
Defines functions call_multisample_MSAI get_multisample_phasing write_battenberg_phasing input_known_haplotypes split_input_haplotypes

Documented in call_multisample_MSAI get_multisample_phasing input_known_haplotypes split_input_haplotypes write_battenberg_phasing

#' Split a single vcf into separate vcfs for each chromosome
#' @param chrom_names Names of the chromosomes
#' @param externalHaplotypeFile Full path of the external vcf containing phased haplotypes (Default: NA)
#' @param outprefix Full path and prefix of the output files
#' @author jdemeul
#' @export
split_input_haplotypes <- function(chrom_names, externalhaplotypefile=NA, outprefix) {

  if (is.na(externalhaplotypefile)) return(NULL)
  hetsnps <- VariantAnnotation::readVcf(file = externalhaplotypefile,
                     param = VariantAnnotation::ScanVcfParam(fixed = "ALT", info = NA, geno = c("GT", "PS"), trimEmpty = T))
  hetsnps <- split(x = hetsnps, f = GenomicRanges::seqnames(hetsnps))
  hetsnps <- hetsnps[chrom_names]
  lapply(X = chrom_names, FUN = function(chrom, chrom_names, snps, outbase) {
    VariantAnnotation::writeVcf(obj = snps[[chrom]], filename = paste0(outbase, chrom, ".vcf"))
  }, snps = hetsnps, outbase = outprefix, chrom_names = chrom_names)

#' Combine imputation results with external haplotype blocks 
#' @param chrom_names Names of the chromosomes
#' @param chrom  chromosome for which to reconstruct haplotypes
#' @param imputedHaplotypeFile Full path to the imputed haplotyope file for the indexed chromosome
#' @param externalHaplotypeFile Full path to the vcf containing haplotype blocks for the indexed chromosome (Default: NA)
#' @param oldfilesuffix Suffix to be added to the original imputedHaplotypeFile (Default: _noExt.txt)
#' @author jdemeul
#' @export
input_known_haplotypes = function(chrom_names, chrom, imputedHaplotypeFile, externalHaplotypeFile=NA, oldfilesuffix = "_noExt.txt") {

  if (is.na(externalHaplotypeFile)) return(NULL)
  # read BB phasing input
  bbphasin <- read_imputed_output(file = imputedHaplotypeFile)
  # turn into GRanges and subset for het SNPs
  bbphasingr <- GenomicRanges::GRanges(seqnames = rep(chrom, nrow(bbphasin)), ranges = IRanges::IRanges(start = bbphasin$pos, width = 1))
  S4Vectors::mcols(bbphasingr) <- bbphasin[, c("alt", "hap1", "hap2")]
  bbphasingr <- bbphasingr[which(xor(bbphasingr$hap1 == 1, bbphasingr$hap2 == 1))]
  # load vcf containing external haplotyped variants
  hetsnps <- suppressWarnings(VariantAnnotation::readVcf(file = externalHaplotypeFile,
                                      param = VariantAnnotation::ScanVcfParam(fixed = "ALT", info = NA, geno = c("GT", "PS"), trimEmpty = T)))
  # subset to phased het SNPs on chrom & drop any multiallelic var & indels if present
  hetsnps <- hetsnps[which(VariantAnnotation::geno(hetsnps)$GT %in% c("0|1", "1|0"))]
  hetsnps <- hetsnps[which(lengths(VariantAnnotation::alt(hetsnps)) == 1)]
  hetsnps <- hetsnps[which(S4Vectors::nchar(VariantAnnotation::ref(hetsnps)) == 1 & unlist(S4Vectors::nchar(VariantAnnotation::alt(hetsnps))) == 1)]
  # e.g. if no phasing on X, no need to continue
  if (length(hetsnps) == 0) return(NULL)
  # match Battenberg het SNPs with those in external file, take only ranges to avoid chrom names mismatch
  snvoverlaps <- IRanges::findOverlaps(query = IRanges::ranges(bbphasingr), subject = IRanges::ranges(hetsnps), type = "equal")
  # and make sure we're phasing the same REF/ALT alleles (ref will always be the same)
  snvoverlaps_sub <- snvoverlaps[which(bbphasingr[S4Vectors::queryHits(snvoverlaps)]$alt ==
  # add the corresponding phaseblocks (PS) and genotypes (GT)
  bbphasingr$PS <- vector(mode = "integer", length = length(bbphasingr))
  bbphasingr$GT <- vector(mode = "character", length = length(bbphasingr))
  bbphasingr[S4Vectors::queryHits(snvoverlaps)]$PS <- VariantAnnotation::geno(hetsnps[S4Vectors::subjectHits(snvoverlaps)])$PS
  bbphasingr[S4Vectors::queryHits(snvoverlaps)]$GT <- VariantAnnotation::geno(hetsnps[S4Vectors::subjectHits(snvoverlaps)])$GT
  # extract external haplotype 1 and match to imputed haplotypes
  bbphasingr$hap1_10X <- substr(bbphasingr$GT, start = 1, stop = 1)
  bbphasingr$isH1 <- ifelse(bbphasingr$hap1_10X == "", NA, bbphasingr$hap1_10X == bbphasingr$hap1)
  # complete and extend the known haplotype blocks
  # by transfering imputed haplotypes to nearest non-phased het SNPs
  # bbphasingr <- GenomicRanges::GRangesList(split(x = bbphasingr, f = bbphasingr$hap1_10X != ""), compress = F)
  bbphasingr <- as(object = split(x = bbphasingr, f = bbphasingr$hap1_10X != ""), Class = "GRangesList")
  if (length(bbphasingr$'FALSE') > 0) {
    nearestidxs <- GenomicRanges::nearest(x = bbphasingr$'FALSE', subject = bbphasingr$'TRUE', select = "arbitrary")
    bbphasingr$'FALSE'$isH1 <- bbphasingr$'TRUE'$isH1[nearestidxs]
    bbphasingr$'FALSE'$PS <- bbphasingr$'TRUE'$PS[nearestidxs]
  bbphasingr <- GenomicRanges::sort(unlist(bbphasingr, use.names = F))
  # build final haplotypes by flipping blocks according to imputation
  # last haplotype assignment of first block must match first haplotype assignment of second block
  psrle <- S4Vectors::Rle(bbphasingr$PS)
  flip <- cumsum(c(F, bbphasingr$isH1[S4Vectors::start(psrle)[-1]] == bbphasingr$isH1[S4Vectors::end(psrle)[-S4Vectors::nrun(psrle)]])) %% 2
  S4Vectors::runValue(psrle) <- flip
  bbphasingr$isH1 <- ifelse(as.vector(psrle, mode = "logical"), !bbphasingr$isH1, bbphasingr$isH1)
  bbphasingr$hapfinal <- ifelse(bbphasingr$isH1, bbphasingr$hap1, bbphasingr$hap2)
  # reinsert the phased het SNP haplotypes into the total chromosomal haplotypes
  matchidxs <- match(x = GenomicRanges::start(bbphasingr), table = bbphasin$pos)
  bbphasin[matchidxs, "hap1"] <- bbphasingr$hapfinal
  bbphasin[matchidxs, "hap2"] <- abs(bbphasin[matchidxs, "hap1"] - 1)
  # backup original imputedHaplotypeFile
  if (file.exists(imputedHaplotypeFile)) {
    file.copy(from = imputedHaplotypeFile, to = gsub(pattern = "\\.txt$", replacement = oldfilesuffix, x = imputedHaplotypeFile), overwrite = T)
  # and write new version
  write.table(x = bbphasin, file=imputedHaplotypeFile, row.names=F, col.names=F, quote=F, sep="\t")

#' Writes the imputation and copy number phased haplotypes to a vcf
#' @param tumourname Sample name
#' @param SNPfiles Character vector of the paths to the alleleFrequencies files, ordered by chromosome index
#' @param imputedHaplotypeFiles Character vector of the paths to the impute_output files, ordered by chromosome index
#' @param bafsegmented_file Path to the BAFSegmented file
#' @param outprefix Prefix to write the output vcf files to
#' @param chrom_names Names of the chromosomes
#' @param include_homozygous Include homozygous SNPs in the output vcf file (Default = FALSE)
#' @author jdemeul
#' @export
write_battenberg_phasing <- function(tumourname, SNPfiles, imputedHaplotypeFiles, bafsegmented_file, outprefix, chrom_names, include_homozygous = F) {
  bafsegmented <- read_bafsegmented(bafsegmented_file)[, c("Chromosome", "Position", "BAFphased", "BAFseg")]
  bafsegmented <- split(x = bafsegmented[, c("Position", "BAFphased", "BAFseg")], f = bafsegmented$Chromosome)
  for (i in 1:length(chrom_names)) {
    chrom = chrom_names[i] 
    # read allele counts and imputed haplotypes (for the actually used alleles & loci)
    snp_data <- read_alleleFrequencies(SNPfiles[i])
    allele_data <- read_imputed_output(imputedHaplotypeFiles[i])[, c("pos", "ref", "alt", "hap1", "hap2")]
    merge_data <- merge(x = allele_data, y = snp_data, by.x = "pos", by.y = "POS", sort = F)
    # map counts to ref/alt
    merge_data$ref_count <- ifelse(merge_data$ref == "A", merge_data$Count_A,
                                   ifelse(merge_data$ref == "C", merge_data$Count_C,
                                          ifelse(merge_data$ref == "G", merge_data$Count_G, merge_data$Count_T)))
    merge_data$alt_count <- ifelse(merge_data$alt == "A", merge_data$Count_A,
                                   ifelse(merge_data$alt == "C", merge_data$Count_C,
                                          ifelse(merge_data$alt == "G", merge_data$Count_G, merge_data$Count_T)))
    merge_data <- cbind(merge_data[, c("CHR", "pos", "ref", "alt", "ref_count", "alt_count", "hap1", "hap2")], BAF = merge_data$alt_count/(merge_data$ref_count+merge_data$alt_count))
    # add in the segmented BAF values and start creating output vcf
    merge_data <- merge(x = merge_data, y = bafsegmented[[chrom]], by.x = "pos", by.y = "Position",
                        all.x = include_homozygous, sort = T)
    bbphasing_vr <- VariantAnnotation::VRanges(seqnames = merge_data$CHR, ranges = IRanges::IRanges(start = merge_data$pos, width = 1),
                            ref = merge_data$ref, alt = merge_data$alt, 
                            totalDepth = merge_data$ref_count+merge_data$alt_count,
                            refDepth = merge_data$ref_count, altDepth = merge_data$alt_count)
    # assign the genotypes based on flipping of individual BAF values in regions of allelic imbalance according to BAFseg
    S4Vectors::mcols(bbphasing_vr)$GT <- ifelse(is.na(merge_data$BAFphased), paste0(merge_data$hap1, "|", merge_data$hap2), 
                                     ifelse(merge_data$BAFseg > 0.525 | is.na(merge_data$BAFseg), 
                                            ifelse(abs(merge_data$BAFphased-merge_data$BAF) < 1e-5, "1|0", "0|1"),
                                            ifelse(abs(merge_data$BAFphased-merge_data$BAF) < 1e-5, "1/0", "0/1")))
    # add phase set annotation based on segmented BAF: every segment = phase set
    S4Vectors::mcols(bbphasing_vr)$PS <- as.integer(NA)
    phasedidx <- which(merge_data$BAFseg > 0.525)
    if (length(phasedidx) > 0) {
      hetsegrle <- S4Vectors::Rle(merge_data$BAFseg[phasedidx])
      S4Vectors::mcols(bbphasing_vr)$PS[phasedidx] <- rep(GenomicRanges::start(bbphasing_vr)[phasedidx][S4Vectors::start(hetsegrle)], S4Vectors::runLength(hetsegrle))
      if (length(phasedidx) < nrow(merge_data)) {
        S4Vectors::mcols(bbphasing_vr)$PS[-phasedidx] <- S4Vectors::mcols(bbphasing_vr)$PS[phasedidx][GenomicRanges::nearest(x = bbphasing_vr[-phasedidx], subject = bbphasing_vr[phasedidx], select = "arbitrary")]
    } else {
      S4Vectors::mcols(bbphasing_vr)$PS <- rep(GenomicRanges::start(bbphasing_vr)[1], nrow(merge_data))
    # write out vcf
    VariantAnnotation::sampleNames(bbphasing_vr) <- tumourname
    VariantAnnotation::writeVcf(obj = bbphasing_vr, filename = paste0(outprefix, chrom, ".vcf"), index = F)

#' Generates phased haplotypes from multisample Battenberg runs 
#' @param chrom chromosome for which to obtain haplotypes
#' @param bbphasingprefixes Vector containing prefixes of the Battenberg_phased_chr files for the multiple samples
#' @param maxlag Maximal number of upstream SNPs used to inform the haplotype at another SNPs
#' @param relative_weight_balanced Relative weight to give to haplotype info from a sample without allelic imbalance in the region (default 0.25)
#' @param outprefix Prefix of the ouput multisample phasing files
#' @author jdemeul
#' @export
get_multisample_phasing <- function(chrom, bbphasingprefixes, maxlag = 100, relative_weight_balanced = .25, outprefix) {

  vcfs <- lapply(X = paste0(bbphasingprefixes, chrom, ".vcf"), FUN = VariantAnnotation::readVcf)
  samplenames <- sapply(X = vcfs, FUN = function(x) VariantAnnotation::samples(VariantAnnotation::header(x)))
  # get common hetSNP loci
  temp <- do.call(c, lapply(X = vcfs, FUN = SummarizedExperiment::rowRanges))
  commonloci <- unique(names(which(GenomicRanges::countOverlaps(query = temp, type = "equal", drop.self = F, drop.redundant = F) == length(vcfs))))
  vcfs_common <- lapply(X = vcfs, FUN = function(x, commonloci) GenomicRanges::sort(x[commonloci]), commonloci = commonloci)
  # clean up
  rm(vcfs, temp, commonloci)
  # go through each vcf and add relevant columns as appropriate
  loci <- SummarizedExperiment::rowRanges(vcfs_common[[1]])
  for (vcfidx in 1:length(vcfs_common)) {
    # add the genotype, BAF and phaseblock info for each sample to all common loci
    singlevcf <- vcfs_common[[vcfidx]]
    sid <- VariantAnnotation::samples(VariantAnnotation::header(singlevcf))
    adddf <- S4Vectors::DataFrame(Major = VariantAnnotation::geno(singlevcf)$GT[,1], #Major = as.integer(ifelse(test = grepl(pattern = "|", x = geno(singlevcf)$GT, fixed = T), substr(x = geno(singlevcf)$GT, 1, 1), NA)),
                       BAF = VariantAnnotation::geno(singlevcf)$AD[,1,2]/BiocGenerics::rowSums(VariantAnnotation::geno(singlevcf)$AD[,1,]),
                       PS = VariantAnnotation::geno(singlevcf)$PS[,1])
    colnames(adddf) <- paste0(sid, "_", colnames(adddf))
    S4Vectors::mcols(loci) <- cbind(S4Vectors::mcols(loci), adddf)
  # get call for alt-ref switches at different lag intervals 1:maxlag
  # also keep track of which are evidenced by allelic imbalance in >= 1 sample and downweight the inference contribution from the other samples to relative_weight_balanced
  gtswitcheslist <- list()
  evidencelist <- list()
  for (lag in 1:maxlag) {
    # lag <- 1
    gtswitcheslist[[lag]] <- rbind(matrix(NA, nrow = lag - 1, ncol = length(vcfs_common)), apply(MARGIN = 2, X = S4Vectors::mcols(loci)[,grep(pattern = "Major", x = colnames(S4Vectors::mcols(loci)))],
                                                                                                 FUN = function(x, lag) abs(diff(as.integer(substr(x,1,1)), lag = lag)), lag = lag))
    # check whether all are phased, note that the filter takes into account past values only here! So needs to be shifted in next step
    evidencelist[[lag]] <- apply(MARGIN = 2, X = S4Vectors::mcols(loci)[,grep(pattern = "Major", x = colnames(S4Vectors::mcols(loci)))],
                                 FUN = function(x, lag) filter(x = grepl(pattern = "|", x = x, fixed = T), filter = rep(1, lag + 1), sides = 1) == lag+1, lag = lag)
    # and they have the same PS
    # evidencelist[[lag]] <- (evidencelist[[lag]][-1,] * rbind(matrix(NA, nrow = lag-1, ncol = length(vcfs_common)), apply(MARGIN = 2, X = mcols(loci)[,grep(pattern = "PS", x = colnames(mcols(loci)))],
    #                                                 FUN = function(x, lag) diff(x = x, lag = lag) == 0, lag = lag))) == 1
    evidencelist[[lag]] <- evidencelist[[lag]][-1,] * rbind(matrix(NA, nrow = lag-1, ncol = length(vcfs_common)), apply(MARGIN = 2, X = S4Vectors::mcols(loci)[,grep(pattern = "PS", x = colnames(S4Vectors::mcols(loci)))],
                                                                                                                        FUN = function(x, lag) diff(x = x, lag = lag) == 0, lag = lag))
    evidencelist[[lag]][evidencelist[[lag]] == 0] <- relative_weight_balanced
    evidencelist[[lag]] <- evidencelist[[lag]]/rowSums(evidencelist[[lag]])
  # initiate the vector which will cntain the combined phased haplotype
  haplovect <- as.integer(rep(NA, length(loci)))
  # start with a simple majorty call for the first hetSNP
  haplovect[1] <- as.integer(names(sort(table(substr(unlist(S4Vectors::mcols(loci)[1,grep(pattern = "Major", x = colnames(S4Vectors::mcols(loci))), drop = T]),1,1)), decreasing = T)[1]))
  # votes for next positions integrate more laged inferences
  for (pos in 2:length(loci)) {
    nvotesalt <- 0
    if (pos - 1 > maxlag) maxlag_used <- maxlag else maxlag_used <- pos - 1
    lagwsum <- sum(1:maxlag_used) # used to downweight larger distances
    for (lag in 1:maxlag_used) {
      nvotesalt <- nvotesalt + sum(abs(haplovect[pos-lag] - gtswitcheslist[[lag]][pos-1, ])*evidencelist[[lag]][pos-1,]) * (maxlag_used + 1 - lag) / lagwsum
    haplovect[pos] <- round(nvotesalt)
    # haplovect[pos] <- round(nvotesalt/maxlag_used)
  # write out the joint phasing
  jointphasing_vr <- VariantAnnotation::VRanges(seqnames = GenomicRanges::seqnames(loci), ranges = GenomicRanges::ranges(loci), ref = loci$REF, alt = unlist(loci$ALT))
  # assign the genotypes based on flipping of individual BAF values in regions of allelic imbalance according to BAFseg
  S4Vectors::mcols(jointphasing_vr)$GT <- paste0(haplovect, "|", ifelse(haplovect == 0, 1, 0))
  # add phase set annotation based on segmented BAF: every segment = phase set
  S4Vectors::mcols(jointphasing_vr)$PS <- GenomicRanges::start(loci)[1]
  # write out vcf
  VariantAnnotation::sampleNames(jointphasing_vr) <- "multisample"
  VariantAnnotation::writeVcf(obj = jointphasing_vr, filename = paste0(outprefix, chrom, ".vcf"), index = F)
  # write out loci + haplovect to do MSAI detection and plotting after final multisample CN calling
  S4Vectors::mcols(loci)$multisample_haplo <- haplovect
  saveRDS(object = loci, file = paste0(outprefix, chrom, "_loci.RDS"))


#' Generates haplotype blocks, MSAI results, and plots from phasing information contained in multisample Battenberg runs 
#' @param rdsprefix Prefix of the RDS files containing the multisample haplotypes and BAF
#' @param subclonesfiles Vectors containing the paths to the different subclones.txt files
#' @param chrom_names Names of the chromosomes
#' @param tumournames Vector of sample names
#' @param plotting Should the multisample phasing plots be made? (Default: TRUE)
#' @author jdemeul
#' @export
call_multisample_MSAI <- function(rdsprefix, subclonesfiles, chrom_names, tumournames, plotting = T) {

  # compile all CN results
  subclonescat <- lapply(X = subclonesfiles, FUN = function(x) read.delim(file = x, as.is = T))
  imbalancedregions <- do.call(rbind, subclonescat)
  # add sample identifiers
  imbalancedregions$sampleid <- rep(x = tumournames, sapply(X = subclonescat, FUN = nrow))
  # subset to regions which are imbalanced in at least 2 samples
  imbalancedregions <- imbalancedregions[which(imbalancedregions$nMaj1_A != imbalancedregions$nMin1_A | imbalancedregions$nMaj2_A != imbalancedregions$nMin2_A), ]
  imbalancedregions <- GenomicRanges::GRanges(seqnames = imbalancedregions$chr, ranges = IRanges::IRanges(start = imbalancedregions$startpos, end = imbalancedregions$endpos), sampleid = imbalancedregions$sampleid)
  imbalancedregions_disj <- GenomicRanges::disjoin(imbalancedregions)
  imbalancedregions_disj <- imbalancedregions_disj[GenomicRanges::countOverlaps(query = imbalancedregions_disj, subject = imbalancedregions) > 1]
  # if nothing remains, stop here
  if (length(imbalancedregions_disj) == 0) {
    print("No recurrently copy number imbalanced regions")
  # add the identifiers of aberrated samples to each region
  samplehits <- GenomicRanges::findOverlaps(query = imbalancedregions_disj, subject = imbalancedregions)
  S4Vectors::mcols(imbalancedregions_disj)$sampleids <- split(x = imbalancedregions$sampleid[S4Vectors::subjectHits(samplehits)], f = S4Vectors::queryHits(samplehits))
  # split per chromosome, keeping only the imbalanced ones
  imbalancedregions_disj <- as(object = split(x = imbalancedregions_disj, f = GenomicRanges::seqnames(imbalancedregions_disj)), Class = "GRangesList")
  # for every chromosome with imbalance
  for (i in 1:length(chrom_names)) {
    chrom = chrom_names[i]
    # load loci.RDS file and simplify genotype formatting
    loci <- readRDS(file = paste0(rdsprefix, chrom, "_loci.RDS"))
    S4Vectors::mcols(loci)[,paste0(tumournames, "_Major")] <- S4Vectors::DataFrame(apply(X = S4Vectors::mcols(loci)[,paste0(tumournames, "_Major")],
                                                                    MARGIN = 2, FUN = function(x) as.numeric(substr(x = x, start = 1, stop = 1))))
    if (length(imbalancedregions_disj[[chrom]]) > 0) {
      # split loci by abberrated region, compare only ranges to avoid chr naming scheme mismatch
      locioverlaps <- IRanges::findOverlaps(query = IRanges::ranges(imbalancedregions_disj[[chrom]]), subject = IRanges::ranges(loci))
      imballoci <- split(x = loci[S4Vectors::subjectHits(locioverlaps)], f = S4Vectors::queryHits(locioverlaps), drop = F)
      # now check for each region the GT of major allele (in imbalanced samples)
      imbalancedregions_disj[[chrom]] <- imbalancedregions_disj[[chrom]][unique(S4Vectors::queryHits(locioverlaps))]

      frac_consensus <- mapply(haps = imballoci, samples = imbalancedregions_disj[[chrom]]$sampleids, FUN = function(haps, samples) {
        colSums(x = S4Vectors::as.matrix(S4Vectors::mcols(haps)[,paste0(samples, "_Major")]) == S4Vectors::mcols(haps)[, "multisample_haplo"], na.rm = T) / length(haps)
      }, SIMPLIFY = F)
      #simplify notation and call MSAI
      imbalancedregions_disj[[chrom]]$frac_consensus <- sapply(X = frac_consensus, FUN = function(x) paste0(names(x), "=", round(x, digits = 2), collapse = ";"))
      imbalancedregions_disj[[chrom]]$msai <- sapply(X = frac_consensus, FUN = function(x) max(x, na.rm = T) - min(x, na.rm = T) > .9)
      msaidf <- GenomicRanges::as.data.frame(imbalancedregions_disj[[chrom]][imbalancedregions_disj[[chrom]]$msai])
    } else {
      msaidf <- data.frame()
    if (plotting) {
      # Plot the resulting data
      df1 <- data.frame(pos = GenomicRanges::start(loci), haplo = S4Vectors::mcols(loci)$multisample_haplo, BAF = as.numeric(rep(NA, length(loci))))
      # visualise the haplotypes for the different samples
      for (tumour in tumournames) {
        # df1 <- data.frame(pos = GenomicRanges::start(loci), BAF = S4Vectors::mcols(loci)[,paste0(tumour, "_BAF")])
        df1$BAF <- ifelse(df1$haplo == 1, S4Vectors::mcols(loci)[,paste0(tumour, "_BAF")], 1-S4Vectors::mcols(loci)[,paste0(tumour, "_BAF")])
        p1 <- ggplot2::ggplot()
        if (nrow(msaidf) > 0) {
          p1 <- p1 + ggplot2::geom_rect(data = msaidf, mapping = ggplot2::aes(xmin = start, xmax = end, ymin = 0, ymax = 1), alpha = .05, color = "gray", size = 0)
        p1 <- p1 + ggplot2::geom_point(data = df1, mapping = ggplot2::aes(x = pos, y = 1-BAF), alpha = .6, colour = "#67a9cf", shape = 46, show.legend = F)
        p1 <- p1 + ggplot2::geom_point(data = df1, mapping = ggplot2::aes(x = pos, y = BAF), alpha = .6, colour = "#ef8a62", shape = 46, show.legend = F) + ggplot2::theme_minimal()
        p1 <- p1 + ggplot2::labs(x = "Position", y = "BAF", title = paste0(tumour, ": multisample phasing chr", chrom))
        ggplot2::ggsave(filename = paste0(tumour, "_multisample_phasing_chr", chrom, ".png"), plot = p1, width = 20, height = 5)

  # write out final MSAI dataframe
  msaiout <- GenomicRanges::as.data.frame(unlist(imbalancedregions_disj, use.names = F))
  write.table(x = msaiout[, -c(4:6)], file = paste0("multisample_MSAI.txt"), row.names = F, sep = "\t", quote = F)
Wedge-lab/battenberg documentation built on July 31, 2023, 1:32 p.m.