
Defines functions mcmc.2pnoh

Documented in mcmc.2pnoh

## File Name: mcmc.2pnoh.R
## File Version: 1.155

#*** MCMC estimation 2PNO model
mcmc.2pnoh <- function(dat, itemgroups, prob.mastery=c(.5, .8 ),
        weights=NULL, burnin=500, iter=1000, N.sampvalues=1000,
        progress.iter=50, prior.variance=c(1,1), save.theta=FALSE )
    s1 <- Sys.time()
    # data preparation
    dat0 <- dat
    dat <- as.matrix(dat)
    dat[ is.na(dat0) ] <- 0
    dat.resp <- 1-is.na(dat0)
    N <- nrow(dat)
    I <- ncol(dat)
    eps <- 10^(-10)
    # itemgroups
    itemgroups.unique <- sort( unique( itemgroups ) )
    K <- length(itemgroups.unique)
    itemgroup <- match( itemgroups, itemgroups.unique )
    Ik <- stats::aggregate( 1 + 0*1:I, list(itemgroup), sum )[,2]
    # redefine weights
    if (! is.null(weights) ){
        weights <- N * weights / sum(weights )
    # set initial values
    a <- rep(1,I)
    b <- - stats::qnorm( (colMeans(dat0, na.rm=TRUE) + .01 )/1.02 )
    xi <- rep(0,K)
    omega <- rep(1,K)
    sig <- 1.5    # SD of item difficulties
    nu <- .30    # SD of item discriminations
    # item parameters in matrix form
    aM <- matrix( a, nrow=N, ncol=I, byrow=TRUE)
    bM <- matrix( b, nrow=N, ncol=I, byrow=TRUE)
    theta <- stats::qnorm( ( rowMeans( dat0,na.rm=TRUE ) + .01 ) / 1.02 )
    # define lower and upper thresholds
    ZZ <- 1000
    threshlow <- -ZZ + ZZ*dat
    threshlow[ is.na(dat0) ] <- -ZZ
    threshupp <- ZZ*dat
    threshupp[ is.na(dat0) ] <- ZZ
    # saved values
    SV <- min( N.sampvalues, iter - burnin )
    svindex <- round( seq( burnin, iter, len=SV )     )
    a.chain <- matrix( NA, SV, I )
    b.chain <- matrix( NA, SV, I )
    theta.chain <- matrix( NA, SV, N )
    nu.chain <- sig.chain <- deviance.chain <- rep(NA, SV)
    transition.chain <- nonmastery.chain <- mastery.chain <-
            xi.chain <- omega.chain <- matrix(NA, SV, K )
    M.beta.chain <- M.alpha.chain <- matrix(NA,SV,K)
    zz <- 0
    # begin iterations
    for (ii in 1:iter){

        # draw latent data Z
        Z <- .draw.Z.2pnoh( aM, bM, theta, N, I, threshlow, threshupp )

        # draw latent traits theta
        res <- .draw.theta.2pnoh( aM, bM, N, I, Z )
        theta <- res$theta

        # draw item parameters alpha, beta, xi and omega
        res <- .draw.itempars.2pnoh( theta, Z, I, N, a, b,
                xi, omega, sig, nu, itemgroup, K, Ik, weights)
        a <- res$a
        b <- res$b
        xi <- res$xi
        omega <- res$omega

        # draw item variance
        res <- .draw.itemvariances.2pnoh(a,b,I, itemgroup, xi, omega, prior.variance)
        sig <- res$sig
        nu <- res$nu

        # item parameters in matrix form
        aM <- matrix( a, nrow=N, ncol=I, byrow=TRUE)
        bM <- matrix( b, nrow=N, ncol=I, byrow=TRUE)

        # save parameters
        if ( ii %in% svindex ){
            zz <- zz+1
            a.chain[ zz, ] <- a
            b.chain[ zz, ] <- b
            xi.chain[zz,] <- xi
            omega.chain[zz,] <- omega
            theta.chain[ zz, ] <- theta
            # mean alpha and beta
#            M.alpha.chain[zz,] <- aggregate( a, list(itemgroup), mean)[,2]
            M.alpha.chain[zz,] <- rowsum( a, itemgroup )[,1] / Ik
            M.beta.chain[zz,] <- rowsum( b, itemgroup )[,1] / Ik
            # calculate deviance
            deviance.chain[zz] <- .mcmc.deviance.2pl( aM, bM, theta, dat,
                     dat.resp,     weights, eps )
            # calculate mastery probabilities
            res <- .mcmc.mastery.2pnoh( xi, omega, N, K, weights, theta, prob.mastery)
            nonmastery <- res$nonmastery
            transition <- res$transition
            mastery <- res$mastery
            nonmastery.chain[zz,] <- res$nonmastery
            transition.chain[zz,] <- res$transition
            mastery.chain[zz,] <- res$mastery
            nu.chain[zz] <- nu
            sig.chain[zz] <- sig
        # print progress
        if ( ( ii %% progress.iter )==0 ){
            cat( 'Iteration', ii, ' | ', paste(Sys.time()), '\n')
            flush.console() }

    # output

    # Information criteria
    ic <- .mcmc.ic.2pl( a.chain, b.chain, theta.chain, N, I,
        dat, dat.resp, weights, eps,
        deviance.chain )

    # EAP reliability and person parameter estimates
    res <- .mcmc.person.2pno( theta.chain, weights )
    EAP.rel <- res$EAP.rel
    person <- res$person

    # MCMC object
    a <- a.chain
    b <- b.chain
    d <- a*b
    theta <- theta.chain
    colnames(a) <- paste0('alpha[', 1:I, ']')
    colnames(b) <- paste0('beta[', 1:I, ']')
    colnames(d) <- paste0('d[', 1:I, ']')
    colnames(theta) <- paste0('theta[', 1:N, ']')
    mcmcobj <- cbind( deviance.chain, a, b, d )
    colnames(mcmcobj)[1] <- 'deviance'
    colnames(xi.chain) <- paste0('xi[', 1:K, ']')
    colnames(omega.chain) <- paste0('omega[', 1:K, ']')
    colnames(M.alpha.chain) <- paste0('M.alpha[', 1:K, ']')
    colnames(M.beta.chain) <- paste0('M.beta[', 1:K, ']')
    tau.chain <- omega.chain * xi.chain
    colnames(tau.chain) <- paste0('tau[', 1:K, ']')
    mcmcobj <- cbind( mcmcobj, xi.chain, omega.chain,
        M.beta.chain, M.alpha.chain, tau.chain )
    dfr <- cbind( 'sig'=sig.chain, 'nu'=nu.chain )
    mcmcobj <- cbind( mcmcobj, dfr )
    colnames(nonmastery.chain) <- paste0('nonmastery[', 1:K, ']')
    colnames(transition.chain) <- paste0('transition[', 1:K, ']')
    colnames(mastery.chain) <- paste0('mastery[', 1:K, ']')
    mcmcobj <- cbind( mcmcobj, nonmastery.chain, transition.chain, mastery.chain )
    if (save.theta){ mcmcobj <- cbind( mcmcobj, theta ) }
    class(mcmcobj) <- 'mcmc'
    attr(mcmcobj, 'mcpar') <- c( burnin+1, burnin+SV, 1 )
    mcmcobj <- sirt_import_coda_as.mcmc.list( mcmcobj )

    # summary of the MCMC output
    summary.mcmcobj <- mcmc.list.descriptives( mcmcobj )
    # number of estimated parameters
#    np <- 2*I + 2*K + 2

    s2 <- Sys.time()
    time <- list( start=s1, end=s2, timediff=s2-s1 )
    desc <- '2PNO Hierarchical IRT Model for Criterion-Referenced Measurement'
    # result list
    res <- list( mcmcobj=mcmcobj, summary.mcmcobj=summary.mcmcobj,
            ic=ic, burnin=burnin, iter=iter,
            alpha.chain=a.chain, beta.chain=b.chain,
            xi.chain=xi.chain, omega.chain=omega.chain,
            sig.chain=sig.chain, nu.chain=nu.chain,
            theta.chain=theta.chain, deviance.chain=deviance.chain,
            EAP.rel=EAP.rel, person=person, dat=dat0, weights=weights,
            time=time, model='2pnoh', description=desc)
    class(res) <- "mcmc.sirt"
alexanderrobitzsch/sirt documentation built on Sept. 8, 2024, 2:45 a.m.