#' Fit copy number
#' Function that will fit a clonal copy number profile to segmented data. It first
#' matches the raw LogR with the segmented BAF to create segmented LogR. Then ASCAT
#' is run to obtain a clonal copy number profile. Beyond logRsegmented it produces
#' the rho_and_psi file and the cellularity_ploidy file.
#' @param samplename Samplename used to name the segmented logr output file
#' @param outputfile.prefix Prefix used for all output file names, except logRsegmented
#' @param inputfile.baf.segmented Filename that points to the BAF segmented data
#' @param inputfile.baf Filename that points to the raw BAF data
#' @param inputfile.logr Filename that points to the raw LogR data
#' @param dist_choice The distance metric that is used internally to rank clonal copy number solutions
#' @param ascat_dist_choice The distance metric used to obtain an initial cellularity and ploidy estimate
#' @param min.ploidy The minimum ploidy to consider (Default 1.6)
#' @param max.ploidy The maximum ploidy to consider (Default 4.8)
#' @param min.rho The minimum cellularity to consider (Default 0.1)
#' @param max.rho The maximum cellularity to consider (Default 1.0)
#' @param min.goodness The minimum goodness of fit for a solution to have to be considered (Default 63)
#' @param uninformative_BAF_threshold The threshold beyond which BAF becomes uninformative (Default 0.51)
#' @param gamma_param Technology parameter, compaction of Log R profiles. Expected decrease in case of deletion in diploid sample, 100 "\%" aberrant cells; 1 in ideal case, 0.55 of Illumina 109K arrays (Default 1)
#' @param use_preset_rho_psi Boolean whether to use user specified rho and psi values (Default F)
#' @param preset_rho A user specified rho to fit a copy number profile to (Default NA)
#' @param preset_psi A user specified psi to fit a copy number profile to (Default NA)
#' @param read_depth Legacy parameter that is no longer used (Default 30)
#' @param analysis A String representing the type of analysis to be run, this determines whether the distance figure is produced (Default paired)
#' @author dw9, sd11
#' @export
fit.copy.number = function(samplename, outputfile.prefix, inputfile.baf.segmented, inputfile.baf, inputfile.logr, dist_choice, ascat_dist_choice, min.ploidy=1.6, max.ploidy=4.8, min.rho=0.1, max.rho=1.0, min.goodness=63, uninformative_BAF_threshold=0.51, gamma_param=1, use_preset_rho_psi=F, preset_rho=NA, preset_psi=NA, read_depth=30, analysis="paired") {
# Check for enough options supplied for rho and psi
if ((max.ploidy - min.ploidy) < 0.05) {
stop(paste("Supplied ploidy range must be larger than 0.05: ", min.ploidy, "-", max.ploidy, sep=""))
if ((max.rho - min.rho) < 0.01) {
stop(paste("Supplied rho range must be larger than 0.01: ", min.rho, "-", max.rho, sep=""))
# Read in the required data
segmented.BAF.data = as.data.frame(read_bafsegmented(inputfile.baf.segmented))
raw.BAF.data = as.data.frame(read_baf(inputfile.baf))
raw.logR.data = as.data.frame(read_logr(inputfile.logr))
# Assign rownames as those are required by various clonal_ascat.R functions
# If there are duplicates (possible with old versions of BB) then remove those
identifiers = paste(segmented.BAF.data[,1], segmented.BAF.data[,2], sep="_")
dups = which(duplicated(identifiers))
if (length(dups) > 0) {
segmented.BAF.data = segmented.BAF.data[-dups,]
identifiers = identifiers[-dups]
rownames(segmented.BAF.data) = identifiers
# Drop NAs
raw.BAF.data = raw.BAF.data[!is.na(raw.BAF.data[,3]),]
raw.logR.data = raw.logR.data[!is.na(raw.logR.data[,3]),]
## Chromosome names are sometimes 'chr1', etc.
# raw.BAF.data[,1] = gsub("chr","",raw.BAF.data[,1])
# raw.logR.data[,1] = gsub("chr","",raw.logR.data[,1])
BAF.data = list()
logR.data = list()
segmented.logR.data = list()
matched.segmented.BAF.data = list()
gsubchr = function(chr) gsub("chr","",as.character(chr))
chr.names = gsubchr(unique(segmented.BAF.data[,1]))
segmented.BAF.data$Chromosome = gsubchr(segmented.BAF.data$Chromosome)
raw.BAF.data$Chromosome = gsubchr(raw.BAF.data$Chromosome)
raw.logR.data$Chromosome =gsubchr(raw.logR.data$Chromosome)
baf_segmented_split = split(segmented.BAF.data, f=segmented.BAF.data$Chromosome)
baf_split = split(raw.BAF.data, f=raw.BAF.data$Chromosome)
logr_split = split(raw.logR.data, f=raw.logR.data$Chromosome)
# For each chromosome
for(chr in chr.names){
chr.BAF.data = baf_split[[chr]]
# Skip the rest if there is no data for this chromosome
if(nrow(chr.BAF.data)==0){ next }
# Match segments with chromosome position
chr.segmented.BAF.data = baf_segmented_split[[chr]]
indices = match(chr.segmented.BAF.data[,2],chr.BAF.data$Position )
if (sum(is.na(indices))==length(indices) | length(indices)==0) {
# Drop NAs here too
chr.segmented.BAF.data = chr.segmented.BAF.data[!is.na(indices),]
# Append the segmented data
matched.segmented.BAF.data[[chr]] = chr.segmented.BAF.data
BAF.data[[chr]] = chr.BAF.data[indices[!is.na(indices)],]
# Append raw LogR
chr.logR.data = logr_split[[chr]]
indices = match(chr.segmented.BAF.data[,2],chr.logR.data$Position)
logR.data[[chr]] = chr.logR.data[indices[!is.na(indices)],]
chr.segmented.logR.data = chr.logR.data[indices[!is.na(indices)],]
# Append segmented LogR
segs = rle(chr.segmented.BAF.data[,5])$lengths
cum.segs = c(0,cumsum(segs))
for(s in 1:length(segs)){
chr.segmented.logR.data[(cum.segs[s]+1):cum.segs[s+1],3] = mean(chr.segmented.logR.data[(cum.segs[s]+1):cum.segs[s+1],3], na.rm=T)
segmented.logR.data[[chr]] = chr.segmented.logR.data
# Sync the dataframes
selection = c()
for (chrom in chr.names) {
matched.segmented.BAF.data.chr = matched.segmented.BAF.data[[chrom]] #matched.segmented.BAF.data[matched.segmented.BAF.data[,1]==chrom,]
logR.data.chr = logR.data[[chrom]] #logR.data[logR.data[,1]==chrom,]
selection = matched.segmented.BAF.data.chr[,2] %in% logR.data.chr[,2]
matched.segmented.BAF.data[[chrom]] = matched.segmented.BAF.data.chr[selection,]
segmented.logR.data[[chrom]] = segmented.logR.data[[chrom]][selection,]
# Combine the split data frames into a single for the subsequent steps
matched.segmented.BAF.data = do.call(rbind, matched.segmented.BAF.data)
segmented.logR.data = do.call(rbind, segmented.logR.data)
BAF.data = do.call(rbind, BAF.data)
logR.data = do.call(rbind, logR.data)
names(matched.segmented.BAF.data)[5] = samplename
# write out the segmented logR data
row.names(segmented.logR.data) = row.names(matched.segmented.BAF.data)
row.names(logR.data) = row.names(matched.segmented.BAF.data)
# Prepare the data for going into the runASCAT functions
segBAF = 1-matched.segmented.BAF.data[,5]
segLogR = segmented.logR.data[,3]
logR = logR.data[,3]
names(segBAF) = rownames(matched.segmented.BAF.data)
names(segLogR) = rownames(matched.segmented.BAF.data)
names(logR) = rownames(matched.segmented.BAF.data)
chr.segs = NULL
for(ch in 1:length(chr.names)){
chr.segs[[ch]] = which(logR.data[,1]==chr.names[ch])
ascat_optimum_pair = list(rho=preset_rho, psi = preset_psi, ploidy = preset_psi)
distance.outfile=paste(outputfile.prefix, "distance.png", sep="", collapse="") # kjd 20-2-2014
copynumberprofile.outfile=paste(outputfile.prefix, "copynumberprofile.png", sep="", collapse="") # kjd 20-2-2014
nonroundedprofile.outfile=paste(outputfile.prefix, "nonroundedprofile.png", sep="", collapse="") # kjd 20-2-2014
cnaStatusFile = paste(outputfile.prefix, "copynumber_solution_status.txt", sep="", collapse="")
ascat_optimum_pair = runASCAT(logR, 1-BAF.data[,3], segLogR, segBAF, chr.segs, ascat_dist_choice,distance.outfile, copynumberprofile.outfile, nonroundedprofile.outfile, cnaStatusFile=cnaStatusFile, gamma=gamma_param, allow100percent=T, reliabilityFile=NA, min.ploidy=min.ploidy, max.ploidy=max.ploidy, min.rho=min.rho, max.rho=max.rho, min.goodness, chr.names=chr.names, analysis=analysis) # kjd 4-2-2014
distance.outfile=paste(outputfile.prefix,"second_distance.png",sep="",collapse="") # kjd 20-2-2014
copynumberprofile.outfile=paste(outputfile.prefix,"second_copynumberprofile.png",sep="",collapse="") # kjd 20-2-2014
nonroundedprofile.outfile=paste(outputfile.prefix,"second_nonroundedprofile.png",sep="",collapse="") # kjd 20-2-2014
# All is set up, now run ASCAT to obtain a clonal copynumber profile
out = run_clonal_ASCAT( logR, 1-BAF.data[,3], segLogR, segBAF, chr.segs, matched.segmented.BAF.data, ascat_optimum_pair, dist_choice, distance.outfile, copynumberprofile.outfile, nonroundedprofile.outfile, gamma_param=gamma_param, read_depth, uninformative_BAF_threshold, allow100percent=T, reliabilityFile=NA, psi_min_initial=min.ploidy, psi_max_initial=max.ploidy, rho_min_initial=min.rho, rho_max_initial=max.rho, chr.names=chr.names) # kjd 21-2-2014
ascat_optimum_pair_fraction_of_genome = out$output_optimum_pair_without_ref
ascat_optimum_pair_ref_seg = out$output_optimum_pair
is.ref.better = out$is.ref.better
# Save rho, psi and ploidy for future reference
rho_psi_output = data.frame(rho = c(ascat_optimum_pair$rho,ascat_optimum_pair_fraction_of_genome$rho,ascat_optimum_pair_ref_seg$rho),psi = c(ascat_optimum_pair$psi,ascat_optimum_pair_fraction_of_genome$psi,ascat_optimum_pair_ref_seg$psi), ploidy = c(ascat_optimum_pair$ploidy,ascat_optimum_pair_fraction_of_genome$ploidy,ascat_optimum_pair_ref_seg$ploidy), distance = c(NA,out$distance_without_ref,out$distance), is.best = c(NA,!is.ref.better,is.ref.better),row.names=c("ASCAT","FRAC_GENOME","REF_SEG"))
#' Fit subclonal copy number
#' This function fits a subclonal copy number profile where a clonal profile is unlikely.
#' It goes over each segment of a clonal copy number profile and does a simple t-test. If the
#' test is significant it is unlikely that the data can be explained by a single copy number
#' state. We therefore fit a second state, i.e. there are two cellular populations with each
#' a different state: Subclonal copy number.
#' @param sample.name Name of the sample, used in figures
#' @param baf.segmented.file String that points to a file with segmented BAF output
#' @param logr.file String that points to the raw LogR file to be used in the subclonal copy number figures
#' @param rho.psi.file String pointing to the rho_and_psi file generated by \code{fit.copy.number}
#' @param output.file Filename of the file where the final copy number fit will be written to
#' @param output.figures.prefix Prefix of the filenames for the chromosome specific copy number figures
#' @param output.gw.figures.prefix Prefix of the filenames for the genome wide copy number figures
#' @param chr_names Vector of allowed chromosome names
#' @param masking_output_file Filename of where the masking details need to be written. Masking is performed to remove very high copy number state segments
#' @param max_allowed_state The maximum CN state allowed (Default 100)
#' @param prior_breakpoints_file A two column file with prior breakpoints, possibly from structural variants. This file must contain two columns: chromosome and position. These are used when making the figures
#' @param gamma Technology specific scaling parameter for LogR (Default 1)
#' @param segmentation.gamma Legacy parameter that is no longer used (Default NA)
#' @param siglevel Threshold under which a p-value becomes significant. When it is significant a second copy number state will be fitted (Default 0.05)
#' @param maxdist Slack in BAF space to allow a segment to be off it's optimum before becoming significant. A segment becomes significant very quickly when a breakpoint is missed, this parameter alleviates the effect (Default 0.01)
#' @param noperms The number of permutations to be run when bootstrapping the confidence intervals on the copy number state of each segment (Default 1000)
#' @param seed Seed to set when performing bootstrapping (Default: Current time)
#' @param calc_seg_baf_option Various options to recalculate the BAF of a segment. Options are: 1 - median, 2 - mean, 3 - ifelse median==0|1, mean, median. (Default: 3)
#' @author dw9, sd11
#' @export
callSubclones = function(sample.name, baf.segmented.file, logr.file, rho.psi.file, output.file, output.figures.prefix, output.gw.figures.prefix, chr_names, masking_output_file, max_allowed_state=250, prior_breakpoints_file=NULL, gamma=1, segmentation.gamma=NA, siglevel=0.05, maxdist=0.01, noperms=1000, seed=as.integer(Sys.time()), calc_seg_baf_option=3) {
# Load rho/psi/goodness of fit
res = load.rho.psi.file(rho.psi.file)
rho = res$rho
psit = res$psit
psi = rho*psit + 2 * (1-rho) # psi of all cells
goodness = res$goodness
# Load the BAF segmented data
BAFvals = as.data.frame(read_bafsegmented(baf.segmented.file))
if (colnames(BAFvals)[1] == "X") {
# If there were rownames, then delete this column. Should not be an issue with new BB runs
BAFvals = BAFvals[,-1]
BAF = BAFvals[,3]
BAFphased = BAFvals[,4]
BAFseg = BAFvals[,5]
# Save SNP positions separately
SNPpos = BAFvals[,c(1,2)]
# Load the raw LogR data
LogRvals = as.data.frame(read_logr(logr.file))
if (colnames(LogRvals)[1] == "X") {
# If there were rownames, then delete this column. Should not be an issue with new BB runs
LogRvals = LogRvals[,-1]
# Chromosome names are sometimes 'chr1', etc.
# LogRvals[,1] = gsub("chr","",LogRvals[,1])
ctrans = c(1:length(chr_names))
names(ctrans) = chr_names
ctrans.logR = c(1:length(chr_names))
names(ctrans.logR) = chr_names
# = as.vector(ctrans.logR[as.vector(LogRvals[,1])]*1000000000+LogRvals[,2])
BAFpos = as.vector(ctrans[as.vector(BAFvals[,1])]*1000000000+BAFvals[,2])
# Determine copy number for each segment
res = determine_copynumber(BAFvals, LogRvals, rho, psi, gamma, ctrans, ctrans.logR, maxdist, siglevel, noperms)
subcloneres = res$subcloneres
write.table(subcloneres, gsub(".txt", "_1.txt", output.file), quote=F, col.names=T, row.names=F, sep="\t")
# Scan the segments for cases that should be merged
res = merge_segments(subcloneres, BAFvals, LogRvals, rho, psi, gamma, calc_seg_baf_option)
BAFvals = res$bafsegmented
res = determine_copynumber(BAFvals, LogRvals, rho, psi, gamma, ctrans, ctrans.logR, maxdist, siglevel, noperms)
subcloneres = res$subcloneres
BAFpvals = res$BAFpvals
# Scan for very high copy number segments and set those to NA - This is in part an artifact of small segments
res = mask_high_cn_segments(subcloneres, BAFvals, max_allowed_state)
subcloneres = res$subclones
# No longer writing out the BAFsegmented data after masking
#BAFvals = res$bafsegmented
#write.table(BAFvals, file=baf.segmented.file, sep="\t", row.names=F, col.names=T, quote=F)
# Write the masking details to file
masking_details = data.frame(samplename=sample.name, masked_count=res$masked_count, masked_size=res$masked_size, max_allowed_state=max_allowed_state)
write.table(masking_details, file=masking_output_file, quote=F, col.names=T, row.names=F, sep="\t")
# Write the final copy number profile
# NAP: generating two output files: first reporting solution A and the second reporting alternative solutions (B to F)
write.table(subcloneres[,1:17], output.file, quote=F, col.names=T, row.names=F, sep="\t")
write.table(subcloneres[,c(1:7,18:67)], gsub(".txt","_alternatives.txt",output.file), quote=F, col.names=T, row.names=F, sep="\t")
# Make a plot per chromosome
# Collapse the BAFsegmented into breakpoints to be used in plotting
segment_breakpoints = collapse_bafsegmented_to_segments(BAFvals)
if (!is.null(prior_breakpoints_file) & !ifelse(is.null(prior_breakpoints_file), TRUE, prior_breakpoints_file=="NA") & !ifelse(is.null(prior_breakpoints_file), TRUE, is.na(prior_breakpoints_file))) {
svs = read.table(prior_breakpoints_file, header=T, stringsAsFactors=F)
# Create a plot per chromosome that shows the segments with their CN state in text
for (chr in chr_names) {
pos = SNPpos[SNPpos[,1]==chr, 2]
#if no points to plot, skip
if (length(pos)==0) { next }
if (!is.null(prior_breakpoints_file) & !ifelse(is.null(prior_breakpoints_file), TRUE, prior_breakpoints_file=="NA") & !ifelse(is.null(prior_breakpoints_file), TRUE, is.na(prior_breakpoints_file))) {
svs_pos = svs[svs$chromosome==chr,]$position / 1000000
} else {
svs_pos = NULL
breakpoints_pos = segment_breakpoints[segment_breakpoints$chromosome==chr,]
breakpoints_pos = sort(unique(c(breakpoints_pos$start, breakpoints_pos$end) / 1000000))
png(filename = paste(output.figures.prefix, chr,".png",sep=""), width = 2000, height = 2000, res = 200)
title=paste(sample.name,", chromosome ", chr, sep=""),
xlab="Position (Mb)",
ylab.baf="BAF (phased)")
# Cast columns back to numeric
subclones = as.data.frame(subcloneres)
subclones[,2:ncol(subclones)] = sapply(2:ncol(subclones), function(x) { as.numeric(as.character(subclones[,x])) })
# Recalculate the ploidy based on the actual fit
seg_length = floor((subclones$endpos-subclones$startpos)/1000)
is_subclonal_maj = abs(subclones$nMaj1_A - subclones$nMaj2_A) > 0
is_subclonal_min = abs(subclones$nMin1_A - subclones$nMin2_A) > 0
is_subclonal_maj[is.na(is_subclonal_maj)] = F
is_subclonal_min[is.na(is_subclonal_min)] = F
segment_states_min = subclones$nMin1_A * ifelse(is_subclonal_min, subclones$frac1_A, 1) + ifelse(is_subclonal_min, subclones$nMin2_A, 0) * ifelse(is_subclonal_min, subclones$frac2_A, 0)
segment_states_maj = subclones$nMaj1_A * ifelse(is_subclonal_maj, subclones$frac1_A, 1) + ifelse(is_subclonal_maj, subclones$nMaj2_A, 0) * ifelse(is_subclonal_maj, subclones$frac2_A, 0)
ploidy = sum((segment_states_min+segment_states_maj) * seg_length, na.rm=T) / sum(seg_length, na.rm=T)
# Plot genome wide figures
plot.gw.subclonal.cn(subclones=subclones, BAFvals=BAFvals, rho=rho, ploidy=ploidy, goodness=goodness, output.gw.figures.prefix=output.gw.figures.prefix, chr.names=chr_names, tumourname=sample.name)
# Create user friendly cellularity and ploidy output file
cellularity_ploidy_output = data.frame(purity = c(rho), ploidy = c(ploidy), psi = c(psit))
cellularity_file = gsub("_subclones.txt", "_purity_ploidy.txt", output.file) # NAP: updated the name of the output file, consistent with new title
write.table(cellularity_ploidy_output, cellularity_file, quote=F, sep="\t", row.names=F)
#' Given all the determined values make a copy number call for each segment
#' @param BAFvals BAFsegmented data.frame with 5 columns
#' @param LogRvals Raw logR values in data.frame with 3 columns
#' @param rho Optimal rho value, the choosen cellularity
#' @param psi Optimal psi value, the choosen ploidy
#' @param gamma Platform gamma parameter
#' @param ctrans Named vector of chromosome names
#' @param ctrans.logR Named vector of chromosome names
#' @param maxdist Max distance a segment is tolerated to be not considered for subclonal copy number
#' @param siglevel Level at which a segment can become significantly different from the nearest clonal state
#' @param noperms Number of bootstrap permutations
#' @return A data.frame with copy number determined for each segment
#' @author dw9
#' @noRd
determine_copynumber = function(BAFvals, LogRvals, rho, psi, gamma, ctrans, ctrans.logR, maxdist, siglevel, noperms) {
BAFphased = BAFvals[,4]
BAFseg = BAFvals[,5]
BAFpos = as.vector(ctrans[as.vector(BAFvals[,1])]*1000000000+BAFvals[,2])
LogRpos = as.vector(ctrans.logR[as.vector(LogRvals[,1])]*1000000000+LogRvals[,2])
#DCW 240314
switchpoints = c(0,which(BAFseg[-1] != BAFseg[-(length(BAFseg))] | BAFvals[-1,1] != BAFvals[-nrow(BAFvals),1]),length(BAFseg))
BAFlevels = BAFseg[switchpoints[-1]]
pval = NULL
BAFpvals = vector(length=length(BAFseg))
subcloneres = NULL
for (i in 1:length(BAFlevels)) {
# subcloneres = rbind(subcloneres, fit_segment(BAFpos, LogRpos, BAFlevels, BAFphased, LogRvals, switchpoints, rho, psi, gamma, i))
l = BAFlevels[i]
# Make sure that BAF>=0.5, otherwise nMajor and nMinor may be the wrong way around
l = max(l,1-l)
BAFke = BAFphased[(switchpoints[i]+1):switchpoints[i+1]]
#startpos = min(BAFpos[names(BAFke)])
#endpos = max(BAFpos[names(BAFke)])
startpos = min(BAFpos[(switchpoints[i]+1):switchpoints[i+1]])
endpos = max(BAFpos[(switchpoints[i]+1):switchpoints[i+1]])
#chrom = names(ctrans[floor(startpos/1000000000)])
# Assuming all SNPs in this segment are on the same chromosome
chrom = BAFvals[(switchpoints[i]+1):switchpoints[i+1],]$Chromosome[1]
LogR = mean(LogRvals[LogRpos>=startpos&LogRpos<=endpos & !is.infinite(LogRvals[,3]),3],na.rm=T)
# if we don't have a value for LogR, fill in 0
if (is.na(LogR)) {
LogR = 0
nMajor = (rho-1+l*psi*2^(LogR/gamma))/rho
nMinor = (rho-1+(1-l)*psi*2^(LogR/gamma))/rho
# Increase nMajor and nMinor together, to avoid impossible combinations (with negative subclonal fractions)
if (nMinor<0) {
if (l==1) {
# Avoid calling infinite copy number
nMajor = 1000
} else {
nMajor = nMajor + l * (0.01 - nMinor) / (1-l)
nMinor = 0.01
# Note that these are sorted in the order of ascending BAF:
nMaj = c(floor(nMajor), ceiling(nMajor), floor(nMajor), ceiling(nMajor))
nMin = c(ceiling(nMinor), ceiling(nMinor), floor(nMinor), floor(nMinor))
x = floor(nMinor)
y = floor(nMajor)
# Total copy number, to determine priority options
ntot = nMajor + nMinor
levels = (1-rho+rho*nMaj)/(2-2*rho+rho*(nMaj+nMin))
# Problem if rho=1 and nMaj=0 and nMin=0
levels[nMaj==0 & nMin==0] = 0.5
#DCW - just test corners on the nearest edge to determine clonality
# If the segment is called as subclonal, this is the edge that will be used to determine the subclonal proportions that are reported first
all.edges = orderEdges(levels, l, ntot,x,y)
nMaj.test = all.edges[1,c(1,3)]
nMin.test = all.edges[1,c(2,4)]
test.levels = (1-rho+rho*nMaj.test)/(2-2*rho+rho*(nMaj.test+nMin.test))
whichclosestlevel.test = which.min(abs(test.levels-l))
# Test whether a segment should be subclonal
if (is.na(sd(BAFke)) || sd(BAFke)==0) {
pval[i] = 0 # problem caused by segments with constant BAF (usually 1 or 2)
} else {
pval[i] = t.test(BAFke, alternative="two.sided", mu=test.levels[whichclosestlevel.test])$p.value
if (abs(l-test.levels[whichclosestlevel.test])<maxdist) {
pval[i] = 1
#DCW 240314
BAFpvals[(switchpoints[i]+1):switchpoints[i+1]] = pval[i]
# If the difference is significant, call subclonal level
if (pval[i] <= siglevel) {
all.edges = orderEdges(levels, l, ntot,x,y)
# Switch order, so that negative copy numbers are at the end
na.indices = which(is.na(rowSums(all.edges)))
if (length(na.indices)>0) {
all.edges = rbind(all.edges[-na.indices,], all.edges[na.indices,])
nMaj1 = all.edges[,1]
nMin1 = all.edges[,2]
nMaj2 = all.edges[,3]
nMin2 = all.edges[,4]
tau = (1 - rho + rho * nMaj2 - 2 * l * (1 - rho) - l * rho * (nMin2 + nMaj2)) / (l * rho * (nMin1 + nMaj1) - l * rho * (nMin2 + nMaj2) - rho * nMaj1 + rho * nMaj2)
sdl = sd(BAFke,na.rm=T)/sqrt(sum(!is.na(BAFke)))
sdtau = abs((1 - rho + rho * nMaj2 - 2 * (l+sdl) * (1 - rho) - (l+sdl) * rho * (nMin2 + nMaj2)) / ((l+sdl) * rho * (nMin1 + nMaj1) - (l+sdl) * rho * (nMin2 + nMaj2) - rho * nMaj1 + rho * nMaj2) - tau) / 2 +
abs((1 - rho + rho * nMaj2 - 2 * (l-sdl) * (1 - rho) - (l-sdl) * rho * (nMin2 + nMaj2)) / ((l-sdl) * rho * (nMin1 + nMaj1) - (l-sdl) * rho * (nMin2 + nMaj2) - rho * nMaj1 + rho * nMaj2) - tau) / 2
# Bootstrapping to obtain 95% confidence intervals
sdtaubootstrap = vector(length=length(tau), mode="numeric")
tau25 = vector(length=length(tau), mode="numeric")
tau975 = vector(length=length(tau), mode="numeric")
for (option in 1:length(tau)) {
nMaj1o = nMaj1[option]
nMin1o = nMin1[option]
nMaj2o = nMaj2[option]
nMin2o = nMin2[option]
permFraction = vector(length=noperms,mode="numeric")
for (j in 1:noperms) {
permFraction[j] = (1 - rho + rho * nMaj2o - 2 * permMeanBAF * (1 - rho) - permMeanBAF * rho * (nMin2o + nMaj2o)) / (permMeanBAF * rho * (nMin1o + nMaj1o) - permMeanBAF * rho * (nMin2o + nMaj2o) - rho * nMaj1o + rho * nMaj2o)
orderedFractions = sort(permFraction)
sdtaubootstrap[option] = sd(permFraction)
tau25[option] = orderedFractions[25]
tau975[option] = orderedFractions[975]
subcloneres = rbind(subcloneres, c(chrom,startpos-floor(startpos/1000000000)*1000000000,
}else {
#if called as clonal, use the best corner from the nearest edge
subcloneres = rbind(subcloneres, c(chrom,startpos-floor(startpos/1000000000)*1000000000,
colnames(subcloneres) = c("chr","startpos","endpos","BAF","pval","LogR","ntot",
subcloneres = as.data.frame(subcloneres)
for (i in 2:ncol(subcloneres)) {
subcloneres[,i] = as.numeric(as.character(subcloneres[,i]))
return(list(subcloneres=subcloneres, BAFpvals=BAFpvals))
#' Merge copy number segments
#' Merges segments if there is not enough evidence for them to be separate. Two adjacent segments are merged
#' when they are either fit with the same clonal copy number state or when their BAF is not significantly different
#' and their logR puts them in the same square.
#' @param subclones A completely fit copy number profile in Battenberg output format
#' @param bafsegmented A BAFsegmented data.frame with the 5 columns that corresponds to the subclones file
#' @param logR The raw logR data
#' @param rho The rho estimate that the profile was fit with
#' @param psi the psi estimate that the profile was fit with
#' @param platform_gamma The gamma parameter for this platform
#' @param calc_seg_baf_option Various options to recalculate the BAF of a segment. Options are: 1 - median, 2 - mean, 3 - ifelse median== 0|1, mean, median. (Default: 3)
#' @return A list with two fields: bafsegmented and subclones. The subclones field contains a data.frame in
#' Battenberg output format with the merged segments. The bafsegmented field contains the BAFsegmented data
#' corresponding to the provided subclones data.frame.
#' @author sd11
#' @noRd
merge_segments = function(subclones, bafsegmented, logR, rho, psi, platform_gamma, calc_seg_baf_option=3) {
subclones_cleaned = data.frame()
merged = T
counter = 1
previous_merged = F
print("Merging segments")
while(merged) {
print(paste0("Iter: ",counter))
merged = F
for (i in 2:nrow(subclones)) {
if ((i %% 50)==0) { print(paste0(i, " / ", nrow(subclones))) }
# If the second segment was not merged with the first we need to save segment 1. Here we throw away the previously saved copy of 2 and save 1 and 2
if (i==3 & !previous_merged) {
subclones_cleaned = subclones[1,,drop=F]
# Don't do any double merging. This needs to happen at the next iteration, as we've just merged i with i-1 we don't add i again
if (previous_merged) {
previous_merged = F
#subclones_cleaned = rbind(subclones_cleaned, subclones[i-1,])
# if segments are on different chromosomes, keep the separate segments
if (subclones$chr[i-1]!=subclones$chr[i]) {
subclones_cleaned = rbind(subclones_cleaned, subclones[i-1,])
# if distance between segment is large, keep the separate segments
if (subclones$chr[i-1]==subclones$chr[i] & diff(c(subclones$endpos[i-1], subclones$startpos[i]))>3000000) {
subclones_cleaned = rbind(subclones_cleaned, subclones[i-1,])
# if the segments have the exact same copy number state, merge the segments
nmin_equals = subclones$nMin1_A[i-1]==subclones$nMin1_A[i]
nmaj_equals = subclones$nMaj1_A[i-1]==subclones$nMaj1_A[i]
not_subclonal = (subclones$frac1_A[i-1]==1) & (subclones$frac1_A[i]==1)
# It would be nice to store the baf and logr values for this segment temporarily, but the memory allocation time is too great, therefore the selection happens a couple of times inline below
if (not_subclonal & nmin_equals & nmaj_equals) {
new_entry = data.frame(subclones[i-1,])
new_entry$endpos = subclones[i,]$endpos
# Note: When adding options, also add to segment.baf.phased
if (calc_seg_baf_option==1) {
new_entry$BAF = median(c(bafsegmented$BAFphased[bafsegmented$Chromosome==subclones$chr[i-1] & bafsegmented$Position>=subclones$startpos[i-1] & bafsegmented$Position<=subclones$endpos[i-1]],
bafsegmented$BAFphased[bafsegmented$Chromosome==subclones$chr[i] & bafsegmented$Position>=subclones$startpos[i] & bafsegmented$Position<=subclones$endpos[i]]), na.rm=T)
} else if (calc_seg_baf_option==2) {
new_entry$BAF = mean(c(bafsegmented$BAFphased[bafsegmented$Chromosome==subclones$chr[i-1] & bafsegmented$Position>=subclones$startpos[i-1] & bafsegmented$Position<=subclones$endpos[i-1]],
bafsegmented$BAFphased[bafsegmented$Chromosome==subclones$chr[i] & bafsegmented$Position>=subclones$startpos[i] & bafsegmented$Position<=subclones$endpos[i]]), na.rm=T)
} else if (calc_seg_baf_option==3) {
mean_baf = mean(c(bafsegmented$BAFphased[bafsegmented$Chromosome==subclones$chr[i-1] & bafsegmented$Position>=subclones$startpos[i-1] & bafsegmented$Position<=subclones$endpos[i-1]],
bafsegmented$BAFphased[bafsegmented$Chromosome==subclones$chr[i] & bafsegmented$Position>=subclones$startpos[i] & bafsegmented$Position<=subclones$endpos[i]]), na.rm=T)
median_baf = median(c(bafsegmented$BAFphased[bafsegmented$Chromosome==subclones$chr[i-1] & bafsegmented$Position>=subclones$startpos[i-1] & bafsegmented$Position<=subclones$endpos[i-1]],
bafsegmented$BAFphased[bafsegmented$Chromosome==subclones$chr[i] & bafsegmented$Position>=subclones$startpos[i] & bafsegmented$Position<=subclones$endpos[i]]), na.rm=T)
# We'll prefer the median BAF as a segment summary
# but change to the mean when the median is extreme
# as at 0 or 1 the BAF is uninformative for the fitting
if (median_baf!=0 & mean_baf!=1) {
new_entry$BAF = median_baf
} else {
new_entry$BAF = mean_baf
} else {
warning("Supplied calc_seg_baf_option to callSubclones not valid, using mean BAF by default")
# The mean is taken here as that has originally been the default. This behaviour is consistent with the segmentation functions
new_entry$BAF = mean(c(bafsegmented$BAFphased[bafsegmented$Chromosome==subclones$chr[i-1] & bafsegmented$Position>=subclones$startpos[i-1] & bafsegmented$Position<=subclones$endpos[i-1]],
bafsegmented$BAFphased[bafsegmented$Chromosome==subclones$chr[i] & bafsegmented$Position>=subclones$startpos[i] & bafsegmented$Position<=subclones$endpos[i]]), na.rm=T)
new_entry$LogR = mean(c(logR[logR$Chromosome==subclones$chr[i-1] & logR$Position>=subclones$startpos[i-1] & logR$Position<=subclones$endpos[i-1], 3],
logR[logR$Chromosome==subclones$chr[i] & logR$Position>=subclones$startpos[i] & logR$Position<=subclones$endpos[i], 3]), na.rm=T)
subclones_cleaned = rbind(subclones_cleaned, new_entry)
# Set BAFseg to reflect the current segment
bafsegmented$BAFseg[bafsegmented$Chromosome==subclones$chr[i-1] & bafsegmented$Position>=subclones$startpos[i-1] & bafsegmented$Position<=subclones$endpos[i]] = new_entry$BAF
# TODO The logRseg is currently not updated
previous_merged = T
merged = T
# if the logr puts the segments in the same square and BAF is not significantly different, merge them
# Helper functions to calculate the precise nmaj and nmin
calc_nmin = function(rho, psi, baf, logr, platform_gamma) {
calc_nmaj = function(rho, psi, baf, logr, platform_gamma) {
nmin_curr = round(calc_nmin(rho, psi, subclones$BAF[i], subclones$LogR[i], platform_gamma))
nmaj_curr = round(calc_nmaj(rho, psi, subclones$BAF[i], subclones$LogR[i], platform_gamma))
nmin_prev = round(calc_nmin(rho, psi, subclones$BAF[i-1], subclones$LogR[i-1], platform_gamma))
nmaj_prev = round(calc_nmaj(rho, psi, subclones$BAF[i-1], subclones$LogR[i-1], platform_gamma))
# Perform t-test on the BAFphased
if (sum(!is.na(bafsegmented$BAFphased[bafsegmented$Chromosome==subclones$chr[i-1] & bafsegmented$Position>=subclones$startpos[i-1] & bafsegmented$Position<=subclones$endpos[i-1]])) > 10 &
sum(!is.na(bafsegmented$BAFphased[bafsegmented$Chromosome==subclones$chr[i] & bafsegmented$Position>=subclones$startpos[i] & bafsegmented$Position<=subclones$endpos[i]])) > 10 &
sum(!is.na(logR[logR$Chromosome==subclones$chr[i-1] & logR$Position>=subclones$startpos[i-1] & logR$Position<=subclones$endpos[i-1], 3])) > 10 &
sum(!is.na(logR[logR$Chromosome==subclones$chr[i] & logR$Position>=subclones$startpos[i] & logR$Position<=subclones$endpos[i], 3])) > 10) {
baf_significant = t.test(bafsegmented$BAFphased[bafsegmented$Chromosome==subclones$chr[i-1] & bafsegmented$Position>=subclones$startpos[i-1] & bafsegmented$Position<=subclones$endpos[i-1]],
bafsegmented$BAFphased[bafsegmented$Chromosome==subclones$chr[i] & bafsegmented$Position>=subclones$startpos[i] & bafsegmented$Position<=subclones$endpos[i]])$p.value < 0.05
logr_significant = t.test(logR[logR$Chromosome==subclones$chr[i-1] & logR$Position>=subclones$startpos[i-1] & logR$Position<=subclones$endpos[i-1], 3],
logR[logR$Chromosome==subclones$chr[i] & logR$Position>=subclones$startpos[i] & logR$Position<=subclones$endpos[i], 3])$p.value < 0.05
} else {
# If not enough SNPs to reliably do a t-test we keep the separate segments, so set this to TRUE
baf_significant = T
logr_significant = T
# If both BAF and logR are not significantly different and at least one allele is of the same state, then merge the subclonal copy number
if (!(baf_significant & logr_significant) & (nmin_curr==nmin_prev | nmaj_curr==nmaj_prev)) {
new_entry = data.frame(subclones[i-1,])
new_entry$endpos = subclones$endpos[i]
if (calc_seg_baf_option==1) {
new_entry$BAF = median(c(bafsegmented$BAFphased[bafsegmented$Chromosome==subclones$chr[i-1] & bafsegmented$Position>=subclones$startpos[i-1] & bafsegmented$Position<=subclones$endpos[i-1]],
bafsegmented$BAFphased[bafsegmented$Chromosome==subclones$chr[i] & bafsegmented$Position>=subclones$startpos[i] & bafsegmented$Position<=subclones$endpos[i]]), na.rm=T)
} else if (calc_seg_baf_option==2 | ! calc_seg_baf_option %in% c(1,2)) {
new_entry$BAF = mean(c(bafsegmented$BAFphased[bafsegmented$Chromosome==subclones$chr[i-1] & bafsegmented$Position>=subclones$startpos[i-1] & bafsegmented$Position<=subclones$endpos[i-1]],
bafsegmented$BAFphased[bafsegmented$Chromosome==subclones$chr[i] & bafsegmented$Position>=subclones$startpos[i] & bafsegmented$Position<=subclones$endpos[i]]), na.rm=T)
new_entry$LogR = mean(c(logR[logR$Chromosome==subclones$chr[i-1] & logR$Position>=subclones$startpos[i-1] & logR$Position<=subclones$endpos[i-1], 3],
logR[logR$Chromosome==subclones$chr[i] & logR$Position>=subclones$startpos[i] & logR$Position<=subclones$endpos[i], 3]), na.rm=T)
subclones_cleaned = rbind(subclones_cleaned, new_entry)
# Set BAFseg to reflect the current segment
bafsegmented$BAFseg[bafsegmented$Chromosome==subclones$chr[i-1] & bafsegmented$Position>=subclones$startpos[i-1] & bafsegmented$Position<=subclones$endpos[i]] = new_entry$BAF
# TODO Update the logRseg as well
previous_merged = T
merged = T
# No other criteria met, therefore keep the segment
subclones_cleaned = rbind(subclones_cleaned, subclones[i-1,])
if (i==nrow(subclones)) {
# Last segment not merged, so save that too
subclones_cleaned = rbind(subclones_cleaned, subclones[i,])
subclones = subclones_cleaned
subclones_cleaned = data.frame()
counter = counter+1
return(list(bafsegmented=bafsegmented, subclones=subclones))
#' Mask segments that have a too high CN state
#' @param subclones Subclones output data
#' @param bafsegmented BAFsegmented data
#' @param max_allowed_state The maximum state allowed before overruling takes place
#' @return A list with the masked subclones, bafsegmented and the number of segments masked and their total genome size
#' @author sd11
mask_high_cn_segments = function(subclones, bafsegmented, max_allowed_state) {
count = 0
masked_size = 0
for (i in 1:nrow(subclones)) {
if (subclones$nMaj1_A[i] > max_allowed_state | subclones$nMin1_A[i] > max_allowed_state) {
# Mask this segment
subclones[i, "nMaj1_A"] = NA
subclones[i, "nMin1_A"] = NA
subclones[i, "nMaj2_A"] = NA
subclones[i, "nMin2_A"] = NA
# Mask the BAFsegmented
bafsegmented[subclones$chr[i] == bafsegmented$Chromosome & subclones$startpos[i] < bafsegmented$Position & subclones$endpos[i] >= bafsegmented$Position,c("BAFseg")] = NA
count = count+1
masked_size = masked_size + (subclones$endpos[i]-subclones$startpos[i])
return(list(subclones=subclones, bafsegmented=bafsegmented, masked_count=count, masked_size=masked_size))
#' Plot the copy number genome wide in two different ways. This creates the Battenberg average
#' profile where subclonal copy number is represented as a mixture of two different states and
#' the Battenberg subclones profile where subclonal copy number is plotted as two different
#' separate states. The thickness of the line represents the fraction of tumour cells carying
#' the particular state.
#' @noRd
plot.gw.subclonal.cn = function(subclones, BAFvals, rho, ploidy, goodness, output.gw.figures.prefix, chr.names, tumourname) {
# Map start and end of each segment into the BAF values. The plot uses the index of this BAF table as x-axis
pos_min = array(NA, nrow(subclones))
pos_max = array(NA, nrow(subclones))
for (i in 1:nrow(subclones)) {
segm_chr = subclones$chr[i] == BAFvals$Chromosome & subclones$startpos[i] < BAFvals$Position & subclones$endpos[i] >= BAFvals$Position
pos_min[i] = min(which(segm_chr))
pos_max[i] = max(which(segm_chr))
# For those segments that are subclonal, Obtain the second state.
is_subclonal = which(subclones$frac1_A < 1)
subcl_min = array(NA, length(is_subclonal))
subcl_max = array(NA, length(is_subclonal))
for (i in 1:length(is_subclonal)) {
segment_index = is_subclonal[i]
segm_chr = subclones$chr[segment_index] == BAFvals$Chromosome & subclones$startpos[segment_index] < BAFvals$Position & subclones$endpos[segment_index] >= BAFvals$Position
subcl_min[i] = min(which(segm_chr))
subcl_max[i] = max(which(segm_chr))
# Determine whether it's the major or the minor allele that is represented by two states
is_subclonal_maj = abs(subclones$nMaj1_A - subclones$nMaj2_A) > 0
is_subclonal_min = abs(subclones$nMin1_A - subclones$nMin2_A) > 0
is_subclonal_maj[is.na(is_subclonal_maj)] = F
is_subclonal_min[is.na(is_subclonal_min)] = F
# BB represents subclonal CN as a mixture of two CN states. Calculate this mixture for both minor allele and total CN.
#segment_states_min = subclones$nMin1_A * ifelse(is_subclonal_min, subclones$frac1_A, 1) + ifelse(is_subclonal_min, subclones$nMin2_A, 0) * ifelse(is_subclonal_min, subclones$frac2_A, 0)
#segment_states_tot = (subclones$nMaj1_A+subclones$nMin1_A) * ifelse(is_subclonal_maj, subclones$frac1_A, 1) + ifelse(is_subclonal_maj, subclones$nMaj2_A+subclones$nMin2_A, 0) * ifelse(is_subclonal_maj, subclones$frac2_A, 0)
segment_states_min = subclones$nMin1_A * ifelse(is_subclonal_min, subclones$frac1_A, 1) + ifelse(is_subclonal_min, subclones$nMin2_A, 0) * ifelse(is_subclonal_min, subclones$frac2_A, 0)
segment_states_maj = subclones$nMaj1_A * ifelse(is_subclonal_maj, subclones$frac1_A, 1) + ifelse(is_subclonal_maj, subclones$nMaj2_A, 0) * ifelse(is_subclonal_maj, subclones$frac2_A, 0)
segment_states_tot = segment_states_maj + segment_states_min
# Determine which SNPs are on which chromosome, to be used as a proxy for chromosome size in the plots
chr.segs = lapply(1:length(chr.names), function(ch) { which(BAFvals$Chromosome==chr.names[ch]) })
# Plot subclonal copy number as mixtures of two states
png(filename = paste(output.gw.figures.prefix, "_average.png", sep=""), width = 2000, height = 500, res = 200)
# Plot subclonal copy number as two separate states
png(filename = paste(output.gw.figures.prefix, "_subclones.png", sep=""), width = 2000, height = 500, res = 200)
#' Load the rho and psi estimates from a file.
#' @noRd
load.rho.psi.file = function(rho.psi.file) {
rho_psi_info = read.table(rho.psi.file, header=T, sep="\t", stringsAsFactors=F)
# Always use best solution from grid search - reference segment sometimes gives strange results
rho = rho_psi_info$rho[rownames(rho_psi_info)=="FRAC_GENOME"] # rho = tumour percentage (called tp in previous versions)
psit = rho_psi_info$psi[rownames(rho_psi_info)=="FRAC_GENOME"] # psi of tumour cells
goodness = rho_psi_info$distance[rownames(rho_psi_info)=="FRAC_GENOME"] # goodness of fit
return(list(rho=rho, psit=psit, goodness=goodness))
#' Collapse a BAFsegmented file into segment start and end points
#' This function looks through the BAFsegmented for stretches of equal
#' BAFseg and records the start and end coordinates in a data.frame
#' @param bafsegmented The BAFsegmented output from segmentation
#' @return A data.frame with columns chromosome, start and end
#' @author sd11
#' @noRd
collapse_bafsegmented_to_segments = function(bafsegmented) {
segments_collapsed = data.frame()
for (chrom in unique(bafsegmented$Chromosome)) {
bafsegmented_chrom = bafsegmented[bafsegmented$Chromosome==chrom,]
segments = rle(bafsegmented_chrom$BAFseg)
startpoint = 1
for (i in 1:length(segments$lengths)) {
endpoint = startpoint+segments$lengths[i]-1
segments_collapsed = rbind(segments_collapsed,
data.frame(chromosome=chrom, start=bafsegmented_chrom$Position[startpoint], end=bafsegmented_chrom$Position[endpoint]))
startpoint = endpoint+1
#' Function to make additional figures
#' @param samplename Name of the sample for the plot title
#' @param logr_file File containing all logR data
#' @param subclones_file File with the copy number fit
#' @param rho_psi_file File with rho and psi parameters
#' @param bafsegmented_file File containing the BAFsegmented data
#' @param logrsegmented_file File with the logRsegmented data
#' @param allelecounts_file Optional file with raw allele counts (Default: NULL)
#' @author sd11
#' @export
make_posthoc_plots = function(samplename, logr_file, subclones_file, rho_psi_file, bafsegmented_file, logrsegmented_file, allelecounts_file=NULL) {
# Make some post-hoc plots
logr = Battenberg::read_table_generic(logr_file)
subclones = Battenberg::read_table_generic(subclones_file)
rho_psi = read.table(rho_psi_file, header=T, stringsAsFactors=F)
purity = rho_psi["FRAC_GENOME", "rho"]
totalcn_chrom_plot(samplename, subclones, logr, paste0(samplename, "_totalcn_chrom_plot.png"), purity)
bafsegmented = as.data.frame(Battenberg::read_table_generic(bafsegmented_file))
logrsegmented = as.data.frame(Battenberg::read_table_generic(logrsegmented_file, header=F))
colnames(logrsegmented) = c("Chromosome", "Position", "logRseg")
outputfile = paste0(samplename, "_alleleratio.png")
allele_ratio_plot(samplename=samplename, logr=logr, bafsegmented=bafsegmented, logrsegmented=logrsegmented, outputfile=outputfile, max.plot.cn=8)
if (!is.null(allelecounts_file)) {
allelecounts = as.data.frame(Battenberg::read_table_generic(allelecounts_file))
outputfile = paste0(samplename, "_coverage.png")
coverage_plot(samplename, allelecounts, outputfile)
#' Fit ChrX subclonal copy number (male only)
#' Function to call ChrX copy number based on LogR (suitable for male samples). Copy number
#' cannot be called for the non-PAR region of ChrX due to the hemizygosity of all 1000G SNPs.
#' This function enables calling subclonal copy number for the non-PAR region by segmenting LogR.
#' A number of correction steps are undertaken to account for the noisy nature of LogR. This function
#' requires the following libraries: copynumber, data.table and ggplot2. It reads in three files generated
#' by previous steps of Battenberg, namely TUMOURNAME_mutantLogR_gcCorrected.tab, TUMOURNAME_purity_ploidy.txt
#' and TUMOURNAME_subclones.txt.
#' @param TUMOURNAME The tumour name used for Battenberg (i.e. the tumour BAM file name without the .bam extension)
#' @param X_GAMMA The PCF gamma value for segmentation of 1000G SNP LogR values (Default 1000)
#' @param X_KMIN The min number of SNPs to support a segment in PCF of LogR values (Default 100)
#' @param AR Should the segment carrying the androgen receptor (AR) locus to be visually distinguished in average plot? (Default TRUE)
#' @param GENOMEBUILD The genome build used in running Battenberg (hg19 or hg38)
#' @author Naser Ansari-Pour (BDI, Oxford)
#' @export
callChrXsubclones = function(TUMOURNAME,X_GAMMA=1000,X_KMIN=100,GENOMEBUILD,AR=TRUE){
PCFinput=PCFinput[which(PCFinput$Chromosome=="X" & PCFinput$Position>2.6e6 & PCFinput$Position<156e6),] # get nonPAR
print(paste("Number of chrX nonPAR SNPs =",nrow(PCFinput)))
print("PCF segmentation done")
if (GENOMEBUILD=="hg19"){
x_centromere=c(58632012,61632012) # hg19
} else {
x_centromere=c(58605580,62412542) #hg38
# INPUT for copy number inference
# Estimating LogR deviation in diploid and gained regions (AUTOSOMAL)
BB=read.table(paste0(TUMOURNAME,"_subclones.txt"),header=T,stringsAsFactors = F)
BBdip=BB[which(BB$nMaj1_A==1 & BB$nMin1_A==1 & BB$frac1_A==1),]
# correction for LogR values
BBcorr=-mean(BBdip$LogR) #diploid only
if (nrow(BBdip)<=1){
print("likely WGD sample")
BBdip=BB[which(BB$nMaj1_A==2 & BB$nMin1_A==2 & BB$frac1_A==1),]
cnloh=BB[which(BB$nMaj1_A==2 & BB$nMin1_A==0 & BB$frac1_A==1),]
if (nrow(cnloh)>0){
} else if (nrow(cnloh)==0){
print("CRUDE estimation of BBcorr based on assumption of 2 copies vs ploidy")
BBg1=BB[which(BB$nMaj1_A==2 & BB$nMin1_A==1 & BB$frac1_A==1),]
BBg2=BB[which(BB$nMaj1_A==3 & BB$nMin1_A==1 & BB$frac1_A==1),]
BBg3=BB[which(BB$nMaj1_A==4 & BB$nMin1_A==1 & BB$frac1_A==1),]
BBg4=BB[which(BB$nMaj1_A==3 & BB$nMin1_A==2 & BB$frac1_A==1),] # likely observed in WGD samples
# get max gain N:
# SD for LogR values - diploid and gain regions
BBsd_max=max(BBsd, na.rm=T)
BBsd_max=max(BBsd_max,0.05) # accept a minimum of 5% sd in LogR variation
# BB LOH - estimating sd for LOH/loss events
BBloh=BB[which(BB$nMaj1_A==1 & BB$nMin1_A==0 & BB$frac1_A==1),]
if (nrow(BBloh)<=1){ #sd would be NA
print("likely WGD sample or no clonal LOH event")
BBloh=BB[which(BB$nMin1_A==0 & BB$frac1_A==1),] # all LOH events with varying nMaj1_A including 2:0 events
# expected ChrX logR values
explogrGain=sapply(2:10000,explogrgainX) # up to 10000 copies!
explogrLoss=max(log2(0+(1-SAMPLEpurity)*1),log2(0.01)) # if purity ~ 1, then purity of 0.99 is assumed for a realistic explogR estimate
# assign CN
for (j in 1:nrow(SAMPLEsegs)){
# is segment different from zero?
if (seg$type=="gain"){
} else {
# copy number
if (seg$CNA=="yes"){
if (seg$type=="gain"){
rank=which(sort(c(explogrGain,seg$mean))==seg$mean) # rank of observed logR mean for segment among the expected logR values
# clonality test
if (rank==1){
seg$clonal=ifelse(round(explogrGain[rank]-seg$mean,digits=2)<=round((BBsd_max/explogrGain[rank]),digits=2),"yes","no") # CV
} else if (rank>=5){ # STOPS calling 'subclonal' events when copy number is >=5
if (abs(seg$mean-explogrGain[rank-1])<abs(seg$mean-explogrGain[rank])){
} else {
} else {
if (abs(seg$mean-explogrGain[rank-1])<abs(seg$mean-explogrGain[rank])){
seg$clonal=ifelse(round(seg$mean-explogrGain[rank-1],digits = 2)<=round((BBsd_max/explogrGain[rank-1]),digits=2),"yes","no")
if (seg$clonal=="yes"){
else {
seg$clonal=ifelse(round(explogrGain[rank]-seg$mean,digits=2)<round((BBsd_max/explogrGain[rank]),digits = 2),"yes","no")
} else if (seg$type=="loss"){
if (nrow(BBloh)>0){
} else if (nrow(BBloh)==0){
else {
print(paste("no CNA for segment",j))
if (seg$arm=="p" & seg$end.pos>x_centromere[1]-1e6 & seg$CNA=="yes" & seg$end.pos<seg$start.pos+1e6){
print("segment is p-arm centromere noise")
} else if (seg$arm=="q" & seg$end.pos<x_centromere[2]+1e6 & seg$CNA=="yes" & seg$end.pos<seg$start.pos+1e6){
print("segment is q-arm centromere noise")
} else {
for (j in 1:nrow(SEG)){
if (seg$CNA=="yes"){
if (seg$type=="gain"){
if (seg$clonal=="no"){
} else {
} else if (seg$type=="loss"){
if (seg$clonal=="no"){
seg$CCF=(1-2^(seg$mean))/SAMPLEpurity # for Loss (assuming one chrX in all cells prior to Loss)
if (seg$CCF>=0.95){
} else {
} else {
for (j in 1:nrow(CCF)){
if (subclones$CNA=="no"){
} else {
if (subclones$type=="gain" & subclones$clonal=="yes"){
else if (subclones$type=="gain" & subclones$clonal=="no"){
if(subclones$CCF>0.5){ # switch nMaj/nMin so that the first nMaj/nMin represent the MAJOR CLONE
} else {
else if (subclones$type=="loss" & subclones$clonal=="yes"){
subclones=data.frame(subclones,nMaj1=subclones$CN,nMin1=0,frac1=1,nMaj2=0,nMin2=0,frac2=0) # very unlikely scenario; no sequencing reads should be present!
else if (subclones$type=="loss" & subclones$clonal=="no"){
if(subclones$CCF>0.5){ # switch nMaj/nMin so that the first nMaj/nMin represent the MAJOR CLONE
} else {
subclonalCN=SUBCLONES$average,stringsAsFactors = F)
# merge adjacent segments with same copy number
SPLIT=split(SUBCLONESout$rank, cumsum(c(1, diff(SUBCLONESout$rank) != 1))) # find consecutive segments with same subclonalCN
for (j in 1:length(SPLIT)){
if (length(SPLIT[[j]])>1){
if (length(unique(SUBsplit$arm))==1){
if (sd(SUBsplit$subclonalCN)<=0.01){
} else {
print("adjacent not same subclonalCN in SPLIT")
} else if (length(SPLIT[[j]])==2){
} else{
# if (length(SUBsplit$arm=="p"))
if (nrow(pseg)>1){
if (sd(pseg$subclonalCN)<=0.01){
} else {
print("adjacent not same subclonalCN in pseg")
} else {outputDF=rbind(outputDF,pseg)}
if (nrow(qseg)>1){
if (sd(qseg$subclonalCN)<=0.01){
} else {
print("adjacent not same subclonalCN in qseg")
} else {outputDF=rbind(outputDF,qseg)}
} else {
print(paste("Number of rows merged =",nrow(SUBCLONESout)-nrow(outputDF)))
write.table(outputDF,paste0(TUMOURNAME,"_chrX_subclones.txt"),col.names = T,row.names = F,quote = F,sep="\t")
plot_BB=ggplot()+geom_hline(yintercept = 0:ceiling(max(outputDF$subclonalCN)),linetype="longdash",col="grey",size=0.2)+
geom_vline(xintercept = x_centromere,linetype="longdash",col="green")+
#geom_hline(yintercept = nonpar,linetype="dotted",col="blue")+
ylim(-0.2,ceiling(max(outputDF$subclonalCN))+0.2)+labs(x="ChrX coordinate (bp)",y="Average Ploidy")+
theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5,size=12),panel.background = element_blank())+
ggtitle(paste0(TUMOURNAME," , PLOIDY: ",round(SAMPLEn,digits = 3)," , PURITY: ",round(SAMPLEpurity*100,digits = 0),
"%, PGAclonal: ",round(PGAclonal*100,digits = 1),"%"))
if (AR){
segAR=data.table::foverlaps(ar,outputDF,type="any",nomatch = 0)
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