
Defines functions getSchemaCode getInputFilePath formatLocationforStateModels writeMetadatatoJSON generateModelSectorSchema writeDatatoRDA convertStrEncodingLatintoASCII removeNumberinSlashes removeExtraSpaces applyRAS RAS setToleranceforRAS getVectorOfCodes replaceNonewithNA mapLocationCodestoNames mapFIPS5toLocationNames loadDataCommonsfile downloadDataCommonsfile writeMatrixasBinFile compareMatrices calculateOutputRatio joinStringswithSlashes

Documented in applyRAS calculateOutputRatio compareMatrices convertStrEncodingLatintoASCII downloadDataCommonsfile formatLocationforStateModels generateModelSectorSchema getInputFilePath getSchemaCode getVectorOfCodes joinStringswithSlashes loadDataCommonsfile mapFIPS5toLocationNames mapLocationCodestoNames RAS removeExtraSpaces removeNumberinSlashes replaceNonewithNA setToleranceforRAS writeDatatoRDA writeMatrixasBinFile writeMetadatatoJSON

# General utility functions for use across the package

#' Start logging 
startLogging <- function (){
  # Define output folder
  # if (!dir.exists(paste("Model Builds/", modelname, sep = ""))) {
  #   dir.create(paste("Model Builds/", modelname, sep = ""), recursive = TRUE) # meant to be flexible up to users
  # }
  # outputfolder <- paste("Model Builds/", modelname, sep = "")
  # Write logs to file in model build folder
  # logfilename <- paste0(outputfolder, "/", Sys.Date(), ".json")
  # addHandler(writeToFile, file = logfilename, level = "INFO")

#' Join strings with slashes
#' @param ... text string
joinStringswithSlashes <- function(...) {
  items <- list(...)
  str <- sapply(items, paste, collapse = '/')

#' Aggregate matrix by rows then by columns
#' @param matrix      A matrix
#' @param from_level  The level of BEA code this matrix starts at
#' @param to_level    The level of BEA code this matrix will be aggregated to
#' @param model       An EEIO model object with model specs and crosswalk table loaded
#' @return An aggregated matrix
aggregateMatrix <- function (matrix, from_level, to_level, model) {
  # Determine the columns within MasterCrosswalk that will be used in aggregation
  from_code <- paste0("BEA_", from_level)
  to_code <- paste0("BEA_", to_level)
  # Aggregate by rows
  value_columns_1 <- colnames(matrix)
  df_fromlevel <- merge(matrix, unique(model$crosswalk[, c(from_code, to_code)]),
                        by.x = 0, by.y = from_code)
  df_fromlevel_agg <- stats::aggregate(df_fromlevel[, value_columns_1],
                                       by = list(df_fromlevel[, to_code]), sum)
  rownames(df_fromlevel_agg) <- df_fromlevel_agg[, 1]
  df_fromlevel_agg[, 1] <- NULL
  # aggregate by columns
  value_columns_2 <- rownames(df_fromlevel_agg)
  df_fromlevel_agg <- merge(t(df_fromlevel_agg),
                            unique(model$crosswalk[, c(from_code, to_code)]),
                            by.x = 0, by.y = from_code)
  matrix_fromlevel_agg <- stats::aggregate(df_fromlevel_agg[, value_columns_2],
                                           by = list(df_fromlevel_agg[, to_code]), sum)
  # reshape back to orginal CxI (IxC) format
  rownames(matrix_fromlevel_agg) <- matrix_fromlevel_agg[, 1]
  matrix_fromlevel_agg <- t(matrix_fromlevel_agg[, -1])

#' Generate Output Ratio table, flexible to Commodity/Industry output and model Commodity/Industry type
#' @param model A complete EEIO model: a list with USEEIO model components and attributes.
#' @param output_type Either Commodity or Industry, default is Commodity
#' @return A data frame of output ratio
calculateOutputRatio <- function(model, output_type = "Commodity") {
  # Generate Output based on output_type 
  if (output_type == "Commodity") {
    Output <- model$q
  } else {
    Output <- model$x
  # Map Output to more aggregated IO levels
  Crosswalk <- unique(model$crosswalk[startsWith(colnames(model$crosswalk), "BEA") |
                                        colnames(model$crosswalk) == "USEEIO"])
  ratio_table <- merge(Crosswalk,
                       as.data.frame(Output, row.names = gsub("/.*", "", names(Output))),
                       by.x = "USEEIO", by.y = 0)
  # Calculate output ratio based on model IO level
  if (model$specs$BaseIOLevel == "Detail") {
    # For Detail model, calculate toSummaryRatio and toSectorRatio after aggregating
    # DetailOutput to Summary and Sector levels
    for (iolevel in c("Summary", "Sector")) {
      # Generate flexible sector_code
      sector_code <- paste0("BEA_", iolevel)
      # Sum Detail output to Summary/Sector
      output_sum <- stats::aggregate(ratio_table$Output,
                                     by = list(ratio_table[, sector_code]), sum)
      colnames(output_sum) <- c(sector_code, paste0(iolevel, "Output"))
      ratio_table <- merge(ratio_table, output_sum, by = sector_code)
      # Calculate toSummaryRatio and toSectorRatio
      ratio_col <- paste0("to", iolevel, "Ratio")
      ratio_table[, ratio_col] <- ratio_table$Output/ratio_table[, paste0(iolevel, "Output")]
  } else if (model$specs$BaseIOLevel == "Summary") {
    # For Summary model, calculate toSectorRatio after aggregating SummaryOutput
    # to Sector level. toSummaryRatio is 1.
    ratio_table <- unique(ratio_table[, c("USEEIO", "BEA_Sector", "Output")])
    # Sum Summary output to Sector
    output_sum <- stats::aggregate(ratio_table$Output,
                                   by = list(ratio_table[, "BEA_Sector"]), sum)
    colnames(output_sum) <- c("BEA_Sector", "SectorOutput")
    ratio_table <- merge(ratio_table, output_sum, by = "BEA_Sector")
    # Calculate toSummaryRatio and toSectorRatio
    ratio_table[, "toSummaryRatio"] <- 1
    ratio_table[, "toSectorRatio"] <- ratio_table$Output/ratio_table[, "SectorOutput"]
  } else if (model$specs$BaseIOLevel == "Sector") {
    # For Summary model, toSummaryRatio is NA, and toSectorRatio is 1.
    ratio_table <- unique(ratio_table[, c("USEEIO", "BEA_Sector", "Output")])
    ratio_table[, "toSummaryRatio"] <- NA
    ratio_table[, "toSectorRatio"] <- 1
  # Generate SectorCode column
  ratio_table$SectorCode <- ratio_table[, "USEEIO"]
  # Keep ratio columns
  ratio_table <- ratio_table[, c("SectorCode", "toSummaryRatio", "toSectorRatio")]

#' Compare two matrices, calculate percentage difference (m1-m2)/m1.
#' Dimensions of the two matrices must be the same.
#' @param m1 matrix 1
#' @param m2 matrix 2
#' @param percentage_diff A logical value indicating whether to compare percentage difference
#' @return A matrix of comparison
compareMatrices <- function(m1, m2, percentage_diff = FALSE) {
  if (dim(m1)!=dim(m2)) {
    stop("Make m1 and m2 have the same dimensions first.")
  if (percentage_diff) {
    m <- (m1-m2)/m1
  } else {
    m <- m1-m2
  m[is.na(m)] <- 0

#' Write matrix as bin file
#' @param matrix A matrix to be written
#' @param path Path to write the bin file to
writeMatrixasBinFile <- function(matrix, path) {
  out <- file(path, "wb")
  rows <- dim(matrix)[1]
  cols <- dim(matrix)[2]
  writeBin(as.integer(rows), out, size = 4, endian = "little")
  writeBin(as.integer(cols), out, size = 4, endian = "little")
  for (col in 1:cols) {
    for (row in 1:rows) {
      writeBin(as.double(matrix[row, col]), out, size = 8, endian = "little")

#' downloads files from the Data Commons and stores in a local temporary data directory
#' @param source The name of the source file (e.g. "TRACI_2.1_v1.parquet")
#' @param subdirectory The name of the package where the source file is stored on
#' Data Commons including any subfolders (e.g. "lciafmt/traci_2_1")
#' @param debug_url The Data Commons base url, including directory and subdirectories
downloadDataCommonsfile <- function(source, subdirectory, debug_url) {
  # Define file directory
  directory <- paste0(rappdirs::user_data_dir(), "/", subdirectory)
  # Check for and create subdirectory if necessary
    dir.create(directory, recursive = TRUE)
  # Download file
  utils::download.file(paste0(debug_url, "/", source),
                       paste0(directory, "/", source),
                       mode = "wb", quiet = TRUE)

#' Load the static file originating from Data Commons either by loading from local directory
#' or downloading from Data Commons and 
#' saving to local directory
#' @param static_file The name of a static file, including the subdirectories
#' @return The static file originating from Data Commons
loadDataCommonsfile <- function(static_file) {
  # load method name
  method_name <- static_file
  # define symbol to split method name
  pat <- "(.*)/(.*)"
  # subdirectory is the string of the method name prior to the last "/"
  subdirectory <- sub(pat, "\\1", method_name)
  # file name is the string of the method name after the last "/"
  file_name <- sub(pat, "\\2", method_name)
  # url for data commons
  debug_url <- paste0("https://dmap-data-commons-ord.s3.amazonaws.com/", subdirectory)
  directory <- paste0(rappdirs::user_data_dir(), "/", subdirectory)
  # file must be saved in the local directory
  f <- paste0(directory,'/', file_name)
    logging::loginfo(paste0("file not found, downloading from ", debug_url))
    downloadDataCommonsfile(file_name, subdirectory, debug_url)

#' Maps a vector of 5-digit FIPS codes to location names
#' @param fipscodes A vector of 5 digit FIPS codes
#' @param fipssystem A text value specifying FIPS System, can be FIPS_2015
#' @return A vector of location names where matches are found
mapFIPS5toLocationNames <- function(fipscodes, fipssystem) {
  mapping_file <- "Crosswalk_FIPS.csv"
  mapping <- utils::read.table(system.file("extdata", mapping_file, package = "useeior"),
                               sep = ",", header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, 
                               check.names = FALSE, quote = "")
  # Add leading zeros to FIPS codes if necessary
  if (!fipssystem%in%colnames(mapping)) {
    fipssystem <- max(which(startsWith(colnames(mapping), "FIPS")))
  mapping[, fipssystem] <- formatC(mapping[, fipssystem], width = 5, format = "d", flag = "0")
  mapping <- mapping[mapping[, fipssystem]%in%fipscodes, ]
  # Get locations based on fipscodes
  locations <- stringr::str_replace_all(string = fipscodes,
                                        pattern = setNames(as.vector(mapping$State),
                                                           mapping[, fipssystem]))

#' Maps location codes to names
#' @param codes A vector of location codes
#' @param codesystem A text value specifying code system, e.g. FIPS.
#' @return A vector of location names where matches are found.
mapLocationCodestoNames <- function(codes, codesystem) {
  func_dict <- list("FIPS" = "mapFIPS5toLocationNames") # add more component for new location codes
  func_to_eval <- func_dict[[codesystem]]
  location_names <- do.call(eval(as.name(func_to_eval)), list(codes, codesystem))

#' Replaces all `None` in a dataframe with the R NULL type NA
#' @param df A data frame
#' @return A data frame without `None`
replaceNonewithNA <- function(df) {
  df[df=='None'] <- NA

#' Extract desired columns from SchemaInfo, return vectors with strings of codes.
#' @param ioschema A numeric value of either 2012 or 2007 specifying the io schema year.
#' @param iolevel Level of detail, can be "Sector", "Summary, "Detail".
#' @param colName A text value specifying desired column name.
#' @return A vector of codes.
getVectorOfCodes <- function(ioschema, iolevel, colName) {
  SchemaInfoFile <- paste(ioschema, iolevel, "Schema_Info.csv", sep = "_")
  SchemaInfo <- utils::read.table(system.file("extdata", SchemaInfoFile, package = "useeior"),
                                  sep = ",", header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, check.names = FALSE)
  return(as.vector(stats::na.omit(SchemaInfo[, c("Code", colName)])[, "Code"]))

#' Calculate tolerance for RAS. Takes a target row sum vector and target colsum vector.
#' Specify either relative difference or absolute difference.
#' @param t_r A vector setting the target row sums of the matrix.
#' @param t_c A vector setting the target column sums of the matrix.
#' @param relative_diff A numeric value setting the relative difference of the two numerical vectors.
#' @param absolute_diff A numeric value setting the mean absolute difference of the two numerical vectors.
#' @return A numeric value of relative difference of t_r and t_c.
setToleranceforRAS <- function(t_r, t_c, relative_diff = NULL, absolute_diff = NULL) {
  if (!is.null(relative_diff)) {
    t <- relative_diff
  } else if (!is.null(absolute_diff)) {
    t <- absolute_diff/max(abs(t_c), abs(t_r))
  } else {
    stop("Set relative_diff or absolute_diff first.")

#' Generalized RAS procedure. Takes an initial matrix, a target row sum vector
#' and target colsum vector. Iterates until all row sums of matrix equal to target row sum vector
#' and colsums of matrix equal target col sum vector, within a tolerance.
#' @param m0 A matrix object.
#' @param t_r A vector setting the target row sums of the matrix.
#' @param t_c A vector setting the target column sums of the matrix.
#' @param t A numeric value setting the tolerance of RAS.
#' @param max_itr A numeric value setting the maximum number of iterations to try for convergence.
#' Default is 1,000,000.
#' @return A RAS balanced matrix.
RAS <- function(m0, t_r, t_c, t, max_itr = 1E6) {
  m <- m0
  c_r <- as.vector(rowSums(m0))
  c_c <- as.vector(colSums(m0))
  # Check row and column conditions
  row_condition <- all.equal(t_r, c_r, tolerance = t)
  col_condition <- all.equal(t_c, c_c, tolerance = t)
  i <- 0
  while(!isTRUE(row_condition) | !isTRUE(col_condition)) {
    # Adjust rowwise
    c_r <- as.vector(rowSums(m))
    # Replace 0 with 1 in c_r
    c_r[c_r==0] <- 1
    r_ratio <- t_r/c_r
    m <- diag(r_ratio) %*% m
    # Adjust colwise
    c_c <- as.vector(colSums(m))
    # Replace 0 with 1 in c_c
    c_c[c_c==0] <- 1
    c_ratio <- t_c/c_c
    m <- m %*% diag(c_ratio)
    # Check row and column conditions
    row_condition <- all.equal(t_r, c_r, tolerance = t)
    col_condition <- all.equal(t_c, c_c, tolerance = t)
    i <- i + 1
    if(i %% (max_itr/1000)==0){
      # Print on the screen some message
      cat(paste0("iteration: ", i/max_itr*100, "%\n"))
    if(i %% (max_itr/10) ==0)
      readline(prompt="Press [enter] to continue")#pause
  dimnames(m) <- dimnames(m0)
  print(paste("RAS converged after", i, "iterations."))

#' Integrate pre-adjustment of t_r, t_c and t (tolerance level) with RAS function.
#' @param m0 A matrix object.
#' @param t_r A vector setting the target row sums of the matrix.
#' @param t_c A vector setting the target column sums of the matrix.
#' @param relative_diff A numeric value setting the relative difference of the two numerical vectors.
#' @param absolute_diff A numeric value setting the mean absolute difference of the two numerical vectors.
#' @param max_itr A numeric value setting the maximum number of iterations to try for convergence.
#' Default is 1,000,000.
#' @return A RAS balanced matrix.
applyRAS <- function(m0, t_r, t_c, relative_diff, absolute_diff, max_itr) {
  # Adjust t_c/t_r, make sum(t_c)==sum(t_r)
  if (sum(t_c) > sum(t_r)) {
    t_r <- (t_r/sum(t_r))*sum(t_c)
  } else {
    t_c <- (t_c/sum(t_c))*sum(t_r)
  # Generate t for RAS
  t <- setToleranceforRAS(t_r, t_c, relative_diff, absolute_diff)
  # Apply RAS
  m <- RAS(m0, t_r, t_c, t, max_itr)

#' Remove spaces around strings, like "321A "
#' @param s, string
#' @return A string with spaces removed
removeExtraSpaces <- function(s) {
  s <- gsub("\\s", "",s)

#' Remove numbers in slashes from a string, like /1/
#' @param s, string
#' @return A string with numbers in slashes removed
removeNumberinSlashes <- function(s) {
  s <- gsub(" /.*", "",s)

#' Forces a string encoding to ASCII from Latin-1
#' @param s, string with Latin-1 encoding
#' @return A string with ASCII encoding
convertStrEncodingLatintoASCII <- function(s) {
  s <- iconv(s, from = 'latin1', to = 'ASCII', sub='')

#' Write external data to .rda.
#' @param data An R data object.
#' @param data_name A string specifying data name.
#' @description Write external data to .rda.
writeDatatoRDA <- function(data, data_name) {
  assign(data_name, data)
          list(as.name(data_name), overwrite = TRUE))

#' Create sector schema for a model
#' @param model An EEIO model object with model specs loaded
#' @return A string of sector schema for a model
generateModelSectorSchema <- function(model) {
  SectorSchema <- paste(model$specs$IODataSource, 
                        model$specs$BaseIOLevel, sep = "_")
    SectorSchema <- paste(SectorSchema,
                          paste(gsub("Disaggregation.*", "",
                                     model$specs$DisaggregationSpecs), collapse = "_"),
                          "Disagg",sep = "_")

#' Write metadata of downloaded data to JSON.
#' @param package A string specifying package.
#' @param name A string specifying data name.
#' @param year A numeric value specifying data year.
#' @param source A string specifying data source.
#' @param url A string specifying data url.
#' @param date_last_modified A string specifying when the original data was
#' last modified by provider, e.g. BEA.
#' @param date_accessed A string specifying when the original data was accessed
#' by package.
#' @description Write metadata of downloaded data to JSON.
writeMetadatatoJSON <- function(package,
                                date_accessed) {
  metadata <- list("tool" = utils::packageDescription(package,
                                                      fields = "Package"),
                   "name_data" = name,
                   "tool_version" = utils::packageDescription(package,
                                                              fields = "Version"),
                   #"git_hash" = "",
                   "ext" = "json",
                   "date_created" = Sys.Date(),
                   "data_meta" = list("data_year" = year,
                                      "author" = source,
                                      "source_url" = url,
                                      "date_last_modified" = date_last_modified,
                                      "date_accessed" = date_accessed))
  metadata_dir <- "inst/extdata/metadata/"
  if (!dir.exists(metadata_dir)) {
    dir.create(metadata_dir, recursive = TRUE)
  write(jsonlite::toJSON(metadata, pretty = TRUE),
        paste0(metadata_dir, paste0(name, "_metadata"), ".json"))

#' Format location in state models from formal state name to US-ST
#' @param location A text value of input location name
#' @return A text value of formatted location for state models
formatLocationforStateModels <- function(location) {
  pattern <- setNames(paste("US", state.abb, sep = "-"), tolower(state.name))
  loc <- dplyr::recode(tolower(location), !!!pattern)

#' Identify location of filepath for model input files
#' @param configpaths str vector, paths (including file name) of configuration files.
#' @param folderPath str local path to configuration type
#' @param filename str filename of model spec
#' @param package str name of package for location of input file
getInputFilePath <- function(configpaths, folderPath="extdata", filename, package="useeior"){
  if(!is.null(configpaths)) {
    for (dir in dirname(configpaths)) {
      filepath <- file.path(dir, filename)
      # print(filepath)
      if (file.exists(filepath)) {
  filepath <- system.file(folderPath, filename, package = package)

#' Return the schema subscript for accessing useeior objects
#' @param specs list of model specs must include BaseIOSchema
#' @return schema, str in form "YYsch" or NULL for 2012
getSchemaCode <- function(specs) {
  if(specs$BaseIOSchema != 2012) {
    schema <- paste0(substring(specs$BaseIOSchema, 3,4), "sch")
  } else {
    # despite the file name, the objects don't have the schema so it should not be used
    schema <- NULL

#' Reorder sectors in the model objects according to the provided order.
#' @param model An EEIO model object with model specs and IO tables loaded
#' @param comOrder A list containing the order of the commodities in the model
#' @param indOrder A list containing the order of the industries in the model
#' @return A model with the specified MUIO sectors in physical units and rearranged sector orders (optional)
reorderModelSectors <- function (model, comOrder, indOrder){
  # Rearrange relevant model objects
  model$UseTransactions <- model$UseTransactions[comOrder, indOrder]
  model$DomesticUseTransactions <- model$DomesticUseTransactions[comOrder, indOrder]
  model$FinalDemand <- model$FinalDemand[comOrder, ]
  model$DomesticFinalDemand <- model$DomesticFinalDemand[comOrder, ]
  model$UseValueAdded <- model$UseValueAdded[, indOrder]
  model$MakeTransactions <- model$MakeTransactions[indOrder, comOrder]
  model$Commodities <- model$Commodities[comOrder, ]
  model$Industries <- model$Industries[indOrder, ]
  model$InternationalTradeAdjustment <- model$InternationalTradeAdjustment[comOrder]
  model$MultiYearCommodityOutput <- model$MultiYearCommodityOutput[comOrder,]
  model$MultiYearIndustryOutput <- model$MultiYearIndustryOutput[indOrder,]
  model$MultiYearCommodityCPI <- model$MultiYearCommodityCPI[comOrder,]
  model$MultiYearIndustryCPI <- model$MultiYearIndustryCPI[indOrder,]
  model$CommodityOutput <- model$CommodityOutput[comOrder]
  model$IndustryOutput <- model$IndustryOutput[indOrder]
  model$Margins <- model$Margins[comOrder,]
  # Replace only multi year outputs for the curret model year?
  multiYearComOutputIndex <- which(colnames(model$MultiYearCommodityOutput) == model$specs$IOYear)
  multiYearIndOutputIndex <- which(colnames(model$MultiYearIndustryOutput) == model$specs$IOYear)
  model$MultiYearCommodityOutput[,multiYearComOutputIndex] <- model$CommodityOutput
  model$MultiYearIndustryOutput[,multiYearIndOutputIndex] <- model$IndustryOutput

#' Remove sectors from the model objects according to the provided indexes
#' @param model An EEIO model object with model specs and IO tables loaded
#' @param comIndexes A list containing the indexes of the commodities in the model
#' @param indIndexes A list containing the indexes of the industries in the model
#' @return A model with the specified MUIO sectors in physical units and rearranged sector orders (optional)
removeModelSectors <- function (model, comIndexes, indIndexes){
  # Rearrange relevant model objects
  model$UseTransactions <- model$UseTransactions[-(comIndexes), -(indIndexes)]
  model$DomesticUseTransactions <- model$DomesticUseTransactions[-(comIndexes), -(indIndexes)]
  model$FinalDemand <- model$FinalDemand[-(comIndexes), ]
  model$DomesticFinalDemand <- model$DomesticFinalDemand[-(comIndexes), ]
  model$UseValueAdded <- model$UseValueAdded[, -(indIndexes)]
  model$MakeTransactions <- model$MakeTransactions[-(indIndexes), -(comIndexes)]
  model$Commodities <- model$Commodities[-(comIndexes), ]
  model$Industries <- model$Industries[-(indIndexes), ]
  model$InternationalTradeAdjustment <- model$InternationalTradeAdjustment[-(comIndexes)]
  model$MultiYearCommodityOutput <- model$MultiYearCommodityOutput[-(comIndexes),]
  model$MultiYearIndustryOutput <- model$MultiYearIndustryOutput[-(indIndexes),]
  model$MultiYearCommodityCPI <- model$MultiYearCommodityCPI[-(comIndexes),]
  model$MultiYearIndustryCPI <- model$MultiYearIndustryCPI[-(indIndexes),]
  model$CommodityOutput <- model$CommodityOutput[-(comIndexes)]
  model$IndustryOutput <- model$IndustryOutput[-(indIndexes)]
  model$Margins <- model$Margins[-(comIndexes),]

USEPA/useeior documentation built on April 12, 2024, 1:36 p.m.