.98)
      msg <- c(msg, paste("Bad OD calibration (R squared = ",
        formatC(rsq, digits = 3), ")", sep = ""))

    # Check linearity of the relationship by fitting a second order
    # polynome and by looking at the t-test for the x square parameter
    calib2.lm <- lm(OD ~ I(Gray^2) + Gray, data = calib)
    if (summary(calib2.lm)$coefficients["I(Gray^2)", "Pr(>|t|)"] < 0.01)
      msg <- c(msg, "Nonlinear OD calibration at alpha level = 0.01")

    # Calculate the value of the black point to get 0.004 OD per gray
    # level after conversion (see the manual)
    ccoef <- coef(calib.lm)
    BlackPoint <- (1.024 - ccoef[1]) / ccoef[2]

    # Get the calibration data
    cal[1] <- round(WhitePoint)
    cal[2] <- round(BlackPoint)
  attr(cal, "msg") <- msg
# example:
# setwd("g:/zooplankton/madagascar2macro")
# calibrate("test.tif")

# Decimal separator to use in import/export ZooImage files
getDec <- function() {
  Dec <- getOption("OutDec", ".")
  # It must be either "." or ","!
  if (!Dec %in% c(".", ","))
    Dec <- "."

# Add a comment (from a zimfile) into a zip archive
zipNoteAdd <- function(zipfile, zimfile) {
  zipfile <- as.character(zipfile)
  if (length(zipfile) != 1) {
    warning("exactly one 'zipfile' must be provided")
  if (!file.exists(zipfile)) {
    warning("'zipfile' not found: '", basename(zipfile), "'")

  zimfile <- as.character(zimfile)
  if (length(zimfile) != 1) {
    warning("exactly one 'zimfile' must be provided")
  if (!file.exists(zimfile)) {
    warning("'zimfile' not found: '", basename(zimfile), "'")

  if (isWin()) {
    cmd <- sprintf('%s /c type "%s" | "%s" -zq "%s" ', Sys.getenv("COMSPEC"),
      zimfile, Sys.getenv("R_ZIPCMD", "zip"), zipfile)
    res <- try(system(cmd, show.output.on.console = FALSE, invisible = TRUE,
      intern = FALSE), silent = TRUE)
  } else {
    cmd <- sprintf('zip -zq "%s" < "%s" ', zipfile, zimfile)
    res <- try(system(cmd, ignore.stdout = TRUE, ignore.stderr = TRUE,
      intern = FALSE), silent = TRUE)
  if (inherits(res, "try-error")) {
    warning(as.character(res)) # Turn error into warning

  if (res != 0) {
    warning("error while adding .zim data to '", basename(zipfile), "'")
  } else TRUE

# Extract the comment from the zipfile
zipNoteGet <- function(zipfile, zimfile = NULL) {
  zipfile <- as.character(zipfile)
  if (length(zipfile) != 1) {
    warning("exactly one 'zipfile' must be provided")
  if (!file.exists(zipfile)) {
    warning("'zipfile' not found: '", basename(zipfile), "'")

  if (length(zimfile)) {
    zimfile <- as.character(zimfile)
    if (length(zimfile) != 1) {
      warning("exactly one 'zimfile' must be provided")
  # Make sure old data do not remain in zimfile

  # We use unzip... and assume it is located at the same place as zip!
  if (isWin()) {
    zippgm <- Sys.getenv("R_ZIPCMD", "zip")
    unzippgm <- sub("zip$", "unzip", zippgm)
    if (unzippgm == zippgm || inherits(try(system("unzip", intern = TRUE),
      silent = TRUE), "try-error")) {
      warning("'unzip' program is required, but not found")
    cmd <- sprintf('"%s" -zq "%s"', unzippgm, zipfile)
    res <- try(system(cmd, invisible = TRUE, intern = TRUE), silent = TRUE)
  } else {# Linux or MacOS
    cmd <- sprintf('unzip -zq "%s"', zipfile)
    res <- try(system(cmd, intern = TRUE), silent = TRUE)
  if (inherits(res, "try-error")) {

  if (length(res) < 2) {
    warning("no comment data found in '", basename(zipfile), "'")

  # Write the output to the file if needed and return the result
  if (length(zimfile)) {
    cat(res, file = zimfile, sep = "\n")
  } else res

.make_scales <- function(pixels.per.unit, units = "mm", base.dir = tempdir()) {
  # Depending on the range of pixels.per.unit, we cook different bar scales
  # This range should be wide enough... or you should use different units!
  if (pixels.per.unit <= 12) {# For instance, 300dpi
    coef <- 8
    vals <- c("2.4", "4", "8")
  } else if (pixels.per.unit <= 25) {# For instance, 600dpi
    coef <- 4
    vals <- c("1.2", "2", "4")
  } else if (pixels.per.unit <= 50) {# For instance, 1200dpi
    coef <- 2
    vals <- c("0.6", "1", "2")
  } else if (pixels.per.unit <= 100) {# For instance, 2400dpi
    coef <- 1
    vals <- c("0.3", "0.5", "1")
  } else if (pixels.per.unit <= 200) {# For instance, 4800dpi
    coef <- 0.5
    vals <- c(".15", ".25", "0.5")
  } else {# >= 9600dpi
    coef <- 0.25
    vals <- c(".07", ".12", ".25")
  labels <- paste0(vals, units)
  images <- file.path(base.dir, c("scale30.png", "scale50.png", "scale100.png"))

  left <- floor((100 - pixels.per.unit * coef) / 2) / 100
  right <- 1 - (ceiling((100 - pixels.per.unit * coef) / 2) / 100)

  # 100 pixels-wide scale
  png(images[3], width = 100, height = 16, antialias = "none")
  opar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
  par(mai = c(0, 0.025, 0, 0.025), oma = c(0, 0, 0, 0), lend = 2)
  plot(c(left, right), c(0.8, 0.8), type = "l",
    xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", xaxs = "i", yaxs = "i", lwd = 4, col = "black",
    xlim = c(0, 1), ylim = c(0, 1), xlab = "", ylab = "", bty = "n")
  text(0.5, 0.35, labels = labels[3], adj = c(0.5, 0.5))

  # 50 pixels-wide scale
  png(images[2], width = 50, height = 16, antialias = "none")
  opar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
  par(mai = c(0, 0.025, 0, 0.025), oma = c(0, 0, 0, 0), lend = 2)
  plot(c(left, right), c(0.8, 0.8), type = "l",
    xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", xaxs = "i", yaxs = "i", lwd = 4, col = "black",
    xlim = c(0, 1), ylim = c(0, 1), xlab = "", ylab = "", bty = "n")
  text(0.5, 0.35, labels = labels[2], adj = c(0.5, 0.5))

  # 30 pixels-wide scale
  png(images[1], width = 30, height = 16, antialias = "none")
  opar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
  par(mai = c(0, 0.025, 0, 0.025), oma = c(0, 0, 0, 0), lend = 2)
  plot(c(left, right), c(0.8, 0.8), type = "l",
    xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", xaxs = "i", yaxs = "i", lwd = 4, col = "black",
    xlim = c(0, 1), ylim = c(0, 1), xlab = "", ylab = "", bty = "n")
  text(0.5, 0.35, labels = labels[1], adj = c(0.5, 0.5), cex = 0.75)

  list(coef = coef, labels = labels, images = images)
# Test...
#.make_scales(96) #2400dpi
#.make_scales(48) #1200dpi
#.make_scales(24) #600dpi
#.make_scales(12) #300dpi

makeZIVignettes <- function(orig.dir = getwd(), target.dir = dirname(orig.dir),
clean.work = FALSE) {
  # The orig.dir is supposed to be "_work" subdir of where we did image analysis
  odir <- setwd(orig.dir)

  # all_ok indicates if all images were correctly processed (only set to FALSE
  # in case of error)
  all_ok <- TRUE

  # List of _dat1|3|5.zim files
  zims <- dir(pattern = "_dat[135]\\.zim$")
  if (!length(zims))
    stop("No '_dat[135].zim' files in 'orig.dir'")
  # List of _col1|3|5.zim files
  imgs <- dir(pattern = "_col[135]\\.tif$")
  # Check that both lists agree, and there are such files
  if (!length(imgs))
    stop("No '_col[135].tif' files in 'orig.dir'")
  if (length(zims) != length(imgs) ||
      any(sub("_dat[135]\\.zim$", "", zims) !=
          sub("_col[135]\\.tif$", "", imgs)))
    stop("You must have pairs of '_dat[135].zim' and ",
      "'_col[135].tif' files in 'orig.dir'")

  # For each _dat[135].zim file, create the directory with vignettes
  # and _dat[135].zim files
  # (renamed _dat1.zim after transforming them into ZI1-compatibles files)
  # as one got it directly from ZI1-5 processes
  l <- length(zims)
  # Scale bars are recalculated according to the size of one pixel.
  # Start with a silly value to make sure it is calculated at first image
  lastpixsize <- -1
  for (i in 1:l) {
    zim <- zims[i]
    img <- imgs[i]
    # Compute the directory name
    smp <- sub("\\+[A-Z][0-9]*_dat5\\.zim$", "", zim)
    smpdir <- file.path(target.dir, smp)
    message("Processing image ", i, "/", l, ", for sample ", smp, "... ",
      sep = "")

    # If the directory exists, check it is really a dir, not a file!
    if (file.exists(smpdir)) {
      if (!file.info(smpdir)$isdir)
        stop("Sample directory exists for ", smp,
          " but does not appear to be a directory!")
      #cat("skipping (file already exists)\n")
    dir.create(smpdir, showWarnings = FALSE)

    # Read the zim file and do some corrections in it
    zimdat <- readLines(zim)
    if (length(zimdat) < 10 || substring(zimdat[1], 1, 2) != "ZI")
      stop("The following .zim file seems corrupted: ", zim)
    # Correct ZI1, ZI3 or ZI5 into ZI1 (we'll make it compatible with v.1!)
    zimdat[1] <- "ZI1"
    # Determine where the table of data is starting in the file
    dpos <- (1:length(zimdat))[zimdat == "[Data]"]
    if (length(dpos) != 1)
      stop("Data section not found or multiple Data sections in ", zim)
    # Code, Min, Max, SubPart, SubMethod contain all values for all images
    getKeyValue <- function(dat, key, multiple = FALSE) {
      l <- length(dat)
      regexp <- paste0("^", key, "=")
      position <- (1:l)[grepl(regexp, dat)]
      if (!length(position))
        return(list(pos = integer(0), value = character(0)))
      value <- trimws(sub(regexp, "", dat[position]))
      if (isTRUE(multiple)) {
        # Split items according to comas
        value <- trimws(strsplit(value, ",")[[1]])
      list(pos = position, value = value)

    # Just keep the one that suits this particular image
    code <- getKeyValue(zimdat, "Code", multiple = TRUE)
    if (length(code$pos) != 1)
      stop("Error in zim file '", zim, "': no or several 'Code=' entries")
    # Add number to code
    code$label <- code$value
    lcodes <- length(code$value)
    ucodes <- unique(code$value)
    for (ucode in ucodes) {
      upos <- (1:lcodes)[code$value == ucode]
      code$label[upos] <- paste0(ucode, 1:length(upos))
    # Get the code for the current image
    icode <- sub("^.+\\+([A-Z][0-9]*)\\_dat[135]\\.zim$", "\\1", zim)
    # If icode has no numbers, add 1 at the end
    if (grepl("[A-Z]$", icode)) icode <- paste0(icode, "1")
    if (!icode %in% code$label) {
      # Try also without the number
      icode <- substring(icode, 1, 1)
    if (!icode %in% code$label) {
      # Finally try with "1" at the end
      icode <- paste0(icode, "1")
    if (!icode %in% code$label)
      stop("Code ", icode, " not found in the .zim file for ", zim)
    # Determine the position of image in the codes
    ipos <- (1:lcodes)[code$label == icode]
    # Keep only corresponding code
    zimdat[code$pos] <- paste0("Code=", code$value[ipos])
    # Do the same for Min, Max, SubPart and SubMethod
    # Min
    Min <- getKeyValue(zimdat, "Min", multiple = TRUE)
    if (length(Min$pos) != 1)
      stop("Error in zim file '", zim, "': no or several 'Min=' entries")
    if (length(Min$value) != lcodes)
      stop("Non matching number of items for Code= and Min= entries in ", zim)
    zimdat[Min$pos] <- paste0("Min=", Min$value[ipos])
    # Max
    Max <- getKeyValue(zimdat, "Max", multiple = TRUE)
    if (length(Max$pos) != 1)
      stop("Error in zim file '", zim, "': no or several 'Max=' entries")
    if (length(Max$value) != lcodes)
      stop("Non matching number of items for Code= and Max= entries in ", zim)
    zimdat[Max$pos] <- paste0("Max=", Max$value[ipos])
    # SubPart
    SubPart <- getKeyValue(zimdat, "SubPart", multiple = TRUE)
    if (length(SubPart$pos) != 1)
      stop("Error in zim file '", zim, "': no or several 'SubPart=' entries")
    if (length(SubPart$value) != lcodes)
      stop("Non matching number of items for Code= and SubPart= entries in ",
    zimdat[SubPart$pos] <- paste0("SubPart=", SubPart$value[ipos])
    # SubMethod
    SubMethod <- getKeyValue(zimdat, "SubMethod", multiple = TRUE)
    if (length(SubMethod$pos) != 1)
      stop("Error in zim file '", zim, "': no or several 'SubMethod=' entries")
    if (length(SubMethod$value) != lcodes)
      stop("Non matching number of items for Code= and SubMethod= entries in ",
    zimdat[SubMethod$pos] <- paste0("SubMethod=", SubMethod$value[ipos])
    # Special treatment for 'Time' (get it and take it out of there!)
    smptime <- getKeyValue(zimdat, "Time")
    zimdat <- zimdat[-smptime$pos]
    smptime <- smptime$value
    # In case smptime is just hh:mm, add :00 to get hh:mm:ss
    if (grepl("^[0-9]{1,2}:[0-9]{2}$", smptime))
      smptime <- paste0(smptime, ":00")
    if (grepl("^[0-9]:", smptime))
      smptime <- paste0("0", smptime)
    # Just in case CellPart is missing, add it before Replicates
    # with default value 0.73
    if (!any(grepl("^CellPart=", zimdat))) {
      reppos <- (1:length(zimdat))[grepl("^Replicates=", zimdat)]
      if (length(reppos))
        zimdat[reppos] <- paste0("CellPart=0.73\n", zimdat[reppos])
    # Write the modified zim file in the destination directory
    # TODO: we shouldstart to accept versions 3 and 5 all over ZI now!
    writeLines(zimdat, file.path(smpdir, sub("_dat[135]\\.zim$", "_dat1.zim",

    # Read the color (.tif) image
    pic <- readTIFF(img)
    idat <- read.delim(zim, skip = dpos)
    idat$name <- paste(idat$Label, idat$X.Item, sep = "_")
    # Size of one pixel
    pixunit <- getKeyValue(zimdat, "PixelUnit")$value[1]
    if (is.na(pixunit) || !length(pixunit) || pixunit == "")
      pixunit <- "mm" # Default unit, if not specified
    pixsize <- as.numeric(getKeyValue(zimdat, "PixelSize")$value[1])
    if (is.na(pixsize))
      stop("Impossible to find the size of a pixel in the image ",
        img, " from ", zim)

    if (pixsize != lastpixsize) {# Recalculate coef and scale bars
      scales <- .make_scales(1 / pixsize, pixunit)
      lastpixsize <- pixsize
      # Read the three scale bar files (0.3, 0.5 and 1mm at 2400dpi)
      #scale0.3 <- readPNG(file.path(getTemp('ZIetc'),"Scale2400_0.3mm.png"))
      scale0.3 <- readPNG(scales$images[1])
      if (!is.matrix(scale0.3)) scale0.3 <- scale0.3[, , 1]
      #scale0.5 <- readPNG(file.path(getTemp('ZIetc'),"Scale2400_0.5mm.png"))
      scale0.5 <- readPNG(scales$images[2])
      if (!is.matrix(scale0.5)) scale0.5 <- scale0.5[, , 1]
      #scale1 <- readPNG(file.path(getTemp('ZIetc'),"Scale2400_1mm.png"))
      scale1 <- readPNG(scales$images[3])
      if (!is.matrix(scale1)) scale1 <- scale1[, , 1]

    # Transform coordinates into pixel sizes
    idat$BX <- round(idat$BX/pixsize)
    idat$BY <- round(idat$BY/pixsize)
    idat$Width <- round(idat$Width/pixsize)
    idat$Height <- round(idat$Height/pixsize)
    # Create vignettes
    pl <- dim(pic)[2]
    ph <- dim(pic)[1]
    for (j in 1:nrow(idat)) {
      Width <- idat$Width[j]
      Height <- idat$Height[j]
      BX <- round(idat$BX[j] - Width / 4)
      BY <- round(idat$BY[j] - Height / 4)
      BX2 <- round(BX + (Width * 1.5))
      BY2 <- round(BY + (Height * 1.5))
      # Constrain bounding box inside the picture
      if (BX < 1) BX <- 0
      if (BY < 1) BY <- 1
      if (BX2 > pl) BX2 <- pl
      if (BY2 > ph) BY2 <- ph
      # Crop the picture into a new image
      if (length(dim(pic)) == 2) {# Grayscale picture
        vig <- pic[BY:BY2, BX:BX2]
      } else {# Color picture
        vig <- pic[BY:BY2, BX:BX2, ]
      # Add the scale at the top-left
      if (Width * 1.5 < 50) { # Use the 0.3mm scale
        xmax <- min(30, dim(vig)[2])
        ymax <- min(16, dim(vig)[1])
        scale <- scale0.3[1:ymax, 1:xmax]
      } else if (Width * 1.5 < 100) { # Use the 0.5mm scale
        xmax <- min(50, dim(vig)[2])
        ymax <- min(16, dim(vig)[1])
        scale <- scale0.5[1:ymax, 1:xmax]
      } else {# Use the 1mm scale
        xmax <- min(100, dim(vig)[2])
        ymax <- min(16, dim(vig)[1])
        scale <- scale1[1:ymax, 1:xmax]
      if (length(dim(vig)) == 2) {# Grayscale picture
        vig[1:ymax, 1:xmax][scale < 1] <- scale[scale < 1]
      } else {# Color picture
        vig[1:ymax, 1:xmax, 2][scale < 1] <- scale[scale < 1]
        sel <- scale < 1 & vig[1:ymax, 1:xmax, 3] > 0.2
        vig[1:ymax, 1:xmax, 3][sel] <- scale[sel]/2
      # Write this into a png file
      writePNG(vig, file.path(smpdir, paste(idat$name[j], "png", sep = ".")))
    # Delete _work files if required
    if (isTRUE(clean.work)) {
    # Done
    # Before switching to another picture, or at the end, create the .zidb file
    if (i == l) {
      if (!zidbMake(smpdir, smptime = smptime, replace = TRUE,
        delete.source = TRUE))
        all_ok <- FALSE
    } else {
      nextsmp <- sub("\\+[A-Z][0-9]+_dat[135]\\.zim$", "", zims[i + 1])
      if (nextsmp != smp) {
        if (!zidbMake(smpdir, smptime = smptime, replace = TRUE,
          delete.source = TRUE))
          all_ok <- FALSE
SciViews/zooimage documentation built on March 4, 2023, 4:03 a.m.