
Defines functions getUndirectedGraphFromCov getUndirectedGraphFromPCor getUndirectedGraphFromPCorPvalues adjustPValuesMatrix getPartialCorrelationMatrix getPartialCorrelationMatrixFromInvCov convertInvCovToPCor symmetrizeMatrix mypmax mypmin printEdgeList generateFamilyDAG updatePreprocessedPvaluesTable getRetVec getPCorInfo isPcorInfoComplete selectFamilyBasedPCor familyBasedPCorTest preprocessFamilyBasedDAGs preprocessFamilyBasedUDGs matrixSqrt getKinshipList getAdjMatrixFromSymmetricPCor getAdjMatrixFromSymmetricPCorPvalues adjustSymmetricPValuesMatrix getStableEstimateIdx getNClosestPoints intervalPercentage selectBestResult saveEdgeResultsPlot selectBestUDGPCorMatrices mymcrotate computeFC getUnconfoundedEstimates checkUnconfoundedEstimatesList getFamilyBasedPCorResults

#' @importFrom stats as.formula cor.test model.matrix residuals
#' @importFrom coxme lmekin ranef
#' @importFrom stats sd
#' @importFrom MASS ginv
getFamilyBasedPCorResults <- function(Xind, Yind, Sinds, phen.df, covs.df, pedigrees, Phi2, Z,
                                      minK=10, maxFC = 0.01, orthogonal=TRUE, fileID=NULL, dirToSave=NULL,
                                      useGPU=FALSE, debug=TRUE, logFile="./log.txt") {

  # pedigrees must be sampled

  # Computing rho_X,Y|S #

  N <- dim(phen.df)[1]

  phen.names <- colnames(phen.df)
  Xname <- phen.names[Xind]
  Yname <- phen.names[Yind]
  Snames <- phen.names[Sinds]
  if (!is.null(covs.df)) {
    Snames <- c(Snames, colnames(covs.df))
    phen.df <- cbind(phen.df, covs.df)

  if (debug) {
    cat(paste0("Computing rho_", Xname, ",", Yname, "|{", paste0(Snames, collapse=","), "}"),
        file=logFile, append=TRUE, sep="\n")

  # Checking previous computations #

  results_g_filepath <- ""
  if (!is.null(fileID) && !is.null(dirToSave)) {
    if (Xind < Yind) {
      results_g_filepath <- paste0(dirToSave, fileID, "_results_g_", Xind, "_", Yind, "_", paste(Sinds, collapse=""), ".rds")
    } else {
      results_g_filepath <- paste0(dirToSave, fileID, "_results_g_", Yind, "_", Xind, "_", paste(Sinds, collapse=""), ".rds")

  results_g_done = FALSE
  if (results_g_filepath != "" && file.exists(results_g_filepath)) {
    results_g <- readRDS(file=results_g_filepath) # loading results_g
    ret = checkUnconfoundedEstimatesList(results_g, maxFC, N)
    if (ret == "done") { # results are complete
      results_g_done = TRUE
    } else if (ret == "incomplete") {
      if (debug) {
        cat(paste0("Updating results_g for ", fileID, "_", Xind, "_", Yind, "_", paste(Sinds, collapse=""), "\n"),
            file=logFile, append=TRUE, sep="\n")
    } else if (ret == "error") {
      if (debug) {
        cat(paste0("Redoing results_g for ", fileID, "_", Xind, "_", Yind, "_", paste(Sinds, collapse=""), "\n"),
            file=logFile, append=TRUE, sep="\n")

  results_e_filepath <- ""
  if (!is.null(fileID) && !is.null(dirToSave)) {
    if (Xind < Yind) {
      results_e_filepath <- paste0(dirToSave, fileID, "_results_e_", Xind, "_", Yind, "_", paste(Sinds, collapse=""), ".rds")
    } else {
      results_e_filepath <- paste0(dirToSave, fileID, "_results_e_", Yind, "_", Xind, "_", paste(Sinds, collapse=""), ".rds")

  results_e_done = FALSE
  if (results_e_filepath != "" && file.exists(results_e_filepath)) {
    results_e <- readRDS(file=results_e_filepath) # loading results_e
    ret = checkUnconfoundedEstimatesList(results_e, maxFC, N)
    if (ret == "done") { # results are complete
      results_e_done = TRUE
    } else if (ret == "incomplete") {
      if (debug) {
        cat(paste0("Updating results_e for ", fileID, "_", Xind, "_", Yind, "_", paste(Sinds, collapse=""), "\n"),
            file=logFile, append=TRUE, sep="\n")
    } else if (ret == "error") {
      if (debug) {
        cat(paste0("Redoing results_e for ", fileID, "_", Xind, "_", Yind, "_", paste(Sinds, collapse=""), "\n"),
            file=logFile, append=TRUE, sep="\n")

  # Model for X | S #

  if (debug) {
    cat(paste0("Fitting ", Xname, " to ", "|{", paste0(Snames, collapse=","), "}"),
        file=logFile, append=TRUE, sep="\n")

  formulaXS <- as.formula(paste(Xname, " ~ 1 + (1 | pedigrees$id)"))
  if (length(Sinds) > 0)
    formulaXS <-  as.formula(paste(Xname,  "~ 1 + ", paste(paste(Snames, "+ "),collapse=""), " (1 | pedigrees$id)"))

  fitFilePath <- ""
  if (!is.null(fileID) && !is.null(dirToSave)) {
    fitFilePath <- paste0(dirToSave, fileID, "_fit_", Xind, "_", paste(Sinds, collapse=""), ".rds")

  if (file.exists(fitFilePath)) {
    curfit <- readRDS(fitFilePath)
  } else {
    curfit = lmekin(formulaXS, data=phen.df, varlist=Phi2, method="REML")
    if (fitFilePath != "") {
      saveRDS(curfit, file=fitFilePath) # we are always saving an object named curfit
  fitXS <- curfit

  sigma2XS_g <- as.numeric(fitXS$vcoef)
  if (sigma2XS_g < 1e-06) {
    sigma2XS_g = 0
  sigma2XS_e <- as.numeric(fitXS$sigma)^2
  if (sigma2XS_e < 1e-06) {
    sigma2XS_e = 0
  sigma2XS <- (sigma2XS_g + sigma2XS_e)

  #print(paste0("sigma2g_(", Xname, "| {", paste0(Snames, collapse=","), "}) = ", sigma2XS_g))
  #print(paste0("sigma2e_(", Xname, "| {", paste0(Snames, collapse=","), "}) = ", sigma2XS_e))

  if (!results_g_done || !results_e_done) {
    if (sigma2XS_g != 0 || sigma2XS_e != 0) {
      DXS <- diag(N) * sigma2XS_g # It is 0 if sigma2g=0
      RXS <- diag(N) * sigma2XS_e # It is 0 if sigma2e=0
      MXSinv <- (Z %*% DXS %*% t(Z) + RXS)
      MXS <- ginv(MXSinv)
      #V <- Minv * sigma2

      Sformula <- paste(paste(Snames, " + "), collapse="")
      Sformula <- as.formula(paste("~ ", Sformula, " 1"))
      S <- model.matrix(Sformula, data=phen.df)
      QXS <- MXS - MXS %*% S %*% ginv(t(S) %*% MXS %*% S) %*% t(S) %*% MXS

      temp = Z %*% DXS %*% t(Z) %*% QXS
      BgXS = temp %*% Z %*% DXS %*% t(Z) %*% t(temp) # B-A - corresponding to Zb - It is 0 if sigma2g=0
      AgXS = temp %*% RXS %*% t(temp) #- corresponding to e - It is 0 if sigma2e=0.
      BgXS = BgXS + AgXS # To be maximized in the same time that Ag is minimized

      temp = RXS %*% QXS
      BeXS = temp %*% RXS %*% t(temp) # B-A - corresponding to e - It is 0 if sigma2e=0
      AeXS = temp %*% Z %*% DXS %*% t(Z) %*% t(temp) # corresponding to Zb = It is 0 if sigma2g=0
      BeXS = BeXS + AeXS

      ranefXS <- Z %*% DXS %*% t(Z) %*% QXS %*% phen.df[,Xname]

      resXS <- RXS %*% QXS %*% phen.df[,Xname]

      margerrXS <- MXSinv %*% QXS %*% phen.df[,Xname]
      #head(resXS + ranefXS)

  # Model for Y| S #

  if (debug) {
    cat(paste0("Fitting ", Yname, " to ", "|{", paste0(Snames, collapse=","), "}"),
        file=logFile, append=TRUE, sep="\n")

  formulaYS <- as.formula(paste(Yname, " ~ 1 + (1 | pedigrees$id)"))
  if (length(Sinds) > 0)
    formulaYS <-  as.formula(paste(Yname,  "~ 1 + ", paste(paste(Snames, "+ "),collapse=""), " (1 | pedigrees$id)"))

  fitFilePath <- ""
  if (!is.null(fileID) && !is.null(dirToSave)) {
    fitFilePath <- paste0(dirToSave, fileID, "_fit_", Yind, "_", paste(Sinds, collapse=""), ".rds")

  if (file.exists(fitFilePath)) {
    curfit <- readRDS(fitFilePath)
  } else {
    curfit = lmekin(formulaYS, data=phen.df, varlist=Phi2, method="REML")
    if (fitFilePath != "") {
      saveRDS(curfit, file=fitFilePath) # we are always saving an object named curfit
  fitYS <- curfit

  sigma2YS_g <- as.numeric(fitYS$vcoef)
  if (sigma2YS_g < 1e-06) {
    sigma2YS_g = 0
  sigma2YS_e <- as.numeric(fitYS$sigma)^2
  if (sigma2YS_e < 1e-06) {
    sigma2YS_e = 0
  sigma2YS <- (sigma2YS_g + sigma2YS_e)

  if (!results_g_done || !results_e_done) {
    if (sigma2YS_g != 0 || sigma2YS_e != 0) {
      DYS <- diag(N) * sigma2YS_g
      RYS <- diag(N) * sigma2YS_e
      MYSinv <- (Z %*% DYS %*% t(Z) + RYS)
      MYS <- ginv(MYSinv)

      Sformula <- paste(paste(Snames, " + "), collapse="")
      Sformula <- as.formula(paste("~ ", Sformula, " 1"))
      S <- model.matrix(Sformula, data=phen.df)
      QYS <- MYS - MYS %*% S %*% ginv(t(S) %*% MYS %*% S) %*% t(S) %*% MYS

      temp = Z %*% DYS %*% t(Z) %*% QYS
      BgYS = temp %*% Z %*% DYS %*% t(Z) %*% t(temp) # B-A - corresponding to Zb
      AgYS = temp %*% RYS %*% t(temp) #- corresponding to e
      BgYS = BgYS + AgYS # To be maximized in the same time that Ag is minimized

      temp = RYS %*% QYS
      BeYS = temp %*% RYS %*% t(temp) # B-A - corresponding to e
      AeYS = temp %*% Z %*% DYS %*% t(Z) %*% t(temp) # corresponding to Zb
      BeYS = BeYS + AeYS

      ranefYS <- Z %*% DYS %*% t(Z) %*% QYS %*% phen.df[,Yname]

      resYS <- RYS %*% QYS %*% phen.df[,Yname]

      margerrYS <- MYSinv %*% QYS %*% phen.df[,Yname]
      #head(resYS + ranefYS)

  margerrXS = ranef(fitXS)[[1]] + residuals(fitXS)
  margerrYS = ranef(fitYS)[[1]] + residuals(fitYS)
  rho_t = cor.test(margerrXS, margerrYS)

  # rho_X,Y|S #

  if (!is.null(fileID) && debug) {
    cat(paste0("Processing results_g for ", fileID, "_", Xind, "_", Yind, "_", paste(Sinds, collapse=""), "\n"),
        file=logFile, append=TRUE, sep="\n")

  if (!results_g_done) {
    if (sigma2XS_g == 0 || sigma2YS_g == 0) {
      # It is not possible to compute rho_g, since some standard deviantion is zero
      results_g <- list()
      results_g[[1]] <- list(k=N, p.value=1, estimate=0, sdx=0, sdy=0, FCxs=NaN, FCys=NaN)
    } else {
      # Since both sigma2XS_g and sigma2YS_g are not zero, all variables above were defined
      if (sigma2XS_e == 0 && sigma2YS_e == 0) {
        # If both sigma2XS_e and sigma2YS_e are zero, then there is no confounding in g
        rho_g = cor.test(ranefXS, ranefYS)
        results_g <- list()
        results_g[[1]] <- list(k=N, p.value=rho_g$p.value, estimate=rho_g$estimate, sdx=sd(ranefXS), sdy=sd(ranefYS), FCxs=0, FCys=0)
      } else {
        preComputedResults <- NULL
        if (results_g_filepath != "" && file.exists(results_g_filepath)) {
          results_g <- readRDS(file=results_g_filepath) # loading existing results_g
          preComputedResults <- results_g
        if (debug) {
          cat(paste0("Getting unconfounded estimates for ", Xname, ",", Yname, "|{", paste0(Snames, collapse=","), "}_g"),
              file=logFile, append=TRUE, sep="\n")
        results_g <- getUnconfoundedEstimates(BgXS, BgYS, AgXS, AgYS, maxFC, minK, orthogonal,
                                              ranefXS, ranefYS, preComputedResults, useGPU,
                                              debug=debug, logFile=logFile)
        if (length(results_g) == 0) {
          rho_g = cor.test(ranefXS, ranefYS)
          results_g[[1]] <- list(k=N, p.value=rho_g$p.value, estimate=rho_g$estimate, sdx=sd(ranefXS), sdy=sd(ranefYS), FCxs=0, FCys=0)
    # saving results_g
    if (results_g_filepath != "" ) {
      if (debug) {
        cat(paste0("Saving results_g for ", fileID, "_", Xind, "_", Yind, "_", paste(Sinds, collapse=""), "\n"),
            file=logFile, append=TRUE, sep="\n")
      saveRDS(results_g, file=results_g_filepath)

  if (!is.null(fileID) && debug) {
    cat(paste0("Processing results_e for ", fileID, "_", Xind, "_", Yind, "_", paste(Sinds, collapse=""), "\n"),
        file=logFile, append=TRUE, sep="\n")

  if (!results_e_done) {
    if (sigma2XS_e == 0 || sigma2YS_e == 0) {
      # It is not possible to compute rho_e, since some standard deviantion is zero
      results_e <- list()
      results_e[[1]] <- list(k=N, p.value=1, estimate=0, sdx=0, sdy=0, FCxs=NaN, FCys=NaN)
    } else {
      # Since both sigma2XS_e and sigma2YS_e are not zero, all variables above were defined
      if (sigma2XS_g == 0 && sigma2YS_g == 0) {
        # If both sigma2XS_g and sigma2YS_g are zero, then there is no confounding in e
        rho_e = cor.test(resXS, resYS)
        results_e <- list()
        results_e[[1]] <- list(k=N, p.value=rho_e$p.value, estimate=rho_e$estimate,
                               sdx=sd(resXS), sdy=sd(resYS), FCxs=0, FCys=0)
      } else {
        preComputedResults <- NULL
        if (results_e_filepath != "" && file.exists(results_e_filepath)) {
          results_e <- readRDS(file=results_e_filepath) # loading existing results_e
          preComputedResults <- results_e
        if (debug) {
          cat(paste0("Getting unconfounded estimates for ", Xname, ",", Yname, "|{", paste0(Snames, collapse=","), "}_e"),
              file=logFile, append=TRUE, sep="\n")
        results_e <- getUnconfoundedEstimates(BeXS, BeYS, AeXS, AeYS, maxFC, minK,
                                              orthogonal, resXS, resYS, preComputedResults, useGPU,
                                              debug=debug, logFile=logFile)
        if (length(results_e) == 0) {
          rho_e = cor.test(resXS, resYS)
          results_e[[1]] <- list(k=N, p.value=rho_e$p.value, estimate=rho_e$estimate,
                                 sdx=sd(resXS), sdy=sd(resYS), FCxs=0, FCys=0)
    # saving results_e
    if (results_e_filepath != "" ) {
      saveRDS(results_e, file=results_e_filepath)
      if (debug) {
        cat(paste0("Saving results_e for ", fileID, "_", Xind, "_", Yind, "_", paste(Sinds, collapse=""), "\n"),
            file=logFile, append=TRUE, sep="\n")

  return(list(results_g=results_g, results_e=results_e,
          sigma2XS_e=sigma2XS_e, sigma2YS_e=sigma2YS_e,
          sigma2XS_g=sigma2XS_g, sigma2YS_g=sigma2YS_g,
          k_t=N, rho_t=rho_t$estimate, p.value_t=rho_t$p.value,
          sdx_t=sd(margerrXS), sdy_t=sd(margerrYS),
          Xind=Xind, Yind=Yind, Sinds=Sinds))

checkUnconfoundedEstimatesList <- function(results, maxFC, N) {
  redoList <- c()
  for (i in 1:length(results)) {
    curResultsNames <- names(results[[i]])
    if (is.null(curResultsNames) || length(curResultsNames) != 7 ||
      sum(curResultsNames == c("k","p.value","estimate","sdx","sdy","FCxs","FCys")) != 7) {
      redoList <- c(redoList, i)

  if (length(redoList) > 0) {

  FCysVec <- as.numeric(unlist(lapply(results, '[', "FCys")))
  FCxsVec <- as.numeric(unlist(lapply(results, '[', "FCxs")))
  kVec <- as.numeric(unlist(lapply(results, '[', "k")))

  if ((length(results) == 1 && is.nan(FCysVec) && is.nan(FCxsVec)) ||
      (length(FCysVec) == length(FCxsVec) && (max(FCysVec, na.rm=T) >= maxFC || max(FCxsVec, na.rm=T) >= maxFC)) ||
      (length(FCysVec) == length(FCxsVec) && max(kVec) == N)) {
  } else {

#' @importFrom stats sd
#' @importFrom R.utils withTimeout
getUnconfoundedEstimates <- function(Bxs, Bys, Axs, Ays, maxFC, minK, orthogonal, rx, ry,
                                     preComputedResults=NULL, useGPU=FALSE, gpuCores=5,
                                     debug=TRUE, logFile="./log.txt") {
  n = dim(Bxs)[1]
  k = minK
  FCxs = FCys = 0

  if (is.null(preComputedResults)) {
    resultsList <- list()
  } else {
    resultsList <- preComputedResults

  if (useGPU && requireNamespace("gpuR", quietly = TRUE)) {

    if (debug) {
      cat("\nUsing GPU in getUnconfoundedEstimates()..\n",
          file=logFile, append=TRUE, sep="\n")

    curK <- minK
    kList <- c()
    while(curK <= n) {
      kList <- c(kList, curK)
      curK <- round(curK + 0.1*curK)

    funGPU <- function(k) {
        W = mcrotate_orthogonal(Axs + Ays, Bxs + Bys, k, orthogonal, useGPU)
        FCxs <- computeFC(W,Axs,Bxs,n,useGPU)
        FCys <- computeFC(W,Ays,Bys,n,useGPU)

        rot_rx = t(W)%*% rx
        rot_ry = t(W)%*% ry
        ctest = cor.test(rot_rx, rot_ry)

        return(list(k=k, p.value=ctest$p.value, estimate=ctest$estimate, sdx=sd(rot_rx),
                    sdy=sd(rot_ry), FCxs=FCxs, FCys=FCys))
      error = function(e) {
        cat(paste0("Error: ", e),
            file=logFile, append=TRUE, sep="\n")

    cl <- gpuR::makeCluster(gpuCores, outfile=logFile) # log can only be seen using outfile=""
    gpuR::clusterExport(cl, c("funGPU", "mcrotate_orthogonal", "mymcrotate",
                              "myginv", "computeFC", "Bxs", "Bys", "Axs", "Ays",
                              "maxFC", "minK", "orthogonal", "rx", "ry", "useGPU", "n"), envir=environment())
    resultsList <- gpuR::parLapply(cl,kList,funGPU)
  } else {
    nTries <- 0
    i <- length(resultsList)+1
    kVec <- as.numeric(unlist(lapply(resultsList, '[', "k")))
    while (FCxs <= maxFC && FCys <= maxFC && k <= n && nTries <= 5) {
      if (!(k %in% kVec)) {
        retValue <- tryCatch({
          W = mcrotate_orthogonal(Axs + Ays, Bxs + Bys, k, orthogonal, useGPU)
  #        W =  withTimeout({mcrotate_orthogonal(Axs + Ays, Bxs + Bys, k, orthogonal)}, timeout=120)
          if (debug) {
            cat(paste0("k:", k, "\n"),
                file=logFile, append=TRUE, sep="\n")

          FCxs <- withTimeout({computeFC(W,Axs,Bxs,n,useGPU)}, timeout=60)
          if (debug) {
            cat(paste0("FCxs:", FCxs, "\n"),
                file=logFile, append=TRUE, sep="\n")

          FCys <- withTimeout({computeFC(W,Ays,Bys,n,useGPU)}, timeout=60)
          if (debug) {
            cat(paste0("FCys:", FCys, "\n"),
                file=logFile, append=TRUE, sep="\n")

          rot_rx = t(W)%*% rx
          rot_ry = t(W)%*% ry
          ctest = cor.test(rot_rx, rot_ry)
          if (debug) {
            cat(paste0("rho:", ctest$estimate, ". p-value:", ctest$p.value, "\n"),
                file=logFile, append=TRUE, sep="\n")

          resultsList[[i]] <- list(k=k, p.value=ctest$p.value, estimate=ctest$estimate, sdx=sd(rot_rx), sdy=sd(rot_ry), FCxs=FCxs, FCys=FCys)
          i = i+1
        error = function(e) {
          if (debug) {
            cat(paste0("Error for k=", k, ", after ", nTries, " tries: ", e),
                file=logFile, append=TRUE, sep="\n")
        if (retValue == -1) {
          nTries <- nTries + 1
        } else {
          nTries <- 0
      k = round(k + 0.1*k)


computeFC <- function(W, A, B, n, useGPU=FALSE) {
  if (useGPU && requireNamespace("gpuR", quietly = TRUE)) {
    A <- gpuR::gpuMatrix(A)
    B <- gpuR::gpuMatrix(B)
    W <- gpuR::gpuMatrix(W)
  FC <- sum(as.vector(diag(myginv(as.matrix(t(W) %*% B %*% W), useGPU) %*% (t(W) %*% A %*% W))))/n

myginv <- function (X, useGPU = FALSE) {
  tol = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)

  if (useGPU && requireNamespace("gpuR", quietly = TRUE)) {
    X <- gpuR::gpuMatrix(X)

  Xsvd <- svd(X)
  decOrder <- order(as.vector(Xsvd$d), decreasing=TRUE)
  Xsvd.d <- as.vector(Xsvd$d)[decOrder]
  Xsvd.u <- as.matrix(Xsvd$u)[,decOrder]
  Xsvd.v <- as.matrix(Xsvd$v)[,decOrder]

  # X - Xsvd.u %*% diag(Xsvd.d) %*% t(Xsvd.v)

  Positive <- Xsvd.d > max(tol * Xsvd.d[1L], 0)

  ds <- diag(1/Xsvd.d[Positive])
  us <- as.matrix(Xsvd.u[, Positive, drop=FALSE])
  vs <- as.matrix(Xsvd.v[, Positive, drop=FALSE])

  if (useGPU && requireNamespace("gpuR", quietly = TRUE)) {
    ds <- gpuR::gpuMatrix(ds)
    us <- gpuR::gpuMatrix(us)
    vs <- gpuR::gpuMatrix(vs)

  X.ginv <- as.matrix(vs %*% ds %*% t(us))

#' @importFrom Matrix rankMatrix
mymcrotate <- function(A, B, s, useGPU = FALSE) {
  r <- rankMatrix(B)
  if(is.null(s)) s <- r

  if (useGPU && requireNamespace("gpuR", quietly = TRUE)) {
    A <- gpuR::gpuMatrix(A)
    B <- gpuR::gpuMatrix(B)

  B.svd <- svd(B)
  decOrder <- order(as.vector(B.svd$d), decreasing=TRUE)
  B.svd.d <- as.vector(B.svd$d)[decOrder]
  B.svd.u <- as.matrix(B.svd$u)[,decOrder]
  B.svd.v <- as.matrix(B.svd$v)[,decOrder]

  svDiag <- diag(1/sqrt(B.svd.d[1:r]))
  Tr <- B.svd.u[, 1:r]

  if (useGPU && requireNamespace("gpuR", quietly = TRUE)) {
    Tr <- gpuR::gpuMatrix(Tr)
    svDiag <- gpuR::gpuMatrix(svDiag)

  A.star <- svDiag %*% t(Tr) %*% A %*% Tr %*% svDiag
 # Note that B.star == I:
 # svDiag %*% t(Tr) %*% B %*% Tr %*% svDiag )

  A.star.svd <- svd(A.star) #fast.svd(A.star)
  decOrder <- order(as.vector(A.star.svd$d), decreasing=TRUE)
  A.star.svd.d <- as.vector(A.star.svd$d)[decOrder]
  A.star.svd.u <- as.matrix(A.star.svd$u)[,decOrder]
  A.star.svd.v <- as.matrix(A.star.svd$v)[,decOrder]

  index <- seq(r, length.out = s, by = -1)
  index <- sort(index[index >= 0])

  AstarU <- A.star.svd.u[,index]
  if (useGPU && requireNamespace("gpuR", quietly = TRUE)) {
    AstarU <- gpuR::gpuMatrix(AstarU)

  W <- Tr %*% svDiag %*% AstarU

mcrotate_orthogonal <- function (A, B, s, orthogonal, useGPU=FALSE) {
  W <- mymcrotate(A, B, s, useGPU)

  if(orthogonal) {
    # NOTE: qr.gpuMatrix(W): non-square matrix not currently supported for 'qr'
    #    if (useGPU) {
    #      require(gpuR)
    #      W <- gpuMatrix(W)
    #    }

    W.QR = qr(W)
    W.Q = qr.Q(W.QR)
    # W.R = qr.R(W.QR)
    W = W.Q

#' @importFrom utils combn
selectBestUDGPCorMatrices <- function(phen.p, alpha, maxFC, fileID, resultsDir,
                                      savePlots=TRUE, variables=NULL, debug=TRUE, logFile="./log.txt") {

  nei_pCor_g_estimates <- matrix(NA, phen.p, phen.p)
  if (!is.null(variables) && length(variables) == phen.p) {
    colnames(nei_pCor_g_estimates) <- variables
    rownames(nei_pCor_g_estimates) <- variables

  nei_pCor_g_pvalues <- nei_pCor_g_estimates
  nei_pCor_g_ks <- nei_pCor_g_estimates

  nei_pCor_e_estimates <- nei_pCor_g_estimates
  nei_pCor_e_pvalues <- nei_pCor_g_estimates
  nei_pCor_e_ks <- nei_pCor_g_estimates

  nei_pCor_t_estimates <- nei_pCor_g_estimates
  nei_pCor_t_pvalues <- nei_pCor_g_estimates

  pseq <- 1:phen.p
  xyinds <- combn(pseq,2)
  for (xyind in 1:dim(xyinds)[2]) {
    Xind <- xyinds[1,xyind]
    Yind <- xyinds[2,xyind]
    Sinds <- pseq[-c(Xind, Yind)]

    resultFile <- paste0(resultsDir, fileID, "_", Xind, "_", Yind, "_", paste(Sinds, collapse=""), ".rds")
    if (file.exists(resultFile)) {
      if (debug) {
        cat(paste0("Processing ", resultFile),
            file=logFile, append=TRUE, sep="\n")
      curResult <- readRDS(resultFile)

      if (savePlots) {
        saveEdgeResultsPlot(curResult, resultsDir, fileID, Xind, Yind, Sinds, alpha, maxFC=maxFC,
                            debug=debug, logFile=logFile)
      resultsList_g <- curResult$results_g
      resultsList_e <- curResult$results_e
      if (debug) {
        cat(paste0("Selecting indices for edge ", Xind, "-", Yind),
            file=logFile, append=TRUE, sep="\n")
      selectedInds <- selectBestResult(curResult$results_g, curResult$results_e, curResult$rho_t,
                                       curResult$p.value_t, alpha, maxFC=maxFC, debug=debug, logFile=logFile)

      if (debug) {
        cat(paste0("done for edge ", Xind, "-", Yind),
            file=logFile, append=TRUE, sep="\n")

      nei_pCor_g_estimates[Xind,Yind] <- resultsList_g[[selectedInds[1]]]$estimate
      nei_pCor_g_pvalues[Xind,Yind] <- resultsList_g[[selectedInds[1]]]$p.value
      nei_pCor_g_ks[Xind,Yind] <- resultsList_g[[selectedInds[1]]]$k

      nei_pCor_g_estimates[Yind,Xind] <- nei_pCor_g_estimates[Xind,Yind]
      nei_pCor_g_pvalues[Yind,Xind] <- nei_pCor_g_pvalues[Xind,Yind]
      nei_pCor_g_ks[Yind,Xind] <- nei_pCor_g_ks[Xind,Yind]

      nei_pCor_e_estimates[Xind,Yind] <- resultsList_e[[selectedInds[2]]]$estimate
      nei_pCor_e_pvalues[Xind,Yind] <- resultsList_e[[selectedInds[2]]]$p.value
      nei_pCor_e_ks[Xind,Yind] <- resultsList_e[[selectedInds[2]]]$k

      nei_pCor_e_estimates[Yind,Xind] <- nei_pCor_e_estimates[Xind,Yind]
      nei_pCor_e_pvalues[Yind,Xind] <- nei_pCor_e_pvalues[Xind,Yind]
      nei_pCor_e_ks[Yind,Xind] <- nei_pCor_e_ks[Xind,Yind]

      nei_pCor_t_estimates[Xind,Yind] <- curResult$rho_t
      nei_pCor_t_pvalues[Xind,Yind] <- curResult$p.value_t

      nei_pCor_t_estimates[Yind,Xind] <- nei_pCor_t_estimates[Xind,Yind]
      nei_pCor_t_pvalues[Yind,Xind] <- nei_pCor_t_pvalues[Xind,Yind]

    } else {
      if (debug) {
        cat(paste0("Could not find file: ", resultFile),
            file=logFile, append=TRUE, sep="\n")

  return(list(pCor_g=list(estimates=nei_pCor_g_estimates, pvalues=nei_pCor_g_pvalues, k=nei_pCor_g_ks),
    pCor_e=list(estimates=nei_pCor_e_estimates, pvalues=nei_pCor_e_pvalues, k=nei_pCor_e_ks),
    pCor_t=list(estimates=nei_pCor_t_estimates, pvalues=nei_pCor_t_pvalues)))

#' @importFrom grDevices dev.off png
#' @importFrom graphics abline lines par plot
saveEdgeResultsPlot <- function(curResult, folderToSave, fileID, Xind, Yind, Sinds, alpha, maxFC,
                                debug=TRUE, logFile="./log.txt") {
    if (length(curResult$results_g) == 0 || length(curResult$results_e) == 0) {
      if (debug) {
        cat(paste0("Results for edge ", Xind, "-", Yind, "_", paste(Sinds, collapse=""), " are empty!"),
            file=logFile, append=TRUE, sep="\n")

    selectedInds <- selectBestResult(curResult$results_g, curResult$results_e, curResult$rho_t,
                                     curResult$p.value_t, alpha, maxFC=maxFC, debug=debug, logFile=logFile)

    png(filename=paste0(folderToSave, fileID, "_edge_",Xind,"-",Yind, "_", paste(Sinds, collapse=""), ".png"),
        width=1280, height=768)
    par(mfcol=c(1,2), mar=c(5.1,4.1,7.1,2.1))
    for (type in c("g", "e")) {
      resultsList <- list()
      if (type == "g") {
        resultsList <- curResult$results_g

        estSigma2_XS <- curResult$sigma2XS_g
        estSigma2_YS <- curResult$sigma2YS_g
        selectedIndex <- selectedInds[1]
      } else if (type == "e") {
        resultsList <- curResult$results_e

        estSigma2_XS <- curResult$sigma2XS_e
        estSigma2_YS <- curResult$sigma2YS_e
        selectedIndex <- selectedInds[2]

      if (length(resultsList) > 1) {
        pvaluesVec <- as.numeric(unlist(lapply(resultsList, '[', "p.value")))
        estimatesVec <- as.numeric(unlist(lapply(resultsList, '[', "estimate")))
        sdxVec <- as.numeric(unlist(lapply(resultsList, '[', "sdx")))
        sdyVec <- as.numeric(unlist(lapply(resultsList, '[', "sdy")))
        FCysVec <- as.numeric(unlist(lapply(resultsList, '[', "FCys")))
        FCxsVec <- as.numeric(unlist(lapply(resultsList, '[', "FCxs")))

        if (debug) {
          cat(paste0("Edge ", Xind, "-", Yind,  type, "; est: ", round(estimatesVec[selectedIndex],4),
                     " p=", round(pvaluesVec[selectedIndex],4)),
              file=logFile, append=TRUE, sep="\n")

        plot(FCysVec + FCxsVec, -log10(pvaluesVec),
          col="blue", type="l", xlim=c(0,2*maxFC),ylim=c(-10,15),
          main=paste0("Edge ", Xind, "-", Yind,  type,
          "\nEstimated pCor_t: ", round(curResult$rho_t,4), " (P=", round(curResult$p.value_t,4), ")",
          "\nEstimated sigma2_X|S: ", round(estSigma2_XS,4), ", Estimated sigma2_Y|S: ", round(estSigma2_YS,4),"\nEstimated pCor_", type, " (k=", resultsList[[selectedIndex]][[1]],"): ",
          round(estimatesVec[selectedIndex],4), " (P=", round(pvaluesVec[selectedIndex],4),")"))
        lines(FCysVec + FCxsVec, estimatesVec*10, col="red")
        abline(v=(FCysVec + FCxsVec)[selectedIndex], col="green")
        abline(h=0, col="gray")
        abline(h=-log10(0.05), col="cyan")
      } else {
        if (debug) {
          cat(paste0("Edge ", Xind, "-", Yind,  type, "; est: ",
                     round(resultsList[[1]]$estimate,4), " p=", round(resultsList[[1]]$p.value,4)),
              file=logFile, append=TRUE, sep="\n")
        plot(sum(resultsList[[1]]$FCxs, resultsList[[1]]$FCys, na.rm=TRUE),
          col="blue", type="l", ylim=c(-10,15), xlim=c(0,2*maxFC),
          main=paste0("Edge ", Xind, "-", Yind,  type,
          "\nEstimated pCor_t: ", round(curResult$rho_t,4), " (P=", round(curResult$p.value_t,4), ")",
          "\nEstimated sigma2_X|S: ", round(estSigma2_XS,4), ", Estimated sigma2_Y|S: ", round(estSigma2_YS,4),"\nEstimated pCor_", type, " (k=", resultsList[[1]]$k,"): ",
          round(resultsList[[1]]$estimate,4), " (P=", round(resultsList[[1]]$p.value,4),")"))
        lines(sum(resultsList[[1]]$FCxs, resultsList[[1]]$FCys, na.rm=TRUE), resultsList[[1]]$estimate*10, col="red")
        abline(h=0, col="gray")
        abline(h=-log10(0.05), col="cyan")

selectBestResult <- function(resultsList_g, resultsList_e, rho_t, pvalue_t, alpha, maxFC=0.01,
                             debug=TRUE, logFile="./log.txt") {
    if (length(resultsList_g) == 0 || length(resultsList_e) == 0) {

    if (debug) {
    cat(paste0("Selecting best result..."),
        file=logFile, append=TRUE, sep="\n")

    FCxsVec_g <- as.numeric(unlist(lapply(resultsList_g, '[', "FCxs")))
    FCysVec_g <- as.numeric(unlist(lapply(resultsList_g, '[', "FCys")))

    validIds_g <- intersect(which(FCxsVec_g <= maxFC), which(FCysVec_g <= maxFC))
    if (length(validIds_g) == 0 && length(FCxsVec_g) >= 1 && !is.nan(FCxsVec_g[1]))
      validIds_g <- 1

    FCxsVec_g <- FCxsVec_g[validIds_g]
    FCysVec_g <- FCysVec_g[validIds_g]

    pvaluesVec_g <- as.numeric(unlist(lapply(resultsList_g, '[', "p.value")))
    if (length(validIds_g) > 0) {
      pvaluesVec_g <- pvaluesVec_g[validIds_g]
    estimatesVec_g <- as.numeric(unlist(lapply(resultsList_g, '[', "estimate")))
    if (length(validIds_g) > 0) {
      estimatesVec_g <- estimatesVec_g[validIds_g]

    FCxsVec_e <- as.numeric(unlist(lapply(resultsList_e, '[', "FCxs")))
    FCysVec_e <- as.numeric(unlist(lapply(resultsList_e, '[', "FCys")))

    validIds_e <- intersect(which(FCxsVec_e <= maxFC), which(FCysVec_e <= maxFC))
    if (length(validIds_e) == 0 && length(FCxsVec_e) >= 1 && !is.nan(FCxsVec_e[1]))
      validIds_e <- 1

    FCxsVec_e <- FCxsVec_e[validIds_e]
    FCysVec_e <- FCysVec_e[validIds_e]

    pvaluesVec_e <- as.numeric(unlist(lapply(resultsList_e, '[', "p.value")))
    if (length(validIds_e) > 0) {
      pvaluesVec_e <- pvaluesVec_e[validIds_e]

    estimatesVec_e <- as.numeric(unlist(lapply(resultsList_e, '[', "estimate")))
    if (length(validIds_e) > 0) {
      estimatesVec_e <- estimatesVec_e[validIds_e]

    n_ests_g <- length(estimatesVec_g)
    signs_g <- table(sign(estimatesVec_g))
    n_ests_e <- length(estimatesVec_e)
    signs_e <- table(sign(estimatesVec_e))

    selected_index_g = -1
    selected_index_e = -1

    if (pvalue_t > alpha) {
      # If there is a zero total partial correlation
       if ((!is.na(signs_g['-1']) && signs_g['-1'] >= sum(signs_g)/4 &&
              !is.na(signs_e['1']) && signs_e['1'] >= sum(signs_e)/4) ||
           (!is.na(signs_e['-1']) && signs_e['-1'] >= sum(signs_e)/4 &&
              !is.na(signs_g['1']) && signs_g['1'] >= sum(signs_g)/4)) {
        # If all g and e estimates have oppositve signs,
        if (min(pvaluesVec_g) > alpha && min(pvaluesVec_e) > alpha) {
          # Then or both are zero,
          if (debug)
            cat("Total is zero, with g and e zero.",
                file=logFile, append=TRUE, sep="\n")
          selected_index_g <- which(pvaluesVec_g == max(pvaluesVec_g))[1]
          selected_index_e <- which(pvaluesVec_e == max(pvaluesVec_e))[1]
        } else {
          if (debug)
            cat("Total is zero, and g and e have opposite signs.",
                file=logFile, append=TRUE, sep="\n")
          # or both effects are significant, but are cancelled out.
          selected_index_g <- getStableEstimateIdx(FCxsVec_g, FCysVec_g, pvaluesVec_g, estimatesVec_g)
          if (pvaluesVec_g[selected_index_g] > alpha) {
            selected_index_g <- which(pvaluesVec_g == min(pvaluesVec_g))[1]

          selected_index_e <- getStableEstimateIdx(FCxsVec_e, FCysVec_e, pvaluesVec_e, estimatesVec_e)
          if (pvaluesVec_e[selected_index_e] > alpha) {
            selected_index_e <- which(pvaluesVec_e == min(pvaluesVec_e))[1]
      } else {
          # then it is expected that both g and e estimates are zero
        if ((length(pvaluesVec_g) == 1 && pvaluesVec_g[1] > alpha) ||
            (intervalPercentage(FCxsVec_g, FCysVec_g, which(pvaluesVec_g > alpha)) > 0.3)) {
          if (debug)
            cat("Total is zero, g and e have same signal, and g is zero.",
                file=logFile, append=TRUE, sep="\n")
          selected_index_g <- which(pvaluesVec_g == max(pvaluesVec_g))[1]
        } else {
          if (debug)
            cat("WARNING: Total is zero, and g is the most stable estimate.",
                file=logFile, append=TRUE, sep="\n")
          selected_index_g <- getStableEstimateIdx(FCxsVec_g, FCysVec_g, pvaluesVec_g, estimatesVec_g)

        if ((length(pvaluesVec_e) == 1 && pvaluesVec_e[1] > alpha) ||
            (intervalPercentage(FCxsVec_e, FCysVec_e, which(pvaluesVec_e > alpha)) > 0.3)) {
          if (debug)
            cat("Total is zero, g and e have same signal, and e is zero.",
                file=logFile, append=TRUE, sep="\n")
          selected_index_e <- which(pvaluesVec_e == max(pvaluesVec_e))[1]
        } else {
          if (debug)
            cat("WARNING: Total is zero, and e is the most stable estimate.",
                file=logFile, append=TRUE, sep="\n")
          selected_index_e <- getStableEstimateIdx(FCxsVec_e, FCysVec_e, pvaluesVec_e, estimatesVec_e)
    } else {
      # If there is a non-zero total partial correlation
      # Then g or e (or both) should be non-zero
       if ((!is.na(signs_g['-1']) && signs_g['-1'] >= sum(signs_g)/5 &&
              !is.na(signs_e['1']) && signs_e['1'] >= sum(signs_e)/5) ||
           (!is.na(signs_e['-1']) && signs_e['-1'] >= sum(signs_e)/5 &&
              !is.na(signs_g['1']) && signs_g['1'] >= sum(signs_g)/5)) {
        # If all g and e estimates have oppositve signs,
        if (debug)
          cat("Total is nonzero, g and e have opposite signs.",
              file=logFile, append=TRUE, sep="\n")
        selected_index_g <- getStableEstimateIdx(FCxsVec_g, FCysVec_g, pvaluesVec_g, estimatesVec_g)
        if (pvaluesVec_g[selected_index_g] > alpha) {
          #selected_index_g <- which(pvaluesVec_g == min(pvaluesVec_g))[1]
          finalIds <- ceiling(length(estimatesVec_g)/2):length(estimatesVec_g)
          selected_index_g <- finalIds[which.min(pvaluesVec_g[finalIds])][1]
        if (any(signs_g == length(estimatesVec_g)) &&
              pvaluesVec_g[selected_index_g] > alpha) {
           selected_index_g <- which.min(pvaluesVec_g)[1]

        selected_index_e <- getStableEstimateIdx(FCxsVec_e, FCysVec_e, pvaluesVec_e, estimatesVec_e)
        if (pvaluesVec_e[selected_index_e] > alpha) {
          finalIds <- ceiling(length(estimatesVec_e)/2):length(estimatesVec_e)
          selected_index_e <- finalIds[which.min(pvaluesVec_e[finalIds])][1]
        if (any(signs_e == length(estimatesVec_e)) &&
              pvaluesVec_e[selected_index_e] > alpha) {
           selected_index_e <- which.min(pvaluesVec_e)[1]
      } else {
        if ((min(pvaluesVec_g) > alpha)) {
          if (intervalPercentage(FCxsVec_g, FCysVec_g, which(abs(estimatesVec_g) > 0.1)) > 0.20) {
            if (debug)
               cat("Total is nonzero, g zero but estimates are moderate to high",
                   file=logFile, append=TRUE, sep="\n")
            selected_index_g <- which(pvaluesVec_g == min(pvaluesVec_g))[1]
          } else {
          # g is zero: or all p-values are greater than alpha or
            # the g estimates cross the zero and most of them have p-value greater than alpha
            if (debug)
              cat("Total is nonzero, but g is zero.",
                  file=logFile, append=TRUE, sep="\n")
            selected_index_g <- which(pvaluesVec_g == max(pvaluesVec_g))[1]

        if ((min(pvaluesVec_e) > alpha)) {
          if (intervalPercentage(FCxsVec_e, FCysVec_e, which(abs(estimatesVec_e) > 0.1)) > 0.20) {
            if (debug)
               cat("Total is nonzero, e zero but estimates are moderate to high",
                   file=logFile, append=TRUE, sep="\n")
            selected_index_e <- which(pvaluesVec_e == min(pvaluesVec_e))[1]
          } else {
            # e is zero: or all p-values are greater than alpha or
            # the e estimates cross the zero and most of them have p-value greater than alpha
            if (debug)
              cat("Total is nonzero, but e is zero.",
                  file=logFile, append=TRUE, sep="\n")
            selected_index_e <- which(pvaluesVec_e == max(pvaluesVec_e))[1]

        if (selected_index_e == -1 || selected_index_g == -1) {

          if (selected_index_e != -1 && selected_index_g == -1) {
            # Since e is zero, g is probably significant.
            # We will make the selction giving preference to the most stable one.
            candidate_g <- getStableEstimateIdx(FCxsVec_g, FCysVec_g, pvaluesVec_g, estimatesVec_g)

            if (pvaluesVec_g[candidate_g] <= alpha) {
              if (debug)
                cat("Total is nonzero, g is nonzero (the most stable estimate).",
                    file=logFile, append=TRUE, sep="\n")
              selected_index_g <- candidate_g
            } else {
              if (debug)
                cat("Total is nonzero, g may be nonzero (the first significant one).",
                    file=logFile, append=TRUE, sep="\n")

              finalIds <- ceiling(length(estimatesVec_g)/2):length(estimatesVec_g)
              selected_index_g <- finalIds[which.min(pvaluesVec_g[finalIds])][1]
          } else if (selected_index_g != -1 && selected_index_e == -1) {
            # Since g is zero, e is probably significant.
            # We will make the selction giving preference to the most stable one.
           candidate_e <- getStableEstimateIdx(FCxsVec_e, FCysVec_e, pvaluesVec_e, estimatesVec_e)

            if (pvaluesVec_e[candidate_e] <= alpha) {
              if (debug)
                cat("Total is nonzero, e is nonzero (the most stable estimate).",
                    file=logFile, append=TRUE, sep="\n")
              selected_index_e <- candidate_e
            } else {
              if (debug)
                cat("Total is nonzero, e may be nonzero (the first significant one).",
                    file=logFile, append=TRUE, sep="\n")
              finalIds <- ceiling(length(estimatesVec_e)/2):length(estimatesVec_e)
              selected_index_e <- finalIds[which.min(pvaluesVec_e[finalIds])][1]
          } else if (selected_index_g == -1 && selected_index_e == -1) {
            # I can be more strict, because there is not a problematic coufounding,
            # but I have to select at least one componente that is significant.
            candidate_g <- getStableEstimateIdx(FCxsVec_g, FCysVec_g, pvaluesVec_g, estimatesVec_g)
            candidate_e <- getStableEstimateIdx(FCxsVec_e, FCysVec_e, pvaluesVec_e, estimatesVec_e)
            if (pvaluesVec_e[candidate_e] <= alpha ||
                pvaluesVec_g[candidate_g] <= alpha) {

              if (pvaluesVec_e[candidate_e] <= alpha) {
                if (debug)
                  cat("Total is nonzero, e is nonzero (the most stable one).",
                      file=logFile, append=TRUE, sep="\n")
                selected_index_e <- candidate_e
              } else if (length(estimatesVec_e) > 1 &&
                  max(signs_e) == sum(signs_e) &&
                  length(which(abs(estimatesVec_e) > 0.05)) == length(estimatesVec_e)) {
                selected_index_e <- which(pvaluesVec_e == min(pvaluesVec_e))[1]
              } else {
                if (debug)
                  cat("Total is nonzero, e is zero.",
                      file=logFile, append=TRUE, sep="\n")
                selected_index_e <- which(pvaluesVec_e == max(pvaluesVec_e))[1]

               if (pvaluesVec_g[candidate_g] <= alpha) {
                if (debug)
                  cat("Total is nonzero, g is nonzero (the most stable one).",
                      file=logFile, append=TRUE, sep="\n")
                selected_index_g <- candidate_g
               } else if (length(estimatesVec_g) > 1 &&
                  max(signs_g) == sum(signs_g) &&
                  length(which(abs(estimatesVec_g) > 0.05)) == length(estimatesVec_g)) {
                selected_index_g <- which(pvaluesVec_g == min(pvaluesVec_g))[1]
               } else {
                if (debug)
                  cat("Total is nonzero, g is zero.",
                      file=logFile, append=TRUE, sep="\n")
                selected_index_g <- which(pvaluesVec_g == max(pvaluesVec_g))[1]
            } else {
              # Then g and e have significant effect for some k (they were not set as zero before)
              # but they are not the most stable ones.
              if ((intervalPercentage(FCxsVec_e, FCysVec_e,
                  which(pvaluesVec_e <= alpha)) > 0.20) ||
                  (intervalPercentage(FCxsVec_g, FCysVec_g,
                  which(pvaluesVec_g <= alpha)) > 0.20)) {
                if (intervalPercentage(FCxsVec_e, FCysVec_e,
                  which(pvaluesVec_e <= alpha)) > 0.20) {
                  selected_index_e <- which(pvaluesVec_e == min(pvaluesVec_e))[1]
                } else {
                  selected_index_e <- which(pvaluesVec_e == max(pvaluesVec_e))[1]

                if (intervalPercentage(FCxsVec_g, FCysVec_g,
                  which(pvaluesVec_g <= alpha)) > 0.20) {
                  selected_index_g <- which(pvaluesVec_g == min(pvaluesVec_g))[1]
                } else {
                  selected_index_g <- which(pvaluesVec_g == max(pvaluesVec_g))[1]
              } else {
                if (debug)
                  cat("Total is nonzero, g and e are nonzero (the first significant ones).",
                      file=logFile, append=TRUE, sep="\n")
                selected_index_e <- which(pvaluesVec_e == min(pvaluesVec_e))[1]
                selected_index_g <- which(pvaluesVec_g == min(pvaluesVec_g))[1]

    if (selected_index_g == -1) {
      if (debug) {
        cat("WARNING: unexpected case for g!",
            file=logFile, append=TRUE, sep="\n")
      selected_index_g <- getStableEstimateIdx(FCxsVec_g, FCysVec_g, pvaluesVec_g, estimatesVec_g)

    if (selected_index_e == -1) {
      if (debug) {
        cat("WARNING: unexpected case for e!",
            file=logFile, append=TRUE, sep="\n")
      selected_index_e <- getStableEstimateIdx(FCxsVec_e, FCysVec_e, pvaluesVec_e, estimatesVec_e)

    return(c(selected_index_g, selected_index_e))

intervalPercentage <- function(FCxsVec, FCysVec, indices) {
  if (length(indices) == 0)

  sumFCs <- FCxsVec + FCysVec
  sequences <- c()
  newseq = TRUE
  for (i in 1:length(indices)) {
    if (newseq) {
      if (indices[i] > 1)
        sequences <- c(sequences, (sumFCs[indices[i]]+sumFCs[indices[i]-1])/2)
        sequences <- c(sequences, sumFCs[indices[i]])

      newseq = FALSE

    if ((i < length(indices) && indices[i+1] != indices[i]+1) ||
        (i == length(indices))) {
       if (indices[i] < length(FCxsVec))
        sequences <- c(sequences, (sumFCs[indices[i]]+sumFCs[indices[i]+1])/2)
        sequences <- c(sequences, sumFCs[indices[i]])
      newseq = TRUE

  totalInterval <- 0
  i = 2
  while (i <= length(sequences)) {
    totalInterval <- totalInterval + (sequences[i] - sequences[i-1])
    i = i+2
  sumFCsInterval <- sumFCs[length(sumFCs)] - sumFCs[1]
  if (sumFCsInterval == 0)


# both lists must be sorted!
getNClosestPoints <- function(pointList, allPoints) {
  closestPoints <- c()
  i = 1
  for (valueId in 1:length(allPoints)) {
    if (i > length(pointList))
    if (allPoints[valueId] == pointList[i]) {
      closestPoints <- c(closestPoints, allPoints[valueId])
      i = i+1
    } else if (allPoints[valueId] > pointList[i]) {
      if (abs(allPoints[valueId] - pointList[i]) < abs(allPoints[valueId-1] - pointList[i])) {
        closestPoints <- c(closestPoints, allPoints[valueId])
      } else {
        closestPoints <- c(closestPoints, allPoints[valueId-1])
      i = i+1
  closestPoints <- c(closestPoints, allPoints[valueId])

#' @importFrom stats var
getStableEstimateIdx <- function(FCxsVec, FCysVec, pvaluesVec, estimatesVec) {
  if (length(estimatesVec) == 1) {

  limiters <- seq((FCysVec + FCxsVec)[1], (FCysVec + FCxsVec)[length(FCysVec + FCxsVec)], length.out=6)
  limiters <- getNClosestPoints(limiters, (FCysVec + FCxsVec))
  limitersIds <- which((FCysVec + FCxsVec) %in% limiters)

  varsVec <- c()
  for (i in 1:(length(limitersIds)-1)) {
    varsVec <- c(varsVec, var(estimatesVec[limitersIds[i]:limitersIds[i+1]]))

  stableIds <- which(round(varsVec,4) <= round(summary(varsVec)[4],4))
  finalStableIds <- c()
  for (id in stableIds) {
    finalStableIds <- c(finalStableIds, limitersIds[id]:limitersIds[id+1])
  finalStableIds <- unique(finalStableIds)

  selected_index <- which(pvaluesVec[finalStableIds] == min(pvaluesVec[finalStableIds]))[1]
  selected_index <- finalStableIds[selected_index]


#' @importFrom stats p.adjust
adjustSymmetricPValuesMatrix <- function(pvaluesMatrix, correction="fdr") {
  lowind <- which(lower.tri(pvaluesMatrix), arr.ind=TRUE)
  uppind <- which(upper.tri(pvaluesMatrix), arr.ind=TRUE)

  adjp <- p.adjust(pvaluesMatrix[lowind], method=correction)
  pvaluesMatrix[lowind] <- adjp
  pvaluesMatrix[uppind] <- adjp


getAdjMatrixFromSymmetricPCorPvalues <- function(pvaluesMatrix, alpha=0.05, correction=NULL) {
  nVertices <- dim(pvaluesMatrix)[1]

  if (!is.null(correction)) {
    pvaluesMatrix <- adjustSymmetricPValuesMatrix(pvaluesMatrix, correction)

  edges <- which(pvaluesMatrix <= alpha, arr.ind=TRUE)
  adjMatrix <- matrix(0, nVertices, nVertices)
  adjMatrix[edges] <- 1
  colnames(adjMatrix) <- colnames(pvaluesMatrix)
  row.names(adjMatrix) <- colnames(pvaluesMatrix)

  return(list(adjacency.matrix=adjMatrix, adjusted.pvalues=pvaluesMatrix))

getAdjMatrixFromSymmetricPCor <- function(pCor, alpha, correction="fdr") {
  pvaluesMatrix <- pCor$pvalues
  diag(pvaluesMatrix) <- 1

  return(getAdjMatrixFromSymmetricPCorPvalues(pvaluesMatrix, alpha=0.05, correction))

#' @importFrom kinship2 kinship
getKinshipList <- function(pedigrees, sampled=NULL, debug=TRUE, logFile=NULL) {
  if (!is.null(sampled) && length(sampled) != dim(pedigrees)[1]) {
    cat("Sampled vector size and number of rows of pedigrees data frame must be equal",
        file="log_error.log", append=TRUE, sep="\n")

  if (!is.null(sampled))
    pedigrees <- cbind(pedigrees, sampled=sampled)

  famids = unique(pedigrees$famid)

  Phi_list <- list()
  if (!is.null(sampled))
    sampled_Phi_list <- list()

  for (famid in famids) {
    ped <- pedigrees[pedigrees$famid == famid,]
    Phi_list[[famid]] <- kinship(id=ped$id, dadid=ped$dadid, momid=ped$momid, sex=ped$sex)

    if (!is.null(sampled)) {
      sampled_ids <- which(ped$sampled == 1)
      sampled_Phi_list[[famid]] <- Phi_list[[famid]][sampled_ids, sampled_ids]

  if (!is.null(sampled))
    return(list(Phi_list=Phi_list, sampled_Phi_list=sampled_Phi_list))

matrixSqrt <- function(m, inverse=FALSE, tol = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)) {
  eigDecomp <- eigen(m, symmetric=TRUE)
  Positive <- eigDecomp$values > max(tol * eigDecomp$values[1], 0)
  D = NULL
  if (inverse) {
    D = diag(1/sqrt(eigDecomp$values[Positive]))
  } else {
    D = diag(sqrt(eigDecomp$values[Positive]))
  sqrtM <- eigDecomp$vectors[, Positive, drop = FALSE] %*% D %*% t(eigDecomp$vectors[, Positive, drop = FALSE])

#' @importFrom utils combn
#' @importFrom parallel detectCores
#' @import foreach
#' @import doMC
preprocessFamilyBasedUDGs <- function(phen.df, covs.df, pedigrees, sampled, fileID, dirToSave, max_cores=NULL,
                                      minK=10, maxFC = 0.01, orthogonal=TRUE, useGPU=FALSE,
                                      debug=TRUE, logFile=NULL) {

  if (debug && is.null(logFile)){
    logFile = paste0(dirToSave, "preprocessFamilyBasedUDGs_", format(Sys.time(), "%Y%m%d-%Hh%Mm%Ss"), ".log")

  pseq <- 1:ncol(phen.df)
  N <- dim(phen.df)[1]
  xyinds <- combn(pseq,2)

  Phi2 <- calculateBlockDiagonal2PhiMatrix(pedigrees, FALSE, sampled=sampled)
  Z <- calculateBlockDiagonal2PhiMatrix(pedigrees, TRUE, sampled=sampled)

  sampledPed <- pedigrees
  if(!is.null(sampled)) {
    sampledPed <- sampledPed[which(sampled==1),]

  joblabels <- c("x", "y", "S")
  jobqueue <- matrix(NA, 0,length(joblabels))
  colnames(jobqueue) <- joblabels

  for (xyind in 1:dim(xyinds)[2]) {
    Xind <- xyinds[1,xyind] # Xind is always less than Yind
    Yind <- xyinds[2,xyind]
    Sinds <- pseq[-c(Xind, Yind)]
    jobqueue <- rbind(jobqueue, c(Xind,Yind,paste(Sinds, collapse=" ")))

  if (dim(jobqueue)[1] > 0) {
    jobqueue = as.data.frame(jobqueue, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
    jobqueue$x <- as.numeric(jobqueue$x)
    jobqueue$y <- as.numeric(jobqueue$y)

    fitqueue = as.data.frame(rbind(cbind(rownames(jobqueue), jobqueue[,"x"], jobqueue[,"S"]), cbind(rownames(jobqueue), jobqueue[,"y"], jobqueue[,"S"])), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
    fitqueue[,1] <- as.numeric(fitqueue[,1])
    fitqueue[,2] <- as.numeric(fitqueue[,2])

    fitqueue = fitqueue[order(fitqueue[,1]),]
    notDuplJobs <- !duplicated(fitqueue[,c(2,3)])
    xNotDuplJobs <- notDuplJobs[which(1:length(notDuplJobs) %% 2 == 1)]
    yNotDuplJobs <- notDuplJobs[which(1:length(notDuplJobs) %% 2 == 0)]

    if (is.null(max_cores)) {
      max_cores <- detectCores()

    batches <- list()
    i = 1
    notJobs <- intersect(which(xNotDuplJobs), which(yNotDuplJobs))
    notBatches <- split(notJobs, ceiling(seq_along(notJobs)/max_cores))
    for (batch in 1:length(notBatches)) {
      batches[i] <- notBatches[batch]
      i = i + 1

    xorJobs <- sort(union(intersect(which(xNotDuplJobs == FALSE), which(yNotDuplJobs)), intersect(which(yNotDuplJobs == FALSE), which(xNotDuplJobs))))
    if (length(xorJobs) > 0) {
      xorBatches <- split(xorJobs, ceiling(seq_along(xorJobs)/max_cores))
      for (batch in 1:length(xorBatches)) {
        batches[i] <- xorBatches[batch]
        i = i + 1

    trueJobs <- intersect(which(xNotDuplJobs == FALSE), which(yNotDuplJobs == FALSE))
    if (length(trueJobs) > 0) {
      trueBatches <- split(trueJobs, ceiling(seq_along(trueJobs)/max_cores))
      for (batch in 1:length(trueBatches)) {
        batches[i] <- trueBatches[batch]
        i = i + 1

    # process in parallel all jobs in jobqueue and append the output in results.
    for (batchId in 1:length(batches)) {
      jobi = 0 # a hack to avoid problems when checking --as-cran

      foreach(jobi = batches[[batchId]]) %dopar% {
        x <- as.numeric(jobqueue[jobi, "x"])
        y <- as.numeric(jobqueue[jobi, "y"])
        S <- as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(as.character(jobqueue[jobi, "S"]), " ")))
        if (debug) {
                     " - Checking computation for ", x, ".", y, "|{",paste(S, collapse=","), "}!"),
              file=logFile, append=TRUE, sep="\n")

        processFile <- TRUE
        fileToSave <- paste0(dirToSave, fileID, "_", x, "_", y, "_", paste(S, collapse=""), ".rds")
        if (file.exists(fileToSave)) {
          if (debug) {
                       " - file already exists for ", x, ".", y, "|{",paste(S, collapse=","), "}..."),
                file=logFile, append=TRUE, sep="\n")
          curResult <- readRDS(fileToSave)
          resultsList_g <- curResult$results_g
          resultsList_e <- curResult$results_e

          ret_g <- checkUnconfoundedEstimatesList(resultsList_g, maxFC, N)
          ret_e <- checkUnconfoundedEstimatesList(resultsList_e, maxFC, N)

          if (ret_g == "error" || ret_e == "error") {
            if (debug) {
              cat(paste0("Problem in UnconfoundedEstimatesList - removing file: ", fileToSave, "\n"),
                  file=logFile, append=TRUE, sep="\n")
                         " - redoing computation for ", x, ".", y, "|{",paste(S,   collapse=","), "}..."),
                  file=logFile, append=TRUE, sep="\n")
          } else if (ret_g == "done" && ret_e == "done") {
            if (debug) {
                         " - computation for ", x, ".", y, "|{",paste(S, collapse=","), "} is done!"),
                  file=logFile, append=TRUE, sep="\n")
            processFile <- FALSE
          } else {
            if (debug) {
                         " - updating computation for ", x, ".", y, "|{",paste(S, collapse=","), "}..."),
                  file=logFile, append=TRUE, sep="\n")

        if (processFile) {
          if (debug) {
                       " - doing computation for ", x, ".", y, "|{",paste(S, collapse=","), "}..."),
                file=logFile, append=TRUE, sep="\n")
          curResult <- getFamilyBasedPCorResults(x, y, S, phen.df, covs.df, sampledPed, Phi2, Z, minK,
                                                 maxFC, orthogonal, fileID, dirToSave, useGPU, debug, logFile)
          if (!is.null(fileID) && !is.null(dirToSave)) {
            saveRDS(curResult, file=fileToSave)

#' @importFrom utils combn write.table
#' @import foreach
preprocessFamilyBasedDAGs <- function(phen.df, covs.df, pedigrees, sampled, alpha,
    fileID, dirToSave, preprocessedPvaluesCSVFile, max_cores=NULL, minK=10, maxFC = 0.01,
    orthogonal=TRUE, savePlots=FALSE, useGPU=FALSE, debug=TRUE, logFile=NULL) {

  if (debug) {
    cat("Preprocessing pvalues for PC algorithm...",
        file=logFile, append=TRUE, sep="\n")

  Phi2 <- calculateBlockDiagonal2PhiMatrix(pedigrees, FALSE, sampled=sampled)
  Z <- calculateBlockDiagonal2PhiMatrix(pedigrees, TRUE, sampled=sampled)

  sampledPed <- pedigrees
  if(!is.null(sampled)) {
    sampledPed <- sampledPed[which(sampled==1),]

  csvFileName <- preprocessedPvaluesCSVFile

  # preprocessing using parallel computing
  p <- dim(phen.df)[2]
  pseq <- 1:p
  skel_t <- matrix(TRUE, p, p)
  diag(skel_t) <- FALSE
  skel_g <- skel_t
  skel_e <- skel_t

  labels <- c("x", "y", "S","pcort", "pcort_p.value",
        "pcorg", "pcorg_p.value",
        "pcore", "pcore_p.value",
        "se", "sg")

  if (!file.exists(csvFileName)) {
    write.table(as.matrix(t(labels)), file = csvFileName, sep = ";", row.names=FALSE, col.names = FALSE, append=FALSE, quote=FALSE)

  orders <- 0:(p-2)

  for (iorder in orders) {
    for (pairType in c("upper", "lower")) {
      allpairs_g <- which(skel_g == TRUE, arr.ind=TRUE)
      allpairs_e <- which(skel_e == TRUE, arr.ind=TRUE)
      allpairs_t <- which(skel_t == TRUE, arr.ind=TRUE)

      allpairs <- unique(rbind(allpairs_g, allpairs_e, allpairs_t))

      remainingEdges <- dim(allpairs)[1]
      if (debug) {
        cat("Remaining", remainingEdges, "edges",
            file=logFile, append=TRUE, sep="\n")

      if (remainingEdges > 0) {

        if(pairType == "upper") {
          pairs <- allpairs[which(allpairs[,1] < allpairs[,2]),,drop=FALSE]
          pairs <- pairs[order(pairs[,1]),,drop=FALSE]
        } else {
          pairs <- allpairs[which(allpairs[,1] > allpairs[,2]),,drop=FALSE]
          pairs <- pairs[order(pairs[,1]),,drop=FALSE]

        joblabels <- c("x", "y", "S", "dagt", "dagg", "dage")
        jobqueue <- matrix(NA, 0,length(joblabels))
        colnames(jobqueue) <- joblabels

        results <- c()
        for (pairind in 1:dim(pairs)[1]) {
          pair <- pairs[pairind,]
          x <- as.integer(pair[1])
          y <- as.integer(pair[2])
          others <- pseq[-pair]

          dagg=sum(duplicated(rbind(allpairs_g, pair)))
          dage=sum(duplicated(rbind(allpairs_e, pair)))
          dagt=sum(duplicated(rbind(allpairs_t, pair)))

          if (iorder > 0 && iorder < (p-2)) {
            if (debug) {
              cat(paste0("Processing iorder ", iorder),
                  file=logFile, append=TRUE, sep="\n")
            Ssets <- combn(others, iorder)
            for(Sind in 1:dim(Ssets)[2]) {
              S = Ssets[,Sind]
              pcorinfo <- getPCorInfo(csvFileName,x,y,S,dagg,dage,dagt, debug=debug);
              iscompl <- isPcorInfoComplete(pcorinfo, dagt, dagg, dage);
              if (length(pcorinfo) > 0 && sum(iscompl) == 3) {
                results <- rbind(results, pcorinfo)
              } else {
                jobqueue <- rbind(jobqueue, c(x,y,paste(S, collapse=" "), !iscompl))
          } else if(iorder == 0) {
            S = c()
            if (debug) {
              cat(paste0("Processing iorder ", iorder),
                  file=logFile, append=TRUE, sep="\n")
              cat(paste0("Checking ", x, ".", y, "|{",paste(S, collapse=","), "}..."),
                  file=logFile, append=TRUE, sep="\n")
            pcorinfo <- getPCorInfo(csvFileName,x,y,S,dagg,dage,dagt, debug=debug);
            iscompl <- isPcorInfoComplete(pcorinfo, dagt, dagg, dage);
            if (length(pcorinfo) > 0 && sum(iscompl) == 3) {
              results <- rbind(results, pcorinfo)
            } else {
              jobqueue <- rbind(jobqueue, c(x,y,"", !iscompl))
          } else if (iorder == (p-2)) {
            if (debug) {
              cat(paste0("Processing iorder ", iorder),
                  file=logFile, append=TRUE, sep="\n")
            S = others
            pcorinfo <- getPCorInfo(csvFileName,x,y,S,dagg,dage,dagt, debug=debug);
            iscompl <- isPcorInfoComplete(pcorinfo, dagt, dagg, dage);
            if (length(pcorinfo) > 0 && sum(iscompl) == 3) {
              results <- rbind(results, pcorinfo)
            } else {
              jobqueue <- rbind(jobqueue, c(x,y,paste(S, collapse=" "), !iscompl))

        if (dim(jobqueue)[1] > 0) {
          jobqueue = as.data.frame(jobqueue, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
          jobqueue$x <- as.numeric(jobqueue$x)
          jobqueue$y <- as.numeric(jobqueue$y)

          fitqueue = as.data.frame(rbind(cbind(rownames(jobqueue), jobqueue[,"x"], jobqueue[,"S"]), cbind(rownames(jobqueue), jobqueue[,"y"], jobqueue[,"S"])), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
          fitqueue[,1] <- as.numeric(fitqueue[,1])
          fitqueue[,2] <- as.numeric(fitqueue[,2])

          fitqueue = fitqueue[order(fitqueue[,1]),]
          notDuplJobs <- !duplicated(fitqueue[,c(2,3)])
          xNotDuplJobs <- notDuplJobs[which(1:length(notDuplJobs) %% 2 == 1)]
          yNotDuplJobs <- notDuplJobs[which(1:length(notDuplJobs) %% 2 == 0)]

          if (is.null(max_cores)) {
            max_cores <- detectCores()

          batches <- list()
          i = 1
          notJobs <- intersect(which(xNotDuplJobs), which(yNotDuplJobs))
          notBatches <- split(notJobs, ceiling(seq_along(notJobs)/max_cores))
          for (batch in 1:length(notBatches)) {
            batches[i] <- notBatches[batch]
            i = i + 1

          xorJobs <- sort(union(intersect(which(xNotDuplJobs == FALSE), which(yNotDuplJobs)), intersect(which(yNotDuplJobs == FALSE), which(xNotDuplJobs))))
          if (length(xorJobs) > 0) {
            xorBatches <- split(xorJobs, ceiling(seq_along(xorJobs)/max_cores))
            for (batch in 1:length(xorBatches)) {
              batches[i] <- xorBatches[batch]
              i = i + 1

          trueJobs <- intersect(which(xNotDuplJobs == FALSE), which(yNotDuplJobs == FALSE))
          if (length(trueJobs) > 0) {
            trueBatches <- split(trueJobs, ceiling(seq_along(trueJobs)/max_cores))
            for (batch in 1:length(trueBatches)) {
              batches[i] <- trueBatches[batch]
              i = i + 1

          # process in parallel all jobs in jobqueue and append the output in results.
          for (batchId in 1:length(batches)) {
            curResults <- c()
            jobi = 0 # a hack to avoid problems when checking --as-cran
            curResults <- foreach(jobi = batches[[batchId]],
                                  .combine='rbind') %dopar% {
              #for(jobi in batches[[batchId]]) {
              x <- as.numeric(jobqueue[jobi, "x"])
              y <- as.numeric(jobqueue[jobi, "y"])
              S <- as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(as.character(jobqueue[jobi, "S"]), " ")))
              dagt <- as.logical(jobqueue[jobi, "dagt"])
              dagg <- as.logical(jobqueue[jobi, "dagg"])
              dage <-as.logical(jobqueue[jobi, "dage"])

              suffStat <- list()
              suffStat$preprocessedPvaluesCSVFile <- csvFileName
              suffStat$savePlots <- savePlots
              suffStat$dagt <- as.logical(dagt)
              suffStat$dagg <- as.logical(dagg)
              suffStat$dage <- as.logical(dage)

              if (debug) {
                cat(paste0(Sys.getpid(), " - doing computation for ", x, ".", y, "|{",paste(S, collapse=","), "}..."),
                    file=logFile, append=TRUE, sep="\n")

              ret <- familyBasedPCorTest(x, y, S, phen.df, covs.df, sampledPed, Phi2, Z,
                minK=minK, maxFC=maxFC, orthogonal=orthogonal, alpha=alpha,
                dirToSave, fileID, suffStat$savePlots, useGPU=useGPU, debug=debug, logFile=logFile)

              if (debug) {
                cat(paste0(Sys.getpid(), " - computation for ", x, ".", y, "|{",paste(S, collapse=","), "} is done:\n",
                           paste(ret, collapse=";")),
                    file=logFile, append=TRUE, sep="\n")
              currow <- c(x=x,y=y,S=paste(S, collapse=" "), getRetVec(ret))
            if (!is.null(curResults)) {
              if (length(curResults) == 11) {
                # converting the vector to a matrix
                curResultsColNames <- names(curResults)
                curResults <- matrix(curResults, ncol=11)
                colnames(curResults) <- curResultsColNames
              updatePreprocessedPvaluesTable(curResults, csvFileName)

              results <- rbind(results, curResults)

        if (is.null(results)) {
          if (length(results) > 0)
            colnames(results) <- labels

          # updating skel matrices
          rowids_g <- as.numeric(which(as.numeric(results[,"pcorg_p.value"]) > alpha))
          skel_g[cbind(as.numeric(results[rowids_g, "x"]), as.numeric(results[rowids_g, "y"]))] <- FALSE
          skel_g[lower.tri(skel_g)] <- (t(skel_g))[lower.tri(skel_g)]

          rowids_e <- as.numeric(which(as.numeric(results[,"pcore_p.value"]) > alpha))
          skel_e[cbind(as.numeric(results[rowids_e, "x"]), as.numeric(results[rowids_e, "y"]))] <- FALSE
          skel_e[lower.tri(skel_e)] <- (t(skel_e))[lower.tri(skel_e)]

          rowids_t <- as.numeric(which(as.numeric(results[,"pcort_p.value"]) > alpha))
          skel_t[cbind(as.numeric(results[rowids_t, "x"]), as.numeric(results[rowids_t, "y"]))] <- FALSE
          skel_t[lower.tri(skel_t)] <- (t(skel_t))[lower.tri(skel_t)]

# Function to compute the partial correlation coefficient
# It must be independent of the PC algorithm or any other approach that uses suffStat.
# pedigrees must be sampled
familyBasedPCorTest <- function(x, y, S, phen.df, covs.df, pedigrees, Phi2, Z,
        minK=10, maxFC = 0.01, orthogonal=TRUE, alpha=0.05,
        dirToSave=NULL, fileID=NULL, savePlots=FALSE, useGPU=FALSE,
        debug=TRUE, logFile="./log.txt") {

  if (debug) {
    cat(paste0("Running familyBasedPCorTest for ", fileID, "; useGPU=", useGPU),
        file=logFile, append=TRUE, sep="\n")

  fileToSave <- NULL
  if (!is.null(fileID) && !is.null(dirToSave)) {
    fileToSave <- paste0(dirToSave, fileID, "_", x, "_", y, "_", paste(S, collapse=""), ".rds")
    if (x > y) {
      fileToSave <- paste0(dirToSave, fileID, "_", y, "_", x, "_", paste(S, collapse=""), ".rds")

  # NOTE: We have to compute this every time to check if results are complete.
  curResult <- getFamilyBasedPCorResults(x, y, S, phen.df, covs.df, pedigrees, Phi2, Z, minK, maxFC,
                                         orthogonal, fileID, dirToSave, useGPU, debug, logFile)
  results <- selectFamilyBasedPCor(curResult, alpha, maxFC, curResultFileName=fileToSave,
                                   debug=debug, logFile=logFile)

  if (savePlots && !is.null(fileID) && !is.null(dirToSave)) {
      if (debug) {
        cat("Generating result plot...",
            file=logFile, append=TRUE, sep="\n")
      saveEdgeResultsPlot(curResult, dirToSave, fileID, x, y, S, alpha, maxFC, debug=debug, logFile=logFile)


# curResult is the output of the getFamilyBasedPCorResults function
selectFamilyBasedPCor <- function(curResult, alpha, maxFC, curResultFileName="", debug=TRUE, logFile="./log.txt") {

  if (debug) {
    cat(paste0("Selecting from results in ", curResultFileName),
        file=logFile, append=TRUE, sep="\n")
  resultsList_g <- curResult$results_g
  resultsList_e <- curResult$results_e

  selectedInds <- selectBestResult(curResult$results_g, curResult$results_e,
    curResult$rho_t, curResult$p.value_t, alpha, maxFC, debug=debug, logFile=logFile)

  pcorg <- resultsList_g[[selectedInds[1]]]$estimate
  pcorg_p.value <- resultsList_g[[selectedInds[1]]]$p.value
  sg <- resultsList_g[[selectedInds[1]]]$k

  pcore <- resultsList_e[[selectedInds[2]]]$estimate
  pcore_p.value <- resultsList_e[[selectedInds[2]]]$p.value
  se <- resultsList_e[[selectedInds[2]]]$k

  ret <- list(pcort=as.numeric(curResult$rho_t), pcort_p.value=curResult$p.value_t,
              pcorg=as.numeric(pcorg), pcorg_p.value=pcorg_p.value,
              pcore=as.numeric(pcore), pcore_p.value=pcore_p.value,
              se=se, sg=sg)


isPcorInfoComplete <- function(pcorinfo, dagt, dagg, dage) {
  isDAGInfoComplete <- function(dag, pvalue) {
    if (!dag || (dag && !is.na(as.numeric(pvalue)))) {
    } else {

    isDAGInfoComplete(dagt, pcorinfo["pcort_p.value"]),
    isDAGInfoComplete(dagg, pcorinfo["pcorg_p.value"]),
    isDAGInfoComplete(dage, pcorinfo["pcore_p.value"])))

#' @importFrom utils read.table write.table
getPCorInfo <- function(csvfile, x, y, S, dagg, dage, dagt,
                        debug=TRUE, logFile="./log.txt") {
  retvalue = FALSE;

  if (file.exists(csvfile)) {
    if (length(S) == 0)
      S <- ""

    preprocessedPvalues <- read.table(file=csvfile, sep=";", header=TRUE)
    narows <- which(is.na(preprocessedPvalues$S))
    if (length(narows) > 0)
      preprocessedPvalues[narows,"S"] <- ""

    Svalue <- paste(S, collapse=" ")

    xvalues <- which(preprocessedPvalues[,"x"] == x)
    yvalues <- which(preprocessedPvalues[,"y"] == y)
    Svalues <- which(preprocessedPvalues[,"S"] == Svalue)
    ind <- intersect(intersect(xvalues,yvalues), Svalues)

    if (length(ind) > 1) {
      if (debug) {
        cat(paste0("WARNING in pcorExists: repeated entries for ", x, ".", y, "|{",paste(S, collapse=","), "}"),
            file=logFile, append=TRUE, sep="\n")
      maxrow <- apply(preprocessedPvalues[ind,], 2, FUN=function(x){max(x,na.rm=TRUE)})
      preprocessedPvalues[ind[1],] <- maxrow
      preprocessedPvalues <- preprocessedPvalues[-ind[-1],]
      write.table(preprocessedPvalues, file = csvfile, sep = ";",
                  row.names=FALSE, col.names = TRUE, append=FALSE, quote=FALSE)
      ind = ind[1]

  } else {
    if (debug) {
      cat("WARNING!!! Empty return",
          file=logFile, append=TRUE, sep="\n")

getRetVec <- function(familyBasedPCorTestRet) {

#' @importFrom utils write.table
updatePreprocessedPvaluesTable <- function(curResults, csvFileName) {
  if (length(curResults) > 0 && nrow(curResults) > 0) {
    labels <- c("x", "y", "S","pcort", "pcort_p.value",
      "pcorg", "pcorg_p.value",
      "pcore", "pcore_p.value",
      "se", "sg")

    if (!file.exists(csvFileName)) {
      write.table(as.matrix(t(labels)), file = csvFileName, sep = ";", row.names=FALSE, col.names = FALSE, append=FALSE, quote=FALSE)

    write.table(curResults, file = csvFileName, sep = ";", row.names=FALSE,
      col.names = FALSE, append=TRUE, quote=FALSE)

#' @importFrom utils write.table
#' @importFrom pcalg pc rfci
generateFamilyDAG <- function(phen.df, covs.df, pedigrees, sampled=NULL,
    preprocessedPvaluesCSVFile, type, alpha,
    hidden_vars = FALSE, maj.rule=FALSE,
    minK=10, maxFC = 0.01, orthogonal=TRUE,
    dirToSave, fileID, savePlots, useGPU=FALSE, debug=TRUE, logFile="./log.txt") {
  labels <- c("x", "y", "S","pcort", "pcort_p.value",
        "pcorg", "pcorg_p.value",
        "pcore", "pcore_p.value",
        "se", "sg")

  # NOTE: cannot run this in parallel, since problems occur
  # when the csvfile is updated by multiple processes.

  dagg <- dage <- dagt <- FALSE
  usedPvaluesCSVFile_g <- usedPvaluesCSVFile_e <- usedPvaluesCSVFile_t <- NULL
  if (type == "g") {
    dagg <- TRUE
    usedPvaluesCSVFile_g <- paste0(dirToSave, fileID, "_usedPvalues_g.csv")
    write.table(as.matrix(t(labels)), file = usedPvaluesCSVFile_g, sep = ";", row.names=FALSE, col.names = FALSE, append=FALSE, quote=FALSE)
  } else if (type == "e") {
    dage <- TRUE
    usedPvaluesCSVFile_e <- paste0(dirToSave, fileID, "_usedPvalues_e.csv")
    write.table(as.matrix(t(labels)), file = usedPvaluesCSVFile_e, sep = ";", row.names=FALSE, col.names = FALSE, append=FALSE, quote=FALSE)
  } else {
    dagt <- TRUE
    usedPvaluesCSVFile_t <- paste0(dirToSave, fileID, "_usedPvalues_t.csv")
    write.table(as.matrix(t(labels)), file = usedPvaluesCSVFile_t, sep = ";", row.names=FALSE, col.names = FALSE, append=FALSE, quote=FALSE)

  if (debug) {
    cat(paste0("Generating DAG_", type, " for ", fileID, "; useGPU=", useGPU),
        file=logFile, append=TRUE, sep="\n")

  Phi2 <- calculateBlockDiagonal2PhiMatrix(pedigrees, FALSE, sampled=sampled)
  Z <- calculateBlockDiagonal2PhiMatrix(pedigrees, TRUE, sampled=sampled)

  sampledPed <- pedigrees
  if(!is.null(sampled)) {
    sampledPed <- sampledPed[which(sampled==1),]

  suffStat <- list(
    phen.df=phen.df, covs.df=covs.df, pedigrees=sampledPed,
    minK=minK, maxFC=maxFC, orthogonal=orthogonal,
    Phi2=Phi2, Z=Z,
    dagg=dagg, dage=dage, dagt=dagt,
    maj.rule = maj.rule,
    dirToSave = dirToSave, fileID = fileID, useGPU=useGPU)

  if (hidden_vars == FALSE) {
    if (suffStat$maj.rule == FALSE) {
      if (debug) {
        cat("\nRunning conservative PC algorithm...",
            file=logFile, append=TRUE, sep="\n")
      dag <- pc(suffStat=suffStat, indepTest = familyBasedCITest,
                alpha=alpha, labels = paste0(colnames(phen.df), "_", type), verbose = TRUE,
                skel.method="stable", solve.confl=TRUE, conservative=TRUE, u2pd="relaxed")
    } else {
      if (debug) {
        cat("\nRunning PC algorithm with majority rule ...",
            file=logFile, append=TRUE, sep="\n")
      dag <- pc(suffStat=suffStat, indepTest = familyBasedCITest,
                alpha=alpha, labels = paste0(colnames(phen.df), "_", type), verbose = TRUE,
                skel.method="stable", solve.confl=TRUE, maj.rule = TRUE, u2pd="relaxed")
  } else {
    if (suffStat$maj.rule == FALSE) {
      if (debug) {
        cat("\nRunning conservative RFCI algorithm...",
            file=logFile, append=TRUE, sep="\n")
      dag <- rfci(suffStat=suffStat, indepTest = familyBasedCITest,
                alpha=alpha, labels = paste0(colnames(phen.df), "_", type), verbose = TRUE,
                skel.method="stable", conservative=TRUE)
    } else {
      if (debug) {
        cat("\nRunning RFCI algorithm with majority rule ...",
            file=logFile, append=TRUE, sep="\n")
      dag <- rfci(suffStat=suffStat, indepTest = familyBasedCITest,
                alpha=alpha, labels = paste0(colnames(phen.df), "_", type), verbose = TRUE,
                skel.method="stable", maj.rule = TRUE)

#' @importFrom methods as
printEdgeList <- function(dag) {
  nodeLabels <- dag@graph@nodes
  adjM <- as(dag, "amat")
  cat("\nAdjacency Matrix:\n")

  cat("\nType 1 Edges:\n")
  edgePairs <- which(adjM == 1, arr.ind=TRUE)
  if (dim(edgePairs)[1] > 0) {
    for (i in 1:dim(edgePairs)[1]) {
      if(adjM[edgePairs[i,2],edgePairs[i,1]] == 1) {
        # it is an undirected edge
        if (edgePairs[i,2] < edgePairs[i,1])
          cat(paste0("\n", nodeLabels[edgePairs[i,2]], " --- ",  nodeLabels[edgePairs[i,1]]))
      } else {
        # it is a directed edge (column causes row)
        cat(paste0("\n", nodeLabels[edgePairs[i,2]], " --> ",  nodeLabels[edgePairs[i,1]]))

  cat("\n\nType 2 Edges:\n")
  edgePairs2 <- which(adjM == 2, arr.ind=TRUE)
  if (dim(edgePairs2)[1] > 0) {
    for (i in 1:dim(edgePairs2)[1]) {
      if(adjM[edgePairs2[i,2],edgePairs2[i,1]] == 2) {
        # it is an undirected edge
        if (edgePairs2[i,2] < edgePairs2[i,1])
          cat(paste0("\n", nodeLabels[edgePairs2[i,2]], " <--> ",  nodeLabels[edgePairs2[i,1]]))
      } else {
        cat(paste0("\n", nodeLabels[edgePairs2[i,2]], " --> ",  nodeLabels[edgePairs2[i,1]]))

library(igraph) # as.undirected
library(corpcor)# - pseudoinverse

# Determining Partial Correlation Matrix #

mypmin <- function(vec1, vec2) {
  pminvec <- c()
  for (i in 1:length(vec1)) {
    if (abs(vec1[i]) < abs(vec2[i]))
      pminvec <- c(pminvec, vec1[i])
      pminvec <- c(pminvec, vec2[i])

mypmax <- function(vec1, vec2) {
  pmaxvec <- c()
  for (i in 1:length(vec1)) {
    if (abs(vec1[i]) > abs(vec2[i]))
      pmaxvec <- c(pmaxvec, vec1[i])
      pmaxvec <- c(pmaxvec, vec2[i])

# rule can be "max" or "min"
symmetrizeMatrix <- function(amatrix, rule="max") {
  lowind <- which(lower.tri(amatrix), arr.ind=TRUE)
  uppind <- which(upper.tri(amatrix), arr.ind=TRUE)
  uppind <- uppind[order(uppind[,1]),]
  offdiagind <- rbind(lowind, uppind)
  new.values <- amatrix[offdiagind]
  if (rule == "max") {
    new.values <- mypmax((new.values[1:(length(new.values)/2)]), (new.values[(length(new.values)/2+1):length(new.values)]))
  } else {
    new.values <- mypmin((new.values[1:(length(new.values)/2)]), (new.values[(length(new.values)/2+1):length(new.values)]))

  amatrix[offdiagind] <- new.values

convertInvCovToPCor <- function(SigmaInv, symmetrize=FALSE) {
  pcorMatrix <- -SigmaInv
  diag(pcorMatrix) <- -diag(pcorMatrix)
  pcorMatrix <- cov2cor(pcorMatrix)
  if (symmetrize)
    pcorMatrix <- symmetrizeMatrix(pcorMatrix)

getPartialCorrelationMatrixFromInvCov <- function(SigmaInv, n, ncov=0, method="z", symmetrize=FALSE) {
  pcorMatrix <- convertInvCovToPCor(SigmaInv, symmetrize)

  # To test if a sample partial correlation vanishes,
  # Fisher's z-transform of the partial correlation can be used.
  # See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Partial_correlation#As_conditional_independence_test

  gp <- (dim(pcorMatrix)[1]-2) + ncov # number of conditioning variables

  # TODO verificar outras estatisticas (copiado da funcao pcor da biblioteca ppcor)
  if (method == "kendall") {
    # Kendall MG, Stuart A. (1973) The Advanced Theory of Statistics,
    # Volume 2 (3rd Edition), ISBN 0-85264-215-6, Section 27.22
    statistics <- pcorMatrix/sqrt(2 * (2 * (n - gp) + 5)/(9 * (n -
                                                                 gp) * (n - 1 - gp)))
    p.values <- 2 * pnorm(-abs(statistics))
  else if (method == "z") {
    # z statistic follows a Gaussian distribution
    # with zero mean and unit standard deviation.
    # The null hyphothesis of zero partial correlation is rejected if
    # stat > qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
    # The two-sided p-values of the tests are:

    # Note that log1p(x) =: log(1+x), so
    # log1p(2*r/(1-r)) = log(1 + 2*r/(1-r))
    # = log((1-r+2r)/(1-r))
    # = log(1+r) - log(1-r)
    # = log((1+r)/(1-r))
    if ((n - gp - 3) > 0) {
      statistics <- sqrt(n - gp - 3)
    } else {
      statistics <- 0
    statistics <- statistics * abs(0.5 * log1p(2*pcorMatrix/(1-pcorMatrix)))

    p.values <- 2 * (1 - pnorm(abs(statistics))) # or 2 * pnorm(-abs(stat))
  else { # shenskin
    # David Shenskin - 2003 - page 1013 - eq. 28.101
    # total number of variables employed in the analysis
    # when there are two predictors and one criterion variable, nu = 3
    nu <- dim(pcorMatrix)[1] + ncov # gp + 2
    statistics <- pcorMatrix * sqrt((n - nu)/(1 - pcorMatrix^2))
    p.values <- 2 * pt(-abs(statistics), (n - nu))
    # statistics <- pcorMatrix * sqrt((n - 2 - gp)/(1 - pcorMatrix^2))
    # p.values <- 2 * pt(-abs(statistics), (n - 2 - gp))
  diag(p.values) <- NA

  return(list(estimates=pcorMatrix, p.values=p.values, statistics=statistics))

getPartialCorrelationMatrix <- function(Sigma, n, ncov=0, method="z", symmetrize=FALSE) {
  SigmaInv <- pseudoinverse(Sigma)
  return(getPartialCorrelationMatrixFromInvCov(SigmaInv, n, ncov, method, symmetrize=symmetrize))

# Getting Undirected Graph #

# It applies the correction for multiple tests using all off-diagonal values
adjustPValuesMatrix <- function(pvaluesMatrix, correction="fdr") {
  lowind <- which(lower.tri(pvaluesMatrix), arr.ind=TRUE)
  uppind <- which(upper.tri(pvaluesMatrix), arr.ind=TRUE)
  uppind <- uppind[order(uppind[,1]),]
  offdiagind <- rbind(lowind, uppind)
  adjp <- p.adjust(pvaluesMatrix[offdiagind], method=correction)
  pvaluesMatrix[offdiagind] <- adjp

getUndirectedGraphFromPCorPvalues <- function(pvaluesMatrix, alpha=0.05, correction="fdr", rule="and") {
  nVertices <- dim(pvaluesMatrix)[1]

  if (!is.null(correction)) {
    pvaluesMatrix <- adjustPValuesMatrix(pvaluesMatrix, correction)

  if (rule == "and") {
    pvaluesMatrix <- symmetrizeMatrix(pvaluesMatrix, rule="max")
  } else { #rule == or
    pvaluesMatrix <- symmetrizeMatrix(pvaluesMatrix, rule="min")

  edges <- which(pvaluesMatrix <= alpha, arr.ind=TRUE)
  adjMatrix <- matrix(0, nVertices, nVertices)
  adjMatrix[edges] <- 1
  colnames(adjMatrix) <- colnames(pvaluesMatrix)
  row.names(adjMatrix) <- colnames(pvaluesMatrix)

  udg <- as.undirected(graph.adjacency(adjMatrix))

  return(list(udg=udg, adj.pvalues=pvaluesMatrix))

getUndirectedGraphFromPCor <- function(pCor, alpha, correction="fdr") {
  pvaluesMatrix <- pCor$p.values
  diag(pvaluesMatrix) <- 1

  return(getUndirectedGraphFromPCorPvalues(pvaluesMatrix, alpha=0.05, correction))

getUndirectedGraphFromCov <- function(Sigma, n, ncov=0, alpha=0.05, correction="fdr", method="z", symmetrize=FALSE) {
  pCor <- getPartialCorrelationMatrix(Sigma, n, ncov, method, symmetrize)
  ret <- getUndirectedGraphFromPCor(pCor, alpha, correction)
  return(list(udg=ret$udg, adj.pvalues=ret$adj.pvalues, pCor=pCor))
adele/FamilyBasedPGMs documentation built on Feb. 16, 2021, 8:29 a.m.