
Defines functions select_pairs

Documented in select_pairs

#' Select pairs and replicates for an experiment.
#' Used to select a pairs for paired-end experiments and replicate samples.
#' Please follow prompt, ensuring correct file name matching and end-type
#' experiment identification.
#' @param data_dir Directory with raw fastq.gz RNA-Seq files.
#' @return data.frame with character column \code{'File Name'} and integer
#'   columns \code{'Pair'} (if pair-ended) and \code{'Replicate'} (if added).
#' @keywords internal
select_pairs <- function(data_dir) {

    # setup ----

    group_colors <- c(
        "#C7E9C0", "#C6DBEF", "#FCBBA1", "#FDD0A2", "#BCBDDC", "#D9D9D9",
        "#F6E8C3", "#DC143C", "#A1D99B", "#9ECAE1", "#FC9272", "#FDAE6B",
        "#9E9AC8", "#BDBDBD", "#DFC27D", "#F0EAD6", "#C3B091", "#007FFF",
        "#00FFFF", "#7FFFD4", "#228B22", "#808000", "#7FFF00", "#BFFF00",
        "#FFD700", "#DAA520", "#FF7F50", "#FA8072", "#FC0FC0", "#CC8899",
        "#E0B0FF", "#B57EDC", "#843179"

    ncolors <- length(group_colors)

    background <- paste0(
        "84EnVbOkv3wAAAAASUVORK5CYII=) repeat"

    fastqs <- list.files(data_dir, ".fastq.gz")
    pdata <- tibble::tibble("File Name" = fastqs)

    pdata <- tibble::add_column(pdata,
        Pair = NA_character_,
        Replicate = NA_character_, .before = 1

    # auto-detect if paired
    fastq_id1s <- get_fastq_id1s(file.path(data_dir, fastqs))
    paired <- detect_paired(fastq_id1s)

    # select and mark auto-detected pair type
    end_types <- c("single-ended", "pair-ended")
    if (paired) end_types <- end_types[c(2, 1)]
    end_types[1] <- paste(end_types[1], "(detected)")

        "For paired-end experiments:
      - select and add paired rows (usually contain _1 and _2 in filename)\n"

            "For paired-end and single-ended experiments:
      - confirm that file names (in column 'File Name') ",
            "are assigned to the correct sample rows
      - confirm that the experiment was correctly ",
            "identified as single-ended or paired-end
      - select samples to treat as a single library ",
            "(if any - e.g. same sample sequenced in replicate)\n"

    message("Click 'Done' to continue with kallisto quantification.")

    # things we will update/return to user
    pairs <- reps <- rep(NA, nrow(pdata))

    #  user interface ----

    ui <- miniUI::miniPage(
            # table text on 1 line
            shiny::tags$style("#pdata {white-space: nowrap;}"),
            # to make 100% height div work
            shiny::tags$style(".dt-fake-height {height: 1px;}"),
            # td for bg color group column
            shiny::tags$style(paste0("td.dt-nopad {padding: 0px !important;",
                                     " height: 100%;}")),
            # div inside td for bg color group column
            shiny::tags$style(paste0("td.dt-nopad div {height: 100%;",
                                     " width: 100%; text-align: center;}")
            # span inside div inside td for bg color group column
            shiny::tags$style(paste0("td.dt-nopad span {display: inline-block;",
                " padding: 8px 10px; color: white;}"
        # title bar
        miniUI::gadgetTitleBar(shiny::textOutput("title", inline = TRUE),
            left = miniUI::miniTitleBarButton("reset", "Reset")
                flex = c(NA, NA, 1),
                    "Confirm end-type:",
                    choices = end_types
            shiny::actionButton("pair", "Pair Samples"),
            shiny::actionButton("rep", "Mark Replicates")

    # server ----

    server <- function(input, output, session) {

        # make reactive state value to keep track of ctrl vs test group
        state <- shiny::reactiveValues(pdata = 0)

        # show phenotype data
        output$pdata <- DT::renderDataTable({
                class = "cell-border dt-fake-height",
                rownames = FALSE,
                escape = FALSE, # to allow HTML in table
                options = list(
                    columnDefs = list(list(className = "dt-nopad",
                                           targets = c(0, 1))),
                    scrollY = FALSE,
                    paging = FALSE,
                    bInfo = 0

        # pdata reactive so that will update Pair/Replicate column
        pdata_r <- shiny::eventReactive(state$pdata, {

            # update pdata Replicate column
            rep_nums <- sort(unique(setdiff(reps, NA)))
            for (rep_num in rep_nums) {
                color <- group_colors[ncolors - rep_num]
                rows <- which(reps == rep_num)
                pdata[rows, "Replicate"] <<- paste(
                    '<div style="background-color:',
                    color, ';"></div>'

            # update pdata Pair column
            if (paired) {
                pair_nums <- sort(unique(setdiff(pairs, NA)))
                for (pair_num in pair_nums) {
                    color <- group_colors[pair_num]
                    rows <- which(pairs == pair_num)
                    pdata[rows, "Pair"] <<- paste(
                        '<div style="background:', color,
                        background, ';"></div>'
            } else {
                pdata[seq_len(nrow(pdata)), "Pair"] <<- NA


        # proxy used to replace data
        pdata_proxy <- DT::dataTableProxy("pdata")
            DT::replaceData(pdata_proxy, pdata_r(), rownames = FALSE)

        # click 'Pair Samples' ----

        shiny::observeEvent(input$pair, {

            # get rows
            rows <- input$pdata_rows_selected

            # check for incomplete/wrong input
            if (is.null(validate_pairs(pairs, rows, reps))) {

                # add rows as a pair
                pair_num <- length(unique(setdiff(pairs, NA))) + 1
                pairs[rows] <<- pair_num

                # update states to trigger updates
                state$pdata <- state$pdata + 1

        # click 'Mark Replicates' ----

        shiny::observeEvent(input$rep, {

            # get rows
            rows <- input$pdata_rows_selected
            if (validate_reps(pairs, rows, reps)) {
                # add rows as replicates
                rep_num <- length(unique(setdiff(reps, NA))) + 1
                reps[rows] <<- rep_num

                # update states to trigger updates
                state$pdata <- state$pdata + 1

        # click 'Done' ----

        shiny::observeEvent(input$done, {
            if (paired & sum(is.na(pdata$Pair)) != 0) {
                  "All samples must be in a pair for paired-end experiments.")
            } else {

                # replace html with integers identifying pairs/replicates
                if (paired) {
                    pdata$Pair <<- pairs
                } else {
                    pdata$Pair <<- NULL

                if (all(is.na(reps))) {
                    pdata$Replicate <<- NULL
                } else {
                    pdata$Replicate <<- reps


        # select 'end-type' ----
        shiny::observeEvent(input$end_type, {

            # single-ended experiments are not paired, so disable
            # hide pair column labels if select single-ended

            if (grepl("^single", input$end_type)) {
                paired <<- FALSE
                state$pdata <- state$pdata + 1
            } else {
                paired <<- TRUE
                state$pdata <- state$pdata + 1

        # click 'Reset' ----

        shiny::observeEvent(input$reset, {
            pairs <<- rep(NA, nrow(pdata))
            reps <<- rep(NA, nrow(pdata))
            pdata$Pair <<- NA
            pdata$Replicate <<- NA

            # remove groups from table and reset control
            state$pdata <- state$pdata + 1

    shiny::runGadget(shiny::shinyApp(ui, server), viewer = shiny::paneViewer())
alexvpickering/rkal documentation built on Nov. 27, 2022, 8:38 p.m.