
Defines functions annotate_variants

Documented in annotate_variants

#' Annotate variants
#' Annotates CESAnalysis MAF data with reference genome and gene data; called by load_maf
#' @param refset CES reference data set (e.g., from the ces.refset.hg19 data package)
#' @param variants MAF-like data.table of variants (e.g., as generated by preload_maf())
#' @keywords internal
annotate_variants <- function(refset = NULL, variants = NULL) {
  if (! is(refset, "environment")) {
    stop("refset should be class environment (if you gave a refset package name, load the package first and try again).")
  if (! is(variants, "data.table")) {
    stop("variants should be a data.table.")
  RefCDS = refset$RefCDS
  gr_cds = refset$gr_genes
  bsg = refset$genome
  aac_snv_key = copy(aac_snv_key_template)
  # For now, return empty data.table if no variants to annotate
  if (variants[, .N] == 0) {
    return(list(amino_acid_change = data.table(), snv = data.table()))
  if (! all(c("Chromosome", "Start_Position", "Reference_Allele", "Tumor_Allele") %in% names(variants))) {
    stop("Invalid variants input. Should be MAF-like data.table, as from preload_maf().")
  # If variant_type / variant_id are already present, we will trust
  if (! all(c('variant_type', 'variant_id') %in% names(variants))) {
    variants = identify_maf_variants(variants)
  #variants[variant_type == "snv", variant_id := paste0(Chromosome, ':', Start_Position, '_', Reference_Allele, '>', Tumor_Allele)]
  variants = unique(variants[, .(Chromosome, Start_Position, Reference_Allele, Tumor_Allele, variant_type, variant_id)])
  variant_grs = GenomicRanges::makeGRangesFromDataFrame(variants, seqnames.field = "Chromosome", 
                                                        start.field = "Start_Position", end.field = "Start_Position")

  # Get gene annotations
  ## Note: If RefCDS/gr_cds are transcript-level, the ranges and annotations will refer to transcripts, not genes
  nearest = as.data.table(GenomicRanges::distanceToNearest(variant_grs, gr_cds, select = "all"))
  # convert the "subjectHits" index returned by the distanceToNearest function to the corresponding gene name
  refcds_entry_names = GenomicRanges::mcols(gr_cds)["names"][,1]
  nearest[, refcds_entry := refcds_entry_names[subjectHits]]

  # Sometimes an SNV appears to overlap the same CDS region twice due to redundant GRanges
  # Uniquify to get one row per variant/protein match
  nearest = unique(nearest, by = c("queryHits", "refcds_entry"))
  # queryHits column gives snv table row.
  # Some records have multiple matching entries; combine them into variable-length vector within each snv table row.
  # Also grab the distance to the first matching refcds entry (distances are always equal on multiple hits, since we asked for the nearest)
  refcds_entries_by_variant_row = setDT(nearest[, .(cds = list(refcds_entry), dist = distance[1]), by = "queryHits"])
  variants[, c("cds", "dist") := list(refcds_entries_by_variant_row$cds, refcds_entries_by_variant_row$dist)]
  variants[, intergenic := dist > 0] # Not really intergenic, just not coding (need to fix this)
  snvs = variants[variant_type == "snv", -"variant_type"]
  setnames(snvs, 'variant_id', 'snv_id')

  # Intergenic records definitely aren't coding, so leave them out
  # some of these will still be non-coding and get filtered out later
  aac = data.table()
  if (snvs[dist == 0, .N] > 0) {
    aac = snvs[dist == 0, .(Chromosome, Start_Position, Reference_Allele, Tumor_Allele, refcds_entry = unlist(cds)), by = "snv_id"]
    entries_with_aac = unique(unlist(aac$refcds_entry))

  # If RefCDS object has been created using this package's build_RefCDS function,
  # the presence of real_gene_name indicates that the object has one record per passing transcript rather that gene.
  # We'll handle this situation by making note of the true gene and transcript names.
  cds_hits = data.table()
  if (aac[, .N] > 0) {
    # for efficiency, pull out all the necessary RefCDS data together, then split it up
    if(is.null(RefCDS[[1]]$real_gene_name)) {
      # real_gene_name is used for pid-based RefCDS objects. When null, gene name is already correct
      ref_subset = lapply(RefCDS[entries_with_aac], function(x) list(meta = list(strand = x$strand, cds = x$protein_id, entry_name = x$gene_name,
                                                                                 gene_name = x$gene_name), 
                                                                     intervals_cds = x$intervals_cds))
    } else {
      ref_subset = lapply(RefCDS[entries_with_aac], function(x) list(meta = list(strand = x$strand, cds = x$protein_id, entry_name = x$gene_name,
                                                                                 gene_name = x$real_gene_name), 
                                                                     intervals_cds = x$intervals_cds))
    meta = rbindlist(lapply(ref_subset, function(x) x$meta))
    coding_ints = rbindlist(lapply(lapply(ref_subset, function(x) x$intervals_cds), as.data.table), idcol = "entry_name")
    setnames(coding_ints, old = c("V1", "V2"), new = c("start", "end"))
    coding_ints = meta[coding_ints, on = "entry_name"]
    # CDS intervals should be in genomic order within each cds
    coding_ints[strand == 1, cds_order := seq_len(.N), by = "cds"]
    coding_ints[strand == -1, cds_order := rev(seq_len(.N)), by = "cds"]
    coding_ints = coding_ints[order(cds, cds_order)]
    coding_ints[, cum_cds_width := cumsum(end - start + 1), by = "cds"]
    aac[, tmp_end_pos := Start_Position] # need two columns for foverlaps (as of now)
    setkey(aac, "refcds_entry", "Start_Position", "tmp_end_pos") # yeah, it's called gene for transcript_id currently, too
    cds_hits = foverlaps(coding_ints, aac, by.x = c("entry_name", "start", "end"), type = "any", nomatch = NULL)

  if (cds_hits[, .N] > 0) {
    cds_hits[strand == -1, nt_pos := cum_cds_width - (Start_Position - start)]
    cds_hits[strand == 1, nt_pos := cum_cds_width - (end - Start_Position)]
    cds_hits[, aa_pos := ceiling(nt_pos / 3)]
    cds_hits[, codon_pos := nt_pos %% 3 ] # note this gives 0-based codon index 
    cds_hits[codon_pos == 0, codon_pos := 3]
    cds_names = unique(cds_hits$entry_name)
    seqs = DNAStringSet(lapply(RefCDS[cds_names], '[[', 'seq_cds'))
    ref_seqs = Biostrings::subseq(seqs[cds_hits$entry_name], start = cds_hits$nt_pos - cds_hits$codon_pos + 1, width = 3)
    # Records that don't overlap a CDS are not coding mutations
    aac = cds_hits
    # For efficiency, convert to character, and then substitute in the tumor allele and get aa_alt
    aa_ref = as.character(Biostrings::translate(ref_seqs, no.init.codon = T), use.names = F)
    aac_alt_allele = Biostrings::DNAStringSet(cds_hits$Tumor_Allele)
    aac_alt_allele[cds_hits$strand == -1] = Biostrings::complement(aac_alt_allele[cds_hits$strand == -1])
    alt_seqs = as.character(ref_seqs)
    substr(alt_seqs, cds_hits$codon_pos, cds_hits$codon_pos) = as.character(aac_alt_allele)
    aa_alt = as.character(Biostrings::translate(DNAStringSet(alt_seqs), no.init.codon = T))
    aac[, aachange := paste0(aa_ref, aa_pos, aa_alt)]
    aac[, aa_ref := seqinr::aaa(aa_ref)]
    aac[aa_ref == "Stp", aa_ref := "STOP"]
    aac[, aa_alt := seqinr::aaa(aa_alt)]
    aac[aa_alt == "Stp", aa_alt := "STOP"]
    setnames(aac, old = c("cds", "Chromosome", "Start_Position"), new = c("pid", "chr", "pos"))
    aac[, aac_id := paste0(gene_name, "_", aachange, "_", pid)]
    aac[, c("start", "end", "cds_order", "cum_cds_width") := NULL]
    # Some AACs will come from >1 distinct SNV in the MAF data; only need one of each for annotation purposes
    aac = unique(aac, by = "aac_id")
    # To make things easier later, determine which AAC records are possibly spanning splice sites
    # Genomically, all bases must be within 2bp of a splice position (or codon finishes before crossing site)
    # Later, we'll do a more careful annotation of splice site distance
    # For now, get CDS intervals for relevant genes; potential splice sites will be included in the start/end positions of these
    approx_splice_sites = unique(rbindlist(lapply(RefCDS[entries_with_aac], function(x) return(list(chr = x$chr, splice_pos = x$intervals_cds)))))
    approx_splice_sites[, start := splice_pos - 2]
    approx_splice_sites[, end := splice_pos + 2]
    setkey(aac, "chr", "pos", "tmp_end_pos")
    possible_splice_aac_id = foverlaps(approx_splice_sites, aac, by.x = c("chr", "start", "end"), type = "any", nomatch = NULL)[, aac_id]
    setkey(aac, "aac_id")
    aac[, possible_splice := F][possible_splice_aac_id, possible_splice := T]
    # figure out nt positions for codons that might span splice sites
    poss_splice_ints = coding_ints[aac[possible_splice == TRUE, unique(entry_name)], on = 'entry_name']
    single_exon_entries = poss_splice_ints[, .N, by = "entry_name"][N == 1, entry_name]
    poss_splice_ints = poss_splice_ints[! single_exon_entries, on = 'entry_name']
    aac[single_exon_entries, possible_splice := FALSE, on = 'entry_name']
    # away from splice sites, all codon nt positions are adjacent
    aac[possible_splice == F, nt1_pos := pos - strand * (codon_pos - 1)]
    aac[possible_splice == F, nt2_pos := pos - strand * (codon_pos - 2)]
    aac[possible_splice == F, nt3_pos := pos - strand * (codon_pos - 3)]
    if (poss_splice_ints[, .N] > 0) {
      poss_splice_ints[, exon_length := abs(end - start) + 1]
      poss_splice_ints[, previous_bases := c(0, cumsum(exon_length[1:(.N-1)])), by = 'entry_name']
      poss_splice_ints[strand == 1, ref_offset := start - previous_bases - 1]
      poss_splice_ints[strand == -1, ref_offset := end + previous_bases + 1]
      # some SNVs may have multiple entries; splice status may vary
      poss_splice_table = setDT(aac[possible_splice == T, .(tmp_nt_pos = nt_pos - codon_pos + 1:3, tmp_codon_pos = 1:3, strand), by = c('snv_id', 'entry_name')])
      ref_offsets = poss_splice_ints[poss_splice_table, ref_offset, on = .(entry_name, cum_cds_width >= tmp_nt_pos), by = .EACHI, mult = "first"]
      poss_splice_table[, nt_ref_pos := ref_offsets$ref_offset + tmp_nt_pos * strand]
      aac[poss_splice_table[tmp_codon_pos == 1], nt1_pos := nt_ref_pos, on = c('snv_id', 'entry_name')]
      aac[poss_splice_table[tmp_codon_pos == 2], nt2_pos := nt_ref_pos, on = c('snv_id', 'entry_name')]
      aac[poss_splice_table[tmp_codon_pos == 3], nt3_pos := nt_ref_pos, on = c('snv_id', 'entry_name')]

    # get 5'->3' (i.e., standard genomic order) trinucleotide contexts
    first_triseq = BSgenome::getSeq(bsg, names = aac$chr, start =  aac$nt1_pos - 1, end =  aac$nt1_pos + 1)
    second_triseq = BSgenome::getSeq(bsg, names = aac$chr, start =  aac$nt2_pos - 1, end =  aac$nt2_pos + 1)
    third_triseq = BSgenome::getSeq(bsg, names = aac$chr, start =  aac$nt3_pos - 1, end =  aac$nt3_pos + 1)
    # put together the three reference nucleotides of each codon (in coding order, not genomic order)
    coding_sequences = Biostrings::xscat(Biostrings::subseq(first_triseq, start = 2, width = 1),
                                         Biostrings::subseq(second_triseq, start = 2, width = 1),
                                         Biostrings::subseq(third_triseq, start = 2, width = 1))
    aac[, nt1_ref := as.character(Biostrings::subseq(coding_sequences, start = 1, width = 1))]
    aac[, nt2_ref := as.character(Biostrings::subseq(coding_sequences, start = 2, width = 1))]
    aac[, nt3_ref := as.character(Biostrings::subseq(coding_sequences, start = 3, width = 1))]
    # take complement of negative-strand coding sequences (but no need to reverse)
    coding_sequences[aac$strand == -1] = Biostrings::complement(coding_sequences[aac$strand == -1])
    aac[, coding_seq := as.character(coding_sequences)]
    # for each aa_mut, get a three-item list representing SNVs in first, second, third positions of the reference codon
    # that cause the same amino acid change as aa_alt (which will always include the ntchange that came from the MAF)
    possible_snvs = mapply(function(x, y) codon_sbs_to_aa[[x]][[y]], as.character(coding_sequences), aac$aa_alt, SIMPLIFY = F)
    nt1_snvs = lapply(possible_snvs, function(x) x[[1]])
    aac$nt1_snvs = nt1_snvs
    nt2_snvs = lapply(possible_snvs, function(x) x[[2]])
    aac$nt2_snvs = nt2_snvs
    nt3_snvs = lapply(possible_snvs, function(x) x[[3]])
    aac$nt3_snvs = nt3_snvs
    # create table of all snv_ids, then fix strand of alt alleles
    nt1_dt = aac[, .(chr, strand, pos = nt1_pos, ref = nt1_ref, alt = unlist(nt1_snvs)), by = "aac_id"]
    nt2_dt = aac[, .(chr, strand, pos = nt2_pos, ref = nt2_ref, alt = unlist(nt2_snvs)), by = "aac_id"]
    nt3_dt = aac[, .(chr, strand, pos = nt3_pos, ref = nt3_ref, alt = unlist(nt3_snvs)), by = "aac_id"]
    snv_table = rbind(nt1_dt, nt2_dt, nt3_dt)
    snv_table = snv_table[! is.na(alt)] # drop positions where there is no possible SNV that causes the amino acid change of interest
    snv_table[strand == -1, alt := seqinr::comp(alt, forceToLower = F)]
    snv_table[, strand := NULL] # SNVs don't have strandedness
    snv_table[, snv_id := paste0(chr, ':', pos, "_", ref, '>', alt)]
    # Merge in the gene annotations from the original snvs table
    # There will be no gene annotations for the SNVs that are part of AACs but
    # not present in the MAF data, so we'll have to do annotation again on those

    snv_table[snvs, c("cds", "intergenic") := .(cds, intergenic), on = "snv_id"]
    # annotate amino acid mutations with all associated SNVs
    snvs_by_aa_mut = snv_table[, .(constituent_snvs = list(snv_id)), by = "aac_id"]
    aac[snvs_by_aa_mut, constituent_snvs := constituent_snvs, on = "aac_id"]
    aac_snv_key = snv_table[, .(aac_id, snv_id)]
    aac_snv_key[, multi_anno_site := uniqueN(aac_id) > 1, by = 'snv_id']
    snv_table = snv_table[, .(snv_id, chr, pos, ref, alt, cds, intergenic)] # gets uniquified shortly
    # add noncoding SNVs to SNV table
    noncoding = snvs[! unlist(aac$constituent_snvs), on = 'snv_id']
    noncoding = setDT(noncoding[, .(chr = Chromosome, pos = Start_Position, ref = Reference_Allele, alt = Tumor_Allele,
                              cds, intergenic)])
    noncoding[, snv_id := paste0(chr, ':', pos, "_", ref, '>', alt)]
    setcolorder(noncoding, "snv_id")
    # dt can't handle list columns in unique call, but if it could result would be the same
    noncoding = unique(noncoding, by = c("chr", "pos", "ref", "alt")) 
    snv_table = rbind(snv_table, noncoding)
  } else {
    # When there are no CDS hits, all the SNVs are noncoding
    snv_table = snvs[, .(chr = Chromosome, pos = Start_Position, ref = Reference_Allele, alt = Tumor_Allele,
                         cds, intergenic), by = "snv_id"]
    aac = aac[0] # empty the table
    aac[, aac_id := character()]
	# uniquify
  snv_table = unique(snv_table, by = "snv_id")
  # Get gene annotations for those that don't have it yet (identified by intergenic == NA)
  # See comments from round 1
  snvs_needing_anno = snv_table[is.na(intergenic)]
  snvs_needing_anno[, cds := NULL] # CDS empty on these; remove field for re-annotation

  if (snvs_needing_anno[, .N] > 0) {
    snv_gr_round2 = GenomicRanges::makeGRangesFromDataFrame(snvs_needing_anno,  seqnames.field = "chr", 
                                                            start.field = "pos", end.field = "pos")
    nearest = as.data.table(GenomicRanges::distanceToNearest(snv_gr_round2, gr_cds, select = "all"))
    refcds_entry_names = GenomicRanges::mcols(gr_cds)["names"][,1]
    nearest[, refcds_entry := refcds_entry_names[subjectHits]]
    nearest = nearest[! duplicated(nearest[, .(queryHits, refcds_entry)])]
    refcds_entries_by_variant_row = setDT(nearest[, .(cds = list(refcds_entry), dist = distance[1]), by = "queryHits"] )
    snvs_needing_anno[, c("cds", "dist") := list(refcds_entries_by_variant_row$cds, refcds_entries_by_variant_row$dist)]
    snvs_needing_anno[, intergenic := dist > 0] # To-do: Intergenic should always be false on these. Confirm and remove.
    setkey(snv_table, "snv_id")
    ## To-do: Add CDS entry column back to SNV table,
    snv_table[snvs_needing_anno$snv_id, intergenic := snvs_needing_anno$intergenic]
    snv_table[snvs_needing_anno$snv_id, cds := list(snvs_needing_anno$cds)]

  #  get deconstructSigs-style trinuc context of each SNV ID
  if (snv_table[, .N] > 0) {
    genomic_context = BSgenome::getSeq(bsg, snv_table$chr,start=snv_table$pos - 1,
                                       end=snv_table$pos + 1,
                                       as.character = TRUE)
    trinuc_mut_ids = paste0(genomic_context,":", snv_table$alt)
    # deconstructSigs_notations is a keyed table in CES sysdata
    snv_table[, trinuc_mut := deconstructSigs_notations[.(genomic_context, snv_table$alt), deconstructSigs_ID]] 
    snv_table[, essential_splice := F]
    snv_table[, variant_name := gsub('_', ' ', snv_id)]
    setcolorder(snv_table, 'variant_name')
  } else {
    snv_table[, trinuc_mut := character(0)]
    snv_table[, essential_splice := logical(0)]
  if(aac[, .N] > 0) {
    aac$essential_splice = FALSE
	# Annotate SNVs that are at essential splice sites according to RefCDS, and then apply to any associated AACs
	# Note that we're not keeping track of which genes these splice site positions apply to
	cds_in_data = unique(unlist(snv_table$cds))
	ind_no_splice = sapply(RefCDS[cds_in_data], function(x) length(x$intervals_splice) == 0)
	cds_with_splice_sites = cds_in_data[! ind_no_splice]
	if (length(cds_with_splice_sites) > 0) {
	  essential_splice_sites = unique(rbindlist(lapply(RefCDS[cds_with_splice_sites], function(x) return(list(chr = x$chr, start = x$intervals_splice)))))
	  essential_splice_sites[, end := start]
	  snv_table[, tmp_end_pos := pos]
	  setkey(snv_table, "chr", "pos", "tmp_end_pos")
	  essential_splice_snv_id = foverlaps(essential_splice_sites, snv_table, by.x = c("chr", "start", "end"), type = "any", nomatch = NULL)[, snv_id]
	  snv_table[, tmp_end_pos := NULL]
	  setkey(snv_table, "snv_id")
	  snv_table[essential_splice_snv_id, essential_splice := T]
	  # Most essential splice sites are noncoding, but a few overlap coding regions
	  essential_splice_aac_id = aac_snv_key[essential_splice_snv_id, unique(aac_id), on = 'snv_id', nomatch = NULL]
	  aac[essential_splice_aac_id, essential_splice := T, on = 'aac_id']
	# clean up aac table, except when it's empty
	if (aac[, .N] > 0) {
	  aac_table = aac[, .(variant_name = paste0(gene_name, '_', aachange), aac_id, chr, gene = gene_name,
	                      strand, pid, aachange, aa_ref, aa_pos, aa_alt, nt1_pos, nt2_pos, nt3_pos, 
	                            coding_seq, constituent_snvs, essential_splice)]
	  # Use an improved variant naming system (names are uniquely identifying) when transcripts are available.
	  if(! is.null(refset$transcripts)) {
	    aac_table[refset$transcripts, is_mane := is_mane, on = c(pid = 'protein_id')]
	    aac_table[is_mane == TRUE, variant_name := gsub('_', ' ', variant_name)]
	    aac_table[is_mane == FALSE, variant_name := paste0(gene, ' ', aachange, ' (', pid, ')')]
	    aac_table[, is_mane := NULL]
	  setkey(aac_table, 'aac_id')
	  setcolorder(aac_table, c("variant_name", "aac_id", "gene", "aachange", "strand"))
	} else {
	  aac_table = data.table()
	# Workaround to add gene name until this function is properly cleaned up
	# Also handle the edge case of no SNVs (occurs if input is all indels)
	if ("gene" %in% names(GenomicRanges::mcols(gr_cds)) && snv_table[, .N] > 0) {
	  nearest_gene = as.data.table(GenomicRanges::distanceToNearest(makeGRangesFromDataFrame(snv_table, start.field = 'pos', end.field = 'pos'), 
	                                                 gr_cds, select = "all"))
	  gene_names = GenomicRanges::mcols(gr_cds)["gene"][,1]
	  pid = GenomicRanges::mcols(gr_cds)["names"][,1]
	  nearest_gene[, gene_name := gene_names[subjectHits]]
	  nearest_gene[, pid := pid[subjectHits]]
	  nearest_pid = nearest_gene[! duplicated(nearest_gene[, .(queryHits, pid)])]
	  nearest_gene = nearest_gene[! duplicated(nearest_gene[, .(queryHits, gene_name)])]
	  gene_name_by_snv_row = nearest_gene[, .(genes = list(unique(gene_name))), by = "queryHits"]
	  pid_by_snv_row = nearest_pid[, .(pid = list(unique(pid))), by = "queryHits"]
	  snv_table[, genes := list(gene_name_by_snv_row$genes)]
	  snv_table = snv_table[, nearest_pid := list(pid_by_snv_row$pid)]
	  snv_table[, cds := NULL]
	} else if (snv_table[, .N] > 0) {
	  setnames(snv_table, 'cds', 'genes')
	  snv_and_gene = snv_table[, .(gene = unlist(genes)), by = "snv_id"]
	  to_lookup = snv_and_gene[, .(gene = unique(gene))]
	  to_lookup[, pid := sapply(RefCDS[gene], '[[', 'protein_id')]
	  snv_and_gene[to_lookup, pid := pid, on = 'gene']
	  snv_and_pid = snv_and_gene[, .(nearest_pid = list(pid)), by = "snv_id"]
	  snv_table[snv_and_pid, nearest_pid := nearest_pid, on = "snv_id"]
	} else {
	  setnames(snv_table, 'cds', 'genes')
	  snv_table[, nearest_pid := list(list())]
	setkey(snv_table, "snv_id")
	return(list(amino_acid_change = aac_table, snv = snv_table, aac_snv_key = aac_snv_key))
Townsend-Lab-Yale/cancereffectsizeR documentation built on Aug. 25, 2024, 10:21 a.m.