
Defines functions map_fafbsegs_to_neuron fafb_seg_tracing_list fafb_seg_hitlist fafb_frags_skeletons fafb_frags_ids fafb_neuron_details fafbseg_get_node_count fafb_seg_conn fafb_seg read.neurons.fafbseg brainmaps_xyz2id_chunk set_segmentation_location

Documented in fafb_frags_ids fafb_frags_skeletons fafb_neuron_details fafb_seg fafb_seg_conn fafbseg_get_node_count fafb_seg_hitlist fafb_seg_tracing_list map_fafbsegs_to_neuron read.neurons.fafbseg set_segmentation_location

# Function to use the FAFB segmentations in R

#' Calculate a connectivity similarity score between two connectivity profiles
#' @description  Set the local path to the location where you have .zip files of FAFB segmented skeletons
#' @param path path to FAFB segmentation skeleton .zip files
#' @export
#' @rdname set_segmentation_location
set_segmentation_location <- function(path){
  options(fafbseg.skelziproot = path)

# hidden, to avoid brainmaps freak-out
brainmaps_xyz2id_chunk <- function(xyz, chunk.size = 199, ...){
  is <- seq(from = 1, to = nrow(xyz), by = chunk.size)
    is <- c(is, nrow(xyz))
  j <- is[1]
  p <- c()
  for(i in is[-1]){
    cont <- TRUE
    bmps <- fafbseg::brainmaps_xyz2id(xyz = xyz[j:i,], ...)
    j <- (i+1)
    p <- c(p, bmps)

#' Read neurons from the FAFB segmentation instance (temporary)
#' @description  Reads neurons (or node count data) from the temporary FAFB segmentation instance.
#' containing auto-segmented fragments from Peter Li. Neurons can also be read using a neuroglancer server fafbseg::read.neurons.brainmaps
#' or fafbseg::read_segments2 if from local .zip files
#' @param x typically a skeleton ID in from the CATMAID FAFB v14-seg instance neuroglancer ID.
#' @param google if TRUE, we treat x as the name of a Google FAFB segment. If name = FALSE, then x can be skeleton ids (numeric or characters) or the name / annotation for a neuron,
#' if given as a character starting with 'name:' or 'annotation:' respectively. When Google FAFB fragments are merged, one name is maintained and the other may be found as an annotation. In order to check for this, annotations can also be read.
#' @param read.from from where to read FAFB segmented skeletons to generate node count data
#' @param seg the CATMAID segmentation instance, e.g. v14-seg, v14seg-Li-190411.0
#' @param conn a CATMAID connection object. If NULL catmaid::catmaid::catmaid_login() is called.
#' @param ... methods passed to catmaid::read.neurons.catmaid
#' @export
#' @rdname read.neurons.fafbseg
read.neurons.fafbseg <- function(x, google = FALSE, conn = NULL, seg = "v14seg-Li-190411.0", ...){
    x = paste0("name:",x)
    y = paste0("annotation:",x)
    skids = unique(unlist(sapply(c(x,y),catmaid::catmaid_skids,several.ok=FALSE,conn=conn, ...)))
    skids = x
    conn = catmaid::catmaid_login()
  if(conn$server != "https://neuropil.janelia.org/tracing/fafb/v14/"){
    message("You need to log into CATMAID: https://neuropil.janelia.org/tracing/fafb/v14/")
    message("See ?catmaid_login")
  conn$server = paste0("https://neuropil.janelia.org/tracing/fafb/",seg,"/")
  n = catmaid::read.neurons.catmaid(skids, conn=conn, OmitFailures = TRUE,...)
  n[,"nodes"] = nat:::summary.neuronlist(n)$nodes
  n[,"skeleton.type"] = "FAFB-seg"

#' Use any CATMAID function in the v14-seg environment, without logging into separate CATMAID instance
#' @description Use any CATMAID function in the v14-seg environment, without logging into separate CATMAID instance
#' @param FUN catmaid function from rcatmaid or catnat
#' @param seg the CATMAID segmentation instance, e.g. v14-seg, v14seg-Li-190411.0
#' @param ... methods passed to FUN
#' @export
#' @rdname fafb_seg
fafb_seg <- function(FUN, seg = "v14seg-Li-190411.0", ...){
  conn = catmaid::catmaid_login()
  if(conn$server != "https://neuropil.janelia.org/tracing/fafb/v14/"){
    message("You need to log into CATMAID: https://neuropil.janelia.org/tracing/fafb/v14/")
    message("See ?catmaid_login")
  conn$server = paste0("https://neuropil.janelia.org/tracing/fafb/",seg,"/")
  FUN(conn=conn, ...)

#' Log into the v14-seg CATMAID instance for FAFB v14 Adult flybrain segmented skeletonisations
#' @description Log into the v14-seg CATMAID instance for FAFB v14 Adult flybrain segmented skeletonisations from Peter Li at Google
#' @param pid project id. Defaults to 1
#' @param conn CATMAID connection object, see ?catmaid::catmaid_login for details
#' @param seg the CATMAID segmentation instance, e.g. v14-seg, v14seg-Li-190411.0
#' @param ... methods passed to catmaid::catmaid_fetch
#' @export
#' @rdname fafb_seg_conn
fafb_seg_conn <- function(pid = 1, conn = NULL, seg = "v14seg-Li-190411.0", ...){
    conn = catmaid::catmaid_login()

  if(conn$server != "https://neuropil.janelia.org/tracing/fafb/v14/"){
    warning("You need to log into CATMAID: https://neuropil.janelia.org/tracing/fafb/v14/")
    warning("See ?catmaid_login")
  conn$server = paste0("https://neuropil.janelia.org/tracing/fafb/",seg,"/")

#' @export
#' @rdname read.neurons.fafbseg
fafbseg_get_node_count <-function(x, read.from = c("CATMAID","Neuroglancer","local"),
                                  seg = "v14seg-Li-190411.0", ...){
    y = paste0("name:",x)
    conn = catmaid::catmaid_login()
    if(conn$server != "https://neuropil.janelia.org/tracing/fafb/v14/"){
      message("You need to log into CATMAID: https://neuropil.janelia.org/tracing/fafb/v14/")
      message("See ?catmaid_login")

    conn$server = paste0("https://neuropil.janelia.org/tracing/fafb/",seg,"/")
    skids = sapply(y,catmaid_skids,several.ok=FALSE,conn=conn, ...)
    skids[sapply(skids,length)==0] = 0
    skids = unlist(skids)
    n = catmaid::catmaid_get_node_count(skids, conn=conn,OmitFailures = TRUE,...)
    nc = data.frame(ngl_id = x, skid = skids, nodes = n)
  }else if (read.from=="Neuroglancer"){
    rs = fafbseg::read.neurons.brainmaps(x, OmitFailures = TRUE, ...)
    nc = nat:::summary.neuronlist(rs)
    rs= fafbseg::read_segments2(x,  OmitFailures = TRUE, ...)
    nc = nat:::summary.neuronlist(rs)
    rownames(nc) = rs[,"segment"]

#' Find out what is already known about a neuron's connectivity profile and connected FAFB segments
#' @description  Set the local path to the location where you have .zip files of FAFB segmented skeletons
#' @param skids neuron skeleton ids
#' @param direction whether to fetch putative incoming or outgoing partners
#' @param connector_ids Optional numeric ids of CATMAID connector nodes that will restrict connections for analysis
#' @param mesh3d mesh3d to which to restrict connector locations
#' @param pid project id. Defaults to 1
#' @param conn CATMAID connection object, see ?catmaid::catmaid_login for details
#' @param ... methods passed to catmaid_get_connector_table
#' @export
#' @rdname fafb_neuron_details
fafb_neuron_details <- function(skids, direction = c("incoming","outgoing"), connector_ids = connector_ids, mesh3d = NULL, pid = 1, conn = NULL, ...) {
  if(!requireNamespace('fafbseg', quietly = TRUE))
    stop("Please install suggested fafbseg package")
    connected=catmaid::catmaid_get_connectors_between(post_skids = skids, pid = 1, conn = NULL,...)
      connected=do.call(rbind,lapply(skids,function(skid) catmaid::catmaid_get_connectors_between(post_skids = skid, pid = 1, conn = NULL,...)))
    connected = connected[, c("connector_id", "pre_node_x",
                              "pre_node_y", "pre_node_z")]
    connected=catmaid::catmaid_get_connectors_between(pre_skids = skids, pid = 1, conn = NULL,...)
      connected=do.call(rbind,lapply(skids,function(skid) catmaid::catmaid_get_connectors_between(pre_skids = skid, pid = 1, conn = NULL,...)))
    connected = connected[, c("connector_id", "post_node_x",
                              "post_node_y", "post_node_z")]
  colnames(connected) = c("connector_id","X","Y","Z")
    i = nat::pointsinside(nat::xyzmatrix(connected),mesh3d,rval = "logical")
    connected = connected[i,]
      connector_ids = connected[,"connector_id"]
  known = catmaid::catmaid_get_connector_table(skids, direction = direction,get_partner_names = TRUE, get_partner_nodes = TRUE, pid = pid, conn = conn, ...)
  known = known[match(connected$connector_id,known$connector_id),]
  df = cbind(known,connected[,-1])
    df = subset(df,connector_id%in%connector_ids)
  df[is.na(df$X),c("X","Y","Z")] = df[is.na(df$X),c("x","y","z")] # In the cases where there are no pre nodes
  df$ngl_id = brainmaps_xyz2id_chunk(df[,c('X','Y', 'Z')])

#' Fetch the up or outgoing auto-traced FAFB fragments from a CATMAID FAFB neuron
#' @description  Fetch skeleton ids or read skeletons from the FAFb Google Segmentation by Peter Li.
#' This is done by mapping the location of connector nodes in FAFB to the volumetric Google segmentations,
#' and then their cognate skeletons. Relies on package fafbseg and brainmaps authentication, user list is curated.
#' @param skids neuron skeleton ids
#' @param ids ids for FAFB segmentations to be read. If skids are given, fafb_frags_ids is called and ids is overlooked.
#' @param direction whether to fetch putative incoming or outgoing partners
#' @param mesh3d mesh3d to which to restrict connector locations
#' @param connector_ids restrict your search to only certain connectors. Use if, for example, you want to spatially restrict your search.
#' Default set to NULL, searches all incoming or outgoing connectors, as specified by direction.
#' @param max.nodes the maximum number of nodes that an extant FAFB partner can have, before we consider using the segmentation for our tracing list.
#' @param add.links add links to CATMAID in our tracing list
#' @param treat.skids.separately create hitlist, with hits pooled for all skids given (FALSE, default) or per skid given (TRUE)
#' @param read.from from where to read FAFB segmented skeletons
#' @param unique if TRUE, fafb_seg_tracing_list gives each segment only once in the tracing list, the rest of the information is just one example of a putative connection out of the total number, given in the 'hits' column
#' @param seg the CATMAID segmentation instance, e.g. v14-seg, v14seg-Li-190411.0
#' @param pid project id. Defaults to 1
#' @param conn CATMAID connection object, see ?catmaid::catmaid_login for details
#' @param ... methods passed to catmaid::catmaid_fetch, catmaid::catmaid_get_connector_table for fafb_frags_ids, and read read methods for fafb_frags_skeletons
#' @details fafb_frags_ids returns Neuroglancer IDs for FAFB segments up or downstream of the specified FAFB CATMAID skeleton IDs.
#' fafb_frags_skeletons reads neurons from Neuroglancer IDs or calls fafb_frags_ids, using either saved skeletons, Neuroglancer brainmaps access or CATMAID access.
#' fafb_seg_hitlist generates a ranked hitlist of fragments from the given skids, either up or downstream.
#' fafb_seg_tracing_list goes a bit further and supplies emt information and links to \code{FAFBv14} and the \code{FAFBv14} segmentation instance.
#' @export
#' @rdname fafb_frags
fafb_frags_ids <- function(skids, direction = c("incoming","outgoing"), connector_ids = NULL, mesh3d = NULL, pid = 1, conn = NULL, ...) {
  if(!requireNamespace('fafbseg', quietly = TRUE))
    stop("Please install suggested fafbseg package")
    connected=catmaid::catmaid_get_connectors_between(post_skids = skids, pid=pid, conn = conn, ...)
      connected=do.call(rbind,lapply(skids,function(skid) catmaid::catmaid_get_connectors_between(post_skids = skid, pid=pid, conn = conn, ...)))
    connected = connected[,c("connector_id", "pre_node_x", "pre_node_y", "pre_node_z")]
    connected=catmaid::catmaid_get_connectors_between(pre_skids = skids, ...)
      connected=do.call(rbind,lapply(skids,function(skid) catmaid::catmaid_get_connectors_between(pre_skids = skid, pid=pid, conn = conn, ...)))
    connected = connected[,c("connector_id", "post_node_x", "post_node_y", "post_node_z")]
    connected = subset(connected,connected$connector_id%in%connector_ids)
  colnames(connected) = c("connector_id","X","Y","Z")
    i = nat::pointsinside(nat::xyzmatrix(connected),mesh3d,rval = "logical")
    connected = connected[i,]
  connected_ids= brainmaps_xyz2id_chunk(connected[,c('X','Y', 'Z')])
#' @export
#' @rdname fafb_frags
fafb_frags_skeletons <- function(ids, skids = NULL, direction = c("incoming","outgoing"),
                                 connector_ids = NULL, read.from = c("CATMAID","Neuroglancer","local"),
                                 pid = 1, conn = NULL, ...) {
    ids = fafb_frags_ids(skids = skids, direction = direction, connector_ids = connector_ids, pid=pid, conn = conn, ...)
    rs = read.neurons.fafbseg(uids, google = TRUE, OmitFailures = TRUE, ...)
  }else if (read.from=="Neuroglancer"){
    rs = fafbseg::read.neurons.brainmaps(x, OmitFailures = TRUE, ...)
    rs= fafbseg::read_segments2(uids,  OmitFailures = TRUE, ...)
  conndf=data.frame(ngl_id=as.numeric(names(tt)), hits=unname(unclass(tt)))
  m=merge(rs[,], conndf, by='ngl_id', sort = FALSE)
#' @export
#' @rdname fafb_frags
fafb_seg_hitlist <- function(skids, direction = c("incoming","outgoing"),
                             connector_ids = NULL, treat.skids.separately = FALSE,
                             pid=1, conn = NULL, ...){
  if(!requireNamespace('reshape2', quietly = TRUE))
    stop("Please install suggested reshape2 package")
  func <- function(skids = skids, direction = direction, connector_ids = connector_ids, pid=pid, conn = conn, ...){
    ids = fafb_frags_ids(skids = skids, direction = direction, connector_ids = connector_ids, pid=pid, conn = conn, ...)
    df = reshape2::melt(table(ids))
    df = df[order(df$value, decreasing = TRUE),]
    colnames(df) = c("ngl_id","hits")
    hitlist = lapply(skids, function(skid) func(skids = skid, direction = direction, connector_ids = connector_ids, pid=pid, conn = conn, ...))
    nams = rep(skids,sapply(hitlist,nrow))
    df = do.call(rbind, hitlist)
    df$neuron = nams
    df = func(skids = skids, direction = direction, connector_ids = connector_ids, pid=pid, conn = conn, ...)

#' @export
#' @rdname fafb_frags
fafb_seg_tracing_list <- function(skids, direction = c("incoming","outgoing"),
                               connector_ids = NULL, max.nodes = 10,
                               add.links = TRUE, unique = TRUE,
                               seg = "v14seg-Li-190411.0",
  df = fafb_neuron_details(skids = skids, direction = direction, connector_ids = connector_ids)
   df = subset(df,as.numeric(partner_nodes)<=max.nodes)
  if (nrow(df)>0){
      df$FAFB.link = connector_URL(df, server = "https://neuropil.janelia.org/tracing/fafb/v14/")
      df$FAFBseg.link = connector_URL(df, server = paste0("https://neuropil.janelia.org/tracing/fafb/",seg,"/"))
    df$ngl_id[df$ngl_id==0] = paste0(df$ngl_id[df$ngl_id==0],"_",1:sum(df$ngl_id==0))
    hits = table(df$ngl_id)
    hits["0"] = NA
    df$hits = hits[as.character(df$ngl_id)]
    df = df[order(df$hits, decreasing = TRUE),]
      df = df[!duplicated(df$ngl_id),]
      df$entry = "example_connection_to_ngl_id"

#' Find out what is already known about a neuron's connectivity profile and connected FAFB segments
#' @description  Set the local path to the location where you have .zip files of FAFB segmented skeletons. This function also very roughly estimates
#' whether fragment is microtubule containing, what Strahler order it is at, or if it is axonic or dendritic, if the neuron has this marked
#' @section Volumes: You can choose which auto-segmentation to use by specifying
#' an optional \code{volume} argument, which will be passed to \code{fafbseg::\link{brainmaps_xyz2id}}. By default the
#' @param someneuronlist a \code{\link{neuronlist}} or \code{\link{neuron}} object
#' @param node.match how many nodes of each neuron in someneuronlist need to be within an auto segmented volume, for it to be said to match.
#' These nodes all need to be consecutive, in the sense that they must be in the same segment or a branch from that segment. i.e. if a neuron matches with a volume
#' 5 times at diverse points across it arbour, this is thought to be a non-match with a large, proximal auto-traced segment.
#' @param return.unmatched defaults to \code{FALSE}. If \code{TRUE}, then a data frame of unmatched Point Numbers for the neuron in question are returned, and their Strahler order.
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed to \code{fafbseg::\link{brainmaps_xyz2id}} potentiallly including a \code{volume} identifier.
#' @export
#' @rdname map_fafbsegs_to_neuron
#' @importFrom stats aggregate
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' da2=read.neurons.catmaid("glomerulus DA2 right")
#' fafbseg::with_segmentation("20190805",{
#' autoseghits=map_fafbsegs_to_neuron(da2)
#' })
#' summary(autoseghits)
#' }
map_fafbsegs_to_neuron <- function(someneuronlist, node.match = 5,
                                   return.unmatched = FALSE, ...){
    someneuronlist = as.neuronlist(someneuronlist)
  t = data.frame()
    pb <- utils::txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = length(someneuronlist), style = 3)
    n <- 1
    while(n <= length(someneuronlist)){
      neuron = someneuronlist[[n]]
      segs = tryCatch(brainmaps_xyz2id_chunk(nat::xyzmatrix(neuron),  ...), error = function(e) NULL)
        message("brainmaps read error, retrying ...")
        m = reshape2::melt(table(segs))
        colnames(m) = c("ngl_id","node_hits")
        m$skid = names(someneuronlist)[n]
        # Get a rough idea if a fragment of microtubule containing, or what Strahler order it is at, if the neuron has this marked
          mt = aggregate(neuron$d$microtubules,list(ngl_id = segs),function(x) (sum(x)/length(x))>=0.5)
          colnames(mt) = c("ngl_id","microtubules")
          m = merge(m,mt,all = TRUE)
          m$microtubules = NA
          so = aggregate(neuron$d$strahler_order,list(ngl_id = segs),function(x) names(sort(-table(x)))[1])
          colnames(so) = c("ngl_id","strahler_order")
          m = merge(m,so,all = TRUE)
          m$strahler_order = NA
          lab = aggregate(neuron$d$Label,list(ngl_id = segs),function(x) names(sort(-table(x)))[1])
          colnames(lab) = c("ngl_id","Label")
          m = merge(m,lab,all = TRUE)
          m$Label = NA
        mm = subset(m,node_hits>=node.match)
        s = neuron$SegList
        keep = c()
        for(nid in m$ngl_id){
            pnos = which(segs==nid)
            in.segs = lapply(s,function(y) pnos%in%y)
            in.segs.sum = sapply(in.segs,sum)
            for(pos in which(in.segs.sum>0)){
              branches = sapply(s,function(x) sum(s[[pos]]%in%x))
              score = sum(in.segs.sum[which(branches>0)])
                keep = c(keep,nid)
          mm$ngl_id[!mm$ngl_id%in%keep]= 0
          mm = subset(mm,ngl_id%in%keep)
        t = rbind(t,mm)
        utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, n)
        n = n + 1
  }else {
    t = NULL
  t %>%
    dplyr::group_by(.data$ngl_id) %>%
    dplyr::filter(.data$node_hits >= max(.data$node_hits, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%

# write_marked_swc <- function(nl, files,
#                              dir = '/GD/LMBD/Papers/2017pns/fig/Alex/images/fafbseg/data/whole/',
#                              format="swc"){
#   for(n in 1:length(nl)){
#     file = paste0(dir,files[n])
#   }
#   write(nl[[n]], file = file,
#         ncolumns = if(is.character(x)) 1 else 5,
#         append = FALSE, sep = " ")
# }
# uploaded2 = catmaid_controlled_upload(x ="annotation:add to BN2_3", tolerance = 0.25, name = "add to BN2_3",
#                                       annotations = c("v14-seg upload", "KE upseg", "HampelSeedLab", "downstream of aBN1", "ASB stitched from auto segments"), avoid = "v14", lock = FALSE,
#                                       include.tags = TRUE, include.connectors = FALSE, downsample = 10,
#                                       search.range.nm = 100, duplication.range.nm=100, join = FALSE, join.tag = "TODO",
#                                       fafbseg = FALSE, min_nodes = 2, return.uploaded.skids = TRUE,
#                                       pid = 1, conn = NULL, pid2 = 1, conn2 = fafb_seg_conn(),
#                                       include.potential.duplicates = FALSE, join.only = NULL, avoid.join = NULL)
# x ="annotation:add to BN2_3"
# tolerance = 0.25
# name = "add to BN2_3"
# annotations = c("v14-seg upload", "KE upseg", "HampelSeedLab", "downstream of aBN1", "ASB stitched from auto segments")
# avoid = "v14"
# lock = FALSE
# include.tags = TRUE
# include.connectors = FALSE
# downsample = 10
# search.range.nm = 100
# duplication.range.nm=100
# join = FALSE
# join.tag = "TODO"
# fafbseg = FALSE
# min_nodes = 2
# return.uploaded.skids = TRUE
# pid = 1
# conn = NULL
# pid2 = 1
# conn2 = fafb_seg_conn()
# include.potential.duplicates = FALSE
# join.only = NULL
# avoid.join = NULL
alexanderbates/catnat documentation built on Sept. 5, 2023, 4:51 a.m.