
Defines functions .gcd_stack_anno .gpo_filter_anno .gpo_highlight_anno .pV_mod_ggplot .pV_assemble_ggplot .pV_assemble_covPlotly2 .plotly_makeRectData .plotly_makeLineData .plotly_makeJuncCurveData .pV_trackList_from_list .pV_trackList_from_vector .gPO_getJunc .gPO_PSIjuncStats .pV_diffStat_ttest .gPO_normJuncStats .gPO_covStats .gPO_getCoverage .gPO_check_strand .gPO_check_tracks .pV_sashimiArc .pV_seed_plotly_HLexons .pV_seed_plotly_annoTrack .pV_seed_instant_plotly_HLexons .pV_seed_instant_plotly_annoTrack .pV_seed_ggplot_HLexons .pV_seed_ggplot_annoTrack .pV_highlight_to_colors .pV_plotExons .pV_plotRef .pV_seed_plotly_diffTrack .pV_seed_ggplot_diffTrack .pV_seed_plotly_covTrack .pV_seed_ggplot_covTrack .pV_plotDiffTracks .pV_plotCoverageTracks .pV_getJuncCoords .pV_filterTranscripts .pV_getEventCoords .pV_getAllowedCoords plotView plotAnnoTrack getPlotObject covPlotObject

Documented in getPlotObject plotAnnoTrack plotView

#' Versatile coverage plots for SpliceWiz
#' Here, we implement fast and versatile ggplot and plotly based
#' coverage and sashimi plots. Users can plot with unlimited number
#' of individual, individual-normalized, or group-normalized tracks.
#' Also implemented is user-defined group-comparison differential plots
#' (including t-test plots). Additionally, users can generate ggplots
#' subsetted by exon groups. See details below.
#' @details
#' The typical pipeline for plotting versatile coverage plots is as follows:
#' * A `covDataObject` is generated by calling `getCoverageData()` using an
#'   input `NxtSE` object. This step retrieves coverage, junction counts and
#'   normalization data for the relevant genomic region being queried. A new
#'   `covDataObject` is necessary when querying a new genomic region.
#' * A `covPlotObject` is generated by calling `getPlotObject()` using an
#'   input `covDataObject`. This step retrieves alternative splicing event
#'   specific data, such as normalized coverages, or group combined coverages.
#'   A new `covPlotObject` is required when changing `condition`, `Event`, 
#'   `strand`, or when querying using a different set of `tracks`.
#' * Plots can be generated by calling `plotView()` using a `covPlotObject`.
#'   Interactive plotly plots can be generated by setting `usePlotly = TRUE`,
#'   otherwise, static plots are generated. For interactive plots, a `covPlotly`
#'   object is returned, which contains raw data which is downsampled by
#'   pixel resolution prior to plotting for performance reasons. A new 
#'   `covPlotly` is required unless one only wishes to downsample the resolution
#'   - see [setResolution] for `covPlotly` objects.
#' Tracks are now versatile (unlimited). Samples are retrieved by individual
#' sample names at `getCoverageData()`. If `condition` is set in 
#' `getPlotObject()`, track names are defined by their condition categorical
#' names; otherwise, tracks are named by individual samples when retrieved using
#' `getPlotObject()`.
#' * When calling `plotView()`, `trackList` by default displays all tracks as
#'   ordered in the `covPlotObject`. Users can supply a vector containing either
#'   the track names (or numbers, as ordered in the `covPlotObject`).
#'   Alternatively, multiple traces can be stacked in a single track by
#'   using a list, e.g. `trackList = list(A = c(1,2,3), B = c(4,5,6))`.
#' * For differential comparisons, `diffList` takes a list of pairs of samples.
#'   For example, if `trackList = list("A", "B")`, then setting
#'   `diffList = list(c("A", "B"))` will compare groups "A" and "B". This is only
#'   activated by setting `diff_stat` to anything other than `none`. For now,
#'   only `t-test` is supported.
#' `plotView()` supports plotting by exon ranges, for which only static plots
#' are currently supported. The workflow for generating such a plot is as
#' follows:
#' * A GRanges object is returned by the `plotView()` function and setting 
#'   `showExonRanges = TRUE`. `plotView()` will simultaneously show an
#'   annotation plot of exons labelled by their "exon names", which is the
#'   transcript name appended with "-E" followed by the exon number.
#' * If `plotView()` is called and `usePlotly = TRUE` is set, a `covPlotly`
#'   object is returned. Calling `showExons()` on this object will display
#'   a plotly plot showing exon names, and returning a GRanges object of exon
#'   ranges.
#' * Exon ranges can be supplied to the `plotView()` function  by setting
#'   the `plotRanges` parameter as a GRanges object. This will generate a static
#'   plot showing coverage plots segmented by exons.
#' @param object 
#'   For `getPlotObject()`, a `covDataObject` created using 
#'   `getCoverageData`. For `plotView()`, a `covPlotObject` created using
#'   `getPlotObject()`.
#' @param Event The EventName of the alternative splicing event
#'   which will be highlighted and used for normalization
#' @param strand The strand for coverage / junction plotting. Options are `"+"`,
#'   `"-"`, or `"*"` (unstranded - default)
#' @param tracks Sample names or condition categories
#' @param condition For condition-based group plots, the name of the condition.
#' @param view_start,view_end The start and end coordinates for plotting
#' @param oldP (Optional) If plotting the same tracks and track-widths,
#'   supplying the old `covPlotly` object (returned from a previous call to
#'   `plotView()`) results in faster run-time (as plotly::subplot is a time-
#'   consuming function)
#' @param centerByEvent (default `FALSE`) If true, centers the view to the
#'   specified `Event`
#' @param EventZoomFactor If `centerByEvent = TRUE`, the zoom-out factor to plot
#'   the view. Zooms out in exponents of 3 
#'   (i.e., zoom of 1 means 3x, 2 means 9x, and 0 means 1x)
#' @param EventBasesFlanking (default `100`)
#'   If `centerByEvent = TRUE`, includes how many bases flanking the event.
#' @param resolution The number of horizontal "pixels" or data-points to plot.
#'   This is calculated per sub-plot. Smaller numbers lead to lower resolution
#'   but faster plots. Default is `5000`
#' @param trackList A list, with each element being a vector of 1 or more track
#'   names or indices to plot. If a vector is supplied it will be coerced to a
#'   list
#' @param diffList A list, with each element being a vector of size 2, 
#'   containing names or indices of which tracks to contrast.
#' @param diff_stat (default "t-test") Which statistical method to perform
#'   differential comparisons.
#' @param reverseGenomeCoords If `TRUE`, the genomic coordinate axis will be
#'   reversed to plot negative stranded genes
#' @param ribbon_mode The statistic to represent variance. Options are "sd" -
#'   standard deviation, "sem" - standard error of the mean, "ci" -
#'   95% confidence interval, or "none"
#' @param normalizeCoverage If `TRUE`, coverages and junctions of individual
#'   samples will be normalized by the given `Event`.
#' @param plotAnnotations Whether the main annotation track should be plotted
#' @param plotAnnoSubTrack If plotting by exon ranges (using `plotRanges`),
#'   whether a separate sub-track showing zoomed-in exons should be shown
#'   above the main annotation track (and below the coverage plots)
#' @param showExonRanges (only applies if `usePlotly = FALSE`) Whether the
#'   main annotation track should be replaced by labeled exon names. If `TRUE`
#'   the returned value of `plotView()` is a named GRanges object containing
#'   the exon ranges
#' @param verticalLayout A vector (of length 4) containing relative heights of 
#'   the following elements: (1) main block of coverage tracks, (2) differential
#'   track, (3) annotation sub-track, and (4) main annotation track. Default
#'   `c(4,1,1,2)`
#' @param horizontalLayout A vector containing relative widths of coverage
#'   tracks. Only used alongside `plotRanges` with more than 1 range to plot.
#'   If omitted, `plotView` will attempt to scale widths to the widths of the
#'   exon ranges.
#' @param filterByTranscripts (default `""`) One or more named transcripts to
#'   filter the annotation track.
#' @param filterByEventTranscripts (default `FALSE`) If `TRUE`, only transcripts
#'   involved in the given `Event` will be plotted, if any
#' @param filterByExpressedTranscripts (default `TRUE`) Only transcripts with
#'   supported junctions will be plotted on the annotation axis. An expressed
#'   junction is that which contains more than the minimum `junctionThreshold`
#'   in at least 1 track
#' @param condenseTranscripts Whether to plot by genes `TRUE` or transcripts
#'   `FALSE`
#' @param plotJunctions Whether to plot junction counts as numbered arcs. Plots
#'   normalized junctions if `normalizeCoverage = TRUE`.
#' @param plotJuncPSI If plotting group coverage plots, whether to plot
#'   mean +/- sd of normalized junction counts `FALSE`, or estimated junction
#'   PSI based on SpliceOver metric applied to each junction `TRUE`.
#' @param junctionThreshold (default `0.01`) Junctions with expressions below
#'   this threshold will not be plotted. For raw counts, this is a fraction of
#'   maximum coverage value of the track.
#' @param plotRanges A GRanges object containing one or more exon ranges to 
#'   plot. If given, `view_start` and `view_end` will be ignored. Typical use
#'   is to use the output of the `plotView(..., usePlotly = FALSE)`, which
#'   returns a named GRanges object, then subset this output by exon name.
#' @param rangesBasesFlanking (default `100`) How many flanking bases to add to
#'   each of `plotRanges`. Ignored if only 1 range given (or using
#'   `view_start` and `view_end`)
#' @param usePlotly If `TRUE`, returns a `covPlotly` object containing the
#'   plotly-based interactive plot. If `FALSE`, returns a ggplot object.
#' @param ... Ignored / not used
#' @return
#'   For `getPlotObject()`: A `covPlotObject` object containing Event-based
#'     data to create coverage plots using `plotView()`.
#'   For `plotView()`:
#' * If `usePlotly = TRUE`, returns a `covPlotly` object containing plotly-based
#'   interactive plot
#' * If `usePlotly = FALSE`, returns a patchwork-assembled static plot, unless
#'   `showExonRanges = TRUE` in which it shows the plot and returns a named
#'   GRanges object containing exon ranges.
#' @examples
#' se <- SpliceWiz_example_NxtSE(novelSplicing = TRUE)
#' # Assign annotation of the experimental conditions
#' colData(se)$treatment <- rep(c("A", "B"), each = 3)
#' # Retrieve coverage data for all samples for the gene "SRSF3" (and surrounds)
#' dataObj <- getCoverageData(
#'     se,
#'     Gene = "SRSF3",
#'     tracks = colnames(se)
#' )
#' # Retrieves raw / normalized coverage / junction data for the 
#' # specified SRSF3 skipped exon event:
#' plotObj_samples <- getPlotObject(
#'     dataObj,
#'     Event = "SE:SRSF3-203-exon4;SRSF3-202-int3"
#' )
#' # Retrieves data for samples grouped by the specified condition
#' plotObj_group <- getPlotObject(
#'     dataObj,
#'     Event = "SE:SRSF3-203-exon4;SRSF3-202-int3",
#'     condition = "treatment",
#'     tracks = c("A", "B")
#' )
#' # Display tracks and conditions of covPlotObject
#' tracks(plotObj_group)
#' condition(plotObj_group)
#' # Show static ggplots
#' plotView(plotObj_samples)
#' plotView(plotObj_group, centerByEvent = TRUE)
#' # Plot junctions using PSI estimates based on individual junction SpliceOver
#' # metrics
#' plotView(plotObj_group, centerByEvent = TRUE, plotJuncPSI = TRUE)
#' # Show normalized coverages, individual samples stacked in grouped tracks
#' plotView(
#'     plotObj_samples, 
#'     normalizeCoverage = TRUE, 
#'     trackList = list(A = c(1,2,3), B = c(4,5,6))
#' )
#' # Show stacked group comparisons with t-test
#' plotView(
#'     plotObj_group, 
#'     trackList = list(c(1,2)),
#'     diffList = list(c("A", "B")),
#'     diff_stat = "t-test"
#' )
#' # Show interactive plotly:
#' if(interactive()) {
#'     p <- plotView(plotObj_samples, usePlotly = TRUE)
#'     show(p)
#' }
#' # Show exons with coverage plot
#' # static:
#' gr <- plotView(plotObj_samples, showExonRanges = TRUE)
#' # interactive:
#' if(interactive()) {
#'     p <- plotView(plotObj_samples, usePlotly = TRUE)
#'     gr <- showExons(p)
#' }
#' # Plot coverage by exons
#' p <- plotView(plotObj_samples, 
#'     plotRanges = gr[c("SRSF3-203-E3", "SRSF3-203-E4", "SRSF3-203-E5")],
#'     horizontalLayout = c(1,1,1)
#' )
#' @name covPlotObject-class
#' @aliases
#' tracks tracks,covPlotObject-method
#' condition condition,covPlotObject-method
#' @seealso [getCoverageData] [covPlotly-class]
#' @md

covPlotObject <- function(
        args = list(),
        cov = list(),
        norm_cov = list(),
        junc = list(),
        norm_junc = list(),
        junc_PSI = list(),
        junc_stats = list(),
        cov_stats = list(),
        annotation = list()
) {
    obj <- new("covPlotObject",
        args = args,
        cov = cov,
        norm_cov = norm_cov,
        junc = junc,
        norm_junc = norm_junc,
        junc_PSI = junc_PSI,
        junc_stats = junc_stats,
        cov_stats = cov_stats,
        annotation = annotation

#' @describeIn covPlotObject-class Generates a covPlotObject object from a
#'   covDataObject. Allows users to change parameters such as viewing window,
#'   conditions, tracks, and other parameters, for customizing plot parameters
#' @export
getPlotObject <- function(
    Event, # To specify normalization event
    strand = c("*", "+", "-"),
    tracks, # can be a list of iterables
) {
    args <- object@args

    if(!missing(tracks)) args[["tracks"]] <- tracks
    if(!missing(condition)) args[["condition"]] <- condition

    if(!missing(Event)) args[["Event"]] <- Event
    if(!("Event" %in% names(args)) && "condition" %in% names(args)) {
        .log(paste("In getPlotObject,",
            "for plotting by condition, normalizing `Event` must be supplied"
    # Check tracks and conditions in args are legit, modify as necessary
    args <- .gPO_check_tracks(object, args)
    # Junction strand is always same as requested strand
    # But need to check strandedness of RNA-seq data before deciding coverage
            !missing(strand) && 
            length(strand) == 1 && 
            strand %in% c("*", "+", "-")
    ) {
        args[["strand"]] <- strand
    } else if(!("strand" %in% names(args))) {
        args[["strand"]] <- "*" # default strand

    # Check strand against stranded-ness of RNA-seq
    args <- .gPO_check_strand(object, args)

    # Always get these
    cov <- .gPO_getCoverage(object, args)
    junc <- .gPO_getJunc(object, args, cov)

    norm_cov <- norm_junc <- list()
    if("Event" %in% names(args)) {
         norm_cov <- .gPO_getCoverage(object, args, normalize = TRUE)
         # if single sample
         norm_junc <- .gPO_getJunc(object, args, norm_cov, normalized = TRUE)

    # Plot stats if applicable
    cov_stats <- junc_PSI <- junc_stats <- list()
    if("condition" %in% names(args)) {
        # compile junction data
        cov_stats <- .gPO_covStats(norm_cov)
        junc_stats <- .gPO_normJuncStats(object, args, cov_stats)
        junc_PSI <- .gPO_PSIjuncStats(object, args, norm_cov)

    # plot relevant annotations
    highlight_gr <- list()
            "Event" %in% names(args) && 
            args[["Event"]] %in% rownames(object@normData$rowData)
    ) {
        row <- object@normData$rowData[args[["Event"]],]
        args[["EventRegion"]] <- row$EventRegion
        if (row$EventType %in% c("MXE", "SE")) {
            highlight_gr[[1]] <- coord2GR(c(row$Event1a, row$Event2a))
        } else {
            highlight_gr[[1]] <- coord2GR(row$Event1a)
        if (row$EventType %in% c("MXE")) {
            highlight_gr[[2]] <- coord2GR(c(row$Event1b, row$Event2b))
        } else if (row$EventType %in%  c("SE", "A3SS", "A5SS", "ALE", "AFE")) {
            highlight_gr[[2]] <- coord2GR(row$Event1b)
    args[["highlight_gr"]] <- highlight_gr

    DTlist <- object@annotation
    DTlist$reduced.DT <- .gpo_highlight_anno(
        DTlist$reduced.DT, args[["highlight_gr"]]

        args = args,
        cov = cov,
        norm_cov = norm_cov,
        junc = junc,
        norm_junc = norm_junc,
        junc_PSI = junc_PSI,
        junc_stats = junc_stats,
        cov_stats = cov_stats,
        annotation = DTlist

#' @describeIn covPlotObject-class Returns the tracks contained in the 
#'   covPlotObject object
#' @export
setMethod("tracks", c(object = "covPlotObject"), function(
) {

#' @describeIn covPlotObject-class Returns the condition value set in the 
#'   covPlotObject object
#' @export
setMethod("condition", c(object = "covPlotObject"), function(
) {

#' @describeIn covDataObject-class Directly plots the annotation from a 
#'   covDataObject. 
#' @export
plotAnnoTrack <- function(
    object, Event,
    view_start, view_end,
    reverseGenomeCoords = FALSE,
    condensed = FALSE,
    selected_transcripts = "",
    plot_key_isoforms = FALSE,
    usePlotly = FALSE,
) {
    if(missing(view_start)) view_start <- object@args$view_start
    if(missing(view_end)) view_end <- object@args$view_end

    if(view_start > view_end) {
        reverseGenomeCoords <- !reverseGenomeCoords
        view_start <- view_start + view_end
        view_end <- view_start - view_end
        view_start <- view_start - view_end

    highlight_gr <- list()
    if(!missing(Event) && !("rowData" %in% names(object@normData))) {
            "In plotAnnoTrack(),", 
            "Plotting ASE from a SpliceWiz reference is currently not supported"
    if(!missing(Event) && Event %in% rownames(object@normData$rowData)) {
        row <- object@normData$rowData[Event,]
        if (row$EventType %in% c("MXE", "SE")) {
            highlight_gr[[1]] <- coord2GR(c(row$Event1a, row$Event2a))
        } else {
            highlight_gr[[1]] <- coord2GR(row$Event1a)
        if (row$EventType %in% c("MXE")) {
            highlight_gr[[2]] <- coord2GR(c(row$Event1b, row$Event2b))
        } else if (row$EventType %in%  c("SE", "A3SS", "A5SS", "ALE", "AFE")) {
            highlight_gr[[2]] <- coord2GR(row$Event1b)
    DTlist <- object@annotation
    DTlist$reduced.DT <- .gpo_highlight_anno(
        DTlist$reduced.DT, highlight_gr
    DTlist$reduced.DT <- .gpo_filter_anno(
        DTlist$reduced.DT, DTlist$transcripts.DT,
        selected_transcripts = selected_transcripts,
        plot_key_isoforms = plot_key_isoforms

    DTplotlist <- .gcd_stack_anno(
        DTlist, view_start, view_end, reverseGenomeCoords
    view_gr <- GRanges(
        IRanges(object@args[["view_start"]], object@args[["view_end"]])
    p <- .pV_plotRef(
        DTplotlist, view_gr,
        reverseGenomeCoords = reverseGenomeCoords,
        add_information = TRUE,
        usePlotly = usePlotly,
        instantPlotly = usePlotly

#' @describeIn covPlotObject-class Creates a coverage plot using the stored
#'   data in the covPlotObject
#' @export
plotView <- function(

    # for single window view (to simplify things)
    # debug = FALSE,
    oldP = covPlotly(),
    # Event-centric plotting
    centerByEvent = FALSE,
    EventZoomFactor = 0.2,
    EventBasesFlanking = 100,

    resolution = 5000,

    # specify tracks
    trackList = list(),
    # specify differential comparisons
    diff_stat = c("t-test", "none"),
    diffList = list(),

    reverseGenomeCoords = FALSE,

    ribbon_mode = c("sd", "sem", "ci", "none"),

    # plot raw or normalized coverage (only works for sample tracks)
    normalizeCoverage = FALSE,

    # specify annotation track
    plotAnnotations = TRUE,
    plotAnnoSubTrack = TRUE,
    showExonRanges = FALSE,

    # Plot layout
    verticalLayout = c(4,1,1,2),
    horizontalLayout = c(),

    # filter annotations
    filterByTranscripts = "",

    # plot only by transcripts with highlights
    filterByEventTranscripts = FALSE,

    # filter annotations
    filterByExpressedTranscripts = TRUE,
    # whether to condense transcripts by gene
    condenseTranscripts = FALSE,

    # whether to plot sashimi arcs
    plotJunctions = TRUE,
    plotJuncPSI = FALSE,
    junctionThreshold = 0.01,

    # whether to plot by exon windows
    plotRanges = GRanges(),
    rangesBasesFlanking = 100,

    # ggplot or plotly object?
    usePlotly = FALSE,
) {
    use_DT <- TRUE

    if(!is(object, "covPlotObject")) .log(paste(
        "In plotView,", "object must be a covPlotObject"

    args <- object@args

    # inject variables into args
    if(!missing(view_start)) args[["view_start"]] <- view_start
    if(!missing(view_end)) args[["view_end"]] <- view_end
    args[["reverseGenomeCoords"]] <- reverseGenomeCoords
    ribbon_mode <- match.arg(ribbon_mode)
    if(!is_valid(ribbon_mode)) ribbon_mode <- "none"
    args[["ribbon_mode"]] <- ribbon_mode

            (missing(view_start) | missing(view_end)) &&
            centerByEvent &
            "EventRegion" %in% names(args)
    ) {
        args <- .pV_getEventCoords(
            object, args, EventZoomFactor, 
    diff_stat <- match.arg(diff_stat)
    if(!is_valid(diff_stat)) diff_stat <- "none"
    # plotRanges checking
    if(!is(plotRanges, "GRanges")) .log(paste(
        "In plot() for class covPlotObject,",
        "`plotRanges` must be a GRanges object"
    # Plot single window if no plotRanges given
    if(length(plotRanges) == 0) plotRanges <- GRanges(
        args[["view_chr"]],IRanges(args[["view_start"]], args[["view_end"]])
    ) # strand is ignored
        any(as.character(seqnames(plotRanges)) != args[["view_chr"]])
    ) {
        seqs <- unique(as.character(seqnames(plotRanges)))
            "In plotView() for class covPlotObject,",
            "Some elements in `plotRanges` have seqnames that do not match that",
            "of covPlotObject", seqs[!(seqs %in% args[["view_chr"]])]
    # Make all plotRanges strand-agnostic
    strand(plotRanges) <- "*"

    # disable interactive if multi plot
    if(usePlotly == TRUE & length(plotRanges) > 1) {
            "In plotView,",
            "interactive plots are not supported for multi-view plotting"
        ), "warning")
        usePlotly <- FALSE

    # Expand plotRanges using rangesBasesFlanking 
    # - only used if more than 1 range
    rbf <- rangesBasesFlanking
    if(length(plotRanges) > 1) {
        for(i in seq_len(length(plotRanges))) {
            if(start(plotRanges[i]) - rbf > args[["limit_start"]]) {
                start(plotRanges[i]) <- start(plotRanges[i]) - rbf
            } else {
                start(plotRanges[i]) <- args[["limit_start"]]
            if(end(plotRanges[i]) + rbf < args[["limit_end"]]) {
                end(plotRanges[i]) <- end(plotRanges[i]) + rbf
            } else {
                end(plotRanges[i]) <- args[["limit_end"]]

    # What is the full range
    fullRange <- range(plotRanges)
    if(!missing(view_start) & !missing(view_end)) {
        # whatever's larger
        fullRange <- range(c(fullRange, 
            GRanges(args[["view_chr"]], IRanges(view_start, view_end))
        start(fullRange) < args[["limit_start"]] |
        end(fullRange) > args[["limit_end"]]
    ) {
            "Given range is outside that supported by parent covPlotObject.",
            "Suggest regenerating covPlotObject by calling getPlotObject()"
    fetchRange <- fullRange
    if(usePlotly) {
        start(fetchRange) <- max(args[["limit_start"]], 
            start(fullRange) - width(fullRange))
        end(fetchRange) <- min(args[["limit_end"]],
            end(fullRange) + width(fullRange))
    # Sort plotRanges
    plotRanges <- sort(plotRanges, decreasing = args[["reverseGenomeCoords"]])
    # Track list checking - should be a list of indices
    # If no trackList given, plot all tracks individually
    if(length(trackList) == 0) trackList <- lapply(
        function(i) i
    if(!is(trackList, "list")) {
        args[["trackList"]] <- .pV_trackList_from_vector(trackList, args)
    } else {
        args[["trackList"]] <- .pV_trackList_from_list(trackList, args)

    # Structure of plot
    # | 1a || 1b || 1c |
    # | 2a || 2b || 2c |
    # | 3a || 3b || 3c |
    # | pa || pb || pc | - diff track
    # | A  || B  || C  | - annotation subtrack
    # | annotation     | - annotation full track   

    covTrack <- list()
    diffTrack <- list()
    annoSubTrack <- list()
    annoFullTrack <- list() # list of 1
    exonFullTrack <- list() # list of 1
    # Proportion all viewing frames
    widthSum <- sum(width(plotRanges))
    widthFrac <- width(plotRanges) / widthSum
    if(use_DT && !usePlotly) use_DT <- FALSE

    # For filtering transcripts by expression later
    aggJuncCoords <- c()
    reservedCoords <- c()
    for(j in seq_len(length(plotRanges))) {
        range_gr <- plotRanges[j]
        # Work out which coords to plot
        juncCoords <- .pV_getJuncCoords(
            object, args, normalizeCoverage,
            range_gr = range_gr, 
        aggJuncCoords <- c(aggJuncCoords, juncCoords)
    reservedCoords <- sort(unique(c(
        aggJuncCoords[["jc_start"]] - 1,
        aggJuncCoords[["jc_end"]] + 1
    if(usePlotly) {
        covTrack[[j]] <- .pV_plotCoverageTracks(
            object, args, normalizeCoverage,
            range_gr = fullRange, 
            plotJunctions = plotJunctions, plotJuncPSI = plotJuncPSI,
            junctionThreshold = junctionThreshold,
            usePlotly = TRUE,
            use_DT = use_DT
        if(diff_stat != "none" && length(diffList) > 0) {
            diffTrack[[j]] <- .pV_plotDiffTracks(
                object, args, diffList,
                diff_stat, fullRange,
                usePlotly = usePlotly
    } else {
        # Generate full plotly first, then segment later
        tmpCov <- .pV_plotCoverageTracks(
            object, args, normalizeCoverage,
            range_gr = fullRange, 
            plotJunctions = plotJunctions, plotJuncPSI = plotJuncPSI,
            junctionThreshold = junctionThreshold,
            usePlotly = FALSE,
            use_DT = use_DT
        tmpCovPlot <- tmpCov$ggplot
        tmpCovJuncAnno <- as.data.table(tmpCov$dfJn_all)

        tmpDiffPlot <- NULL
        if(diff_stat != "none" && length(diffList) > 0) {
            tmpDiffPlot <- .pV_plotDiffTracks(
                object, args, diffList,
                diff_stat, fullRange,
                usePlotly = FALSE

        for(j in seq_len(length(plotRanges))) {
            range_gr <- plotRanges[j]
            okCoords <- .pV_getAllowedCoords(
                start(range_gr), end(range_gr),
                reservedCoords, resolution
            if(args[["reverseGenomeCoords"]]) {
                plotViewStart <- end(range_gr)
                plotViewEnd <- start(range_gr)
            } else {
                plotViewStart <- start(range_gr)
                plotViewEnd <- end(range_gr)            
            covTrack[[j]] <- list()
            dfJnSum_list <- list()
            if(plotJunctions) {
                dtJn_all <- as.data.table(tmpCovJuncAnno)
                allGroups <- unique(dtJn_all$group)
                for(elem in allGroups) {
                    dtJn <- copy(dtJn_all[get("group") == elem])

                    dtJn <- dtJn[
                        get("x") >= start(range_gr) &
                        get("x") <= end(range_gr)
                    dtJn[, c("xlabel", "ylabel") := list(
                        mean(get("x")), mean(get("ytmp"))), 
                        by = "info"
                    dtJn <- unique(
                            c("info", "value", "xlabel", 
                                "ylabel", "group", "covTrack"), 
                            with = FALSE
                    dfJnSum_list[[elem]] <- dtJn
            dfJnSum_all <- rbindlist(dfJnSum_list)
            for(i in seq_len(length(tmpCovPlot))) {
                curTrack <- names(args[["trackList"]])[i]
                covTrack[[j]][[i]] <- tmpCovPlot[[i]]
                ymax <- max(layer_scales(tmpCovPlot[[i]])$y$range$range)
                if(nrow(dfJnSum_all) > 0) {
                    tmpCovSubset <- dfJnSum_all[get("covTrack") == curTrack]
                    # disable junction plots for multiple samples per track
                            nrow(tmpCovSubset) > 0 &&
                            length(unique(tmpCovSubset$group)) == 1
                    ) {
                        covTrack[[j]][[i]] <- covTrack[[j]][[i]] +
                                data = tmpCovSubset, 
                                    x = get("xlabel"), 
                                    y = get("ylabel"), 
                                    label = get("value")
                if(!is.null(okCoords)) {
                    covTrack[[j]][[i]]$data <- covTrack[[j]][[i]]$data[
                        covTrack[[j]][[i]]$data$x %in% okCoords,]

                covTrack[[j]][[i]] <- covTrack[[j]][[i]] +
                    xlim = c(plotViewStart, plotViewEnd),
                    ylim = c(0, 1.2 * ymax),
                    expand = FALSE
            if(!is.null(tmpDiffPlot)) {
                diffTrack[[j]] <- list()
                for(i in seq_len(length(tmpDiffPlot))) {
                    diffTrack[[j]][[i]] <- tmpDiffPlot[[i]]
                    ymax <- max(layer_scales(tmpDiffPlot[[i]])$y$range$range)
                    if(!is.null(okCoords)) {
                        diffTrack[[j]][[i]]$data <- diffTrack[[j]][[i]]$data[
                            diffTrack[[j]][[i]]$data$x %in% okCoords,]
                    diffTrack[[j]][[i]] <- diffTrack[[j]][[i]] +
                        xlim = c(plotViewStart, plotViewEnd),
                        ylim = c(0, 1.2 * ymax),
                        expand = FALSE
    # bench <- system.time({
    DTlist <- .pV_filterTranscripts(
        object, args,
        filterByTranscripts = filterByTranscripts,
        filterByEventTranscripts = filterByEventTranscripts,
        filterByExpressedTranscripts = filterByExpressedTranscripts,
        aggJuncCoords = aggJuncCoords
    DTplotlist <- .gcd_stack_anno(
        start(fetchRange), end(fetchRange),
        reverseGenomeCoords = args[["reverseGenomeCoords"]],
        condensed = condenseTranscripts
    DTplotlist[["exonRanges"]] <- plotRanges
    exons_gr <- GRanges()
    if(length(plotRanges) > 1) {
        if(plotAnnoSubTrack) {
            for(j in seq_len(length(plotRanges))) {
                range_gr <- plotRanges[j]
                annoSubTrack[[j]] <- .pV_plotRef(
                    DTplotlist, range_gr,
                    reverseGenomeCoords = args[["reverseGenomeCoords"]],
                    add_information = FALSE,
                    usePlotly = usePlotly
            if(plotAnnotations) {
                annoFullTrack[[1]] <- .pV_plotRef(
                    DTplotlist, fullRange,
                    showPlotRanges = plotRanges,
                    reverseGenomeCoords = args[["reverseGenomeCoords"]],
                    add_information = TRUE,
                    usePlotly = usePlotly
        } else if(plotAnnotations) {
            annoFullTrack[[1]] <- .pV_plotRef(
                DTplotlist, fullRange,
                reverseGenomeCoords = args[["reverseGenomeCoords"]],
                add_information = TRUE,
                usePlotly = usePlotly
    } else {
        # Annotate and highlight exon regions
        transcripts <- copy(DTlist$transcripts.DT)
        reduced <- copy(DTplotlist$reduced.DT)
        reduced <- reduced[!is.na(reduced$plot_level)]
        exonsOnly <- reduced[get("type") == "exon"]
        exonsOnly$transcript_name <- transcripts$transcript_name[match(
            exonsOnly$transcript_id, transcripts$transcript_id)]
        exonsOnly[, c("exon_name") := paste0(
            get("transcript_name"), "-E", get("aux_id")
        exonsOnly[, c("feature_id") := NULL]

        exons_gr <- .grDT(exonsOnly, keep.extra.columns = TRUE)
        names(exons_gr) <- exons_gr$exon_name
        # Remove exons that lie outside view range
        OL <- findOverlaps(exons_gr, fetchRange, type = "within")
        exons_gr <- exons_gr[sort(unique(OL@from))]

        if(!plotAnnotations & showExonRanges) showExonRanges <- FALSE
        if(plotAnnotations) {
            exonFullTrack[[1]] <- .pV_plotExons(
                DTplotlist, fullRange, exons_gr,
                reverseGenomeCoords = args[["reverseGenomeCoords"]],
                add_information = TRUE,
                usePlotly = usePlotly
            annoFullTrack[[1]] <- .pV_plotRef(
                DTplotlist, fullRange, 
                reverseGenomeCoords = args[["reverseGenomeCoords"]],
                add_information = TRUE,
                usePlotly = usePlotly
    # })
    # message("Annotation data generation time:")
    # print(bench)

    keepVLayout <- c(
        length(covTrack) > 0,
        length(diffTrack) > 0,
        length(annoSubTrack) > 0,
        length(annoFullTrack) > 0
    originalVerticalLayout <- verticalLayout
    if(length(originalVerticalLayout) == 4) {
        originalVerticalLayout <- originalVerticalLayout[-3]
    if(length(verticalLayout) == 4) {
        verticalLayout <- verticalLayout[keepVLayout]
    } else if(length(verticalLayout) == sum(keepVLayout)) {
        # do nothing
    } else {
        # revert to default
        verticalLayout <- c(4,1,1,2)
        verticalLayout <- verticalLayout[keepVLayout]
    if(length(horizontalLayout) == 0) {
        horizontalLayout <- ceiling(10 * widthFrac / sum(widthFrac))
    } else if(length(horizontalLayout) == length(covTrack)) {
        horizontalLayout <- ceiling(horizontalLayout)
    } else {
        horizontalLayout <- ceiling(10 * widthFrac / sum(widthFrac))
    if(!args[["reverseGenomeCoords"]]) {
        plotViewStart <- start(fullRange)
        plotViewEnd <- end(fullRange)
    } else {
        plotViewStart <- end(fullRange)
        plotViewEnd <- start(fullRange)

    # if(debug) {
        # return(list(
            # plotViewStart = plotViewStart, plotViewEnd = plotViewEnd,
            # covTrack = covTrack,
            # diffTrack = diffTrack,
            # annoSubTrack = annoSubTrack,
            # annoFullTrack = annoFullTrack,
            # exonFullTrack = exonFullTrack
        # ))
    # }
    # bench <- system.time({
        if(usePlotly) {
            if(is(oldP, "covPlotly")) {
                p <- oldP
                p@covTrack <- covTrack
                p@diffTrack <- diffTrack
                p@annoTrack <- annoFullTrack
                p@exonTrack <- exonFullTrack
            } else {
                p <- covPlotly(
                    covTrack = covTrack,
                    diffTrack = diffTrack,
                    annoTrack = annoFullTrack

            p@args[["resolution"]] <- resolution
            p@args[["reservedCoords"]] <- reservedCoords
            p@args[["exonRanges"]] <- exons_gr

            p <- .pV_assemble_covPlotly2(p, originalVerticalLayout)

            p@fig[[2]] <- p@fig[[2]] %>% layout(
                dragmode = "pan",
                xaxis = list(
                    range = c(plotViewStart, plotViewEnd)
        } else {            
            if(showExonRanges) {
                p <- .pV_assemble_ggplot(
                    covTrack, diffTrack, annoSubTrack, exonFullTrack,
                        verticalLayout, horizontalLayout
            } else {
                p <- .pV_assemble_ggplot(
                    covTrack, diffTrack, annoSubTrack, annoFullTrack,
                        verticalLayout, horizontalLayout
    # })
    # message("Plotly generation time:")
    # print(bench)


# Given a range, resolution, and must-include coords
# - returns a set of coordinates to keep in final plot
.pV_getAllowedCoords <- function(
        viewStart, viewEnd, reservedCoords, resolution
) {
    rC <- reservedCoords[reservedCoords %in% seq(viewStart, viewEnd)]
    okCoords <- NULL
    if(resolution > 0 & !is.null(rC)) {
        okCoords <- round(seq(
            from = min(viewStart, viewEnd),
            to = max(viewStart, viewEnd),
            length.out = max(2, resolution - length(rC))
        okCoords <- sort(unique(c(okCoords, rC)))

# Returns view_start / view_end of coords centered around event
.pV_getEventCoords <- function(
    x, args,
    zoom_factor = 0.2,
    bases_flanking = 100
) {
    # sanitise parameters
    if(!is.numeric(bases_flanking) || bases_flanking < 0) bases_flanking <- 0
    if(!is.numeric(zoom_factor) || zoom_factor < 0) zoom_factor <- 0

    if(!("EventRegion" %in% names(args))) return(NULL)
    EventRegion <- args[["EventRegion"]]
    grEvent <- coord2GR(EventRegion)
    eventStart <- start(grEvent)
    eventEnd <- end(grEvent)
    view_length <- eventEnd - eventStart
    view_center <- (eventEnd + eventStart) / 2
    new_view_length <- view_length * 3^zoom_factor + 2 * bases_flanking
    view_start <- round(view_center - new_view_length / 2)
    view_end <- round(view_center + new_view_length / 2)
    seqInfo <- args[["seqInfo"]][args[["view_chr"]]]
    seqmax <- GenomeInfoDb::seqlengths(seqInfo)
    if (view_end > seqmax) {
        view_end <- seqmax - 1
        view_start <- view_end - new_view_length
        if(view_start < 1) view_start <- 1
    args[["view_start"]] <- view_start
    args[["view_end"]] <- view_end


# Returns reduced.DT and transcript.DT after filtering annotations by
# given criteria
.pV_filterTranscripts <- function(
    x, args,
) {

    # Filter annotations by observed coords
    reduced.DT <- copy(x@annotation[["reduced.DT"]])
    transcripts.DT <- copy(x@annotation[["transcripts.DT"]])
    transcriptFiltered <- FALSE
    if(is_valid(filterByTranscripts)) {
            all(filterByTranscripts %in% 
        ) {
            transcripts.DT <- transcripts.DT[
                get("transcript_name") %in% filterByTranscripts |
                get("transcript_id") %in% filterByTranscripts
            reduced.DT <- reduced.DT[
                get("transcript_id") %in% transcripts.DT$transcript_id
            transcriptFiltered <- TRUE
    if(!transcriptFiltered & filterByEventTranscripts) {
        reduced.DT.HL <- reduced.DT[get("highlight") != "0"]
        reduced.DT.nonHL <- reduced.DT[get("highlight") == "0"]
        reduced.DT.nonHL <- reduced.DT.nonHL[
            grepl("novel", get("transcript_id"))
        if(nrow(reduced.DT.HL) != 0) {
            transcripts.DT <- transcripts.DT[
                get("transcript_id") %in% reduced.DT.HL$transcript_id &
                # remove non-highlighted novel elements
                !(get("transcript_id") %in% reduced.DT.nonHL$transcript_id)
            reduced.DT <- reduced.DT[
                get("transcript_id") %in% transcripts.DT$transcript_id
            transcriptFiltered <- TRUE
    if(!transcriptFiltered && filterByExpressedTranscripts) {
        reduced.DT.introns <- reduced.DT[get("type") == "intron"]
        expressed.introns <- reduced.DT.introns[
            get("start") %in% aggJuncCoords[["jc_start"]] &
            get("end") %in% aggJuncCoords[["jc_end"]]
        nonexpressed.novel <- reduced.DT.introns[
            !(get("start") %in% aggJuncCoords[["jc_start"]]) |
            !(get("end") %in% aggJuncCoords[["jc_end"]])
        nonexpressed.novel <- nonexpressed.novel[
            grepl("novel", get("transcript_id"))
        if(nrow(expressed.introns) > 0) {
            transcripts.DT <- transcripts.DT[
                get("transcript_id") %in% expressed.introns$transcript_id &
                # remove non-highlighted novel elements
                !(get("transcript_id") %in% nonexpressed.novel$transcript_id)
            reduced.DT <- reduced.DT[
                get("transcript_id") %in% transcripts.DT$transcript_id
            transcriptFiltered <- TRUE

        reduced.DT = reduced.DT,
        transcripts.DT = transcripts.DT


# Given a list of tracks (in args)
# - returns a list of junction start/end coordinates of expressed transcripts
.pV_getJuncCoords <- function(
    x, args, 
    normalizeCoverage = FALSE,
    junctionThreshold = 0.01
) {
    plotMeanCov <- FALSE
    if("condition" %in% names(args)) plotMeanCov <- TRUE

    if(normalizeCoverage) {
        if(length(x@norm_cov) == 0 || plotMeanCov) {
            normalizeCoverage <- FALSE
    trackList <- args[["trackList"]]
    fetch_gr <- range_gr
    start(fetch_gr) <- max(args[["limit_start"]], 
        start(range_gr) - width(range_gr))
    end(fetch_gr) <- min(args[["limit_end"]],
        end(range_gr) + width(range_gr))  

    jc_start <- c()
    jc_end <- c()
    for(track_id in seq_len(length(trackList))) {
        idx <- trackList[[track_id]]
        for(elem in args[["tracks"]][idx]) {
            if(plotMeanCov) {
                junc <- x@junc_PSI[[elem]]
            } else if(normalizeCoverage) {
                junc <- x@norm_junc[[elem]]
            } else {
                junc <- x@junc[[elem]]
            OL <- findOverlaps(junc, fetch_gr)
            if(length(from(OL)) > 0) {
                junc <- junc[unique(from(OL))]
            } else {
                junc <- NULL
            if(!is.null(junc)) {
                isMean <- ("mean" %in% names(mcols(junc)))
                if(isMean) {
                    junc <- junc[mcols(junc)$mean >= junctionThreshold]
                } else if(normalizeCoverage) {
                    junc <- junc[mcols(junc)$count >= junctionThreshold]
                } else {
                    cov <- x@cov[[elem]]
                    junc <- junc[mcols(junc)$count >= 
                        junctionThreshold * max(cov$depth)
                if(length(junc) > 0) {
                    jc_start <- c(jc_start, start(junc))
                    jc_end <- c(jc_end, end(junc))             
        jc_start = jc_start, jc_end = jc_end

# Creates coverage plot tracks
.pV_plotCoverageTracks <- function(
    x, args,
    plotJunctions = TRUE, plotJuncPSI = FALSE,
    junctionThreshold = 0.01,
    usePlotly = FALSE,
    use_DT = FALSE
) {
    plotMeanCov <- FALSE
    if("condition" %in% names(args)) plotMeanCov <- TRUE
    rb <- "none"
    if(plotMeanCov) rb <- args[["ribbon_mode"]]

    if(normalizeCoverage) {
        if(length(x@norm_cov) == 0 || plotMeanCov) {
            normalizeCoverage <- FALSE
    # junction processing is identical
    trackName <- "Coverage"
    trackList <- args[["trackList"]]
    # plot view x cartesian coordinates
    if(args[["reverseGenomeCoords"]]) {
        plotViewStart <- end(range_gr)
        plotViewEnd <- start(range_gr)
    } else {
        plotViewStart <- start(range_gr)
        plotViewEnd <- end(range_gr)            
    # fetchViewStart and fetchViewEnd determine how much coverage to fetch
    # best to fetch a bit more than we need
    fetch_gr <- range_gr
    start(fetch_gr) <- max(args[["limit_start"]], 
        start(range_gr) - width(range_gr))
    end(fetch_gr) <- min(args[["limit_end"]],
        end(range_gr) + width(range_gr))    

    DT_list <- list()
    DTJn_list <- list()
    for(track_id in seq_len(length(trackList))) {
        idx <- trackList[[track_id]]
        for(elem in args[["tracks"]][idx]) {
            if(plotJunctions) {
                if(plotMeanCov) {
                    if(plotJuncPSI) {
                        junc <- x@junc_PSI[[elem]]
                    } else {
                        junc <- x@junc_stats[[elem]]
                } else if(normalizeCoverage) {
                    junc <- x@norm_junc[[elem]]
                } else {
                    junc <- x@junc[[elem]]
                OL <- findOverlaps(junc, fetch_gr)
                if(length(from(OL)) > 0) {
                    junc <- junc[unique(from(OL))]
                } else {
                    junc <- NULL
            } else {
                junc <- NULL

            if(plotMeanCov) {
                groupName <- paste(x@args[["condition"]], elem)
                DT <- x@cov_stats[[elem]]
                DT_sub <- DT[,seq_len(2)] # only 2 columns

                DTJn <- c()
                if(!is.null(junc)) {
                    DTJn <- .pV_sashimiArc(
                        arcHeight = 0.1 * max(DT$mean),
                        junctionThreshold = junctionThreshold * max(DT$mean)
            } else {
                groupName <- elem
                if(normalizeCoverage) {
                    DT <- x@norm_cov[[elem]]                   
                } else {
                    DT <- x@cov[[elem]]
                DTJn <- c()
                if(!is.null(junc)) {
                    DTJn <- .pV_sashimiArc(
                        arcHeight = 
                            0.1 * max(DT$depth),
                        junctionThreshold = junctionThreshold * 
            DT$group <- groupName
            DT$covTrack <- names(trackList)[track_id]
            DT_list[[groupName]] <- DT

            if(!is.null(junc) && nrow(DTJn) > 0) {
                DTJn$group <- groupName
                DTJn$covTrack <- names(trackList)[track_id]
                DTJn_list[[groupName]] <- DTJn
    df_all <- rbindlist(DT_list)
    dfJn_all <- rbindlist(DTJn_list)

    if(!use_DT) {
        df_all <- as.data.frame(df_all)
        dfJn_all <- as.data.frame(dfJn_all)    

    # group annotation
    df_all$info <- ""

    # junc processing - common
    dfJnSum_list <- list()
    if(plotJunctions) {
        dtJn_all <- as.data.table(dfJn_all)
        allGroups <- unique(dtJn_all$group)
        for(elem in allGroups) {
            dtJn <- copy(dtJn_all[get("group") == elem])

            dtJn <- dtJn[
                get("x") >= start(range_gr) &
                get("x") <= end(range_gr)
            dtJn[, c("xlabel", "ylabel") := list(
                mean(get("x")), mean(get("ytmp"))), 
                by = "info"
            dtJn <- unique(
                    c("info", "value", "xlabel", "ylabel", "group", "covTrack"), 
                    with = FALSE
            dfJnSum_list[[elem]] <- dtJn
    if(use_DT) {
        dfJnSum_all <- rbindlist(dfJnSum_list)
    } else {
        dfJnSum_all <- as.data.frame(rbindlist(dfJnSum_list))    

    # factor covTrack
    df_all$covTrack <- factor(df_all$covTrack, names(trackList))
    if(nrow(dfJn_all) > 0) {
        dfJn_all$covTrack <- factor(dfJn_all$covTrack, names(trackList))
    if(nrow(dfJnSum_all) > 0) {
        dfJnSum_all$covTrack <- factor(dfJnSum_all$covTrack, names(trackList))
    if(!usePlotly) {
        p <- .pV_seed_ggplot_covTrack(
            plotViewStart, plotViewEnd,
            df_all, dfJn_all, dfJnSum_all,
            plotJunctions, plotMeanCov, rb
            ggplot = p,
            dfJn_all = dfJn_all
    } else {
        p <- .pV_seed_plotly_covTrack(
            plotViewStart, plotViewEnd,
            df_all, dfJn_all, dfJnSum_all,
            plotJunctions, plotMeanCov, rb

# Creates differential plot tracks
.pV_plotDiffTracks <- function(
    x, args, diffList,
    usePlotly = FALSE
) {  
    # plot view x cartesian coordinates
    if(args[["reverseGenomeCoords"]]) {
        plotViewStart <- end(range_gr)
        plotViewEnd <- start(range_gr)
    } else {
        plotViewStart <- start(range_gr)
        plotViewEnd <- end(range_gr)            
    # fetchViewStart and fetchViewEnd determine how much coverage to fetch
    # best to fetch a bit more than we need
    fetch_gr <- range_gr
    start(fetch_gr) <- max(args[["limit_start"]], 
        start(range_gr) - width(range_gr))
    end(fetch_gr) <- min(args[["limit_end"]],
        end(range_gr) + width(range_gr))  
    # Assume diffList is a list
    if(is.null(names(diffList))) {
        listNames <- character(length(diffList))
        for(i in seq_len(length(diffList))) {
            listNames[i] <- paste(diffList[[i]], collapse = "_vs_")
        names(diffList) <- listNames
    } else {
        listNames <- names(diffList)
        for(i in seq_len(listNames)) {
            if(listNames[i] == "") {
                listNames[i] <- paste(diffList[[i]], collapse = "_vs_")
        names(diffList) <- listNames
    df_list <- list()
    for(i in seq_len(length(diffList))) {
        df <- c()
        diffItem <- diffList[[i]]
        diffName <- names(diffList)[i]
        if(length(diffItem) == 2) {
                    is.vector(diffItem, "character") &&
                    all(diffItem %in% names(x@norm_cov))
            ) {
                # Assume these are track names
                cov1 <- x@norm_cov[[diffItem[1]]]
                cov2 <- x@norm_cov[[diffItem[2]]]
            } else if(
                    is.vector(diffItem, "numeric") &&
                    all(diffItem %in% seq_len(length(x@norm_cov)))
            ) {
                cov1 <- x@norm_cov[[diffItem[1]]]
                cov2 <- x@norm_cov[[diffItem[2]]]
            } else {
                next # ignore this
        } else {
            next # ignore this

        cov1 <- cov1[get("x") >= start(fetch_gr) & get("x") <= end(fetch_gr)]
        cov2 <- cov2[get("x") >= start(fetch_gr) & get("x") <= end(fetch_gr)]
        if(diff_stat == "t-test") {
            df <- .pV_diffStat_ttest(cov1, cov2)
        } else {
        if(!is.null(df)) {
            df$diffTrack <- diffName
            df_list[[diffName]] <- df        
    df_all <- as.data.frame(rbindlist(df_list))

    if(nrow(df_all) == 0) return(NULL)

    # group annotation
    df_all$info <- ""

# factor covTrack
    df_all$diffTrack <- factor(df_all$diffTrack, names(diffList))

    if(!usePlotly) {
        p <- .pV_seed_ggplot_diffTrack(
            plotViewStart, plotViewEnd,
            df_all, diff_stat
    } else {
        p <- .pV_seed_plotly_diffTrack(
            plotViewStart, plotViewEnd,
            df_all, diff_stat


# Creates a ggplot of coverage tracks
.pV_seed_ggplot_covTrack <- function(
    plotViewStart, plotViewEnd,
    df_all, dfJn_all, dfJnSum_all,
    plotJunctions, plotMeanCov, rb
) {
    covTracks <- levels(df_all$covTrack)

    plotList <- list()
    viewMin <- min(plotViewStart, plotViewEnd)
    viewMax <- max(plotViewStart, plotViewEnd)
    for(i in seq_len(length(covTracks))) {
        covTrack = covTracks[i]
        df <- df_all[df_all$covTrack == covTrack,]
        dfJn <- dfJn_all[dfJn_all$covTrack == covTrack,]
        nGroups <- length(unique(df$group))
        # Filter by [plotViewStart, plotViewEnd]
        df <- df[df$x >= viewMin & df$x <= viewMax,]
        dfJn <- dfJn[dfJn$x >= viewMin & dfJn$x <= viewMax,]
        p <- ggplot(df) + geom_hline(yintercept = 0)   

        # plot ribbon (group cov only)
        if(plotMeanCov && rb %in% c("ci", "sd", "sem")) {
            p <- p +
                geom_ribbon(data = df, alpha = 0.2,
                        x = get("x"), y = get("mean"),
                        ymin = get("mean") - get(rb),
                        ymax = get("mean") + get(rb),
                        group = get("group"),
                        fill = get("group")

        # plot line
        if(plotMeanCov) {
            p <- p + geom_line(aes(
                x = get("x"), y = get("mean"), 
                group = get("group"), color = get("group")
        } else {
            p <- p + geom_line(aes(
                x = get("x"), y = get("depth"), 
                group = get("group"), color = get("group")
        if(nGroups == 1) {
            p <- p + scale_color_manual(values = "black") +
                scale_fill_manual(values = "black")
        # plot junctions
        if(plotJunctions & nGroups == 1) {
            dfJn <- dfJn_all[dfJn_all$covTrack == covTrack,]
            p <- p +
                    data = dfJn, 
                    aes(x = get("x"), y = get("yarc"), group = get("info")), 
                    color = "darkred"
            # NB sashimi arc numbers are plotted later

        if(nGroups > 1) {
            p <- p + theme_white_legend +
                    axis.title.x = element_blank(),
                    legend.title = element_blank()
                ) +
                labs(x = "", y = covTrack)        
        } else {
            p <- p + theme_white +
                theme(axis.title.x = element_blank()) +
                labs(x = "", y = covTrack)                
        plotList[[i]] <- p


# Creates plotly (data) for coverage tracks
.pV_seed_plotly_covTrack <- function(
    plotViewStart, plotViewEnd,
    df_all, dfJn_all, dfJnSum_all,
    plotJunctions, plotMeanCov, rb
) {
    covTrack <- levels(df_all$covTrack)
    # nested list of data
    dataList <- list()

    # y axis range, title
    layoutList <- list()

    for(i in seq_len(length(covTrack))) {   
        track <- covTrack[i]
        df <- df_all[df_all$covTrack == track,]
        dfJn <- dfJn_all[dfJn_all$covTrack == track,]
        dfJnSum <- dfJnSum_all[dfJnSum_all$covTrack == track,]
        groupNames <- unique(df$group)
        nGroups <- length(groupNames)
        if(nrow(df) > 0) {
            df$group <- factor(df$group, groupNames)
        if(nrow(dfJn) > 0) {
            dfJn$group <- factor(dfJn$group, groupNames)
        if(nrow(dfJnSum) > 0) {
            dfJnSum$group <- factor(dfJnSum$group, groupNames)
        dataList[[i]] <- list()
        dataList[[i]][[1]] <- list() # always have junction track
        for(j in seq_len(nGroups)) {
            dataList[[i]][[2*j]] <- list()
            dataList[[i]][[2*j + 1]] <- list()

        if(plotJunctions & nGroups == 1) {
            # sashimi arcs
            plotJuncData <- .plotly_makeJuncCurveData(
                dfJn$x, dfJn$yarc, dfJn$info
            dataList[[i]][[1]] <- list(
                x = plotJuncData$x, y = plotJuncData$y, 
                text = plotJuncData$text

            # sashimi numbers
            dataList[[i]][[2]] <- list(
                x = dfJnSum$xlabel, y = dfJnSum$ylabel, 
                text = dfJnSum$value

        for(j in seq_len(nGroups)) {
            df_sub <- as.data.frame(df[df$group == levels(df$group)[j],])
            if("mean" %in% colnames(df)) {
                dataList[[i]][[2*j + 1]] <- list(
                    x = df_sub$x, y = df_sub$mean, text = df_sub$info
                dataList[[i]][[2*j + 1]][["hovertemplate"]] <- paste0(
                    "<b>", levels(df$group)[j], "</b><br>",
                    "<i>Coordinate:</i> %{x}<br>",
                    "<i>Norm-Depth (mean):</i> %{y:.3f}<br>",
                if(rb %in% c("ci", "sd", "sem")) {
                    dataList[[i]][[2*j + 2]] <- list(
                        x = c(df_sub$x, rev(df_sub$x)), 
                        y = c(
                            df_sub$mean + unname(unlist(df_sub[,rb])),
                            rev(df_sub$mean - unname(unlist(df_sub[,rb])))
                        text = c(df_sub$info, rev(df_sub$info))
                    dataList[[i]][[2*j + 2]][["hovertemplate"]] <- paste0(
                        "<b>", levels(df$group)[j], "</b><br>",
                        "<i>Coordinate:</i> %{x}<br>",
                        "<i>Norm-Depth (", rb,"):</i> %{y:.3f}<br>",
                } else {
                    dataList[[i]][[2*j + 2]] <- list()
            } else {
                dataList[[i]][[2*j + 1]] <- list(
                    x = df_sub$x, y = df_sub$depth, text = df_sub$info
                dataList[[i]][[2*j + 1]][["hovertemplate"]] <- paste0(
                    "<b>", levels(df$group)[j], "</b><br>",
                    "<i>Coordinate:</i> %{x}<br>",
                    "<i>Depth:</i> %{y}<br>",
                dataList[[i]][[2*j + 2]] <- list()
            if(nGroups > 1) {
                dataList[[i]][[2*j + 1]][["showlegend"]] <- TRUE
                dataList[[i]][[2*j + 1]][["name"]] <- levels(df$group)[j]

        # what is yrange?
        df_sub <- df[
            df$x >= min(plotViewStart, plotViewEnd) & 
            df$x <= max(plotViewStart, plotViewEnd),
        if("mean" %in% colnames(df_sub)) {
            ymax <- max(df_sub$mean)
        } else {
            ymax <- max(df_sub$depth)
        layoutList[[i]] <- list(
            yrange = c(0, ymax * 1.2),
            title = track

        dataList = dataList,
        layoutList = layoutList

# Creates a ggplot of differential tracks
.pV_seed_ggplot_diffTrack <- function(
    plotViewStart, plotViewEnd, df_all, diff_stat
) {
    diffTracks <- levels(df_all$diffTrack)

    plotList <- list()

    for(i in seq_len(length(diffTracks))) {
        diffTrack = diffTracks[i]
        df <- df_all[df_all$diffTrack == diffTrack,]
        p <- ggplot(df) + geom_hline(yintercept = 0)

    # plot line
        p <- p + geom_line(aes(x = get("x"), y = get("stat")), 
            color = "black")

    # plot y axis and format
        p <- p + theme_white_legend + labs(y = "-log10 P")
        p <- p +
            theme(axis.title.x = element_blank()) +
                x = "", y = diffTrack
        plotList[[i]] <- p

# Creates a plotly (data) of diff tracks
.pV_seed_plotly_diffTrack <- function(
    plotViewStart, plotViewEnd, df_all, diff_stat
) {
    diffTrack <- levels(df_all$diffTrack)

    # nested list of data
    dataList <- list()
    # y axis range, title
    layoutList <- list()
    for(i in seq_len(length(diffTrack))) {
        track <- diffTrack[i]
        df <- df_all[df_all$diffTrack == track,]
        dataList[[i]] <- list()
        dataList[[i]][[1]] <- list(
            x = df$x, y = df$stat, text = df$info
        dataList[[i]][[1]][["hovertemplate"]] <- paste0(
            "<b>", track, "</b><br>",
            "<i>Coordinate:</i> %{x}<br>",
            "<i>-log10(P):</i> %{y}<br>",
        df_sub <- df[
            df$x >= min(plotViewStart, plotViewEnd) & 
            df$x <= max(plotViewStart, plotViewEnd),
        ymax <- max(df_sub$stat)

        layoutList[[i]] <- list(
            yrange = c(0, ymax * 1.2),
            title = track

        dataList = dataList,
        layoutList = layoutList


# Plots an annotation track (or sub-track)
.pV_plotRef <- function(
    DTplotlist, view_gr, showPlotRanges = GRanges(),
    reverseGenomeCoords = FALSE,
    add_information = TRUE,
    usePlotly = FALSE,
    instantPlotly = FALSE
) {
    view_chr <- as.character(seqnames(view_gr))
    view_start <- start(view_gr)
    view_end <- end(view_gr)

    group.DT <- copy(DTplotlist$group.DT)

    # use one paste function
    if(add_information) {
        group.DT[, c("left_extra", "right_extra") := list("","")]
        if(reverseGenomeCoords) {
            group.DT[get("strand") == "-", c("right_extra") := " -->"]
            group.DT[get("strand") == "+", c("left_extra") := "<-- "]
        } else {
            group.DT[get("strand") == "+", c("right_extra") := " -->"]
            group.DT[get("strand") == "-", c("left_extra") := "<-- "]
        group.DT[, c("display_name") := paste0(
            " (", get("strand"), ") ",
        group.DT[, c("left_extra", "right_extra") := list(NULL,NULL)]

        group.DT[, c("disp_x") := 0.5 * (get("start") + get("end"))]
        group.DT[get("start") < view_start & get("end") > view_start,
            c("disp_x") := 0.5 * (view_start + get("end"))]
        group.DT[get("end") > view_end & get("start") < view_end,
            c("disp_x") := 0.5 * (get("start") + view_end)]
        group.DT[get("start") < view_start & get("end") > view_end,
            c("disp_x") := 0.5 * (view_start + view_end)]    

    reduced <- copy(DTplotlist$reduced.DT)
    reduced <- reduced[!is.na(reduced$plot_level)]
    condense_this <- DTplotlist$condense_this
    exonRanges <- DTplotlist$exonRanges

    # Hover Text annotation
    reduced[, c("Information") := ""]
    reduced[get("type") %in% c("exon", "CDS"), c("Information") := paste(
        paste(get("transcript_id"), "exon", get("aux_id")),
        paste0("(", get("feature_id"), ")"),
        paste0(get("seqnames"), ":", get("start"), "-", get("end"), "/", 
        sep = "\n"
    reduced[get("type") == "intron", c("Information") := paste(
        paste0(get("seqnames"), ":", get("start"), "-", get("end"), "/", 
        sep = "\n"
    reduced <- as.data.frame(reduced)

    reducedIntrons <- data.frame()
    if (sum(reduced$type == "intron", na.rm = TRUE) > 0) {
        reducedIntrons <- reduced[reduced$type == "intron", ]
        reducedIntronsExpanded <- c()
        for(i in seq_len(nrow(reducedIntrons))) {
            reducedIntronsExpanded <- rbind(reducedIntronsExpanded, data.frame(
                start = seq(reducedIntrons$start[i], reducedIntrons$end[i],
                    length.out = 10),
                end = seq(reducedIntrons$start[i], reducedIntrons$end[i],
                    length.out = 10),
                plot_level = reducedIntrons$plot_level[i],
                highlight = reducedIntrons$highlight[i],
                Information = reducedIntrons$Information[i]              
        col_highlights <- sort(unique(reducedIntronsExpanded$highlight))
    nonIntrons <- reduced[reduced$type != "intron", ]
    fill_highlights <- sort(unique(nonIntrons$highlight))

    if(!reverseGenomeCoords) {
        plotViewStart <- view_start
        plotViewEnd <- view_end
    } else {
        plotViewStart <- view_end
        plotViewEnd <- view_start     

    if(!usePlotly) {
        p <- .pV_seed_ggplot_annoTrack(
            plotViewStart, plotViewEnd, view_chr,
            reducedIntronsExpanded, nonIntrons,
            group.DT, condense_this, add_information,
    } else if(instantPlotly) {
        p <- .pV_seed_instant_plotly_annoTrack(
            plotViewStart, plotViewEnd, view_chr,
            reducedIntrons, nonIntrons,
            group.DT, condense_this, add_information
    } else  {
        p <- .pV_seed_plotly_annoTrack(
            plotViewStart, plotViewEnd, view_chr,
            reducedIntrons, nonIntrons,
            group.DT, condense_this, add_information

# Plots an annotation track showing only named exons
.pV_plotExons <- function(
    DTplotlist, view_gr, exons_gr,
    reverseGenomeCoords = FALSE,
    add_information = TRUE,
    usePlotly = FALSE,
    instantPlotly = FALSE
) {
    view_chr <- as.character(seqnames(view_gr))
    view_start <- start(view_gr)
    view_end <- end(view_gr)

    exons <- as.data.frame(exons_gr)

    if(!reverseGenomeCoords) {
        plotViewStart <- view_start
        plotViewEnd <- view_end
    } else {
        plotViewStart <- view_end
        plotViewEnd <- view_start     

    if(!usePlotly) {
        p <- .pV_seed_ggplot_HLexons(
            plotViewStart, plotViewEnd, view_chr, exons
    } else if(instantPlotly) {
        p <- .pV_seed_instant_plotly_HLexons(
            plotViewStart, plotViewEnd, view_chr, exons
    } else  {
        p <- .pV_seed_plotly_HLexons(
            plotViewStart, plotViewEnd, view_chr, exons

# Convert highlight codes to colors
.pV_highlight_to_colors <- function(highlights, usePlotly = FALSE) {
    if(is.null(highlights)) return(NULL)
    if(usePlotly) {
        highlights <- sub("0", "rgba(0,0,0,1)", highlights)
        highlights <- sub("1", "rgba(0,0,255,1)", highlights)
        highlights <- sub("2", "rgba(255,0,0,1)", highlights)
        highlights <- sub("3", "rgba(255,0,255,1)", highlights)
    } else {
        highlights <- sub("0", "black", highlights)
        highlights <- sub("1", "blue", highlights)
        highlights <- sub("2", "red", highlights)
        highlights <- sub("3", "purple", highlights)


# Creates a ggplot of annotation track
.pV_seed_ggplot_annoTrack <- function(
    plotViewStart, plotViewEnd, view_chr,
    introns, exons, group.DT, condense_this, add_information,
) {
    col_highlights <- sort(unique(introns$highlight))
    fill_highlights <- sort(unique(exons$highlight))
    col_highlights <- .pV_highlight_to_colors(col_highlights)
    fill_highlights <- .pV_highlight_to_colors(fill_highlights)

    anno <- NULL
    if(add_information) {
        if (condense_this == TRUE) {
            anno <- data.frame(
                x = group.DT$disp_x,
                y = group.DT$plot_level - 0.5 + 0.3 * 
                    runif(rep(1, nrow(group.DT))),
                Information = group.DT$display_name
        } else {
            anno <- data.frame(
                x = group.DT$disp_x,
                y = group.DT$plot_level - 0.4,
                Information = group.DT$display_name
    if (nrow(group.DT) == 0) {
        max_plot_level <- 1
    } else {
        max_plot_level <- max(group.DT$plot_level)
    p <- ggplot()
    if(nrow(introns) > 0) {
        p <- p + geom_line(data = introns,
            aes(x = get("start"), y = get("plot_level"),
            color = get("highlight"), group = get("Information"))
    if(nrow(exons) > 0) {
        p <- p + geom_rect(data = exons,
            aes(xmin = get("start"), xmax = get("end"),
                ymin = get("plot_level") - 0.1 -
                    ifelse(get("type") %in%
                        c("CDS", "start_codon", "stop_codon"), 0.1, 0),
                ymax = get("plot_level") + 0.1 +
                    ifelse(get("type") %in%
                        c("CDS", "start_codon", "stop_codon"), 0.1, 0),
                fill = get("highlight")
    if(length(showPlotRanges) > 0) {
        ref_ymin <- min(layer_scales(p)$y$range$range)
        ref_ymax <- max(layer_scales(p)$y$range$range)

        dfRanges <- as.data.frame(showPlotRanges)
        dfRanges$rangeName <- as.character(seq_len(length(showPlotRanges)))

        p <- p + geom_rect(data = dfRanges,
            mapping = aes(xmin = get("start"), xmax = get("end"),
                ymin = ref_ymin - 0.5, ymax = ref_ymax + 0.5
            ), fill = NA, color = "red"
        ) + geom_text(data = dfRanges,
                x = 0.5 * (get("start") + get("end")),
                y = ref_ymin - 1, label = get("rangeName")

        p <- p + scale_color_manual(values = col_highlights)
        p <- p + scale_fill_manual(values = fill_highlights)
    p <- p + theme_white_legend_plot_track +
            axis.text.y = element_blank(), 
            axis.title.y = element_blank(),
            legend.title = element_blank()

    if(!is.null(anno)) {
        p <- p + geom_text(
            data = anno,
            aes(x = get("x"), y = get("y"), label = get("Information"))
    p <- p + theme(legend.position = "none") +
        labs(x = paste("Chromosome", view_chr))

    ref_ymin <- min(layer_scales(p)$y$range$range)
    ref_ymax <- max(layer_scales(p)$y$range$range)
    p <- p + 
        scale_x_continuous(labels = label_number(scale_cut = cut_si(""))) +
            xlim = c(plotViewStart, plotViewEnd),
            ylim = c(ref_ymin - 1, ref_ymax + 1),
            expand = FALSE

# Creates a ggplot of exons track
.pV_seed_ggplot_HLexons <- function(
    plotViewStart, plotViewEnd, view_chr, exons
) {
    fill_highlights <- sort(unique(exons$highlight))
    fill_highlights <- .pV_highlight_to_colors(fill_highlights)

    if (nrow(exons) == 0) {
        max_plot_level <- 1
    } else {
        max_plot_level <- max(exons$plot_level)
    p <- ggplot()

    if(nrow(exons) > 0) {
        p <- p + geom_rect(data = exons,
            aes(xmin = get("start"), xmax = get("end"),
                ymin = get("plot_level") - 0.1 -
                    ifelse(get("type") %in%
                        c("CDS", "start_codon", "stop_codon"), 0.1, 0),
                ymax = get("plot_level") + 0.1 +
                    ifelse(get("type") %in%
                        c("CDS", "start_codon", "stop_codon"), 0.1, 0),
                fill = get("highlight")
        ) + geom_text(
            data = exons,
                x = 0.5 * (get("start") + get("end")), 
                y = get("plot_level") - 0.4, 
                label = get("exon_name")
            )# ,
            # hjust=1, angle=45

    p <- p + 
        scale_fill_manual(values = fill_highlights)    
    p <- p + theme_white_legend_plot_track +
            axis.text.y = element_blank(), 
            axis.title.y = element_blank(),
            legend.title = element_blank()

    p <- p + theme(legend.position = "none") +
        labs(x = paste("Chromosome", view_chr))

    ref_ymin <- min(layer_scales(p)$y$range$range)
    ref_ymax <- max(layer_scales(p)$y$range$range)
    p <- p + 
        scale_x_continuous(labels = label_number(scale_cut = cut_si(""))) +
            xlim = c(plotViewStart, plotViewEnd),
            ylim = c(ref_ymin - 1, ref_ymax + 1),
            expand = FALSE

# Creates an instant plotly of annotation track
.pV_seed_instant_plotly_annoTrack <- function(
    plotViewStart, plotViewEnd, view_chr,
    introns, exons, group.DT, condense_this, add_information
) {
    col_highlights <- sort(unique(introns$highlight))
    fill_highlights <- sort(unique(exons$highlight))
    col_colors <- .pV_highlight_to_colors(col_highlights)
    fill_colors <- .pV_highlight_to_colors(fill_highlights)
    anno <- NULL
    if(add_information) {
        if (condense_this == TRUE) {
            anno <- data.frame(
                x = group.DT$disp_x,
                y = group.DT$plot_level - 0.5 + 0.3 * 
                    runif(rep(1, nrow(group.DT))),
                Information = group.DT$display_name
        } else {
            anno <- data.frame(
                x = group.DT$disp_x,
                y = group.DT$plot_level - 0.4,
                Information = group.DT$display_name
    if (nrow(group.DT) == 0) {
        max_plot_level <- 1
    } else {
        max_plot_level <- max(group.DT$plot_level)
    fig <- plot_ly()
    if(nrow(introns) > 0) {
        intronLineData <- .plotly_makeLineData(
            introns$start, introns$plot_level, introns$end, introns$plot_level,
            introns$Information, introns$highlight

        for(i in seq_len(length(col_highlights))) {
            hl <- col_highlights[i]
            color <- col_colors[i]
            fig <- fig %>% add_trace(
                data = intronLineData[intronLineData$colorInfo == hl,],
                x = as.formula("~x"),
                y = as.formula("~y"),
                text = as.formula("~text"),
                hoveron = "points", hoverinfo = 'text',
                line = list(
                    color = color
                type = 'scatter', mode = 'lines',
                showlegend = FALSE
    typeThick <- c("CDS", "start_codon", "stop_codon")
    if(nrow(exons) > 0) {
        exons_thin <- exons[!(exons$type %in% typeThick), ]
        exons_thick <- exons[exons$type %in% typeThick, ]
        exons_thin$ymin <- exons_thin$plot_level - 0.15
        exons_thin$ymax <- exons_thin$plot_level + 0.15
        exons_thick$ymin <- exons_thick$plot_level - 0.3
        exons_thick$ymax <- exons_thick$plot_level + 0.3
        exons_comb <- rbind(exons_thin, exons_thick)

        exons_instr <- .plotly_makeRectData(
            exons_comb$start, exons_comb$end,
            exons_comb$ymin, exons_comb$ymax,
            resolution = 10

        for(i in seq_len(length(fill_highlights))) {
            rects <- exons_instr[
                exons_instr$colorInfo == fill_highlights[i],

            fig <- fig %>% add_trace(
                    data = rects,
                    x = as.formula("~x"),
                    y = as.formula("~y"),
                    text = as.formula("~text"),
                    type = 'scatter', mode = 'lines',
                    hoveron = "points+fills", hoverinfo = 'text',
                    line = list(
                        color = "transparent"
                    fill = "toself",
                    fillcolor = fill_colors[i],
                    showlegend = FALSE
    if(add_information) {
        xtitle <- paste("Chromosome/Scaffold", view_chr)
        fig <- fig %>% add_trace(
            data = anno,
            x = as.formula("~x"),
            y = as.formula("~y"),
            text = as.formula("~Information"),
            hoverinfo = 'text',
            type = 'scatter', mode = 'text',
            textposition = 'middle',
            showlegend = FALSE
    } else {
        xtitle <- ""
    fig <- fig %>% layout(
        dragmode = "pan",
        xaxis = list(
            range = c(plotViewStart, plotViewEnd),
            title = xtitle
        yaxis = list(
            title = "",
            range = c(0, 1 + max_plot_level)# ,
            # fixedrange = TRUE


# Creates a plotly of exons track
.pV_seed_instant_plotly_HLexons <- function(
    plotViewStart, plotViewEnd, view_chr, exons
) {    
    fill_highlights <- sort(unique(exons$highlight))
    fill_colors <- .pV_highlight_to_colors(fill_highlights)

    if (nrow(exons) == 0) {
        max_plot_level <- 1
    } else {
        max_plot_level <- max(exons$plot_level)
    fig <- plot_ly()

    if(nrow(exons) > 0) {
        exons$ymin <- exons$plot_level - 0.15
        exons$ymax <- exons$plot_level + 0.15
        exons$xdisp <- 0.5 * (exons$start + exons$end)
        exons$ydisp <- exons$plot_level - 0.4       
        exons_instr <- .plotly_makeRectData(
            exons$start, exons$end,
            exons$ymin, exons$ymax,
            resolution = 10

        for(i in seq_len(length(fill_highlights))) {
            rects <- exons_instr[
                exons_instr$colorInfo == fill_highlights[i],

            fig <- fig %>% add_trace(
                    data = rects,
                    x = as.formula("~x"),
                    y = as.formula("~y"),
                    text = as.formula("~text"),
                    type = 'scatter', mode = 'lines',
                    hoveron = "points+fills", hoverinfo = 'text',
                    line = list(
                        color = "transparent"
                    fill = "toself",
                    fillcolor = fill_colors[i],
                    showlegend = FALSE

            fig <- fig %>% add_trace(
                data = exons,
                x = as.formula("~xdisp"),
                y = as.formula("~ydisp"),
                text = as.formula("~exon_name"),
                hoverinfo = 'text',
                type = 'scatter', mode = 'text',
                textposition = 'middle',
                showlegend = FALSE
    xtitle <- paste("Chromosome/Scaffold", view_chr)

    fig <- fig %>% layout(
        dragmode = "pan",
        xaxis = list(
            range = c(plotViewStart, plotViewEnd),
            title = xtitle
        yaxis = list(
            title = "",
            range = c(0, 1 + max_plot_level),
            fixedrange = TRUE


# Creates a plotly (data) of annotation track
.pV_seed_plotly_annoTrack <- function(
    plotViewStart, plotViewEnd, view_chr,
    introns, exons, group.DT, condense_this, add_information
) {
    dataList <- list()

    # x,y axis range, title
    layoutList <- list()
    col_highlights <- fill_highlights <- c("0", "1", "2", "3")
    if(nrow(introns) > 0) {
        intronLineData <- .plotly_makeLineData(
            introns$start, introns$plot_level, introns$end, introns$plot_level,
            introns$Information, introns$highlight

        for(i in seq_len(length(col_highlights))) {
            dataList[[i]] <- list()
            hl <- col_highlights[i]
            data_df <- intronLineData[intronLineData$colorInfo == hl,]
            if(nrow(data_df) > 0) {
                dataList[[i]] <- list(
                    x = data_df$x, y = data_df$y, text = data_df$text
    } else {
        for(i in seq_len(length(col_highlights))) {
            dataList[[i]] <- list()
    typeThick <- c("CDS", "start_codon", "stop_codon")
    if(nrow(exons) > 0) {
        exons_thin <- exons[!(exons$type %in% typeThick), ]
        exons_thick <- exons[exons$type %in% typeThick, ]
        exons_thin$ymin <- exons_thin$plot_level - 0.15
        exons_thin$ymax <- exons_thin$plot_level + 0.15
        exons_thick$ymin <- exons_thick$plot_level - 0.3
        exons_thick$ymax <- exons_thick$plot_level + 0.3
        exons_comb <- rbind(exons_thin, exons_thick)

        exons_instr <- .plotly_makeRectData(
            exons_comb$start, exons_comb$end,
            exons_comb$ymin, exons_comb$ymax,
            resolution = 10

        for(i in seq_len(length(fill_highlights))) {
            rects <- exons_instr[
                exons_instr$colorInfo == fill_highlights[i],

            if(nrow(rects) > 0) {
                dataList[[i + 4]] <- list(
                    x = rects$x, y = rects$y, text = rects$text
    } else {
        for(i in seq_len(length(col_highlights))) {
            dataList[[i + 4]] <- list()

    if(add_information) {
        if (condense_this == TRUE) {
            dataList[[9]] <- list(
                x = group.DT$disp_x,
                y = group.DT$plot_level - 0.5 + 0.3 * 
                    runif(rep(1, nrow(group.DT))),
                text = group.DT$display_name
        } else {
            dataList[[9]] <- list(
                x = group.DT$disp_x,
                y = group.DT$plot_level - 0.4,
                text = group.DT$display_name
    } else {
        dataList[[9]] <- list()
    if(add_information) {
        xtitle <- paste("Chromosome/Scaffold", view_chr)
    } else {
        xtitle <- ""

    if (nrow(group.DT) == 0) {
        max_plot_level <- 1
    } else {
        max_plot_level <- max(group.DT$plot_level)
    layoutList <- list(
        xrange = c(plotViewStart, plotViewEnd),
        xtitle = xtitle,
        yrange = c(0, 1 + max_plot_level)

        dataList = dataList,
        layoutList = layoutList

# Creates a plotly (data) of exons track
.pV_seed_plotly_HLexons <- function(
    plotViewStart, plotViewEnd, view_chr, exons
) {
    dataList <- list()

    # x,y axis range, title
    layoutList <- list()
    col_highlights <- fill_highlights <- c("0", "1", "2", "3")
    for(i in seq_len(length(col_highlights))) {
        dataList[[i]] <- list()
    typeThick <- c("CDS", "start_codon", "stop_codon")
    if(nrow(exons) > 0) {
        exons$ymin <- exons$plot_level - 0.15
        exons$ymax <- exons$plot_level + 0.15
        exons$xdisp <- 0.5 * (exons$start + exons$end)
        exons$ydisp <- exons$plot_level - 0.4       
        exons_instr <- .plotly_makeRectData(
            exons$start, exons$end,
            exons$ymin, exons$ymax,
            resolution = 10

        for(i in seq_len(length(fill_highlights))) {
            rects <- exons_instr[
                exons_instr$colorInfo == fill_highlights[i],

            if(nrow(rects) > 0) {
                dataList[[i + 4]] <- list(
                    x = rects$x, y = rects$y, text = rects$text
    } else {
        for(i in seq_len(length(col_highlights))) {
            dataList[[i + 4]] <- list()

    dataList[[9]] <- list(
        x = exons$xdisp,
        y = exons$ydisp,
        text = exons$exon_name
    xtitle <- paste("Chromosome/Scaffold", view_chr)

    if (nrow(exons) == 0) {
        max_plot_level <- 1
    } else {
        max_plot_level <- max(exons$plot_level)
    layoutList <- list(
        xrange = c(plotViewStart, plotViewEnd),
        xtitle = xtitle,
        yrange = c(0, 1 + max_plot_level)

        dataList = dataList,
        layoutList = layoutList


.seq2 <- Vectorize(seq.default, vectorize.args = c("from", "to", "length.out"))

# Creates arcs for sashimi plot
.pV_sashimiArc <- function(
        arcHeight = 0,
        junctionThreshold = 0
) {
    if(is.null(junc)) return(NA)
    DT <- data.table(
        juncName = paste0(
            seqnames(junc), ":",
            start(junc), "-", end(junc), "/", strand(junc)
        leftX = start(junc) - 1,
        rightX = end(junc) + 1,
        leftY = mcols(junc)$leftCoordHeight,
        rightY = mcols(junc)$rightCoordHeight
    isMean <- ("mean" %in% names(mcols(junc)))
    if(isMean) {
        DT$count <- mcols(junc)$mean
        DT$countsd <- mcols(junc)$sd
        DT$value <- paste0(
            round(100 * DT$count, 1), "+/-", 
            round(100 * DT$countsd, 1), " %"
        DT$info <- paste(
            paste0("Junction: ", DT$juncName),
            paste0("PSI: ", DT$value),
            sep = "\n"
    } else {
        DT$count <- mcols(junc)$count
        DT$countsd <- 0
        DT$value <- round(DT$count,2)
        DT$info <- paste(
            paste0("Junction: ", DT$juncName),
            paste0("Depth: ", DT$count),
            sep = "\n"
    DT <- DT[get("count") >= junctionThreshold]

    final_DT <- data.table(
        coord = rep(DT$juncName, each = 90),
        value = rep(DT$value, each = 90),
        info = rep(DT$info, each = 90),
        x = as.vector(.seq2(DT$leftX, DT$rightX, length.out = 90)),
        ytmp = as.vector(.seq2(DT$leftY, DT$rightY, length.out = 90)),
        yarc = as.vector(.seq2(DT$leftY, DT$rightY, length.out = 90)) +
            rep(arcHeight * sinpi(seq(0,1,length.out = 90)), nrow(DT))


# Check requested tracks are legitimate in getPlotObject
.gPO_check_tracks <- function(
    obj, args
) {

    # sanity check condition / tracks against colData
    colData <- obj@colData
    sampleList <- list()
    samples_to_check <- c()
    # tracks must be a character vector
    if(!is.vector(args[["tracks"]], "character")) {
            "In getPlotObject,",
            "`tracks` must be a character vector"            
    # remove invalid tracks
    invalid_tracks <- c()
    if("condition" %in% names(args)) {
        if(args[["condition"]] %in% colnames(colData)) {
            for(cond_elem in args[["tracks"]]) {
                # cond_elem is of length 1
                    any(colData[, args[["condition"]]] == cond_elem)
                ) {
                    sampleList[[cond_elem]] <- rownames(colData)[
                        colData[, args[["condition"]]] == cond_elem]
                    samples_to_check <- c(samples_to_check,
                } else {
                    # ignore track altogether
                    invalid_tracks <- c(invalid_tracks, cond_elem)
        } else {
            .log(paste("In getPlotObject,",
                "condition is not a recognised column in colData"
    } else {
        for(i in seq_len(length(args[["tracks"]]))) {
            for(samp in args[["tracks"]]) {
                if(samp %in% rownames(colData)) {
                    sampleList[[samp]] <- samp
                    samples_to_check <- c(samples_to_check, samp)
                } else {
                    invalid_tracks <- c(invalid_tracks, samp)
    # Remove invalid tracks
    if(length(invalid_tracks) == length(args[["tracks"]])) {
            "In getPlotObject,",
            "all elements in `tracks` are invalid"    
    } else if(length(invalid_tracks) > 0) {
        args[["tracks"]] <- args[["tracks"]][
            !(args[["tracks"]] %in% invalid_tracks)
    args[["sampleList"]] <- sampleList
    args[["samples_to_check"]] <- samples_to_check

# Check that getPlotObject knows which stranded data to retrieve
.gPO_check_strand <- function(
    obj, args
) {
    args[["view_strand_jn"]] <- args[["strand"]]
    samples_to_check <- args[["samples_to_check"]]
    if(args[["strand"]] != "*") {
        if(all(obj@normData[["sampleStrand"]][samples_to_check] == -1)) {
            if(args[["strand"]] == "+") {
                args[["view_strand"]] <- "-"
            } else {
                args[["view_strand"]] <- "+"
    } else {
        args[["view_strand"]] <- "*"


# Get normalized coverage from obj
.gPO_getCoverage <- function(obj, args, normalize = FALSE) {
    view_start <- args[["limit_start"]]
    view_end <- args[["limit_end"]]
    view_strand <- args[["view_strand"]]
    Event <- args[["Event"]]
    outList <- list()
    sampleList <- args[["sampleList"]]
    if(view_strand == "+") {
        cov <- obj@covData$pos
    } else if(view_strand == "-") {
        cov <- obj@covData$neg    
    } else {
        cov <- obj@covData$uns    
    for(i in seq_len(length(sampleList))) {
        track <- names(sampleList)[i]
        samples <- sampleList[[i]]
        matList <- list()
        for(s in samples) {
            view <- IRanges::Views(cov[[s]], view_start, view_end)
            matList[[s]] <- as.matrix(view[[1]])
        mat <- do.call(cbind, matList)
        colnames(mat) <- samples
        # Normalize coverage
        if(normalize) {
            normFactor <- unlist(obj@normData$norms[Event,samples])
            # discard samples with low normalization factors
            which_lowNorm <- which(normFactor < 5)
            if(length(which_lowNorm) == length(normFactor)) {
                outList[[track]] <- data.frame(x = seq(view_start, view_end))
            } else if(length(which_lowNorm) > 0) {
                which_Norm <- which(normFactor > 5)
                mat <- mat[, which_Norm, drop = FALSE]
                normFactor <- normFactor[which_Norm]
            mat <- t(t(mat) / normFactor)
        outList[[track]] <- data.table(x = seq(view_start, view_end))
        outList[[track]] <- cbind(outList[[track]], as.data.table(mat))
        if(length(samples) == 1) {
            colnames(outList[[track]])[2] <- "depth"

# Calculates mean and se/sem/ci of normalized coverages per group
.gPO_covStats <- function(cov) {
    out <- list()
    outnames <- names(cov)
    conf.int <- 0.95
    for(i in seq_len(length(cov))) {
        covmat <- as.matrix(cov[[outnames[i]]][,-1])
        out[[outnames[i]]] <- data.table(
            x = cov[[outnames[i]]]$x,
            mean = rowMeans(covmat)
        n <- ncol(covmat)
        out[[outnames[i]]]$sd <- rowSds(covmat)
        out[[outnames[i]]]$sem <- out[[outnames[i]]]$sd / sqrt(n)
        out[[outnames[i]]]$ci <- qt((1 + conf.int) / 2, df = n - 1) * 

# Compiles per-condition junction stats (normalized junction counts)
.gPO_normJuncStats <- function(obj, args, cov_stats) {
    view_chr <- args[["view_chr"]]
    view_start <- args[["limit_start"]]
    view_end <- args[["limit_end"]]
    view_strand_jn <- args[["view_strand_jn"]]

    outList <- list()
    sampleList <- args[["sampleList"]]

    gr_select <- GRanges(
        IRanges(view_start, view_end), 
    OL <- findOverlaps(obj@juncData$junc_gr, gr_select)
    if(length(unique(from(OL))) == 0) return(list())

    hits <- sort(unique(from(OL)))
    junc_gr <- obj@juncData$junc_gr[hits]
    leftCoords <- start(junc_gr) - 1
    rightCoords <- end(junc_gr) + 1
    lC_inrange <- leftCoords >= view_start & leftCoords <= view_end
    rC_inrange <- rightCoords >= view_start & rightCoords <= view_end

    Event <- args[["Event"]]
    for(i in seq_len(length(sampleList))) {
        track <- names(sampleList)[i]
        samples <- sampleList[[i]]
        if(view_strand_jn == "*") {
            junc <- obj@juncData$junc_counts_uns[
                hits, samples, drop = FALSE]
        } else {
            junc <- obj@juncData$junc_counts[
                hits, samples, drop = FALSE]            
        cov <- cov_stats[[track]][, seq_len(2), with = FALSE]
        normFactor <- unlist(obj@normData$norms[Event,samples])
        junc <- t(t(as.matrix(junc)) / normFactor)
        # Returned data
        outList[[track]] <- .grDT(cbind(
                mean = rowMeans(junc),
                sd = rowSds(junc),
                leftCoordHeight = max(cov[,2]),
                rightCoordHeight = max(cov[,2])
        ), keep.extra.columns = TRUE)

        if(sum(lC_inrange) > 0) {
            covL <- unname(unlist(
                cov[leftCoords[lC_inrange] - cov$x[1] + 1, -1]
            mcols(outList[[track]])$leftCoordHeight[lC_inrange] <- covL
        if(sum(rC_inrange) > 0) {
            covR <- unname(unlist(
                cov[rightCoords[rC_inrange] - cov$x[1] + 1, -1]
            mcols(outList[[track]])$rightCoordHeight[rC_inrange] <- covR

.pV_diffStat_ttest <- function(cov1, cov2) {
    coords <- sort(intersect(cov1$x, cov2$x))
    mat <- cbind(
        as.matrix(cov1[get("x") %in% coords, -1]),
        as.matrix(cov2[get("x") %in% coords, -1])
    fac <- factor(
            rep("1", ncol(cov1) - 1),
            rep("2", ncol(cov2) - 1)       
    t_test <- genefilter::rowttests(mat, fac)
    ret <- data.frame(
        x = coords,
        stat = -log10(t_test$p.value)
    ret$stat[!is.finite(ret$stat)] <- 0

.gPO_PSIjuncStats <- function(obj, args, norm_cov) {
    view_chr <- args[["view_chr"]]
    view_start <- args[["limit_start"]]
    view_end <- args[["limit_end"]]
    view_strand_jn <- args[["view_strand_jn"]]

    outList <- list()
    sampleList <- args[["sampleList"]]

    gr_select <- GRanges(
        IRanges(view_start, view_end), 
    OL <- findOverlaps(obj@juncData$junc_gr, gr_select)
    if(length(unique(from(OL))) == 0) return(list())

    hits <- sort(unique(from(OL)))
    junc_gr <- obj@juncData$junc_gr[hits]
    leftCoords <- start(junc_gr) - 1
    rightCoords <- end(junc_gr) + 1
    lC_inrange <- leftCoords >= view_start & leftCoords <= view_end
    rC_inrange <- rightCoords >= view_start & rightCoords <= view_end

    # normalize by starting coordinates:

    for(i in seq_len(length(sampleList))) {
        track <- names(sampleList)[i]
        samples <- sampleList[[i]]
        junc <- obj@juncData$junc_PSI[hits, samples, drop = FALSE]
        # Returned data
        outList[[track]] <- .grDT(cbind(
                mean = rowMeans(junc),
                sd = rowSds(junc),
                leftCoordHeight = 1,
                rightCoordHeight = 1
        ), keep.extra.columns = TRUE)
        cov <- norm_cov[[track]]
        if(sum(lC_inrange) > 0) {
            covL <- cov[leftCoords[lC_inrange] - cov$x[1] + 1, -1]
            mcols(outList[[track]])$leftCoordHeight[lC_inrange] <- rowMeans(covL)
        if(sum(rC_inrange) > 0) {
            covR <- cov[rightCoords[rC_inrange] - cov$x[1] + 1, -1]
            mcols(outList[[track]])$rightCoordHeight[rC_inrange] <- rowMeans(covR)

.gPO_getJunc <- function(obj, args, raw_cov, normalized = FALSE) {
    view_chr <- args[["view_chr"]]
    view_start <- args[["limit_start"]]
    view_end <- args[["limit_end"]]
    view_strand_jn <- args[["view_strand_jn"]]

    outList <- list()
    sampleList <- args[["sampleList"]]

    gr_select <- GRanges(
        IRanges(view_start, view_end), 
    OL <- findOverlaps(obj@juncData$junc_gr, gr_select)
    if(length(unique(from(OL))) == 0) return(list())

    hits <- sort(unique(from(OL)))
    junc_gr <- obj@juncData$junc_gr[hits]
    leftCoords <- start(junc_gr) - 1
    rightCoords <- end(junc_gr) + 1
    lC_inrange <- leftCoords >= view_start & leftCoords <= view_end
    rC_inrange <- rightCoords >= view_start & rightCoords <= view_end

    Event <- NULL
    if(normalized) Event <- args[["Event"]]
    for(i in seq_len(length(sampleList))) {
        track <- names(sampleList)[i]
        samples <- sampleList[[i]]
        # Only do it if cov is a single track
        if(length(samples) == 1) {
            if(view_strand_jn == "*") {
                junc <- obj@juncData$junc_counts_uns[
                    hits, samples, drop = FALSE]
            } else {
                junc <- obj@juncData$junc_counts[
                    hits, samples, drop = FALSE]            
            cov <- raw_cov[[track]]
            # Normalize
            if(normalized) {
                normFactor <- unlist(obj@normData$norms[Event,samples])
                junc <- junc / normFactor
            # Returned data
            outList[[track]] <- .grDT(cbind(
                    count = unname(unlist(junc)),
                    leftCoordHeight = max(cov[,2]),
                    rightCoordHeight = max(cov[,2])
            ), keep.extra.columns = TRUE)

            if(sum(lC_inrange) > 0) {
                covL <- unname(unlist(
                    cov[leftCoords[lC_inrange] - cov$x[1] + 1, -1]
                mcols(outList[[track]])$leftCoordHeight[lC_inrange] <- covL
            if(sum(rC_inrange) > 0) {
                covR <- unname(unlist(
                    cov[rightCoords[rC_inrange] - cov$x[1] + 1, -1]
                mcols(outList[[track]])$rightCoordHeight[rC_inrange] <- covR
        } else {
            # empty
            outList[[track]] <- GRanges()


# list checker for plotViews

.pV_trackList_from_vector <- function(trackVec, args) {
    trackList <- list()
    if(is.vector(trackVec, "numeric")) {
        idx <- trackVec
        if(all(idx %in% seq_len(length(args[["tracks"]])))) {
            trackList <- lapply(idx, function(i) i)
        } else if(any(idx %in% seq_len(length(args[["tracks"]])))) {
            idx <- idx[idx %in% seq_len(length(args[["tracks"]]))]
            trackList <- lapply(idx, function(i) i)
        } else {
                "In plotView,",
                "`trackList` contains indices outside the range of tracks",
                "found in tracks(covPlotObject)"
    } else if(is.vector(trackVec, "character")) {
        idxNames <- trackVec
        if(all(idxNames %in% args[["tracks"]])) {
            trackList <- lapply(idxNames, function(i) {
                which(args[["tracks"]] == i)[1]
        } else if(any(idxNames %in% args[["tracks"]])) {
            idxNames <- idxNames[idxNames %in% args[["tracks"]]]
            trackList <- lapply(idxNames, function(i) {
                which(args[["tracks"]] == i)[1]
        } else {
                "In plotView,",
                "`trackList` contains tracks",
                "not found in tracks(covPlotObject)"
    if(!is.null(names(trackVec))) {
        names(trackList) <- names(trackVec)
        if(any(names(trackList) == "")) {
            which_noname <- which(names(trackList) == "")
            names(trackList)[which_noname] <- paste(
                "Track", as.character(which_noname), sep = "_"
    } else {
        for(i in seq_len(length(trackList))) {
            elem <- trackList[[i]]
            elemNames <- args[["tracks"]][elem]
            names(trackList)[i] <- paste(elemNames, collapse = ",")

.pV_trackList_from_list <- function(trackList, args) {
    outList <- list()
    for(z in seq_len(length(trackList))) {
        trackVec <- trackList[[z]]
        if(is.vector(trackVec, "numeric")) {
            idx <- trackVec
            if(all(idx %in% seq_len(length(args[["tracks"]])))) {
                outList[[z]] <- idx
            } else if(any(idx %in% seq_len(length(args[["tracks"]])))) {
                idx <- idx[idx %in% seq_len(length(args[["tracks"]]))]
                outList[[z]] <- idx
            } else {
                    "In plotView,",
                    "`trackList` contains indices outside the range of tracks",
                    "found in tracks(covPlotObject)"
        } else if(is.vector(trackVec, "character")) {
            idxNames <- trackVec
            if(all(idxNames %in% args[["tracks"]])) {
                outList[[z]] <- which(args[["tracks"]] %in% idxNames)
            } else if(any(idxNames %in% args[["tracks"]])) {
                idxNames <- idxNames[idxNames %in% args[["tracks"]]]
                outList[[z]] <- which(args[["tracks"]] %in% idxNames)
            } else {
                    "In plotView,",
                    "`trackList` contains tracks",
                    "not found in tracks(covPlotObject)"
    # transfer names
    if(!is.null(names(trackList))) {
        names(outList) <- names(trackList)
        if(any(names(outList) == "")) {
            which_noname <- which(names(outList) == "")
            names(outList)[which_noname] <- paste(
                "Track", as.character(which_noname), sep = "_"
    } else {
        for(i in seq_len(length(outList))) {
            elem <- outList[[i]]
            elemNames <- args[["tracks"]][elem]
            names(outList)[i] <- paste(elemNames, collapse = ",")

# Make plotly x/y/text data given yarc data
.plotly_makeJuncCurveData <- function(
    x, yarc, info
) {
    sourceDT <- data.table(
        x = x, y = yarc, info = info
    setorderv(c("info", "x"))
    infoVec <- unique(sourceDT$info)

    df_list <- list()
    for(i in seq_len(length(infoVec))) {
        subDT <- sourceDT[get("info") == infoVec[i]]
        df_list[[2 * i - 1]] <- data.table(
            x = subDT$x,
            y = subDT$y,
            text = infoVec[i]
        if(i < length(info)) {
            df_list[[2 * i]] <- data.table(
                x = NA, y = NA, text = NA

# Make plotly line data based on line info
.plotly_makeLineData <- function(
    xstart, ystart, xend, yend, info, colorInfo, resolution = 20
) {
    df_list <- list()
    for(i in seq_len(length(info))) {
        df_list[[2 * i - 1]] <- data.table(
            x = seq(xstart[i], xend[i], length.out = resolution),
            y = seq(ystart[i], yend[i], length.out = resolution),
            text = info[i],
            colorInfo = colorInfo[i]
        if(i < length(info)) {
            df_list[[2 * i]] <- data.table(
                x = NA, y = NA, text = NA, colorInfo = colorInfo[i]

# Make plotly rectangle data based on x/y min/max info
.plotly_makeRectData <- function(
    xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, info, colorInfo, resolution = 20
) {
    df_list <- list()
    if(resolution < 1) resolution <- 1
    for(i in seq_len(length(info))) {
        df_list[[5 * i - 4]] <- data.table(
            x = seq(xmin[i], xmax[i], length.out = resolution + 1)[-1],
            y = ymin[i],
            text = info[i],
            colorInfo = colorInfo[i]
        df_list[[5 * i - 3]] <- data.table(
            x = xmax[i],
            y = seq(ymin[i], ymax[i], length.out = resolution + 1)[-1],
            text = info[i],
            colorInfo = colorInfo[i]
        df_list[[5 * i - 2]] <- data.table(
            x = seq(xmax[i], xmin[i], length.out = resolution + 1)[-1],
            y = ymax[i],
            text = info[i],
            colorInfo = colorInfo[i]
        df_list[[5 * i - 1]] <- data.table(
            x = xmin[i],
            y = seq(ymax[i], ymin[i], length.out = resolution + 1),
            text = info[i],
            colorInfo = colorInfo[i]
        if(i < length(info)) {
            df_list[[5 * i]] <- data.table(
                x = NA, y = NA, text = NA, colorInfo = colorInfo[i]

# Assemble plotly given seed plotly object and x/y/info data
.pV_assemble_covPlotly2 <- function(p, vLayout) {
    numCovTraces <- numDiffTraces <- c()
    if(length(p@covTrack) > 0) {
        numCovTraces <- vapply(p@covTrack[[1]][["dataList"]], length, 0)
        numCovTraces <- (numCovTraces - 2)/2
    if(length(p@diffTrack) > 0) {
        numDiffTraces <- vapply(p@diffTrack[[1]][["dataList"]], length, 0)
    p <- .knitPlotly(p, numCovTraces, numDiffTraces, vLayout)

    # inject plot data
    for(i in seq_len(length(numCovTraces))) {
        p <- .injectPlotData(p, p@args[["covTrackPos"]][i], 
    for(i in seq_len(length(numDiffTraces))) {
        p <- .injectPlotData(p, p@args[["diffTrackPos"]][i], 

    p <- .injectPlotData(p, p@args[["annoTrackPos"]], 

    # Layout modifications
    # x axis
    if("xtitle" %in% names(p@annoTrack[[1]][["layoutList"]])) {
        p <- .adjustXtitle(p, p@annoTrack[[1]][["layoutList"]][["xtitle"]])
    if("xrange" %in% names(p@annoTrack[[1]][["layoutList"]])) {
        p <- .adjustXrange(p, p@annoTrack[[1]][["layoutList"]][["xrange"]])

    # y axis
    axisNum <- 0
    for(i in seq_len(length(numCovTraces))) {
        axisNum <- axisNum + 1
        p <- .fixYrange(p, axisNum)
        if("yrange" %in% names(p@covTrack[[1]][["layoutList"]][[i]])) {
            p <- .adjustYrange(p, 
        if("title" %in% names(p@covTrack[[1]][["layoutList"]][[i]])) {
            p <- .adjustYtitle(p, 
    for(i in seq_len(length(numDiffTraces))) {
        axisNum <- axisNum + 1
        p <- .fixYrange(p, axisNum)
        if("yrange" %in% names(p@diffTrack[[1]][["layoutList"]][[i]])) {
            p <- .adjustYrange(p, 
        if("title" %in% names(p@diffTrack[[1]][["layoutList"]][[i]])) {
            p <- .adjustYtitle(p, 
    axisNum <- axisNum + 1
    p <- .adjustYtitle(p, "", axisNum)
    if("yrange" %in% names(p@covTrack[["layoutList"]][[i]])) {
        p <- .adjustYrange(p, p@covTrack[["layoutList"]][[i]][["yrange"]],


# Assemble ggplot given sub-track data
.pV_assemble_ggplot <- function(
    covTrack, diffTrack, annoSubTrack, annoFullTrack,
    verticalLayout, horizontalLayout
) {
    # Correct vertical layout for multiple cov/diff tracks
    nCovV <- nDiffV <- 0
    if(length(covTrack) > 0) nCovV <- length(covTrack[[1]])
    if(length(diffTrack) > 0) nDiffV <- length(diffTrack[[1]])
    realVL <- c()
    Vcursor <- 0
    if(nCovV > 0) {
        Vcursor <- Vcursor + 1
        realVL <- c(realVL, 
                verticalLayout[Vcursor] / nCovV,
    if(nDiffV > 0) {
        Vcursor <- Vcursor + 1
        realVL <- c(realVL, 
                verticalLayout[Vcursor] / nDiffV,
    if(length(annoSubTrack) > 0) {
        Vcursor <- Vcursor + 1
        realVL <- c(realVL, verticalLayout[Vcursor])
    if(length(annoFullTrack) > 0) {
        Vcursor <- Vcursor + 1
        realVL <- c(realVL, verticalLayout[Vcursor])

    realVL <- round(realVL * 1000) # round to nearest integer
    realHL <- horizontalLayout
    hCount <- length(realHL)
    vCount <- length(realVL)
    bVec <- seq_len(length(realVL))
    rVec <- seq_len(length(realHL))
    if(vCount > 1){
        tVec <- c(1, 1 + bVec[-vCount])
    } else {
        tVec <- 1
    if(hCount > 1){
        lVec <- c(1, 1 + rVec[-hCount])
    } else {
        lVec <- 1
    # Set up patchwork
    hasAnnoFT <- length(annoFullTrack) == 1
    for(v in seq_len(length(realVL))) {
        if(v == vCount & hasAnnoFT) {
            layout_instr <- c(layout_instr, patchwork::area(
                t = tVec[v], b = bVec[v], l = 1, r = hCount
        for(h in seq_len(length(realHL))) {
            if(v == 1 & h == 1) {
                # initialize
                layout_instr <- patchwork::area(
                    t = tVec[1], b = bVec[1], l = lVec[1], r = rVec[1]
            } else {
                layout_instr <- c(layout_instr, patchwork::area(
                    t = tVec[v], b = bVec[v], 
                    l = lVec[h], r = rVec[h]

    fullPlotList <- list()
    plotCount <- 0
    rowCount <- 0
    if(length(covTrack) > 0) {
        for(j in seq_len(nCovV)) {
            rowCount <- rowCount + 1
            for(i in seq_len(length(covTrack))) {
                plotCount <- plotCount + 1
                fullPlotList[[plotCount]] <- .pV_mod_ggplot(
                    covTrack[[i]][[j]], i, rowCount, hCount, length(realVL)
    if(length(diffTrack) > 0) {
        for(j in seq_len(nDiffV)) {
            rowCount <- rowCount + 1
            for(i in seq_len(length(diffTrack))) {
                plotCount <- plotCount + 1
                fullPlotList[[plotCount]] <- .pV_mod_ggplot(
                    diffTrack[[i]][[j]], i, rowCount, hCount, length(realVL)
    if(length(annoSubTrack) > 0) {
        rowCount <- rowCount + 1
        for(i in seq_len(length(annoSubTrack))) {
            plotCount <- plotCount + 1
            fullPlotList[[plotCount]] <- .pV_mod_ggplot(
                annoSubTrack[[i]], i, rowCount, hCount, length(realVL)
    if(hasAnnoFT) {
        plotCount <- plotCount + 1
        fullPlotList[[plotCount]] <- annoFullTrack[[1]]

        patchwork::wrap_plots(fullPlotList) +
                design = layout_instr,
                widths = realHL,
                heights = realVL

# Modify gg subplots given their position
# - removes y axis on non-left plots
# - removes legend on non-right plots
# - removes x axis on non-bottom plots
.pV_mod_ggplot <- function(p, x, y, maxX, maxY) {
    theme_nonright <- theme(
        legend.position = "none"
    theme_nonleft <- theme(
        axis.text.y = element_blank(),
        axis.title.y = element_blank(),
        axis.ticks.y = element_blank(),
        strip.background = element_blank(),
        strip.text.x = element_blank()
    theme_nonbottom <- theme(
        axis.text.x = element_blank(),
        axis.title.x = element_blank(),
        axis.ticks.x = element_blank()

    if(x > 1) p <- p + theme_nonleft
    if(x < maxX) p <- p + theme_nonright
    if(y < maxY) p <- p + theme_nonbottom


.gpo_highlight_anno <- function(
        reduced.DT, highlight_gr
) {
    introns <- reduced.DT[get("type") == "intron"]
    introns[, c("highlight") := "0"]
    exons <- reduced.DT[get("type") == "exon"]
    exons[, c("highlight") := "0"]
    misc <- reduced.DT[get("type") == "CDS"]
    misc[, c("highlight") := "0"]

    tr_filter <- c()
    if (length(highlight_gr) == 1) {
        # IR / RI only
        gr <- highlight_gr[[1]]
        introns.gr <- .grDT(introns)
        OL <- findOverlaps(gr, introns.gr)
        introns[OL@to, c("highlight") := "3"] # purple
        OL2 <- findOverlaps(gr, introns.gr, type = "equal")
        introns[OL2@to, c("highlight") := "2"] # red
        # exons that overlap introns
        exons.gr <- .grDT(exons)
        OL3 <- findOverlaps(gr, exons.gr, type = "within")
        exons[OL3@to, c("highlight") := "1"] # blue
    } else if (length(highlight_gr) == 2) {
        AS_count <- 1
        for (event in highlight_gr) {
            tr <- list()
            for(i in seq_len(length(event))) {
                OL <- findOverlaps(event[i], .grDT(introns), type = "equal")
                tr[[i]] <- introns[OL@to]$transcript_id
            tr_final <- NULL
            if(length(event) == 2) {
                tr_final <- intersect(tr[[1]], tr[[2]])
            } else {
                tr_final <- tr[[1]]
            if(length(tr_final) > 0) {
                # Highlight introns that match exact junction
                gr <- event
                introns.gr <- .grDT(introns)
                OL <- findOverlaps(gr, introns.gr, type = "equal")

                    seq_len(nrow(introns)) %in% OL@to & 
                    get("transcript_id") %in% tr_final, 
                    c("highlight") := as.character(AS_count)

                # Remove highlight from novel transcripts 
                # if not all introns highlighted
                introns_novel <- introns[
                    grepl("novel", get("transcript_id")) &
                    get("highlight") == as.character(AS_count)
                introns_novel_noHL <- introns[
                    get("transcript_id") %in% introns_novel$transcript_id &
                    get("highlight") == "0"
                if(nrow(introns_novel_noHL) > 0) {
                        get("transcript_id") %in% introns_novel_noHL$transcript_id,
                        c("highlight") := "0"
                    tr_final <- setdiff(tr_final, 
                coord_keys_start <- end(gr[1]) + 1
                coord_keys_end <- start(gr[1]) - 1
                if (length(gr) == 2) {
                    coord_keys_start <- c(coord_keys_start, end(gr[2]) + 1)
                    coord_keys_end <- c(coord_keys_end, start(gr[2]) - 1)
                exons[get("transcript_id") %in% tr_final &
                    (get("start") %in% coord_keys_start | 
                    get("end") %in% coord_keys_end),
                    c("highlight") := as.character(AS_count)]
            AS_count <- AS_count + 1

    for(hl in c("1", "2")) {
        exons_selected <- exons[get("highlight") == hl]
        hl_trid <- unique(exons_selected$transcript_id)
        OL <- findOverlaps(
        misc[seq_len(nrow(misc)) %in% unique(OL@from) & 
            get("transcript_id") %in% hl_trid,
            c("highlight") := hl]        
    return(rbind(introns, exons, misc))

.gpo_filter_anno <- function(
        reduced.DT, transcripts.DT,
        selected_transcripts = "",
        plot_key_isoforms = FALSE
) {
    # Remove by named transcripts only
    if(is_valid(selected_transcripts)) {
        if (
            all(selected_transcripts %in% 
        ) {
            transcripts.DT <- transcripts.DT[
                get("transcript_name") %in% selected_transcripts |
                get("transcript_id") %in% selected_transcripts
            reduced.DT <- reduced.DT[
                get("transcript_id") %in% transcripts.DT$transcript_id

    if(plot_key_isoforms) {
        reduced.DT.HL <- reduced.DT[get("highlight") != "0"]
        reduced.DT.nonHL <- reduced.DT[get("highlight") == "0"]
        reduced.DT.nonHL <- reduced.DT.nonHL[
            grepl("novel", get("transcript_id"))
        if(nrow(reduced.DT.HL) != 0) {
            transcripts.DT <- transcripts.DT[
                get("transcript_id") %in% reduced.DT.HL$transcript_id &
                # remove non-highlighted novel elements
                !(get("transcript_id") %in% reduced.DT.nonHL$transcript_id)
            reduced.DT <- reduced.DT[
                get("transcript_id") %in% transcripts.DT$transcript_id

    # Otherwise - do nothing

# Allows re-stack. Useful for filtered DTlist
.gcd_stack_anno <- function(
        DTlist, view_start, view_end, 
        reverseGenomeCoords = FALSE,
        condensed = FALSE
) {
    transcripts.DT <- copy(DTlist$transcripts.DT)
    reduced.DT <- copy(DTlist$reduced.DT)
    condense_this <- condensed

    # Filter before condense
    reduced.DT <- reduced.DT[get("end") > view_start & get("start") < view_end]

    transcripts.DT <- transcripts.DT[
        get("transcript_id") %in% reduced.DT$transcript_id]

    if (condense_this != TRUE & nrow(transcripts.DT) <= 100) {
        condense_this <- FALSE
        transcripts.DT[, c("group_id") := get("transcript_id")]
        reduced.DT[, c("group_id") := get("transcript_id")]
    } else {
        condense_this <- TRUE
        transcripts.DT[, c("group_id") := get("gene_id")]
        reduced.DT[transcripts.DT, on = "transcript_id",
            c("group_id") := get("gene_id")]

    group.grl <- split(.grDT(transcripts.DT), transcripts.DT$group_id)
    group.DT <- as.data.table(range(group.grl))
    group.DT$group <- NULL
    data.table::setnames(group.DT, "group_name", "group_id")

    # Filter before stack
    # group.DT <- group.DT[get("end") > view_start & get("start") < view_end]
    # apply plot_order on transcripts.DT
    OL <- findOverlaps(.grDT(group.DT), .grDT(group.DT), ignore.strand = TRUE)
    group.DT$plot_level <- 1
    cur_level <- 1
    while (any(group.DT$plot_level == cur_level)) {
        j <- match(cur_level, group.DT$plot_level)
        repeat {
            bump_up_trs <- unique(OL@to[OL@from == j])
            bump_up_trs <- bump_up_trs[bump_up_trs > j]
            bump_up_trs <- bump_up_trs[
                group.DT$plot_level[bump_up_trs] == cur_level]
            if (length(bump_up_trs) > 0)
                group.DT[bump_up_trs, c("plot_level") := cur_level + 1]

            j <- j + match(cur_level, group.DT$plot_level[-seq_len(j)])
            if (is.na(j)) break
        cur_level <- cur_level + 1

    if (condense_this == TRUE) {
        group.DT[transcripts.DT, on = "group_id",
            c("group_name", "group_biotype") :=
            list(get("i.gene_name"), get("i.gene_biotype"))]
    } else {
        group.DT[transcripts.DT, on = "group_id",
            c("group_name", "group_biotype") :=
            list(get("i.transcript_name"), get("i.transcript_biotype"))]

    reduced.DT$group_id <- factor(reduced.DT$group_id,
        unique(group.DT$group_id), ordered = TRUE)
    reduced.DT[group.DT, on = "group_id",
        c("plot_level") := get("i.plot_level")]

    setorderv(reduced.DT, "highlight")

        group.DT = group.DT,
        reduced.DT = reduced.DT,
        condense_this = condense_this
alexchwong/SpliceWiz documentation built on Sept. 19, 2024, 10:08 p.m.