
Defines functions read_orthofinder_stats read_busco read_orthogroups

Documented in read_busco read_orthofinder_stats read_orthogroups

#' Read and parse orthogroups file created by OrthoFinder
#' This function converts the orthogroups file named \strong{Orthogroups.tsv} to
#' a parsed data frame.
#' @param orthogroups_path Path to Orthogroups/Orthogroups.tsv file generated
#' by OrthoFinder.
#' @author Fabricio Almeida-Silva
#' @return A 3-column data frame with orthogroups, species IDs and
#' gene IDs, respectively.
#' @importFrom reshape2 melt
#' @importFrom utils read.csv
#' @export
#' @rdname read_orthogroups
#' @examples
#' path <- system.file("extdata", "Orthogroups.tsv.gz", package = "cogeqc")
#' og <- read_orthogroups(path)
read_orthogroups <- function(orthogroups_path = NULL) {
    of <- utils::read.csv(orthogroups_path, sep = "\t")
    melt_of <- reshape2::melt(of, id.vars="Orthogroup")
    s <- strsplit(melt_of$value, split = ", ")
    final_of <- data.frame(
        Orthogroup = rep(melt_of$Orthogroup, vapply(s, length, numeric(1))),
        Species = rep(melt_of$variable, vapply(s, length, numeric(1))),
        Gene = unlist(s)

#' Read and parse BUSCO's summary report
#' @param result_dir Path to the directory where BUSCO results are stored.
#' This function will look for the short_summary* file (single run) or
#' short_summary* file (batch mode).
#' @return A data frame with the following variables:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{Class}{BUSCO class. One of \strong{Complete_SC},
#'                \strong{Complete_duplicate}, \strong{Fragmented}, or
#'                \strong{Missing}}
#'   \item{Frequency}{Frequency of BUSCOs in each class. If BUSCO was run
#'                    in batch mode, this variable will contain relative
#'                    frequencies. If BUSCO was run for a single file,
#'                    it will contain absolute frequencies.}
#'   \item{Lineage}{Name of the lineage dataset used.}
#'   \item{File (batch mode only)}{Name of the input FASTA file.}
#' }
#' @export
#' @rdname read_busco
#' @importFrom reshape2 melt
#' @examples
#' result_dir <- system.file("extdata", package = "cogeqc")
#' df <- read_busco(result_dir)
read_busco <- function(result_dir = NULL) {

    file <- dir(result_dir)
    file <- file[grepl("summary", file)]
    if(length(file) != 1) {
        message("More than 1 BUSCO summary file found. Using only the first.")
        file <- file[1]
    full_path <- paste0(result_dir, "/", file)
    cl <- c("Complete_SC", "Complete_duplicate", "Fragmented", "Missing")
    # Single run or batch mode?
    if(startsWith(file, "short")) {
        lines <- readLines(paste0(result_dir, "/", file))
        lineage <- lines[grepl("dataset", lines)]
        lineage <- gsub(".*dataset is: | \\(Creation.*", "", lineage)
        complete_sc <- lines[grepl("single-copy BUSCOs", lines)]
        complete_sc <- gsub("\\tComplete.*|\\t", "", complete_sc)

        complete_dup <- lines[grepl("duplicated BUSCOs", lines)]
        complete_dup <- gsub("\\tComplete.*|\\t", "", complete_dup)

        fragmented <- lines[grepl("Fragmented BUSCOs", lines)]
        fragmented <- gsub("\\tFragmented.*|\\t", "", fragmented)

        missing <- lines[grepl("Missing BUSCOs", lines)]
        missing <- gsub("\\tMissing.*|\\t", "", missing)
        final_df <- data.frame(
            Class = factor(cl, levels = cl),
            Frequency = as.numeric(c(complete_sc, complete_dup,
                                     fragmented, missing)),
            Lineage = lineage
    } else if(startsWith(file, "batch")) {
        df <- read.csv(full_path, sep = "\t", header = FALSE, skip = 1)
        df <- df[, c(1, 2, 4:7)]
        colnames(df) <- c("File", "Lineage", "Complete_SC",
                          "Complete_duplicate", "Fragmented", "Missing")
        final_df <- reshape2::melt(df, id = c("File", "Lineage"))
        colnames(final_df) <- c("File", "Lineage", "Class", "Frequency")
        final_df <- final_df[, c("Class", "Frequency", "Lineage", "File")]
        final_df$Class <- factor(final_df$Class, levels = cl)
    } else {
        stop("Wrong results directory. Could not find BUSCO summary file.")


#' Read and parse Orthofinder summary statistics
#' @param stats_dir Path to directory containing Orthofinder's comparative
#' genomics statistics. In your Orthofinder results directory, this directory
#' is named \strong{Comparative_Genomics_Statistics}.
#' @return A list of data frames with the following elements:
#' \enumerate{
#'   \item \strong{stats} A data frame of summary stats per species with
#'   the following variables:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{Species}{Factor of species names.}
#'   \item{N_genes}{Numeric of number of genes.}
#'   \item{N_genes_in_OGs}{Numeric of number of genes in orthogroups.}
#'   \item{Perc_genes_in_OGs}{Numeric of percentage of genes in orthogroups.}
#'   \item{N_ssOGs}{Numeric of number of species-specific orthogroups.}
#'   \item{N_genes_in_ssOGs}{Numeric of number of genes in species-specific
#'                           orthogroups.}
#'   \item{Perc_genes_in_ssOGs}{Numeric of percentage of genes in
#'                              species-specific orthogroups.}
#'   \item{Dups}{Integer with number of duplications per species.}
#' }
#'   \item \strong{og_overlap} A symmetric data frame of pairwise
#'   orthogroup overlap between species.
#'   \item \strong{duplications} A 2-column data frame with node IDs
#'   in the first column and number of gene duplications (50% support)
#'   in the second column.
#' }
#' @importFrom utils read.csv
#' @export
#' @rdname read_orthofinder_stats
#' @examples
#' stats_dir <- system.file("extdata", package = "cogeqc")
#' ortho_stats <- read_orthofinder_stats(stats_dir)
read_orthofinder_stats <- function(stats_dir = NULL) {

    # Create `duplications` data frame
    dups <- file.path(stats_dir, "Duplications_per_Species_Tree_Node.tsv")
    dups <- read.csv(dups, sep = "\t", header = TRUE)[, c(1,3)]
    names(dups) <- c("Node", "Duplications_50")

    # Create `og_overlap` data frame
    og_overlap <- file.path(stats_dir, "Orthogroups_SpeciesOverlaps.tsv")
    og_overlap <- read.csv(og_overlap, sep = "\t", header = TRUE, row.names = 1)

    # Create `stats` data frame
    stats <- file.path(stats_dir, "Statistics_PerSpecies.tsv")
    stats <- read.csv(stats, sep = "\t", nrows = 10, header = TRUE,
                      row.names = 1)
    stats <- as.data.frame(t(stats))[, -c(3, 5, 6, 7)]

    colnames(stats) <- c("N_genes", "N_genes_in_OGs", "Perc_genes_in_OGs",
                         "N_ssOGs", "N_genes_in_ssOGs", "Perc_genes_in_ssOGs")
    stats <- cbind(data.frame(Species = rownames(stats)), stats)
    stats <- merge(stats, dups, by.x = "Species", by.y = "Node")
    names(stats) <- gsub("Duplications_50", "Dups", names(stats))
    stats$Species <- as.factor(stats$Species)
    rownames(stats) <- NULL

    # Final list
    result_list <- list(
        stats = stats,
        og_overlap = og_overlap,
        duplications = dups
almeidasilvaf/cogeqc documentation built on Jan. 29, 2024, 7:20 a.m.