random_qtn_assign <- function(qtn,gen2phy,biased_selection,parental_genotypes,min_qtn_freq,dominant,effect_distribution,highest_P,lowest_P,high_to_low_percentage)
stop("ERROR: qtn should be provided")
print("WARNING: gen2phy is missing, biased_selection can not be applied")
biased_selection = FALSE
biased_selection = biased_selection
stop("ERROR: parental_genotypes should be provided")
if(missing(min_qtn_freq) || is.na(min_qtn_freq))
min_qtn_freq = 0
min_qtn_freq = min_qtn_freq
dominant = FALSE
dominant = dominant
effect_distribution = "equal"
}else if (effect_distribution == "gamma" || effect_distribution == "normal")
effect_distribution = effect_distribution
highest_P = NA
lowest_P = NA
if((is.na(highest_P) && !is.na(lowest_P)) || !is.na(highest_P) && is.na(lowest_P))
stop("ERROR, both highest and lowest parentes should be provided together or missed together")
high_to_low_percentage = 0
high_to_low_percentage = high_to_low_percentage
po2 = parental_genotypes$genotypes
if(nrow(po2) > 10000)
po2 = po2[sample(1:nrow(po2),10000),]
## in case of the user needs to apply biased selection toward the regions with high gene density vs non-coding regions
if(biased_selection == TRUE)
for (i in 1:nrow(po2))
id = rownames(po2)[i]
if (!missing(biased_selection) && !missing(gen2phy) && biased_selection == TRUE)
chr = gsub("^(.*)\\_.*.*", "\\1",id)
loc = as.numeric(gsub(".*_(.*)\\.*", "\\1",id))
freq2 = gen2phy[[chr]]$data[which(gen2phy[[chr]]$data$window_end > loc)[1],4]
FREQ[i,1] = i
FREQ[i,2] = freq2
select = NA
if(!is.na(highest_P) & !is.na(lowest_P))
h = highest_P
l = lowest_P
po = parental_genotypes$genotypes[,c(h,l)]
po[po[,1]==po[,2],] = NA
count = 1
while (TRUE)
if (!missing(biased_selection) && !missing(gen2phy) && biased_selection == TRUE)
x = sample(FREQ$V1,1,prob=FREQ$V2)
x = sample(1:nrow(po2),1)
len2 = (length(po2[x,])*2)
xx = apply(as.data.frame(po2[x,]),2,paste0, collapse="")
xx = paste0(xx,collapse="")
xx2 = rawToChar(unique(charToRaw(xx)))
snp1 = strsplit(xx2,'')[[1]][1]
snp2 = strsplit(xx2,'')[[1]][2]
freq = ((nchar(gsub(snp2,"",xx))) / len2)
freq2 = ((nchar(gsub(snp1,"",xx))) / len2)
if (freq > min_qtn_freq && freq2 > min_qtn_freq && !(x %in% select) && length(unique(po2[x,])) > 1 && is.na(highest_P) && is.na(lowest_P))
select = c(select,x)
}else if (!is.na(highest_P) && !is.na(lowest_P) && !is.na(po[x,1]) && !(x %in% select))
select = c(select,x)
if (length(select)>(qtn))
count = count+1
if(count == (qtn*1000))
stop(paste0("ERROR: ",(qtn*1000)," trials were done without capturing requested number of QTNs"))
select = select[2:length(select)]
po3 = po2[sort(select),]
SNPs = data.frame()
po4 = matrix(ncol = ncol(po3),nrow=nrow(po3))
Eff = data.frame()
for(i in 1:nrow(po3))
id = rownames(po3)[i]
xx = apply(as.data.frame(po3[i,]),2,paste0, collapse="")
xx = paste0(xx,collapse="")
xx2 = rawToChar(unique(charToRaw(xx)))
snp1 = strsplit(xx2,'')[[1]][1]
snp2 = strsplit(xx2,'')[[1]][2]
SNPs[i,1] = id
SNPs[i,2] = snp1
SNPs[i,3] = snp2
eff = sample(c(1,-1),1)
Eff[i,1] = id
Eff[i,2] = paste0(snp1,snp1)
Eff[i,2] = paste0(snp1,snp1)
Eff[i,3] = eff
po4[i,which(po3[i,]==paste0(snp1,snp1))] = eff
po4[i,which(po3[i,]==paste0(snp2,snp2))] = 0-eff
if (missing(dominant) || dominant == FALSE)
po4[i,which(po3[i,]==paste0(snp1,snp2))] = 0
po4[i,which(po3[i,]==paste0(snp2,snp1))] = 0
po4[i,which(po3[i,]==paste0(snp1,snp2))] = 1
po4[i,which(po3[i,]==paste0(snp2,snp1))] = 1
rownames(po4) = rownames(po3)
colnames(po4) = colnames(po3)
colnames(SNPs) = c('id','A','B')
##calculating the effects
if(effect_distribution == "equal")
eff <- rep(1,qtn)/qtn
}else if(effect_distribution == "gamma")
geff = rgamma(qtn,5,0.2)
eff = geff/sum(geff)
rownames(Eff) = Eff[,1]
colnames(Eff) = c("QTN","ref","effect")
Eff$effect = eff * Eff$effect
if (!is.na(highest_P) && !is.na(lowest_P))
Eff$effect = abs(as.numeric(as.character(Eff$effect)))
Eff$ref = po2[as.character(Eff$QTN),h]
if(high_to_low_percentage > 0)
ind1 = sample(1:nrow(Eff),ceiling(high_to_low_percentage * qtn))
Eff$effect[ind1] = Eff$effect[ind1] * -1
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